Showing Posts For Aye.8392:

Asuran Name Suggestions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aye.8392


Names that follow the Asura naming traditions are tough at this point because there are so many people playing and so many names already taken. Traditionally Asura male names should be one syllable and end with a double consonant. Try using a descriptive qualifier that will make your name more unique and less likely to be taken. Remember that Asuras like big words, being in control, inventions…

Cosmic Manipulator Starr (or any name of your choice)
Sorrows Furnace

Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aye.8392


… I can’t see how a system that requires you to get unique, individual Hero Points once per character can be seen as “grindy”

But, that isn’t really true is it? I had over 2,000 skill points on one character and they decided to take that away from me and replace the points that I had already earned with shards. Now I have the pleasure of earning Hero Points yet again. Woohoo

And to top it off they are allowing me to spend hero points on unlocking weapons, sigils, runes while not allowing me to play with the Scrapper properly until it is ALL done. Nice of them to let me know that’s how it would be before the game launched, too. Don’t you think?

At least it’s not like the fractal players — they get the pleasure of buying the ability to get rid of past “rewards” at the wonderful price of one gold per item. I’m glad A-Net at least understands rewarding good play.
Sorrows Furnace

Dear Colin, ignore feed backs on grind

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aye.8392


all the things in HOT is perfect.

you have created a world with full of secrets, heavy exploration challenging mobs, treasure chest and cool NPC with funny and awesome writing. and i dont want to mention how awesome the exalted carving writing is.

people complaining about masteries need nerf and need more XP is complete wrong, they will get used to it after one month and everything will settle down.

look at this

Anet never stated you have to play like this i know you devs intend players to explore, talk,socialize, create community and defeat awesome bosses.

but these players are spreading rumors saying this is the way Masteries has to be gained. your game has a policy of play how you like.

so please don’t take care of any suggestion given till now about the grind as this the situation and these players are spreading rumors and converting more players and ultimately whole community is burned out so for these players don’t nerf your awesome game.

the Expansion is awesome and perfect doesn’t require any changes.

so Colin i urge you to disregard these post on saying the game is grindy because its the mistake of players choosing it to make it grindy not the fault of devs and you never told we need all masteries on day one.

Colin for god sake dont nerf anything the game is perfect.

Right, because your opinion is the only one that matters.
Sorrows Furnace

Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aye.8392


The thing that is most bothersome to me is that all of the training is all on one “wheel”. This isn’t done with the rest of the traits/skills and it shouldn’t be done here. I should be able to unlock the Scrapper traits separately from the gyro utilities the way I can unlock the Tools traits separately from the gadgets. To add the actual hammer skin into the mix is maddening.

I don’t want to spend my hero points on a hammer, thank you. I already have a hammer. I’ve had just the hammer and skin I want to use on my Scrapper since the week after you showed the initial trailer. But, charging me hero points to unlock a skin… I don’t understand. This is completely against the concept of hero points. That’s not what they do or what they should be used for.

They’ve taken all control and decision making away from the player. It sucks.
Sorrows Furnace

New PvP Missions Auto-Completing is kitten

in PvP

Posted by: Aye.8392


This is rather important. We had 3 teams going at once since Colin had mentioned that teams could run guild missions simultaneously but only the member of 1 team received the rewards. They queued faster. We need the mission to last the full 30 minutes and give everyone who participates rewards.
Sorrows Furnace

Alchemy Incorporated N/A Social Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aye.8392


12 Hours to HoT launch! I can’t wait to jump off a cliff in Verdant Brink!
Sorrows Furnace

Older player, LFG, PvE, NA

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aye.8392


Yay! I am looking for players just like you. People who have fun playing the game and want to group up with other players for the sake of making it more fun. People that are willing to sit down in the lava when the situation calls for it. People that will laugh instead of raging when we come up against a rival PvP team that is all clone mesmers.

Also, you say you are an older player and I have to ask… Older than what? Do you remember where you were when the Skipper of PT109 was killed? Do you sing songs about Taimi Kangaroo Down when Taimi comes up in the Living Story? If so, you’re the perfect match

You can find the AI recruitment thread here.
Sorrows Furnace


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aye.8392


Guildies that I haven’t seen in months/years will show up with questions like: “What is trait training, how do I set a build? Where is Silverwastes? WTH town clothes tonics?”

Nothing could beat it, seeing old guildies is the BEST!
Sorrows Furnace

(edited by Aye.8392)

Group looking for a guild (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aye.8392


Man, you sound so perfect for AI except for that TC bit. But, if you’re good with playing your WvW on Tarnished Coast while we play ours down in the slums of Sorrows Furnace then I’d say we’d be a pretty good match.

You can check out our recruitment post and let me know if you’re interested. I’d love you have you.
Sorrows Furnace

[NA] Casual player looking for guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aye.8392


Hi Lord,

You sound like the perfect fit for AI. We like to do stuff and we like to do it most when we’re playing with guildies. We’ll be going into HoT planning to play PvP leagues, raids and all manner of open world PvE. Filthily. Casually. Sometimes drunkenly, but always with great gusto.

If you’re interested check out our recruitment post and give a shout if you want an invitation.
Sorrows Furnace

Alchemy Incorporated N/A Social Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aye.8392


HoT is getting so close! Looking for a few more folks to band with for the expansion. Give a shout if you want an invitation!
Sorrows Furnace

accidently bought ascended gear twice

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aye.8392


…Because if that’s the case, I need to find another game. I saw what dumbing stuff down did to WoW and SWTOR. I’m simply not interested in running around a world where players have to be spoonfed – it’s BORING. -Sid

Yes, ArenaNet support will help the OP. Yes, ArenaNet staff will try to make it so that simple mistakes are more difficult to make. That’s why there is a buy back option at the merchants, a verify on salvaging rare items and the need to type a character’s name before it can be deleted. Sorry Sid, guess this just isn’t the game for you.
Sorrows Furnace

accidently bought ascended gear twice

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aye.8392


cause i didnt know “unique” meant you can only equip one – that should be really clearer…

can i get an exchange or refund or anything for the wasted laurels? cause none of my other chars will ever use the stats of that ascended trinkets…

I tried googling and while i didnt find a solution, i found a lot of people that the same thing happend to…so maybe they should really make that clearer…

Support will help you with this if you file a ticket asking for help.
Sorrows Furnace

Your favorite "hide away" place?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aye.8392


For hiding away it’s instances. Sylvari and charr home instances especially, sometimes Omphalos Chamber.
I also often have go check Braham’s home when I’m running past it.

I do wish there was an instance of Gladium Canton. It’s the prettiest location and I want it all for myself. :/

I would love Hall of Monuments but my characters can’t go there together.

Outside of instances, something I like is the place with crafting stations in Metrica.

Hi Traced,

Your characters are allowed to go to the Hall of Monuments even if they can’t get the skins. Go to Lions Arch and talk to Sarretok in Hooligan’s Route and he’ll give you a portal stone. (If you don’t see it immediately check the second bag/tab)
Sorrows Furnace

Handful of HoT Notes:

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aye.8392


Is it possible that you reroll this until you have a PvE, PvP & WvW mission (from what I understood there were three slots initially) considering we have no choice but to have a mix the first week. With only PvP & WvW missions I sorta feel like PvE guilds are getting the short end of the stick.

That was my question when I heard this too! Sadly no, the concept of re-rolling these while seemingly a simple idea – is apparently a mess code wise and would take a really long time to sort out. On the good news side – guild missions reset 3 days after the launch of HoT, so at most you’re waiting 3 days if you’re not interested in doing the launch day missions. Just make sure to set your guilds preferences in those first 3 days!

Is it safe to do the current (PvE) guild missions before the launch, considering you have PvP & WvW rolled only atm? Will doing guild missions before the launch lock the ones that are available after the release?

It’s totally safe to do your guild missions before launch yes. The new guild mission system will activate on launch and offer a brand new set of missions that are not impacted by the ones you had before.

Would it be possible to get a full list of each of the missions available so that guild leaders can make informed decisions about which tier/type to choose? Right now there is no way for me to know if we can handle a Hard WvW or a Medium PvP — yet we have to make the choices before the week starts. Any help with this would be appreciated.
Sorrows Furnace

Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aye.8392


And now instead of the emphasis being on playing the content, enjoying the game, and loving the scenery the emphasis is on getting to that next hero challenge as fast as humanly possible to unlock new skills and traits. Sad.
Sorrows Furnace

Gift of Glory

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aye.8392


Play how you want? maybe, but not if you want a legendary. Now that PvP is planned as being mandatory if you want the new generation of legs, time to toughen our skin for that toxic environment of pvp. How I miss the good old time in Aspendwood. If you have objection to this requirement, as I do, nip it in the bud. Here’s a scissors.

I started PvP’ing recently. I had avoided it until this time because I kept hearing about how toxic it is. I have to say though, I have been pleasantly surprised. I’ve never had anyone say anything ugly to me. The few times people have spoken at all its been to offer helpful advice in a friendly manner, but most of the time no one speaks at all. It’s actually pretty fun. I started playing because of the tomes of knowledge, but I’m still playing because I’m enjoying it.
Sorrows Furnace

Salvaged mats economy to be DESTROYED

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aye.8392


Is that the players or the game though? I played Guild Wars 1 for years. I don’t remember this intense fixation on getting the plat in there from the players. I’m sure there were rich, rich players. But it didn’t seem front and center like this game.

There were incredibly rich players in GW1. But I think the main difference was that there was no trading post or antique house in GW1. If you wanted to flip you went to Kammadan and spent hours selling stuff. It was the epitome of not fun. So, most players spent very little time with it and it wasn’t front and center. You made plat, quite a lot of plat, by beating mobs about the head and neck until they were dead. Sure there was DoA and UW and FoW, and many poor little baby raptors that died, but money was made in playing the game and exchanged hands far more slowly in GW1.

Here they have given traders/flippers an excellent platform for playing the game the way they want to play it. The trades in this game are lightning fast, and because of the way player-to-player trades are set up you can’t use items as currency here. I can’t safely trade you my powerful blood for your shadow abyss dye the way I could trade ecto or armbraces in GW1. I’ve gotta have gold to trade. To buy or to sell either way, I’ve gotta have gold to trade. It makes gold very important.
Sorrows Furnace

Salvaged mats economy to be DESTROYED

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aye.8392


As someone who hasn’t run a dungeon in months, I find nerfing their rewards to be uncalled for. “Shifting” would imply making other reward sources better; nerfing dungeons is more like giving an inappropriate gesture to it.

It is funny how the system is not particularly rewarding I would say, yet tedium seems to be inbound.

But… Isn’t dungeon farming tedious? And exploit ridden? People talk about doing nine dungeon paths every day just for the sake of the gold reward. That sounds tedious to me.
Sorrows Furnace

Dungeon nerf and TP flipping

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aye.8392


I’m not even dungeon runner, but i feel sorry for those that love doing dungeons, and still getting rewarded for it, but now they will be left out. What is happening right now is, that dungeons will get a decent nerf so that HoT content(NEW)¸will be more rewarded then Core (OLD) content.

But i wonder, why are Trading Post flippers still allowed to flip without punishment? Those people control the economy, and those people don’t even play the game for real. I’m not saying how people should play the game, but this type of playing is killing the game economy and gaming experience is suffering because ArenaNet is allowing this!

Every item should become account bound once you purchase them, lets kill trade post flipping and fix the economy and with that GAMING EXPERIENCE!!!

Post your opinion how to stop this game breaking feature!


  • each item has properties as buy, sell, ID, texture, animation, type, rarity and more
    How to do it?
  • add boolean (property that has state 0 and 1)to above already existing properties
  • 0 means item was never sold on TP yet, 1 means item was sold already at least 1x
  • If item was sold at least 1x, listing fee would be 66% if you try to resell it.
    This solution is better because those that would try to resell items would lost a lot of gold, and TP flipping would not be viable any more, but those who want to buy and give to friends/guildies/randoms can still do that.

I’m not fond of the news that dungeon rewards will be nerfed. But flipping doesn’t bring any new items into the game, it just moves existing items/wealth around between players, and in the process removes at least 15% of the value of the item from the game — twice. Because with flipping the item is sold not just once, but twice. At least. That keeps inflation in check for the rest of us.
Sorrows Furnace

Show Sigil Cool Downs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aye.8392


This would rock. Knowing when you can proc your sigils would be really helpful.
Sorrows Furnace

ppl afk in the middle of nowhere w/ no armor?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aye.8392


If I start to rez someone and see that they are missing armor bits I’ll just back away. No sense causing more harm than has already been done. Conversely, if I need to go afk for a bit and don’t want to have to worry about my health while I’m gone I just hit my Hall of Monuments portal stone. Using the stone causes you to travel instantly to the HoM, and when you leave the HoM you are returned to the exact spot that you left. So, no interference with map completes or having to waypoint. Also, if you didn’t play Guild Wars 1 you can still get a portal stone by asking Sarettokk in LA’s Hooligan’s Route for it.
Sorrows Furnace

28/30 to GWAMM. What now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aye.8392


Sweet tooth and drunkard are just money titles — as long as you have the gold you can get the title. There should be a very nice influx of both alcohol and sweets over the next couple of weeks because of Halloween, with Wintersday following right on its heels. So, you’ve chosen the perfect time to do these IF you have (or can make) the gold to do it.
Sorrows Furnace

[NA][PVE] Looking for a guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aye.8392


Hey Yaks

You sound like a great fit for Alchemy Incorporated except for the Darkhaven part… We’re on Sorrows Furnace so WvW couldn’t be with us. But, since we don’t have any representation requirements you could hang with us for dungeons or fractals, puns or PvP and have a Darkhaven guild for WvW. We love all the things. Anyway, check out the recruitment and let me know if you want an invitation.

Sorrows Furnace

Returning player LFG (Semi-casual, NA/EST)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aye.8392


Hi Faray,

Please consider AI for your new guild . We’re a social guild on the Sorrows Furnace server, with no requirements or commitments. Come in, hang out awhile, team up for a dungeon, hit the Silverwastes, join a PvP group or just have a few laughs. We’d love to have you.
Sorrows Furnace

Community Showcase Live: October 28!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Aye.8392


As you know, Halloween is coming to Tyria! We’re doing all sort of things to celebrate this most wonderful time of the year, including the Shadow of the Mad King event,

Ohhhhh! Does this mean the Ascent to Madness dungeon will be back? I loved playing that dungeon, so I sure hope so! I am anxiously awaiting the blog post!
Sorrows Furnace

(edited by Aye.8392)

How does one change spent hero points?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aye.8392


A Reddit user datamined 170 hero points needed for the Elite Spec full unlock. No way to know if that is a place holder or the actual amount A-Net will ask for.
Sorrows Furnace

Halloween Event - Yay!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aye.8392


THIS will be the year I finally complete the clocktower!

Can’t wait for Halloween
Sorrows Furnace

Toxicity in game modes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aye.8392


sPvP certainly.

What’s really funny is how many players become toxic in hot-join matches. I mean, they’ll complain about the smallest things, or rage about being ganked, yet they’re the ones who decided to play in the most unbalanced game mode of all, where you’re lucky if both teams even have five players at any given time. XD

I am not a good player but I’ve never had anyone be ugly to me in PvP. Ever.
Sorrows Furnace

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aye.8392


I still want a mini Mad King Thorn’s invisible pony. It would just cast a shadow of a pony on the ground.
Sorrows Furnace

"Shards of Glory" tradeable

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aye.8392


if you only got 2 per reward track then 300 would be insane. No one would ever get a legendary. you get 1.5 ticks of a reward track per win. There are 40 ticks per full reward track, or 27 wins per reward track. That is 1 shard for every 13.5 wins. Each match is ~15 minutes in total duration. That is 200 minutes per shard, or 1000 hours of PvP just to get the shards.

Shards would cost upwards of 100g each, making precursors cost more than 30,000g each.

So obviously there are either more ways to get them, you don’t actually need 300, or Anet made a horrible mistake somewhere.

And that’s if you win every single match. Not likely.
Sorrows Furnace

Alchemy Incorporated N/A Social Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aye.8392


AI: We kill mobs and take their stuff. It’s a beautiful thing.
Sorrows Furnace

This is (almost) Halloween!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aye.8392


You should save some development time to turn the festival stories into replayable Journal stories that are get a few per-character rewards, and really nice challenging account achievements with bonus rewards that reset every year. Kind of like the GW1’s festival quests.

All that time invested doing the stories and stuff, never to be seen again. Anyone remembers the mad King’s dungeon?

I loved the Mad King’s dungeon. It was fun
Sorrows Furnace

Verdant Brink Events

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aye.8392


Here is a thread that gives references to Colin telling us that boosters, food, fireworks, potions, etc. DO work for gaining mastery levels. The writs of experience and tomes do not work, but the boosters do work. It’s rather odd.
Sorrows Furnace

Couple looking for a relaxed guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aye.8392


Hi Laila,

Check out AI’s Recruitment post we might be what you’re looking for. Currently we are a small guild, but recruitment is under way and we’ve gained several new players lately. There are no representation requirements, and we’re also mostly in the Central time zone with several couples playing.

There are no applications — applications are for jobs and this is a game. If you want an invitation just tell me you want an invitation and it will be sent.

Hope to hear from you,

Sorrows Furnace

Alchemy Incorporated N/A Social Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aye.8392


So, all of the betas are over now and HoT launches in less than three weeks. Guild up! It’s dangerous in the jungle alone.
Sorrows Furnace

I'm kind of an ashhole

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aye.8392


Hi Buddy,

Your post made me laugh. I don’t know why you didn’t get responses. I went and checked your posting history and you look like the kind of ashhole that would fit into AI.

Anyway, my guild doesn’t have a bunch of people on all the time and we do go to bed at some point during the night, but if you want to come hang out with us until you find your forever home I’d be happy to foster you.

We PvP most every night and we play open world PvE most every night too, but right now we aren’t doing lots of dungeons or fractals. I’m sure we’ll get back to it, but it’s not happening at the moment.

Check out the regular recruitment post and let me know if you want an invitation.
Sorrows Furnace

Hello and a few questions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aye.8392


Well, thanks to my new-found knowledge about the value of materials my imaginary worldly wealth has rocketed into double figures. Woo hoo! I’m rich. RICH! I even splashed out on a 15 slot bag so that’s 2 QOL improvements – more inventory space and guilt-free map travel.

Thanks again.

(Aye – I tried to reply to your PM but the system says I have to wait 2 days due to spam control. Not sure how replying to a message could ever constitute spam but there you go.)

The spam control and mail suppression goes a little overboard. I’m glad I’m not inundated with spam, but it would rock to be able to send potions of major death dealing to everyone in my dungeon party without being suppressed.

Hope to see you in-game anyway
Sorrows Furnace

Alchemy Incorporated N/A Social Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aye.8392


Also, I’m told that I have to say this is a Kurzick Guild. I tried to tell my AB and FA guildies that this is no longer a thing and all of the Luxons are dead, but then all I heard was cheering. So… Kurzick.

If you have no idea what I am talking about here then you’re good! C’mon in
Sorrows Furnace

Hello and a few questions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aye.8392


I might be too new to sell at the TP just now but that will change soon enough.

It’s time. You’re level 45, you’re big enough for the TP. It’s your friend and it beats the heck outta standing in Kamadan hawking your wares (I had over 10k hours in GW1 myself, so I’m no stranger to selling stuff in Kamadan, and the TP was a little bit daunting to me I first started, too).

When you open the TP to a specific item you’ll see two prices listed — the buy price and the sell price. My best tip is this — don’t sell at buy price and don’t buy at sell price. If you’re selling match the sell price, if you’re buying put in an order for the goods and be a little bit patient. It usually doesn’t take more than a few minutes to get the goods you’re after.

But, while it’s not the fastest by any means, the best way to make money is still beating monsters about the head and shoulders until they are dead and then looting the corpse. It rocks. You can sometimes find gelatinous masses and what could possibly be better than taking a gelatinous mass from a corpse?
Sorrows Furnace

Alchemy Incorporated N/A Social Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aye.8392


AI is rebuilding after a small hiatus and we’re looking for a few good people to join the lunacy. We are a social guild that participates in PvP and PvE, with a few individuals playing WvW. We mostly play on the Sorrows Furnace server in the US, but if you aren’t into WvW feel free to join from any server.
Our rule:
Have fun, don’t be a jerk.

Things we value:
Game of Thrones, salty language peppered with wordplay and innuendo,, punctuation, quoting Princess Bride and Firefly, pie, and teaming up to play with guildmates and allies.

Things we do not appreciate:
PLAyIng bIG LetTEr LIttLE LetTEr, almost all types of hate speech unless it is directed at popular Texas politicians, l337 5p34k, referring to things that are stupid or ridiculous as gay.

Things we require from our players:
Basic knowledge:
You must know that there are three variants of the word there and how to use each one:
There — Over yonder
They’re — what they be gonna do
Their — not your’n.

Basically this is an R Rated guild. We do not check ID’s at the door, but if we’re running a dungeon and your mom comes by and hears us using vulgarities in Mumble and makes you sign out we will be angry. At you. Most of our current roster is over 30.

Since most of our roster is over 30 we also understand about kids, jobs, hobbies, aging parents etc. We’re good with you playing when you can. This is a very laid back environment and we do not kick for inactivity — our guildmates become our friends and it’s good to see old friends when they wander back into the game no matter how long they’ve been gone.

The way the AI world works:
The developers, in their infinite wisdom, have allowed for multiple guilds in GW2. We don’t expect to be your only guild or to always have something on tap that will keep you entertained. We will have events and outtings, but it won’t be a constant thing. Go, play, have fun. For some of us AI is home, and if it becomes home for you too, that’s great; but, if you just want to visit, hang out, and have a few laughs that’s great too. Feel welcome to come and go as you please. All of us, including leadership, will sometimes go visit and play with other guilds.

The ONLY reason this guild exists is to have fun people to play with. If that’s what you’re looking for this just might be a good spot for you.
If you find you’re interested in playing with us you can contact:
Rordan Anatoli
Sorrows Furnace

Hello and a few questions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aye.8392


Hello Doc, welcome to the game. You can throw 4 pieces of the same rarity into the mystic forge and usually get something back that you’ll be able to sell or salvage for materials.

The key to money in this game is materials. The materials are oftentimes more profitable than the actual drop. Always hit the harvesting nodes. Be aware that Cabalist armor breaks into cloth — cotton silk or linen can be good money. Conversely, leather is seldom worth much and it’s usually better to sell it at the merchant instead of breaking it down. Pay attention to the runes on armor and the sigils on weapons. At level 39ish you should start having some rares drop — salvage those for the materials and runes/sigils and sell those on the TP too.

At your current level your best bet for quick money is probably chili peppers. Hit all of the herb foraging nodes in Ascalon and have your guild gathering bonus going if you’ve gotten your guild upgraded to that point — banners and WvW bonuses helps too. Some of your hits will yield chili peppers. Sell those on the TP; 4 or 5 will usually get you a gold piece. Soft wood, seasoned wood, iron — don’t hoard those unless you plan to craft for yourself soon. At mid-levels it’s not cost effective to craft your own gear and the deposit all button will have you hoarding mats instead of making money.

Just curious: did you make a guild to be able to have your own private guild bank or are you making a guild for the sake of leading a guild?
Sorrows Furnace

(edited by Aye.8392)

Voice actors strike

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aye.8392


To say that voice actors don’t make a difference to the quality of the title is nuts. Did you guys play GW1 Factions? The voice acting was awful, and it definitely impacted the game. Voice actors deserve to be reasonably paid. Games that sell 2mil copies can afford it.
Sorrows Furnace

100% Representation and HoT.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aye.8392


Hello, I have a problem with some details of how Guilds work today, and would be very thankful if you can help me.

The setup:

I’m on a Guild that I like very much. We do Guild Missions every week, the leaders are very welcoming and explain most aspects of the game to newbies with patience and care, people is close and fun, there is a very active PvP group that encourages people to participate and learn, and all the normal teasing and rivalry between members is mostly mild and good natured. We also do Quaggan races, guess the song, find the Quaggan, and other silly social activities that are refreshing and hilarious. There is a TS working all day long with people doing diverse types of organized PvE stuff (Not Wurm, but almost everything else). The guild is somewhat large and active (400 ish people, 30-50 connected at a time), and we all speak the same language. In short, it is a really good guild I enjoy to be in.

I have also created a mini-Guild that I share with 6 close friends. This Guild is really familiar, we all know and see each other in RL frequently, and the name and titles on the guild are stupid private jokes. When started, it was mostly for banking purposes, and a bit to know better the guild systems, but it quickly became a exclusive space for our closed group, were we can play and talk without worrying about the rest of the game. I, of course, also deeply love to be there.

Finally, during my solo explorations through Tyria, simply walking around an searching for beautiful spots, I’ve found a couple of really interesting and dedicated RP Guilds. I’ve stood there, at the edge of their rping just reading their dialogues and stories, and found it to be truly entertaining, some times even deeply moving. Of course, every time I’m thinking on joining them.

The problem:

My bigger guild demand 100% representation. They don’t have hard to follow rules nor ask for gold, they only ask you to greet the rest when you enter and leave, and 100% rep.

That means they notice whenever I switch to my smaller guild, and accuse me of not following the one rule. That also means I can’t join any other guild to RP.

4 of my friends in the small guild refuse to join the bigger guild were the rest of us are, so making a smaller team inside the major group is not an option. They are not interested in Guild Missions or the continuous talking in TS, and they are always pressing me to leave the big guild and dedicate my time to the familiar one. RP people are much more common in the language my bigger guild don’t speak, so creating RP inside my main guild isn’t realistic either.

The questions:

1- What is exactly representation? What is the reason to need 100%?
2- If the game allows you to join 5 guilds, why it seems to encourage you to stay in only one?
3- Will this change with Guild Halls and the new HoT Guild mechanics?
4- How would you deal with a situation like this?

Thank you for reading this long post. Please discuss, I’m really interested in knowing your opinion.

If you’ve joined a guild you should abide by their rules or leave the guild. I personally do not agree with 100% representation requirements, and I would never join a guild that had such a rule, but the fact is that is their rule and you should either adhere to it or leave the guild.

Since in HoT you can see more than one guild’s chat guilds may decide to ease up on their requirements. Or they might not. Either way if you’re going to be in the guild you need to be willing to follow the guidelines. It’s only fair.
Sorrows Furnace

Asura and Charr Femininity!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aye.8392


All I want is gender-dimorphic armor sets. It’s really just a simple extension of what is already present within the game, and a few cultural sets are already dimorphic, so it’s definitely possible within the engine. No one is forcing you to wear anything you don’t want to wear.

Like hell they aren’t. It’s ridiculous how difficult it is to find a pair of pants for a human female.

I don’t care what armor sets they put into the game as long as they don’t go against the lore to do it. But “feminine” sets for Asura and Charr DO go against the lore of the game and consequently should not exist in the game.
Sorrows Furnace

Asura and Charr Femininity!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aye.8392


While there is some outfits for a good female looks.(daydreamer/wedding) It doesn’t change the fact that Medium and light armors all look the same for charr and asura, Your gender is male. I would like to see more female “Armors” for our charrs and asura’s. outfits we have to pay for, we shouldn’t have to pay to look like a female.

Your clothes are what make you look or feel like a female? Huh.

I understand what you are asking for. I am arguing against it. I don’t want them to affect the lore based on your feeling of wanting your character to be feminine. I like it that these 2 races do not sexualize their clothing.
Sorrows Furnace

Asura and Charr Femininity!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aye.8392


Finally, I will state this: Options are good. Just because someone wants something doesn’t mean you are forced to take it and shove it on your character.

Options are not good if they go directly against the lore of the game. Feminizing Charr and Asura goes against the lore of the game.

Feminine/Masculine are not Asura/Charr concepts. Charr history has females being discriminated against because of their actual sex not because of the presentation of their gender through femininity, or the lack thereof.
Sorrows Furnace

Poor gold income in PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Aye.8392


i love playing pvp , i play it almost exclusvily cause im bored with pve stuff and one thing drive me crazy : why in the hell there is so big gap in gold income between pve and pvp…like really u can do one path on AC in 10 minute and get more gold than playing couple hours in pvp matches, why is that?

is A -net guys afraid of pvp gold farmers? hell yeah! so make simple move and let as get more gold by wining ranked matches- it will prevent farmers from exploit it and encourge new players to try pvp and play rankeds more often …

its really sad that today if u not doing pve stuffs( silverwaste, dungs) u are broken begger.

My idea is 1 gold for win match in ranked
0.5 gold fr lse in lose ranked
and 30 silvers fr unranked

we pvp players deserve being wealthy to show pve scumbs we can als throwing rares to mystic forge hoping for dusk and downs

btw I want my mysitc forge in HOTM back !

The money you can make from an dungeon path is mostly limited to once a day. I wouldn’t mind seeing them add a gold for limited wins per map per day, but a gold per win without limits would be too much. Outside the limited dungeon paths I can make a gold in 15 minutes in PvE IF I get lucky, but that doesn’t happen very often.

As far as 50s for a loss… Paying for a loss is always bad; it promotes losing. Farmers would be all over that.
Sorrows Furnace

Scrapper - Engi Elite Spec Preview

in Engineer

Posted by: Aye.8392


I like Scrapper quite a lot more than Forge. It actually works for engineers both as scrapping metals to make the gyros and as a melee combatant.
Sorrows Furnace

This is the worst PVE event ever for GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aye.8392


I didn’t find the event fun. I don’t usually worry about rewards, I just play the game because I enjoy it. But I had been looking forward to the event and I was very disappointed. Even teaming up with guildies didn’t make it better — no fun and no drops.

Once I finished with the event, which I think I mentioned I didn’t enjoy, I went to the vendor to see the offerings only to find there was nothing new — old living story rewards that cost not only event tokens but also gold. Pfffft…

Not fun, not profitable, more a gold sink than rewarding.

The best thing about the event was the way the vine crawlers spit the mordrem out. That was cool. That was funny
Sorrows Furnace