My moves are fresh, like my groceries.
Shame on you Pryan, got killed by a ranger one of the best rangers I’ve ever fought. I was spec’d slightly off for small mans or 1 on 1 but the first fight I had snow lep and Judges. The second fight must of been 10 min or more.
Don’t forget you died too lemmy!
NOPE represent, That particular ranger is a boss. Glad he is on our side.
Commander functionality is much more of a problem than population imbalances imo. Populations shift and this can cause imbalances but players can fix that. there is almost nothing players can do to fix the weakness of squads and commander tag tools.
So Kiel supporters…
How does it feel to have supported the Scarlet fractal?I’m enjoying it. I really enjoy the final boss fight too. Good stuff, thanks for asking.
Keep voting for more scarlet content, i am certain it will be a blast.
How has everyone’s league experience been and should we have a season 2?
For me personally, I did not like season 1 and will likely not return to WvW at all after this season ends. This is an opinion and I understand it could have been very fun for some people. I am just wondering what everyone’s opinions are and if there are enjoyability trends in higher ranked servers vs. lower.
State your server + league, if you enjoyed leagues, and if we should have another season:
Server: TC
League: Gold
Enjoyed Season 1: No
Should we have season 2?: No, never again.
Server: TC
League: Gold
Enjoyed Season 1: Yes
Should we have season 2?: Absolutely
I have complete sets of ascended gear for WvW and PvE. My primary concern with the WvW infusions was the guard components
so i guess i’m just left to delete my pve ascended gear. GG anet
Why? Do you not plan on ever going back to Fractals?
The change to ascended gear means that my infused pieces now have an AR slot and a stat slot meaning my now redundant set of non infused gear is more or less useless and takes up space.
My tag says it all. short-sightedness on the behalf of human loving mary-sue championing players set this patch up for failure and now it’s coming to roost. I certainly won’t be departing from my schedule to experience this fractal that brings literally nothing to the table.
I have complete sets of ascended gear for WvW and PvE. My primary concern with the WvW infusions was the guard components
so i guess i’m just left to delete my pve ascended gear. GG anet
started to reply to a few folk talking down to SoR. even posted one, but deleted it. i apologize if anyone happened to catch it. can’t help but feel attacked personally when throw dirt in your face. time and time again, i can’t stress this enough.. yes there is competition, yes, there is rivalry.. but personal attacks are never, ever called for. we all reside on our own servers, because we love them. because we feel we belong. because we have a place to call home in this game. why feel the need to attack that?
so here’s a heartfelt salute to all those who have always remained respectful and know how to have fun (and put up more than amazing fights!)
please spread that mantra around SoR it’d be good for us all
So i have two of multiple ascended necks and rings and trinkets because i needed agony resistance for fractals and WvW infusions for WvW. Am i just going to end up having a set of ascended items i will need to delete because they will be bound to a character who no longer needs them?
Bro, try to understand. They had training week going on last week. This week they are in a beta. Next week, they have IRL responsibilities unlike us non-lifers who play GW2 24hours a day.
Why are you trolling a thread for a match you;re not involved in? BG have come out with excuses when they’ve lost you know.
Because most of BG is bored atm, also doing a PvF GvG with mag roamers is enough to do your head in. Meh, SoR is going through a rough patch that I hope that improves after leagues as some guilds are restructuring and rebuilding, while some will be coming back to the game in the coming months (i.e. TSYM). SoR isn’t as dead as people like to make out, its just that in its current stage it appears most of thier core is playing ESO. Thanks to the guys who come out every night regardless of score.
Weekend for eso ended midnight eastern time today so they should be back, but i’m sure we’ll here another excuse.
Please continue to make excuses. SoR has never been graceful or modest in giving advice, winning, or losing. May as well go out with the only thing attributable to your name- consistency.
Please stop generalizing singular people’s posts as the representation on one server. SoR isn’t one person. There’re plenty of people that have respect and like for BG/JQ (and when TC has numbers) for actually making WvWvW interesting and not the blowouts or PvD’s that have happened on the mid to lower tiers.
If SoR rebounds, awesome. If not, then what? JQ vs BG, and….it becomes a 2 server match.
I am not, the attitude of which i speak has been pervasive throughout their server community and rears it’s ugly head consistently. In the past 11 months it hasn’t proven incorrect and judging from the tone of the response made by who i quoted it is still alive and strong.
So are things are as bad as they look for SoR (TW disbanded, IRON left, behind TC in score), or is this just blatant 2v1 when they are having a bad week?
TW didn’t disband. Lost some members and are not playing every night like they used to. Tbh I couldn’t care less about being behind TC. We went months and months being outmanned during ocx/sea/eu. It’s nothing new.
I just hope finally the T1 servers stop with the “arms race” and try to even out the other Tiers before season 2 starts.
Maybe it’s just bad wording, but you are talking like a T2 server there.
TC is weaker than they’ve been in months, SoR must be looking a lot different these days if they can’t catch up.
Morale is really low on SoR right now. BG faced a similar problem just before leagues begun and that’s why everyone thought BG were the underdogs.
I wouldn’t really say it’s a morale issue. People are just leaving the game altogether due to boredom and the lack of caring for this game mode by ANet. One can only do the same thing night in and night out for so long until it starts to become a chore.
I played a terrible game this last weekend that I can’t name due to an NDA. That just shows the desperation that many are starting to come to on this game.
Burl is spot on, it’s boredom.
WvW is really boring. It’s easy to look past it’s flaws when you’re winning because the fun is in winning. But once you look at it from the perspective of a server that’s outnumbered on every map almost every hour of the day, it’s really kittening lame.
You either turtle in your towers with 25 arrow carts or you die over and over again. Neither one of those options is even remotely fun.
I used to always complain about TC turtling/no showing versus us but now I understand. Let me apologize to every TC player I’ve ever talked kitten to, you were just doing what you had to.
Honestly, I’d rather bang my head against a wall than play against BG or JQ at least that way I wouldn’t be so bored.
Sounds like you could use a vacation to a lower tier server to see it from another perspective. If the only reason you play WvW is to win at the end of the week, you’re missing out on why people on losing servers keep playing.
Have you seen SoR’s record? It’s not a case of playing to win, its a case of WvW has become stale for many of our guilds/rallians, our community is slowly moving on to other things. At the end of the day, regardless of trolls beliefs, our community as a whole is looking to start on a new game. Just this past weekend our community played the same faction on the unmentionable game to test it’s viability. It has been a great run from our guilds/rallians, but the fact remains that our little community is starting to move on to new things, thus the scoreboard.
Please continue to make excuses. SoR has never been graceful or modest in giving advice, winning, or losing. May as well go out with the only thing attributable to your name- consistency.
So are things are as bad as they look for SoR (TW disbanded, IRON left, behind TC in score), or is this just blatant 2v1 when they are having a bad week?
TW didn’t disband. Lost some members and are not playing every night like they used to. Tbh I couldn’t care less about being behind TC. We went months and months being outmanned during ocx/sea/eu. It’s nothing new.
I just hope finally the T1 servers stop with the “arms race” and try to even out the other Tiers before season 2 starts.
Oh so now that you’ve lost people you hope that everyone will stop the T1 arms face. This makes me laugh to no end. I suppose when SoR was blobbing and stripping guilds from everywhere it could that it was justified.
Seems only fair no?….
I mean why would I leave a legendary just lying around on the ground?
Sure seems fine i could use some extra gear
That tower is known to have a bugged capture ring.
Not sure about EU, but in NA all ANet has to do is reduce the map cap to 40 or 50, and T1 will crumble under the weight of their server stacking, and the players will spread out.
The only people opposed to the reduced map cap, are of course, the T1 band wagon stackers.
Will they do it? Probably not, ANet devs play on the T1 stacked servers.
Then again once they make the “overflow map” maybe they will reduce the EB and Borderland map caps….. who am I kidding that will never happen.
There also devs in T2 and T4 and T5, your point?
Also T2 and T3 would be quite upset if the map cap was say 40 because you’d basically be telling us we can only let 3-5 guilds play at a time
Some pretty amazing fights and lootbags out in JQ BL tonight
Thanks for the fights HzH, SF, NOPE, ESP, etc
I wouldn’t call any of the fights on JQ bl tonight amazing, not much challenge or fun omniblobbing .
Hey TC,
I forgot to post a thanks to the Coast for all the fun I had a couple weeks ago when I xfered over to TC for some margaritas and some “ERP.” (I am trying to bring the ERP to the Dee Ee Are Pee that is JQ.)
I could imagine it was kinda weird to have an [SG] especially the GM just pop up randomly and start hanging out. Thanks for letting me in voice coms/mumble and making my game vacation very enjoyable. Special thanks to the [NOPE] crew for letting me run with them a couple days, I learned some nasty new tricks! RuvTC!
So much NOPE love <3
Was fun having you around Mance, we will enjoy dancing our dance with you on the battlefield this week.
A match-up thread with Mag that only hit 6 pages? Good job on the 2v1 PvF this week SoR and TC, we did it!
Best part of being a Toaster, i get competitive play without all this T1 drama. Cheers and a preemptive congratulations to BG.
They already have moved from this stance. Changes were made to WvW in Tower of Nightmares and changes are being made in Fractured
Jayne is correct, we do want to address this. It’s mostly a matter of having a more reliable system that lets us track when people are doing this things in order to reward them. Currently we are not able to track that well, if at all. Which means we can’t assign rewards to them. We absolutely believe that defending and scouting are critical to success in WvW and want to be doing more to reward them accordingly.
What efforts are you making to improve rewards for defenders and scouts?
So i am not sure if this is an original idea or even a good one but i figured it would be worth at least discussing.
Change P #1 to apply 1 stack of 3s Vuln per shot
Change P #2 to apply 5 stacks of 4s Bleed per shot
What this change would do is it would keep condition viability of p/x but slightly reduce it’s bleed effectiveness while increasing p/p raw damage output and adding more synergy with p/p #3 unload.
I suppose this begs the discussion of whether or not p should be a more condition or power based weapon, but what do you think of the idea as is? Do you feel it has merit or could be effective?
read the December 10 patch notes, much of the thief perma stealth ability if getting nerfed through nerfing there initiative regain
Actually, as pointed out by a dev in their forum, due to the overall initiative regain being upped, the slight nerf to the trait will have little to no effect.
I think stealth is actually pretty balanced. Like others have noted, it’s only true value is shown when escaping. I have no issue predicting and killing a thief on multiple classes when stealth is used offensively.
The one thing I would alter, is that when a stealth player is hit by a melee attack, their cloaked form (the invisible man) is shown for a brief instant. The same form you see when grouped with them/pve.
This would make sense, seeing as when you connect with a melee attack, you would feel the impact/resistance on the person.
My 2 copper~
Take a moment to crunch the numbers and you will realize that the nerf to the trait isn’t slight, that it will affect the d/p playstyle, and that in general this change will remove perma-stealth build due to a lack of efficiency.
Hi Charak,
You have a interesting complaint. If you would use your link and take a look at the SoR/BG/Mag match, as you can tell BG is winning, at times ticking 300-400+ most the match. While mag doesn’t have the population to win, Mags guilds and players are out there fighting hard. Just a few moments before this post, Mag had BG pushed back to Vally in EBG (while our map is queued)
Your problem is expecting you can win the PPT game, with out coverage, you can not. You bring up balance? Both Anet and any WvW player will tell you, WvW is not balanced and won’t be any time soon. It’s up to you to make it fun, you say you’re a commander? Rally 20-30 regular people, train them, get better together. Get out there and fight, drop the “we can win the match” mentality because its (As SpehssMehreen said) a defeatist attitude.
Good luck
Says the player on the dominating server……….I really think its kinda disgusting that people tell others to enjoy a game they cannot win. For me its a has to be balance between effort and rewards……playing for fights but getting overwhelmed at every turn is NOT my idea of enjoyment, especially since those OP servers are getting more rewards for less effort.
Really the devs should take a stance and face this problem before the competition comes out or they will lose many players who feel they have been ignored and spitted on with this lack of empathy.
To all those players who feel playing a game when you have NO chance of winning is fun, don’t demean those vocal enough to say something is wrong with the game mode. Games are meant to be competitive where each match should not be determined before-hand and that would be the fun factor that most of us are looking for.
My server has one of the toughest schedules for the season. We are up against at least 1 T1 server 5 out of 7 weeks. We have no chance to win those matches and will not be in the top 3 when all is said and done, but we are still having fun. Forget about the overall PPT and look at individual fights. We are going to come in 4th. This has been known since they released the schedule. No golden Dolyak for us (but we have Handin
Skill doesn’t determine who wins or loses, it’s coverage. There is a thread about population imbalance going so at least Anet is acknowledging there is a problem and accepting ideas on how to address it. For now, just have fun, win the fights you can, and shrug off the ones you can’t. It’s all we can do at this point.
This, just enjoy the fights, attitude is rotten. I can play with my guild and have all the fun in the world but what are population imbalances doing to the servers? The pugs and militia? The morale and tone of the game mode?
As long as these huge population balances exist WvW will in general become less and less competitive. And that is a problem.
All i see from a lot of posters is poor attempts to denigrate my guilds and our sister guilds on TC. If you think you’re so good, please come out and fight us. We have people rolling out there almost every night, some raids, some roaming, some havocking.
Step up. I want to see what you can do. We won’t be scared away. You rock us? Good on you, bad on us- but we will win in the end. We on TC are hard-headed. TC at its core won’t give up, can you say the same?
Excellent work, thank you so much.
I said it in he other thread but this trait has to get hit hard because it is breaking the profession. We need to push the effectiveness of this trait into base thief functionality. If any other profession had a trait that reduced weapon cooldown by 30% for all weapons as a 15 point minor we would have to balance around that. A single trait shouldn’t be holding thief balance hostage so we will steal from this trait, no pun intended, and impart the savings on to every build via base initiative regeneration.
This response shows a profound lack of understanding of how thieves work and of the concerns of the class at large.
Tarnished Coast- Garnished Toast
I know flipping camp is one.
Reporting enemy activity is one.
Anything else??What after I flipped some camp and don’t see enemy? Should I join the zerg then?
Also, what should I report and what shouldn’t? Should I report everytime I see enemy zerg?
Currently soloing but I intend to lead my guildies with me when I get familiar with the system.
A lot of questions, but please help this newbie.
Back cap
instigate and disrupt enemy movements trying to slow their reinforcement of larger groups
flipping caps
killing dolyaks
flipping ruins
See handins post. Not everyone in NOPE likes/wants to do GvG. We couldent grab enough members who wanted to do it even if we tried. Find another guild to bug.
I don’t do gvg, I just think you’re making excuses to avoid fighting.
We have been figured out!!! Drats, whatever will we do now.
It has a lot to with a bad attitude. This thread has been plagued with mag pitching a fit because we are not going out of our way to set up a GvG for them. Why should we bother playing with someone from another server who has to have everything their way? You want to fight? We’ll do it when we can, but we aren’t bending over backwards for some egotistical, whining, kittens.
It’s most likely not going out of your way to set up a gvg. You raid during the week, correct? Grab 15 of those people and do a gvg at the start of it.
Taking the ‘high road’ with “why should we bother playing with someone from another server who has to have everything their way?” really? You’re just being childish now. Every guild that sets up GvG’s on mag does so with the utmost respect for the other guild, weather we win or lose. Yes we bug people for GvG’s, because how often have we faced JQ? We only have so long to set up GvG’s.
There is a difference between being persistent and being kittens and Mag has nor recognition of that the line that divides them.
I’d also like to point out that NOPE has run with 40 people max this week (without other guilds). 25 people being in mumble, and the rest being 100% militia.
You want to know something? Other than reset night I havent seen any mag. We were on JQBL and the only mag we saw were taking our stuff instead of a free T3 hills while we pushed into garrison all night.
I’m pretty sure most of the replies to me and asudem are just trolls, though, so I’m not sure why I bother.Sorry we don’t have 24 hour coverage? Maybe transfer to a server facing your server, since they are apparently the bomb diggity. Oh wait, that would mean you have to fight outnumbered.
Bummer, there’s always fights for me when I log in.
We get plenty of that fighting JQ/SoR/ and BG.
Understandable, but now that the shoe is on the other foot, you can complain? Seems like a double standard to me.
Not entirely sure how. I’m personally not complaining and the comment you quoted seems to refer to the fact that mag wasn’t out for fights but rather to back cap.
I’d also like to point out that NOPE has run with 40 people max this week (without other guilds). 25 people being in mumble, and the rest being 100% militia.
You want to know something? Other than reset night I havent seen any mag. We were on JQBL and the only mag we saw were taking our stuff instead of a free T3 hills while we pushed into garrison all night.
I’m pretty sure most of the replies to me and asudem are just trolls, though, so I’m not sure why I bother.Sorry we don’t have 24 hour coverage? Maybe transfer to a server facing your server, since they are apparently the bomb diggity. Oh wait, that would mean you have to fight outnumbered.
Bummer, there’s always fights for me when I log in.
We get plenty of that fighting JQ/SoR/ and BG.
We’re out every night this coming week.
Why you no GvG den?
Because we don’t have a GvG comp and don’t want to take up training nights and raiding to GvG at this time?
A word to anyone who does care to fight us because we do intend to GvG when we can make the time to organize it, those who are rude and carry a “GvG me bro” attitude will never GvG us. If you want to fight us fine, but if you stamp your feet and act like spoiled children we won’t give you our time.
I seem to remember NOPE saying this exact same thing the last time we fought JQ outside of Seasons. What was that, almost 1.5mo ago?
Your point? It hasn’t been worked on- that’s the fact of the matter. We still want to get to it but it is not the end all be all of what we want to do as a guild.
It’s not that it is a privilege; there just is zero reason for us to waste our time on opponents who behave as i outlined above.
It has a lot to with a bad attitude. This thread has been plagued with mag pitching a fit because we are not going out of our way to set up a GvG for them. Why should we bother playing with someone from another server who has to have everything their way? You want to fight? We’ll do it when we can, but we aren’t bending over backwards for some egotistical, whining, kittens.
We’re out every night this coming week.
Why you no GvG den?
Because we don’t have a GvG comp and don’t want to take up training nights and raiding to GvG at this time?
A word to anyone who does care to fight us because we do intend to GvG when we can make the time to organize it, those who are rude and carry a “GvG me bro” attitude will never GvG us. If you want to fight us fine, but if you stamp your feet and act like spoiled children we won’t give you our time.
All those events and you couldn’t set up a little date with us?
Afraid not, believe it or not we don’t exist for your entertainment. Maybe once we iron out GvG specific groups we will make more time for other guilds, but until then we give each other our time; no one else.
Heard NOPE has guild missions every day this week.
Cute, try harder i expect more from Mag.
Thanks brah
Mag #1 ____ wait ….they aren’t #1 anything.
Spies? Really? That’s rich.
Mag crashed my guild- it’s a conspiracy.
/tin-foil hat
Luckily TCers are not so shallow as to bribed by chili. Cookies on the other hand…..
It will not be 250g or 3 ascended armor/weapons. I am betting that it will contain among others things at least 1 jug of liquid wxp.
As a thief commander i would say it is a lot easier on my group for me to lead confrontations as my guardian.
To be honest BG and SoR, you both have great organiced guilds, but both of you tuck tail and run, seriously, time and time again i see militia from TC run in bad odds, getting slougthered, they reform and try again, the moment we get numbers, both of you run, so yea, shut up and start dying !… This said your both better then us, so thanks for the great fights !
We don’t usually run from fights, if we do it’s to disengage and defend an objective. I know defending is still a new concept for some of the lower tiers so I won’t hold it against you for not knowing.
It amazes me how few people understand this. No, our 100 man zerg is not running from your 5 man party, you’re just not worth killing currently.
Cool so SoR players should stop telling others not to run; i think we’re done here.
To be honest BG and SoR, you both have great organiced guilds, but both of you tuck tail and run, seriously, time and time again i see militia from TC run in bad odds, getting slougthered, they reform and try again, the moment we get numbers, both of you run, so yea, shut up and start dying !… This said your both better then us, so thanks for the great fights !
Everyone runs at times dude, TC included.
Question is the frequency of the retreats.
Speaking for T2, we only seek to be balanced with each other.
The human nature to stack for an easier victory is too prevalent and no one has the stomach for that level of an arms race outside Tier 1.This is a very nice sentiment that has been promoted for a long time (mostly by Blackgate, Cheers!) but unless someone wants to be the first to dive into the water???
Could you get enough folks to do it without destabilizing the current T1 situation?
T1 is so unstable that every guild transfer (outside of NA) results in a massive swing in fortunes.
MERC (or just some of them) transfer to JQ and suddenly #3 is number 1. ZDs goes to BG and suddenly #3 is #1 and everyone is saying how JQ needs EU even though even a modest sized guild would throw the math off again.
How do you prevent a stackwagon and prevent a server implosion if it should dip to #4 for a week or two?
Here’s your problems on the tier 2 side:
TC:massive fairweather population, queues are rough and they have lost a lot of their WvW focused strength outside of CERN and PINK
SoS: Anemic NA, but if it’s NA becomes strong it will start crawling upwards in rating. Plus we don’t really have a burning desire to be T1 again (unless the nature of T1 were to change drastically).
Maguuma: The addition of OCX/SEA guilds would help them, but then they’d have to redefine themselves (can’t say you don’t PPT when you tick over 300) and there would be massive infighting between roamers and blobbers.
Fort Aspenwood:I have no idea what their problem is, but I hear there are a lot of politics
SBI: Too many lower tier transfers, won’t be ready for primetime for a while.Speaking for T2 i want as many good fights with as many servers as possible instead of this ridiculous feast or famine.
TC’s “feast” of course constituting any given week they do not face a t1 server. I wonder if this contempt for more populous servers inverts itself into self loathing in that scenario…
For many of us it does. For the fairweathers it does not.
Speaking for T2, we only seek to be balanced with each other.
The human nature to stack for an easier victory is too prevalent and no one has the stomach for that level of an arms race outside Tier 1.This is a very nice sentiment that has been promoted for a long time (mostly by Blackgate, Cheers!) but unless someone wants to be the first to dive into the water???
Could you get enough folks to do it without destabilizing the current T1 situation?
T1 is so unstable that every guild transfer (outside of NA) results in a massive swing in fortunes.
MERC (or just some of them) transfer to JQ and suddenly #3 is number 1. ZDs goes to BG and suddenly #3 is #1 and everyone is saying how JQ needs EU even though even a modest sized guild would throw the math off again.
How do you prevent a stackwagon and prevent a server implosion if it should dip to #4 for a week or two?
Here’s your problems on the tier 2 side:
TC:massive fairweather population, queues are rough and they have lost a lot of their WvW focused strength outside of CERN and PINK
SoS: Anemic NA, but if it’s NA becomes strong it will start crawling upwards in rating. Plus we don’t really have a burning desire to be T1 again (unless the nature of T1 were to change drastically).
Maguuma: The addition of OCX/SEA guilds would help them, but then they’d have to redefine themselves (can’t say you don’t PPT when you tick over 300) and there would be massive infighting between roamers and blobbers.
Fort Aspenwood:I have no idea what their problem is, but I hear there are a lot of politics
SBI: Too many lower tier transfers, won’t be ready for primetime for a while.
Speaking for T2 i want as many good fights with as many servers as possible instead of this ridiculous feast or famine.
Anet i know you can’t see this but i am throwing money at my screen. I hope there is some implementation issue with them that they are resolving and that we will see them soon.
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