Showing Posts For Arkham Creed.7358:

I am disappointed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

Aetherblade weapon skins.


Seriously what happened? You were on the right path with the Aetherblade armor, and I actually thought, foolishly it seems, that after all the complaints about these chests and low drop rates that you had learned and wanted to redeem yourselves. Putting skins up for direct buy in the gem store is the best way to go, it lets those of us who want them have them, and it gets you a fair price per skin. But now you pull this crap? Seriously?

It was one thing when we had to win a RNG game to get a skin, but now you want us to win TEN RNG games for ONE skin?

Because I don’t want to start ranting, and I would really like to not resort to expletives, I’ll just leave it at this; I am very disappointed. What happened to you Arena Net?

Abnul Irongut

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

A couple hints:
I like “For Science”
save your Signature until he’s low on health. as you said, he gets harder the less health he has. gotta get him low, then WHAM
Rejuvenation Booster if you really just can’t do it.

Tried both. No luck. After a week, honestly a week, I just gave up.

No MF Celestial too hard to get for no reward

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

Let’s release new Celestial gear that makes the best in-slot magic find set without actually being that good for too many builds.

Your logic is flawed. Celestial isn’t a “best in slot” magic find set because their are other magic find sets that offer higher stats. If you happen to be looking for more raw DPS, for example, Celestial is useless.

On the other hand Celestial is the prefect set for me, and I plan to go all-in with it (full armor, trinkets, and weapons), yet have no interest in magic find what-so-ever and am looking forward to seeing what they replace it with.

My point; a given armor being “best in slot” is entirely subjective and based around your own needs.

Abnul Irongut

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

Prepare to insulted by all the people who (by just getting lucky and since refusing to admit luck was in any way involved) managed to beat him.

Radiant Armor can’t be dyed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

skins have never been dyable and why would they?

Correction; every armor skin so far has been able to be dyed. I dyed my Fused Gantlets brass, and my Aetherblade coat celestial white, for example. Those dragon bash helmets? Dyed. The gem store armor? Dyed. The rare stuff from last Halloween? Dyed. The radiant and hellfire gantlets and shoulders are the only armor skins that can’t be dyed.

Scepter Master achievement as a Mesmer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

Yeah, yeah….try doing pistol on an engineer. Everything dies by the conditions and none of the kills count.

Adnul Irongut UNBEATABLE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

I think some achievements should actually have some difficulty in them, luck or not.

Got my hard earned Omnomivore title and satisfaction from successfully beating it with skill and cunning. People shouldn’t expect facerolling and being entitled to everything by mindlessly pressing some buttons.

You’re just deflecting the issue. No one has ever said they want him to be easy. Just because we call for balance and actual skill to be involved doesn’t mean we are crying about difficulty. Adnul is broken. Period. If there was some actual challenge here then we would be fine with it, but there isn’t. It is completely luck based. It is RNG. This isn’t challenging and it isn’t difficult; it is RNG gated.

It is artificially challenging at best; using unfair and broken mechanics to keep people trying and failing again and again, and then trick them into thinking the accomplished something when the RNG finally lets them win. It is the same kind of BS mental manipulation that has made a generation of MMO players think that skinner box reward systems are fun, and kept them paying sub fees to a game that has long since lost its charm and appeal.

Adnul Irongut UNBEATABLE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

I beat him before the nerf, and never even knew that you could use food to defeat him. There’s a pattern in the way the game is played, if you go about not watching and learning, you’ll suffer. It’s a turned-based strategy game.

As a fan of turn based strategy games I can confidently say……no it’s not.

A strategy game, by its nature, is about strategy. And strategy, timing, and skill are the keys to beating them. On the other hand this norn cannot be beaten by any combination of timing, strategy, and skill. I know; I’ve tried every strategy and there is no pattern. Seriously what kind of pattern is using his buff every…single…time?

And that isn’t an exaggeration either; I’ve honestly played a round against him where he used his buff every time it ran out. Adnul is a luck based game. Pure and simple. Just because you got lucky and beat him doesn’t mean he isn’t broken and it doesn’t mean there is some magical strategy to beating him. Even Dulfy just got lucky. I’ve used her strategy well over a hundred times and lost every single match.

Adnul is everything wrong with RNG in humanoid form.

Adnul Irongut UNBEATABLE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

Just took me a few tries to beat, 0 cheats. Used boast, counted how many times he drank so you can predict belches and heals. Easy content for me at least, no troll.

There should be at least some challenging content to satisfy all types of players.

There is a difference between “challenging” and “entirely dependent on luck.” Go try him again, I bet you’ll have different results.

Adnul Irongut UNBEATABLE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

One of the things that bugs me most about this isn’t even the mini game, but rather all the people on here who treat those of us having problems like dirt and say there is no problem with the mini-game because they got lucky.

Yeah I saw that guide at, yeah I’ve used it, and yeah I’ve even used a regeneration booster. And do you know what? After a freaking week I still couldn’t beat him and just gave up. There is a problem with the way this mini-game is balanced, and just because thousands of people got lucky doesn’t mean this is okay. Heck thousands of people win the lottery but that doesn’t mean that winning the lottery doesn’t require so much luck the vast majority of us will never do it.

Community's Voice: New Weapons for Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

Engineer using a bow actually isn’t that weird.

Consider: Hawkeye, from the Avengers, could easily be used as inspiration for the Engineer bow – his ‘superpower’ might be that he’s got great aim, but his modified bow, with its special arrows, is what makes him able to contribute when working alongside Thor, Iron Man, and Captain America. Without his special arrows, he wouldn’t even be able to touch Loki – Loki actually caught one of his arrows without so much as looking where it was first, but was caught off-guard by the explosive tip.

Thus, the Bows could easily be Engineer weapons – the weapon itself might be outdated, but it and its ammunition can be modified beyond their intended parameters, just like the Pistol, Rifle and Shield the Engineer already has doing absurd things.

Also, Green Arrow.

Really, it’s an old concept. And that’s assuming that professions in Guild Wars 2 are even supposed to be true-to-tradition. The definition of a profession is what the developers decide it is. If they decide that Thieves should be expanded to cast shadow spells with the staff, then it will happen and it will make sense within the world of Tyria. If they decide that Engineers beat people to death with a rubber chicken, then Engineers will be able to beat people to death with a rubber chicken.

Fun fact; thieves using shadow magic is already in their lore. How else did you think they teleport and turn invisible? I bet you thought it was just a quirk of the mechanics.

“Oh doing actual stealth is too hard in a MMO, so they just turn invisible. But ‘in world’ they are sneaking.”

Nope. It’s actually magic. They are legitimately teleporting and turning invisible.

(edited by Arkham Creed.7358)

How to deprecate magic find

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

Am I the only one who doesn’t give a crap about magic find on celestial armor, and am making it for the other stats?

Community's Voice: New Weapons for Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

can you give us a link of where he said that please?


Scroll down to the section labeled “Progression at level 80 expands” and read the second paragraph.

What’s more is that the team is also working very kitten finding a way to make it so that every profession has access to every weapon and their own weapon skills for those previously locked weapons. Engineer plus Hammer? Check.

Community's Voice: New Weapons for Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

Threads like this will soon be obsolete as Colin has confirmed that the team is working on making all weapons available to all professions.

Yeah; you read that right.

But in the spirit of the thread, and keeping this new information in mind, here are the top three I’m looking forward to most.

1; Hammer
I just plain love the legendary hammer, the Juggernaut, and have wanted it on my engineer for a long time.

2; Staff
Staves or traditionally mage weapons in RPGs, and an engineer is about as far from a mage as you can get thematically. So I’m looking forward to this one just to see what Arena Net does with it. I honestly can’t imagine an engineer with a staff, so it will probably be the first new weapon I use once that patch hits.

3; Main-hand Sword
I started out as a thief with a sword/pistol set, going for a pirate theme. And while I grew to hate the thief and eventually abandoned it my main, Arkham Creed, remains a pirate in my mind and in role play contexts. He’s just upgraded to an airship pirate, so I’m looking forward to seeing the engineer spin on the classic pirate weapon combo.

How about some alternative attack skills?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

Arena Net already confirmed that they are working on this. It was a few months back I believe, but they claim that the ability to swap out weapon skills will be a part of their post-eighty character progression.

New Blog Post Up for 2nd Half! Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

I’m looking at the time-sink. Even now, I have the following scenarios:

1) Run WvW with my guild

- OR -

2) Run Fractals to earn Relics for Ascended Trinkets

- OR -

3) Try and finish up the current Living Story / Major Event at the time

- OR -

4) Work on trying to get a Legendary

Etc. etc. etc.

Each one requires time and energy to put in to to get done. Now you add on having to farm / purchase lower tier mats to make your Ascended Gear; you have to do certain achievements to unlock these new traits and skills (per character). To be frank – I really don’t have much gaming time. Maybe 3 hours on average per day. Maybe I’m just a slow gamer, but… that’s not a whole lot of time to accomplish ALL of this for 8 different characters.

Then don’t. Problem solved.

Not to be snide, but the point of having a lot of different things for players to do isn’t for them to grind out all of them, but for everyone to have something they want to do. So, what do you want to do? Just do that and forget the rest.

Transmuting prefixes fix

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

Well at least I’m not the only bothered by this. But it seems no one else cares.

Survey: Want Ascended Armors & Weapons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

After so many people complained that they were unable to craft ascended gear ArenaNet will finally allow it and what happens? People complain.

So many childish immature people posting on these forums.

ArenaNet have given us EVERYTHING we have ever asked for yet you still have to complain.

There is no pleasing some people…

Welcome to the internet.

New Blog Post Up for 2nd Half! Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

Still no mention of the legendary kit issue.


Magic Find [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

An interesting thought. It would require across-the-board renames for most of the magic find gear, but I personally wouldn’t mind if the replaced MF with boon-duration or condition-duration. It would certainly make Celestial gear that much more awesome (as a jack-of-all-trades engineer I am a big fan of the celestial prefix, totally bias about that one).

Possible new class weapons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

I want hammer for engineer. Simple as that. Hammer for engineer.

Also I have to cast a vote for main-hand pistol for mesmers for my fiancée. She’s been begging for that one.

How are you able to just enjoy the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358


It seems to me that you allowed changes in the game to change how you perceived the game. That was your mistake. The carrots, to one degree or another, have always been there, and they are no harder to ignore now than they were at head-start when I began playing. I think you saw all these new rewards being added to the game and concluded that Guild Wars 2 was shifting into a more reward driven game. That is a simple enough mistake to make, especially if you happened to be coming from a more traditional MMO. But you don’t really need to pay attention to them anymore than you did in the past.

For a long time, really until two days ago, ascended items held exactly zero value to me. I saw them as needed only for Fractals, and due to a philosophical difference with that type of content (I hate content designed to be repeated farmed and grinded) I have and continue to refuse to set foot in that dungeon. The change that got me was the new Celestial armor prefix, and how I feel that a full celestial gear set would be best for my engineer main. If Celestial stats were available from exotics I wouldn’t be bothering with ascended gear, and as it stands still refuse to go into Fractals and will be buying all my ascended stuff with laurels.

Ultimately I still enjoy the game because I keep a casual mindset. Set up in full Knight’s Exotic armor, ‘Zerker weapons, and rare Magi’s accessories I can pretty much handle anything. Yeah I may not be the best geared or have optimal stats, but I really don’t care; I have yet face any content that I couldn’t complete with proper time, effort, and skill. Once you hit a point gear, and by extension rewards, simply don’t matter to your ability to play and enjoy the game. And that point comes a lot sooner than certain min/max players would have you believe.

So as long as I’m sitting happily at that point I can just log in when I feel like it, or on my days off from work, and enjoy this or that new content from the living story. I don’t have the time to grind through content so the small patches are best for me, and they are frequent enough that I don’t get bored with the content. Perfect set up for someone holding down a full-time job. Rewards don’t matter. And yeah I want the full Celestial set up (I’ll also need to raise my huntsman skill as it is currently only at about forty), but I don’t need it to play all the content I want, and have a good time doing it. So keeping that in mind I honestly don’t care if it takes me over a month just to craft the armor, and god knows how long to save enough laurels for the accessories.

That’s the trick; keep it casual, remember the rewards don’t matter, and take your time. If you feel the need to rush, farm, grind, and work to get what you want out of the game then what you’re doing stops being playing a game at all. At the risk of upsetting traditional MMO players; GW2 is the MMO for people who actually want to play an MMO. If you liked the genre only because of some unhealthy carrot addition you are better off elsewhere.

Celestrial gear builds?

in Engineer

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

Is it possible to have an all kit build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358;4Z;0h0f6sTFx0;9;49T-T-4;047B;119A;1O;5itaQitaQ00F_1;5Vq5rar5sas5ta-uVIF310;9;9;9;9;9;47I0;1V5k3k

Here is the build I am shooting for, just need to finish up the gear. It isn’t a fully kit build, but I pretty much spend all of my time flipping back and forth between the flamethrower and elixir gun. I understand I could do more damage with bombs or grenades, but I don’t like either of those kits. Bomb kit forces me too close to my enemies, and grenades….well I just plain suck at grenades.

Besides I think the might stacking makes up for it. Between Juggernaut, HGH, Elixir B, and the Superior Sigil of Strength maintaining a minimum of ten stacks of might at all times is super easy, so I don’t have, nor foresee, any damage problems.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

What I loved from another MMO was the fact that men could pick up woman in their hands. It was really useful to help for jumpings and such. It could be integrated into GW2 in such a way that it is only between the married (without the gender restriction). That’d be cool.

Forsaken World. I remember that one; my wife called me her “mount” because I just carried her everywhere. Good times.

Transmuting prefixes fix

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

I don’t think this would be very hard to do, considering that it is already done for suffixes. Basically I would like the prefixes of all armor and weapons to properly update when the items in question are transmuted. For example, long ago I bought a “Whispering Armageddon Coat” with karma because I liked the skin. However changing my build required me to change my stats, so I bought some gems with real cash and transmuted it with Knight’s Emblazoned Armor, yet instead of updating it is still displayed as a Whispering Armageddon Coat, rather than a Knight’s Armageddon Coat.

Likewise I have since overridden the skin with the Aetherblade Medium Jerkin and Celestial stats. Yet it is still called simply “Aetherblade Medium Jerkin” rather than “Celestial Aetherblade Medium Jerkin.” This is annoying. Additionally I have Whispering Armageddon Shoulders (since transmuted to Knight’s stats) that will soon be transmuted to Celestial stats, and I know the name will not update. Again; this is annoying.

I realize something like this wouldn’t in any way be a priority, and ultimately is a nit-pick rather than a legitimate problem with the game, but again; it is annoying. I really don’t think it would be too hard to make the prefix of transmuted items update properly, and add prefixes to items that currently do not have them. If nothing else, it would make it easier for your party or guild to tell –at a glance- what set up you’re using when you link the items in chat.

(edited by Arkham Creed.7358)


in Suggestions

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

Just make it a cash shop item. Have some added extras like wedding clothes as town clothes, and a little wedding ring icon that shows on the mini-map so you can always find your love. If you really want to make a big deal out of it then there could be a little in-game display that kicks off when the items are used.

As to binding two accounts, simple really. Rather than actually combining the accounts just give each person an item, like a transmutation stone, that shifts any account bound item used with it to the other person’s account, and automatically mails it to them. This way you don’t end up with “this is mine. No it’s MINE!” disputes, but you can give and receive account bound items between you.

Farming issues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

ArenaNet generally has a stance against farming. You can get money and drops by simply playing the game.

Please show me the documented proof that “ArenaNet generally has a stance against farming”, I missed this memo.

While the information I linked is about the original Guild Wars, it has already been confirmed that there is such a code, with similar conditions, implemented into Guild Wars 2. If nothing else it is illustrates that Arena Net’s stance against farming is nothing new.

Belcher’s Bluff; too frustrating to be fun

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

Thankfully I don’t need to beat him. I got my sixteen achievements for the meta and the new mining node without that one. So that norn can kiss my….never mind.

Regardless, I still think something needs to be done about this mini-game. It is planned to be a new fixture in the world, and frankly that just won’t do considering how buggy and unbalanced it is.

Belcher’s Bluff; too frustrating to be fun

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

RNGing belcher bluff will not work. There are strategies listed online for all of these…

Adnul is quite hard to defeat due to his special move which prevent you from using Bluff for three rounds. Additionally, Adnul love to use his Belch on your heals. It may take you quite a few attempts to defeat him.

  • The signature move best used against him is Boast from Caiwyn. Use this skill when you are at very low health and forced to drink due to Adnul’s buff.
  • Watch for his buff and try to get in Bluffs between his buffs to prevent taking damage from drinking.

I did him in my 7th try I believe, basically bluff like crazy when you can, dont use your other abilities and save those for when you cant bluff and then as specified when you have to drink and are on low health use the Boast skill first.

And what do you do if he doesn’t stop using is buff? At all? Those “strategies” are all reactionary and totally dependent on the NPC “deciding” to let them work. Sometimes the norn will use his buff every now and again, sometimes he uses it nearly every time. Sometimes he waits until he is at about half health to use it, sometimes he starts right away. There is no pattern, there is no strategy. There is only a tactic that occasionally works because the RNG is in your favor.

Belcher’s Bluff; too frustrating to be fun

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

Three days. I’ve being trying to beat that kitten norn for three effing days. I’ve tried every strategy I could find, I’ve tried wasting all my gold on healing power gear to buff the heal I get from water, and I’ve tried just waiting for the random luck RNG BS that this whole mini-game is built around to win. Nothing. Oh I’ve been close, but when he gets down to about 10% health he catches my every bluff, blocks my every heal, and spams his signature, making it literally impossible to win.

Who came up with this crap? And this is after he’s been nerfed?

I’m told that regeneration boosters will help, but I really don’t want to think that Arena Net has gone pay-to-win. I mean after all, those boosters are pretty much only available through the cash shop by way of Black Lion keys. I guess you could, in theory, get them from dailies, or get the keys from dailies, but then I’ve been doing my daily since they added rewards for them and gotten exactly zero regeneration boosters or keys, so I kind of doubt the truthfulness of that.

Patch Belcher’s Bluff immediately (bugged)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

There is a difference between the odds being stacked against you, and the house deliberately cheating.

Either way that has nothing to do with the obvious bug in the mini-game. Again; why am I being effected by signature moves that haven’t been used yet?!

Patch Belcher’s Bluff immediately (bugged)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

This is not a suggestion, this is pointing out a bug

Just as the name says; this mini-game is not only bugged (why is it that I am getting hit with Adnul’s signature move when the match just started and he hasn’t used it yet? Oh right, he killed me with it last time and the game thinks it is still active) but it is also fundamentally broken.

*NPCs always know exactly when you drink water and counter with a belch
*We can only drink water once every three turns, NPCs can spam it
*NPCs are healed three to four times as much from water
*We can only use signatures once per match, NPCs are designed to spam them
*There is no skill or strategy, only pure luck. Sometimes NPCs like Adnul rarely use their signature skills, other times they use them constantly throughout the match

At this rate we should at least get a separate achievement –counted toward the meta- for each opponent, not just the grand master.

Still waiting on that response…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

They straight up said it was a low priority issue.

They won’t even look at it until they remove culling from PvE. So use that as a roadmark for when they may consider working on it.

I don’t think that is a fair metric. I mean Colin basically li….err….Colin wasn’t completely accurate with his response. I mean he said they were focusing on technical issues and a purely cosmetic one was a low priority. Okay fine. Of course the sheer volume of purely cosmetic content added since that post was made contradicts that point a fair bit. I mean honestly, how many back pieces were added with the last two updates alone?

Still waiting on that response…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

coming soon™

When it’s ready…

Still waiting on that response…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

It’s something we’re absolutely aware of and want to address in the future, one of my main characters is an engineer so I feel ya on this one. My poor quaggan backpack is visible like 2% of the time I play as I kit swap, never mind my weapon skins.

We’re currently focusing our engineering (programmers, not guys with net guns) resources that could work on solutions to issues like kits/skins on major systems that address issues higher priority and wider reaching like lag in large battles, LFG, custom arenas, spectator mode and so on but this issue is absolutely on our radar.

As always, please post your ideas of what you’d like to see solution wise, we love to see the fun ideas y’all come up with too!

Yeah, whatever happened to this?

Post a pic of your character only if your armor is mix-n-match

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

My Asura in the current shiny Native American gear, complete with Peacemaker Tomahawk.

As a Native American I find this both hilarious and adorable.

What is wrong with GW2 (some suggestions)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

I dont get why the developers decided not to implement ‘’The Holy Trinity’’ as it is the best way to make a game enjoyable, and why for fook sake there is no raids?

Because the target audience of Guild Wars 2 does not like either of those things. I’m sorry to tell you this but you, and so many others, were lied to by the hype. Guild Wars 2 is not the “next great MMO,” it’s a niche title. It is a game designed specifically for people who dislike certain tropes of the MMO genre, including the holy trinity and raids.

Early marketing reflected this, or rather the lack of marketing reflected this. But then just before beta all these jaded WoW players (I’m looking at you Total Biscuit) latched onto the game just like they do with every new MMO and started cheering “WoW killer” (the first time anyone used that term in relation to GW2; core fans knew WoW players were going to despise this game) and started up the hype train, then NCSoft threw some money behind marketing to just go along with it, and suddenly GW2 changes from a humble little alternative to mainstream MMOs to “the game that will redefine MMOs forever.”

Yeah…..NEVER listen to hype. Especially not month-before-release hype.

Belcher's Bluff - ridiculous

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

What bugs me the most is how the NPC opponents are not only allowed, but designed to cheat. The rules given to us clearly state that each participant is only allowed to use their signature move once per game.

Achievements are optional. You don't need it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

there are no account wide stats that make you better than anyone else who doesn’t have those stats.

Yes they do actually. They make you richer easier. That’s self explanatory.

And what is the benefit of being richer? Other than there not being one of course. I mean by level 80 everyone has max stat best-in-slot weapons and armor anyone, the stuff is basically free, so what exactly is gold good for? Skins? Yeah, buying a precursor or legendary skin certainly will make you more powerful…

Zenith Kits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

I believe Anet at one point said they were working on a solution for kits and such visually, but it was on the back burner in favor of things like custom arenas.

That being said, I believe the majority those things have recently been finished, so it’s very possible the time for kits is soon.

You mean this?

It’s something we’re absolutely aware of and want to address in the future, one of my main characters is an engineer so I feel ya on this one. My poor quaggan backpack is visible like 2% of the time I play as I kit swap, never mind my weapon skins.

We’re currently focusing our engineering (programmers, not guys with net guns) resources that could work on solutions to issues like kits/skins on major systems that address issues higher priority and wider reaching like lag in large battles, LFG, custom arenas, spectator mode and so on but this issue is absolutely on our radar.

As always, please post your ideas of what you’d like to see solution wise, we love to see the fun ideas y’all come up with too!

Yeah, I hesitate to use the term “liar” but considering the amount of cosmetic content produced since this post was made I’d say our friend Colin didn’t exactly know what he was talking about.

(edited by Arkham Creed.7358)

Zenith Kits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

Come one Arena Net, let’s be reasonable. We’re just one month and ten days short of Guild Wars 2’s first anniversary, it’s been about a year now, and Engineers are still stuck with those god awful hobo-sacks for our kits. This is in spite of a certain lead developer saying you were working on something for us. So far; nothing. Throw us a bone. Just one.

I’m not asking for new kit skins for legendary weapons, or exotic weapons, or anything like that. I am asking for one new skin. One. Considering the number of new weapon skins, back skins, and now even armor skins you’ve been producing I don’t think one more back skin given as a freebie to engineers would be that hard.

And that is all it would be too; a single back skin. Just a Zenith styled backpack to replace all kit backpacks if a Zenith weapon is equipped. What about the flamethrower and Elixir Gun? Just recycle the Zenith Rifle. Tool Kit? Zenith Mace in place of the wrench. Grenades and Bombs? Outside of the backpack something new for them is unnecessary.

Come one Arena Net, be reasonable. You’ve made dozens of new back items to throw at us through the gem store and meta achievements; you can make one more to show us engineer players you haven’t forgotten about us, and this little design error of yours.

Where/how can I get/craft this armor?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

on a quick note, i feel like most armors looks like crap on male for some reason…

I rather like the male version of that armor, and plan to get it for my necromancer. Thinking I’ll dye it Abyss and Blood.

Post a pic of your character only if your armor is mix-n-match

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

My main, the engineer Arkham Creed.

Helm: Noble’s Mask
Shoulders: Armageddon Shoulders
Coat: Aetherblade
Gloves: Fused Gantlets
Leggings: Armageddon Leggings
Boots: Furnace Reward Boots


(edited by Arkham Creed.7358)

Can't decide Zenith weapon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

Just one hint. Do not choose the pistol. thats all…

Why not? I rather like my Zenith Pistol…

Why no other ways to get charged quartz?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

- And that I don’t even have the option of paying gold in the TP to some finally happy crafter?

Is that right? Really? Tell me it’s not. oO

Wait…you mean you can’t just buy the stuff, or the completed sets?


wtf racial skills doing in this game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

Personally I find the human elite Hounds of However-you-spell-his-Name to be vastly superior to every engineer elite skill. Supply Crate isn’t bad, but honestly the turrets it drops get destroyed way too fast to be justified as an elite; I’d rather just have a new turret elite that has three or four times the armor of the standard ones.

Stats of new Celestial Gear are over the top?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

So… you’re hung up on the magic find alone then? 18% total MF across all six pieces which will take months to craft… that’s the issue?

Magic Find?

Well… ok then.

I don’t give a crap about magic find. I don’t give a crap about condition damage for example either. What grinds my gears is that they randomly add new gear, which is imbalanced and simply better than other, previously existing gear, which is basically like slapping everyone who invested in gear, which is now simply outshined by the new one, directly in the face. I don’t even own a set of magic find, but even as someone who is using a normal set of armor – now there is something equal, which has magic find in addition to that.

You complain about the stats but really care about the magic find, which you don’t actually care about because the gear’s better than pre-existing gear until you add the numbers and see that it’s give and take, but magic find.

Your argument has gone off in so many directions it sounds like the complaints are simply habitual now. No matter what set you compare it to you’ll be giving up points in areas to get points spread in other areas, plus you’ll have magic find which you don’t care about. The data, the actual numbers, are looking at your arguments with a very puzzled expression.

I think he’s hung up on the principle of the issue, and feels like Celestial is a superior magic find set. I can understand that, even though I too don’t bother with magic find. However the real problem here is context of what he considered superior; is it better to have more viable stats, or a few stats of higher values. For example he claims that Celestial is objectively better than the other magic find sets, like Explorer. However Explorer does have higher power and precision, so while it lacks the defensive ability of Celestial it still offers objectively better DPS. In this way Celestial is balanced and offers the same type of trade off, only within a new context.

Ignoring non-magic find armors for a moment, is it better to focus on a general all around stat allocation, or focus more on damage. Different builds would have different needs, and different players would have different preferences. It would be one thing if Celestial gear did have objectively better stats than the other magic find sets, but that is objectively false.

Stats of new Celestial Gear are over the top?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

You’re still hung up on pre-calculation numbers without looking to see what they actually do or mean. For example, that extra 45 precision. The amount of precision required to increase the chance to critical hit by 1% is calculated by this formula: (0.0024 × Level^2) + (0.06 × Level) + 1. So at level 80, it takes 21 points to increase the chance to crit by 1%. You basically get a critical chance increase of 2%, and sacrifice the damage you’d do with those hits. It balances out. It’s really not a big deal.

I think you still didn’t get, that I’m not saying that this armor performs better than another armor in terms of dealing damage. The Critical Damage attribute is so high on Celestial gear, that you have to sacrifice (yes, sacrifice, it deals less damage than an offensive armor, as I said multiple times) much less than you usually would’ve for this amount of balanced and versatile survivability. In addition to that, it has maximum magic find. It’s basically kind of balanced gear (other armors compensate for the a bit lower attributes through specialization and synergies), but it also has the maximum amount of Magic Find, which you usually have to sacrifice a lot for to get, which simply outshines the previously existing Magic Find gear.

There is no way to deny that those 3 Prefixes are considerably worse than Celestial gear and imo being simply better than 3 other kinds of gear is reason enough to call something imbalanced.

  • I just noticed, that Magic Find is usually even a primary attribute. So you can consider this armor as a usual set, which has 1 primary attribute (maximum Magic Find), 1 a bit better secondary attribute (a bit more Critical Damage than a usual secondary attribute has) and +45 * 6 as third attribute, which are alone more attribute points than other gear, without Magic Find or Critical Damage has in total.

There is no way to consider this balanced, seriously.

Arena Net did say that they were going to start making changes to magic find and how it is balanced alongside other stats. Looks like this is the first example of what they’re doing, along with account based magic find from achievements (hey, wait a second, that was actually my idea…..I’ll see if I can find the thread I made). My advice; completely forget how magic find worked previously and ignore those other armor sets; they are outdated with the current balance goal of the game and are completely irrelevant.

Edit: My old thread that suggests, among other things, having progressive magic find, gold find, XP, and karma buffs tied to achievements.

(edited by Arkham Creed.7358)

Problems with Engineers and Legendaries

in Engineer

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

Can this tread get any bigger just cause A-net replied in it -.-?

Ironic that your condescension makes the thread larger. The interested parties thank you for the thread bump.

it was already bumped when i replied in it so what did it matter?

Your continued support of this thread is appreciated. On behalf of everyone interested in inflating this topic to ensure the devs know it’s important to us, I thank you.

As if it matters; the devs seem to make it a habit to completely ignore that this sub-forum exists.

Exactly, if you want anything done post the problems in the Thief thread.

This used to be in the general discussion thread, lasted there for months and actually got a dev response. Then some random mod decided to move it here to slowly die.