Showing Posts For Antara.3189:

Do you not have a legendary weapon yet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antara.3189


As long as I can kill other players with their Legendary Weapons in WvW, I don’t need one.

As soon as the Legendary Weapon becomes OP, I’d stop playing the game.


Right under our noses?*zone expansions*

in Living World

Posted by: Antara.3189


The first portal has been around since release, unless I’m mistaken. There are also portals of similiar value in other areas in the Game.

Never noticed the asuran portal inside the fortress though, interesting.

Sea of Sorrows

in Looking for...

Posted by: Antara.3189


I wanted to bump this for any players interested in Sea of Sorrows. This post specifically offered an accurate description of what SoS offers.

Extremely friendly, TS* orientated, great Guild Raids, and all around teamwork to get things done.

Highly recommended!

*Team Speak 3

(edited by Antara.3189)

please delete

in Looking for...

Posted by: Antara.3189


The time is nigh! Join EPiC in time to take advantage of Season 2!

Anvil Rock in Action

in Looking for...

Posted by: Antara.3189


Antara, I’m sorry to hear your experience with us in TBT did not go well. I don’t know what happened exactly with your experience or what your concerns were, personally I’ve had the most fun on GW2 since joining TBT and have learned a great deal. Yes, our recruiting/ wvw requirements may seem a bit harsh at first but we do advertise as a “semi- hardcore wvw guild” so harsher regulations are to be expected. I hope you understand the necessity of keeping high standards and requirements in order to have successful guild runs.

I won’t take away from this threads message for recruitment (whether TBT or AR in general.), but I did want to put my thoughts and experience for others to note when making their decision.

But please be aware my issue was the opposite of being too “critical” or “harsh” but was rather “bloated” in terms of the requirements, only to find players who were not particularly interested in WvW or had even reached level 80. When I was asked to join, it was stated that TBT was a WvW centric guild, which was not the case.

I won’t dispute that there are infact trained, WvW centric players associated with TBT, because there most definitely is, but there are also many non-wvw players as well.

Good luck.

The beautiful toons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antara.3189


If you want to see a true hero, look no further…


Anvil Rock - Full of Potential

in Looking for...

Posted by: Antara.3189


It would be most beneficial in having Garnet and Hodgens back, or even TDME for that matter. I really enjoyed being in the guild and you guys really stepped up in one of AR’s lowest points. It was a lot of fun and cheers for that guys.

Also mad respect for the early beginnings when FourtyOz (aka 40) was running, still hold some of my valued WvW memories during those times when most zergs were still running around like sheep but 40 was taking our pugs and converting them into a force to be reckoned with. Was a real shame to see him and others go.

AR has held a small, close knit community for a long time now, especially thanks to Dogvan of KAOS and others on building the AR website and trying to keep a spark when there was almost none left.

If you’re looking for a server to master the art of roaming, then this is the server for you. If you enjoy hopping on during NA Prime (PST/Server Time specifically) then you can find some good Guild Raids or even pug zergs running and can be a lot of fun.

Just be mindful in that with a small community, comes some very strong, concisive personalities, and that’s putting it lightly.

There are some amazing people to learn from on AR, but also certain “leaders” who can be very immature at times. So if that’s not your forte’, this might not be the server for you. (If you do enjoy immaturity or have a strong personality, this could very well be a good home.)

Don’t expect mass coverage or zergs that always focus PvD. If Commander Ashley Frostnight is still running Oceanic/Early EST NA time, then you can expect good coverage during that time, as he usually does a good bit of “sweeping”.

Good luck in your decision on finding a server.

Source: Moved to this server in mid September, 2012 for WvW. Stayed with AR until February 27th, 2014

(edited by Antara.3189)

Anvil Rock in Action

in Looking for...

Posted by: Antara.3189


As someone who was apart of Anvil Rock since mid September 2012, I can attest that TBT does infact run a solid group during NA Prime (1800PST – 2200PST).

However, please be aware that with myself and a few others experience, TBT only would run with their leader during that time, and did not have other leaders that would take over.Though from what I was recently told, a new raid leader has taken over r in the absence of said leader (information as of last week).

I personally did not have good luck with this guild do to “bloated” recruiting in terms of the WvW team and focus. This happens with many guilds however, especially in smaller worlds due to lack of coverage and incentive to WvW for PvX players.

The leader(s) were very kind and informational at first, and I stated my concerns around two weeks in. I was politely told that this may not be the right guild for me and I agreed, but wanted to give more time to affirm my final decision on whether or not I would be apart of TBT.

Eventually I made my decision to depart from the guild and soon received harsh critisicm and attempts of trolling in my departure. I respectfully commended the guilds raids during the hours listed above, however I was personally looking for a more niche’ group to run with. This was deemed unworthy and laughable.

The fact is, AR has seen many hardships in terms of large WvW guilds coming and going, intermittent coverage, and bumping heads in terms of leading.

I would highly recommend this server to players looking to indentify themselves as superior roamers or light prime time raider/zergers.

This is not a server for players looking to maximize coverage or always find guild groups running.

Also take note in the strong personalities on this server.

I will say, if you run oceanic/early morning EST, The coverage can be very good due to Commander Ashley Frostnight running at this time. (If He still is running consistently).

Good luck in your decision if coming to AR, and hopefully the vets of AR soon find prosperity (kudos to KAOS and Sharri Kerr for sticking through the lowest of times)

(edited by Antara.3189)

Dolyak Express - March 7, 2014

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antara.3189


1. When working on the “other side of the fence”, how does that effect the overall views on the game itself?

2. Playing a game that you played a designing role in, does it change the overall excitement that you might get if having no knowledge of the inner works?

3. As the game becomes the job itself, do you lose interest in actually playing the game the way it was meant to be played?

4. Looking back at the decision to become “collaborative” on the forums, would it had been better to keep decisions outside of the forums and not have as many play opinions? (To better clarify, Having the forums designed just to keep players informed with patch notes, bug findings, and only the CDIs controlled by the developers. No freedom to post other.)

5. For veteran designers who’ve been at ArenaNet since the early GW1 days;

Looking back on the morale and style of ArenaNet then, how has it changed? With the growth and expansion of the company how has that changed the close knit group from the beginnings? Do you feel the game has gained more flavor and style or become more commercialized?

Most importantly
Do great ideas ever spring up from a night out at the pub with fellow coworkers drinking beer?

The White Mantle Return: A THEORY *SPOILERS*

in Lore

Posted by: Antara.3189


Very interesting. It’s possible we could see a White Mantle/Mordremoth Hybrid appear in the future (Similiar to Svanir). We have to see how the corruption influences it’s victims.

As of late the only thing we have to look at was Scarlet, and we killed her before finding out what exactly motivated her, though it definitely was hinted that Mordremoth was the source of her madness.

Maybe the White Mantle will try to become a stronger force with the use of Mordremoth to overthrow Kryta, only to later be consumed by the dragon.

One thing to note though, In past events, the Mursaat never were the type to stick around during the dragons, and were noted to flee into the mists during the previous awakening. With the White Mantle faithfully following the Unseen Ones, I wonder how this would play out with a dragon in the mix.

When can we expect a payoff?

in Living World

Posted by: Antara.3189


We have 4 others man, and they’ve been pretty quiet. And the last one also was not too cool in the end. Past experiences kill my hype over a new dragon.

The other four are however not a direct threat to the major races.
While the new one most likely is, due to the closeness to several capitals (and the fact that it is kittened and powered-up.)

The reason Asurans and Skritt are now living above the surface of Tyria is due to Primordus being (wait for it) a direct threat to both races (Asurans being a major race.) Also note Primordus has minions throughout majority of the Tyrian continent.

The reasons Norn have migrated to the Southern Shiverpeaks and founded Hoelbrak, and also the reason other races have come in contact with the Kodan is due to (wait for it) Jormag directly putting pressure on these races, and is even turning every day norn males into Svanir, which even live inside of Hoelbrak.

Oh and on top of all this? The Charr were pursuing Ebonhawke on the daily before (wait for IT) Kralkatorrik came through and decimated most of the region near Ascalon. They are now fighting Branded on the daily due to this. If you read the "Edge of Destiny"book you will also note an attack on Ebonhawke by the Branded that was almost lost, but was saved on the brink of destruction.

Also note that Quaggan, Krait, Largos, and even the Karka have become a present force due to an underwater Dragon putting pressure on their underwater homes.

So give me a break dude. This was pure publicity to create hype and stir up players due to the release of a “New Dragon” which was already fairly confirmed to begin with.

Just because the other dragons were not a “direct threat” to Lions Arch, they still all have been prevelant in Tyria, just not as much as Zhaitan.

I’m happy about Mordremoth being awakened, but for the past year we built up something that could had been released in half the time.

Polished Content?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Antara.3189



I was fortunate enough to finish the finale during the first release on the first day in Sea of Sorrows (Nice job guys), and I haven’t gone back since. Especially since I’ve heard a good deal of complaints regarding these “hotfixes” which have seemed to make things even worse.

As far as polished content goes, this has been brought up to the table on these forums in a very constructive manner over a year now. Even with the new CDI initiative there is still a very clear “barrier” between the players and the the developers who make the decisions.

This isn’t the fault of the developers designing the content per se’, but moreover the “management” who are deciding the release times and the work load of the content designers.

I want to quote myself from last July which received very high praise from other players (my highest rated post to date)

July 03, 2013
“My gripe with only focusing on fast paced living story content is the amount of QA (Quality Assurance) that goes into each update. The faster you push out content, maps, weapons, armor, etc. the less time you have polish, review, etc. The idea is great, but the product might not be up to par with what they are promising. Take for example players receiving all the dragon helms a week before the finale. A huge bug that got through, something that isn’t as common in slower paced updates. Also note the accidental achievement section ((DELETE ME!!)) that found its way through to the live client. They are working very fast paced and have increased workloads. Broken Content isn’t good content. As players, we shouldn’t be the “ultimate” testers. We want to enjoy the content that the game has promised us. People who take up the testing role should be doing that, not us.”

*Spoilers* Serious criticism on the patch

in Lore

Posted by: Antara.3189


You’re not alone Blurk, and thank you for your write up on your opinion.

I was not suprised, but also not let down because I already expected this.

You are correct in a lot of unanswered questions, dropped plots (Zephyr Sanctum??), and the lack of supsense in the finale.

Make the best of it and enjoy the little things that the game has to offer. There are still valuable points to have hope for (Tengu, Wizards Tower, Crystal Desert, and maybe even…. Cantha!??)

A new expansion?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Antara.3189


It’s possible, but could very well be introduced through another Living Story.

I do love beer though.

*Spoilers* MIND BLOWN right now! A++++ ANet

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Antara.3189


I’m probably the minority on this,

But the Marjory and Kasmeer scene was over the top to me. Not because they are homosexual versus heterosexual, but because it appeared to become a center spotlight piece to the finale, verus the main conclusion, which was the awakening of the Dragon, Mordremoth.

If I can recall correctly, I don’t remember any strong relationships in the lore of Tyira 250 years prior (GW1 era). I personally thought the Story lines were all fantastic too.

In GW2 there are a few notable relationships that receive attention, but this one has seem to gain the most noriety. Is it due to them being homosexual? I don’t particularly agree, since we have already seen this present with Caithe and Faolin.

The difference between the two is the obscurity between the two relationships. This “Jory” & Kasmeer relationship seems to have more “flirtation” and direct dialog regarding their relationship versus Caithe and Faolin. That’s where it comes off as forced. When I hear Caithe and Faolin dialog regarding each other, it appears much more believeable, and seems to flow. It never bothered me, and had a real connection between a true “love” relationship and how the two seemingly find themselves in a struggle between faction and love.

It’s hard to explain, and maybe I’m just “oldchool” or what some might call a “nonbeliever”.

It could be a seriousness factor on how the relationship was directed to the player, or a maturity level (which has nothing to do with age).

If I could recommend something for future stories though, it would be the inclusion to other story parts. ArenaNet’s stance on trying to provide a “series” of content that flows like a television series; I believe to missing other core factors. Such as a serious “edge” that I strive for. The finale which was supposed to spotlight a real serious threat to the races of Tyria did not come off as such, with many having no clue what it was or where it was located. Most of us who follow the forums or other non official sites new where or what the creature was, but for the average player, he/she was quite clueless on what the cutcene was demonstrating, besides the “Kiss” that has garnished so much attention.

The overall story really lacked suspense and “edge” for me, and it’s something I hope to see improved. And regardless of what some might say, when I played the GW1 campaigns, I felt the suspense and “edge”, with Vizier Khilbron being the Lich (Mindblown), The fight to stop the plague and Shiro (suspense, well executed) The release of Palawa Joko and the fight to stop Nightfall (all great parts of Nightfall). And the character building connection to help Asurans, Norn, and even befriend charr (all great relationship and character building) in Eye of the North. Who would have thought the Destroyers were all part of a bigger threat!? I certainly didn’t at the time.

Thank you for reading.

(edited by Antara.3189)

The range of an EDs influence [Spoiler]

in Lore

Posted by: Antara.3189


For some reason, people often forget Primordus. His minions cover the largest amount of land mass out of any of the known dragons. You can virtually find a destroyer in almost every major region. This could very well be because of underground caverns with less confict or obstruction to cover large amount of areas, but regardless it confirms minions will infact travel far and wide if given the chance.

**Spoiler** What did scarlet do?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Antara.3189



I just have to wonder how Colin thought this was a “one in a million” prediction.

As resident Colin, I said this back when the world thought it was Primordus or a time travel story line, as more clues came out the theories got MUCH more correct, by mid-february the correct theories were certainly far more plentiful. Also the one in 10-20K number was about the entire story in the final 2 releases, not just one specific part of the ending. Only a couple of folks correctly guessed LA getting nuked before we gave any of the hints for example.

Above all else, I just want to say how much fun it has been watching everyone theorize over the last few months. It’s one of the coolest parts of the living world experience to me. Where it goes from here….well you’ll just have to wait to find out!

Just to affirm this, I definitely thought it was Primordus at one time.

Black lion UI broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Antara.3189


“She’s dead in the water”

This Warrior Owned Me - What Was That Build?

in Warrior

Posted by: Antara.3189


Ha, I run the same build on my war when roaming. Axe shield is a great set to roam with. I usually run with bulls charge for a KD, and mix the others. I use the GS for mobility and fast DPS when invader is KD.

As someone said, PVT with beserker trinkets. Using a maintenance stone for precision

How important is Lore for you

in Lore

Posted by: Antara.3189


When I came aboard the “Tyrian” train in 2008, I was amazed at how the lore instantly grabbed me. The music also grabbed me, bringing me closer to the lore. The way you could go to different parts of the world and feel the pains of that area. Each area was unique and the culture true.

For those of you who played SNES, it brought me back to the times of “Gaia” and “Zelda”. The deep connection which made you forget what time of day it was. A true world built around the fight between evil and good.

Now here in the “new age”, when I try and get that same connection, I see flying ponies, pop guns, and ultimately pop culture reference stuck in places where they shouldn’t be.

I’m not sure whether I should take any of this seriously or if I’m living in the twilight zone.

(I can still remember those early morning getting up and logging in, hearing the music, and just being stoked by the time a particular map was loaded.)

(edited by Antara.3189)

Personal Story now that LA is destroyed

in Lore

Posted by: Antara.3189



I happened to stumble upon a thread that really surprised me. Personal Story line quests that take place in LA still appear, but in the current state of LA.

What does this mean? It means for a new player who might be doing his/her personal story and witnessing the “cutscene” that has the members of Destiny’s Edge conversing; right in the middle of a warzone but with no inclination of their surroundings do to it being a quest pre-destroyed LA. A user also pointed out you have kids playing in fire, etc.

Do you think this breaks the lore or immersion for a new player and how does this effect the personal story do to it being placed in a destroyed LA?

Personally I wasn’t fond of the latter part of my personal story to begin with, but I really feel bad for anyone who has to play the LA scenes with it being blasted to bits.

(edited by Antara.3189)

Concerned about Captain's airship passes.

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Antara.3189


Well done, you just typed the dumbest thing I have read today.

If you don’t see the Asura Gates as a service, you’re only fooling yourself.

What ‘evidence’ do you want?

I use the thing pretty much any day I’m actively doing world boss events. Usually several times on such a day. LA is my stop between those events to unload inventory, condense crafted mats to refined varients, and put rare drops into the MF.

And how many times does that happen? 2-3 times a day? You’re losing out on time for everything else you do far more often. Accessing the bank and TP more often. The MF is used rarely, even in your case compared to everything else you need to do.

I am honestly laughing at the fact that people are using the Mystic Toilet to lose their kitten.

I am laughing that you refuse to look at the issue from outside your point of view. I see your point of view, and I see it clearly.

But I also see others issue where they are inadvertently effected by this, and thus lose their QoL that they became used to.

You are not the oversight that determines how others should use or how often they use any of the services in the game. The player themself determines that. So yes it has and will continue to effect players due to this change, that seemingly appears to be geared toward having players purchase the new QoL services.

Good Day.

Concerned about Captain's airship passes.

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Antara.3189


No I’m just discussing semantics as that’s all the other side seems to justify, which isn’t the real point at all.

Just because you only use it “once in a blue moon” doesn’t mean others don’t.

You have not, and can not, provide any evidence for requiring heavy MF usage. You are making an elephant out of a mouse.

Read my post to see yes, I can justify heavy MF usage.

Concerned about Captain's airship passes.

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Antara.3189



If I want to infuse a ring for fractals, I have to use the MF, crafting a legendary? MF. Certain back items? MF. I’m sure I can find a complete list of items that require MF to craft if you really want to get down to it, and a lot of them require items that have to be crafted from a specific craft profession.

You need the MF once in a blue moon. If you stuck in LA for access to the mystic forge you sacrificed easier access to virtually ever other service for it.

I’ve been basically using DR since the start of the game as my main hub and have been enjoying faster loading times, less traveltime between crafting stations, the bank & TP. If I decide to participate in Fractals, I simply enter through the Asura gate since you get automatically teleported inside fractals if another partymember was already in.

I have made ascended gear, weapons, backpacks, etc… . I’ve used the forge to craft all of these in maybe 10 trips in the past year and a half. If you really need to use the MF to justify your complaining, you’re really desperate.

No I’m just discussing semantics as that’s all the other side seems to justify, which isn’t the real point at all.

Just because you only use it “once in a blue moon” doesn’t mean others don’t.

Let’s say a player wants to craft a legendary. Said player needs a precurser and doesn’t want to buy it off the TP but instead enjoys using the mystic forge.

Said player also has a profound portion of mats and thus crafts all weapons before taking them to the MF to get a chance at said precurser. Now said player gets to “enjoy” traveling from point a to point b.

Might not be the way you would do it, but who’s to say said player shouldn’t do it that way? Said player used to be able to do it all in one place but now said player cannot. Maybe said player also doesn’t care about story but is still now affected by this change.

Semantics won’t win this argument since this quality of life was abbrubtly changed to either “pay to play” or enjoy constant map changes.

Don’t think it’s too much to ask to have crafting stations, laurel merchants, and the trait NPC at the vigil keep.

(edited by Antara.3189)

Concerned about Captain's airship passes.

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Antara.3189


If any of you drive a car to work, stores, families, etc, maybe try putting your point to paper? Try walking, riding a bike, but not any form of motorized transportation. Since this is merely a convience factor.

Unless you live in walking distance of everything, then most of use conviences items every day. I know I don’t personally start fires and cook food on every day. Don’t bathe in creeks. Don’t make my own clothes.

Life is centered around making things smarter and more convienent. Not taking them away and reverting back to the basics. It’s all semantics.

Taking away that factor for the sake of lore? Not everyone cares for the lore or LS, or plays for that reason, so why do they have to be affected? Again play how you want to play comes to mind.

This move doesn’t bring me closer to immersion in the game, but actually drives me away from it. Another fact that removes something I came acustom to in GW series.
If you like walking and traveling to everything, that’s fantastic and I’m glad you enjoy it.

Can’t speak for everyone but I don’t complain just to complain, and I give credit where credits due.

Of course people who disagree don’t care about my opinion and don’t care what I do or how I feel, but as a paying customer to ArenaNet, I feel they should care, or at least take into consideration on how others feel.

Which is why we have a forum to begin with.

Concerned about Captain's airship passes.

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Antara.3189


I can see you’ve never crafted an ascended item or legendary. People with your attitude only make this game worse.

I have crafted Ascended items, and as far as I am aware you do not need to use the Mystic Forge in order to complete those. So how is it relevant?

I also find it extremely unlikely that you keep crafting Legendaries everyday and thus need to run between the Crafting Station and Mystic Forge.


If I want to infuse a ring for fractals, I have to use the MF, crafting a legendary? MF. Certain back items? MF. I’m sure I can find a complete list of items that require MF to craft if you really want to get down to it, and a lot of them require items that have to be crafted from a specific craft profession.

Concerned about Captain's airship passes.

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Antara.3189


The point is blatant. It’s the fact that an area was defined as a central point for all players to conveniently utilize any of the services that the game offers in one location without having to travel all around tyria. Everyone also had a central location to access every part of the game.

Now you’re forced to travel to different areas or pay for convenience. It should be noted that it was officially stated all essential services would be moved to the Vigil Keep. I would think Trait reset, Crafting, Laurel Merchants were all part of that line of essential services.

Also remember the point that with many players congregated in one area gave players with questions a valuable recource to quickly ask a question, now the player base is split amongst many areas. Not everyone uses wiki, so again, think outside your own preferences.

LA was catastrophically attacked and destroyed; you expect all NPCs to move everything in a convenient manner to the new ideal location just like that? Whether ArenaNet had shady intentions or not, I believe the current state of the NPCs to be pretty expected from a lore-standpoint (well, the NPCs are a bit too-managed imo if anything, but whatever).

The Captain’s Airship, not being destroyed or affected by the LA attack, is probably in the same condition it’s been in, and is only now allowing players to enter to use its services. It being the “Captain’s” Airship and it being a really convenient area designed likely only for said Captain, it makes sense for it to be a VIP area, not a “everyone enter for free anytime” zone, hence why you need to have a paid ticket to get in. Consider it an act of kindness that you’re allowed in for free if you’re lucky to get a free ticket drop :p

General point being, from a lore-standpoint, I think things are fine.

I also hardly consider trait resets and Laruel merchants essential, but that’s mainly based on my own experience (I use one or the other maybe once every two weeks or so; in other words, it’s rare).

On a lore perspective, how did a floating ship magically appear with all essential services? Where has this ship been in the past?
This isn’t a lore issue, this is a game services issue.

Concerned about Captain's airship passes.

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Antara.3189


Has anyone stopped to think that maybe, just maybe this minor ‘inconvenience’ is part of how the Living Story world is evolving. Think about it, if your home town is destroyed, what do you do? Do you stand back and moan and curse and complain to everyone about the fact that your town is no longer around, and “oh how inconvenient it is now”? Or do you make the best of a bad situation, and make do with what is available until your home town can be rebuilt?

I don’t understand why people are complaining so bitterly about how the story is evolving. I for one always wanted events that would impact the world a lot more than some silly side dynamic event to save a village from horses that will still be there tomorrow. And I’m pretty sure a lot of people share this sentiment.

We don’t know what the next chapter of this story has in store for us. Maybe Lions Arch gets rebuilt? Maybe this ‘inconvenience’ everyone is complaining so much about is all part of the immersion. Instead of just kittening about how unfair it is that your crafting stations are not next to your Mystic Forge, how about immersing yourself in the story and being a part of its evolution. How about embracing these changes, and actually “rough” it for a couple weeks until we see what the next chapter brings?

People will find things to moan and complain about no matter what Anet does. Some people thrive on it. I for one am happy to see Anet being this daring and turning our ‘perfect little Tyria’ upside down for once. It keeps us on our toes, and for me personally, keeps things interesting. I look forward to seeing how the rest of this story plays out.

This goes completely against the whole “Play how you want to play” philosophy that was oh so often preached.

Again, as a customer who not only purchased the deluxe addition, but who has also willingly purchased gems for other services that can not be obained unless by RNG, I feel I have a right to critisize the move to “inconvience” or force me to “rough it”.

A big difference with a game and my real life choices is, I can actually step in and help my town. Here I can only “play along” and hope it makes a difference.

Just to be clear, I supported and still support the move to destroy LA on terms of evolving world, but it was clear that Story and all essential services would not be hindered. Part of this is true.

Concerned about Captain's airship passes.

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Antara.3189


If we want to talk semantics,

It was really usefull for me to have a couple windows open when I was re-specing one of my classes or crafting various pieces for an item that Had to be crafted in the Mystic Forge (if you were not aware, some items have to be crafted in the forge, and even required items that had to be crafted by a specific craft).

With everything in the same area I was able to go back and forth between the services to craft said item, and if I forgot a piece, or was missing an item, I was able to quicly go back and craft.

Now I have to exit all windows, leave the area, go to another area with the other services, travel back to the other area, and repeat.

Some players use crafting, mystic forge, BLTP, and other resoures a lot, and mix the latter at the same time, now this becomes a more complicated scenario.

Just because it doesn’t directly affect or bother you, please remember you’re not the only GW2 player.

Thank you.

Now I could just pay money or use a large amount of gold and purchase a conenience item to get the same game play I once had for free, but that wouldn’t solve the overall problem, only add to it.

(edited by Antara.3189)

Concerned about Captain's airship passes.

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Antara.3189


Why are people still saying “Why do you need this? Not sure why you need that?”

It’s completely irrelevant on what or how people use any of the services. So using that as a debate point is misconceiving and irrelevant.

Think outsite the box for a second and not in a closed “shell” Not everyone runs high powered gaming PCs, not everyone uses the same services for the same reasons.

The point is blatant. It’s the fact that an area was defined as a central point for all players to conveniently utilize any of the services that the game offers in one location without having to travel all around tyria. Everyone also had a central location to access every part of the game.

Now you’re forced to travel to different areas or pay for convenience. It should be noted that it was officially stated all essential services would be moved to the Vigil Keep. I would think Trait reset, Crafting, Laurel Merchants were all part of that line of essential services.

Also remember the point that with many players congregated in one area gave players with questions a valuable recource to quickly ask a question, now the player base is split amongst many areas. Not everyone uses wiki, so again, think outside your own preferences.

To make it even simpler, let’s use an analogy.

I make a cell phone and provide updates during the course of its lifetime. The cell phone is shipped with a home page that quickly allows you to get to ALL resources quickly and efficiently.

A year later I ship a new update to the phone that removes the home page with a few of the buttons, the rest are burried within the phone, but still accessible if you search the phone more thouroughly.

But you could pay me an additional fee to add an even better home page thats faster and provides the same services as when shipped.

Essentially, they took something away that was already given, regardless of how you want to look at it.

To say myself or others are just “complaining” or being irrational is not true. As I’m not asking for anything that wasn’t already provided.

(edited by Antara.3189)

Concerned about Captain's airship passes.

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Antara.3189


This thread seems stuck in a loop around semantics.

The issue is not that crafting stations etc were removed. Of course they’re available elsewhere.

What has been removed is convenience.
No longer is everything in one place, we have to accept additional 3-minute loading screens to travel between cities. No longer are there waypoints close to every important service, there’s only one in the middle and it demands coins.
Driving the point home is the fact that today is a “Daily Laurel Vendor” and “Daily Mystic Forge” day. It’s just a waste of the player’s time.

Is that acceptable? Considering the old promises of “having fun instead of preparing to have fun”, I’d say it goes against the core principles of the game. I like the vigil camp as a storytelling device, but at no point does the story dictate the removal of important services from the hub area.

Now the airship ticket is a convenience item. Which is what the BLTC is about, and the Terrace Pass was an acceptable addition.

What many players seem to take take offence at is the combination of removing convenience and selling it back for gems. Some people seem to be fine with it. To others, it feels like extortion.

If we could focus the discussion around that, instead of pointing out locations of crafting stations or reminding that the same item was already offered under entirely different circumstances, I think this thread would be more productive. Is it ok to remove convenience from the game? Is selling back the removed convenience for gems covered by the BLTC’s premise of covering convenience and style only?

Then again, what matters to ANet isn’t whether some people complain or not, but how many of the tickets they sell. If you don’t like the policy, don’t buy the item.

Thank you. Finally someone understands.

Concerned about Captain's airship passes.

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Antara.3189


The ignorance in this thread is astonishing.

The issue isn’t that vendors are still located elsewhere in the game, the issue is the obvious point that valuable resources were purposely not placed in the Vigil, thus forcing players to either inconvienently travel, or the cash shop method.

Originally, the idea with the royalty area in Divinitys was a pure cosmetic feature that allowed quieter, quicker access to all essential NPCs. This isn’t the case now however, since the free main hub which offered everything has been removed and key parts of the essential services have become split.

It’s like giving the middle finger to players who can’t afford/ don’t wish to pay for gems. They used to have a central hub offered since release, but are now behind players who “pay to win”.

I don’t mind buying gems for things, but when they remove core features such as convienence to gear players into putting money into the game, then it shows the intentions and its rather disheartening. If you cannot see that, then I’m sorry.

All that’s needed is the laurel merchant and crafting stations, and I wouldn’t had brought this issue up.

And no, WvW laurel merchants are NOT the same. I also agree that using WvW maps to craft and buy/sell on the TP can prevent others from being able to actually play WvW, which is why those maps are there to begin with.

And yes, starter towns provide some of the NPCS/services, but still doesn’t add up to what the central hub offered, plain and simple.

(edited by Antara.3189)

Concerned about Captain's airship passes.

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Antara.3189


Going to state my opinion.

the whole point of LA was to have a central hub for players.

So taking it away and giving me the option of “convenience” by only getting gems is disheartening as something that the game provided, is now no longer being provided, which was convenience.

No crafting or Laurel Merch at Vigil Keep??

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Antara.3189


I don’t believe there’s a laurel merchant in any home starter area

Oh ye of little faith…

Laurel Merchant

There’s one in each capital city and in each WvW borderlands citadel.

I’m not saying the Vigil Keep shouldn’t have one (I think it should), but it’s not the only game around.

WvW Laurel Merchants do not sell all the same items as the one from LA, just checked. Only ascended gear is the same.

Regardless, the whole point of LA was to have a central hub for players.

So taking it away and giving me the option of “convenience” by only getting gems is disheartening as something that the game provided, is now no longer being provided, which was convenience.

No crafting or Laurel Merch at Vigil Keep??

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Antara.3189


Then go to the other cities if you don’t want to buy the air pass

I don’t believe there’s a laurel merchant in any home starter area

No crafting or Laurel Merch at Vigil Keep??

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Antara.3189


Where is the Laurel Merchant??? Besides Borderland and the Ship?

List of Preview Articles for Escape from LA

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Antara.3189


Confirmed… Evon would have saved us all… screwed over by Kiel voters once again…

Regardless, Kiel obviously has done a terrible job thus far, so kiel supporters are also to blame.

No expansion this year (with source)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antara.3189


•No decision has been made for GW2 expansion for now the focus is provide the LW updates and bring GW2 to China they will update when they have more visibility on the issue of an expansion

I’m I the only one who read the bolded part and read between the lines?

Translation: They aren’t going to talk about a possible expansion for GW2 in a public earnings report before Arenanet are ready to reveal what they have been working on.

This doesn’t translate into ‘they aren’t working on an expansion’. It means they aren’t going to throw such information out until Arenanet are ready to announce it themselves.

Why? Cause the first thing that would happen is Arenanet would be bombarded with questions about something they aren’t ready to talk about and the hype train would take off completely generated by an overexcited playerbase making random assumptions on what an expansion would mean.

We should really stop looking to non Arenanet sources for expansion info.

You’re applying sense and reason to a GW2 thread, mate.

Stacking & Ignoring Enemies in Dungeons?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Antara.3189


People complain “I hate one shot mechanics” so arenanet designs bosses that spread mass aoe damage, people complain. “I hate stacking, its so lame and boring”, there’s no end to the madness.

The issue isn’t the developer here, the issue is the human mind finding faster methods to achieve end goal.

It doesn’t matter what they design, people will find a quick way to finish, and if not (like tequatl and wurm world bosses) they get left behind to collect dust.

I’ve learned something from these forums, developers are not destroying the game, players complaining constantly, are.

There are guilds and players who liked to kill everything and don’t require stacking or other methods in dungeons. You need to find them. Since this is not the popular method you will encounter this on occasion.

Oh, and in regards to your “have enemies chase you to death” recommendation, enemies are on a “leash” mechanic, which is built into game design for enemies. I doubt this will change since you end up having enemies stuck in walls and glitching all over the place in a world where you can jump, swim, etc.

Definition of Blob

in WvW

Posted by: Antara.3189


When I come over a hill like Ogres and see a sea of Invaders with no end in sight, I call that a blob. Where a buffed guardian gets melted in about .5 seconds.

A “zerg” is generally a group that plays more conservatively and doesn’t look like a sea of red blowing up anything and everything in its path

Vote for the Profession Collaborative Development

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Antara.3189


1. Ranger – Hopefully more combo finishers (Blasts, etc) for team support to make the class more viable in group play. Also pet rework is needed and the ability to stow the pet.

2. Elementalist

3. Necromancer

Why are we fighting at all?

in WvW

Posted by: Antara.3189


I do it for the nookie

Retake Lion's Arch

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Antara.3189




Why would Scarlet [spoilers]

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Antara.3189


Is this a spoiler thread? or is their some concrete information that Scarlet is a Mordremoth Champion?


what characters the developers play?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antara.3189


Not sure how some of you know “all” the devs main professions.

1 Ranger? Definitely not true as there was an ArenaNet Ranger with the legendary longbow in Blackgate during the first day of the Wurm release.

Escape from Lion's Arch - Trailer discussion

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Antara.3189


You had one job, Ellen Kiel. One Job.

She’s been off “Saving the world” again, well. not this time KIEL.

Should had voted Evon

So I guess I was right!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Antara.3189


Funny how everyone there said it was impossible they would be razing it. (I would be one of those people though, to be honest)

Gotta give credit to Anet though for preparing for this for such a long time and learning from the southsun event. Of course, time will tell if we will end up with massive lag. They are splitting up LA into defendable zones though, so at least that will alleviate graphics lag.

This is exactly the type of Living Story content I was expecting. I wanted permanent, noticeable changes that would leave a mark on the world and remind you of what happened. They did that with minor changes in the Southsun event, as well as the 2nd go around in Southsun with the camps. They improved on it with Kessex Hills and Tower of Nightmares (and we still have the clean-up going on).

I hope LA does not get rebuilt in a few months. I hope that it takes nearly a year for it to be restored to it’s former glory, but at least makes some noticeable improvements (like restore each district once a month)

I didn’t believe it would be completely altered to its extent. Even still, I won’t belive it till i see it!

Escape from Lion's Arch !

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Antara.3189


Who’s betting the kids who have been playing Ghosts non-stop for over a year and a half will be separated? I’m betting a copper!

Speaking of that, I’m wondering how many incidental NPCs are going to get killed.

RIP ogden’s hammer savings guy

By Ogdens Hammer, WHAT Savings!

I plan on sneaking him out of the city early.

On that note though, Wonder what will become of the Tengu…..

Scarlet singing “I feel like chicken tonight”?

Someone go warn the Tengu!

Escape from Lion's Arch !

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Antara.3189


Who’s betting the kids who have been playing Ghosts non-stop for over a year and a half will be separated? I’m betting a copper!

Speaking of that, I’m wondering how many incidental NPCs are going to get killed.

RIP ogden’s hammer savings guy

By Ogdens Hammer, WHAT Savings!

I plan on sneaking him out of the city early.

On that note though, Wonder what will become of the Tengu…..

Escape from Lion's Arch - Trailer discussion

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Antara.3189


I’m pretty stoked!!!! Time to really take this time to enjoy LA and old LA before the big shendig!!