Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
^ lol, thanks for the laugh :P
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
Hmmm… didn’t expect to get a good score lol… was even half asleep.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
If I went and made a guild only for boys I would probably be marked as sexist.
But hey. Go ahead…
Btw, it’s SOOOOOO awesome that you’re married. I’m so happy for you! Really! Honestly! … O_ô
Or gay, just saying :P
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
So now Elementalists are useless? What’s next? Guardians suck at support?
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
I wonder how different this would have been if Evon had his own living story content before hand.
This. It was entirely lopsided in Ellen’s favour. I called it from the start.
Hot chick.
Player is familiar with character.
Seen as hero.It’s a no brainer for the ones with no brains.
Not really, for me it was cheaper way points. I don’t really care about a stupid fractal that people might, or might not, get through a run. Which later on leads to skipping trash, and finding exploits to finish it as fast as possible.
In fact, the only reason Evon got so many votes is because of that fractal. If you gave that to Kiel she would have won already….
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
Another thread showing how ignorant people are when it comes to countering professions.
Roll a thief. THEN suggest whatever you want to suggest.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
The classes are fine. All of them do decent damage if you know how to play them.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
I use close to your build 2, but with Knight Armor instead of zerker for some toughness.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
@Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046 and @Nay of the Ether.8913.
I’m a powermancer, not a conditionmancer. If I get them to burn their burst on me first, and I survive it, it is my win. The only time I don’t survive such an encounter is when the opponents chain their CC, and none from my team offering any support. Even if I don’t survive it, they have just threw their CCs on me, and now left to fight the rest without them. Oh, and they are welcome to try and stand in my wells while trying to get to me. I use well of corruption and well of suffering, I have an off hand focus, so I can easily remove stability if I want someone off my back. My DS throws an AOE weakness plus few bleeds.
I’m not talking blindly, trust me, I just love to see a group of people and jump right between them, my survivability totally depends on how many from my team joins the fight later on. Whether it was in WvW or sPvP.
That’s some piec baddies you’re against if they not only:
1. blow cooldowns on first engage fo a necro
2. don’t bury stability under their endless supply of boons available to every other class except necro
3. Have more condition cleanses than you have conditions on your entire bar (exaggerated, but you get the idea)
4. only “a few” people focusing you , seeing as how necro is priority target in any serious pvp team.
5. your team giving a kitten about you being focused when they know there’s no way in the world they can save you and hope to salvage that fight. You served your purpose as a punching bag while they did the real leg work.
Who the hell stands in wells anymore? You don’t even have to dodge out. 2 sidesteps and you’re clear. Wtf….stop fighting baddies.
Exactly! Thank You!
However, you forgot one little point, I’m not fighting alone. Yes, I might start the fight alone, but I can’t actually kill them, even if I managed to down someone. I can go in, bruise them, but if no one came to help, I’m pretty much dead. When I say support from team mates, I don’t mean AOE heals, just few buffs here and there, such as stability, protection…etc…. Helps a lot since the only way to shut me down fast, is turning me into a ping pong ball.
Yesterday I did even more of the crazy jump-ins, just for the heck of it. You will be surprised how many players, in the heat of the battle, stand in my wells. Not to mention, my wells even make it harder for others to stomp my allies, not impossible of course, just harder. Although I’ve been playing 30/10/0/0/30 and berzerker amulet, I’ve been lasting fairly a bit, at least more than my silly guardian, especially when I went damage on him. Haven’t seen anything drop faster. Was funny though.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
I like the idea of having something new to do every once in a while, but not every two weeks. At least give us a month in between.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
@Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046 and @Nay of the Ether.8913.
I’m a powermancer, not a conditionmancer. If I get them to burn their burst on me first, and I survive it, it is my win. The only time I don’t survive such an encounter is when the opponents chain their CC, and none from my team offering any support. Even if I don’t survive it, they have just threw their CCs on me, and now left to fight the rest without them. Oh, and they are welcome to try and stand in my wells while trying to get to me. I use well of corruption and well of suffering, I have an off hand focus, so I can easily remove stability if I want someone off my back. My DS throws an AOE weakness plus few bleeds.
I’m not talking blindly, trust me, I just love to see a group of people and jump right between them, my survivability totally depends on how many from my team joins the fight later on. Whether it was in WvW or sPvP.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
Southsun next to the Guild Challenge/Guild Rush starting place. The place is infested with crabs. :P
That’s where i go if i want to kill ambient creatures.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
Hahaha happened to me before, in PvE, WvW, and PvP. +1
Sometimes I even have to shake the mouse cursor few times across the screen to spot it.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
Only one thing thats wrong with it, camping in the water with rations where the ghosts cannot hurt you. The water needs to be a bit more dangerous.
skill slot 6 Shout “Vengeance Shall Be Mine!” gain +1 revenge mote, recharge time 10 seconds (nearby players can see this shout)
skill slot 7, 1 revenge mote = x1 baracuda (health 300)
skill slot 8, 2 revenge mote = x1 skelk (health 500)
skill slot 9, 3 revenge mote = x1 drake (health 1000)
skill slot 0 Elite Sight Beyond Sight, reveal all survivors location on map for 10 seconds. recharge timer 30 seconds
Or spawn a karka nearby?
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
Thanks for the laugh, it was a good scenario to show what we’ve been through.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
DPS is highly dependent on your surrounding. How many warriors do you have in group? How many vulnerability stacking classes do you have in group? However, in most cases your DS life blast should do between 4k-7k on average. Which is fine compared to other classes in my opinion.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
You can switch focus for warhorn if you feel more comfortable with it. However, focus 4 regenerates LF nicely. Give it a try
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
50% so far -_-" . I’ll do few runs everyday until i get it. But I agree that 2500 is a lot considering the fact that the highest you can get is around 100 per round, and that requires best gameplay/luck.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
I don’t know how accurate your description of the issue is, because it totally differs from my experience. The only time I’ve seen the NPC run back that much is when they successfully landed an attack on me. Otherwise, just moving a little back will make them reset. They even run afar where the treasure is leaving me to solo the plunderers.
fair enough. but i’m not exaggerating though. which is also why i was asking if it was under certain conditions that i am being chased that far. or if there’s sth else going on. the majority of the vets i will say are near the treasure, but out of the 5 attempts i’ve tried since patch, i’ve always had at least 1 or 2 guys follow me quite far. hmm, i hadn’t noticed if i had been hit or not. so will have to test and try not getting hit at all and see if they leash easier. sometimes i would attack the plunderer on the left at spawn, and then vets near or patrolling barely past the middle would (since they spawned close and chilling around that area without running abck to the treasure) aggro and try to run me down.
[added: have you ever had vets spawn on the same location as the plunderers?]
[edit: lotta typos, oops.]
Yes, I’ve had that happen to me before, NPC spawning close to the plunderer. What I did was leave them all and just run back. Usually they should leave you be and head to the treasure area.Then right before the plunderer arrives to the drop location, I pull, cc, and kill him.
Another thing is, attacking plunderers might aggro NPC around, this is why having a pull skill + high damage will greatly help here. The pull skill will give you more range for the other NPC to get to you, and high damage will give you the ability to retreat before being hit. It might not always work as simple as this, and sometimes it gets messy. This is why if you keep trying you might succeed.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
The only thing I think needs to be changed is the duration of wind invulnerability. There is no way you can catch someone attuned to wind and got crystal. He will just mistform away + 2 dodges = profit. This is specifically saying with minimum group support. If that guy had a little support from group, no way you can catch him. Other than that it is fine.
Yeah try to catch someone who knows how to use sun 5 skill.
Well, Sun 5 doesn’t move as far as wind mistform, and Sun 5 consumes dodge bar. Not to mention I think you can still trap them with electric field. So not as OP.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
it’s definitely doable i want to say, albeit a LOT harder compared to pre-patch , not using the bug.
i will say though, at time sit still depends on luck. which is good and bad. cause you can get really lucky, or well. you know the other end of the spectrum. or perhaps someone who can shed some light on the experiences i’ve had myself.
so the vet spawn locations seem random to me? i’ve seen or heard how people do it without aggro-ing (at least not TOO much). i often have vets that spawn near the plunderer spawns. some at the middle flat rock. some even close to the left plunder spawn. so if i leash far enough to lose aggro , i might as well quit because the plunderers, especially if 2 or more are running, they could just walk and have all the treasure by the time i get back. :///
doesn’t help that i feel aggro range has been extended as well? sometimes i see the charr grenadier vet that will run across the entier map, heading straight at me until i run near the water between the armor repair guy and the plunder spawn points. :/// it’s scary whenever i see him come a-runnin’.
one time i had 3 vets spawn near the plunder camps.
I don’t know how accurate your description of the issue is, because it totally differs from my experience. The only time I’ve seen the NPC run back that much is when they successfully landed an attack on me. Otherwise, just moving a little back will make them reset. They even run afar where the treasure is leaving me to solo the plunderers.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
The only thing I think needs to be changed is the duration of wind invulnerability. There is no way you can catch someone attuned to wind and got crystal. He will just mistform away + 2 dodges = profit. This is specifically saying with minimum group support. If that guy had a little support from group, no way you can catch him. Other than that it is fine.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
I solod T4 for Kiel and Evon post-patch. I finished with 2000 and 2500 treasures left respectively. Of course, I failed few tries until I enhanced my build.
This is what I did on my necromancer:
Build setup:
I am full powermancer, so I do direct damage.
My utilities were, Well of Suffering (for instant maximum damage), Spectral Grasp (To pull foes), and Signet of Locust (for speed run).
Used Dagger/Warhorn and staff. So I had access to 4 CCs. 2 fears (Doom, staff #5), 1 immobilize (3# dagger), and 1 daze (4# warhorn).
I stand to the left side of the rock waiting for first plunderer to spawn. Pull, CC, Kill. Do this for first 5 plunderers. If you see other NPC spawn close, just run back to avoid getting aggro. After the 5th plunderer, the plunderer to the right will spawn. Now things get a little harder, you need to manage between the right side and the left side, however, remember that you can kill them on their way back, especially the right side, as you won’t make it fast enough to kill them as soon as they spawn.
Now, the main trick behind all of this is to try your best NOT to get hit by other NPC. As soon as an NPC hits you, he will follow you a bit far behind the rock, then will take his time to reset, which makes you lose treasure fast, and mess up your run. So always move as close as u could to use your pull, CC, kill, get out! By the way, you can kill the right plunderer close to the right rock, stand on top of it and wait for him to return, go down, pull, cc, kill, and move back fast (Cause sometimes pulling him will aggro).
The longer u can go without pulling aggro, the easier this gets. Good luck!
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
Well to all the whiners about how it’s impossible now, I just finished it with a 3 man group on t4.
Instead of gloating, how about you say how you did it? Group setup? Strategies?
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
Nay of the Ether.8913, I do agree with most of what you said, however, old DS was good for one shot spike damage, not continuous damage. So skills such as Backstab, killshot, Eviscerate were totally negated by the old DS, on the other hand, skills that did continuous damage, as soon as you lose DS, the damage will go on. Hope that made sense.
If Anet doesn’t screw us further, I think necromancers are in a sweet spot now. We aren’t overpowered but we aren’t underpowered. The scenarios you posted don’t always go as simple as that, and if you know your own weakness, try to work around it.
In other words, if you see a warrior stunning you, stun break and run away from the warrior as you CC him away. if people start to focus you down, switch to staff, use 5# and move back to take a breath. Adapt to the new changes, which if played right, you can become very strong.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
Not all classes are susceptible to CC as much as Necros, especially that you don’t have stability. If you take stability instead of crit in 30 SR, your overall damage will decrease a lot. Now, it is true you are running with two stunbreaks, but their cooldown is still a lot. The “invulnerability” you speak of is a l2p issue. Just like you know you shouldn’t blow your cooldowns when elementalist goes mistform, when a Necro has his spectrals up, just CC him around until it ends, then burn him down.
So you aren’t “causing unbalance”, other people need to learn to counter Necromancers better.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
The DS bug fix was definitely a buff, but now I need to relearn the way i deal with low health, and I’ve been downed several times as soon as my LF went low, because I’m used to soaking the last big damage spike with it.
I still lose LF fast in DS if I get focused, however, I no longer die so fast in 1vX. Nice
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
Thief/Mesmer and Thief/Thief are both really nasty combo’s.
I agree with this post, I went roaming on my thief with my mesmer friend, we had tons of fun.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
Man, this thread is so misleading. If I didn’t know my Necromancer very well, I would have believed that Necromancers out-heal elementalists and soon even Guardians lol.
It is well known that the best heal/support classes are Elementalists and Guardians. Even if Necromancers can do some AOE heals through traiting wells (30 in blood magic), the ability to give out buffs for your party is very limited and negligible.
So if you are asking for group support, definitely go elementalist. Healing is just half of the role, group buffs is much more important.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
Did you try projectiles on Necromancer’s wells?
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
Our damage in a very specific setup, needs nerfing in PvP, pretty much everyone agrees with this.
The only problem is that they won’t nerf only in PvP…
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
You might want to change your topic title to “Autobalancing is frustrating”. Cause it is misleading.
Anyways, I agree with you, I don’t like the idea of Autobalancing, if people from the other team started leaving, then they should just let the game end with the current groups, not autobalance it and ruin your participation with your team. You do get rewarded for switching teams, but it still won’t count as a win if you lose.
I see no harm in removing such implementation. If everyone from the other team leaves, that’s an instant win for the first team.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
A troll post yet has a point.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
Teams allrdy change their setup towards having at least 1 necro, while avoiding to have a mesmer in it. Today I will try bunker-nec instead of guardian, just to see how effective high-health pool of the necro counters this condition-nonsense (50khp with DS + Plague-form). I think I can solo a bunker-guardian meanwhile being tank on my own.
Definitely will be funny.
If people started having one necromancer in their groups then Anet did the right thing. I don’t see how you can have issues with conditions, when if you got a traited shout Guardian + Necromancer built for conditions cleansing in your group, you should barely have any conditions around for sometime. Enough time to destroy your opponents.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
The thing is that it’s all a never-ending circle:
1. Patch gets released
2. People pick what was buffed a lot and FOTM is born
3. Weak people with no imagination and pride (50% of community) start playing the FOTM
4. Forum gets spammed with people crying about the FOTM…
5. … while top tier players are trying to come up with a counter
6. Top tier players come up with a counter to the FOTM
7. Everyone that played FOTM swarms the forums crying for nerf of the counter to their FOTM!It’s actually amazingly funny!
Sad thing about it all is that people always swarm to what seems to works best, and by doing that they make the situation in the game bad. If only people had enough balls to avoid the FOTM there would be way less QQ on the forums.
In my opinion, FOTM is totally created by the players themselves, and not by the company. Whenever a class is buffed, this doesn’t mean that the other classes stopped being viable. They are still strong and kicking. They buffed Necromancers, this doesn’t mean elementalists, mesmers, and guardians were put aside. Warriors were buffed, this doesn’t mean that Necromancers, elementalists, mesmers, and guardians were put aside…and so on.
What is even funnier than all of this, is the fact that if you chose to play with a build that wasn’t affected by the buffs in any way, people will still accuse you of being OP.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
Didn’t you “leave your necro to your mesmer because of all the ongoing changes?” lol. Not to mention you wanted them to nerf us further…
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
Getting necros in to the mix is fine.
What isnt fine is that the current state of the meta promotes a very zergy all or nothing playstyle. A playstyle that isnt about setting up by locking someone down and bursting him during that lockdown. A playstyle that is about smashing a very limited number of binds with little to no setup required while getting good results.
On top of that the entire downstate mechanic is made quite useless due to all the marks covering the entire map.
I wasn’t talking about Necromancers in specific, today people are whining about Necromancers, tomorrow comes another class. Which probably you can already see, warriors.
No matter what anyone might think, there is no perfect self satisfied profession/build. What differs between a good player and a bad player is the ability to hide their weaknesses through either offensive means or defensive. Think of it this way, put your main profession and build used in front of you, then ask yourself, how can you negate your attacks? The answers you come up with, are your weaknesses.
As a necromancer, I hate turning into a ping pong ball, which happens a lot. Having stability from another class proves my point of not being “self satisfied”. Another thing is ranged fights, the further the enemy is, the less damage ill be doing.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
With all due respect, there is no “right players.” Unless Anet hired them to do all the testing. Players opinions come from their own perspective of what they see right. It is even affected by their profession preference no matter how “neutral” they seem.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
Eh, most of the people on the forums, and in this game have misinterpreted the definition, and use it incorrectly.
A metagame is made by the players from them adapting to other players, and how they play. NOT by the developers, themselves forcing change, and forcing us to adapt to their changes.
I wish for this day to come, and for Anet to make one good balance patch, and just step back watch a true metagame to forge itself among the players.
Or Anet can step back now, and stop with the nerfing/buffing altogether and just monitor. There will never be a “good balance patch”. People will keep complaining no matter the changes, because there will always be bad players around that judge everything around them with respect to their gameplay.
If I kill you, I’m a good player, however, if you kill me, your class is OP.
Anet should only work towards fixing bugs, and just leave the classes as they are no matter what the players nag about. Nothing good ever came from listening to players.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
Wait for it….
You still can’t heal your health pool while in Death Shroud. Meaning? If you had very little health left, overflow damage can easily kill you now!
Not to mention this was a bug fix…
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
There is no current meta, and no OP class, only children going after what they think is the best. All classes bring something different on the table.
Both used left and right whenever a childish person loses against a certain class.
To those who think they know everything, and understand how a class works by playing few hours with it. Do everyone a favor and stay silent until you learn more.
You may be happy or sad about a change that happens to your class, but in no way you have a right to judge other classes if you haven’t played them for too long yourself.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
Let me get this right, someone who played the class for 6 hours is here to give suggestions as how to change the class?
This is kittened up more than I thought.
1- Necromancers aren’t tankier than a Guardian.
2- Your damage/DS will be negated if you turn into a ping pong ball, which you will against good players.
3- Necromancers don’t do more damage than other classes. Power builds don’t do good condition damage, and condition builds don’t have good power damage, and hybrid doesn’t have good survivability. We can’t have everything.
4- Necromancers don’t have mobility, take away damage and what’s left of survivability and what are we left with? A dead necromancer.
Go suggest nerfs to whatever other main class you play.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
It isn’t a buff, it was a compensation for the fact that they removed our ability to mitigate overflow damage through using DS. Now this damage goes straight to our health bar which is a NERF. Not to mention the Terror nerf, and the Spectral Walk nerf. They compensated the Spectral Walk nerf with increased LF from weapons, which is okay.
So learn what’s going on with the class before you spout assumptions.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
Your arguments sound like a lot of theorycrafting and not actual play in tpvp or even hotjoin :/
“I asked a friend?” lol..Bottomline; rank 7 is like 20 hotjoin games and really not a indicator of anything; play some tpvp to check if your “theorycrafting” is right..
If you don’t like it go to wvwvw as Karla Gray has purposed.
If the semi-competitive side of the game isn’t intriguing to you
maybe the casual side will be.
My argument isn’t “theorycrafting”, and I actually asked more than one person, and not even one told me he actually enjoys the objectives of the instanced pvp as much as the killing. You don’t need to play 1,000 instances to realize that the objectives are the same, “Hold your points, seize theirs.”
My point is that there are tons of ideas out there to bring new objectives in different PvP instances instead of having the same look and feel everywhere. They actually apply this, to some extent, in mini games. Like the current mini game where you need to pick a crystal and drag it to your base. Why don’t they apply the same thing, where one needs to carry the crystal back, in a bigger map, the rest support using our own skills and weapons? This is just an idea, and many others can be easily done…
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
Ok, I just went and tested this in the Mists. The build I was using has 28,113 health and 0 points in Soul Reaping.
From full DS to 0, just sitting there doing nothing, took about 25 seconds.
I attacked the Warrior NPC, popped DS, and let him hit me freely. From full DS to 0 took approximately 13 seconds and according to the combat log, the Warrior hit me for 26,957 points of damage during that time, of which a negligible amount wrapped around to my health. If we assume I lost 52% of my Life Force simply from natural degeneration over the course of that 13 seconds, that implies that my DS had a total equivalent HP of 56,160 or so, or roughly twice my HP.
That sounds insane to me but I tested this again and came up with similar results. Can anyone corroborate, or point out where I made a mistake?
The reason you came up with “twice” is because you assumed 52% came from natural degeneration. I wish we get some dev reply on this as such assumptions are hard to believe.
If 25 seconds of natural degen takes 100% of DS, or 4% per second. If you were in it for 13 seconds, you would take 13*4%=52% of DS in natural degeneration.
I see what you did there.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
Ok, I just went and tested this in the Mists. The build I was using has 28,113 health and 0 points in Soul Reaping.
From full DS to 0, just sitting there doing nothing, took about 25 seconds.
I attacked the Warrior NPC, popped DS, and let him hit me freely. From full DS to 0 took approximately 13 seconds and according to the combat log, the Warrior hit me for 26,957 points of damage during that time, of which a negligible amount wrapped around to my health. If we assume I lost 52% of my Life Force simply from natural degeneration over the course of that 13 seconds, that implies that my DS had a total equivalent HP of 56,160 or so, or roughly twice my HP.
That sounds insane to me but I tested this again and came up with similar results. Can anyone corroborate, or point out where I made a mistake?
The reason you came up with “twice” is because you assumed 52% came from natural degeneration. I wish we get some dev reply on this as such assumptions are hard to believe.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
For those who are trying to look smart, you anticipate a hit by going into DS when you feel like the boss is about to perform his spike damage. Your DS won’t vanish instantly as soon as you go into it, and you can sustain it a little longer if you use DS4. I did this as an Oh Sh!t button and trying to soak up some big damage attacks. Like for example when fighting Maw, there is one AOE damage that once downed me, so I started to use DS like halfway through, and it throws me out of DS once I get hit. Surprisingly, I when looked around, many people who took a direct hit didn’t get downed, while if I took that I would have definitely got downed. Same for Fire Shaman’s axe throwing, and mossman…
The main reason I’m bummed is because I thought they would buff the DS mechanic, not nerf it.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
Necros can’t suicide-jump off cliffs anymore. That’s about the only real DS-nerf here.
On the other hand, they fixed a bug that apparently was letting Necros take more damage from direct attacks while in DS. So I’d say the survivability is now INCREASED. Not even talking about the faster generation of life force through spectral skills and axe 2.
Spoken like someone who has never played a necro… go back to ele or guard, leave the skilled players alone…
Actually, Necro is one of the classes I play quite frequently. I didn’t touch my lvl 30 Ele or my lvl uhm… 14 (I think) Guardian for at least two months.
Edit: Talking about skilled; it appears to me that you’re not one of the “skilled players” if you don’t see the facts. Even if you should have to face-tank a big attack of a boss for some weird reason, it will actually do less damage as before, because they fixed the bug that did make you take more direct damage while you are in DS.
Going into DS before a big incomming hit (backstab/mighty blow/evisc/boss’ OHKO) would make you effectively ‘dodge’ it, even if you had only 5% pool. Now you will eat all the dmg as it overflows out of DS. That’s why he called on you being not-skilled. This is not only a jump-off-cliffs nerf, it’s a definately survivability nerf since we didn’t get any evade/invul/escape tool replacement. Check wiki for Evade/Invul/Block/, guess who’s missing at the party.
You need at least 10% life force to get into DS.
I find it heavily unlikely that everyone complaining about this actually used a sliver of life force to soak up a big hit. The way people are crying it sounds like some people could absorb every backstab and always generate 10% life force on a whim to block everything.
Most if the time it’s probably soaking 1k damage, and hardly ever these huge hits.
That’s because you are thinking in PvP style, think using PvE, and you will see a HUGE difference.
You’re right, i was thinking about PVP.
Personally I would consider using this in PVE to be an exploit.
Exploit? EXPLOIT? You still had constraints in refilling the LF and the cooldown on DS. So you couldn’t spam it, not one bit. Besides, they can take this “double health bar” and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine, for all I care it barely lasts one or two hits from bosses.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
As the title states. What was the reasoning behind the death shroud nerf? Necro have no real escapes outside dodge…I don’t see the reasoning with this…
They didn’t want a Necromancer to counter a one-shot style attack with the last dregs of their life force.
Well, aren’t they a little late to decide that? This has been the case forever. It was one of the few things that kept us alive in the front lines for more than few seconds.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…