Sorrows Furnace
Sorrows Furnace
I spent a lot of time sitting next to the frog in the guild hall in GW1, one of the halls also had a large tortoise. Here I would love to see otters. There are so many animals in the GW2 world that I would like to see in the halls.
Sorrows Furnace
I would love to see a glider skin that is a Super Hero cape. Especially if the symbol on the cape could be my guild emblem. But yeah… I want to fly like Superman
Sorrows Furnace
With the infinitely repeatable renown hearts I am having a problem locating which hearts I need to complete for map clear. If I don’t clear all of the Hearts on a map before daily reset then they all go back to having the same “empty” icon. I will gladly admit that I hate doing renown hearts and never want to do one more than once.
So… Could one of you gurus come up with a way to show me which hearts I still need to complete in a map as character based information?
Sorrows Furnace
I would love to see them implement reward tracks in PvE
Sorrows Furnace
But a huge part of the fun of the new legendaries is the journey? This isn’t a solution, its a band-aid.
True, but the cut they have made is hemorrhaging players; it needs a band-aid.
Hopefully they can make a full fix at some point in the same way that they added crafting for the first set of weapons. In the meantime it is better to be able to create a new legandary weapon via the old method of mystic forge/crafting than to have to do without completely.
I’d rather see the new weapons via the old system than never see the new weapons.
Sorrows Furnace
Playable content is more important to me than legendary skins/collections.
But, with that said, I would think a team of 6 working for over 6 months could come up with more than one skin/collection. It’s true that I don’t know the process, but it certainly doesn’t seem like it would take that long. Actually, legendary weapons mean nothing to me — but things that are touted in advertising when asking customers to prepurchase should be delivered. “Small groups at regular intervals” gave a helluva lot of wiggle room.
I doubt that I could be convinced to pre-purchase a second time. And yet the living story is far more likely to cause me to purchase the next expansion than legendary weapons are. All-in-all I think it’s a good choice if only one of the two things could happen; I just don’t think the choice should have ever needed to be made.
Sorrows Furnace
I came in to voice support for Koss, but Gwen…
Something like that.
Sorrows Furnace
I’m starving too. There just isn’t anything to keep me logging in. I’ve enjoyed HoT content, and I’m not complaining about it, but there are only so many times I can go through Dragon Stand before I decide to log off and search for another game.
I didn’t farm masteries as far as using boosters and grinding experience but all of my masteries are full now nonetheless. I’ve done all of the map metas and legendaries hold no interest. Gliding in core Tyria is great, but it isn’t content.
I generally only play one game at a time and I’ve given the last 13 years (and a whole lotta dollars) to Guild Wars. I’d like nothing better than to see some new content that will make me happy to continue on in Tyria, but if something doesn’t happen fairly quickly I’m going to wander away.
Sorrows Furnace
Go look at this awesome Asura-style glider and then-
Please go hire this person.
I absolutely love this asura glider and backpack (although I do agree with the artist that the halo is a little much)
Perhaps a glider design contest like the weapon design contest from GW1? You’re still using some of those designs.
Sorrows Furnace
I wouldn’t be surprised to see something of the sort, just because it was going to happen anyway, not because you made the suggestion.
Sorrows Furnace
Anything that inhibits use of the system I would discourage. Captcha is the worst I could imagine.
Sorrows Furnace
This! Oh, so so much this!
Sorrows Furnace
FYI, if you are in a story instance without an exit icon (and there should ALWAYS be an exit icon) you can get out of it by going to the guild hall or by using the HoM portal stone. It’s easier for me to use one of these fixes than to log to the character select screen or to try to get out of bounds.
Sorrows Furnace
Small QoL changes make a big difference in game and being able to set an option to see usable is one of the most appreciated changes in this update for me.
Gliding in Tyria rocks and it’s made that part of the game more enjoyable.
I really enjoyed the new Shatterer battle; that is nice work. It’s fun and engaging. Probably not something that I’ll do everyday, but still a very nice change.
When changes to the game result in changes to guild missions and the guild missions are completely ignored it’s frustrating. The Capture and Hold guild mission is still ranked as an easy mission, but it is no longer feasible with the time limit.
Balance changes for the Revenant were all negative with no attention given to the Legends that are underpowered and need work.
I like lighting firecrackers and having to find them to light. It was small enough to not become frustrating, and just a cool little interlude. Enjoyed it.
The Dragonball arena mechanics need work.
I’ve heard it said that the Norn love to party, but I’ve never seen it in action… Are there no festivals that are based on any of the other races? Everything seems centered on the humans. Do Charr celebrate ANYTHING? I know things are bad for the Sylvari right now, and I can understand they are probably not in a festival kind of mood, but having festivals that are unique to the lore of the game would rock. (Sorry, that’s venturing into suggestion land instead of staying in review land — let me say it this way: I’m tired of all of the festivals being held in either DR or LA and being human-centric).
I haven’t been to WvW much to see the scoring changes and how the new rez rules are playing out, but I like them in theory.
Changing the adventure to make it feasible is much appreciated. There are a few more that could stand some very fine tuning.
I was very disheartened to see no changes to the cost of guild hall upgrades.
This was a nice meal, the dishes that were served up were tasty and appreciated, but I could have stood a few more courses. I want story, I want new content, I want new things to do that I’ve never done before, and with this update the only thing that qualifies is the Shatterer battle. Nice, but not completely satisfying.
I’m definitely looking forward to Living Story season 3.
Sorrows Furnace
So sad I can’t jump off the airship in Gendarran. I wanted to glide all the way to LA
Sorrows Furnace
The stealth detection mastery does not allow me to see or target PvE enemies that are in stealth. Mordrem Stalkers, Snipers, etc can stealth and be impossible to see or target. So far as I can tell Stealth Detection only allows me to hit the invisible mushrooms but provides no other benefit to the mastery.
Sorrows Furnace
I’ve tried several times to avoid sniper fire by using stealth gliding. When I dodge it shows me go into stealth mode, but it does not prevent ground fire from hitting me or even targeting me; if I see the sniper and dodge to enter stealth mode the sniper can target me at that point.
Sorrows Furnace
Try again.
No thanks. I will stop wasting my time with your condescending answers and just end this with a “I don’t believe you when you say that 5-7 people with almost no gold farmed all the mats needed to go to level 31 themselves in 1 month”.
If five to seven people all had alts and all participated in wood farming, religiously, then yeah, the probably could just sell the wood and get what they need. But yeah it’s not something most would find fun.
Most of us had alts parked at flax farms, and really we just did the content, salvaged everything, donated what was needed, sold what we didn’t and bought what we did need.
Assuming we were just rich players in game was far more condescending then my reply, I assure you.It took effort. Not credit cards or hours of mindless farming though.
The treasurey is a tough but fair mistress.
I don’t believe it either. It’s not… feasible. I’ve spent about 450 gold on my guild hall and I know a couple of guildies have done close to that. My wealth has plummeted and we’re not to level 31 on the guild hall. Even if I could believe that just 5-7 people flax farming could pay for 31 levels, which I don’t, you’d still have to come up with the favor. Most missions can’t be completed with 5-7 people.
Your posts don’t hold water.
Sorrows Furnace
If you haven’t already gotten the HP you are talking about try this: Instead of asking for help getting the Hero Point offer help go get it. “I’m leading a group for the Spider Queen HP, join if you need it!”
People like me who haven’t played the map much, who don’t already have the HP, who aren’t familiar with the map probably won’t answer a call for help — it wouldn’t be because I don’t care, it would be because I don’t feel capable. But, if all you need is warm bodies or people to take aggro then leading a group is perfect to get it done. It lets the vets do chest runs in the 15 mins after the meta and it helps others, just like you, who don’t have the HP yet.
Sorrows Furnace
Except newer ascended combinations such as viper are much better than older combinations like sinister. Which is still a creep.
I had a engi in my party solo the red guard because he was in full asc viper. Thats min of 40K ticks on his burns…Thats some serious power creep.
Pic or it didn’t happen. 40k burns? With what? I have full ascended vipers and I’m not seeing anything close to 40k ticks.
Sorrows Furnace
Thanks for the gifts. It was unexpected and kind of you.
Sorrows Furnace
Makes the invisible glider bug seem far less important.
Sorrows Furnace
Don’t do the same mistake many of us made.
Read the forums, search for topics, something tells me it won’t be hard to find a lot of complaints about the so called expansion, accurately translated as a ripoff.
I don’t feel that way at all. I would buy it again, but I still have many complaints that I hope the developers will address at some point. All-in-all I’m enjoying the expansion.
Sorrows Furnace
Hey all, as topic says, I’m thinking of making a return to GW2 but I’m not looking at getting Heart of Thorns for a while yet, mostly due to wanting to start a new character if I do return.
Buy not buying it though is there anything that can seriously kitten my character, at least in regards to my 1-80 progression?
No, nothing that will seriously kitten you. You won’t be able to use the guild hall much, although you can visit it.
Sorrows Furnace
As far as the client goes A-Net shipped a client they knew was not stable. They knew it and they shipped it anyway, then a couple of weeks later “fixed” it with a 64 bit client. Sort of. There is still no 64 bit client for Mac and the game is not reliable on the 32-bit client for Mac or PC.
I don’t believe there is any way they could have missed the RAM errors in beta testing. They knew, and they shipped anyway. What they have done with the MAC client, selling it as workable without providing any fix at all, is horrid. The OP has every right be be upset and ready to move on with the current state of the game.
Sorrows Furnace
God, it never gets old does it. This telling other people how they’re supposed to play the game nonsense.
It’s one thing to offer a suggestion. It’s a whole other thing to pretend like subjective mindsets are objectively wrong.
As it is, the OP reads like Stockholm Syndrome grade stuff. “It’s not that bad once you just accept your fate and realize that you have no power in how this will work.” It’s a little scary tbh.
Completely agree. The OP acts as if our guilds have not already gone through the process to provide boosts and buffs to our members. We did. I’m happy the OP is happy. But, that doesn’t make me any happier with the changes and the way they’ve been handled. I love the guild hall. I don’t love dumping personal wealth into it. I don’t love that our GUILD doesn’t earn the things that we need for upgrades and instead the mats and gold has to come from individual players.
If there were map rewards for guilds the way there are for individuals, so that when players from a guild were teamed up on the same map the rewards were guild rewards going to the guild upgrades that would be cool. But the way they’ve done things isn’t good, and taking away what we had already achieved totally sucks.
Sorrows Furnace
Okay, I have to tell you, from the surface this guild sounds like it rocks. Now I’m going to dig just a little bit deeper… is 100% rep required?
I am the leader of a guild and I love it and our members. We rock too. But, since the multi-guild chat has come along I am interested in finding a second guild. I want a second guild mainly for the sake of raids — I kinda doubt that my guild is going to be doing raids — and also for the sake of more chances for chat and teams for dungeons and fractals and HoT event maps.
If you will accept a member who doesn’t represent but is active in every other way please let me know.
Sorrows Furnace
Out of interest, do they need to have HoT to be in that instance/run the quest to get it?
i.e. there are 6 of us in a guild. 3 have HoT and 3 do not. Can we all run the instance or only those with HoT?
Only the ones with HoT will be able to participate.
Sorrows Furnace
Thanks for posting this FOX…. I have a small guild with just me and my husband. I had heard how hard it is to get guild halls and that you need a big guild and so I thought the task would be impossible for our little guild. My hubby has hot, I have yet to get it (possibly christmas)… It is good to know that with some work it is possible for a small guild of 2 people to be able to get a guild hall… gives me something to look forward to and something to aim for when I get the expansion
You can get a guild hall, getting the guild hall is easy. It’s what comes after that is expensive. Not hard necessarily, but very expensive. If you aren’t willing to dump a TON of mats and gold into the hall then you might just want the hall and not the upgrades.
I want to get rid of the tents and rubble and have actual buildings in Gilded Hollow. This is not a small goal, even for a guild with 20 players on regularly.
Sorrows Furnace
No. I don’t like pay to win.
Sorrows Furnace
this was the point of the change?
when you tagged an escort and left you were relying on someone else to actually do the event ~ getting full credit was kinda silly
I must disagree. If you’re fighting at Indigo and protect Blue’s bull as it leaves the area you shouldn’t have to travel to Blue to get credit for the event. If you don’t protect it Blue will never get supplies, if you follow the bull you are no longer protecting Indigo, instead spending your time running back and forth between the forts.
This isn’t a good change for the Meta events.
Sorrows Furnace
I am pleased that most things are tradeable. I’d like some very simple to get item, like the hats in GW1, that are account bound and can’t be traded that say, “I was there.” Weapon skins, glowy skins, ghost doggies… I’m fine with those things being tradeable.
Sorrows Furnace
These days we earn nothing by playing with guild mates. In the old system only a small amount of influence was earned by just signing on, most of it was earned by teaming up and playing in the same team with guild mates. I’d love to see influence make a return and be a currency that the guild treasurer would accept in trade for the materials that are required ie: 600 silk or 6,000 influence fills an upgrade requirement.
Playing with guildies actually brings players to the game more often and keeps them in the game longer. This is good for A-Net and good for the game. The frustration of dumping wealth into the guild hall treasury does nothing to keep players coming back for more.
Sorrows Furnace
it makes u wonder why the ppl who keep complaining about the contents didn’t quit this game.
People who complain are still hoping for change. It’s people who give up on change that actually quit the game and most of them walk away and never say another word.
Sorrows Furnace
Coarse sand is much more trouble than Flax. Flax gathers up almost automatically while playing in thenew areas , but for coarse sand you actually have to spend hours after hours in Dry Top or Silverwaste farming it and it is needed in crazy amounts too. Thousands and thousands of sands.
This is off topic, but might still be a help to people… Last night I spent just over 3,750 bandit crests on sandy gear at the Silverwastes trader. I got 6 rares, one exotic, and a ton of greens, but in addition I got almost 6 full stacks of silky sand to sift through. This is where you get your coarse sand.
Sorrows Furnace
To be fair, there should be some kind of progression. I know that Anet talked about alot of fancy things in their manifesto however it is quite clear that alot of those concept turned out to be impossible to accomplish.
Progression is needed even if it is an illusionary kind of progression and to be fair, it is not logical to say ‘’I personally dislike playing the game alot, that is how I play the game and enjoy it, so why FORCE me to play so I could get legendaries? I want an easier way to get them as a casual since I want the way to accuire rewards in the game to fit my own playstyle’’.
Now, that is an extreme example and am pretty sure all you meant to say with your post is that you want to enjoy the game with your small guild. However, as it stands, that is impossible. Guild halls are made for bigger guilds. In fact, one could argue that Guild halls are one of the more ’’hardcore’’ endgame content because thee costs are insane and need grinding for a long time.
I do agree that there should be progression. It’s important. There was progression in the old guild system, although it did eventually top out. But in the old system the progression took time, playing together for influence, and doing guild missions for merits. In this system progression costs first and foremost wealth in the form of both gold and materials and completely ignores us playing the game with our guildies which is really what guilds are about.
Influence was a great commodity and I think we should still be able to earn it and use it to buy the other things that are needed in the hall. Having a trader that would take influence and put items into the treasury without them ever touching the player’s hands might work. But there needs to be something that can be done to allow us to progress while playing the game with our guildmates.
The thing I have the most problem with is the guilt that I’m seeing when people decide to keep their wealth instead of donating it to the guild. It makes having a guild a burden instead of a joy.
Sorrows Furnace
They’re insane for larger guilds as well.
And medium guilds. They’re insane for everyone.
It seems a bit unfair to punish players for a preferred play style.
Yeah, “punishing” … that’s what’s happening here…
A punishment is something — anything really — that makes it less likely for a behavior to be repeated. In its truest sense of the word this qualifies.
Sorrows Furnace
I love the new guild halls. I love it that we can build things and actually see the progress that we’ve made. This is so much better than the old guild system where the effort just corresponded to another option in a menu.
But, that’s about all I love about the new system. I hate that we are no longer able to earn upgrades by playing with our guildies. In the old system when members teamed together they created influence which could be spent on guild upgrades. In this system the upgrades are purchased with goods and gold. And I have to say it’s a LOT of goods and gold.
For about 3 years my fairly small guild has had a constant 10% MF and 10% Gathering boost going. We’ve built I can’t tell you how many guild banners for different boosters, we had Karma boosts every Sunday and experience boosts anytime new members arrived and started to level characters. Now we can’t have that unless we “donate” valuable items — literally thousands of gold worth of valuable items — and just to get back to where we were before.
It seems there are no incentives to actually play the game together, just incentives to farm, farm, farm.
Having the guild hall is cool. It’s beautiful. It’s a prideful thing.
Upgrading it isn’t fun.
Sorrows Furnace
That’s very cool OP. Congratulations
My son met his wife in GW1. We’re from Oklahoma City, she was from Montreal. They’ve had a happy life for the 7 years since she immigrated to the US, and they are busily exploring the jungle now. Together.
Sorrows Furnace
Why the hell would you put story spoilers in a post about guild missions?!? Why wouldn’t you cover it with a spoiler tag.
Wow, you sure ruined it for me, didn’t you?
Sorrows Furnace
I love this change. So much better to be able to see the crafting professions of each of my characters before they log in.
Sorrows Furnace
One of my guild mates was having problems. They contacted support and were back in the game in about 20 minutes. My advice would be to contact support if you’re still having trouble.
Sorrows Furnace
Thank you so much for this change. It was the right thing to do.
Sorrows Furnace
Question. Is the easy (open world) PVE guild mission the same for all guilds in any particular week? There were certainly others there with the same objective yesterday.
Yes, the missions the same for all guilds within a tier. So, every guild that had an easy PvE bounty mission had that exact same one.
Sorrows Furnace
It is not totally fair because, when the game was released, nobody really farmed hero points by leveling up after 80. It was a side effect and that was mostly used to buy what spirit shards are actually worth for now. At that time neither Anet nor the players would have known those points were used for unlocking Espec. All the hero point you earned through hero challenge are still hero points since the shards split. The level up points are the shards.
Right now if you farm HP before level 80, it allows you to unlock things faster and give you a good boost for your Espec as well. My only toon with world completion could unlock almost half of the scrapper track from day 1. So everything I did before was actually useful. Maybe not 100 % sure but I prefer this than (what you would expect in any other game) only jungle points count towards your Espec.
There was a currency. It was called skill points and it was used to unlock skills or to buy crafting materials. I had a metric-kitty-ton of it. The developers took all that I had earned/acquired, changed it into something I didn’t want, and told me to earn a new currency to buy skills. Seems accurate to me.
After they did away with skill points “Training Wheels” came to be in the game. some of those wheels had traits, others had utility skills; none of them had items, runes, sigils or skins. I could spend my newly minted “Hero Points” on those items that I wanted. If I didn’t want a trait line I could keep my points and not use the trait line. If I didn’t want a specific utility line — ie: gadgets — I could keep my hero points and not unlock that utility line.
I played in every HoT open beta. There were no Hero Point challenges in any of the betas. There was no training wheel for the elite spec, all of the skills were simply open and available. After playing the betas I decided to pre-purchase the expansion. And then, two days before the drop of the new content, they tell us that we have to buy every available utility/trait-line before we’ll be allowed to open the elite spec. And, when I get into the game I find they have put everything imaginable on the Elite Spec training wheel so that we can’t even spend the points that they so generously allowed us to keep on what we actually want. We can’t just open the trait line and wait on the utilities… To top it off they made hero-points that spawn champs + escorts so that unless there are other people at the same spot (that took 2 hours to figure out how to get to) it is impossible to succeed.
And I’m accused of being unfair when I voice my unhappiness.
Sorrows Furnace
Personaly I think HoT is a move away from GW core values.
Which ones? When Factions was released we had to grind/farm/gain Luxon points. When Nightfall went out, I need to gather Lightbringer and Sunspear, to advance the story and get the related skills stronger. Things were event stronger in Eye of the North.
When expansion were released, if I wanted to get the new skills of my profession and all secondary profession (like Espec in HoT) I was put in front of a huge paywall : every single skill for 1k gold, plus the elite. For those last I had to actually run the same map several time to collect them all.
I don’t think GW cores have changed so much, but rather the players’ expectations.
This is only partly true: You got to come into both Factions and Nightfall without them taking your skills away from characters that already had skills open. The elite spec grind is a real slap in the face for characters that had already earned thousands of skill points. Those points being suddenly taken away and switched to shards, then being told to earn new points… That part sucks.
I’m mostly fine with earning masteries, although I do believe they should choose one mechanic or the other — either use mastery points or use exp to unlock them, not both. I’m okay to earn new stuff, I actually enjoy earning new stuff, I’m not okay with them removing the old stuff that I had already earned.
I’m certainly not okay with them announcing the number of hero points that would be needed 2 days prior to launch like some kind of bombshell. I feel it was an exploitative move against the pre-purchase players, and I personally resent it. This news should have been made available much earlier.
Sorrows Furnace
New content: +5
Exploring the nooks and crannies of the beautiful new maps +1
Gliding +2
Mushroom bouncing +.5
Tarir Meta Event +2 (being tiny bouncy mushroom jumping over invuln smokescale is hilarious)
Story +1 (I’m only 2 steps in, so it might be worth more than this)
Guild Hall +5 (claiming it, sitting on stools in the tavern, building pumpkin jump puzzle, playing around with my friends)
Challenging encounters through the maps +1
Having to gain both exp and mastery points to use masteries -1
Material costs of the guild hall upgrades with no more over-arching bonuses for the guild -1
1G cost to salvage unwanted fractal “rewards” -1
Inability to immediately play with a properly traited elite spec on characters that should have definitely earned the right: -5
Tyrian Mastery grind with encounters that give exp to characters under level 80, but provide nothing to the mastery track (Mad King’s Labyrinth, etc.) -2
Total score: 7.5/10
The truth of the matter is that the game play itself is really fun. Challenging, inventive, beautiful with an engaging story. Go and play and it’s FUN! The mechanics of the game are not fun.
Sorrows Furnace
(edited by Aye.8392)
The real problem for small guilds won’t be claiming the guild hall, it will be building and upgrading it. The claiming is easy enough — the upgrading is very expensive.
Sorrows Furnace
If you take a closer at our economy, the only thing that effected the pricing of items in TP are items associated with upgrading guild halls. So the removal of liquid gold from dungeons did not effect the prices of high priced skins.
What you are viewing as a problem of removing gold from dungeons is merely people allocating their funds from shiny personal purchasing to contribution in purchasing items for the guild hall nothing more nothing less.You have a valid point on guild hall items price, but regarding high ticket items and even medium ones is that the amount of gold a person can make on a game session is a fraction of it was thefore it does impact said items. Actually impact all items which is good in many ways but bad for veterans who will loose a big chunck of their personal gains stuck in the tp.
We got our 4th or fifth upgrade done this morning in our guild hall and the only gold we had to pay was the 100g for the claiming expedition, i wouldnt call that a huge gold sink.
The mats used to upgrade to GH dont cost any gold to create (unless they are untradeable vendor items), they get created by investing time. The only gold sink for this is the 15% fees and taxes, if you decide to buy it from there rather than farming it yourself.
How’d your guild get those runes of holding for 18 slot leather bags? Or the 200 small runes of holding that are required on one of the upgrades? You have to spend gold to get them, there is no other way. Elonian wine? There are definitely more material sinks to the upgrades than there are gold sinks, but the gold sinks are there, too.
Sorrows Furnace