Showing Posts For Antara.3189:

I didn't ask for a Jubilee

in Living World

Posted by: Antara.3189


To everyone: This is not the 1 year Anniversary update. This is the Queens Jubilee.

Which will most likely be the first part of the 1 year Anniversary update, since historically each chapter of the living story seems to be 2 parts spread over a month.

That’s purely hypothetical. “Historically” speaking, it would not be far fetched to see this story tied into each other.

Granted, it has not been officially stated that the Queens Jubilee is related to the 1 year Anniversary of Guild Wars 2.

Without an official posting, statement that says this is the prelude to the anniversary of release, then anyone stating otherwise is simply telling others false information.

(edited by Antara.3189)

I want something instead of Living World

in Living World

Posted by: Antara.3189


Living world/Living Story allows for an enticing market (aka the Gem Store). Since ArenaNet has stated several times they want to explore this current system and would prefer to implement “expansions” worth of content via LS. This means all additional income would have to come from in-game purchases via Gems. With LS every two weeks, this allows for new Gem Store additions which keeps people interested in the new skins, buffs, minis, etc.

If I had to put my money on it, I would say more money is earned via in game sales rather than just selling an expansion pack.

Regardless though, with this method I believe the content is thinner and is packed with fast paced content, and “shinies” that hold no place rather than cosmetics. Expansion content almost always provides a “new game” feel with quality, polished content. Only because it’s sold like an initial game.

I would say a good example of this is “Sims” series, they hold a loyal fan base even though most of the content released after the core game has to be bought. People get excited when hearing about a new expansion. The expansions always provide new scenery, new features, and new cosmetics as well. Each one is it’s own game.

(edited by Antara.3189)

I didn't ask for a Jubilee

in Living World

Posted by: Antara.3189


To everyone: This is not the 1 year Anniversary update. This is the Queens Jubilee.

Will the Queen fight in the arena?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Antara.3189


I want to fight Trahearne in the ring.

Why Zhaitan ''failed''

in Lore

Posted by: Antara.3189


I think the major issue with Zhaitan is lack of “direct” connection to your personal character rather than knowing your “hero” is his direct threat. Zhaitan is as much worried about you as he is Evon in Lions Arch.

I think for him to be compelling, he would had been directly threatened by us, and us by him. The age of games as steered away from that (according to interviews, conversations by ANet), that the story telling in a way “you” are the hero, versus “they” are heroes.

In a nutshell Zhaitan portrayed a sense of “indirect” threat moreover than a “direct threat” He threatened everyone and the world, but he had no personal nemesis (you).

Also correct was the crunch time to release and Zhaitan had to be finished.

Serious Evon supporters, you are not alone

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189


Charr never surrender.

Enough with the long Queue's!!!!!!!!

in WvW

Posted by: Antara.3189


Haven’t seen a que in Anvil Rock since Oct., Nov. ish

Do you prefer if there was no LW contents?

in Living World

Posted by: Antara.3189


I’d rather have full expansions that are completely thought out and finished than have a weak Living Story. The Molten Alliance was well done and then the ball got dropped.

It’s funny that Flame & Frost is used as the example for well-done Living Story content these days.

What I remember is 3 months of absolute boredom (and the majority of forum people agreed) followed by glorious 11 days (!!) of a decent and fun dungeon.

I can’t speak for everyone else but I know specifically when I say Flame and Frost was better the latter, I mean the story, the plot, characters etc. Not the point of players hitting posts and collecting trinkets. The instances were cool though, and the dungeon was awesome. The overall story should had been expanded up further imo.

Players really do this

in WvW

Posted by: Antara.3189


actually it’s the ctrl key, happens when you are holding it down to look at enemies, or also locking onto target.

But more importantly, follow GuardianOMS advice.

Champion Loot Bags

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Antara.3189



/15 English Alphabet Characters

Why do you play?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antara.3189


Because this is the only game I play besides Call of Duty. I don’t like any other game (besides GW1 which I retired) in the MMO genre besides the GW series. Even though I’m not happy with the way have some things have been going, I still enjoy wvw. I will play until the new Ghosts COD comes out, then I will be inactive for awhile. Prob come back in a few months after that.

I can't believe there is another Festival

in Living World

Posted by: Antara.3189


It’s very likely the backdrop for it…or rather, the in-game explanation for the celebration. The August 20th release will probably have the specific GW2 anniversary stuff for players, whatever that might be (if anything).

Pretty excited to see what we get. First character was created within first 30 seconds of game

* 7/26- DR/AR/HoD *

in Match-ups

Posted by: Antara.3189


Dude, anyone who thinks AR doesn’t have spirit is wrong. I get my stuff handed to me all the time, but I keep coming back for more. We hold strong here, and we want all you can bring.

Don’t bullkitten us, bring your big guns and leave the children at home.

But does it have hot women?

LOL, well since Dogvan and crew started the website, I know I seen one. But that’s off topic and besides the point..

and no I’m not giving IGNs lol

* 7/26- DR/AR/HoD *

in Match-ups

Posted by: Antara.3189


Dude, anyone who thinks AR doesn’t have spirit is wrong. I get my stuff handed to me all the time, but I keep coming back for more. We hold strong here, and we want all you can bring.

Don’t bullkitten us, bring your big guns and leave the children at home.

Please, no more Festivals!!!

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Antara.3189


There’s plenty to do outside of these events. Go do those instead of you loathe it so much. A break from the regular content in GW2, for me, is great.

there’s nothing wrong with a break from all that… but it feels like we’ve been doing nothing but hitting pinatas and playing mini-games for a while now

i would love to see more serious story-telling

He’s right, there is plenty to do outside of the world. But with the LS running constantly, it keeps many players from doing dungeons, orr, etc.

Plus if you have mapped 100 percent, beaten story and done most of the world events, what is there to do besides dungeons, WvW/PvP?

If your answer is “Craft a Legendary”, no thanks, not everyone finds that fun. I find it to be a massive gold sink and a large consumption of time.

I love WvW so that’s where I go, but I would like to enjoy the Live Story too.

Where is the story going?

in Living World

Posted by: Antara.3189


I personally don’t think EVERYTHING should be connected. SAB connected to every other piece of Living Story? eh

People being driven from their home and are sad and scared.
Moto creates the SAB to help people think about something else.
Connection created.

A pointless connection regardless. Not everything needs a connection. SAB is cool and all, but It can be a stand alone invention without having any deep connection behind it imo. There is too much world altering content to expand on versus meddling around with trying to connect small updates

Please, no more Festivals!!!

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Antara.3189


You can choose to do them or not. The story does not revolve around the mini games.

I choose to go to work in the morning, I choose to play the game, I choose to go on vacation.
If something happens at work do I just tell myself “You can choose to go to work or not”? No, you deal with the situation at hand. We are expressing our views on here as such.

Where is the story going?

in Living World

Posted by: Antara.3189


I personally don’t think EVERYTHING should be connected. SAB connected to every other piece of Living Story? eh

New thing in Great Collapse

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189



“Well wishers of all races.”

Cantha confirmed.

Primordus confirmed.

Elves confirmed.

Please, no more Festivals!!!

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Antara.3189


So all of you are looking for a “Last time in Guild Wars 2…” and continuation?

I’m not following what you’re stating here. please explain.

I can't believe there is another Festival

in Living World

Posted by: Antara.3189


Before you assume that you won’t be fighting horses of monsters or face difficult challenges, I urge you to try the content when it releases. Just because its a festival doesn’t mean we’re telling the same story or using the same type of content.

I will definitely be trying it out, and I’m sure I will be here to express my thoughts (hopefully I’m mindblown,) about the update. I will go in with an open mind and try and welcome every piece your team has given us.

The way the page was expressed in a “Festive, Jolly” way, just deemed it in a manner of being another mini gamed packed festival. No disrespect intended

Please, no more Festivals!!!

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Antara.3189


@Antara.3189 – Keep in mind Colin stated in the video about the 2-week updates the goal was to release festivals that have been created with minor changes. This frees up the team to continue telling the Living World story even the story falls on a month with historical releases like Adventure Box or Dragon Bash.

His expressed intent was to create some festivals that could be reused, elaborated upon, and exist while other content is released, however I does not mean they should release nothing but.

Right, and you make this statement as if we’re one year into these bi-weekly updates. Give them time.

No, we are simply explaining how we feel currently about the course of the living story. If we don’t speak up, then how will they know?

I’m not implying “GIVE ME THIS NOW”. I am simply expressing my thoughts, and since I pay very good money into the Gem Shop, and bought the game, and abide by the ToS. I am entitled to give my thoughts

Please, no more Festivals!!!

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Antara.3189


@Antara.3189 – Keep in mind Colin stated in the video about the 2-week updates the goal was to release festivals that have been created with minor changes. This frees up the team to continue telling the Living World story even the story falls on a month with historical releases like Adventure Box or Dragon Bash.

(I and T wouldn’t show up for the phrase I thought)
He stated the reason for two week releases and the Live Story was for two reasons,

First being, they saw the numbers fall off after two weeks when it came to the live story updates. So they wanted to keep fans interested by updating the game in that time frame.

Second, the point of the Living Story was to bridge time frames between when the character defeated zhaitan until more permanent personal story updates come later on. I don’t recall him stating this was all festive, mini updates with minor story telling.

I also been seeing this is all supposed to lead into a larger picture, which I’m excited to see how it all fits.

What the OP and I are explaining discontent about is the impression that each living story has been more or less the same idea, festive, backpiece shinies, mini games.

I want to see this story shaken up a bit! Get back out in the world and put our heroes to use!

(edited by Antara.3189)

Please, no more Festivals!!!

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Antara.3189


Initially I wasn’t thrilled about the idea of another festival, but our team took that as a challenge to implement a festival that plays much differently than the others. I think we accomplished that.

I respect you’re dedication to us, the players Anthony. You are in fact very honest in your opinion even though you directly support the game. Thank you again.

I am slightly curious on why the majority felt compulsion to challenge themselves to provide an astonishing festival with a seductive many mini game. I am starting to feel a burn out on the Live Story due to what the OP stated, and even if this next update is the best yet, I don’t think I will take it with as much as compassion as I otherwise would if it would had been in a couple weeks.

EDIT: I’m not saying I don’t like festivals, but after the majority of summers updates, I wouldn’t mind not seeing them for awhile. (With the exception of 1rst year Birthday which actually affects out characters)

(edited by Antara.3189)

Please, no more Festivals!!!

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Antara.3189


Another thing I want to express;

If you all look at a big picture, you will see that the Month of August is starting with Queens Jubile (More or Less deemed festive material), the end of the month is the actual celebration of the 1 year anniversary. Of course that’s festive, celebrating material. Then we have the month of September, which holds “Pirate Day”, this was a small annual occurrence that ArenaNet enjoyed, and frankly I did too. But again this is festive (Not sure if they are bringing this back, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see something related to this, even if small)

So we have a few open weeks within September and October that could be used for (imo) more meaningful Live Story updates. But with Halloween being right there on the horizon, leaves a very rushed time frame. Next we have Wintersday which is almost a month long (give or take)

There are patches of time in between the major festivals, but is it enough to keep players interested in Live Story? I hope so.

If someone held a poll that asked their opinion on whether they prefer mini games, festival style content, or prefer growing story, fantasy style content; and the answer was the first then I would honorably stop giving my opinion against the majority.

Please, no more Festivals!!!

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Antara.3189


Mia you are definitely not alone on this. I have expressed my displeasure with constant packed updates that are filled with Mini Games and the story is merely a cut scene or two, along with spits of dialog to tie it together. I might be with the minority when I say I am lacking connection with the story itself and the Live Story has been merely an Achievement Point race. I usually spend the first day checking out the new content, but it has become stale to the point I am losing interest completely, which I hate to see.

The Karka Evasion was great, but it was up and gone too soon and many missed out. Flame and Frost really had me interested in what was going to happen in the next corner. Unfortunately the dungeon was live for less time than beating on signs. The immersive content has faltered since when it comes to story telling.

The Dragon Bash was fun, it was a break from killing, questing, and being out in the action. The pirate bit was okay, but the Dungeon and Jumping puzzle were awesome. the Sanctum update was fun for like a day or two. A lot of search and find (crystals, kites). The race was cool, but I played for two hours and the same person held first for 80 percent of the time. I was able to place 3rd which sealed my achievements for that and I never looked back. I don’t like saying that. I want to say “man I can not get enough!”

The only thing I like about this update honestly is the fact of players making a choice in the future (Go evon!) but I’m tired of the mini-games…

I would like to see content like “War In Kryta” return (please don’t harass me for saying this, but if you don’t know, it was a Guild Wars 1 Update)

They implemented updates with a finale standout against White Mantle in LA. Tough, fun, rewarding. I liked the gear, the enemies. All and all was well done.

That content was designed for the world, it had impacts, and the lore was interesting. Sorrows Furnace addition (first addition to GW1) was another great piece that wasn’t expansion material.

All respect to everyone behind the scenes who I know is putting more than their work ethics into these projects. They are serious crunch times, and these guys put in more time outside of work just checking/responding on the forums.

* 7/26- DR/AR/HoD *

in Match-ups

Posted by: Antara.3189


Well, I would say we are at rock bottom as we have no where else to fall, sure we could loose more people, but currently as others from AR said not many more to loose as the only ones I see are the ones that want to stay anyways. Most of the hoppers left already. I think the pendulum will start coming back for us in coming weeks ahead. As long as we don’t get matched up with HoD, GoM, SF…

What do you want to see in GW2 before 2014?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antara.3189


Some of the additions I would like to see added are the following. (Please note that some of these are already listed, and are just continued support.)

  1. Guild Halls
    When it comes to Guild Halls, I would like to see them as an Elite addition to a guild, not merely given to every guild. I think upgrades within the Guild Hall should be unlocked using 3 currencies.
  • Guild Influence
  • Guild Merits
  • Gold

This would be a end guild goal, getting players to all help pitch. I would like to see the following unlockable upgrades within a guild hall.

  • Individual Bank
  • Guild Bank
  • Trading Post
  • Merchant
  • Armor Repair
  • Crafting Stations
  • Mystic Forge as the most expensive add
  • The NPC that allows you to change emblem should come included with GH purchase

2. Guild Cape (Which would be another unlockable.)
3. Town Clothing/Costume Maker (which would allow you to re-buy the skin. The skins do not cost anything since you either bought via gems, or was rewarded during an event, etc.
4. Elite Areas

  • Fissure of Woe (GW1 Core Elite Area in Tyria)
  • Underworld (GW1 Core Elite Area in Tyria)
    p. (Please note that these areas were both realms of Gods, so the area would have to brought up to speed 250 years.)

5. Additional areas in the map of Tyria.

  • Crystal Desert
  • Magumma Jungle
  • North Areas

6. More Dragons

  • Kralkatorrik
  • DSD
  • Jormag
  • Primordus
  • Jungle Dragon

7. Improved WvW experience

  • Updated “Outmanned” buff which doesn’t reward you with gold/experience/loot but buffs you accordingly
  • Improved Commander abilities such as the color of the tag, private squads
  • Title changes
  • Improved rewards in the chest. Currently greens/masterwork drops are majority of the rewards, where I would rather see higher ranks getting higher chance for higher gear. It’s unsettling knowing someone who’s never played wvw before can get ascended from a rank 2 chest, and someone in the 200s getting a green (at max)

Just a few I could think of

Aug 6th LS: Queen's Jubilee

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Antara.3189


I hope Anthony is right when he said we will be seeing more serious, immersive updates (World Events/Meta). Mini Games, shiny back skins, parties are getting old. The more they keep pumping out carnival style content, the more I will stay away from LS.

I mean I support Evon and donate all tickets to him, but I did the mini-games from CP a couple times before leaving. Having a small dose of mini-games is all good fun, but when that’s all the LS really offers, it doesn’t excite me much.

I want to enjoy the actual world of tyria!!!!!

* 7/26- DR/AR/HoD *

in Match-ups

Posted by: Antara.3189


So its official ALS (Anvils last stand) has disbanded. 2nd biggest WvW guild i think. Zero (another big wvw guild) has also moved.

Ar is absolutely kittened. We would appreciate it if you’d take it easy on us as we have just lost MORE of our pop. and by more i mean we are down to about 50 WvW players total.

This is a sad day for this server. We are crumbling. But HoD and DR will most likely continue to absolutely destroy us with numbers 10x our size. I dont expect you to take it easy but anyways have fun.


The old ALS were the first to transfer out. The new ALS was just a casual guild under new leadership, repping wasn’t required. They may have disbanded but I doubt everyone in it left the server.


I looked into this. Turns out that AR’s ALS is just fine. The original ALS, that transferred to Dragonbrand, broke up. Apparently Anvil Plants kicked the other leader & took half the roster with him. Could care less about that, though.

hahahahahahah, man I love hearing that. ALS dying from the inside. Plants is an immature troll, I respected his goal originally for making AR better, but once the true nature of his personality came out, pff. AR is better off without the trolls, better than yous’, and immature group. Even though we are small, at least we stick it out for the cause and have fun regardless of loosing/winning.

Dragonbrand will still be good without (Always Losing Sleep, aka the ALS that left AR)

New thing in Great Collapse

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189


Rock the Vote

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189


Come on guys, let’s make these votes count!

Vote Evon!

* 7/26- DR/AR/HoD *

in Match-ups

Posted by: Antara.3189


We haven’t won a match or placed 2nd in a match in a long time, We have a hard enough time with ET and FC, another week scaring off any new wvw players in AR. The regulars will be the only ones, once again lol

I seriously love how you try to troll the wvw forums, lol. Grow up dude, and get out of our matchup.

PS>Won’t you be glad when Gifs are removed from GW2 forums because of people like you?

* 7/26- DR/AR/HoD *

in Match-ups

Posted by: Antara.3189


We haven’t won a match or placed 2nd in a match in a long time, We have a hard enough time with ET and FC, another week scaring off any new wvw players in AR. The regulars will be the only ones, once again lol

Question regarding Lore of GW2 Books

in Lore

Posted by: Antara.3189


alright I thought I heard people say the last one was the best, pretty excited to read it.

Question regarding Lore of GW2 Books

in Lore

Posted by: Antara.3189


Greetings all,

I wanted to get opinions on which book was packed with the most lore and which one the preferred.

I’ve read the first two, and just opened the new one. Before I started to read I wanted to know which one was their favorite?


China release trailer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antara.3189


the “Our Time is Now” trailer was the strangest video I’ve ever seen from any gaming company. I thought it was a joke until the last few seconds of the video lol

I thought it was a support to “Occupy Wallstreet” at first haha

Rock the Vote

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189


Let’s go EVON! Time to put these Kiel Peeps in their place

What does Jormag do with females?

in Lore

Posted by: Antara.3189


I have not took the time to understand all the Norn women. I have admired the ones I have took notice too.

ET/AR/SF 7/19

in Match-ups

Posted by: Antara.3189


Hmmy time to initiate spawn camp 4.0….you guys cry too kitteng much.

I hate being spawn camped, and after 2 minutes of doing it people I am bored….

But coming on here crying about it only gets you more of it…

LOL tough guy

But this made no sense,

“I hate being spawn camped, but after two minutes of doing it people I am bored. "

So the first part, you hate being spawn camped or you hate spawn camping other worlds?

Second part, after two minutes of camping worlds you are bored, or two minutes of being camped?

Regardless, if you spawn camp because of people wining on the forums; shows your poor sportsmanship as a commander and player. People wine regardless so why does it matter? If you are that kitten you don’t need to spawn camp but rather own every piece on every map.

I don’t like being camped (who does), I find it boring to do (but sometimes strategic; keeps close to spawn and all), )but you make it fun because we can all come here and see those beautiful E-Tears afterwards.

Hoping for the AR/FC/ET match, should be best for you 3 servers. (heres to hoping)

Also stop talking of sportsmanship on a game, we kill each other…I ain’t trying to be your kitteng friend lol…

This game needs more competitiveness and less Mickey Mouse.

lol dude, this is a thread for three servers fighting each other, where all three servers discuss the matchup, sure, spit some trash talk, boast, etc. but sportsmanship and respect should also go hand in hand with that, If your that much of a hard a** than don’t even bother with forums, because it’s under your macho pay grade. Get competitive and stop playing mickey mouse on here

Tired of minigames.

in Living World

Posted by: Antara.3189


Variety is good for the game, especially a balanced variety. If we make too much of any one type of content, eventually that type of content will become tiresome. The purpose of my reply wasn’t to naysay jumping puzzles or activities, but just to let you know that something different is coming. Personally, I’m a huge fan of epic open-world dynamic events and since I’ve had a hand or two in the upcoming releases, you should get ready.

As the late Captain Mai once said, watch the skies.

Late? I never heard anything about her dying, only that she was incarcerated. Is there something in it?

I Figured he didn’t mean it in that way, but wondered it as well.

Finding the right server for a new player

in WvW

Posted by: Antara.3189


Not sure if you left yet, but I’ve got a cold one in the fridge if you stay with us at AR

The Social Experiment - Good vs Evil

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189


Casino in LA? Yes please. Endless joy of RNG.
No, really, no sarcasm. I’d love it!

The mother of all slots is right at your fingertips


ET/AR/SF 7/19

in Match-ups

Posted by: Antara.3189


I looked at the math snowreap calculated and AR/ET/FC seems to be the most likely matchup for you guys. Crossing my fingers for you guys! I can see it the epic 12 v 8 v 15 fight.

Awesome! thanks for the heads up, really looking forward to tonight’s matchup

ET/AR/SF 7/19

in Match-ups

Posted by: Antara.3189


Hmmy time to initiate spawn camp 4.0….you guys cry too kitteng much.

I hate being spawn camped, and after 2 minutes of doing it people I am bored….

But coming on here crying about it only gets you more of it…

LOL tough guy

But this made no sense,

“I hate being spawn camped, but after two minutes of doing it people I am bored. "

So the first part, you hate being spawn camped or you hate spawn camping other worlds?

Second part, after two minutes of camping worlds you are bored, or two minutes of being camped?

Regardless, if you spawn camp because of people wining on the forums; shows your poor sportsmanship as a commander and player. People wine regardless so why does it matter? If you are that kitten you don’t need to spawn camp but rather own every piece on every map.

Tired of minigames.

in Living World

Posted by: Antara.3189


Variety is good for the game, especially a balanced variety. If we make too much of any one type of content, eventually that type of content will become tiresome. The purpose of my reply wasn’t to naysay jumping puzzles or activities, but just to let you know that something different is coming. Personally, I’m a huge fan of epic open-world dynamic events and since I’ve had a hand or two in the upcoming releases, you should get ready.

As the late Captain Mai once said, watch the skies.

I agree, the Karka Evasion and taking it back was absolutely fantastic. Granted, a large amount of folks missed it causing grief, but it was one of the best events so far.

There was a permanent change to LA (Lighthouse)
It actually effected all of us, and we rallied to push the foes back. We then went to their home and defeated the queen in a fun battle.

After that, the only things I enjoyed were Molten Facility and the Aetherblade Retreat. But AR was a hard dungeon to find people to join.

End this idea called "Balance". (heavy read)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antara.3189


Destroying the “trinity” caused more problems than it solved. When you have a game where every profession is “damage plus healing”, “damage plus conditions”, “damage plus extra damage”, etc., there’s only so much to work with. All professions are balanced, but some professions are more balanced than others.

I actually have to agree that going away from the “Holy Trinity” wasn’t the best thing (imo).

Games before used it, GW1 used it, and besides having to find the other person to fit the trinity, it worked very efficiently, and usually teams who were balanced won the match/dungeon etc. Everyone had a role that was filled and I liked that.

The Social Experiment - Good vs Evil

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189


As I said, the book does not require you to make a decision to try to impact the story. The bad guys do what bad guys do and the good guys do what the good guys do, you just watch and observe.

I did not say that villains have no place in a book or a game, I was directing the attention to why are we motivated to like or dislike certain characters within those stories and games.

Many people are voting for evon because they think he is more interesting the keil, even if “evil”, fair enough.

Some people are voting for evon because they like what he offers (cheaper prices on the BLTC and a fractal that they are interested in).

Others may be voting for evon because they don’t see anything wrong with what he does and agree with the fictional characters decision making.

Choices made in a video game with NPCs do not typically effect anyone at all. BUT, an online game has many different interactions that continue on with real people that invoke real emotions and thought.

By proxy, some people may be upset of a certain candidate wins over another. Now they will not have as strong of a reaction as they might have if this were a real election with real people, but you put stake into one of these candidates and effort towards helping them win because you choose “that” side. If your side loses, in some way people may view that as “they” lost as well.

I am fairly sure the bulk majority of people don’t “REALLY” care, and it is just a game.

But taking a deeper look into societal interactions can be interesting.

There actually have been quite a few studies on MMO video games and human interactions. As well as the media interest in online bullying and various social media networks.

Just go search up sociological interactions in online video games
or something to that effect and you can find all sorts of abstracts and dissertations. Now which ones are valid or not, is up to you.

This game is, in essence just a chat room. It is a social gathering in a digital world. They just gave us things to do in this world so we can do more than just chat with each other.

Sure thing. I am not saying that there aren’t a lot of social interactions and psychological things going on in this game. I’m saying that you can’t compare the choices we make in a video game (i.e. whether we vote for Kiel or Evon) to our moral compasses in real life. There is no connection. For most rational people, we understand that this is just a game, and that it effects no one and nothing negatively. The same with in a book. (If I were given the choice to remove the villain from a book, I wouldn’t do it – does that mean that I am evil at my core? Nope.)

If there are people, however, who do take these characters and this storyline extremely serious, who are overly invested in their characters, and who weigh the choice of their vote deeply, and who do believe that it truly matters, and that it will effect them negatively if they lose… Well, that’s there business. But as far as the general populace goes, this election cannot be considered a “social experiment”. It isn’t.

Exactly, and thus I will vote for the EVIL VILLAIN EVON as some have labeled him.

Let there be RNG!

New thing in Great Collapse

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189


Oh and Cyan, when I mean Corny Campfire songs, I actually mean this.

All. Night. Long

I’m all up for that.

As long as you can keep that “sway” going all night

ET/AR/SF 7/19

in Match-ups

Posted by: Antara.3189


Here’s to hoping that the gods of numbers prime pit AR vs ET vs FC later on tonight! cheers!

I think it would be a rather fun matchup myself.

+1 to the number gods