Showing Posts For Arlette.9684:

New to Spirit Ranger WvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Arlette.9684


As the title says, I got my ranger to 68 and with the endgame WvW aproaching I’m really puzzled about gear choices and whether to use the Water Spirit or stick with Troll Unguent.

1. Rabid gear vs Dire gear vs Apotechary gear?
2. Water spirit vs Troll Unguent.
3. This has probably been asked a million times by now but, Spirit Active skills, how exactly do they work? I saw the radius but does the spirit cast the spell on your target, me or the spirit itself and everything within that radius is affected. If on the spirit itself (which is what I fear) how exactly does one land the spirit’s active effect with radius as small as 360.
4. Signet of Renewal vs Protect me?

Thanks in advance for the help

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

Donna Prior closing my ticket...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Arlette.9684


…without my issue being resolved.

What is this Customer Service really?

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

[PvALL] Warrior. Balance with one change.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Arlette.9684


Flash news: Warriors are already inferior to guardians in bunkering. And rifle build… lol.

I just want to touch on this quickly since I have both an 80 warrior and an 80 guardian.

A bunker guardian can bunk well, but will deal LITTLE TO NO DAMAGE. A warrior can bunk equally well AND WILL DEAL DECENT DAMAGE

That is the problem with saying guards can bunk just as well. Warriors sacrifice little to achieve a bunker.


Warriors do not have sacrifice anything to achieve bunker. They equip Healing Signet, which is just 1 skill that is in your heal slot(therefore has no effect on DPS) and they can bunker just as fine as Guardians.

Guardian class is about sacrificing your Virtues to buff your allies.
Warrior class is not about sacrifice. It is about being better than any other class out there ever.

This dicsussion again? What makes a spec a ‘bunker’ spec? 30 pts in their toughness line is what most people would say. Perhaps it’s 30pts in their toughness and vitality lines? Warriors do both. So they spec for bunker just like anyone else.

Now you’re right… a Warrior still does pretty good damage while being bunker. But on the flip side, the Guardian is providing a lot more group utility and healing. Perhaps this is because the class is meant as a DPS class and not a support class?

I’m sorry but the way ANet sold it was that you can be DPS/Support/Bunker/Whatever wasn’t… it (filter decided to replace it with kitten for some reason hence the …) ?
So what are you talking about dps and support class? There’s no such thing according to ANet all can do all.

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

7 second lupicus kill... balanced??

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Arlette.9684


I’m sorry Kyubi I just want to get something straight for the record, are you actually saying Elementalist is OP?

I mean are you seriously saying that?

I’m almost 100% you’re joking as the alternative would mean you’re, as the topic goes, ODing on percocets and your brain is turning mushy.

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

Season 2 Poll results are in.

in WvW

Posted by: Arlette.9684


I’m sure that if there was a poll ingame the results would be the same

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

[Warriors] best landspeed, no balance

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Arlette.9684


“The only logical solution is to nerf warrior mobility.”
I don’t see the logic here exactly.
Not the warrior, but another class would be the fastest, overpowered class. Do you consider it a solution?
Seems like you don’t want any balance, you just want to nerf warriors because you hate them, or one of them.

The point is – warrior have too much of everything. It is a joke that a HEAVY armor class is able to escape SO easily and so freely without punishment. If Ride The Lightening deserved to be so heavily nerfed, the same should happen to Rush.

Two words: Fiery greatsword.
Elementalists still can run as fast as a gepard.

So you’re comparing an elite skill with a weapon skill?

Kudos to you!

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

Looking for a troll bunker/healer build

in Guardian

Posted by: Arlette.9684


I guess, I didn’t express myself clearly enough. I got the Cleric gear, what is left on that link that I posted is empty trait lines and 2 missing rings.
What I need assistance with is fixing up the traits to provide maximum vigor uptime and making a real bunkery build that just troll dodges all over the place and roots/knockdowns while somebody else does the killing. The damage output is irrelevant as it’s a troll spec intended to last.
Is AH worth it if I’m running with just 3 ppl including myself? Would a Meditation spec be better to keep the fury up for vigor? Those are the questions that I need help answering.

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

Looking for a troll bunker/healer build

in Guardian

Posted by: Arlette.9684


As the title says I felt like a little experimentation with WvW group roaming and I need ideas about a trolly healer that basically shakes off conditions like they’re nothing and dodge rolls around healing himself and his allies and spams (to the best of guardian’s ability) immobilizes hence the weapon choices.

I was playing around with gear based on what I have in my bank so I don’t have to waste money on new gear. I need help picking up traits that will allow me to keep fury up so I can keep vigor up and cleanse conditions.

When I say group roaming I mean a group of 3 which is why I’m not sure how I feel about AH vs Monk’s Focus or even if I need either of em.

Ideas and suggestions are welcome.

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

Solo/Small Group WvW Hammer/Med build?

in Guardian

Posted by: Arlette.9684


I find that the standart 10/5/30/5/20 works wonders in WvW. As for gear that’s well based on what you value, Generally you’ll want to use the 2k power line as your bar, anything less than that -> you ain’t doing enough damage, more is better. Fury gives you 20% crit chance and you’ll want to burst as hard as possible while you have it up. For me personally the 30-35% crit chance marker works best as past that point I feel like I sacrifice too much sustain and that leaves me with very little room for error. Armor is tricky, I’d say over 2600 and bellow 2900 would be the average you can get without sacrificing too much damage. Crit damage… well I run 85-95% but that’s me desperately peeling double thief off my ele partner, I know people do just fine with 65-75%. Zerker/PvT/Valk mix works wonders. Past that I dare not impose my own gear choices on you.

is going to help you min/max it all without you actually buying the gear and doing trial and error runs.

Also I strongly recommend traveler/speed runes (the first one being the better option but also the more expensive one).

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

Warrior or Guardian???

in Warrior

Posted by: Arlette.9684


For PvE… Guardian, I’m yet to see a Warrior pull off something like what Obal does.

For sPvP it depends on what you want to play and how you want to play it

For WvW it’s a no brainer… Warrior all the way.

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

[PvP] Nerfs needed on every class

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Arlette.9684


Ok, so I lied. Haven’t seen anything that I’d specifically nerf. Maybe I just didn’t run into very many good ones over the past week or so.

That’s prolly because Guardian has been ignored by most patches and has had only cosmetic changes ever since launch, in other words… it’s never been buffed to warrant a nerf.

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

[Warriors] best landspeed, no balance

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Arlette.9684


“The only logical solution is to nerf warrior mobility.”
I don’t see the logic here exactly.
Not the warrior, but another class would be the fastest, overpowered class. Do you consider it a solution?
Seems like you don’t want any balance, you just want to nerf warriors because you hate them, or one of them.

The point is – warrior have too much of everything. It is a joke that a HEAVY armor class is able to escape SO easily and so freely without punishment. If Ride The Lightening deserved to be so heavily nerfed, the same should happen to Rush.

Heavy armor doesn’t do as much as you seem to think it does. Especially in a condition heavy meta like we have now.

Still seems like people aren’t going to be happy until warriors are a free kills again in wvw and pvp and all their damage reduced to nothing in pve. And as slow as a turtle as well.

Because that’s fair.

You mean like Eles?

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

{All Modes} Warrior. Issue of Not Nerfing

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Arlette.9684


As I see it for myself (and this is my personal point of view), I’ll stick around until I see the proposed changes and if I don’t see some changes for the better I’ll be submitting my refund request. I’m sure, I’m not the only one having those sentiments.

Guild Wars 2 got so many things right, and at the same time it fails at some really basic mechanics. Right now Warrior feels like Ret Paladin and UH DK 2 in 1 from the first days of Wrath. I realize it took Blizzard 6 months or so to tone them down, but at least they didn’t buff them more and more in the process. Right now the game is getting to a point where it’s just not fun, and if I can’t get any fun out of the product, I’m returning it and switching “brands”.

I don’t want the classes I play to be overpowered, I just want them to provide equal footing so that when I get killed, I know I got outplayed, had bad positioning, my opponent had better positioning/timing. Instead now I feel like “Oh I just got stun locked to death because I don’t have endless stability and stun breaks”

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

[Warriors] best landspeed, no balance

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Arlette.9684


The problem is removing Warrior mobility is how do you also solve for Warriors keeping other players in melee combat range too? Would you prefer Warriors having hard CC and/or spammable movement impairing conditions on every weapon?

I know my answer. Two sides to the coin.

Guardian doesn’t have soft CC or spammable impairing conditions on any weapon and their mechanics work like RTL. What’s your point? Are you saying they need to give Guardian a spammable impairing conditions on every weapon so they can stick on target?

Guardian have very good GAP CLOSERS on sword and gs. There is a huge diference between landspeed movement and combat movement. There are classes way more efective in combat movement and less efective in landspeed movement (comparing to warrior).

Now there is a class that have the best combat movement and the best (or second best) landscape movement. Cannot remember the class name right now…
Thi… Thi…
Tomorrow i will remember.

You just said it, I took the liberty of highlighting it, gap closers not free ride to Japan and back at light speed. The fact is that Warriors have too many options with their so called “gap closers”, the term itself suggests you will be running TO and not running FROM.

Yes… I´m glad because you get the point.

There is a diference in combat movement and landspeed movement. Warriors have better landspeed and worst combat movement. It would be unbalanced if they had both. But they not. A nerf to landspeed movement will lead to a buff to combat movement.

I’m sorry but those gap closers can be used two ways, Guardian’s gap closers are just that, gap closers. So again what is your point?

Cuz from where I’m looking at it, warriors have good landspeed and good combat movement with the same tools.

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

[Warriors] best landspeed, no balance

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Arlette.9684


The problem is removing Warrior mobility is how do you also solve for Warriors keeping other players in melee combat range too? Would you prefer Warriors having hard CC and/or spammable movement impairing conditions on every weapon?

I know my answer. Two sides to the coin.

Guardian doesn’t have soft CC or spammable impairing conditions on any weapon and their mechanics work like RTL. What’s your point? Are you saying they need to give Guardian a spammable impairing conditions on every weapon so they can stick on target?

Guardian have very good GAP CLOSERS on sword and gs. There is a huge diference between landspeed movement and combat movement. There are classes way more efective in combat movement and less efective in landspeed movement (comparing to warrior).

Now there is a class that have the best combat movement and the best (or second best) landscape movement. Cannot remember the class name right now…
Thi… Thi…
Tomorrow i will remember.

You just said it, I took the liberty of highlighting it, gap closers not free ride to Japan and back at light speed. The fact is that Warriors have too many options with their so called “gap closers”, the term itself suggests you will be running TO and not running FROM.

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

[Warriors] best landspeed, no balance

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Arlette.9684


The problem is removing Warrior mobility is how do you also solve for Warriors keeping other players in melee combat range too? Would you prefer Warriors having hard CC and/or spammable movement impairing conditions on every weapon?

I know my answer. Two sides to the coin.

Guardian doesn’t have soft CC or spammable impairing conditions on any weapon and their mechanics work like RTL. What’s your point? Are you saying they need to give Guardian a spammable impairing conditions on every weapon so they can stick on target?

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

Patch Tomorrow?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Arlette.9684


Don’t know.

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

Warrior: Pin down to 3/4.. any compensation?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Arlette.9684


Freshly baked, I give you decision making in Guild Wars 2


Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

Few general questions about Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Arlette.9684


So in a Engi vs Necro fight it comes down to who blows up who first?

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

To all Gurdians

in Guardian

Posted by: Arlette.9684


at some point he was doing a 3v1, I’m curious how that one will go

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

Few general questions about Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Arlette.9684


Alright I think that settles it then, thanks a million.

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

To all Gurdians

in Guardian

Posted by: Arlette.9684


It’s valid atleast, just went and did it

1st, I laughed real hard when I saw it

2nd, sheer curiousity, how many attempts did you have to make to achieve those 2?

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

[Merged][PvP][Warrior] Healing Signet is Too Powerful

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Arlette.9684


The biggest problem is IMO is actually the active heal. If we reduce the passive without doing something to make the active useful, we are just creating a different problem. Truly the active on this skill right now is in the following place. When I see someone press it I think “No No No don’t do that!” We are discussion some options here so if you want this to be constructive give suggestions towards improving the active. Reducing the passive is easy to do but we will not do it without solving the other problem. Also we will not greatly reduce it because it is giving Warriors a sense of sturdiness that we want their profession to have. Without strong heals, Warriors feel too much like everyone else. Setting them apart with strong heals has been good for changing their playstyle feel, but we agree it needs some tweaks.


Virtues have been said to help balance the guardian; for example, they have a lower base health than the warrior profession but compensate for this with their higher health regeneration granted by Virtue of Resolve.

You guys should update wiki more often! That statement is definitely not true.

Thank you, sir. You just made my day

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

Few general questions about Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Arlette.9684


With the upcoming changes and my dearly beloved guardian being pushed further into the role of support for the zerg, I decided that I’d rather bench him and roll my lvl 20 engineer as a main. My reservations coming mostly from everyone saying that Engis have low condition cleansing and I want to ask, just how low? Also does Engi have any other tools to compensate for that low condition cleanse and mitigate the incoming kitten storm of conditions that the post patch meta is going to turn to?

Thanks in advance for the help.

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

Warrior: Pin down to 3/4.. any compensation?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Arlette.9684


I think ANet should reconsider this and adjust the animation time to 1/2 second first, instead of going all the way to 3/4 second. See how that plays out and work from their.

When they made the skull crack change, it went from 1/4 to 1/2 second animation, and that was for a melee attack where you have even less time to react. Changing pin down to 3/4, and still including the travel time…this will probably never land unless the target is already CCed. For me, this attack already misses more than 50% of the time due mainly to dodging and the ubiquitous “obstructed” message (when the target is 5 feet in front of me…)

Also, from a condi war perspective, do NOT reduce the bleed stacks on this, ever. The hambows only use this skill for the ranged immobilization, so they are eager to give up the bleed stacks if it buys them some other advantage in bargaining. But for the players that use the weapon for the condi damage, pin down is our bread and butter. If anything, increase the bleed stacks, but shorten the duration. 8×8 instead of 6×12 would be good.

Yea, while we’re at it they also need to reconsider nerfing HS by 20% instead of 8% so that it’s actually nerfed (10% dmg drop) and not just labeled as nerfed.

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

Still waiting for response

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Arlette.9684


Still waiting for response regarding a violation of the 1st Amendment, since the servers are in the States, they’re subject to US Law.

I opened 2 tickets and still haven’t gotten a response…

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

(edited by Arlette.9684)

Improving Healing Power & Support Play

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Arlette.9684


As much as I would really love seeing this happen, it won’t. Why?

Because ANet is currently trying to balance the game for all the bloodthirsty, sexually frustrated 15 yr olds so that they’re happy bashing buttons and “lul kill” and then they’ll look at the rest of the game mechanics.

As you can see it’s been a year and a half and everything is still right back where we started.

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

Warrior: Pin down to 3/4.. any compensation?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Arlette.9684


I foresee a “bright” future for Guild Wars 2 once that patch rolls out and everyone realizes that Warrior is still king.

8% Signet nerf, 10% damage nerf… some nerfing that is.

e-sport my kitten

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

How did FA and EB drop a tier exactly?

in WvW

Posted by: Arlette.9684


I actually stopped playing WvW this week because if I go in, I gotta run with the zerg, if not I’ll get killed over and over by “small” 10+ havoc squads that are roaming in an attempt not to get zerged.

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

Warrior nerf hello

in Warrior

Posted by: Arlette.9684


Warrior is the easiest most kitten y class in the game. They’re getting WAY too much passive healing without actually having to actually activate a heal that can be interrupted. Quit crying you got a 8% nerf, I was actually thinking more towards a 50% passive healing nerf.. and make the active actually have a use.

if you dont have anything to contribute then get out of this forum. Pin down is going to be giant joke with every one being able to dodge it.

Isn’t that true for all skills like that? O.o

Why so mad brah?

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

[Merged][PvP][Warrior] Healing Signet is Too Powerful

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Arlette.9684


I think I have probably deviated from the point a bit at this time, but overall the problem is not necessarily warriors, but the battlefield that is unfair to everyone else. So rather than make warriors into the previous husks that they were in PvP much like everyone else, wouldn’t it be better if other professions had more capabilities to handle conditions, or at least more viable builds in PvP?

It’s easier for ANet to nerf 1 class than buff 7 others. ANet likes simple, makes them work less.

It’s not the right solution. Simple does not always make it right, you can’t make chess into checkers and expect things to play the same.

Tell that to them

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

[Merged][PvP][Warrior] Healing Signet is Too Powerful

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Arlette.9684


I think I have probably deviated from the point a bit at this time, but overall the problem is not necessarily warriors, but the battlefield that is unfair to everyone else. So rather than make warriors into the previous husks that they were in PvP much like everyone else, wouldn’t it be better if other professions had more capabilities to handle conditions, or at least more viable builds in PvP?

It’s easier for ANet to nerf 1 class than buff 7 others. ANet likes simple, makes them work less.

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

engineer's conditions

in Engineer

Posted by: Arlette.9684


I have been playing for quite some time… And never even herd of this kind of “hacking”

Also I’m a server admin (RL jobs… Ugh) and I can tell you that while it’s not impossible to hack into antes servers, it would be quite a feat to find your data and change just that. Also there would be no “reporting” needed as Anet would be instantly aware of any changes made to server side data by a 3rd party.

Exploits are one thing, hacking is so improbable that it borders on impossible. It’s not hacking there’s absolutely no argument there, sorry.

It may be an exploit, that is true. Calling something a “Hack” just happens to be a general MMO term. Either way, if you haven’t hear of this, you must not read the “game bugs” or “general forums” sections at all, because there have been threads all over those sections for weeks. I read about it for quit some time before it evened happened to me. There are video links of it occuring posted in various locations as well.

“Creative Use of Game Mechanics”

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

[Merged][PvP][Warrior] Healing Signet is Too Powerful

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Arlette.9684


Here’s 3 reasons to play anything other than a Warrior:

1. You take sadistic pleasure in being molested on a daily basis by warriors of various specs and builds

2. You would rather be benched on a treb/cata/guarding a node/pretending to make a difference by healing your team while Warriors do the killing/get all the action/assault nodes

3. You’re an idealist that thinks if they get better they’ll eventually be able to defeat Warriors.

The fact is…

Warrior = sadist
Everyone else = masochists

Troll away… uuum I mean respond in a constructive way

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

engineer's conditions

in Engineer

Posted by: Arlette.9684


I wanted to make a separate thread about this but I couldn’t (gotta love forum moderators and their ways of punishment for whatever reason first pops in their mind), so I’m posting here. With the upcoming changes and my dearly beloved guardian being pushed further into the role of support for the zerg, I decided that I’d rather bench him and roll my lvl 20 engineer as a main. My reservations coming mostly from everyone saying that Engis have low condition cleansing and I want to ask, just how low? Also does Engi have any other tools to compensate for that low condition cleanse and mitigate the incoming kitten storm of conditions that the post patch meta is going to turn to?

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

Celestial Gear, Discuss!(WvW)

in Guardian

Posted by: Arlette.9684


With the upcoming changes and I dread even thinking it but “Guardian being left with 1 role in WvW, that of a support/healer” Celestial is hardly going to be on par with what’s going to be needed.

I spent 2 hours y-day compiling a vulnerability/might stacking/damage modifier build that relies on crit damage as little as possible without sacrificing the ever so needed condi cleanse and… after running my math I came up 4-700 damage short and the higher the initial skill damage the higher the difference, I’m sure that if I run my numbers for WW it will be nothing short of a 1k dmg loss. In other words, it won’t work.

On the upside the even heavier condi meta will make Inner Fire give 100% uptime on fury in pvp.

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

(edited by Arlette.9684)

Gonna support my team

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arlette.9684


I’m going to corpse camp keeps to let my team know when it’s safe to attack, and where all the siege is. Rotating camera is our best trait.

Need that gate repaired? No worries. I can max out swiftness in my spec for running back and forth from camps!

Out of supply traps? No worries, because every elementalist knows to get burning oil mastery first, and hop off to do swirling winds/ heal up for this highly neglected piece of siege.

Do you need a tower trebbed from the third floor of stonemist for 8 straight hours? I’m there! I won’t even be botting because I’ve adapted to this. I’m still playing an elementalist after all!

Don’t worry, I won’t go to the laser with Tornado off CD.
I will indeed fire that cannon, and pick up every single spawn of hero’s potion.
They killed our treb? Allow me to run the repair for it to be back up. I will even sit on it all game!
You’re being attacked? Don’t worry, I’ll show up and immediately, everyone will stop targeting you.

You sir, deserve to be in the Hall of Fame, I don’t play Ele but I approve of this message.

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

Warrior: Pin down to 3/4.. any compensation?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Arlette.9684


Oh those warrior tears are so delicious… mmmmmm

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

What I Learned from the livestream

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Arlette.9684


i thought mesmers were supposed to be duelists not supports.these guys are nerfing dueling traits. necros were supposed to have main dmg from conditions, these guys they nerf conditions, engineers were supposed to be power condis relied on turrents, these guys nerf turrents. warrior were supposed to be a strong class that can tank, these guys made them OP and hey are both tanky and make massive dmg and cc. i dont like complaining but this must be the worst balance update by far. if they keep this way class balance will be for me the reason to look for other mmo

But hey you’re at least getting an upgraded useless heal for your Guardian!

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

Thoughts on the upcoming balance patch...

in Guardian

Posted by: Arlette.9684


Post the source for these changes?

i’m sure it’s in the highlights already if not go to past broadcasts and play the most recent one.

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

[Guardian] @ ANet, WHY?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Arlette.9684


Why do you guys keep slapping us with unnecessary changes that have close to no impact on our game play patch, after patch, after patch.

on the Dec patch “We want to promote more build diversity for Guardians so we buffed this, this and this”. A month after the patch the mainstream builds haven’t changed one bit with the exception that we’re all now running 6-9 condition cleanses at all times thanks to the even stronger condi meta.

Obviously the buffs from your previous patch weren’t directed properly or weren’t enough to give a viable reason to consider either of those traits over what has already been proven to work.

Same thing with this one, if a 1/4 second lower cast time on a heal that a large portion of the Guardians outright scratched off as useless compared to Shelter and a buff to our Support heal to compensate for the loss of dodge heals are the only things worth to be Highlighted in a Preview patch then why do you even bother changing anything, just say “Guardian stays the same, again”

The fact that the class was balanced a year ago doesn’t mean it doesn’t need changes now that the meta has evolved and in the light of changes to other classes.

I know that this will all probably fall on deaf ears as the Dev Team has continuously proven that they can’t be bothered with the class and they’re perfectly happy with them filling just the role of the support profession.

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

Thoughts on the upcoming balance patch...

in Guardian

Posted by: Arlette.9684


Post your thoughts on the upcoming changes for the Guardians (at least the ones that were mentioned).

Personally I can describe them with one word, not needed. We get our useless heal to be not so useless in group situations, in other words we’re getting more support healing while losing some Selfless Daring heals (for those that were running support Guardian), due to internal CD on Vigor proc.

That was the whole highlight of the changes coming to our class, that and the 10% overall dps nerf for crit damage users.

Oh and let’s not forget a 1/4 second lower cast time on the next to worthless meditation skill (compared to Shelter).

I find this troubling because, Guardian was already a must have in wvw for his support. It was probably the only aspect of the gameplay that didn’t need any changes and yet they change exactly that. The fact that they chose that as their highlight tells me that there was nothing else note worthy to mention. So in a sense we get another patch of cosmetic changes just so they can pat themselves on the back and say “We’re adding stuff to the Guardian class as well.”

Nothing has been said about the pressing issues of mobility, escape mechanics, Soft/Hard CC, scepter speed.

It just feels like this balance patch will pass by the Guardian class once again.

Your thoughts and feelings on the upcoming balance patch?

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

WvW guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Arlette.9684


Arlette, I think that video is more for PvP and not WvW. Maybe I am wrong.

When you say WvW do you mean running with the zerg or roaming? cuz if it’s the first then yes… it’s not pvp.

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

WvW guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Arlette.9684


Don’t know how much this will help you but he’s covering some basic ideas on how to dps as a guardian. Either way I like it far better than the alternative (that being someone getting excited over 400 condition damage).

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain


in PvP

Posted by: Arlette.9684


Really good tips from Locuz.

I just want to add, that currently the warrior is considered as one of the strongest professions out there.

If you want to see how it all looks at the competitive level maybe take a look at the latest ESL matches on Blues Channel

On Jebros YouTube Channel ( ) you can find “GW2: Jebro’s Warrior DPS Hammer/Longbow build” this will help you getting started with a common good build for your warrior.

If you have problems against a specific profession, try to play it too. This will give you a lot of insight.

of course you just couldn’t help but point him at the Cheese Build right off the bat.

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

(Balance) Developer Livestream on Friday at 2pm PST

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Arlette.9684


I for one would be happy with toning down the raw burst in favor of some more sustained damage and possibly not so zergy meta. But in order for them to achieve that they also need to tone down condition damage by just as much to match the overall damage decrease.

No more 2 shot I puwn you nubz lawl is a good thing in the long run.

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

[Merged][PvP][Warrior] Healing Signet is Too Powerful

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Arlette.9684


80 Warrior here. Healing Signet is bananas; it’s a crutch and it leads me to play counterintuitively.

Sadly your compadres and Jon Peters (the Chuck Norris of all Warriors) disagrees with you. If anything Healing Signet needs to be buffed if you ask them.

For some reason that just popped in my head and felt like sharing it.

Obviously the guy on the receiving end is the non warrior community


Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

(edited by Arlette.9684)

(Balance) Developer Livestream on Friday at 2pm PST

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Arlette.9684


Just my 2¢ 2 weeks too late, but on the matter of crit damage I agree with it’s total annihilation. It should be sacrificed on the alter of inequity for a new stat, perhaps Resilience. This stat could be made to mitigate the effects of conditions either in a duration reduction aspect or damage inflicted aspect pertaining to the particular conditions being mitigated.

Simultaneously, they should murder condition duration stat, and add Infliction. This is the direct counter stat to Resilience, increasing duration and inflicting “condition critical chance.”

Make critical damage a 100% across the board efficient and call it a day. Oh yeah, Infliction and Resilience would be armor stats as well, so good luck being a critical conditionmancer and bunker simultaneously.

What do you think?

Sure and then we can open a 2v2, 3v3 bracket (we already have a 5v5 kinda) and call it arena, and players can fight for rating on the ladder board and Gladiator titles… oh wait, somebody already did that!

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

WvW guardian gear question

in Guardian

Posted by: Arlette.9684


for pure roaming purposes, speed or traveler (the later being better).

As for gearing, it all depends on how you feel like playing and how good you are at mitigating damage.

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

Can you...

in Guardian

Posted by: Arlette.9684


Scepter definitely not my cup of tea. I’d rather go with sword.

My question being what’s the benefit of having the torch with the mace instead of the scepter (in my case sword) and same question for focus?

I guess I should’ve mentioned I don’t do sPvP almost at all anymore (loads of frustration) and while I find the scepter to be awesome when the target is confined in that small area on the point. It feels lacking in the vast openness that is the life of a wvw roamer.

Edit: Nevermind, half an hour with the sparring NPCs proved that it doesn’t quite work as I would’ve wanted to. Unless the stars align and Jon Peters is whispering in my ear for courage.

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

(edited by Arlette.9684)