I really want Crown Pavilion back. SAB too because I never got to experience it. Or even the uh, Zephyrites place? That was fun and I’m missing event items/skins from that.
Pretty sure the Zepharite place won’t be coming back anytime soon considering it got all blown up in the last Living Story Season.
Anywho, I’d be surprised if we don’t get another event thing sometime soon. Right now would be a perfect time to have some sort of celebration for the rebuilding of LA. Also I would think they’ll open up SAB again even if there isn’t anything new added to it.
By awhile you mean a couple of weeks? They just did a pretty major patch to the whole game last week, so it would be unsurprising if that’s where their attention is currently. I’d say the earliest we’d get more stuff would be this Thursday, if not then next week would be pretty likely imo.
I think they should have let people spec up how they want. Also this new system is majorly lacking in explanation too.
The idea that you should have to go out and complete more skill points, well.. at level 53 with the wrong specs, the OP might have problems actually going to the more advanced level areas and be strong enough to get the skill points.
Except people threw colossal hissy fits about how they were going to have unlock skills they had already obtained and how awful and unfair it was. So instead they invested the points to get you the skills you already had unlocked.
If you don’t feel like you are strong enough to kill things in the zones which are the same level as you are you can go back through the lower level zones and grab all the hero challenges there so you can unlock the spec lines and skills you want.
You should only have the extra slot from purchasing the deluxe or ultimate, the other additional one will be gifted soon™ because they need to get a system in place to award those out to people accurately and efficiently.
You start getting them at level 11 and get them every odd level from then on. I don’t know if it’s an equal number given each time or not.
Yeah, and I’m not receiving them on my leveling characters, all of whom are over 11. I grabbed 5 levels each on two different characters yesterday, didn’t get any new hero points.
Now, I did go and do some hero point challenges earlier, so do we think it’s not rewarding me hero points for leveling because I already got so many of those? If so, that makes no sense at all.
No that shouldn’t be how it works at all. I’d say put in a ticket and ask about it because you definitely should be getting them and the Hero Challenges should just be extra.
You start getting them at level 11 and get them every odd level from then on. I don’t know if it’s an equal number given each time or not.
They pretty much wander all over most of Lion’s Arch. I spent awhile following them around the other day.
I think one of my favorite moments was they found a rat they thought might have been dead and dared each other to poke it to check. I think it’s Snikk who ends up doing it and as it turns out the rat was alive and unhappy about being poked. Was pretty funny to see them running around screaming and scared being chased by a rat
“Specialization slots now unlock at levels 21, 45, and 71” is a particular one to pay attention to. Even if you unlock the other lines before those levels you’ll only be able to have one active until lvl 45 or two until level 71. It’s not a huge deal, but it might change when you want to put points into various things.
That’s fine for lvl 80 characters.
But what about other characters, not already 80, but with all the skills already unlocked via scrolls and with all the traits unlocked? I have two characters created way before the NPE, and they have all the skills/“basic” traits (i.e.: all traits except the 5 lately introduced GM) already unlocked, even if they’re both between lvls 40-50.
Do we get a refund of skill points in spirit shards, or all those skill points spent lost? And what about traits?
You’ll get hero points for each level you’ve obtained and for each world skill challenge you’ve done. You’ll get spirit shards for each scroll you’ve used.
Can you provide me some official link on the matter?
On page 1 other people are saying the exact opposite. Keep in mind that I’m not talking about a character who has unspent skill points (like my main toon), but I’m talking about a non-80 lvl char, which has all skills unlocked and 0 skill points available.
No, you don’t get your skills that you unlocked with skill scrolls back. There are no official statements about refunds specifically, but chances are they will not be able to refund the skill points you made through skill scrolls, or the gold and skill points you spent on traits before the patch goes live. In essence, I recommend not spending anything tonight until after the patch hits.
Yours is a somewhat unique scenario in that you got your alts literally everything before they even hit 80. I imagine most people tend to only buy what they want to use, but if you feel like it’s not fair, then you could possibly submit a ticket in game. I don’t think there’s much that can be done, especially since the changes to hero points have been known for months now.
First of all, they said that was how it was going to work on the stream where they previewed this stuff and Colin’s newest post doesn’t change that. Secondly can you people please read the dang dev blogs they have been posting over the last month?
“The conversion of skill points to spirit shards will be automatic. This will happen on a per character basis, so make sure to log in on each character to receive your total count! I think you’ll be surprised at just how many spirit shards you have.”
“Old skill points in excess of those earned by leveling and skill challenges will be converted into crafting materials for the Mystic Forge. Items and activities that were previously repeatable sources of skill points will now also provide that same crafting material.”
Guess what? The crafting material was the later revealed Spirit Shard.
(edited by Arlee.7038)
Huh what? can you link the source that says our scrolls with become useless? Also is there info about what will happen to tombs of knowledge?
Scrolls will be converted into spirit shards.
Excess skill points will be converted into spirit shards.I don’t think I can make it clearer than that.
Only excess skill points which were obtained from scrolls or tombs used after level 80 will be converted to spirit shards. Some people will have excess hero points until after HoT comes.
That’s fine for lvl 80 characters.
But what about other characters, not already 80, but with all the skills already unlocked via scrolls and with all the traits unlocked? I have two characters created way before the NPE, and they have all the skills/“basic” traits (i.e.: all traits except the 5 lately introduced GM) already unlocked, even if they’re both between lvls 40-50.
Do we get a refund of skill points in spirit shards, or all those skill points spent lost? And what about traits?
You’ll get hero points for each level you’ve obtained and for each world skill challenge you’ve done. You’ll get spirit shards for each scroll you’ve used.
I just hope i won’t have to re-unlock skills that I’ve already unlocked/bought with gold. I might rage
It’s all being reset. I think the whole unlocking traits with gold option is going away totally. They haven’t mentioned anything about it.
If we do a lot of skill challenges and stuff, what happens after we unlock everything before we hit level 80? Do we just keep getting spirit shards?
You don’t magically start getting spirit shards for leveling or the hero point challenges. You’ll still get points. Even if you have everything unlocked you’ll get the points and will be able to spend them later when more things are added.
Huh what? can you link the source that says our scrolls with become useless? Also is there info about what will happen to tombs of knowledge?
Scrolls aren’t becoming useless they are giving spirit shards instead of points which unlock skills. Scrolls you have already used will credit your wallet with Spirit Shards which will be added together each time you log into a character after the patch hits tomorrow. You can also use any scrolls you’ve been holding onto after the patch to get Spirit Shards as well.
You’ll get hero points for each level you’ve reached which awards them and for any of the skill challenges you had previously done around the world.
The only change to tombs of knowledge is they won’t reward a level after level 80 anymore. So they can’t be used to get through mastery levels and will only be useful to sub lvl 80 characters.
All of this is covered in the last section here: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/updating-your-wallet/
(edited by Arlee.7038)
I’m all for the destruction of Divinity’s Reach, especially if Queen Jenna dies in the process
There are a number of other changes on 6/23 to make the experience from 1-80 more exciting, better-paced, rewarding, and fun as well after having the time to evaluate and player feedback from the updates last year.
Maybe I’m reading too much into this part, but does that mean the personal story fixes will be part of tomorrow’s patch?
Eh, I think changing it so credit can be accepted remotely would be a better fix which would also not have the potential for people to screw others.
Honestly, I’d be REALLY surprised if they didn’t do a new Art Book with HoT
They say next content update.
I would be very surprised if it comes before the WTS final(in August) since it will completely alter the current balance and meta.
This means it is still quite faraway.
Nope, it could definitely be in the next week or so. It would give players plenty of time to adjust and adapt to the changes before the tournament in August. It’s really possible we’ll see it sooner rather than later.
Yea… this change bothers me not at all. At worst it just gives me something else to vendor, nbd.
You avoided the question we all want answered, but perhaps nobody’s asked it directly enough. So, straight out, I’m going to ask it.
Is this the big GW2 news for the week, yes or no?
I feel like it’s pretty obvious the answer is no.
I actually asked them in their Facebook if this ended up being the “surprise” they had for this week and all i got was a snarky comment from Rubi Bayer saying that they’ll only show specs when they’re ready.
That was actually me.
I sign my posts with RB. Rubi signs her posts with RB2.
What you asked was whether the Lion’s Arch info was the reason there was no specs reveal. To pit these two pieces of information against each other misunderstands the game development process and the fact that we have different teams working on different features. The folks working on Lion’s Arch are not the same people we have working on profession specializations. As I said on Facebook: we release information when we’re ready to do so. If we haven’t revealed something, it’s because we’re not ready yet.
But there is only 1 blog post per week regardless of what different teams are doing, so it is safe to assume that this weeks is LA?
Except for that time when they did two for specializations and that’s just the most recent example. Yes they generally only do one per week but there have been more than one a week in the past too. You are making an illogical assumption.
I would buy all of those…
I don’t think there’s anyone out there that is “hyped” for this specialization after that yawn-inducing trailer and this extremely-generic name.
I’m excited. Sorry to prove you wrong. It changes gameplay for Guardians a lot and it sounds really interesting to me.
I’m actually really excited about it. It gives Guardians a very different way to be effective and I can already see a lot of useful situations in WvW and sPvP where these abilities will be pretty awesome.
The traps aspect sounds interesting though, will have to wait and see how they actually function in game though (since they are supposed to be revamping traps).
There isn’t a confirmation e-mail. I don’t remember one going out in the last few weeks so you are probably fine. You basically have to wait until one is sent out to know for sure.
Blimey how many rares are you all salvaging for that to be a problem?? One of you please tell the Loot Fairy I want to be her BFF too lol
I was thinking the same thing.
As I recall, the warning was implemented at player request. Players were accidentally salvaging items that they did not intend to salvage, just as back in the days, long ago, you could sell valuable items with a single click. So the devs added a confirmation process to ensure that you do exactly what you intend to do.
I don’t recall seeing a warning for green items, but I don’t mind a bit getting the message in relation to golds. But then, I’m not massively wealthy and maybe it would be pain if I salvaging dozens in a single sitting.
It’s always been a bit annoying but it has been particularly annoying this past week after doing rounds of the events in Silverwastes. I generally save all bags and loot until after Vinewrath/pacman because otherwise I’d be busy doing that instead of participating in events It isn’t unusual to have quite a few Rares to go through from than, and when you are opening hundreds of bags it’s even worse.
Streamlining of the system would be helpful with things like this.
My first character was a Sylvari Mesmer… I later made a second Mesmer because I wanted a Char Mesmer named Arlee The Purdy. So basically for a name that amused me
In case some of you missed it, this retrospective was posted today… and it’s pretty awesome I hadn’t realized how early on they hired Gaile and it really does say a lot about how Arenanet values community interaction. So many games don’t even think about the community until WAY later in the process.
It was pretty cool to see the old pictures and here about how things evolved over time. Thanks for the awesome post Gaile
At PAX East I asked Colin and Izzy if Rangers would get to have the new dinosaurs as pets. Colin laughed and said “that would be fun”. Personally I’m hopefully for it
The new bar makes having CC available in boss fights matter, and having stronger ones available matter even more.
Weak CC skill will remove less of the bar than strong ones, so having a bunch of strong ones available to use will be useful, though if you only have weak ones you can still contribute. They aren’t making the bars super easy to remove either.
Additionally instead of removing the stacks and then having one person mess everything up by knocking the boss back it will instead prevent the boss from using a strong ability/changing phases and potentially also give the group a chance to do extra damage to the boss.
So basically it’s better because instead of all cc abilities being weighted equally, some count for more than others. One person can’t really screw the fight up for everyone else. And it’ll help defeat the boss more easily. It really is an all around improvement.
There won’t be any new living story until the expansion happens. What there will be is feature patches and various event/holidays going on.
I honestly really liked the way deploying the glider worked in the demo. It felt intuitive and it does prevent situations where it could deploy when you don’t want it to. Honestly the only thing which bothered me about it is it being tied to the spacebar. I have a bad habit of hitting the spacebar for no good reason just because (ok I tend to randomly jump when running around) and that habit did cause me to die
Honestly… even in the demo this weekend when not only where there people playing the Revenant for the first time but also people who had never played gw2 at all before, and everything worked well enough. There will be a bit of a learning curve for everyone because of new mechanics in fights and mob AI. Plus the new specializations will give people not making new Revenants something to learn and master. If you don’t want to deal with new people, you should probably just wait until a couple of weeks after HoT launches to play.
Umm… it’s safe to say we’ve only seen the major features so far and definitely not everything. Heck, we don’t even know all the details of the major features they have revealed so far.
The comment about people might want to make a Sylvari now has to do more with the HoT content is max level content. So if you wait until it launches to make one, you’ll have to level up before you can experience the content. The idea they would spring removing a playable race from the options without telling anyone first, is ridiculous.
What people who do have a max level Sylvari will find is a bit of a different experience from the other races. One of the main themes of HoT will be if they can be trusted or not and players will have a lot of chances to trust them or not. Plus there’s undoubtedly something which influences if a Sylvari is corrupted or not, which will be delved into. I mean it’s worth asking why some Sylvari feel drawn to the Nightmare Court and other do not. It is essentially the same thing.
Everything with the Bloody Prince was new last year; so that would be the story instance, the new scavenger hunt, all the interactions between the Mad King and the Prince during the Lunatic Inquisition, and new weapon and armor skins.
Plus the patch last year had a lot of things completely unrelated to the event with it. All of those sorts of things have been moved to Feature Patches, so the event patch(es) should mostly just be for the event itself. Because of that I don’t think it’s too crazy to think they might have more planned for this year. Plus they also can break it up into two October patches.
Well, I don’t think any of that is happening because, according to the recent news post, “Blood and Madness will be returning to Guild Wars 2 on October 21 and remain active until the return of Season 2” so it’s Blood and Madness again, the same release as last year. This confirms that there will be no new content from August 12th to November the 4th then we will probably have two Season 2 releases. This will be followed by Wintersday which will run from December until mid-late January.
If you’re happy with that then that’s great, good for you, I on the other hand think it’s ridiculous how little they’ve actually delivered this year considering that this is pretty much their way of retaining people in PVE.
Yea.. It’s quite the disappointment
Why isn’t it one tag per commander? Is it that hard to code something that simple?
What? I’m not sure what you are trying to say here because an individual can only have one tag up at a time as is.
- A new dungeon in Maguuma Wastes
Sadly this probably won’t happen. Awhile back they announced they disbanded their dungeon team and had no plans to do new dungeons or continue to update the existing ones currently.
There might be some chance of a new fractal related to this season… but I wouldn’t hold my breathe on that one either.
Idk, Mad King was significantly different last year than the year before, we could see a similar progression in it this year.
Eh, maybe, I didn’t think there was all that much in new content last year they replaced the scavenger hunt with a much shorter one and a couple of brief instanced encounters.
I am expecting something more like the return of the Festival of the Four Winds. Minor tweaks.
Everything with the Bloody Prince was new last year; so that would be the story instance, the new scavenger hunt, all the interactions between the Mad King and the Prince during the Lunatic Inquisition, and new weapon and armor skins.
Plus the patch last year had a lot of things completely unrelated to the event with it. All of those sorts of things have been moved to Feature Patches, so the event patch(es) should mostly just be for the event itself. Because of that I don’t think it’s too crazy to think they might have more planned for this year. Plus they also can break it up into two October patches.
Idk, Mad King was significantly different last year than the year before, we could see a similar progression in it this year.
Yea I wish there was a green one too. One of my guildies hypothesized it’s because color blind people wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between the red tag and the green tag. Since red/green is the most common color blindness it seems plausible.
I get what everyone is saying about wanting new features and areas and stuff. But nothing that’s been mentioned has to come in the form of an expansion. They could absolutely open Cantha or Elona (or any other area) without an expansion. More skills and abilities can (and have been) added in both the Living Story and Feature Updates.
I do agree an epic battle with an Elder Dragon shouldn’t be just one Living Story update. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t effective ways to do it through multiple updates.
Oh there’s another thread? I had been told that was the main thread for it. If there is another thread then that makes sense. Still wish they had said something when they closed it but oh well.
They apparently locked a four page thread about it in the main discussions forum. I didn’t see a post saying why it was locked either :/ That’s pretty disappointing.
I am generally happy with finishing the story before having the achievements to work on. However, once the story is completed on one character on an account the player should have the option of either replaying the story on each of their other characters or just skipping right to the achievements. That way people who want to do the story more than once can, and people who want to work on achievements on different characters can also do that.
When they announced the new Story Journal Arenanet said the Personal Story wouldn’t become replayable because there are certain choices which are made which would changes things for our characters. So basically we wouldn’t be given the chance to remake choices we already made. While some of the fractals do deal with the past, none of them deal with our own personal past.
With that said, the only way I could see them letting use redo Personal Story stuff if it was in a “view only mode”.
Personally I don’t see why people want an expansion at all. I mean what do you think we’d get out of it?
I also disagree with the “game is going nowhere” bit. The living story is evolving and it’s definitely leading somewhere. There could be more love for PvP and WvW but an expansion would necessarily help those either.
GuildMag: Some folks are really bummed that their parents took away their Super Adventure Box. Is there anything that you can tell them that will cheer them up for going back to school?
Devon Carver: You want to… you want to deliver the news?
Matt Wuerffel: Sure. Yeah, I mean, when we are talking about the Living World and the Living Story, you can see that we are moving towards a much more focused narrative, and that is focused on your relationship with Braham and Rox and some of the other characters that we have introduced. And that means that there is less, one, there is less space to do something where you kind of take a break and say: ‘And now for something completely different’ – which is what Super Adventure Box was. I think the other part of it is that we look very carefully at how much people played and how much people enjoyed certain portions of content that we put out, and so that also weighs into the factor of ‘Well, okay, what are we going to do, and when are we going to bring back things? What do we do, how much time do we put into different festivals, Halloween and Wintersday.’ And so, Super Adventure Box has a ton of people that were really excited about it, and it also has that difficulty of, it is something that’s really different from Guild Wars 2 in a lot of ways, and it doesn’t easily fit into the narrative structure of Living World. And so, I think it would be very unlikely that you would see it as part of a Living World season release, as to whether or not we come back to it, whether or not in some other form, you know, I can’t really say, I don’t know how likely that is and that is really all I can say about it. We know that there are a ton of people that really enjoyed it, and we had a lot of fun playing portions of it, but it’s difficult to fit in within the narrative structure that we have now and I think that makes it very much less likely that it will appear in a Living World season going forward.
GuildMag: But will it come back after the current season?
Matt Wuerffel: We can’t really comment about what our long term plans are for the game, and so, you know, it is a similar answer if you ask me what was gonna happen in the upcoming episodes of season 2. Like, I really can’t say. But it is a very much different game in a lot of ways than Guild Wars 2 – a game within a game – and we’re trying to focus already in World v. World and PvP and PvE and Fractals. There are lots of systems that we have and we want to focus first on getting those to a state where we’re really happy with them and we’re fully supporting them and then we could look into… ‘All right, now that we have those up to a quality that we’re really happy with and fans are really happy with, what other projects can we take on, and what things can we look at doing?
I get that it’s very different than the rest of the game, but that was part of what made SAB so much fun. It was a complete departure and a really unexpected adventure within the game.
If you guys are thinking you might not finish world 3&4 after all, can you please just reopen world 1&2 for us? At least then we’d have some use for out Infinite Continue Coin we bought and for people who just enjoy it as an interlude, it’ll be there for us.
(edited by Arlee.7038)