Showing Posts For Aye.8392:

Wurm fight is a waste of time

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Aye.8392


From what they are saying on Reddit the spawns are every two hours. One of the new bosses spawns on even hours, the other on odd hours. I don’t know which is which or if they change from server to server.
Sorrows Furnace

I can keep my minis now

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Aye.8392


Great quality of life change — Thanks A-Net!

Alassana: It will open a drop down menu allowing you to deposit collectibles, compact your bags, and show the rarity of the items in your bags.
Sorrows Furnace


in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Aye.8392


Because its permanent, however low lvl ppl did miss out on the wings and achis

Don’t care about the rewards or achievements, just the experience. The wurm is also a permanent addition, but the marionette is not. So, if permanency is the determining factor we should expect any Living Story instanced storytelling to be upleveled, Bloodtide Coast to remain as is, and Lornar’s Pass to have upleveling.

Oi! They should just uplevel everyone everywhere and let us explore the world how we’d like to

An answer from Arena Net would be appreciated on this topic.

Or better yet done away with levels entirely!
Sorrows Furnace

Ring of Red Death (Ascended ring)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aye.8392


Empire you should file a support ticket. In the past support has help players resolve this issue.

This is something that should really be fixed on A-Net’s end.
Sorrows Furnace

Bugged Guild Missions

in Guild Missions

Posted by: Aye.8392


I believe the guild reset is Saturday and not Sunday. You only get one set of commendations per week per mission type. Guilds are also capped on number of merits they can receive per mission type per week.

Not saying you aren’t bugged, you could very well be, but thought I would say this since you said reset was Sunday.
Sorrows Furnace

Returning players look for a guild.(Closed)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aye.8392


I would love to have you and your friends in Alchemy Incorporated, a guild on the Sorrow’s Furnace server, but I’m really wondering about the time offset. Central time zone is GMT -6 and most of our members are in during the US evening/night hours. Still, if you want to give us a look you’d be more than welcome!

Check out our recruitment post and see if you think we might be a good fit for you and your friends
Sorrows Furnace

Social Guild on Sorrows Furnace [AI]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aye.8392


And kittens! Sometimes whole litters of ’em!
Sorrows Furnace

LF PvX Guild [Willing to Transfer Servers US]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aye.8392


Hello Kurupt,

You sound like a player that would fit well in AI, but I’m not sure if we would fill your needs or not. You mentioned being VoIP friendly, but we seldom use it, preferring guild chat for most of our communications. We have several players in mid-twenty fractal range, and teams forming for dungeons nightly. We’re on the Sorrow’s Furnace server.

Right now we’re rebuilding the roster and there are seldom more than 10-15 on at a time, but we’re a friendly lot and I doubt you’ll feel left out AI is a social guild and the whole reason the guild exists at all is to have cool people to play with. We talk about everything from our pets to blueberry pancakes to leg wear for female characters. Take a look at our recruitment post and see what you think. You are also welcome to join up and try us for a little bit and see if we’re what you’re looking for. Just give a shout if you’d like an invitation.
Sorrows Furnace

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Aye.8392


I’ve felt this for awhile, though I still don’t quite know how to phrase it. Wondering if others might have an opinion.

As convenient as I find the waypoints all over the place, I feel like it trivializes much of the exploration we would be having without them.

I’ve suggested zones without waypoints as a way around this. Does anybody else feel the same way? Or am I romanticizing the runs from towns to far-flung locations in GW1?

Edit: should have said this originally, but all the credit to Sir Arthur for expressing my feelings better than I’ve been able to. This post was meant as a huge +1 to his.

Hi TimmyF,

I agree:

‘As convenient as I find the waypoints all over the place, I feel like it trivializes much of the exploration we would be having without them.’


Remember Prophecies? There was only a rez shrine right next to the zone to the town. By Nightfall the developers had realized that it wasn’t enough and put several rez shrines in an area. I hope to God they don’t forget that lesson.

Do you love it when you open a map of Orr and 3/4 of the WPs are contested? Do you think, “Oh yes, finally, I get to run around on this map!” Or do you groan to yourself?
Sorrows Furnace

LF Casual Social PvX Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aye.8392


Heya Aye! I actually ran across your recruitment post on Reddit the other day and messaged a little with Sir Cusfreak on there about it. We are trying to make Blackgate guilds a priority since it’s our home server but we are still looking and may want to chat a little with you when we’re both online sometime in the next couple days

I completely understand, especially since your playing times and ours might not jive. But, keep in mind that we’re a very open guild and if you’d like to join us as a second/sometimes guild we’d still love to have you
Sorrows Furnace

Social Guild on Sorrows Furnace [AI]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aye.8392


Join AI — we have old people!
Sorrows Furnace

LFGuild PvX Type [Found]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aye.8392


We have pie!!

Seriously, one of our old members even wrote a limerick about it!

There’s mirth in this guild called AI.
And sometimes there’s even some pie.
So bring bow, sword or gun.
And join in the fun.
Get yourself an invite from Aye.
Author: Dex D

You sound like a great fit for [AI]. You can see our recruitment thread here
Sorrows Furnace

LFG. Casual, Female Friendly PvX, TC

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aye.8392


Hello Warbride,

I’d like to introduce you to Alchemy Incorporated. We are a guild of a whole lot of different people who enjoy playing the game. We aren’t a LGBTQ guild, but we’re a friendly guild. I know absolutely that we have at least 4 of the 5 LGBTQ designators, (and very likely that fifth one is in there too; I just don’t know about it) and yet we still have far more straight/married people than kittens (kittens in this context = “odd people” — I struggle with this filter), just like in the real world. We have a self-described redneck from Alabama, a cricket player from Trinidad, a handful of US Military retired, and even one or two registered Republicans. About 46% of our roster is female. I’m a lesbian and, strangely enough, so is my co-leader and girlfriend

We are not always politically correct. Sometimes people say things that make me cringe, but the women in our guild are strong people and perfectly able to set things right — I’ve seen it happen while keeping my mouth shut, and I’ve participated. There is good-natured ribbing, but things don’t turn mean.

Right now we’re rebuilding our roster and seldom have more than 15 players on at one time, but we’re getting more everyday. You can see our recruitment post here and just let me know if you’d like an invitation.

Sorrows Furnace

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Aye.8392


I am simply not able to keep up with this thread, but I do come in and read it as much as I’m able, and I see some things that are suggested as if they are brand new ideas when in reality they are already in the game:

“Hey, I know, we could have long DE’s that culminate in being able to buy a special reward from an NPC!” … Temple of Balthazar anyone?

“Oh yeah, a DE chain that ends in special dungeon content that you can’t enter unless you do the DE first!” … CoF? CoE? Arah?

We already have those things and I do sometimes enjoy them. But, sometimes I just want to hop into a dungeon as quickly as possible and play. If I have set up a time with guildies to do one of the longer paths of Arah, I don’t really want to have to do the DE Chain before I can get in.

Being able to repair my HoM and earn new things in this game to go into it would rock for me. That’s the kind of player housing that I’d like to see.
Sorrows Furnace

LF Casual Social PvX Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aye.8392


Hi Sep,

It might be that Alchemy Incorporated would be a good fit for you. We’re a social guild on the Sorrow’s Furnace server and we mostly just like to hang out, team up, and have fun. We do some of everything — Open World, dungeons, fractals and light WvW. No representation requirements, not a problem if you want to drop in, have a few laughs and wander away again. We do have a Mumble server, but we use it mostly when we need a higher than average level of coordination; usually we just type in guild chat.

Have a look at our recruitment post and see what you think. If you want an invitation give me a shout.
Sorrows Furnace

Advice on Joining a Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aye.8392


I would advise to go ahead and join a guild now. The thing is that Guild Wars 2 allows every player up to 5 guilds. So, you can join a guild now for the social/leveling aspects, and as you level up if you feel a need for other guilds you can join those at that time. Some of my guildmates belong to TTS so that they can kill Tequatl on a regular basis, a dedicated WvW guild, their own personal guild for the sake of the guild bank… whatever might suit their fancy.

Joining now gives you the advantage of having someone to ask questions of, a way to get some insights into the more esoteric areas of the game and, like you’ve pointed out in your post, it’s a heckuva lot more fun to play with others.

There’s my two coppers.
Sorrows Furnace

Looking for a home

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aye.8392


Hey Merc,

I love my guild home. You don’t say a lot about what you’re looking for, but just the fact that you want it to be home appeals to me. Take a look at AI’s recruitment post and see if you think we might be a good choice for you.

If you want an invitation just give a shout.

Sorrows Furnace

Social Guild on Sorrows Furnace [AI]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aye.8392


Ha! Clinkk I would never accuse you of being mature. Old, maybe, but not mature.

Anyway… Join AI, drink Clinkk’s beer, dance, wear jewelry, occupy Tyria, kill things and take their stuff. These are all activities that are heartily approved of in our guild. We’ll not only encourage you to do them, we’ll team up and do them with you.
Sorrows Furnace

Looking for a Guild to Join

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aye.8392


Hello all. Newish player on Devona’s Rest in the US server base. I don’t really have many friends who play this game and would like to get into a guild with some laid back people. I’m pretty shy in the beginning, but I’d love to get with a group of players for story quest, pvp, dungeon (Story and Explore) and just to get to know and hang out with them. I’m not sure if I really fit into any ‘Guild Mold’, but I’d like to at least make some friends along the way Fingers crossed!

Hi Espher,

In Alchemy Incorporated we have a great group of friendly people that love to team up and play with guildies. Dungeons, fractals, or just open world play for the daily or exploration or leveling you’ll probably find someone to join with if you’d like.

We don’t have a guild mold, but I’ve been thinking of getting a Jello Mold… I mean who needs a Jello shot if they can have a whole Jello Football?!? Join AI — we think outside the shot glass!

You can see our recruitment post here
Sorrows Furnace

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Aye.8392


That means: No currency, no skill points. Force me to play this game in its whole variety.

Great post with a minor change…

Force me to play this game in ALMOST its whole variety…

Many players have a problem with just one area of the game — jump puzzles for me are very difficult, but for some people with disabilities they are, quite literally, impossible. Make 5 things and require 4 of them — 10 things and require 8 of them — give people one or two outs for the type of game play that they truly do not enjoy.
Sorrows Furnace

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Aye.8392


Remember GW1’s Hall of Monuments, where the winning team got a game-wide chat message announcing their victory? Using that as an inspiration, but thinking of something completely different (without involving pvp), what about some content being unlocked at the end of epic dynamic events, and rewarding access to unique content?

But hey, this already happens with some mini-dungeons, don’t they? Maybe this concept could be expanded upon.


The teams that would complete specific and long challenging dynamic event chains would unlock access to unique mini-dungeons, with some interesting stories, scenarios and challenges behind them, all leading to a mini-story conclusion and a flavored reward to those players. The reward could be anything, including a new subclass tier, or mastery, or something.

…and a ray of light would shine upon them for all other players to see. Another message would automatically be generated in the map, this time announcing the players who have advanced through a mastery, and all other players in the map would be like “wow, how did you get your name in the chat? What did you do to get that mastery? I want to get it too!”

Very cool, something we’ve discussed a lot internally as well in regards to some of our concepts of what future maps would look like

Some of this seems a little bit silly or over the top to me when I read it, but I can tell you that I still have the screenshot that a guildie took for me in GW1 of the LA chat box that said something along the lines of:

Ayelet Feldspar has achieved the title God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals.

So, while reading it in the post seems kinda cheesy, there is some value to the player name showing up in the chat box or I wouldn’t have saved the screenie, or even had someone standing in LA to take it.

I also made sure to get my full beam of light in the HoM and I was very sad to see that absolutely none of the statues, or the light, remained in GW2.

So, think about this type of reward or progression — a beam of light doesn’t help kill that skale in Queensdale any quicker at all, but it could still be something that players devote a lot of time and effort to achieving.
Sorrows Furnace

[Dragonbrand] LF guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aye.8392


Hello Michael,

I’m not certain if you’re willing to change servers or guest to play with a guild, but you sound like you might be a good fit with Alchemy Incorporated. We’re a social guild and we team up often and in all of the areas. Right now we have a lot of people who are leveling from 25 – 55 especially. One of the great things about GW2 is that higher level players can come back and play in starting areas and still get experience to progress themselves. Have a look at our recruitment thread and if it seems like you’d enjoy playing with us give just give a shout.
Sorrows Furnace

(edited by Aye.8392)

Social Guild on Sorrows Furnace [AI]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aye.8392


You should join [AI]. Clinkk has beer.
Sorrows Furnace

Market Intervention - Leather

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aye.8392


Probably gonna take 500 pieces to make cloaks or something for ascended back items.

There are so many potential uses for leather that Anet can do to make some market adjustments.

Cloaks is definitely one of them, even though there are issues for clipping/various character sizes

Colin hinted that the next legendaries would be backpieces, and they could include cured leather as a key component.

They could also introduce a temporary market adjustment item, just like the Mystic Forge Conduit was a few months after release.

For example, they could include a cheaper 18-slot bag which combines various tiered leather.

T5 leather is a great investment only if you have the space. If you have an extra account, the TP acts as unlimited storage and is the only feasible way to stockpile on mats. Cured Leather is the better alternative is space is limited, though I’m very cautious about it because I don’t want to get burned on Gossamer like last time.

I was a big proponent on Gossamer investing back when it was 1-2 S but I failed to sell quickly. Ended up dumping at 3-4S, which overall was a loss.

Well yes they could do this. But you’re not really talking from an unbiased perspective here.

Other than making Vol money, why should they do this?

Why? Read this:

“We’ve noticed several markets that are clearly out of sync in terms of supply and demand. It isn’t interesting or fun to have a market flooded with items that contain very little value, so we’re making adjustments to the game every day. Players can expect to see these markets even out over time.

While adjusting the supply and demand will bring markets closer to non-vendor based equilibrium, there is still the matter of massive surplus of some items. To address the surplus, we’ve created some new, limited-time Mystic Forge recipes that use these items. These recipes create boxes that give chances for gold and some cool items."

Isn’t that quote from over a year ago? I don’t doubt that at some point leather will increase, but how long will you have to hold it before it happens?
Sorrows Furnace

Server Transfer Token via Influence

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aye.8392


My point is more that people often enter the game without having a server preference, choose one at random, and begin to play there. Then, when they find a guild they would like to play with the transfer fee is expensive enough to be prohibitive, especially for a new player. Giving guilds the ability to help them transfer would be a great boon to both the players and the guilds involved.
Sorrows Furnace

Looking for a Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aye.8392


Hello Noctambulism,

It’s kinda hard to imagine playing for 8 months without a guild. I’d love to have you check out Alchemy Incorporated and see if we might be the guild for you. Our recruitment post is here and if you like what you see give me a shout in game or send a PM here.
Sorrows Furnace

Server Transfer Token via Influence

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aye.8392


Things that are good for keeping the player base happy and in the game are good for the gemstore, too.
Sorrows Furnace

Server Transfer Token via Influence

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aye.8392


I would love to see a Server Transfer Token that could be purchased using Guild Influence and sent to a guild member to help them switch servers to play with the guild. I used to help new members transfer quite often, but gems have become very expensive to purchase with gold and I simply cannot keep up.

I understand that the server transfer cost needs to be fairly high to preserve the integrity (ha!) of WvW, but right now it is high enough to be prohibitive to many people who would like to change for the sake of playing with a guild and receiving the advantages of the guild bonuses.

There needs to be some way for me to help guild members get to our server. Even the ability to gift a transfer token from the gem store would be nice.
Sorrows Furnace

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Aye.8392


The next challenge: We want to put as much content in the open world as possible, so you’re constantly running into other players and having great social experiences. This is one of the pillars of Gw2, and why we try and avoid instances as much as possible. How would you modify this system to work in the open world? (I see a lot of easy ways – skill point challenges are very similar to this, but it’s fun to ask you!)

The Guild Wars 1 system seems to lend itself very well to skill capture in GW2, too.

Having open world “bosses” — Vets, Elites or Champs would work nicely for a skill capture the same way it did in GW1. If you are playing a Warrior, for example, have a predefined warrior boss that carries a specific utility skill. Players would pay 3 skill points for a simple signet of capture, have it on your bar when you defeat a Veteran boss of the same profession as you who has a skill that you want. When the signet is used over the corpse of the boss it is replaced with the captured skill. Pay 6 skill points and kill an Elite mob for tier two skills, pay 10 or 30 for an elite skill and kill a Champ. While most mobs could be killed by a single player others might or would require company, much like current skill challenges do.

Tool Tips on the signet of capture could easily explain the process to new or casual players.
Sorrows Furnace

Would like to join a casual PvE guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aye.8392


Hi Martin,

Have a look at the guild Alchemy Incorporated on the Sorrows Furnace server, you sound like a perfect compliment to our form of lunacy, although we mostly type instead of using voice coms. We’re a social guild and have quite a lot of people leveling up right now. We’re dungeon friendly, and quite willing to play through with people who don’t know the dungeon yet. Usually we preface forming dungeon groups with either “quick run” or “kill all the things” and we’re happy to show people either way.

We play Fractals, Open world exploration, dungeons, and living story, and we oftentimes team up for things as mundane as getting in the daily requirements.

Take a look at our recruitment post and give a shout if you want to join.
Sorrows Furnace

Social Guild on Sorrows Furnace [AI]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aye.8392


Looking for cool people to play the game with? Looking for people that are willing to team up and play together? That’s the whole reason our guild exists. Give a shout for an invitation.
Sorrows Furnace

Jumping Puzzle Raaage...

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: Aye.8392


It isn’t poor design just because you’re not good at it.

Is it poor design when you make it to the top of the exploding presents, wait out the snowball, head for the lozenge and then the PvP format decides that the game is over and knocks you back to the start?

To be honest I didn’t have much trouble with the puzzle this year, and that only happened to me once before I figured out to watch the timer and if it was down to low to wait it out. But I can see the complaint of having it in a PvP format when the whole 30 min cycle is not needed.
Sorrows Furnace

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Aye.8392


I once saw a post in the suggestion forum about having a single use item that a player could use in the open world against say a door on a building in LA, or a stead in Wayfarer’s. Once used/placed the player could interact with that door to enter a home instance for their own housing — it wouldn’t matter how many other players had used their “door” in the same area. That would allow players to have homes without taking up space. It seemed like a cool idea, but a monster coding feat.
Sorrows Furnace

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Aye.8392


Chris, if you remember, I suggested something to this regard about global ongoing goals within the living story CDI thread. I think I titled it, global dominance where depending on how much of the world the players control, we receive certain benefits similar to WvW.

Hmmm tie the idea of global dominance to guild claiming of outposts in the open world and you would have a fascinating meta game that could involve the whole server. Small guilds of 5-10 could fortify camps and outposts while towns and forts would be available for larger guilds. It would cost influence and guild merits to claim an outpost and you would have to make sure the guild checked up on it at least once a day.

yes Malchior I got some of my sandbox ideas into the horizontal CDI I am sorry :P

It sounds very cool, but if something like this were to be implemented they would need to be very careful not to force people into playing in a boring way. When a guild holds a keep in WvW, and upgrades it, often members of that guild feel obligated to stay and defend it, even when others have moved on. It’s long and boring waiting for someone to attack that keep. If your guild claims a keep in the open world you don’t want to have members stuck there with the keep while others are off playing dungeons, fractals… fun and profitable stuff. It could cause hard feelings between guildmates or long hours for guild leaders.
Sorrows Furnace

Social Guild on Sorrows Furnace [AI]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aye.8392


Still looking for a few more. You’re welcome to ask for an invitation and try us out — if you decide we’re not what you’re looking for you can sneak away in the middle of the night without leaving a phone number.
Sorrows Furnace

Looking for the impossible :o/

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aye.8392


Please allow me to introduce you to the AI community. I’m not sure we’re what you’re looking for because of your requirement that the members rep — we don’t expect 100% representation, or even desire it, and often times there are as many members of our guild repping others as there are repping us — we have guild allies from our time in GW1 that have their own guild homes, but they are on our roster so if they are doing something and need to fill a team spot they can pop over and ask our members if they are interested in going… we have members that enjoy our chat and are friends with our members but want to be in a strong WvW guild most of the time… We have members that come in for a few laughs and then head out again, and we have members that consider AI home and rep us 98% of the time (the other 2% they’re killing Tequatl with TTS). We’re good with all of that — the people are what makes our guild and we encourage them to have fun whether that’s repping our guild or someone else. We don’t kick for inactivity — if a member is gone for a couple of months and returns they’ll come back to a raucous welcome. Other than that caveat we would seem to be a good fit…

Our members actually care about each other. We aren’t a WvW guild or a PvE guild or even a PvX guild. We’re a social guild. We exist solely for the sake of having cool people to play with, and as such we’re often times teamed up for even the most mundane activities. Yesterday I was in guild teams for 3 separate dungeons, a set of fractals, showing someone the path through Shark’s Maw jump puzzle, and openworld play in Caledon Forest with a new, level 16 member just for the sake of getting to know him and having the pleasure of his company

We type in complete sentences, use punctuation and know that Ur was a City in Sumeria. Most of our roster is over 30. We curse — if our guild chat was transferred to this forum you might see whole litters of kittens. Back when butter was going for 2c each someone filled every square inch of our guild bank, all sections, with butter, just for fun. Many of our players are on for several hours every day, and many are only on weekends…

If we sound like what you’re looking for let me know and I’ll send you an invite.

Here’s a link to our current recruitment post:
Sorrows Furnace

Guild Wars?

in PvP

Posted by: Aye.8392


Any chance of bringing something like the Xunlai Tournament House back along with GvG? A chance for a fresh start from the ground up might get rid of all of the built in bugs and it was a wonderful mechanic for keeping PvE’ers interested in what was happening in the PvP world.
Sorrows Furnace

Social Guild on Sorrows Furnace [AI]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aye.8392


AI has reformed for GW2 and we’re looking for a few good people to join the lunacy. We are a social guild that participates in PvE and WvW. We mostly play on the Sorrows Furnace server in the US, but if you aren’t into WvW feel free to join from any server.
Update 12/31/13
We haven’t been actively recruiting for awhile and many of our members have wandered away to other games or activities. Because we don’t kick for inactivity you will see lots of grey names on our roster, and we’re fine with that. If it troubles you that there are inactive players in the guild this is probably not the right spot for you. However, camaraderie and silliness are still a major part of our guild chat and the people who are active in the guild tend to enjoy teaming together to do lots of different stuff
Our rule:
Have fun, don’t be a jerk.

Things we value:
Game of Thrones, salty language peppered with wordplay and innuendo,, punctuation, quoting Princess Bride and Firefly, pie, and teaming up to play with guildmates and allies.

Things we do not appreciate:
PLAyIng bIG LetTEr LIttLE LetTEr, almost all types of hate speech unless it is directed at popular Texas politicians, l337 5p34k, or referring to things that are stupid or ridiculous as gay.

Things we require from our players:
Basic knowledge:
You must know that there are three variants of the word there and how to use each one:
There — Over yonder
They’re — what they be gonna do
Their — not your’n.

Basically this is an R Rated guild. We do not check ID’s at the door, but if we’re running a dungeon and your mom comes by and hears us using vulgarities in Mumble and makes you sign out we will be angry. At you. Most of our current roster is over 30.

Since most of our roster is over 30 we also understand about kids, jobs, hobbies, aging parents etc. We’re good with you playing when you can. This is a very laid back environment, and we won’t kick you out because you have other stuff to do.

The way the AI world works:
The developers, in their infinite wisdom, have allowed for multiple guilds in GW2. We don’t expect to be your only guild or to always have something on tap that will keep you entertained. We will have events and outtings, but it won’t be a constant thing. Go, play, have fun. For some of us AI is home, and if it becomes home for you too, that’s great; but, if you just want to visit, hang out, and have a few laughs that’s great too. Feel welcome to come and go as you please. I expect that all of us, including leadership, will sometimes go visit and play with other guilds. The one request is that if you are teaming with another guildie please represent AI so that we can get the influence. This isn’t a mandate, it’s just a request — we understand that there might be times when it seems more appropriate to represent another guild.

We have a group of allies that we have played with for several years. Their rules are different from ours and the rating in alliance chat is G to PG Light. Plus, they hug and stuff. But, all in all they are great fun. Treat them as well as you would an AI’er and save the colorful language/stories for guild chat.

If you find you’re interested in playing with us you can say so at:
Our forums are not very active presently, but they do have helpful links to many excellent resources on the front page. And hopefully we can lure some new players in to increase the activity.

In Game you can contact:
Rordan Anatoli
Anna Lies

edited: because the first attempt was rated 2 kittens.
Sorrows Furnace

I don't understand

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aye.8392


You are not forced to do it.

When ‘You don’t have to play.’ is the answer, it means pretty bad things for the game in question.

And you are ignoring my post.
You don’t need to have a single piece of Ascended armor in order to do lvl 50 Fractals, seeing as you can get more than enough AR from simply upgrading the infusions in your rings.
And since you claim to love fractals you shouldn’t have much issues getting more then enough infusions to upgrade them quite high without having to spend more gold than you earn.

It is generally best to ignore strawman trolling arguments. But let’s follow this bit of nonsense to it’s end anyways.

The ideal goal would be 70 AR. You make the claim that you can ‘simply’ get there just from Infused rings. So we are looking at 5 AR on each of them from standard infusions, leaving 60 to go. That means you are looking for +30 Agony Infusions. The cost for the Thermocatalytic Reagents alone for each +30 Agony Infusion is over 8 million gold. This is ignoring the cost to get over five hundred million +1 Agony Infusions.

So let’s look for something a bit less trollish and at least closer to reality. Such as full ascended trinkets, infused back and rings. From the standard +5 Infusions you can hit 30 Agony Resistance, leaving 40 to go with three Agony Infusion slots. Getting +13 Agony Infusions isn’t as absurd as +30’s at least. But you are still looking at 4,096 +1 Agony Infusions for each of them. This is far more than you can actually farm on your own, forcing you to go to the Trading Post for at least a portion of them. At 15 silver each, you are looking at 614 gold, and then another 61 and a quarter gold for the Th. Reagents needed to combine them. So 675 gold for each Agony Infusion, and you need three of them. And at the rate that FotM give gold, you are going to be at it for years before you have gathered 2k gold for this.

And now we are back to where we started. The idea of ‘Just use Agony Infusions and you don’t have to grind anything but fratals!’ is absolutely absurd. No matter how you want to break it down, Agony Resistance is a very significant barrier to entry. Which wouldn’t be a bad thing, if there were other enjoyable endgame activities to GW2. But as it stands you have tPvP, WvW, and high level Fractals of the Mist.

And it seems like there are quite a few people who looked at the situation that the OP describes here and decided that the “we don’t make grindy games” MMO that they bought into isn’t really worth grinding up to the point where they could start playing effectively.

Thanks for this post. The thing is, what the OP is requesting really isn’t unreasonable — using pristine relics to get an agony slot in a piece of armor makes good sense.
Sorrows Furnace

GW1 Nostalgia -- Why not just PLAY GW1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aye.8392


I wish I had never played GW1 and then I could enjoy it from the start! But, I put well over 10,000 hours into GW1 — it’s played out. I didn’t (and don’t) expect GW2 to be the same as GW1. although I had believed the developers would keep the same philosophies in place.

Sometimes I’m also nostalgic about Baldurs Gate, Arcanum, heck even Gabriel Knight and Kings Quest… But I’m not going to leave GW2 to go back and play them simply because I enjoyed them, a lot, at the time they were popular.
Sorrows Furnace

Brilliant customer service

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aye.8392


Every time I have had the need to contact customer support I have received very good, and timely, service.
Sorrows Furnace

How much gold do you have?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aye.8392


Just a thought – I find it ironic when people say “The TP is bad because people make so much more money there than just playing the game the ‘way it was meant to be played’”. It would be like if you worked at McDonalds for minimum wage. One day a construction worker comes in for lunch, and through conversation you find out he makes 3x what you do per day without needing a higher education. They have openings, he says! Currently hiring! But you just think about what a pain it would be to have to learn something new, to change your routine, so you just say “Thanks but no thanks… oh and I also think the Government should outlaw people from making so much since I can’t either”. The construction guy just shakes his head and walks back to his much more lucrative employment, which the fast food worker could have been a part of, but couldn’t be bothered to learn.

That is not the reason at all most people don’t flip the TP. It has nothing to do with learning something new and everything to do with hating staring at the TP screen for hours at a time. That’s not what I bought, I bought Guild Wars 2. I think.

A more accurate description would be a McDonald’s worker that loves his job, and a construction worker saying well if you ever want to make more money, you can do this job. But wait, the McDonald’s worker hates construction work, and would rather do something he enjoyed with his time. So he continues flipping burgers because he enjoys it even though he knows he has the ability to make 3 times the money.

Right, and I actually agree. The follow up though is that the McDonalds worker doesn’t enjoy having hand-me-down everything. Misses the new flashy toys when they’re released. Feels angst during Xmas as all their friends get new fun toys and they are stuck with the same old Nintendo 2DS from last year. I get that people don’t enjoy playing the TP. I don’t enjoy playing the TP as I do the rest of GW2. I do, however, love my 2.8 legendary weapons, best of everything, and unlimited access to anything I want in-game or on the gem store at any minute of the day. I choose to trade 1 hour a day doing something that isn’t the pure ‘reason I bought the game’ to allow me unlimited access in any capacity to any other part of the game. If that makes sense.

When you choose what to do to make a living the financial rewards should be one of the most important aspects of the decision. When you choose what to do for the sake of entertainment then the fun should be one of the most important aspects of the decision. I wouldn’t decide to work in a bowling alley because it gives me a chance to play during work hours.

This game is my entertainment. Sometimes I play the TP, because that’s kinda fun. Sometimes I do a dungeon or a fractal because that’s fun. Most usually when I log in I type something along the line of, “Hello guild, what’s everyone up to tonight?” and I’ll go do something with one of my guildmates. Because THAT is fun.

Sometimes the accumulation of pretend wealth is fun to people, and that is perfectly legitimate — Monopoly keyed into that decades ago and has made real-life money from it since. And here is the real point of my post… TP flipping, spreadsheets, accumulated wealth — that’s FUN to a lot of people… It’s perfectly understandable that A-Net caters to those people, too.

Currently have 400g liquid, lots of assets and a great friends list I do some of everything in game. I don’t spend anything remotely close to an hour a day playing the TP.
Sorrows Furnace

Fastest non-crafting way to level these days?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aye.8392


Dynamic events are still the fastest way to level. Choose a zone, hit all of the WP and POI for the experience they give, and while you’re at it finish, or at least tag, every dynamic event along the way. Kill neutral creatures for the xp bonus, use food, a crystal or potion, and an xp booster. Out of the way maps, or corners of maps, are usually the best place for xp bonuses. If you can get a buddy or two to go along it’s all the more faster and if something happens and you die they’ll be available to rez you.

Have fun!
Sorrows Furnace

No Freebies this year? :(

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aye.8392


A-Net usually gives the presents on Wintersday, not Christmas. Wait for January 1
Sorrows Furnace

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Aye.8392


I have seen a couple of ideas about having armor/weapons that have switchable stats. I would love to have that convenience, but I wonder what effect that would have on the economy. Games need item sinks the same way they need gold sinks, and keeping money moving from player to player — not creating wealth, but distributing wealth — is important too. If I can switch the stats on an item why would I ever need a new one? What do I do if one drops and there is no demand on the TP? If there is also an item locker for skins, then items aren’t being destroyed for the sake of the skin, either.

All I’m saying here is be very careful what you wish for. In the long run this might end up making players more unhappy than happy.
Sorrows Furnace

A flag for the ANet viewers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aye.8392


I don’t know if it would help the devs or not, but personally I would love to have a “follow” list for the forums. There actually are some people that I would like to read each post that they make.

I say if the devs make it for themselves they should give us access too!
Sorrows Furnace

Done with fractals...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aye.8392


This thread makes me very sad. To see how community members treat each other… shakes head

I also see less folks in fractals than before the patch. But this was predicted. Once the meta was no longer doable, fair weather fractal players left, hardcores are all that do them. And now they stick top remade groups, rather than pugs.

Overall, I think that the patch had a negative effect on the community and game. While it was brought out to please the majority of the player base, it actually only positively affected the minority. Things like account bound levels helped some people, who had AR on multiple non leveled characters, but undermined the efforts of those who actually leveled their alts to higher levels. These things are sad. And I think it’s about time more people at least acknowledged that there was a mistake made.

I have to agree that the way some players are treating the OP is very bad. Here is a player that worked their way up to the top tiers of one of the more difficult areas of the game — the only place where vertical gear progression is essential to play, but it also required a good deal of skill. The gear he had already accumulated was made obsolete. The levels that he had accumulated were completely taken away to satisfy the requirements of a “leader board” that was poorly imagined and has already been removed. This player’s motivation has been pulverized. A little empathy might be in order.

I never played high level fractals, but from what I’ve seen it looks like the people that were most into playing fractals aren’t anymore, and the people that were level 2 or 3 or 6 are suddenly interested. Overall that might be good for the game, but it’s very sad for the players that were completely shafted with the Fractured update.
Sorrows Furnace

Spam Abuse Enhancement

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aye.8392


If you disable the notification of emotes in chat you can’t see friends or guildies /wave @ or /salute @. It should be that if you put the offender on ignore the emotes would not be fed to your chat window, but unfortunately that isn’t the case.
Sorrows Furnace

Upgrade extractor & finishers in gemstore

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aye.8392


It’s a luxury item and not meant for everyday use. They don’t want everyone to suddenly extract all their upgrades rather than buy them. That would only lead to a market crash and a loss of another gold sink.

This person said what I was trying to, but I’m not nearly as eloquent or patient as he/ she is.

I, as well as countless others, are certainly willing to pay a premium to reuse our upgrades instead of having to buy new ones. That premium we’re willing to pay is what balances the economy; claiming that it will lead to a “market crash” implies zero knowledge about how the market works in the first place. We are saying that the premium they’re asking nullifies the value of the item in over 99% of cases, which simultaneously hurts ANet’s making money from the item and hurts the players by locking the functionality behind too high a price. It is a good item, and I do want to use it, but it is overpriced, and that is a problem.

Completely agree with Rising Dusk if the item is going to exist. Still not completely sure the item should exist though. Really this mechanic should be fixed for infusions without requiring an extractor.
Sorrows Furnace

Am I the only Player that Likes Scarlet?

in Living World

Posted by: Aye.8392


I don’t hate her by any means, and some of what she says is pretty funny. But, I do feel like much of her story flies directly in the face of existing lore and that makes me unhappy with the story arc.
Sorrows Furnace