Not to break the Dulfy fans’ spirit, but please don’t derail the post do to a 3rd party site
Thank you
I have not yet received an invitation?
Does Mia Lunarfang have room in her guild?
Observed Ally: Skritt. They breed like, well, rats, and given large enough numbers, they use their group intelligence extremely efficiently (I’d much rather have a hundred skritt than a hundred asura).
Guessed Ally: Zephyrites. Glint’s insight passed on to them, her remains and the ability to use the power within them, quite likely knowledge about her offspring as well. If they choose to take an active role in the world and partake in the fight against the elder dragons, they could be invaluable allies.
Observed Enemy: Can’t think of anything more factually threatening than Primordus.
Guessed Enemy: Fleshreavers. Sure, we’ve fought some, perhaps threatening but nothing out of ordinary, eh? But those have been scattered and probably young and weak fleshreavers. They seem to originate from the mists, and my theory is that they are demons (not to be confused with the subsets of demons specific to Realm of Torment), as are dryders and Kanaxai. Now, imagine facing an ancient fleshreaver lord, with a body built of countless would-be heroes who tried stopping it.
Note, I’m using the Nightfall manuscripts definition of demon, “Demons are more than creatures of the Mists—they are made from the Mists themselves, bits of etheric matter that have gained malignant sentience and power”.
Very interesting ally/enemies you have, especially choosing 100 skritt of 100 asura.
but just to clarify on the Fleshreavers. They actually were bred from the crazy char Rragar Maneater. He was breeding those things 250 years ago
(edited by Antara.3189)
Completely removing drops from champions is ridiculous, as then you have the problem which now occurs in the Claw of Jormag event, majority wait until the 2nd phase.
I’ve never seen a Claw fight happen like that.
Nobody’s talking about removing champ loot: My post merely suggested it gets moved into end-of-event rewards, turning it into an incentive to clear the event.
THat’s what I’m stating, moving rewards to the end, but having to fight through bosses that yield no loot will appear as a waste of time even for a reward at the end, that “might” net you something good. The difference between getting loot during an event and just getting something at the end, is that you are constantly feeding your excitement of getting something good, keeps you excited. But just mindlessly killing enemies that yield nothing is boring and players won’t want to do it.
Claw of Jormag event in my server has seen a trend where majority of people wait until the 2nd phase before fighting him. That way they still get the end reward but don’t have to put much effort in. Only a select few fight there way through the first phase.
Granted, my server’s PvE is smaller than others, but i’m sure other players wait until 2nd phase now too.
The point is, like Claw, I woudl end up being one of those select few doing the first phases with no reward. So I’m just fighting for “fun”. Sure some people just like to do events for nothing, but Majority want to feel rewarded and earn gold/gear to build their characters and do other things in the game.
(edited by Antara.3189)
It says that in the post lol
Didn’t see that in there, sorry about that! In that case I’m definitely interested in an invite.
Without further clarification (which we won’t get, because they can’t be that clear with us for aforementioned reasons) neither of us is right, neither of us is wrong. It simply is what it is, and all we can do is what and see….
Off course we don’t know for sure. But “highest risk for not making it this year” is a nice way to say no. So don’t expect it, or you will be disappointed.
If he said something like “our plan is to release it this year but we don’t know for sure as it needs testing” that is a maybe.
He did say that plans may change depending on how testing goes. “At highest risk” is simply development jargon. It means exactly what it says it means
ie – based on workload, or testing, or platform changes, or any other number of reasons this specific item is ‘at risk’ of not meeting its predefined deadline.
This does not mean that it won’t make it’s deadline. Conversely it also does not mean that it will. It depends on a lot of factors:
What are the bottlenecks being encountered?
Are there easy solutions to those bottlenecks?
Are there additional resources that could be temporarily reassigned to help with those issues?
Should additional man hours be required in order to meet the deadline, or is it more cost effective to simply push it out?
If additional man hours are required (ie overtime), how much would be necessary?
Could the deadline still be met in a reasonable tested fashion, or would it be safer to wait until a later deployment time?I’m actually dealing with something very similar at work right now, as we work on migrating a section of our client’s desktop application to a web application. It’s never ‘simple.’
Guess some will never understand
Migrating to a cloud based solution eh? Sounds like fun
Is it full time rep?
so that means no precursor making this year?
Not necessarily. He simply said its the greatest risk for not making the year end deadline, not that they wouldn’t. Honestly, I feel that they should simply take the time they need to get it right, rather then just rushing something out the door to make people happy. If they miss the deadline, so what. He’s stated that it is something they are doing, I’m sure a few extra months wouldn’t kill us if they needed more time to fine tune.
What he basically said is that it is not going to happen. Colin never answers any question directly. So don’t expect it this year.
No, what he said is what he said. The reason they do not answer questions directly, is because if they say “Yes, it’s going to be here this year”, and it’s not, then players get very disgruntled about “Broken Promises”. If you are familiar with the “Video”, than you know how long players hold grudges
so that means no precursor making this year?
Not necessarily. He simply said its the greatest risk for not making the year end deadline, not that they wouldn’t. Honestly, I feel that they should simply take the time they need to get it right, rather then just rushing something out the door to make people happy. If they miss the deadline, so what. He’s stated that it is something they are doing, I’m sure a few extra months wouldn’t kill us if they needed more time to fine tune.
OMG o_O, We just read each others mind…
I was just thinking roughly the same thing. Lol, I was going to respond with something similar. “We seem to be well in tune today” Hahaha
High Five! Teamwork!
so that means no precursor making this year?
Not necessarily. He simply said its the greatest risk for not making the year end deadline, not that they wouldn’t. Honestly, I feel that they should simply take the time they need to get it right, rather then just rushing something out the door to make people happy. If they miss the deadline, so what. He’s stated that it is something they are doing, I’m sure a few extra months wouldn’t kill us if they needed more time to fine tune.
OMG o_O, We just read each others mind…
so that means no precursor making this year?
Not necessarily. It means that do to workload, Precurser making and other Legendaries is one of the two things pushed back in priority. If they can get to these items and verify they are ready for the live client, then they will be here before 2014. If not, they will be pushed into next years “To Do List”
Jovani, why did you post your guild recruitment in this? Very rude.
Anyways, I wanted to pop in and say Zero has been a great factor in WvW recently, they have been working with fellow AR players and I’d recommend them as a guild.
A few of us from AR are sadly looking at other options to enjoy both WvW and PvE. Currently very few Bosses are being completed in AR, and it’s becoming a sad reminder that AR is slowly loosing its WvW, PVE fanbase.
I wanted to know how BP’s action is, as myself and a couple of my friends/family could transfer over
Thank you.
Just wait, within the next 3 months – give or take – the playerbase will begin dropping…
GL ArenaNet, getting them back.
I truly hope that they don’t make GW2 flop with this “Living World” story.
Excuse my cynicism. But the LS is proving to be a larger and larger disappointment, only providing grind to a game where we were promised no grind.
Jenny needs money to survive, this is not optional
Players dont need to play, it’s optional
False analogy.Players are conditioned into enjoying rewards. (A good explanation of what I mean)
ArenaNet added rewards to achievement points.
Living Story retains players not by story or content, but by all the many new achievement points (it is the easiest way to get more AP).Oh man. 5 years ago, I never thought I would one day see a Konig post like this.
The outline of his posts have taken a different turn, I agree. Seems he’s riding the wave until it ends though.
His comments, opinions are generally well thought out and he does his research before posting, so I consider him a credited poster.
When getting on these forums, you have to close your eyes and take a sip that way you don’t see anything… absurd.
lol I’ll keep that in mind
On point though,
There is nothing wrong with having negative & positive views in different posts, but as long as their not condescending to each other. I for one, have different views depending on the topic discussion.As an overall game, Guild Wars 2 offers a lot. I say this because you get constant support and feature updates even though the game was a one time fee. Sure, there are some cash-shop limits (Bank Storage, mining picks, etc), but if you compare the support and feature updates to another one-time purchase game, I’d say it’s a bang for your buck.
I personally put money into the Cash-Shop for two reasons, First and foremost, I want something that Gems offer, and two, I like to support the team hard at work.
I don’t particularly agree in some of the ideals or directions, but that’s why I’m on these forums. I want to share my opinion to everyone else who is passionate, and also give the Devs some insight on what I didn’t care for.
Right, just because a person agrees with one aspect, doesn’t mean he or she will agree with all aspects, and in some cases may have mixed feelings all together. Nothing wrong with that, like you pointed out. I’m the same way.
However, in the case of the OP, the majority of his posts are overwhelmingly negative (I’ve fought with him a few times on various topics), which was what was so surprising when I saw the post. Thought maybe I was thinking of the wrong person, so I went to check his post history. To have him suddenly have a change of heart…yeah…don’t think so. It could happen….but Hell could freeze over theoretically too…
Maybe he sought a cleansing from Dwayna last night? A new beginning?
It’s Colin Johanson after reading the Forum threads.
LOL, I’d have to say Devon from the WvW team, he takes constant heat and criticism all day, “errday”
Okay, so here is my theory on who this guy is. Konig from the Lore section of the forums speculates that Scarlets “secret” on Caithe is actually regarding another pale tree. See below bullet (Konig Post)
- Or, more likely, this is her secret. And we know Caithe’s been keeping that from Faolain, erased all knowledge of that from everyone, leaving only 4 individuals to know about it – herself, the sylvari PC, Trahearne, and Amaranda.
With that said, the picture looks like a sylvari, but not like the sylvari we are used to. I think sylvari related to Malyck are making an appearance from another pale tree.
Maybe an oversight, but meh…
(edited by Antara.3189)
chokes on her coffee
Dear Gods the OP is trying to kill me.
Considering you posted this: no.Move on nothing to see in this game its terrible.
less than 24 hours ago. That’s an amazing about face all of the sudden.
I have a very hard time taking the OP as being sincere considering his numerous less than positive posts regarding the game.
The sarcasm is strong with this one…
Pats Lanfear on back
This post is not worth choking on your coffee, miss. But thanks for pointing out the OP’s views
Just disturbingly surprised was all. See, I knew I shouldn’t have taken that drink while pulling up the forums!
And np, I thought recognized the name, I had to verify before I pounced though.
When getting on these forums, you have to close your eyes and take a sip that way you don’t see anything… absurd.
On point though,
There is nothing wrong with having negative & positive views in different posts, but as long as their not condescending to each other. I for one, have different views depending on the topic discussion.
As an overall game, Guild Wars 2 offers a lot. I say this because you get constant support and feature updates even though the game was a one time fee. Sure, there are some cash-shop limits (Bank Storage, mining picks, etc), but if you compare the support and feature updates to another one-time purchase game, I’d say it’s a bang for your buck.
I personally put money into the Cash-Shop for two reasons, First and foremost, I want something that Gems offer, and two, I like to support the team hard at work.
I don’t particularly agree in some of the ideals or directions, but that’s why I’m on these forums. I want to share my opinion to everyone else who is passionate, and also give the Devs some insight on what I didn’t care for.
chokes on her coffee
Dear Gods the OP is trying to kill me.
Considering you posted this: no.Move on nothing to see in this game its terrible.
less than 24 hours ago. That’s an amazing about face all of the sudden.
I have a very hard time taking the OP as being sincere considering his numerous less than positive posts regarding the game.
The sarcasm is strong with this one…
Pats Lanfear on back
This post is not worth choking on your coffee, miss. But thanks for pointing out the OP’s views
Patience laddy, the Mad King is precise in his arrival.
Completely removing drops from champions is ridiculous, as then you have the problem which now occurs in the Claw of Jormag event, majority wait until the 2nd phase.
You remove the champion loot, and players will jump in towards the end or not bother with it at all. It’s a fine line honestly.
I would rather suggest removing the amount of Champions that spawn and keep it in small doses of champions, with more veterans instead. Spawning champions once at the beginning of each phase, and then spawning Veterans. All three phases have to be attractive for players to want to complete.
Well even though the above poster seems to discredit MF, I have seen more golds drop from regular mobs than before.
If you are concerned about profiting from loot though, It would be in your best interest to sell the masterwork items instead of salvage. But my personal gold income hasn’t been infected by this, and I salvage everything (exception of certain rares, exotics)
I remember when the patch introduced the ascended mats. Everyone was storing the Exotic loot bags. I ended up with 17 stacks of the dust. couple weeks later I realized how easily given out this stuff is.
Needless to say I deleted all but 3 stacks. and I delete any more that happens to find its way in my inventory :P
(edited by Antara.3189)
WoW is better, GW1 is better, Mario is better, Zelda is better, Solitare is better, Pong is better, PacMan is better.
Who the hell cares? You either like Guild Wars 2 or you don’t. If you like Guild Wars 2 then you will play it, if you like another game over this one, go play that. Answer is simple.
Galtrix, you are trying to compare a veteran MMO to a “freshy”. GW2 is the rookie in the market.
Do you compare a veteran quarterback to a rookie? I hope not. You learn from the veterans and try to bring your own “flavor” to the table.
(edited by Antara.3189)
Hey all, Wanted to provide you the map of Tyria with the 3 “Continents” from the Guild Wars 1 Era. This is the same map Astral posted but larger and with better quality.
Respects go to “That Shaman”
Guessed Enemy: Gwen. Just because.
I can see it now.
A great portal from the Mists opens up upon the people of the Black Citadel. Swirling blue and white and purple and black, a little human girl comes out. Wearing a blue dress with a red emblem on the chest, short black hair and a Red Iris Flower tucked behind her ear, she looks up at the charr.
Gwen: “Mommy told me not to play with fire. But mommy’s dead!”
Instantaneous Combustion on all the charr
Good Game.
Low level character in dungeon= “LEEERROOYYYY JEEEENKINNNNNSSSSS”
Level 80’s = “SOB, Here we go again”
There are no “Medium” Population servers on NA. Only a couple high and most are “Very High” This must be a European sale
(edited by Antara.3189)
My overall intentions of this post was to get feedback on whether or not the game welcomes playing alts or not. Specifically pointing out which parts of the game are alt-friendly, and which aren’t. That way Folks at ArenaNet can get an idea of what the players feel is killing their alternative characters.
(A side note- Maybe I’m just a giant Lore nerd, but I think this thread is awesome. Really enjoying seeing what folks see as their ally/enemy.)
Mad King is just mad, not trying to take over the world…..
In my mind he is still the real father of Little Thom.
I run perplexity runes on my engie but out of 8 level 80 toons he is essentially my only condition toon (still working on my necro’s build). As an engie he pumps out over 2,200 watts of condition damage. It works well on those ET/AR zergs and dropping a kit on a flame ram while defending a tower works wonders. I can just hear them screaming “I’m melting….I’m melting!” Music to my ears. It helped when I picked up that Ascended Dire pistol a couple of nights back. Just need one more for the pair so if either ET or AR would oblige?
AR zerg? Wow, that’s mythical! I hope to see one someday.
Nice day for an AR zerg.
I see 8 AR BEASTS…. I’m sure there are more in the mob, but if you took the beasts out, it would be a pretty tiny mob :P
I wanted to play an open world version of gw1.
This game does not fit that description. It kinda kittens on everything that made gw1 fun.
I totally agree, but now that Guild Wars 2 has been around over a year, it’s quite clear this will never be true. It was a a tough breakup with Guild Wars 1, but now that I’m over it, I am just glad to have been apart of it.
But!, The lore. The lore.. lore.. lore.
There are many unanswered mysterious that I wish to see expanded upon. The one thing I’m not currently happy with, is the current movement of the lore in the Living Story. The answer has been for months now, “Everything will be tied together, and will make sense in the future”. This story is sparactic and dragging too long imo. It makes it hard for players to follow along or leave and come back.
All respects to the efforts from the Lore/Writing team, but please re-think the story and provide some deep, interesting lore.
1. The FotM level is not account bound, thus alt-unfriendly.
2. WvW rank is not account bound, thus alt-unfriendly.
3. The whole Ascended gear thingy is extremely alt-unfriendly on so many levels.
Oh yes, I did miss the WvW ranking (I wholeheartedly agree this should be account bound), and I agree on the FotM front as well. I play multiple and understand the frustration of that too.
I cannot believe I’m saying this, and I’m sure Vayne would smile at this comment but,
It’s time to move on from the GW1 days. They were great and I remember them fondly. (Frolicking through the Ascalonian daisys before the searing.. anyways), times have changed, and so has Tyria. Keep the spirit true and be thankful you took part in a niche community.
I have been noticing quite a bit of grief about the supposed “destruction” of playing alternative classes/characters. I wanted to create this topic to understand how everyone is feeling regarding this concern.
I personally don’t believe this game is Alt-Unfriendly as many have stated. I do have a couple of exemptions of the above, however.
- Legendarys: Legendarys are a time consuming process. This takes time, patience, RNG, and wealth to obtain. This Item truly is the holy grail of weapons in GW2. My quarl with Legendarys, is that they are Soulbound. I can handle a soulbound exotic or maybe even an ascended item, but Legendarys being soulbound are obsured. There is only a handful of players who have achieved two or more Legendarys. Mad respects to them, but in order for the player to enjoy his reward, this should be account bound.
This goes for mapping (which also ties into Legendary Crafting), I can understand uncovering the map again, but gating Legendarys to two unless you do 100 percent map again is alt-unfriendly.
- Dungeons: Another problem I have is the fact that I have to re-do a story on another character if I want to open the explorable. The achievement is account bound, so why isn’t this? I am not someone who overly enjoys re-completing content I did on another character. The exception to the Story Mode of Arah.
- Crafting: I realized how alt-unfriendly this was when I started crafting on an Elementalist, but later created a necro and and had to re-complete all the levels on him. I also realized this when I didn’t know that you have to pay to open a craft if you choose more than two on one character.
The above does not prove to me that Guild Wars 2 as a whole is alt-unfriendly however.
We have the wallet now, which I believe is a huge boost to being alt friendly. I have tons of Karma, and can enjoy the fruits of karma items on any character I want. The same goes for Laurels. I have ascended trinkets on two of my characters and I have 3 80s. I’m the richest man, or OP player, but I have had no real issue picking up another character an rolling with it. Exotic gear is fairly easy to obtain once you have leveled your first level 80. The hardest thing to pick up a second character was getting him spec’ed with gear that matched my build/traits to maximize effiency. (Which on a side note, re-spec’ing a character is a pain, buying new armor, sigilis, weaps, trinkets, runes, etc.)
In conclusion I do want to express that high end items (Ascended, Legendary, etc) would be fantastic if account bound. I’ve never been a supporter of anything thats “bound”, but I can deal with it. At the least, I would like to enjoy some of the high-end items on other characters though. As a human being, I have made costly mistakes of buying different armors, runes, etc, only to find out I didn’t like the playstyle. Now these items collect dust in my bank, with no real use other than possible salvage or skins.
(edited by Antara.3189)
Observed Ally: Dwarves
- The Dwarves followed the Tome of Rubicon prophecies and helped combat The Great Destroyer (Champion of Primordus). They sacrificed their overall well being for the greater good.
- They aided Ascalonian Heroes in 1072 AE which eventually led to stopping the Lich and Titans from destroying Tyria.
- Their crafts are the backbone of the Modern GW2 crafts of today. (Forging, armorsmithing, etc.)
- Odgen Stonehealer has been a vital resource to the Durman Priory which eventually helped defeat Zhaitan.
Guessed Ally: Largos
- Though mysterious and largely unknown to most races, the Largos appears to be very knowledgeable to how Tyria is being tranformed by the Elder Dragons. They have first hand experience of the Deep Sea Dragon (DsD or “Bubbles”). With the intelligence of this race being apparent, I expect a larger role in aiding against the Elder Dragons in the future.
Observed Enemy Zhaitan
- When the races where bickering amongst themselves over racial/religous beliefs, Zhaitan was wreaking havoc on everything and anything. Creating an undead army that no other race had seen before, and only heard about in old dusty lore books. This is the only enemy that I know of who unintentionally brought many races together into unity.
Guessed Enemy: Primordus
- I chose this enemy because the other dragons have been conquering around where they lay. Only certain races have been effected by other dragons. Primordus however, is slowly conquering the dephs which is apparent because Destroyers are appearing all over the world. His corruption is being underminded which I believe to be a huge downfault to the races of Tyria. This dragon is litterally taking Tyria by the ground up.
(edited by Antara.3189)
There is honestly only one answer to this.
- They want to increase their fanbase and market their game as fashionably as possible. Free trials is a great way to say “Hey! Try out our game for free!”. If people enjoy it, they will purchase, or work towards purchasing.
I do want to say though, as I believe this is why he is posting about this.
The Gold Spammers are outrageous, and currently are bypassing the suppressive messaging. Gaile stated that when you report a gold seller, they are usually banned within a couple minutes. I have seen some spammers going on for over 30 minutes, sometimes even longer.
With this free-trial, putting a few more GM’s on servers (LA particularly) to watch for this. People are barely able to get a word in at times.
-1 for the Weapons
- The reason I dislike them is because of the “curtain” like design on most of the items. They are not terrible, but I think they’re are much better skins that are exotic/skins that outshine these weapons, and that shouldn’t be the case. Ascended should stand out from the rest (besides legendarys), and currently I don’t think they do. I also don’t care much for the blade design (re-skin from the Breath of Flame)
-1 for Armor
- From what I’ve seen of the armor, it reminds me of the late renaissance period, mainly spain or italy. We don’t know when these are being released, but if they just put these in with a patch that doesn’t fit the style of the armor, then I see it as out of place. I think armors/weapons/skins should match the content they are being released with. (Besides old re-skins of GW1 Items)
Not trying to be the Negative Nancy, this is just my opinion. I’m sure some people will overly enjoy them. If I happen to receive either, I will just transmute into a skin I prefer. I do hope to see some more norse/viking/medieval style weaps/armor though
I think of “bushel”
Growing up on a bay, everything related to seafood (besides fish) was always in bushels. Bushel of Crab, Bushel of Oyster.
Karka probably have some good meat too.
Which bay was that? Representing the Chesapeake bay here!! Only the best karka carcass here!!
Aye, Chesapeake myself mate.
No offense to Kristin and her team, but too much going on on those armors. If anything, I would trans the stats to previous skins.
This is not the armor I would expect to see from ArenaNet.
All respects to people who like the skins. Hopefully future skins will have a darker tone, medieval, norse, etc. (my preference)
Even more out of the box would be early Native Indians light/medium skins. But this reminds me of the late renaissance era of europe, especially spain.
This would fit the Minstrel though
Went on a run the first night the dungeon was released with a pick up group (PUG) and when we got to the oozes and realized what you had to do, it took us two tries. Had two people on each side escorting and the other 3 were supporting by making sure the lava eles stayed off. Was very simple imo.
The boss with Sparky and the guy? was a pain in the *, but I believe that was because two of our teamates were not understanding the whole ooze concept.
We could kill sparky, but could only get the guy to 50 percent before the team starting going down hard.
So with more DPS it would had been gg.
Psssssst, Hey Josh, Mind putting in the good word to the “man” about getting these awesome skins functioning normally?
I will slip some Omnom Treats under the table to ya
EDIT: It would be nice to get an update on this. These are one of the core weapon sets..
(edited by Antara.3189)
You are all too late, Anvil Rock already stole the spot to place in Gold.
Thanks for playing though!
Unfortunately there is no vendor or item that can bring your boots back without purchasing from the Gem Store. You would have to re-make the character
Oh, and fractals is pretty awesome
- I love the combat system, it’s fluent and you directly interact in battle. I like having to move around rather than just standing and swinging.
- Ambient music is spot on, I love Soule work especially. It sets the mood.
- Graphics are stunning. It’s why I love this game, the world looks and feels alive.
- Trading Post. I think it’s easy to use and user friendly
- Guild Challenges/Events was a great way to bring the guild players together to achieve goals. More of this is needed
- Connection to the world. You can jump, run, dodge, and interact with the world.
There is more things I could think of, but this is what I first thought of.
They are simply not telling us stuff in absolutes anymore due to the extreme kittenstorm that happens every single time a statement is made and something changes several years later.
Well, sorry to break it to you, but they always like to tell people, It’s a game for the players, and they want the players to determine the future.
That means players are going to tell you how they fell about aspects of the game. Even worse is when they make a statement like the above, but then fail to tell the players what their plans are.
If you’re someone who likes to be productive, then you will probably have a lot of goals, ideas, and things you would like to accomplish. Which is all good and well, but if you just think about all the things you want to do, you end up with a ton of goals and ideas, but never buckle down and narrow your sights on knocking them out.
The interview was a great marketing ploy, it doesn’t limit any ideas, but also doesn’t give anyone any real idea what they have in mind.
The one thing I know they are doing and will continue to do, is Living Story, they love the idea and are sticking to it. Not everyone loves it, but regardless they are saying “Hey, this is what we think is best, and this is our intentions with the story”. Straight forward, it might break hearts at first, but it’s better than smoke screens and leading someone on.