Showing Posts For Azukas.1426:

2k ping

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


Hey! I reported you for that game! Super sketch that you got 2k ping yet winning 1v1’s on point while rubber banding everywhere and completely disappearing at random times just to come back and keep fighting… you were unkillable and seemed to be having no skill lag or problems killing people… must be that super rare kind of ping that gives you super powers in the game and for some reason only effects everyone else’s game but yours. How odd! /s

And the plot thickens LOL

There’s no way you can do that stuff with 2k ping & packet loss

Missing Statues for Monthly

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


You miss the point. There’s no punishment. Let’s see; get paid $400 usd to cheat in a tourney. Account gets banned. Buy a new account. You’re still $300 + USD in the black. That’s not punishment.

I’d just not bother, most of the people defending them and anet are their friends. These people dont care, they just want to play with them again.

1. They didn’t cheat. They violated the ToS yes, but didn’t cheat.
2. They weren’t banned but had existing accounts get perm dishonor
3. Let it go they were punished already

1. I don’t see how that’s relevant? Cheating is just another way of breaking ToS. ToS being broken is the issue, not how they did it. If I accept real life money for selling gold, I would be perma banned. They accepted real life money for AT rewards, please show me the difference.

2. They applied dishonor to players not accounts, why else would they have dishonored alts that had nothing to do with the issue in the first place. The devs simply lack spine because of the relationships they have with these players.

3. Getting $300+ and still being allowed to play isn’t a punishment.

Cheat: act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game or examination

They gained no advantage thus they did not cheat. This evidenced by the simple fact they are just flat out better than the competition. The phrase you need to use is “broke the rules” which we can all agree they did.

Please don’t bring up gold selling and punishment b/c you’d prolly lose 40% of your player base if they actually punished people for that.

Missing Statues for Monthly

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


These dishonoured players are making a mockery of the devs, and the devs are really not helping themselves with their flip flop actions.

They’re not making a mockery of ArenaNet as permanently dishonouring all their existing accounts is officially clarified on reddit to be the intended punishment. Future accounts were not mentioned and the word permanent still accurately describes how long the dishonor on their accounts will last.

Tl;dr, players wanting to believe ArenaNet has reduced original punishment but it’s as intended

You miss the point. There’s no punishment. Let’s see; get paid $400 usd to cheat in a tourney. Account gets banned. Buy a new account. You’re still $300 + USD in the black. That’s not punishment.

1. They didn’t cheat. They violated the ToS yes, but didn’t cheat.
2. They weren’t banned but had existing accounts get perm dishonor
3. Let it go they were punished already

Missing Statues for Monthly

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


Did anyone expect these players not to buy new accounts and then promptly win the next AT to shove it in the faces of the people who dragged their names through the mud?

C’mon you knew they were going for revenge this month just to show the community how much better they are than Jeffies & Olrun. Wait until they win the UGO NA tournament to further shove it in everyone’s faces

2k ping

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


So you were able to fight in a match & not be worthless (as in contribute to the game) playing with 2k ping & packet loss.

Sorry if I play with that I instantly die & can’t even play let alone contribute to a match.

Also don’t you play FA ele and you did it with 2k ping & packet loss……..

Sorry but I’d report you too. If you didn’t Anet won’t do anything but it sounds like you got trolled hard and REALLY took the bait.

Good luck friend

Countless Mirage Podcast Feat Zeromis

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


Stun break on dodge is bad for the game. Especially on the best 100-0 class in the game.

Thief has a stun break on dodge?

Mesmer Burst > Thief Burst

I’m confused, first you say thief has a stun break on dodge, now you are saying it doesn’t.

You know you should be more into overall game balance.

It’s the best way tbh

Well thats why I am confused, I didn’t know thief had stun break on dodge but then you came in here and said it did. Why?

Please stay on topic of the thread instead of trying to derail and bait people.

Thank You

You came in here and said thief had stun break, I’m just asking why. Stop trying to throw this in other peoples faces when you are the one who came in and went off topic, with false information.

Never said that but it appears you believe thief has best 100-0 burst in the game.

Go play a thief

Countless Mirage Podcast Feat Zeromis

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


Stun break on dodge is bad for the game. Especially on the best 100-0 class in the game.

Thief has a stun break on dodge?

Mesmer Burst > Thief Burst

I’m confused, first you say thief has a stun break on dodge, now you are saying it doesn’t.

You know you should be more into overall game balance.

It’s the best way tbh

Well thats why I am confused, I didn’t know thief had stun break on dodge but then you came in here and said it did. Why?

Please stay on topic of the thread instead of trying to derail and bait people.

Thank You

Countless Mirage Podcast Feat Zeromis

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


Stun break on dodge is bad for the game. Especially on the best 100-0 class in the game.

Thief has a stun break on dodge?

Mesmer Burst > Thief Burst

Mesmer burst also has significantly longer cd and mesmer has no sustained damage whatsoever in case a burst fails or is partially blocked, which allows targets to fully recover where a thief would just finish off with autos.

Mind wrack is on a significantly less CD than steal. Let’s be honest here. Also Basi Venom is a CD of 45 seconds.

Yes theif AA’s do more damage than ours. Yes this is true, but thief can’t 100-0 someone on a burst anymore. Also our overall sustain trumps thief sustain in fights. We have many more ways to mitigate damage and win fights, where as; the thief is well known for having zero sustain.

Everyone needs to take a step back and look at the entire picture w/out class bias.

lol thief burst isn’t merely steal. Vault hits for more thand mindwrack ever will. Backstab happens every black powder which is less than MW cd.

And lol at our sustained DPS being higher. Mesmer sustained DPS is one of the lowest in the game.

I’m not sure why you brought up healing when thief can pretty much evade all damage and blink out to wait out for the evades to be back.

I didn’t bring up healing (i hope you aren’t thinking that basi venom is the thief’s heal)……I said fight sustain who cares about DPS sustain in PvP? It means nothing in a pvp match.

How do you manage to get backstabbed every Black Powder? You do know for a thief to reliably close the gap they need to shadowstep via steal, utility, or Shadow Shot. If they shadow shot you need to dodge or use a defensive skill as soon as the blind lands. There is a lag of time between you getting hit by Backstab & the blind that gives you ample time to avoid it.

You do know this right?

Good thing their cooldowns on those are a fraction of the cooldowns on your defensive skills.

All you need is to land one backstab combo to take off half or more of someone’s health.

Assuming of course you keep ignoring staff builds who don’t even need to land vault because staff auto does more DPS than 100 blades.

They can’t combo except once every 20 seconds and once every 45 due to Basi Venom. Your defensive CDs are blurred frenzy 12secs, phase retreat 10 secs, echo of memory 28 secs, tides of time 40 secs, and distortion 50 secs. Not even counting Alacrity or F5 on refreshing those defenses.

I’m not ignoring staff builds b/c if a thief goes into a game running staff its GG 4v5 for your team. He just gave up the best attribute for having a thief on ur team.

Countless Mirage Podcast Feat Zeromis

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


Stun break on dodge is bad for the game. Especially on the best 100-0 class in the game.

Thief has a stun break on dodge?

Mesmer Burst > Thief Burst

Mesmer burst also has significantly longer cd and mesmer has no sustained damage whatsoever in case a burst fails or is partially blocked, which allows targets to fully recover where a thief would just finish off with autos.

Mind wrack is on a significantly less CD than steal. Let’s be honest here. Also Basi Venom is a CD of 45 seconds.

Yes theif AA’s do more damage than ours. Yes this is true, but thief can’t 100-0 someone on a burst anymore. Also our overall sustain trumps thief sustain in fights. We have many more ways to mitigate damage and win fights, where as; the thief is well known for having zero sustain.

Everyone needs to take a step back and look at the entire picture w/out class bias.

lol thief burst isn’t merely steal. Vault hits for more thand mindwrack ever will. Backstab happens every black powder which is less than MW cd.

And lol at our sustained DPS being higher. Mesmer sustained DPS is one of the lowest in the game.

I’m not sure why you brought up healing when thief can pretty much evade all damage and blink out to wait out for the evades to be back.

I didn’t bring up healing (i hope you aren’t thinking that basi venom is the thief’s heal)……I said fight sustain who cares about DPS sustain in PvP? It means nothing in a pvp match.

How do you manage to get backstabbed every Black Powder? You do know for a thief to reliably close the gap they need to shadowstep via steal, utility, or Shadow Shot. If they shadow shot you need to dodge or use a defensive skill as soon as the blind lands. There is a lag of time between you getting hit by Backstab & the blind that gives you ample time to avoid it.

You do know this right?

S/d Condi needs to go

in Thief

Posted by: Azukas.1426


You can down someone with just steal & dodge.

The build allows players to perform at a level above their actual skill level.

That’s a problem.

Really? kill someone off of Steal and a Dodge? Let’s see trained Steal is 3 Poison, 5 Confusion, 1 Weakness, and Dodge is 1 Bleed, 1 Cripple and 1 Torment. I highly doubt that is killing anyone since cleanses are a thing, unless you are implying in your scenario that they have Spider Venom active which would buff it up to 5 Poison, 5 Confusion, 1 Weakness, 1 Bleed, 1 Cripple and 1 Torment, which at that point is more skills than just astral and Dodge, and breaks you 2 button idea of killing someone.

This is all under the impression that Cleanses aren’t being used, which all Meta and viable Off Meta builds have more than enough cleanses built in.

So yeah it’s not an issue since once the initial Burst is cleansed the Thief is waiting for CDs and Endurance to regent for the next Burst, which is pretty much true of any class that fails a Burst.

But players aren’t supposed to be able to completely negate Condi builds its why there are Cleanses and Heals in game to help mitigate the damage but not completely shut it down.

Edit forgot the trained confusion if taken.

You are missing the entire point. If you can be downed by just a steal & dodge that mean you HAVE to clear or counter via clears or heal what do you do when they actually start using their initiative and utilities?

You do know Inf strike & dodge does 1/3rd of your health if you don’t clear right? Do that a few times and your opponent HAS to burn his heals + clears to not die. That’s when you hit em with the 2 > Dodge > Steal > Dodge > Inf Return burst. It’s pretty much instant and can 100-0 anyone in seconds while you are 900-1200 units away in pure safety.

The build is a problem.

S/d Condi needs to go

in Thief

Posted by: Azukas.1426


You can down someone with just steal & dodge.

The build allows players to perform at a level above their actual skill level.

That’s a problem.

Countless Mirage Podcast Feat Zeromis

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


Stun break on dodge is bad for the game. Especially on the best 100-0 class in the game.

Thief has a stun break on dodge?

Mesmer Burst > Thief Burst

Mesmer burst also has significantly longer cd and mesmer has no sustained damage whatsoever in case a burst fails or is partially blocked, which allows targets to fully recover where a thief would just finish off with autos.

Mind wrack is on a significantly less CD than steal. Let’s be honest here. Also Basi Venom is a CD of 45 seconds.

Yes theif AA’s do more damage than ours. Yes this is true, but thief can’t 100-0 someone on a burst anymore. Also our overall sustain trumps thief sustain in fights. We have many more ways to mitigate damage and win fights, where as; the thief is well known for having zero sustain.

Everyone needs to take a step back and look at the entire picture w/out class bias.

Countless Mirage Podcast Feat Zeromis

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


Stun break on dodge is bad for the game. Especially on the best 100-0 class in the game.

Thief has a stun break on dodge?

Mesmer Burst > Thief Burst

I’m confused, first you say thief has a stun break on dodge, now you are saying it doesn’t.

You know you should be more into overall game balance.

It’s the best way tbh

(edited by Azukas.1426)

Countless Mirage Podcast Feat Zeromis

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


Stun break on dodge is bad for the game. Especially on the best 100-0 class in the game.

Thief has a stun break on dodge?

Mesmer Burst > Thief Burst

Countless Mirage Podcast Feat Zeromis

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


Stun break on dodge is bad for the game. Especially on the best 100-0 class in the game.

Now I’m willing to wait to see how PoF pans out before changing things tbh. I just don’t see how you can balance a trait like that in this game especially since it has zero CD.

Vote to Delete Servers!! Make new Worlds!

in WvW

Posted by: Azukas.1426


I vote blackgate for deletion.

Why was Bound Nerfed [sPvP]?

in Thief

Posted by: Azukas.1426


Thief was able to 1v1 and thus it was removed.

On a serious note, Bound was too strong doing that much damage, +10% damage buff, and a leap finisher. I would have rather seen the leap finisher removed instead

DH and DD need to be nerfed for PoF

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


SRR but let’s nerf necro and mesmer plz

I dunno what’s going to happen to the meta but I saw a seriously good Deadeye build.

No it’s not the decap overdrive build that is DD, but you got SB & the ability to drop anyone at a whim.

Pls no just no.. Believe what you want, but no.

It’s a higher chance hambow makes a return into top tier meta tbh

Again I said I dont know,what’s going to happen to the meta and the one build I had the displeasure of fighting against was VERY good coming from a mesmer/necro/warrior player (all I got too this weekend) oh and engineering.

From my perspective that build is scary. Will it supplant DD? I dunno nor do I care.

DH and DD need to be nerfed for PoF

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


SRR but let’s nerf necro and mesmer plz

I dunno what’s going to happen to the meta but I saw a seriously good Deadeye build.

No it’s not the decap overdrive build that is DD, but you got SB & the ability to drop anyone at a whim.

Helseth's review of mirage

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


Following your logic bunker mesmer shouldnt be balanced mid season and instead it should had been given time for people ro adpat on it, looking for counters.
Cause bunker mesmer was exacly this. Mesmer adapting to the meta. People that couldnt do kitten with their mesmer because power shatter lost all his dmg and gimmick with pb, mirror blade bounce, PU, etc nerfs and couldnt sustain in a meta of bruisers.. Rev stackings all over, eles engies you name it.
Instead of going to qq all over forums and reddit like most does and since it doesnt work for mesmer, they come up with totally new build and role.

Its funny your biased logic only works one way.

There were changes made to chrono during the BWE’s before HoT released. There were players who complained about chrono being weak. The actuality of The chrono was it was extremely overpowered and it wasn’t fully realized until after release.

The chrono bunker confirms my stance that we need to wait and see what happens on release.

Thank you

Helseth's review of mirage

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


How many of the last elite specs were complained about being pure trash only to take longer to find the true capabilities of the spec?

None actually, we pretty much knew their power levels quite accurately from about 3 hours past release.

You have to remember, we’re not coming at this from the perspective of fresh players exploring a new game.

This very same thing happened with HoT betas.

Once again patience is the correct action at this time.

Except that people complained a lot about the HoT elites and arenanet gave them a thorough overhaul before bringing them live with revenant even getting a weapon swap mechanic.

You are literally contradicting yourself.

People are now complaining again hoping arenanet will listen and do a thorough overhaul once again fixing issues. Waiting and doing nothing is exactly the last thing which should be done.

That and with HoT betas they had a LOT more time between betas and release and they did 3 open beta weekends as early as 3 months before expansion launch (

So yes, if people are fine with being beta testers after PoF launches for the next 6 months (which we will be no matter what happens), then waiting is the correct course of action.

The best working and fun build people have found so far for Mirage is a power build (haven’t tried it myself, the reception on reddit was quite high). A power build on literally our condi dps elite specialisation where almost NOTHING says power with just about none of the Mirage utilities and sort of okay traits because useful utility skills is to much to ask for. Yipee, fun.

EDIT: took out my small jab at anet because balancing and implementing new builds and specs is a really tough job, I’m just still salty Mirage is so clunky.

And on release how was that PvP balance? Remember season 1 in all its glory?

Maybe we wouldn’t have had as large of a power creep & kept core specs viable. Who knows? What’s done is done and lets learn from the past ok?

Helseth's review of mirage

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


Why am I not surprised that he doesn’t think the Deadeye enough damage to 1 shot Champions at 1500 range isn’t OP.

Never said DE didn’t do enough damage. Only said Engi & Necro are worse.

Started learning the DE animations. Rifle 4 is easy to dodge now

Helseth's review of mirage

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


How many of the last elite specs were complained about being pure trash only to take longer to find the true capabilities of the spec?

None actually, we pretty much knew their power levels quite accurately from about 3 hours past release.

You have to remember, we’re not coming at this from the perspective of fresh players exploring a new game.

This very same thing happened with HoT betas.

Once again patience is the correct action at this time.

Like you when you immediately declared Mirage OP based on the reveal video?

Yes I’m still worried that passive AI is going to be OP. We haven’t even had enough time to play with Mirage to properly judge if it’s underpowered. Look at the Deadeye’s damage that is getting pumped out. People are focusing on that but not the true alarms that are the scourge & holosmith.

Look I’m excited about the power shatter build you can play. I’m worried about a passive condi stacking clone build surfacing.

Anet’s has a track record of creating a passive AI builds. Was there ever a time that a broken passive AI build has not been in the game? I’m hard pressed to remember one so please help if you can.

Helseth's review of mirage

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


How many of the last elite specs were complained about being pure trash only to take longer to find the true capabilities of the spec?

None actually, we pretty much knew their power levels quite accurately from about 3 hours past release.

You have to remember, we’re not coming at this from the perspective of fresh players exploring a new game.

This very same thing happened with HoT betas.

Once again patience is the correct action at this time.

Helseth's review of mirage

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


‘’Helseth, arguably a very good spvp player, barely managed to put a dent into a core thief.

this made me laugh. Are the forums really this disconnected from how the competitive players are like?
I had close but losing duels vs sindreners daredevil.

That’s not a random core thief.

Randoms, aka people like you, I stomped while qing, winning 2v1s etc.

Anyhow that’s besides the point.

Having crafted around I basically got this final verdict:

Mirage is dependant on two things to be useful. 1. clones and 2. Mirror shards.

Mirror shards are just bad and need buffs/reworks to be useful and clones will never be better than phantasms for pvp usage because clones die too easily. The concept of giving your clones survivability through evading for them is a cool idea but sadly not practical.

Chronomancer is still top tier and will be used in pvp so mesmer is gucci

Ok let’s say in a few months once we get a full handle on the entire elite & get a balance patch or two we should see Mirage’s full capabilities. I fully expect it to supplant Chrono in time.

Now this is assuming Anet will nerf HoT elites soon to make way for the PoF ones or considerably buff the PoF ones.

Personally I like that we might have each elite viable in it’s own way.

famous Azukas has spoken .

by his logic : coz mirage sucks now it will be better than chrono in few months maybe few balance patch which will be half a year or longer .

due to this unseen future , Azukas like we have mirage viable in its own way .
he is too true to himself .

but lets ignore all the issues mirage has .
what exactly is its own way ?
camping clones ? i thought you were against PU passive condi cancer?
but now you like mirage for its own way : camping clones.
or its own way is camping clones but without enough defense and offense so you can call it op to show how ridiculous you are?

How many of the last elite specs were complained about being pure trash only to take longer to find the true capabilities of the spec? How long did Ele players complain that Ele sucks at release all the way up until the original D/D ele build was found? Same with Mesmers too.

It takes time for the player base to go through everything on a new elite to find the best possible builds.

I’m not saying anything but patience is needed here.

Helseth's review of mirage

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


‘’Helseth, arguably a very good spvp player, barely managed to put a dent into a core thief.

this made me laugh. Are the forums really this disconnected from how the competitive players are like?
I had close but losing duels vs sindreners daredevil.

That’s not a random core thief.

Randoms, aka people like you, I stomped while qing, winning 2v1s etc.

Anyhow that’s besides the point.

Having crafted around I basically got this final verdict:

Mirage is dependant on two things to be useful. 1. clones and 2. Mirror shards.

Mirror shards are just bad and need buffs/reworks to be useful and clones will never be better than phantasms for pvp usage because clones die too easily. The concept of giving your clones survivability through evading for them is a cool idea but sadly not practical.

Chronomancer is still top tier and will be used in pvp so mesmer is gucci

Ok let’s say in a few months once we get a full handle on the entire elite & get a balance patch or two we should see Mirage’s full capabilities. I fully expect it to supplant Chrono in time.

Now this is assuming Anet will nerf HoT elites soon to make way for the PoF ones or considerably buff the PoF ones.

Personally I like that we might have each elite viable in it’s own way.

Deadeye lacks damage. 107k isn't high enough.

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


I’ve seen 20-35k with full malice stacks

Problem is thief was running zerker amulet with DA & CS and you saw big numbers once exec kicked in.

Helseth's review of mirage

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


How’s condi mirage?

I felt power was going to be weak

Stuck at work can’t test

So Condition Thief

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


All condi needs adjustment not just thief

Concern: upcoming elite specs balance

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


I predict that there will be loud calls for Mesmer nerfs within hours of release. We’re likely to see some of the same kind of harsh dialing down that Chrono got.

That’s not because the spec will be OP. It’s because it might be deceptive enough to fool some players.

Some months down the road, any new mechanic Mirage introduces may be shared with 1 or more other classes.

I’m actually pretty depressed about this even though I’m over the moon about returning to Elona.

Stacking that much condi pressure with just dodges is broken

And so, it has to happen.

Corrected it. Remember you posted your video of your gameplay? Remember how we all understood why you make the claims that you do?

Look at a certain skill level you begin to realize how this game’s balance really is. You also can identify extremely broken concepts before they happen based on your understanding of the game mechanics.

As a mesmer I do NOT want my next elite to be an AI passive OP damage build. Pass on that

Why no CROWN to 2nd team? (NA drama)

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


Every other player who took money to win a tournament on other players accounts. I agree with the Dishonor for the normal account sharing, but as I’ve said multiple times, taking money for it is even worse, and doing it in a tournament is worse still. I don’t understand what’s so hard to understand about that.

So taking money to boost people is ok by match manipulation is ok though in your eyes. Remember the only thing that happened during the AT drama is players who aren’t good enough to win got their competition banned; meanwhile, you’re ok with thousands of players having their games ruined.

@Aeroxe: I don’t hate Olrun at all. I’m sure he’s pretty cool to talk too. Just reading all the kitten Jeffries started that he supported is a bit messed up considering you can just scroll up in his discord and read how NOT to get caught. You find that a bit funny too, b/c the rest of the world is stuck with mediocre NA teams now.

Concern: upcoming elite specs balance

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


I predict that there will be loud calls for Mesmer nerfs within hours of release. We’re likely to see some of the same kind of harsh dialing down that Chrono got.

That’s not because the spec will be OP. It’s because it might be deceptive enough to fool some players.

Some months down the road, any new mechanic Mirage introduces may be shared with 1 or more other classes.

I’m actually pretty depressed about this even though I’m over the moon about returning to Elona.

Stacking that much condi pressure with just dodges is broken

Why no CROWN to 2nd team? (NA drama)

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


You literally linked me to a screenshot of me chastising Marvin for account sharing…?

I’m sorry were you the one who made the thread on this forum starting the drama?

Who else is in that shot just admitting stuff?

Look again

Concern: upcoming elite specs balance

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


Watch the reveal videos and understand this is gonna be bad.

Why no CROWN to 2nd team? (NA drama)

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


Abjured was likely given such a harsh punishment because of all the stuff they’ve been pulling since the start of season 5. They’ve been abusing the system literally every season, and got dishonored multiple times. Despite this, they went even bigger and more public by boosting PvE accounts in the first AT monthly. To be honest, I am surprised that Kraalle/Helio and Karina/Throwny faced no punishment. I assumed the extended time between the tournament and the punishment meant they were looking into everything, but I guess not. Regardless, I do think taking money for it is a more serious offense, and Abjured has admitted to that.

And you want mme to believe the other people have not?

Funny how your tune changes after I pull a screen shot off your discord that shows the people who started this whole mess do the EXACT same thing. They just aren’t good enough to win

Since you’re on the UGO committee you gonna step up and do the right thing here??

Dear Mesmers and future Mirage'

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


This elite is beyond OP.

This is the PU phantasm mesmer elevated to God Status and is exactly what I feared we’d be getting.

This needs to be nerfed well before release.

Never change Azukas, I don’t know where we’d be without you.

Back in the beginning of HoT where Chrono was broken and required no skill?

Today condi chrono is a nice build that requires skill to play. It’s strong as kitten too.

I’m ok with that though b/c of the skill required to maximize it’s potential.

Clones that stack 30 bleeds, 10 torment, 10 confusion, etc. by you just dodging…..that kitten is broken. Even Wooden Potatoes said it felt EXTREMELY over tuned. He’s a PvE freak….

Just remember:
Clones are a dumb AI.
You have to have a trait and waste dodges to do that inside a 1s time window
Clones die in 2 hits and just hurt you via condi
And most important, mirage doesnt have:
Shield defensive and clone generation ability
Superspeed clones
Passive speed
Heal well.
Think of a mesmer like that, add what you saw and disregard biased golem benchmarks ( we all know pve bencharks will make mesmer look even worse than what it is in pvp) compare to others and evaluate again if it is op or not. At least try it in live.

You forget you are kittenting clones out with ease and actually shattering them resets the whole kittening kitten show.

This is braindead AI gameplay at its most OP level. Turret Engie, Phantasm Mesmer, Petting Zoo Ranger, and MM Necro all pale in comparison to what we are about to see from this elite spec.

You wrecking people by dodging. No skill activation needed. Just dodge. Focus on staying alive and dodge….new meta

Do you even chrono?
You forget shield + CP + Ir are the biggest part of chrono clone generation. Alacrity is gone f5 too, no more shatering produces alacrity for lower cds and fuel chaos phantasms trait. Shatering will delete all illusions. It wont reset anything nor fuel any CD.

Everyone is adding mirage to chrono meta build. Have you forget how vanilla mesmer is? Remember power shatter? Ye that one worst version of power chrono. Now place it in this evolved meta. Ye…..

This makes condi chrono look weak in comparison. This spec is the be all end all of brain dead AI specs just to appease the PvE “WE GOT NO DEEPS” crowd.

This isn’t going to end well.

p.s. we haven’t seen a power variant either….

Dear Mesmers and future Mirage'

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


This elite is beyond OP.

This is the PU phantasm mesmer elevated to God Status and is exactly what I feared we’d be getting.

This needs to be nerfed well before release.

Never change Azukas, I don’t know where we’d be without you.

Back in the beginning of HoT where Chrono was broken and required no skill?

Today condi chrono is a nice build that requires skill to play. It’s strong as kitten too.

I’m ok with that though b/c of the skill required to maximize it’s potential.

Clones that stack 30 bleeds, 10 torment, 10 confusion, etc. by you just dodging…..that kitten is broken. Even Wooden Potatoes said it felt EXTREMELY over tuned. He’s a PvE freak….

Just remember:
Clones are a dumb AI.
You have to have a trait and waste dodges to do that inside a 1s time window
Clones die in 2 hits and just hurt you via condi
And most important, mirage doesnt have:
Shield defensive and clone generation ability
Superspeed clones
Passive speed
Heal well.
Think of a mesmer like that, add what you saw and disregard biased golem benchmarks ( we all know pve bencharks will make mesmer look even worse than what it is in pvp) compare to others and evaluate again if it is op or not. At least try it in live.

You forget you are kittenting clones out with ease and actually shattering them resets the whole kittening kitten show.

This is braindead AI gameplay at its most OP level. Turret Engie, Phantasm Mesmer, Petting Zoo Ranger, and MM Necro all pale in comparison to what we are about to see from this elite spec.

You wrecking people by dodging. No skill activation needed. Just dodge. Focus on staying alive and dodge….new meta

Mirage dodge?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


Most thief burst is targeted, with the exception of vault spammers.

And they can do the same to us with stelath. The relative ease of clone production vs Phantasm will help with all thier dodges and you are right that blur is better then blocks.

Those clones on roids are channeled attacks from what i can tell. That means you dodge while they are visible even if they stealth it’ll track em.

You guys have to remember I’m only interested in balance and high skill play. IDC if it’s my own class or my most hated class it’s broken it needs to be brought in line.

Fay knows i’m right

Mirage dodge?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


Azukas clowning reminds me. This spec provides absolutly nothing to stop us from being free kills to thief in PvP.

You shouldn’t be a free kill to thieves in PvP now

You dying to thieves isn’t GW2 balance but your own skill level.

Dear Mesmers and future Mirage'

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


This elite is beyond OP.

This is the PU phantasm mesmer elevated to God Status and is exactly what I feared we’d be getting.

This needs to be nerfed well before release.

Never change Azukas, I don’t know where we’d be without you.

Back in the beginning of HoT where Chrono was broken and required no skill?

Today condi chrono is a nice build that requires skill to play. It’s strong as kitten too.

I’m ok with that though b/c of the skill required to maximize it’s potential.

Clones that stack 30 bleeds, 10 torment, 10 confusion, etc. by you just dodging…..that kitten is broken. Even Wooden Potatoes said it felt EXTREMELY over tuned. He’s a PvE freak….

Mirage dodge?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


This will be extremely OP in PvP as well as a bringing in a new height of braindead game play that even the bunker chrono coud never reach.

This is exactly what I feared Anet was going to give us to appease the PvE player base.

It took a long time for mesmer to have it’s skill floor/ceiling raised after HoT released and now this just completely kills it.

Dear Mesmers and future Mirage'

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


This elite is beyond OP.

This is the PU phantasm mesmer elevated to God Status and is exactly what I feared we’d be getting.

This needs to be nerfed well before release.

Path of Fire ... No PvP content?

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


Got a bunch of new broken OP elites to play with.

Can We Talk Deadeye Now?

in Thief

Posted by: Azukas.1426


So at what point in time will the realization that the rifle skills peirce cause the biggest nerf now uproar ever?

If I don't like playing melee am I screwed?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


It’s going to be insanely OP

Mirages axe

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


It’s going to summon a phantasm, broski.

No it won’t…

Confirmed or speculation?

Mainhand weapons don’t produce phantasms, they produce clones.

If the axe is offhand, half of this forum is gonna riot.

i wouldn’t riot because it all depends on the actual Skill Line, Utils & what they do with F1-4

Why no CROWN to 2nd team? (NA drama)

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


They should get perm dishonored as well is all that they deserve

Why do you say this?

It’s simple.

What self respecting adult would act the way they did all the while doing the EXACT same things.

NA July Monthly Tournament Investigation

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


Not enough!
they should get their accounts completely banned.
This punishment is a Joke for what they did.

.Real money transactions
.Account Share

and only pvp ban, what a joke.

They didn’t cheat but won the tournament fair and square.

The only they are guilty of is account sharing.

You really can’t go with real world money transactions in light of they were paid by a net to play in proleague and make money off of twitch streams.

The competitive integrity of the tournament wasn’t compromised since the results of the tournament were never in question. What’s actually done is people put a price tag on thed rewards.

How is impersonating a person to play and won in a tournament not cheating when anet clearly stated it in the ToS/UA?

The competitive integrity of the tournament was clearly compromised in this case.

If they all bought new accounts and used those by your definition thats cheating.

They gained literally ZERO advantage by using another players account.

Did they break the ToS? Yes but that’s not always cheating. If it was then swearing in map chat would considered cheating along with naming ur character a racial slur.

Starting to understand now?

NA July Monthly Tournament Investigation

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


so why are they sharing accounts ?

Why not use their own accounts ?

They won in terms of skills but used someone else acct? that in my eye is still cheating and has to be a reason why they were sharing accounts and not their own.

Cheating is cheating, i get some of the comments that they won fair and sq because of there skills but in the long run they used another account that wasn’t theirs and thats still cheating IMO. You can be the best but if you aren’t doing it under your own account who cares if you are the “best” if it wasn’t done on your own acct?

They were paid ($400 per person) to win the tournament by the people who owned the account.

That’s all they did wrong.

They didn’t cheat in the game nor did they manipulate anything. In fact since this happened the losing team in the finals stated that everyone knew it was them. So after they lost in the finals they started this witch hunt against the Abjured.

No where in the entire situation did a single injured player cheat

NA July Monthly Tournament Investigation

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


Not enough!
they should get their accounts completely banned.
This punishment is a Joke for what they did.

.Real money transactions
.Account Share

and only pvp ban, what a joke.

They didn’t cheat but won the tournament fair and square.

The only they are guilty of is account sharing.

You really can’t go with real world money transactions in light of they were paid by a net to play in proleague and make money off of twitch streams.

The competitive integrity of the tournament wasn’t compromised since the results of the tournament were never in question. What’s actually done is people put a price tag on thed rewards.