Showing Posts For Antara.3189:

WvW Ranks should remain soulbound

in WvW

Posted by: Antara.3189


If there is going to be a ranking system related to WvW, whici is a supposedly “Alt Friendly Game”, but the ranking is soulbound, it keeps the player from wanting to play other classes.

I support changing this.

Outmanned buff

in WvW

Posted by: Antara.3189


So if Yaro is correct, it’s currently targeting an audience that provides no benefit to the outcome of WvW.

In my honest opinion, if there was a poll taken and majority stated they felt more incentive to play in WvW because of the outnumbered buff, then I would never make an opinion about it again.

A straight forward, non rigged poll.

But a poll like that would always be “rigged”, since only a certain group would actually answer it.

Completely subjective and an assumption as I suggested a straight forward, non rigged poll.

As in implmenting a simple message In Game Mail asking whether or not you gain more incentive to play WvW because of the outnumbered buff.

Or even better, place two NPCs like the Council vote in the starting point of the server borderlands. As soon as you enter WvW you recieve 1 token to put towards “Yes, I am more obliged to play during outnumbered” or “No, the outnumbered buff does not give me incentive to play”

So no it’s not rigged.

Furthermore, community representatives of ArenaNet state they want players to help shape the future of the game. Well here’s a prime example on how to get an accurate reflection on how players feel about a certain aspect of the game.

Outmanned buff

in WvW

Posted by: Antara.3189


So if Yaro is correct, it’s currently targeting an audience that provides no benefit to the outcome of WvW.

In my honest opinion, if there was a poll taken and majority stated they felt more incentive to play in WvW because of the outnumbered buff, then I would never make an opinion about it again.

A straight forward, non rigged poll.

Outmanned buff

in WvW

Posted by: Antara.3189


In that perspective I see it this way

We are playing street football. I have a team of taller, bigger, faster players than the other team. Let’s just say it’s 5 versus 5.

Straight up the stacked team of 5 people crush their 5 since they are not as fast, big, or as tall.

Instead of trying to make it fair and allow the team who is not providing challenge, a acouple extra players who are the same general size, quickness, to the team; they are provided better cleats, helmet, etc.

Accessories that offer buffs unrelated to WvW don’t provide any incentive to join a losing server. The odds of people joining because of the buff, versus the people either staying out of WvW or transfering to a better server are not greater.

Handicap systems have worked in other systems, and I believe it’s still needed here. The only posistive benefit related to WvW is the no armor damage. The rest is irrelevant to WvW.

Just to note, ever since I’ve played WvW which has been over a year, noone has said in any way, shape, or form “ Hey! we are outnumbered in WvW! Let’s get there to take benefit of the buff!!!
But I have seen, heard countless times “ Wow guys, head to WvW, we are kicking a**!, let’s get more people in on the action!

So with that mindset, if your server is a losing one, regulars will transfer to the winning servers.

This is what happens without any proper handicap system. People want to be on the winning side. It’s human nature and understandable.

But hey, on the upside ArenaNet is cashing in on the server transfers.

(edited by Antara.3189)

What music do you listen to when playing GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antara.3189


Pearl Jam, cause I’m a Vedder Man

I made an effort. Now I get it!

in WvW

Posted by: Antara.3189


If “crap” was filtered, we wouldn’t be able to talk about the inventor of the toilet, Mr. Thomas Crapper. It would call him Mr. Thomas Kittener.

Thomas did not infact invent the Toilet, but did invent the “ballc**k”. (The mechanism which fills your modern toilet tank). He did however, encourage the use of the bathroom fittings. (your modern bathroom make-up).

The word “crap” can be derived from both the dutch and french.

The loneliest Server

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Antara.3189


I went to Teq on Anvil Rock around 6PM EST yesterday, maybe a little later. This would be considered “Prime Time” or around for a NA server. I went down and seen literally 3 people. I smirked, and portaled back to LA.

about an hour later, my guild announced it would be “extending” to Tarnished Coast due to increased Coverage in WvW and meta events.

A good day for ArenaNet, and a bad day for players. Good Game…

True story.

Mike Z @ Euro Gamer [New Content Stream]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antara.3189


Tequatl would had been a better update alongside a living story that actually connected the lore.

This really does confirm speculation that designing content and then adding lore to it, really is happening, verusus righting the story and adding the content to it after. It’s backwards and effecting the integrity of the living world in my honest opinion.

The time to say no to a level cap increase?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antara.3189


/No to a Level Increase. More Endgame content instead.

Mike Z @ Euro Gamer [New Content Stream]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antara.3189


I disagree with his point that Living Story is “Intricate”. I posted in the Living World Forum about why.

Will LS ever be about GW lore or Tyria?

in Living World

Posted by: Antara.3189


I have seen interviews, remarks from ArenaNet Developers regarding some of my above and saying the want to make those encounters as “Epic, and exciting” as possible. I agree, to make that happen, it will requre time and preparation. That doesn’t mean the Living Story should focus on entirely different content however.

I would like to suggest focusing on what I stated above and providing lore related to such. I don’t expect new maps, enemies, etc, but I would like to see the effects of the above in motion. It would connect me as a player and hero to the world. Instead of me meddling in elections and combating Pirates, I want to go back to doing what my character was promoted for; combatting dragons and their minions. I do believe that should be the internal focus and keep the game in general range.

Currently the lore is all over the place and I have no proper connection to anything after my work in Orr/Arah.

If possible, and if the following read my above posts, I would like to hear their statements and opinions.
Konig, Mad Queen, and Vayne specifically. I do welcome everyones thoughts

(edited by Antara.3189)

Will LS ever be about GW lore or Tyria?

in Living World

Posted by: Antara.3189


I have for the most part, been a voice (Minority as some would say) against the current style, lore, and content of the Living Story (Coined “Random Story” by the OP.)

The reason I have been against the current course is not because of the method of the two week updates, or the quanity of new features/implementations.

The issue I have had is the quality of the lore and direction of the LS. There are many directions the LS could go, but so far they have been un-related to current issues already in the game.

Here are a few I know of.

  1. The state of cleansing in Orr. The Pacts next intentions.
  2. The push of Jormags Minions into the southern Shiverpeaks, and the influence of the Sons of Svanir moving East & West.
  3. The Unknown location or influence of Kralkatorrik minions.
  4. The presence in the Depths of Tyria of Primordis. The spread of the Destroyer Corruption is massive, but underneath the races of Tyria. Their corruption covers a large mass of the Continent.
  5. Malyck heading west in search for his own “Pale Tree”, and the Nighmare Courts (NC) persistence of capturing him. The NC is interesting in itself. Is it a corruption or is something else at work?

All of the above bring direct questions and threats to the races of tyria. I’m not stating new maps need to be added constantly, but new storys, and quests/events should be added directly relating to the above.

Also I would like to add some more things to keep in mind.

  1. Current state of the Centaur since the defeat of Modniir Ulgoth. Can the other races try to issue a state of peace and unite together to defeat other Dragons? Are they rebuilding forces for another, stronger attack?
  2. White Mantle and the Mursaat (Specifically Lazarus the Dire). There have been rumors of the shadows to the west and north of Kryta, but currently we have no knowledge of the state of the White Mantle and their “Unseen Gods”.
  3. The Flame Legion and their attempt to ressurect their God. The Flame Legion are working in the background to regain power to assault and dominate the other legions and force control up them. This might not sound important, but the Flame Legion warships the Titans, which could spell disaster for Tyria.
  4. The Inquests influence on other races.
  5. The supposedly 6th dragon to the far west of the Magumma Jungle.
  6. The Dragon who is supposedly in the deeps of the Unending Ocean.

There are many other questions that stir around, but I wanted to address a few that currently strike my mind.

The LS has also brought many unanswered questions to the table. Heres to name a few.

  1. Zephyrites and their means of traveling to currently unknown locations (hints of cantha, elona, and possibly elsewhere). Their role in Glints babies (if they exist)
  2. Marjory and the mysterious Mr. E

If I missed anything you deem important, please make a comment below.


(edited by Antara.3189)

Up-Coming TA Path-Deadly Bloom

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Antara.3189


Will the Deadly Blooms accompany the upcoming path? (Will they be rewarded upon completion, or from the bags)

I would also like to know if this dungeon will be the same level requirement as the other Explorables for this Dungeon.



in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Antara.3189


Haha, at first the red backdrop wasn’t on Leifs name, but looks to have updated now.

Thanks for the update

[Merged] Your opinions of the LFG tool

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antara.3189


I agree with a large portion of these. +1

What happened to Livia?

in Lore

Posted by: Antara.3189


To add on to what “Beetle.2476” stated;

Anise has the ability to transform people (One of the stories, she transforms your PC into a bandit) so I wouldn’t completely rule out Anise is actually Livia, but staying out of the “spotlight” for a reason yet unknown.

I would also say the writer of SoS (Ree) is a master of GW Lore. I doubt she would stick Livia into the story without some explanation or reasoning behind it.

I would keep a keen eye and ear out, cause I wouldn’t be suprised if she makes an appearance in GW2.

wait a minute. a story path in gw2??? source please! le exited face

also to add to the discussion ive screen capped the EOTN cut scene. look familiar? ^^

From the end of The Apothecary.

Anise: Don’t worry. My magic can disguise you as a common bandit. You can walk among them, and they’ll never know it’s you.

Logan Thackeray: We’ll give you the location of their hideout. It’s dangerous, but if you’re willing, I know you can handle it.

(Character name) Consider it done. I want to put Two-Blade Pete out of business even more than you do.

Countess Anise: Very well, then. I’ll cast it on you now, but the disguise won’t activate until you’re close to the bandit headquarters.

Countess Anise: Stand still for a moment, and I’ll place the enchantment on you.

The tone should be darker.

in Lore

Posted by: Antara.3189


If all of Kekai’s artwork got into the game, Guild Wars 2 would be an infinite times better. Even if it was still full of comedy.

Because lets face it, even if they give it the voice of Gilbert Gottfried, Kekai’s Nightmare Court and his Risen King of Orr or even his Giganticus Lupicus makes the game’s versions pale in comparison.
Even his Meteorologicus was far superior to the fluff of clouds seen in-game. If it was that version, I may actually want it. Bifrost too.

I mean, just imagine facing this off in the Dragonbrand, or fighting this thing in Orr.

I wonder why Kekai left ArenaNet, when he provided so much epicness to the game’s art.

For those wanting more Kekai awesomeness, this is his blog

I miss this artwork. He provided some amazing pieces in GW1 and early GW2

WvW is growing because...

in WvW

Posted by: Antara.3189


The only thing remotely keeping this game alive is the fact that people are gullible, and they enjoy killing computer generated NPCs for gear grinding loot/mats.

The only thing keeping WvW’ers here at the moment is that there is nothing else out on the market with open world PvP/RvR (to my knowledge, and believe me I have looked) that is much better.

When you take these two points into account, you can begin to see why:
-The devs seems so utterly clueless in terms of WvW.
-ANET is pushing Living Story content like a drug.

Competition makes everything better, and until a game comes along and punches ANET in the mouth then things will only remain the same or continue to get worse.

The game is “Alive” because people enjoy playing for fun. You know, parents, husbands, wives, college students who want to kick back and do a dungeon, world event, WvW, PvP, Living Story, guild challenge, etc.

This game does offer a variety of gameplay and has things to do. Gear Grinders, farmers, One Up’ers will always be in any type of online game, and they will always state the game is too easy, not enough to do, or too casual. Those types of players generally get caught in the loop of trying to be the best, beat everything fast, and then complain about it later.

This game isn’t perfect, but no dynamic online game is. Living Story has been mediocre (imo), but that doesn’t discredit the effort and other additions to this game.

Solstice is right in saying people are just now starting to “balance” out and finding their niche profession and gearing up. I am still meeting folks running masterwork/rare gear on their 80s and been playing since release.

As far as the new Bloodlust addition goes. I still feel it gives the stronger world even more power, which is why the first orb system was removed months ago. Adding the new cap points I enjoy however, it adds a balance for roamers who don’t have the coverage/manpower to cap other things in the map.

WvW still needs a lot of work to create a lasting balance however, and I hope to see progess made towards that going forward.

In conclusion,
You’re opinion on why this game is still “Alive”, is subjective and biased based on your personal views. The guild I represent is 490-500 members at all times and every vocal person in the guild plays for fun, and not to grind. Though select view do enjoy the gear grind.

EDIT: In regards to WvW, unless a dev specifically states that the average number of WvW’s has gone up, then I have no comment on it. As far as I know, people from lower WvW pop servers are hoping to stacked servers to get enjoyment of their preferred playstyle. Maybe this is casusing a spike in WvW activity?


(edited by Antara.3189)

Queen Jennah isn't real

in Lore

Posted by: Antara.3189


Haha, no my posts are not some “pay no attention to the man behind the curtain” diversion. By all means, this is an interesting discussion. Although I think the evidence that Queen Jennah being real is fairly well established, I actually do enjoy reading the theories about her being nothing more than an illusion in the same way I’m fascinated by web pages which describe how we never landed on the moon, or that 9/11 was a cleverly orchestrated government plot. :-P

I too have argued that we need a “hide footwear” option on characters, but to no avail. We got the option to hide gloves/gauntlets not that long ago, and that was in response to a bug that was needed to be fixed. hint


Coincidently a few of my buddies were on vent discussing how our characters should be able to take on the Cody Lundin lifestyle.

I definitely support this as some of us want our characters to feel “physically connected” to the world we defend.


How I start my evenings-Share yours!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Antara.3189


Wanted to share how I start my evenings before starting my adventure in the Tyrian World.

How does everyone prepare for their Tyrian Adventure?


GW2 Patching after every open?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Antara.3189


Is there a reason the game patches on every open?

Fractals of The Mist Perma stuck in cage

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Antara.3189


There is a bug where the whole team slowly gets put into one cage and the cage cannot be broken out. I don’t know the name of the fractal but it’s the one with the giant. The only way to get out is to exit and restart.

This is a gamebreaking bug and should be prioritized.

Everyone just relax.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antara.3189


“I’m as mad as hell and I’m not gonna take this anymore!!!!”

(Just kidding, movie reference)

Matchups not right after patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Antara.3189


0_o …..

/15 WvW Invaders


9/13 DR - FC - AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Antara.3189


So I log in, and Anvil Rock is now Green….

And to make it more interesting, We are up against Borlis Pass and Yaks Bend 0_o


It seems I struck oil with my Molten Pick

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antara.3189


Phew, I was dissapointed when I seen this. Glad this was an error.

Noone buys a ferrari only to later have its engine ninja’d and replaced with a civics :S

The "Please, DON'T nerf" topic.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Antara.3189


at Phoebe, regardless of what any one player posts, it requires teamwork and many, many players have to work together to complete this.

It doesn’t matter if someone thinks themself as a GW2 Elitist, he/she still needs others

No Soup For Solo

in Living World

Posted by: Antara.3189


Right now Elbegast is telling himself
“No Soup for Solo”

A sad day… {-_-}

The "Please, DON'T nerf" topic.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Antara.3189


You do not argue with the Mad Queen.

All kidding aside the guys from Blackgate who are looking at this from their servers point of view, need to at least hear the constructive complaints from lower servers. I definitely agree that Guild Wars 2 meta/boss fights needed this in general, as spamming 1 and standing there is about as lame as playing with rubber bands.

From what I’ve seen from the BG completion, I do worry my home server will never muster the same enthusiasm or numbers.

Another point I want to make is after a month or so, will people still find it relevant to fight Teq? I don’t mean one server either, I mean on average. If an average amount of servers are running Teq and other major bosses (Karka) and winning, than It’s fine the way it is. But if it doesn’t get attention after a couple weeks I would say it’s not a good implementation.

I’m saying this without even considering my server, because in AR we don’t complete any temples either. The only one being Melandru.

Time will tell though.

How low has your server gotten Tequatl?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Antara.3189


In Anvil Rock we managed to put a scratch on one of his feet. He got mad and stomped us all to death.

Good times.

Orbs will be removed from WvW in an upcoming build.

in WvW

Posted by: Antara.3189


~Snip~ As implemented, orbs tend to strengthen teams who are already winning and make it even more difficult for underdog teams to fight back.

I still don’t have a vote whether I feel this way, but from what I’ve heard from people, is certainly what he stated above.

The winning servers seem satisfied though. I won’t jump to conclusions however. This might need to settle down to get an accurate reflection on whether not this is beneficial to WvW.

You like the new content for WvWvW? Yes-No

in WvW

Posted by: Antara.3189


Too early to tell. I will want to give it three weeks or so and see how it favors/unfavors the worlds.

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Antara.3189


Guys we are the minority, didn’t you know everyone who plays the game and doesn’t comment on the forums agrees with the devs and loved the idea of bloodlust and league systems

They really shouldn’t had stated that.

A lot of people are advid followers of politics and religion, but are not vocal to a public meeting ground/site/forum etc.

That doesn’t mean they agree or disagree in certain aspects, it just means they have no desire/time to talk about it publicly.

Unless they read all conversations in game, then there is no way in knowing how players who do not write on this forum, feel about the direction. Every friend who plays GW2, does not follow the forums like me, but we have a lot of the same opinions about certain aspects. We also have few disagreements.

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Antara.3189


Art and level design teams carry this game.

I would be lying if I said I would play this game if the Art and Style/ Graphical design of the game wasn’t above anyone other MMO.

Most Difficult Champions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antara.3189


Champion Suplex Megladon Warrior Juggernaut 9000.

He can’t be seen, heard, and only finds you.

Anvil Rock- The Ship that keeps on sinking

in WvW

Posted by: Antara.3189


Anvil Has a good group of peeps, regardless of our ranks.

I still disagree with the way coverage wins maps though.

Stun Warriors in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Antara.3189


i can handle 1 warrior, but i mostly see groups of 5 roamers 3 of which are stun warriors.

If you’re doing 1v5 you shouldn’t expect to live regardless of the classes involved. If you have team mates… you should be able to stun break and back off behind them in the majority of situations.

Unless you are facing TC. My current difficulty threshold for solo’n TC players is at 8….at that point its a fair fight

Man you should take that kind of skill into true pvp and do some ranked tournys. Make some money and show your skills off to a commentated game. With talk like that, I would leave WvW to regulars.

Notable/Famous Ascalonians?

in Lore

Posted by: Antara.3189


Little Thom!!

Oh wait… :/


(edited by Antara.3189)

What happened to Livia?

in Lore

Posted by: Antara.3189


To add on to what “Beetle.2476” stated;

Anise has the ability to transform people (One of the stories, she transforms your PC into a bandit) so I wouldn’t completely rule out Anise is actually Livia, but staying out of the “spotlight” for a reason yet unknown.

I would also say the writer of SoS (Ree) is a master of GW Lore. I doubt she would stick Livia into the story without some explanation or reasoning behind it.

I would keep a keen eye and ear out, cause I wouldn’t be suprised if she makes an appearance in GW2.

could u fix the bug?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Antara.3189


You should report any bugs or errors in the forum related to such. This is not the place for this post.

Thank you and good luck

Wizard Tower moving closer

in Lore

Posted by: Antara.3189


Sorry, I know I’ve been somewhat absent from the forums for much of this year. That’s something I aim to remedy.

I do not think they are pointed at you. Just the general lack of red posts in the lore forum overall


I have to disagree, A few of the devs actually go out of their way to post on the forums. I think the issue is certain teams don’t follow their “section(s)” of the forums as some of the others do. (For example Lore)

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antara.3189


Fantastic work Jonathan. I appreciate all the team is doing to create a lasting GW2.

One thing I would like to see sometime in the future is Build Saving. Colin mentioned this but hopefully the gets pushed into the radar sooner than later.

oh btw, THANK YOU for the ranger anti stealth!!!

Do You Play As Much?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antara.3189


Yes I still play.

Regardless of all of the ups and downs this game as already endured, I would still choose this game over any other current MMO on the market.

The only time I would disagree that GW2 is the best, is when comparing to GW1. Though a lot of people hated the grind. It was a small, niche community and I made a lot of friends, and have many, many fond memories. That’s what makes a fantastic game imo.

But yes, GW2 is still fun for me, even if I don’t agree in every direction. That’s why I make voluntary effort to talk about it on the forums

A big downfault for me, is trying to stuff the players with bloated rewards all of the time.

(edited by Antara.3189)


in Suggestions

Posted by: Antara.3189


Here’s my opinion about others who say no in the sense that it was related to the Human Gods.

You are correct, 250 years ago.

Keep in mind that dhuum was imprisoned there. He was in a dorman state in the time of Guild Wars 1, but broke came out of the dormant state and broke his bounds. As players, you could defeat dhuum, but he was only put back in his bound state and thus he should still be dormant in the Underworld.

Underworld should still be around in Guild Wars 2 Tyria, unless a lore developer states otherwise.

In regards to Fissure of Woe, in the time of Guild Wars 1 Tyria, Menzies the Mad was fighting his brother to gain control of the “Realm of War” aka FoW. We do not know what happened to Menzies and whether or not he still roams FoW.

There is still plenty of Lore to be discovered in regards to these two areas and I believe both are still relevant to Tyria.

Wizard Tower moving closer

in Lore

Posted by: Antara.3189


The Wizards tower is one of my fondest mysteries in Tyria

An option to disable "orb" buff on myself?

in WvW

Posted by: Antara.3189


I’ve noticed that good threads that players actually put time and thought into generally get passed over whereas a thread about something completely sarcastic or a pop culture gets quick responses from devs.

Also players starting to rage about a feature that gets attention, gets a dev response.

Sometimes the world can be a mystery

Outnumbered Buff-a plea to make it useful

in WvW

Posted by: Antara.3189


I have to disagree with Mr. Carver on this one. Looking at a minority instead of the Majority of regulars disheartens me.

Without a proper handicap system, the new league system will be detrimental to the small wvw servers.

Without a doubt, simply sticking buffs on the outmanned system is not the way to go, and the fix would have to be much more extensive and would take a considerable amount of time, but I do feel it is needed.

A player shouldn’t be forced to pick between staying with his/her server and continue to loose week by week, or leave his/her friends to enjoy the fruits of WvW.

Some servers really have a great WvW system, and yes it’s because of the wvw community on said server. However, it really appears that the lower/loosing server have not been taken into consideration by the WvW team.

A scaling system that levels the playing field regardless of numbers would make WvW fun, competitive, and challenging.

But maybe I’m seeing this all wrong.

YAY Another Back Skin!...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Antara.3189


Another skin to stick in my bank

So far I have some wing skins, dragon helm skins, shoulder skins, watchwork skins, and a few others xD

NOt including the back item with stats from Southsun. Which I have two

Angel McCoy Interview

in Lore

Posted by: Antara.3189


I wish I had the time to really give my extensive opinion on this matter, because I do feel it’s an important subject since it defines what makes each race who they are.

What bothers me the most, is the point being the human “gods” are not as influentual as the past, but as Konig put it; being chopped up as “mere powerful wizards”.

Instead of discrediting the human gods, I would had much preferred to see the races eventually figuring out all of their beliefs are tied together by something much higher and broad than the race central beings/objects/subject the particular race believes in. Much like bringing a level ground to all races and giving all of their beliefs credibility.

No Soup For Solo

in Living World

Posted by: Antara.3189


Argument from ignorance- “Drawing a conclusion based on lack of knowledge or evidence without accounting for all possibilities”

Furthermore, this thread has been derailed.