Showing Posts For Antara.3189:

A Vote for Evon is a Vote for RNG!

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189


I vote Evon! I vote for ruthless capitalism! Yeah


Vote for Evon!

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189


Vote for Evon? You’ve gotta be kitten me.

I’m not kitten you, hes one bad kitten

Evon vs Kiel... Rigged Election?

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189


After reading the books, you can’t trust a human. Especially one who you rely on. Kiel, yea shes all good and fancy right now. But think back a moment, remember the “Mighty” Logan Thackery? the honest glorious knight of Divinitys Reach? Yea that one.

Once upon a time the most crucial fight again Kralkatorrik, Logan abandoned the only guy who had his back. Know who that was? It was Rytlock Brimstone. A tough, rugged guy who tells you like it is. Who trusted Logan and put aside his human hatrid, guess what? Logan ran away to his home to the shallow nobles who live there.

You can count on a Charr, A charr means his word and he doesn’t leave you hanging in the moment of battle.

Let’s do this Evon, kick some kitten

A Vote for Evon is a Vote for RNG!

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189


The black lion corporation has been milking the citizens of Tyria for too long. Behind the mask of honesty, these thieves and con-artists have been cheating us our of our rewards for far too long! Promoters of slavery, gambling, and cutthroat tactics, they have been weighting the currency exchange for years in their favor and have been using their monopolized trading company to control market prices of all goods, and currencies so we all stay poor and they all stay rich. Who is the leader of this despicable organization?

Evon Gnashblade!

So Vote for Evon if you love RNG

Vote for Evon if you love the mystic toilet,

Vote for Evon if you love that all dungeons have the same rewards regardless of time spent.

Vote for Evon if you want more random event boxes that suck your wallet dry and leave you empty and without reward.

Vote for Evon if you want Lions arch, and Tyria… the whole of guild wars2, to be run by money grubbing merchants more interested in profits than the good of the people.

Vote for Evon if you love to be swindled out of your heard earned time and money on chests akin to gambling on a shell game.

Vote for Evon if you believe the shills who boast to you the glory of RNG, who against your good reasoning try to convince you that it isn’t fraud!

Vote for Evon if you no longer care about the fate of Tyria!

It’s all good if you’re on the same side as Evon, don’t be the sucker, be the player


in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189


Words of the wise for you Kiel Supporters out there

“Me? I’m dishonest. And a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly, it’s the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they’re going to do something incredibly… stupid.” – Captain Jack Sparrow

A politician has to be a good liar, someone who can convince others. Evon is knows what’s good to keep LA powerful, wealthy, and feared amongst even her most hated enemies


Vote for Evon!

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189


#TEAMEDWARD!!!!! I mean Evon of course… He got me when he mentioned Abbadon and I never liked Kiel anyway… Besides Anet forced my Charr into a position of helping this woman to get all the backpacks.. soooo.. Evon it is even though you are probably corrupt you have my vote #sorrykiel #whatswiththehashtags?

P.S. the Captain’s council is already filled with Pirates… Uhum.. Ex-Pirates but you get my meaning! So another corrupt freeloader shouldn’t be that bad.


A Vote for Evon is a Vote for RNG!

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189


Give me more RNG and More EVON!

Vote for Evon!

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189


Evon Gnashblade 2013


Bye bye WVW

in WvW

Posted by: Antara.3189


I’m guessing most of you don’t play on lower population servers and thus can not feel the OP’s pain. Spawn camping is such a demoralizing act to these servers that can not mount an army big enough to counter the act.

There are 3 exits, and you can usually find a way to escape the spawn. But you will just get your rear handed to you a little aways from your spawn instead of just at it.

And I belive he is talking about their transfer policy. Pay for gems to transfer to new server. That is the ‘clever scheme’ he is referring to I believe.

WvW forum trolls man. Many many time do I load into EB to find my fellow peeps getting annihilated like hopeless sheep devoured by angry wolves. Yea you can sneak around though. Stick to the home BLs until you have organized a party to go on the offensive.

I don’t think this should be a “I quit post” though, Anet will close it. But being constructive in saying your griefs with being spawn camped would suffice. It’s a shame some servers amount to zerging right outside the spawn though. Theres no competition in it. But I also don’t recommend feeding the angry wolves either.

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189


I personally have no desire to sweep behind me as I walk in LA. You might as well stay in Divinitys Reach under the Seraph control. LA is a pirate town, ruthless merchants, dirty politics, fighting rings (you would know this if you read the 2nd book), and all the other good stuff in LA.

Give me a “Tortuga” of a town. Evon’s just the man. I want to be buddies with the guy who has the power, money, and connections. And trust me, anyone who has power and money, will have connections because they want to be near the power magnate.

Kiel tries too hard. Everything has to be to the stringent “law” and perfect. She’s the type of person who just has to pry in others business.

And though both would prefer to see the consortium gone, I think Evon has more of a backing force and would vest more time to crush them. Those are his rivals, and they are on his turf. Magnus sees more prospect in having both imo, As long as it brings more attraction and wealth to his city he’s happy. Kiel doesn’t have the backing currently to take out the consortium.

I’m not a charr, but I think I speak for all the norn and charr when I do say, I would prefer to stand behind Evon than Kiel. She needs our personal character, without us she’s out in the cold.

Plus, I’m pretty sure Evon would drink a good stout brew with me and share some laughs of victory. Kiel? meh she would rather patrol and hand out tickets to curfew violators.

oh and since I started this trend


Captain Penzan: Bravo, ANet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antara.3189


No doubt this was well implemented, and learning it was multiple parties who paired the questlines together, great job guys. My whole team found that chain amazing

7/12 GoM/AR/IOJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Antara.3189


How did GoM like the little man AR with the Golem Push into SM not too kitten bad

Grind the Bait and Switch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antara.3189


You don’t have to do dailies or grind a lengendary to have the BIS, and they made ascended gear quite easy to get for casual, no need for grinding, just wander through its beautiful landscape and look at the cute little crabs on the beach, and you can get all 6 ascended items. No, you just have to play and, well sometimes you only need 1 more thing to end your daily, just do it, let’s say you do one daily a week, you still will get your ascended gear, nice and slow. Grind if you want to rush things like a 10yo, or just have fun with your friends and do some RPevent with the major RP guild or just watch them. You still will get your ascended, and even your legendary, with no grind of any kind.

Define casual, I’d call it playing 11-12 hours a week. Just to get all the dailies it would take most of that time and feel like a chore, dailies already feel like a grind to me.

Challenging puzzles, combat, platforming, and problem solving is how I want to be rewarded. That’s how Guild Wars was, minus the platforming. The only thing I ever was grinding for was titles, I was always on the same playing field as any other player when it came to combat. In this Guild Wars 2, that’s not true, you can’t get cheap max stat 1k armor and because of the trading system there’s no way for market amatuers to pull in wealth. You can’t just go find a handful of rare items that you’ll be able to get a piece of max stat gear in 2 hours or less.

In Guild Wars 2 you grind for vertical progression. People say that Exotics aren’t a grind, but they are. Even rares are a grind for casual players. I miss being able to just play and not have to worry about my stats at all, because I knew everyone else had the same stats as I did. You just play and you know that you’re not g|mped from what you could be at. That’s the biggest problem I have with Guild Wars 2, I couldn’t care less about grind when it comes to aesthetics, but when it comes to power progression and being on the same playing field as everyone else when it comes to the challenging content… that really rubs me the wrong way, because the game is centered around combat and it’s important everyone be on the same playing field when it comes to combat. I play with masterwork gear, because they’re cheap enough for the amount of time I have available to get what I need and be able to change my build and not have buyers remorse. If I spent more on gear I’d feel locked into a build and if it turned out to be a poor choice I’d be s.o.l.

I feel you’re pain brotha, I personally buy/craft exotic armor, and when it comes to build experimentation, trust me it’s very remorseval if the build ends up not being to par with what you expected. Then I end up buying trans stones out of the gem store (since they rarely/if ever drop in end game content) just to change it to another set. I hate the fact that I spend tons of gold on armor just to try a build. I guess I could try rare or masterwork, but I would be kidding myself in wvw to test a build when i’m not as effective as I could be.

Grind the Bait and Switch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antara.3189


How can dailies possibly feel like a grind? They just happen! All by themselves! As long as your play experience involves leaving Lion’s Arch occasionally, you’ll get your required dailies. I don’t think of achievements very often, but I notice I get my dailies pretty much every day I log in, for just having played the game. And even if doing irritating things like killing any mob or participating in any event were really such a pain that you didn’t like doing them, don’t. It’s just for shinies and negligible boosts anyway.

Well, it’s good for your e- (breakingupthekittensoyoucanseethe"E"atthebeginningandhopefullydeducewhatImtryingtosay)peen too.

Well even though I do agree with Daily’s being straight forward and easy to achieve, they do often suggest the “Mystic Forge, aka Toilet” where you have to throw items away.

Also when it comes to the Dungeon daily, of course the vets, strategic players will gaff at this, but there are many players out there who truly are “casual” and when in a dungeon they feel the pain. Countless wipes, frustration and costly repairs, some times even never completing the run. A 20min-40min dungeon path becomes a 3 hour chore. That’s a grind, and trust me it’s not fun. There’s also WvW dailies mixed in with the standard pve stuff. Even though I play wvw actively and have no issues with these, I’m sure many players do. They don’t want to be forced to kill 10 enemies or even be in there. (Though I wish they would join in on the fun)

500 AP for GW1 Hall of Monuments Intended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antara.3189


Gw1 players should proudly wear a armor skin, weapon skin or titles that in fact showed their dedication to Gw1.

My armor skin is from HOM.
My weapon skins are from HOM.
My title is from HOM.

I did my 50/50 and GWAMM simply so I could say I “finished” GW1 before moving on to GW2.

I could not care less about getting the points. What bothers me is the people complaining that we should not have gotten them.

In GW1, some of us purchased the collectors edition. We where given a special emote effect or “glowing hands” when we did emotes. We paid extra for this, a LOT extra, but we where supporting the game that we thought would take off and it did. New players came to the game when the collectors edition was no longer available and complained that it was not fair that those who purchased the collectors edition had glowing hands and they could not have them. There where rants and raves, very similar to this thread. Players demanding that glowing hands should be sold in the cash shop, etc.

When GW2 came out, the GW1 vets where given rewards for their loyalty which consisted of titles, pets and skins. The new players to GW2 complained that it was not fair that we got the special skins and pets, and they should be available from the gem shop for all, etc, etc.

Now anet decides to be nice to their old players and give them 500 points as a token of gratitude to their many years of playing their games. New GW2 players are complaining it’s not fair, etc, etc, etc. (Think Yul Brynner there)

THIS is why I am tired of it. When will it end? We have been dealing with the same complaints for going on 8 years now. Basically the same complaints, just different players. The GW1 vets have had to put up with our beloved game that we have been waiting for years to play, being converted to some twisted WoW clone to keep the new players happy. Nothing keeps them happy, nothing stops them from complaining.

Welcome to the generation of eager, demanding fanbases

  1. I want this, and I want it now
  2. Gets what said person wants
  3. Said item is fun for short amount of time
  4. Sees item that another person has, that said person does not
  5. Give me that NOW!
  6. Said person rants about various reasons other person should not have what said person wants, unless said person receives it.

Reminds me of the times elders used to sit me down and say “you know what I had to play with growing up? A wooden stick and my imagination” You know what you kids get? New this, new that, and you still aren’t happy. You never learn to appreciate what you have, or respect what life’s given you."

Wise words, glad I try to see the finer things in life now.

500 AP for GW1 Hall of Monuments Intended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antara.3189


There is only one good solution to all those threads. Remove the AP leaderboards. Remove it and never look back. Hell, make it impossible to see other players AP values.

Yes, make it private and personal, remove the “QQ” due to players getting more points.

500 AP for GW1 Hall of Monuments Intended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antara.3189


Ah yes, the 2nd post (and the mightiest) about the highly controversial increase in points to Guild Wars 1 players who dedicated their feats in the Hall of Monuments.

The players comments against the points can be derived many, many ways.

Just a note that I posted on the first thread about this; GOD WALKING AMONGST MERE MORTALS HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH HOM, DID NOT NEED TO BE ACHIEVED IN ORDER TO MAX YOUR HOM, NOR IS ANY ACHIEVEMENT POINT REWARDED TO PLAYERS WHO ACHIEVED GWAMM So please, keep that out of this argument. It really is a disgrace to us who worked hard for that title to be put down by those who didn’t receive it.

I believe it was upgraded for two reasons, To show appreciation to those who supported ArenaNet and the development of GW2, and also as a marketing ploy to gear more players into a dying GW1 fanbase.

The APs should stay just for the fact that we now get skins and what have you. Take HOM Points out of the Leaderboard and make the otherside happy. End of story.

I fully understand the competitive complaint, but still fail to see how it’s important due to many GW2 APs still yet to be rewarded. But regardless anyone who doesn’t deem its fair that Dedicated fans devoted countless hours and time to the Same Maker should receive the points for rewards is simply upset they didn’t receive them as well. What someone personally achieved without cheating or exploiting is fair.

7/12 GoM/AR/IOJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Antara.3189


I will support you guys against Ebay…

In the meantime I hope you guys get NSP and crush them and the “BirdSong” crew. They need a good challenge. Please raid them like you have done to us…

[vT] is looking for a new home. Let's talk.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Antara.3189


On behalf of the Anvil Rock server; “Fair Wind and Following Seas”

Dat meta.

in WvW

Posted by: Antara.3189


BUILD MOAR SIEGE, there is no other option!

i before e, except after c

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Antara.3189



/15 English Alphabet Characters

The LORE of Guild Wars 2 and Expansions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antara.3189


They will most likely not add a whole continent in one release, but it is fully possible to release one part at a time.

The only reason expansions can do that is because they takes a long time before they are released, what ArenaNet is doing is simply cutting it into pieces and giving us some of them here and there instead of a big chunk once a year.

That entirely seems boring and would have to have a lot of backend work. The anticipation factor in an expansion or large update is the fact that you have so much to explore, learn and do. One map at a time? Meh, it would become repetitive and timely just to explore. I don’t plan on spending a lot of 6+months trying to explore and do everything in an new continent. How can that even be explained in a lore sense? “Oh you can’t go any further, closed off until future notice” Two weeks comes, boom unlocked and then blocked again.

A continent or large map introduced in a lump sum is exhilarating imo. Granted, they can easily expand the story in the maps with the living story, but simply giving us one map at a time would created an increased grind to run the map over and over, until the next one is released. then jump to the next. Leaving behind zones such as southsun that no longer serve a purpose besides randomly running through.

I could settle for a group of maps being introduced at once, to give players that explorer sense. For example in southsun, the first time I was in the map I was ecstatic to run around check it out, was eager to find out what awaits us in the areas beyond. But now I lost that eager feel, and it’s out of sight, out of mind kinda deal.

(edited by Antara.3189)

7/12 GoM/AR/IOJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Antara.3189


GoM, I hope you meet Ebay soon. AR why don’t you tell em a thing or two about Ebay

Ugh, I’d be lying if I said I would rather see Ebay again, GoM over Ebay any day.. lol

Suggestions to improve the WvW experience

in WvW

Posted by: Antara.3189


The point about changing Retaliation and Confusion are pretty interesting, but in a good way. Making Confusion actually a “Confuse” mechanic? sounds BA to me.

Suggestions to improve the WvW experience

in WvW

Posted by: Antara.3189


Skill Lag

Everyone is aware of what is probably the biggest problem in WvW right now, the skill lag. It’s easy to say: remove the skill lag, but I think that is impossible, here are however some suggestions to lower the skill lag.

- Conditions and boons

Decrease the maximum cap of 25 to 20 for all conditions and boons, compensate with more damage per condition.

Think about it, every single condition/boon (not even every unique condition/boon) has to be sent to the server which has to process it. Every condition/boon has it’s own duration and damage dependend on who applied it. When having fights of 25 vs 25 for example, those are alot of conditions and boons. By decreasing the maximum cap, the skill lag would be decreased.

- Boons are too easily accessable

Some boons are too easy accessable, for example it’s easy to have 100% swiftness, regeneration and protection duration on some classes. Other classes are never below 10 stacks of might. And other classes have almost 100% stability and retaliation uptime. I’m not saying that any of these classes or builds should be nerfed. But in my opinion it would be more fun to require some skill in order to gain boons. This way boons actually add something special to the combat system. Having kitten ons around will also decrease the skill lag.

I rarely have an issue with skill lag due to our low wvw population, so scaling the stacks of conditions to player population/or group population would be better than an overall cap. I could see this hurting our smaller groups when against an opposing larger force

Suggestions to improve the WvW experience

in WvW

Posted by: Antara.3189


Changes regarding movement speed.

- Movement speed

As stated, the maps can’t be bigger because of technical limitations. This is a big problem, because right now there is zero risk in running a big group. There is no advantage in splitting up your group because you can get to the other side of the map in about 3-5 minutes.

Solution: Make everyone move slower, this can be 95% or 90% of what it is now, something you wouldn’t really notice, but will have an impact in the long run. Ofcourse for the jumping puzzles there should be an exception, otherwise you can’t make the jumps anymore.

- Swiftness

When travelling, people usually travel at a 133% speed rate instead of the 100% and that is because swiftness is too easily applied. I don’t say this is a bad thing, quite the opposite. It’s a great boon, especially in combat. For this one I have two suggestions.

A) Have swiftness only work in combat.
B) Swiftness can only be applied to groups smaller than 25 (can be any number), every extra player will not gain the boon.

Personally I prefer option B, but I can understand this is also the hardest one to implement.

- Waypoints

Right now waypoints favor the server that can field the most people, as they can upgrade their keeps faster and in the end put more pressure on less populated servers.

But in my opinion even worse, is that you can skip half of a map by simply clicking a waypoint. The travel time (3-5 minutes) I spoke of earlier, becomes now 1.5-2.5 minutes. Again, there is no risk to split up your group.

Solution: Remove waypoints in WvW, except for the ones at spawn, obviously.

Capturing points

When capturing points (ring after the lord is down) the cap goes faster the more people enter the ring. I think this only promotes running more players and that the cap should go as slow as there would be only 1 player in that ring.

Man I really like some of these points!! Especially the last one.

Isn’t it counter productive that the more people you have, the fast you can cap. Shouldn’t it be the opposite?

For example, a larger group capping has to hold it off longer, giving the defending world more time to defend. Not a cake walk to cap. Smaller groups/worlds shouldn’t cap extremely fast (put the timer on a cap of x amount of players, that way if one or two people capture, it isn’t equal to lets say 50 players.)

I would also like to expand that that should be updated especially on keeps and garrisons, more-so than a camp. Camp defenses could be stronger against large zergs, but cap times are not groundbreaking when it comes to them.

Anvil Rock- The Ship that keeps on sinking

in WvW

Posted by: Antara.3189


A lot of good posts/suggestions, Which I largely agree with.

In regards to rebuilding our servers, and dedicating time/players personal finances to rebuild; this is being done as I speak (A Special thanks to Dovgan and KAOS). Creating a site to collaborate amongst other players and also thanks to the remaining ALS peeps who still encourage using the TS.
The issue I’ve been seeing with rebuilding is the fact of sheer numbers (hence this is why I made the post). Even though the dedicated group of us is all for using websites, VoIP, strategic squads/teams, we still have a hard time getting unfamiliar, weery players to join in as well. The issue is: Lack of interest and incentive to play. Which isn’t the case for the higher tier WvWs, I get that, they are competitive, and winning attracts more people. It’s uplifting to the player when your server is succeeding. Who wants to jump into WvW when your server is down over over 20k points and there is still 4 days left? Only the players who are truly dedicated and enjoy WvW regardless which isn’t many of us. I personally play regardless of how far I’m down and continue trying to cap until the last seconds of the matchup.

Now in regards to encouraging more players into Lower tier WvW. The suggestion about upping the ante to the outmanned/outnumbered buff I think is great. Currently you get higher loot chance and what not, but the major issue and reason you have that buff is you DONT HAVE THE PEOPLE Toughness, Vitality, boon duration would far be better than loot increases imo. Give the lower numbers a chance again the zergs, and make it more challenging for the opposing world to take our places.

Updating the smaller siege equipment to become a tactical asset to smaller servers would be great too. I know they have been working to do this but there is still much room to be filled. For example yesterday two of us were on AC’s and a group of guardians ran through Anzalias pass. We pelted them for an entire duration of them running through and they loss less than 20 percent health. Never effected them. Why am I even on an AC? Siege buffs for outmanned would also be awesome.

Like I noted in my op, there are plenty of ideas I can (or we) can shoot around that could become great additions to make WvW a more competitive environment. The fact is, I only see one or two WvW devs actively commenting on the forums (this might be an overstatement). WvW has a lot of potential but is currently limited to servers such as AR getting steamrolled within the first day or two with limited chance to overcome our deficits.

Anvil Rock- The Ship that keeps on sinking

in WvW

Posted by: Antara.3189


Greetings to all who care to read,

As of late, our server is the most recent casualty of bailing WvW Guilds which is causing many of our active players to also leave. It might be somewhat hard to believe that a couple guilds leaving a world would cause much distress, but in actuality, it has. Our server has been completely crushed to the point of no return, even against the lowest tier servers.

I do believe it was a combined effort between AR and BP which started a freefalled for NSP nearly down into tier8.
We carried on and are doing well.

Stop crying and start winning.
What goes up must come down.

On a side note, quite a lot of people cheered at seeing consecutive -100 evolution on AR after it got separated from BP.
You have made a lot of people very happy, you should be proud.

I do not appreciate the personal attack about “complaining” or what have you. This post might seem to portray as much, but was posted with the intention to share to other worlds/and more importantly the WvW team that Smaller servers are feeling left behind in the fun to be had in WvW. So please refrain from attacking someone unless constructed in proper debate.

In regards to your “start winning”, If you wish to explain to me how one person can achieve “winning” in WvW I would love to hear that particular strategy. As far as I have been aware, teamwork is the key to winning in WvW, and unfortunately numbers have to be included to achieve this.

It seems you aware of our Server situation, but did you know yesterday afternoon we had approximately 20 people (if that) in our home BL and were outnumbered for a good portion.

I’m all about small groups that are organized, but when we as a server have less than half of the enemy population in our own BL (mind you GoM had every place in EB), it creates lack of interest/competition in our weekly matchups.

At certain points of time, we are able to gather enough numbers to strategically fight back (a special thanks to TDME and TWIN especially) where we can actively defend and spread our numbers to be competitive. The issue is on average there is lack of competitiveness due to one sheer factor “Server Population”. I don’t believe this should be a deciding factor in WvW. This is where I believe you disagree?

Yet another failed Living 'Story'

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Antara.3189


Some people complain about everything. New zone, new swag, new jumping adventures. No charge.

While I do wish anet fleshed out their backstories abit better, I personally appreciate new content being added for free.

The point of the forums is to discuss subjects in GW2? Whether good or bad?

Yet another failed Living 'Story'

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Antara.3189


The idea that the Zephyrites might be working with Glint’s offspring is interesting (especially seeing as people have recently found a way to get into desert environments via the new sPvP map which appears to be above the Crystal Desert) but it goes back to the same point that why are we bothering with all this Keil/Lion’s Arch nonsense? It’s taking the focus away from the most interesting parts of the world.

Even if we do see the story does move in the direction of the Crystal Desert and aiding the Zephyrites in a war against Kralkatorrik (making a lot of assumptions there), why are we treading water with Keil and her latest distraction?

I’m pretty optimistic (though some of my criticism posts don’t seem like it), so I can get into this whole “election” thing with kiel and evon, but you are exactly right, I’m now trying to wrap my mind around the fact that we have canthan themed npcs, houses, etc, and also the fact that the zephyrites are connected to glint. I would much prefer getting into that than messing around with politics in LA.. lol

Throw your cap over the wall

in Living World

Posted by: Antara.3189


There’s no big picture, and if so, we can’t see the shape of it, and so we can’t have any sense of anticipation. What’s happening after the bazaar? No clue. It could be in the Shiverpeaks, it could be in Ascalon, it could be on the moon for all we know.

…but set up a cool future event, something cool enough that people would buy a $50+ expansion just to experience it, and tell us that it will be happening in the relatively near future.

This is my problem with the living story as well, and it bugging me more and more. The new content looks amazing has fun little mini games but has no substance or progression. Just random little chapters which seem like hardly a task for the guy that killed Zhaitan. I’m now reduced to fixing roadsign posts, collecting kites, sorting out island resort employment disputes, helping with trade agreements, and coming up soon… an election. (the banners and election pins have already been datamined) OMG SO UNINSPIRING!!

For an example of what I want: A quest to find some ancient tomb (find clues to its entrance, a way to enter it (maybe by charging up an artifact by going to locations around the map), fight my way through through a huge dungeon (which has a linear progression which is unlocked in stages and you can return to a part you unlocked NOT paths), take on this strange mysterious individual and his generals, who we discover later comes from X, and his real intentions are Y. I want to find out that the person that sent us there was corrupted by this mysterious character and it was a trap, then when we have dealt with X we return to confront our trapper and he escapes at the end of the fight not before revealing there is another, a more powerful individual is behind it all and next chapter we have to go to another amazing location to work out how to defeat our new foe…

I want reoccurring characters I feel connected to (Kiel is just seems one dimensional compared to the charismatic characters from the 3 factions in my living story). I want an arch enemy that keeps eluding me so when I finally take him out it feels like an accomplishment.

I agree man. Unfortunately casual playstyle seams to take the seat of the Living story with constant micro content. Skins with lot’s of particle effects.

Jump into WvW and take some camps, towers, or even a keep. Currently that’s more ground breaking than collecting some kites I feel accomplished, rewarded, and even get to fight fellow players. All good fun

Throw your cap over the wall

in Living World

Posted by: Antara.3189


As what the poster above me said. They are going to do a big blogpost every 6 months. Next one is coming up end of july.

Taking bets right now that the blog post will be extremely underwhelming and uninformative. Just lip service and vague talk about the general direction they want to go. And it will all be the same vague words they’ve already been posting right here on the forums. There will probably be a section reiterating how “we want the elementalist to be the jack of all trades, we want the thief to be the mobile profession, etc.” There will be a section about how they want to continue the living story, as if it’s a revelation. They will mention briefly that they want to do other permanent content, but won’t go into detail. It will be a wall of text full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

I’m sure also mentioned will be a reference to the last video and how they’ve accomplished what they set out to do. They will most likely discuss their teams and how all come together to give us the players a vibrant, living world that no other company has achieved before.

While some of it’s true, I’d also say there will be some marketing in the mix, trying to hype up new/old fans into staying active.

Then again, a dev might read this and change the whole narrative just to prove us wrong

Time will tell!

Less stand alone explorables

in Living World

Posted by: Antara.3189


I agree Queen that the random map from this update caught me off guard, not sure why it was put there. I did read that this location would be explorable again sometime in the future? Maybe they plan on expanding on that region?

Guess the Nemesis

in Living World

Posted by: Antara.3189


/15 English Alphabet Characters

"Cutthroat Politics" Update Revealed

in Living World

Posted by: Antara.3189


more mini-games… yay

wooooo……..blows party horn

Yet another failed Living 'Story'

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Antara.3189


Live Story should include more than one or two cut scenes and mini games. The one thing that I think lacks is the actual story line itself. I like quests that directly relate to lore such as fighting off the Aetherblades in LA, fighting off the Karka, Helping Rox, Braham, the dungeons, etc.

We had dragon bash for a whole month (festival). I feel the BotFW is also festival material. I’m ready for immersive story line that ends in a strong finish. Enticing, rewarding, fun.

Granted, the Labyrinthe Cliffs are beautiful and the setting is great. Just lacking the immersive story line imo.

Yet another failed Living 'Story'

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Antara.3189


I just recently read about the next update. More mini games, and hey, let’s throw some more micro content into the game. Not too happy about it. I play Guild Wars 2 for Guild Wars 2. I can deal with the occasional mini game for laughs, or a break. But actually revolving content update after content update to mini games and lore breaking quests/achievments (i.e., getting kites, collecting crystals), is really not fun and a grind to get the points for the meta reward.

If this is what the general fanbase wants then so be it, but I don’t find sporadic micro-content exciting.

We are not all equal

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Antara.3189


In regards to APs; You can achieve 3 achievements without even topping 3rd place. You can also achieve 16 without doing the OS and Fractals Kite. So I don’t think the 2 Achievement tiers for Sanctum Sprint are relevant unless you want them for personal glory or the points.

As far as the race goes, I heard various complains which were listed in OPs post, but I know the only reason I was loosing was personal errors or other players knocking me back. I was able to improve my ranks the more I played.

7/12 GoM/AR/IOJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Antara.3189


We have lost more than just 1 guild, We are loosing Zero Today, from what I have heard about 30 minutes ago. what’s the attraction to play on a constant loosing server? Guilds who want to play actively would rather play offensively moreso than on constant defense. So it’s been tough for us here at AR. I will ride this old bull till it can’t ride no more

Anvil Rock- The Ship that keeps on sinking

in WvW

Posted by: Antara.3189


Greetings to all who care to read,

As of late, our server is the most recent casualty of bailing WvW Guilds which is causing many of our active players to also leave. It might be somewhat hard to believe that a couple guilds leaving a world would cause much distress, but in actuality, it has. Our server has been completely crushed to the point of no return, even against the lowest tier servers.

At what point can we expect to see balance to servers? There has been a trend of servers flopping to either:

  1. High Population/Tiered Servers
  2. Low Population/Tiered Servers

With no ovehaul balance in WvW, it creates an engine where the Victor is determined within the first night and Worlds like ours are crushed with no expectations to place even 2nd. There has been attempts to recruit more players into WvW in lower tier servers, but there is simply not enough attraction to play. Being on the constant defensive, with lack of defense has played it big role in the decline.

In the higher population servers I have read/heard about the over abundance of zergs and defense that does not allow penetration, but on the opposite end there is siege that cannot be built do to low population, and paper thin keeps and garrisons due to expensive, timely updgrades that no one person wants to waste coin on. With the timely upgrades and efforts to build a WvW guild on a low server, there is no success in building, and thus we loose week after week.

WvW needs an overall in respects to attraction and mechanics when on Low and High tier worlds. As we venture into the future more worlds either get stronger or weaker causing unbalance.

I could sit here and ponder on various solutions but I doubt any would be taken into consideration. I just ask to please consider looking at the balance of the servers.

Thank you.

(edited by Antara.3189)

7/12 GoM/AR/IOJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Antara.3189


First it was GoM stomping us in our own BL, now it’s IoJ, Please AR needs some room!!!

Battle of Fort Trinity

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Antara.3189


The bomb that you have to place to open the asura gates. Has a green star on it.

I don’t remember doing this, and I’ve done this one a few times. Might be my memory escaping me though. How far do you get in this story quest before the bug? Have you already secured the beaches? Killed the Ship?

Battle of Fort Trinity

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Antara.3189


Placed Bomb? for what? which gate?

Great Video Discussing Living Story by WP

in Living World

Posted by: Antara.3189


I agree almost entirely with the views expressed in the video. On paper, the LS is something that has incredible potential but in execution, to this point, it has been lacking. I like the idea of new content every couple of weeks (assuming quality keeps pace with the rate of release), but the stories they have been telling need to have more lasting interest and impact. A TV show like set up can work very well for making you want to tune in each week to see something truly develop.. or it can be like your standard crime procedural where every episode ends up feeling so similar that you don’t care if you miss episodes. This is only exasperated by having so little actual permanent content as each release feels too transitory.

haha I’ve never heard this comparison before, but you’re exactly right. A tv series like “cops” is fun to watch and all, but it’s not like “game of thrones” or “The Walking Dead” where there are always new twists and turns, keeps you on your toes.

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Antara.3189


@Queen, we better start helping Evon with his Campaigning, or it’s gonna be a landslide….

Great Video Discussing Living Story by WP

in Living World

Posted by: Antara.3189


I figured there are one of two ways the future of Living Story/Guild Wars will go.

I will either ride the LS/GW2 horse to its grave or I will tag along on the train to victory.

Either way I’m sure i’m in for one hell of a ride

Sylvari Romantic Affiliation

in Lore

Posted by: Antara.3189


A person has to think outside the box when it comes to a Sylvari’s romantic life/desires. Since we (us as people) are humans and are sexually driven as a species it’s hard not to place our beliefs on another species (especially a fantasy species that walks/talks, and is intelligent).

With that said and from what others/devs have stated, that sylvari do not consider “gender” relevant to love/romantic desires, but rather the person themselves. Pretty much it’s as if gender doesn’t exist in their culture. It creates a uniqueness about them that has been striking conversation ever since the Caithe and Faolin romantic discovery.

On a lore subject though, I wonder if Charr are romantic? Do Asurans have the same standards of creating offspring as mammals?

Living Story contradictory to 'manifesto'

in Living World

Posted by: Antara.3189


I used to have good reasons for convincing my friend to log on with me. The Dragon Bash grind exhausted her and I don’t know what I’d tell her now.

I wanted to pull this out of context because this seems to be the real reason this post was made. I see this time and time again where the game GW2 gets criticized but a specific point is made about a “friend” or someone other than OP not playing causing OP grief with GW2.

The reason I am making a statement about this because, if you’re lady friend liked the content/game, this post probably would never be made.

another keyword is “convinced”. You should never have to convince anyone to play a game They should play for reasons of their own.

(edited by Antara.3189)

GW1 Cathan Cartographer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Antara.3189


Vaettir farming in Jaga Moraine in hard mode was a bit boring, but got me the survivor relatively fast. There are good builds on the net for that one.

This is what I did as well. Well, someone farmed them for me and I just leached the xp xD

Living Story- Where are the Dragons?

in Living World

Posted by: Antara.3189


personally I think that the living story is acting as a bridge for content from the original guild wars 2 to content that would form a theoretical expansion. going on the basis that with zaitan defeated and his forces being mopped up by the pact that it might leave an opening in transportation to cantha therefore an opportunity for brand new content that might be required for some story reason. Also due to the inclusion of a charcter like mai trin, an eastern inspired name, it might be a precursor for looking more into that continents current situation and therefore mayby the is someone else behind the aethblade that might turn out to be an attack/invasion from whoever controls cantha now.

I’m all about Cantha, I get stoked every time it comes up. But even still… what about the Tyrian EDs? :x