Sorrows Furnace
Sorrows Furnace
Am I missing something? When I did this daily achievement lat night, I only had to kill three champs to complete it.
Honestly though, OP is arguing that this achievement can’t be completed faster but also arguing that he hates zerging (whose very nature is completing content far more rapidly than intended)? Isn’t there just a LITTLE bit of a contradiction in there? Maybe an oxymoron or two? At the very least somewhat hypocritical.
There is nothing hypocritical there.
Zerging doesn’t mean finishing more rapidly than intended, it means using so many people that each person’s contribution, individually, is unnecessary.
So this is a case of Princess Bride syndrome where the word doesn’t mean what you think it means.
And honestly I think the achievements for this are ridiculous. While this might have to do with my server being a dead server so everything that I have to do has to be done solely as there is no one to do them with. And the content needs to be constructed to be completeable by all players on all servers which means that is needs to be soloable. So either the events need to made to scale down when there is only one active player participating, or they need to make the meta and achievements giving nonachievement awards only the soloable achievements.
But the achievement doesn’t have to be done in Kessex or even in the LS events. Any Vet or Champ in the world can have the buff. Try Hirathi — I’ve had good luck there and with the Ogre War dynamic event in Fields of Ruin. Heck, I ran out to kill the witch in Timberline, and on the way back out of the zone ran into a Veteran Crab that had the buff. I think it’s probably easier to get this achievement just playing in random out of the way places instead of with the zerg.
Sorrows Furnace
Yes, an excellent suggestion. It doesn’t seem easy.
I’d be happy with just a portal stone to my home instance the way I can go to HoM, but I don’t really see that happening either.
Sorrows Furnace
I mean, you wouldn’t want to play with elitists anyway, right?
Yeah, who wants to play with a group of people who took the time and gold to level a certain class, get a proper zerker set (ascended stuff, runes, sigils, etc), learn to play that class, learn every fight, use consumables and all that, right?
Well no, most people wanna play with a group like that, but not everyone wanna spend the gold and time getting there too.
I don’t want to play with a group like that.
I suppose that the /inspect feature would be good insurance against it, since they would kick me for not having the gear. But really, I’d just as soon not have it in the game. There are other ways to recognize and avoid “those” people no matter which side of the fence you’re on.
Sorrows Furnace
You’re forgetting about the obnoxious obelisk scavenger hunt!
Seriously, “wait till dulfy puts up a guide” is a horrible gameplay mechanic.
C’mon, that’s not really true. Sure you can use Dulfy to get it , or you can just go to the map spots that have krait populations and find them yourself. This was actually kinda interesting to me. Look around at a map, try to remember where the krait were and go find the obelisk.
Well, it was interesting to me until I started doing the same with alternates and realized they didn’t have the transcriber in the inventory and that it wouldn’t count toward my total, then I quit.
Sorrows Furnace
I’m willing to bet they make more money than RNG than they would without it.
Maybe so, but not from me.
Sorrows Furnace
A timesink devoid of any fun, this achievement represents everything that is wrong with bland kill quest designs in MMO’s.
I completely disagree. This achievement happens just from playing the game, without having to go looking for anything at all. People who want to grind can grind it out while focusing on nothing else, looking just for the buff. People like me can happily play something like the Ogre Wars dynamic event chain in Fields of Ruin, actively ignoring the Kessex Hills zerg, and find champs/vets/bosses that coincidentally have the buff and manage the achievement just from playing normally.
This is one of the good cheeves that allow us to play the game exactly the way that we enjoy it, regardless of the type of player we are.
Sorrows Furnace
We want to be able to buy individual pieces of the gemstore armor sets.
Anet will make more money this way. Very few people will fork out 800 gems just for one pair of pants or one pair of boots or one top, but lots of people would pay 200-300 gems for it. You will even get people like me buying more than 800 gems of pieces for various looks.
GW2 is all about customizable looks, don’t lock us into cookie cutter outfits.
This is something I would love to see. Sell the full outfits, but have single pieces available too.
Sorrows Furnace
Just have to say I absolutely love the cat sounds while hallucinating under the toxin’s effect. I think my girlfriend went looking for what was wrong with her kitty 4 or 5 times before she realized it was in the game. Great fun!
I know this isn’t a high priority topic and I’m sorry if it was said before, but the search function doesn’t work and I just couldn’t leave it unsaid
Sorrows Furnace
I thought there was a story behind the disappearances in Divinity’s Reach that these two were going to uncover.
Kasmeer: This festival reminds me of when I was little, and my father and I used to go to the carnival in Divinity’s Reach.
Player: Does your father still live in Divinity’s Reach?
Kasmeer: No. He’s…He’s gone. My mother died when I was young, and my father…He was taken earlier this year.
Player: You must miss him.
Kasmeer: I miss the man who used to hold my hand at the carnival, yes. But, let’s not talk about that. It’s too nice a day!Marjory’s reason for leaving the Ministry Guard was the boy that was murdered and the cover up.
Somehow there was some other story happening at the time (or so little story happening at the time) that made me think there was trend of missing people going on in Divinty’s Reach. I thought Kasmeer’s father was tied up in that and the two were going to be relevant in the story as we exposed that. Looking at it again it looks like I’ve minsterpreted vague back story as hints of a future story.
It sounds more like Kasmeer’s father was not taken by kidnappers or an evil faction but rather taken as in killed. She doesn’t sound too upset that he’s gone, with some sort of implication that he was a less than lovable man towards the end of his days and (reading into and and speculating a lot) Kasmeer may have even had a hand in his death.
I was excited by Kasmeer when I had mistakenly imagined she was was investigating some big mystery. Turns out I misread her vague backstory instead and her purpose for being in the story is non-existent up until now.
I don’t want to see more characters wedged into the story through some kind of convenient plot device. Suddenly out of nowhere Kasmeer is a master mesmer. Why? Because a giant veil appeared in the middle of Kryta and Anise – who is known to be a powerful mesmer and was active beyond her role as the Queen’s Bodyguard in the personal story – decided to ignore it. They decided Kasmeer is now a notable mesmer simply to shoehorn her into this story. Why didn’t Anise or even someone from Divinity’s Reach get involved in the situation?
Something that Destiny’s Edge does better than the Living Story cast is their characters have reasons for having a thumb in every pie. Rytlock is a Tribune, Logan is captain of the Seraph, Caithe is a firstborn, Zojja is the apprentice of a genius inventor and Eir’s legend is one of the most impressive of the current generation of norn (and was before GW2 began if we go off of Braham’s story). That is all in addition to their status as Destiny’s Edge – the first to kill an elder dragon champion in 250 years (since it was done in GW1). When kitten goes down, they will often be involved simply because of their positions in their respective races, but we also want them around because they are Destiny’s freaking Edge.
Why do we want Kasmeer around? She’s a master mesmer. Is she going to become a master of something else next time she’s in the story? How many times are we going to need a detective or master of poisons before they create another thing for Marjory to be good at? Rox is a lackey for Rytlock. She had a weak reason for being involved with Tequatl (and it has no story depth to it which is partially why her involvement with the Tequatl Rising patch wasn’t very interesting). Braham is unusual in that he’s a norn and norn can honestly be wherever they want to be (although why we’d care is another story). Kiel is the only one who has moved to the level of Destiny’s Edge and to be honest, when were the Captain’s Council ever relevant prior to the assassination attempt? I guess she has an air ship now (too bad she doesn’t have an interesting bone in her body).
I want characters to be relevant to the story because it makes sense, not because of magic plot developments (Scarlet acquires the obelisk shards out of nowhere, Kasmeer is suddenly a powerful mesmer). I don’t think the current Living Story cast are prominent enough in Tyria to make sense as people who keep turning up without lots of convenient plot devices which weaken the overall story.
The problem with using Anise in any story is that she is involved with the personal story and therefore can’t die. The same is true for the members of Destiny’s Edge. They have to continue in the game world. So, we know nothing is really going to happen to them. This isn’t true of Rox or Braham, Kass or Jory. If one of these people goes missing the player NEEDS to go check on them. Something might happen to them!
Faran being kidnapped by Scarlett wasn’t a big deal since Faran is so very involved in the Human Noble story. But when Marjory calls Kassmere krait bait, well… Things could happen to this pair. We need to be ready to defend them, and that makes me happy.
Sorrows Furnace
My grandkids both love playing ranger, and really love the asura race. The animations are so over the top that it makes playing more fun for them
Sorrows Furnace
As a former communications manager, I have some insight that may be of help to the entire Anet and Player teams taking part in these discussions.
The problem of in game actions by some members of the Anet team, and some unprofessional posts on these forums, are making it difficult for the average person to separate the personal and business interaction with Anet into separate categories.
Any interaction in game, or on the forums, should be monitored and buffered through a single person to insure consistency and accuracy across the broadest spectrum of interaction.
Yes you can post to the forums, but you need to have someone who understands the consequences of statements that may seem inconsequential to you. Now if we could get the forum members to use the same high degree of thoughtfulness to their posts it would be a grand world indeed.
I highly recommend a Communications Liaison, it will allow you to hone your message and allow you a more focused view of the message that the players are trying to relate.This is just my opinion. Take it into consideration at your own convenience.
I wholeheartedly disagree with this sentiment. Allow your people to be people and to interact with us as much as possible. Yes, the WvW incident was regrettable, but there was also an apology and MOST people have accepted that and moved on. Personally, I love to see the red tag, both in the forums and in the game. The more the better, the more candid the better, the more human like… You get the picture.
Sorrows Furnace
I know that this has been said over and over again, but I’m saying it one more time: The story in the Living World has to make some sense with the lore that has gone before it.
You might, maybe, possibly, be able to convince me the Krait would enter into an alliance with Scarlet and the Nightmare Court for the sake of the obelisk shards, but the Krait speaking common just completely kills any smidgen of plausibility that there might have been. Krait are speaking common. Krait. Common.
This does not make the game more immersive.
C’mon guys — please, please have some respect for your own lore.
Sorrows Furnace
TBH I like the solo instancing, it lets you focus on the actual story. I mean, you don’t spend your time in a movie talking to your friends right? (Unless it’s The Room ofc)
Although it should work like the Personal Story where you can bring people along if you want.
I don’t spend my time in a movie theatre talking with my friends. But I seldom attend one alone and I can’t imagine an usher stopping us at the door and telling us that we’ll have to attend separate showings because this is a solo movie…
Sorrows Furnace
Thanks for expressing your concerns. It’s definitely our preference to give players as much choice about their instanced experiences as possible. Whenever possible, we make instances capable of being either soloed or completed in groups.
However, in this particular case, because we are manually intercepting everyone over level 25 and automatically loading them into the instance, we currently don’t have support for parties to be brought into the instance together under those circumstances. This is something that we are looking at addressing for the future. It was not an easy choice, but for narrative reasons we felt it would have been less impactful for players to load straight into Kessex Hills without having experienced the instance beforehand.
I do regret that we weren’t able to offer “The Nightmare Unveiled” as group content at this time, but hopefully the remainder of the open world content makes up for this.. :-)
The personal story allows us to play with others in an instance even if we aren’t in the same area when the instance is entered.
To be perfectly candid the rest of the content being good doesn’t make up for the forced solo instance. I am asking long and loudly for narrative, lore and story telling, but if it means giving up group play it isn’t worth it to me.
Surely you can manage both?
Sorrows Furnace
I dislike the mechanic. It seems like a time-waster with no other reason to exist.
Sorrows Furnace
Reading the update notes and seeing in the Living Story that the beginning instance is solo makes me incredibly unhappy. I play this game with my girlfriend, with family, with friends and with my guild. While there might be times that I play alone because I want to, there should never be an instance where I play alone because the game designers of an MMO decreed it to be so. Seeing “solo” makes me want to toss the game in the trash. There are other platforms for solo games.
Sorrows Furnace
Event-related daily achievements, beyond those available in a single day, should not be required for the meta-achievement. The introduction of daily achievements that count towards the meta-achievement was a great idea for people who find a handful of the base set of achievements overly onerous, but it should not be required to complete dailies over several days to get the meta. Someone who, for whatever reason, can only play during one day during the period should at least have a chance.
I’ve said this many times. I completely understand the reasoning behind having it so that players with only a short time to play each day can still achieve the Meta. Having a daily event fills that need. But, when daily events are required to be able to complete the meta it completely overrides the needs of the players at the other end of the spectrum — those that can’t play for an hour everyday, but have 6 – 8 hours available to play on a weekend. We who play in blocks of time should have the possibility to win the Meta reward too. Currently, even though we devote as much time overall as other players, we lose out on a great deal of rewards: laurels, achievement points, and crafting the high tier items.
Signing in with a block of time to play, heading out to enjoy the new content and then discovering that there is no possibility of achieving the LS Meta Reward really hurts.
More buildup. We saw how much attention the little teaser for Tower of Nightmares got. Imagine if that had been built up over a couple of months. Start with new events involving the krait collecting lumber and slaves. Somebody shows up to investigate the increased krait activity just as the barrier and illusion goes up. Next update the tower is taller, and the full cast (including that golem’s owner, who is planning a reconnaissance mission close to the barrier) has shown up and is discussing it. Finally, in the last update before the full reveal, the illusion reaches its full height, and the golem’s owner, who we had an opportunity to meet in earlier teasers, has gone missing – basically, at the point that it was at a fortnight ago.
As much as I agree with the previous point I wholeheartedly disagree with this one. Too much build up ends up with too slow a story. Any more than a week of the Tower teaser and I would have simply lost interest, kinda like following those refugees around looking for their lost items. It was too drawn out. I sure don’t mind seeing things change a little at a time, but those changes need to occur over the course of days, not weeks.
Sorrows Furnace
(edited by Aye.8392)
I love the way the Tower of Nightmares is being presented to the player base this time around. Seeing the change in the world, looking for clues or small insights — that has been great!
This is the very best I imagine the Living World could be. Going into an area, seeing something has changed, working to “fix” things, learning the story as we go, who is behind it, what is happening, what has to be done to aid the people of Tyria, earning the rewards as we play because we’re doing what needs to be done and following the story-arc. It beats the heck out of a checklist of things that need to be accomplished 10 or 20 or 250 times to “finish” the content. If we enjoy playing the content we’ll continue to play it, maybe doing it over and over again; if not, tying an achievement to the repetition isn’t making the game or the living story better.
Sorrows Furnace
This strikes me as odd. I used a basic salvage kit on about 20 rare items with an item req of 46 – 53 and didn’t receive a single essence of luck. Considering how many I have been getting from other items it made me wonder if there was a minimum level.
Sorrows Furnace
I find that when I salvage low level rares I’m getting no essence of luck. What level does the item req have to be before it will return Essence of Luck?
Sorrows Furnace
1: Alliances
2: Guild Halls
3: GvG
4: Guild Leaders tag much like a Commander’s tag, but visible only to guild members.
5: A “home” button. Much like going to the mists, but to the home instance, always available out of combat.
Sorrows Furnace
1: Time Gating
2: Guild Amenities
3: RNG, especially gemstore RNG
Sorrows Furnace
This is why the new forum rules were created. Stay constructive folks. This is an opportunity.
Yep, can’t force your employees to visit, read and post on the forums if you expect them to be simply demoralized by the content there.
1: Time gating: rewards, LS achievements, crafting
2: Guild Amenities
3: Precursor attainment
Sorrows Furnace
Not being able to access the content is a big problem for me. I can’t play the dungeon unless I’ve completed the meta event and having the meta achievements time-gated means that I can’t dump 6 or 8 or 10 hours on the weekend into getting that done. Instead I have to be on every day to complete some daily task to get the points. I wish I could devote some of every day to this game but I can’t. It’s a game and other parts of life take priority. So… If I can’t play every day I can’t play the final dungeon. To me this is a disappointing let down, and it ties me to the game in a way that not even a monthly subscription could do.
Sorrows Furnace
This would be a great quality of life update for players who purchase from the gem store.
Sorrows Furnace
I can’t say I particularly care for the new “turrets try to shoot whatever you hit” option either. It seems like it’ll just confuse the turrets and lead to them not firing as often as they should due to constant target swapping (since the turret needs to turn towards the target before it can fire). I personally had no problem with the way turrets targeted enemies before, and I actually liked that my turrets would spread their fire out to different enemies, it allowed something like a Net Turret or overcharged Rocket Turret to keep one enemy somewhat rooted while I could target another enemy freely. Now everything will be going after my target which means all the other enemies are unhindered, no CC spread at all. It also means I have to watch my turrets more closely, because if a random mob breaks off and goes after one of my turrets it won’t defend itself any more, it’ll just keep shooting my target.
This. I much preferred turrets as they were.
we are engineers. they should give us ability to write turret ai ourselves. On per-turret basis.
I would really love to make net turret to shoot at moving targets, rocket at clumped ones, rifle turret on the target that took/is taking the most damage. Maybe even so turret combinations.
Well, yeah. That would rock. But I can’t even get a lot of party members to do this.
Sorrows Furnace
Btw – Banning players is a simple solution, but not a preferable or sustainable one.
No one wants to see you ban legitimate players; it’s the exploiters/cheaters that some of us would like to see gone. The same way that the most egregious exploiters were removed from the game with the PvE snowflake exploit because they had gained too much of a particular currency (gold), and would therefore devalue the currency for the rest of the player base, the most egregious of the Skyhammer farmers should be banned for the same reason. They have devalued glory/rank for the players who have been gaining it legitimately.
Sorrows Furnace
Please let us know if support is able to help you, or what information they give you.
Sorrows Furnace
so i bought 2 ascended accesory atheas ashes and i can’t aquip both if them on my char
so i thought that you can put only one on each character,
but its freaking soulbound now and i can’t put it on another character!!!!!
anyone knows what i can do know??sorry if this is not the appropriate place for this.
While support won’t give you your money or commendations back they will sometimes exchange the item for one that you can use. File a ticket and see if they will help you.
This is really much more to do with poor programming than it is about user error. Adding a sell back tab like the buy back tab that is available on the merchants would be a great boon to players.
Sorrows Furnace
Meanwhile we are still discussing how to prioritise the topics of the 3 threads here.
This is one area where you don’t really need player feedback. The topics to be discussed should be determined by the development team itself. What topic would bring feedback that would most help the devs RIGHT NOW? What are the topics that you are discussing in-house next week? Where are you stuck, where would a sliver of inspiration drawn from the brainstorming of hundreds or thousands of players most help you? That’s the topic you should choose.
For example: No matter how many people say they would like to talk about guild amenities, if the team is not focused on those issues right now and the topic goes forward the player base will end up believing nothing has changed — even if the thread is gone over with a fine tooth comb 3 months from now it will seem to the players that they are still being ignored.
Perception matters. Let us see that our collaborative process does indeed have an impact on the game instead of humoring us on what we want to talk about.
Sorrows Furnace
Is it me or people didn’t read her short story at all?
Scarlett is, of course, a 100% plagiat on Harley quinn, but it’s good enough for the game level. Its not like we had a proper made character after Rurik anyway.
Palawa Joko anyone? He was over the top too, but in a much better way.
Sorrows Furnace
I would have thought they’d move to free trait re-specs at some point, but instead they put them in the gem store.
Sorrows Furnace
I again meant not offense with my reply, it just seems like you want to login and have fun and put NO work into it…
YES! This! Exactly!
I want to log in to a GAME and have FUN. I don’t want to spend my entertainment time working, I want to spend it relaxing. I want challenging encounters, not daily requirements. I want things that make me think, that quicken my reaction times, or that provide a laugh with friends. Now, I don’t mind at all setting some reasonable goals and gaining some ground in every PLAY session (not work) and over time getting to see some shiny reward pop up because I’ve been effectively PLAYING the GAME.
Unfortunately, that’s not Guild Wars 2 feels like anymore, and I believe that the OP was asking if this is what A-Net intends with their current direction.
I spent 6 years and well over 10,000 hours in GW1. It seldom felt like work, (I say seldom because there were some titles that did indeed become grindy — but those things were not the be-all and end-all of the play) it was FUN with benefits. I believed the Guild Wars Two would be a different story, have different game mechanics, and yet have the same developer perspective and philosophy as the first game and that’s what was advertised when the pre-orders came out. It’s only become a time gated, vertical progression game recently.
The OP is asking if there is any reason to believe that A-Net still wants people who PLAY this game for fun, relaxation, camaraderie, casual experiences with good challenge and competition, or if they’ve changed the type of player that they want to attract…
Sorrows Furnace
The living story content, usually anyway, takes a day or two. You have two weeks to do it. If you’re really stressed about it, follow the Dulfy guide and it’s usually pretty fast.
But more, they’ve been tailoring the living story lately to have various goals. For example…I didn’t bother as much with the Queen’s Gauntlet and stayed with the Jubilee achievment. At the end I got the meta for the Queens’ Gauntlet too, without even facing Liadri.
They’re making it so that most people CAN get the achievements.
Most recently they have dailies that count to the meta.
It’s easier now to get the meta than it’s ever been.
They do have dailies that count to the meta now, but they don’t have enough achievements without those dailies to get the meta reward item. It is only easier to get the achievements if you sign in a few times during the week. For people that only get to play one day a week it means that it’s not only difficult to get, it’s impossible.
So… oftentimes people stop playing. Whether they stomp away in disgust or just wander away because of the “why bother” feeling doesn’t really matter. They’re still gone. It used to be that I could sign in once a week and play for six hours and still have a good sense of accomplishment. That isn’t possible anymore. The time gates on the living story achievements, the crafting, the gathering, gear attainment — those have all definitely driven my desire to play way down.
Sorrows Furnace
We’re changing it so that glory is only rewarded at the end of a match, which should stop the exploit where players leave and rejoin the match. We are also actively looking into other options to prevent this exploiting.
Thanks for the report!
Finally someone at A-Net calls an exploit an exploit instead of a behavior.
Sorrows Furnace
They really need to implement a “sell back” button on Karma, Laurel and Guild Commendation vendors much like the buy back button they have on merchants. The current implementation isn’t player friendly. Support shouldn’t have to become involved just to overcome the shortsightedness of the programmers in things like this.
Sorrows Furnace
I honestly believe that this is far more an error or mistake by Arena Net than it is by the player. Bank slots are account bound, and universal instead of character dependent. The programming should never allow a slot to be purchased if the maximum usable has already been attained. This is a downright negligent game design — a huge mistake by the developers and should never be blamed on the player/consumer. The thing that gets me is that A-Net went back and added a lock icon to the bank window that allows the player to buy a bank slot by clicking on the icon. Nice and easy to see — if there’s an icon you can buy a slot. BUT if there isn’t an icon you can buy a slot, too. This is completely idiotic. That icon should be the only way the sale can be completed — otherwise it is a useless tool. Players who don’t have the icon don’t know that it existed to begin with. I can see having an ad in the gem store that if clicked opens your bank window and points you to the lock icon to make the actual purchase, but making the actual sale through the gem store without the programming first checking to see if the item can be used is poor design and certainly not the fault of the player.
Arena Net needs to accept responsibility for their own mistakes with this incredibly poor programming, and refund the gems each and every time, without making the customer send 3 or 4 tickets arguing the point before the refund is made.
Sorrows Furnace
We are aware of this and are taking steps to mitigate this type of play.
This is certainly an exploit of the system. Hopefully A-Net is looking at permanent bans for the players involved as well as changing the system to encourage a more fun type of play.
It always amazes me when people who are breaking the rules blame it on the system instead of taking responsibility for their own poor choice. “You made me!” Is such a grade-school response.
Sorrows Furnace
I would LOVE to have alliance chat again. That is my number one request with this game.
Sorrows Furnace
No thank you.
I would much prefer that A-Net spend development time on things that benefit all players and not just those dictatorial guild leaders who believe they have the right to control the players who join their guild. If a guild requires 100% representation, and the members have agreed to that, the leader has the ability to kick them without this exisiting.
Sorrows Furnace
The event is great fun.
The sense of scale is awesome and despite it being a big old zerg fest (which is not a bad thing) the fact that commanders need to split up across the map keeps a certain level of organization required.
Our guild had great fun last night, we got a couple of Scarlet kills and are all ready to to the next step for Vorrp tonight.
Thanks ANet
I couldn’t even keep a party of 3 people in the same overflow. How were you able to get guildmates into the same invasion content?
Sorrows Furnace
Btw all the people boo hooing over havig to wait 45 mins to get in the next wave….seriously?!? Just wait it out, go do something else. Once you get back in the proper flow you won’t miss out on any more. if you do, it’s your own fault. All night I have been playing lazily and still only missed 1 and it was because of the patch (I think most people missed that one unless they landed in a home server). Right now I’m taking a break and guess what? I’ll prob miss the next one but I’m not gonna cry over it. I’ll just catch the next one. Grow up people!
Chances are the people who are “crying” are already grown up. When you have a job, a family, children, home care — things that grown-ups have — getting more than an hour of play in a night can be very difficult.
Sorrows Furnace
Last night I was partied up with my girlfriend and another guildie visiting Scarlet’s first portal and anxiously awaiting the attack of the minions. When the attack came we all three mapped to Blazeridge Steppes, but were all put into different overflows. We each tried to join the others in overflow, but each of us received the message that the overflow was full and we could not join. We each finished our own, separate, version of the attack. We did not get to play any of the portal content together.
At this point the major reason that I still play Guild Wars 2 is social. I play with friends and guildies, my son, my granddaughter. My girlfriend and I have side-by-side computers and we adventure together. I have a guild that I dearly love. If I can’t land in the same map as the people that I want to play with, then for me it’s a wasted encounter.
This is like launch all over again. I don’t understand why the lessons that were learned at that point, and at the introduction to South Sun Cove, aren’t being put into play now when massive amounts of people are shunted to just one area. If I can’t play with the people that I want to play with then even latest/freshest/best content is a failure.
Sorrows Furnace
This has been suggested several times before — probably because it would be so very effective for guild leaders. I would love to see this happen. I would happily pay the 100g to have it.
Sorrows Furnace
The devs were kind enough to put a buy-back tab on merchants so that if a mistake were made and items were accidentally sold to a merchant they could be immediately bought back again. I would love to see a similar option added to merchants so that players who mistakenly purchased an item from a merchant could sell it back, immediately, and have their currency returned.
This would solve the problem of buying the wrong armor type from a temple vendor, or buying two of the same unique items from the laurel vendor and then discovering that they couldn’t both be used. I know that I have bought beverage items from bartenders planning to send them to a guildie, and then discovered that the drinks were account bound. I’ve also made other, more expensive, mistakes.
A sell back tab on the merchants, similar to the buy back tab that already exists, would be a nice quality of life addition to the game and very player friendly.
Sorrows Furnace
My guess: “Mark the date in permanent ink” hints that this will be a repeating festival.
Sorrows Furnace
Do people realize you don’t even need to do it?
There “are” people who enjoy it. Let them have their fun.
If you are not having fun, don’t do it. I don’t enjoy wvw and jumping puzzle too, I didn’t ask Anet to remove that from the game.
If Anet want a real suggestion, make an easy mode. To appease to the more casual player. Keep the hard mode since there are obviously people who enjoy it by the feedback.
There is absolutely not one thing in the OP’s post that suggests they want an “Easy Mode.” Quite the contrary, they discuss wanting challenge and even go so far as to define the difference between challenge and punishment.
You are spot on OP. Like you I want to be challenged. Like you I don’t want to be punished because it takes time for me to rise to the challenge. I want the freedom to try, try again, until I am successful. This setup discourages people who want to rise to the task — the punishment in the forms of TIME (this is huge) and in-game currency outweigh any sense of accomplishment gained.
Sorrows Furnace
For laurels it depends… You can’t use the gear until level 80, but if you are in need of gold you can spend 5 Laurels for 10 unidentified dyes and sell the dye for over a gold.
Sorrows Furnace
Variety is good for the game, especially a balanced variety. If we make too much of any one type of content, eventually that type of content will become tiresome. The purpose of my reply wasn’t to naysay jumping puzzles or activities, but just to let you know that something different is coming. Personally, I’m a huge fan of epic open-world dynamic events and since I’ve had a hand or two in the upcoming releases, you should get ready.
As the late Captain Mai once said, watch the skies.
Late? I never heard anything about her dying, only that she was incarcerated. Is there something in it?
She’s lying on the cell floor and looks dead to me.
You had to run past the cell that she was lying in to talk to Magnus and Ellen at the top of the tower to start the Bazaar (Bizarre?) of the Four Winds.
Sorrows Furnace