Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
(edited by Azure The Heartless.3261)
Thief is the most powerful stomper by far:
- stealth stomp
- blind stomp
- stability stomp
- teleport stomp
Thief is also the hardest to stomp:
- stealth (100% chance of success)
- teleport (100% chance of success)
Elementalist has the best WvW downed skill:
- invulnerability + movement
(can even move into towers/keeps while downed)
Easier you are to down, the better your down state is, it seems.
Except in the case of elementalists in WVW. Which may have been an oversight. Don’t stomp an ele outside of tower, burst them down.
thieves have stupid op stomp assist though, vs heavy classes. I guess that’s the prize for overcoming such a massive health pool, so I can deal.
(edited by Azure The Heartless.3261)
Nothing is off the table.
Hopefully soon, probably not.
Mini Twisted Nightmare probably
If they recycled content, there would be just as many people complaining about how they’ve seen it all before and Anet is doing nothing with their time but reusing old things.
The situation is lose lose for the, atm.
I could have swore turning someone into a moa was supposed to help me. I was in a 1v1 and used the moa skill and the moa destroyed me… Anet Nerf PLS!
Mfw Mesmers want to nerf themselves…
>*Topic about conditions*
>*Only Warrior and Guardian discussed*
u kitten me
On topic: Condi clear and don’t get focused.
You’re looking at it from the wrong angle.
you shouldn’t stealth if someone is casting, especially if the -only- reason they did it is to get a general idea of where you’re headed.
for PVE?
Axe/Axe or Sword/Axe.
Or GS.
anything really.
I don’t miss bursts anyway.
Ah, the infamous longbow/longbow build.
100% win streak, never miss burst, op
I rarely whiff unless there’s an X factor, though.
reduce warrior mobility
No thanks. GS is borderline junk weapon for anything but autoattacking already.
Unless you would like making it actually useful on its 3 and 5 skills for anything but running instead.
offccourse that would be the ideal of reducing the mobility, 2h swords wvw warriors are mos tly the “forets gumps” of the game that run, run even if u log out they still keep running, i pretty much notice that, but i fear that Anet would just copy pasta guardian 2h sword skills with other name and yellow flash efects.
Whirlwind Attack for something ->, or if already dazed targets get kd, punishment for not being with stability :P
Bladetrail ->
and Rush for something like
EDIT: gw1 > gw2
See, I’d gladly take CC/adenaline strikes like the above over longer range dashes.
I don’t think people will be happy if their beloved “warriors run too much” plea becomes “too much cc, op” though.
GS is useless right now though for anything but. I refuse to accept a nerf to its dashes unless there is a tradeoff.
Haven’t played in 4+ months. Last time I played I fought a mosquito and died, a MOSQUITO!!!
You’ve made my day sir.
Yes it’s worth playing.
if i had 1 gold for every time I’ve…
- slammed my mouse down in frustration because some warrior in a close fight vengeanced and finished me off
- been interrupted 3 times by a thief who stealthed then ported then stealthed again
- have lost a down state fight with a necro who feared my pet
- heard my guildmates absolutely rage over teamspeak about how the ele they just downed mistformed into a tower
- have seen a guardian force-field a group of people about to stomp him off a ledge
- have lost track of “the real downed mesmer” in a group fight
- have seen phantasmal rogue destroy someone
- have retreated from a group fight because “the real downed mesmer” stacks confusion on you
- have held a point for an extra 30 seconds by playing like a trashy lady (on my back), getting off 3 or more interrupts (Ranger)
- have rallied because of Lick Wounds
- have rallied because of Wolf’s Fear
- have rallied because pet downed an opponent with a down state that I can defeat (non warrior / necro)
…I’d have a stack of legendaries by now.
these events, while mostly not in my favor, are all great experiences. they are the:
- “did you see that??”
- “F$@&ing MESMER”
- “OH $#@+ Vengeance OH $#!+”
- “get up, get UP, GET UP”
- “How many times are they going to try to stomp me before they pop stability?”
- “watch this ele wait till the last possible instant to mist form interrupt my stomp”
- “WHY isnt my pet healing me? STUPID ANET STUPID PET”
….moments of the fight. They are the 3-10 seconds of a fight where you feel something, whether its hope or fear or panic, and as much as they are imbalanced and cheesy have no real business being in any kind of pvp game, they really make it fun for me.
This is the definition of fighting to survive. there’s no need to take this away.
My experiences are mostly:
“annnnnnnnd HAMMER!”
“stahp teleporting”
The downed state is -really- fun right now. no need to take the last act out of the show just so people can get easy stomps.
It’s just you.
[Shake it off!]
wut.. GS is incredibely bad in spvp..? are you sure?
Greatsword is one of hardest weapon to master for warrior actually. but if you can master it becomes very useful and powerful weapon actually, meaning that bad and hard weapon for noobs to implement but one of best weapons type for warrior expert. why it is hard? becuz it has 100b skill therefore many people try to focus on hitting it correctly with 100b but actually that is wrong way to implement GS well. You will more focus on hitting with rather 3,4,5th skills with GS but only use 100b when the best situation comes for you to use it: like, upon downed foe, or foe that comes you closer to do sonething and etc.
sword elite (bleed+physical dmg)2000 but takes 2.5sec to be hit them all, final thrust 2000 but takes 1 sec to activate, leaping 2nd skill is 1000 but it is really easy to dodge for enemy so in total 5000 dmg for 4~5sec but GS’s only 3~5th skills can dmg around 10000 and they are all instant skill that does not take time like sword’s flurry. Dmg i described here are all tested by heavy type golem.
No sane player above Dolyak rank (with some exceptions) will
*sit there for 100b.
*sit there for 4 (which is not instant cast)
*sit there for 5 (which is also not instant cast)
*sit there for current burst, which means no perma fury for you.
I don’t know what you’re "gg"ing about. there’s no crowd control on GS (with the exception of cripple for a slow-traveling projectile) and most of its skills are easily evaded or blocked, with the exception of skill 3 and the AA.
I’d take sword over GS anyday. Without the burst change, GS is not self sufficient against opponents that can kite.
(edited by Azure The Heartless.3261)
I’ve experienced nothing but disappointment from Anet.
First time play through was kinda cool, because everything was new.
Then it got stale by the time I started my 5th or 6th character.
I hardly log in anymore, and I don’t expect anything great to come anytime soon.
Did you read your post?
You did the same content six times, enjoyed it the first four times, and suddenly experienced nothing but disappointment?
Why not just take a break and wait for the new content, or, even better, help someone newer do the content you’ve played so much while you wait for something newer?
What do you expect? A new game every year for a one time fee?
Cause they’re doing pretty well with the LS, Imo…
No trolling, just Anet listening to feedback. Give them some credit!
Don’t let some people hear this. It might ruin the horrible imagine of Anet that some players have cultivated for themselves.
I’m very impressed with the direction they took for it. Now that 300G we would have spent can be used for siege, food, and disablers.
My charr seems to have picked up “Big Kitty” in PVP.
I dont mind the tail clipping. They’d have to do a new mesh for charr alone every time they redid outfits, and my focus isnt always fixated on my char’s behind.
just sometimes.
I promise.
Why would ideally war and guard stay in top tier and engi ranger stay mid tier? Isn’t that already the case? Just wondering your reasoning.
I wasnt giving any specific order. The backslash was indicating decent performance across all classes in all areas.
We also have belcher’s bluff.
Someone please play this.
A good argument to bring up for dueling to happen is this: “So we can do Costume Brawls, but no Dueling?” Weird right?
Just a note, costume brawls both require you to have a gemstore item and accept on your own.
There are no duel prompts, the combat system uses a completely different ‘damage’ system, and you can only interact with people already in the mode. you can also leave the mode at any time.
I’m pretty sure this isn’t what you guys want.
So since it’s pretty much the same list from all responders with a few exceptions. What do you think this list will look like after the update? Any different?
We’re looking for, ideally:
They’re getting close but not there yet. It’s hard to sift the “QQ” from the “this is actually over/underpowered for X valid reasons”, which is probably why Anet takes so long to balance. They release a patch, watch us whine for half a year, then fix it slowly.
Anet, gw2 is not your child, You might have given birth to it, But you gave it to US the Players, You may be its biological parents, but we feed it, raised it, gave it life and happiness.
Kinddaa sounding pretentious there.
So the bosses are somewhat of a challenge. If this did not exist, you could stun lock bosses/champs.
This only means that Anet are not able to programm a proper Boss’s mechanics.How can other MMOs can have interrupts but GW2 can’t?!?!I’m really interested to know.
You can interrupt, it just requires teamwork.
the problem lies on the side of the people resetting defiance at the wrong time.
Read about how defiance works.
“For example, interrupting will have no effect unless no defiance is present; if no defiance is present, the creature can be interrupted but this will immediately apply more defiance. "
if people used cc attacks to whittle defiance down to zero, the next interrupt will hit.
(edited by Azure The Heartless.3261)
Forgive my ignorance, but what exactly is this “meta” you’re referring to (in other words, explain it please)? I played from beta, but I took a break about a year ago, and I don’t remember this “meta” stuff being around then.
Meta is derived from Metagaming, which defines actions and strategies derived before a match even begins, that can affect the outcome of the match.
Meta is simplified to mean “The currently widely-acknowledged effective builds that are provided the least resistance, or, (in PVP) require the most effort to counteract/win against.”
It’s synonymous with “path of least resistance” right now. but it stemmed from counterplay that took advantage of opponent weaknesses that could not simply be strengthened through different strategies.
W00T! I am so happy they are doing this!!
Thank you very much ANet & GW2 teams
Maybe a way to show Commander experience is by using the existing weapon / armor / item color scheme. for example a red tag with a white chevron would be a new commander, a blue tag with an orange chevron would indicate an exotic level commander? Just a thought
How would you determine Commander experience in a way that doesnt encourage farming?
I’ve been thinking about defiant stance vs HS as well for PvP. Typically I use HS for everything. Why? Because it’s awesome and amazing. But I’ve noticed in PvP especially in +2v1 situations I tend to get burned down pretty quickly, especially if they can get an immobilize off. While DS doesn’t have the passive regen, I would think that using DS when going into a situation where I would be outnumbered would be better, as I can just go Leroy Jenkins into the frey, pop DS, and kill all the things. I understand that this would be more situational, but in PvP where you can be outnumbered more often then not, would this be a better option then HS?
Tentatively not. You only heal for three seconds, which means you would need to be tanky to sustain intense focus long enough to use the stance where it would act as a decent heal.
It also seems to -depend- on focus. You may be singled out for a 1v1 on a point somewhere. at that point, vs someone with eyes, your heal is kitten because they just need to avoid you for three seconds.\
It’s good for an extra three seconds of sustain in 1 v X. but Healing signet does that across the board…
I’d rather take a 400ish heal tick per second rather than “you heal very fast when vastly outnumbered, but probably not at all when you’re 1v1ing or even 1v2ing.”
When, as you said, thiefs start to using pistol 3 skill or sword 2 only 3 times in a row and get without iniciative thats is a good thing because it punish thiefs from spamming. Right now thats not true.
How is that not true?
Pistol three X3 is 12 initiative,
Infil strike X3 is 15.
For a gap closer? By the time the thief gets to you after whiffing twice, he’d be a sandbag.
Spamming is already heavily punished.
(edited by Azure The Heartless.3261)
All colors for free.
Nice save, Anet.
-Stuff was said here-
Not only that, but also Is -attempting- to use my burst and missing worth a flat decrease of damage at this point?
I enjoy the added brain cell use instead of READY TO HIT F1F1F1F1
they have lots of stuns and high damage
high mobility
i can’t fight these things nor run nor kite plz help
You don’t fight rampage.
I don’t miss bursts anyway.
Ah, the infamous longbow/longbow build.
100% win streak, never miss burst, op
I rarely whiff unless there’s an X factor, though.
reduce warrior mobility
No thanks. GS is borderline junk weapon for anything but autoattacking already.
Unless you would like making it actually useful on its 3 and 5 skills for anything but running instead.
(edited by Azure The Heartless.3261)
*A violin.
An actual guitar. Lute is terrible.
How to Dance vol. 2
Cape backpieces. (clipping issues?)
More face paint.
Dragon Minis.
I play all music with 1-8, 9 for octave change.
think of it like a piano and itll be pretty natural.
Try charr. They are the only good race to play…..
Unless you don’t think so. Rite?
Charr do roar with /threaten though. Very lionlike.
For Dungeon runs:
Warrior [One shout heal zerker with trooper runes if all warrior]
Thief [May be bumped up now that there is dagger cleave]
Necro is good, just for PVP. It seems to be a floating class for any team dungeon runs, because anything it -can- do, can be done quicker with another class.
conditions don’t really matter in PVE. CC matters, but the things they’d be best suited on have defiance and people seem to largely not know how that works, so….burstitdown?’
I don’t think any of these classes are bad at all, but when running dungeons, the predictable mob AI just makes no-guff-burst-it work best.
I’d take a necro and ranger any day. I wouldnt look for them though.
(edited by Azure The Heartless.3261)
Well warriors need CI-
Unless you’re shout trooper.
Then you can mold break and run something crazy.
When it comes to team support, though; Rapid condition clearing is pretty helpful. Not as helpful as hambow, but still pretty helpful.
(edited by Azure The Heartless.3261)
And some classes hit WAY to hard while down.
Which classes even hit -slightly- hard when down?
What use is “fighting to survive” if you aren’t even given a chance?
All of the classes right now have some form of buying time to prevent a stomp while being revved. The heavy classes that take longer to melt have weaker downs, and the lighter classes have stronger/more deceptive downs.
There is a subtle balance in there too that is at a good place right now.
And if stomping unhindered is a thing for you, a thief’s blind powder makes any immobile class useless on down.
(edited by Azure The Heartless.3261)
“Ability to reset
You complain that they can go in fight and out? What else should they do with tools Anet gave them? They can’t stand mid fight like guards or wars due lack of survival, they can’t really do much dmg from far like engis or eles (cmon sb is so beaten it is a joke of weapon set now, literary only reason to use it is IA and pp was never viable, tnks anet).”I didn´t complain about this. In fact the penality should only exist in combat mode. Out of combat thiefs should spam what they want.
Coming from a warrior, if a thief was not able to reset once I locked onto him, they would guaranteed be dead.
Don’t kitten their class. It’s fine.
I didn’t say anything about reset. The skills i mentioned require target to be used (attack).
My mistake then. I assumed you were asking for revealed when in combat.
“Ability to reset
You complain that they can go in fight and out? What else should they do with tools Anet gave them? They can’t stand mid fight like guards or wars due lack of survival, they can’t really do much dmg from far like engis or eles (cmon sb is so beaten it is a joke of weapon set now, literary only reason to use it is IA and pp was never viable, tnks anet).”I didn´t complain about this. In fact the penality should only exist in combat mode. Out of combat thiefs should spam what they want.
Coming from a warrior, if a thief was not able to reset once I locked onto him, they would guaranteed be dead.
Don’t kitten their class. It’s fine.
Let’s compare it to league of legends or other moba games-
Warhorn doesn’t need anything else. 20 second blast finisher and 15 second movement impediment wipe.
plus you have a main hand weapon.
GS got improved because it was incredibly bad at doing anything except running away and auto attack, so they nerfed the move that doesnt hit anyone anyway and gave them a 360 degree aoe so people would be more compelled to slot it for something other than escaping/zergmachine/pvd.
(edited by Azure The Heartless.3261)
While warriors do have decent sustain and high damage, they are also the most visible of all of the classes except Guardian.
Most visible? What the kitten are you talking about, the most visible “class” are norns… also please enlighten me and tell me more about how other classes have the same sustain + damage as a warrior. I would also want to hear more about how warriors are less of a damage sponge than necromancers…
I never said any classes have the same sustain and damage of a Warrior.
The most visible race are Charr, since Norn can [Become the Snow Leopard].
But races were not what I was talking about. I was speaking about professions.
Warriors have the most-telegraphed skills and cannot stealth.
I have nothing for you regarding necromancers. They seem to be shoehorned into a support role unless you are really, really, reallly good with them, and they need a mobility buff.
That being said, the fact that Warriors are hard hitting and moderately quick can be somewhat mitigated with strategic stealth.
They get in close though, and then there’s problems.
(edited by Azure The Heartless.3261)
thief mobility is not the problem. thieves are squishy, the mobility is basically a class survival mechanic. their unlimited in-combat restealthing could use a change, but thats a GW2 design flaw and any limits on incombat stealth should come with a base survivability increase for thieves (eg more HP).
warrior mobility is a huge problem and deserves a few threads of its own. dogged march, holebrek runes and lemongrass is basically unkiteable and is arguably the most common wvw setup. add that in with all the gap closers available as both weapon and utility skills.
why is the class that has the most health, the most armor, the easiest access to huge sustain, and has the most (or nearly the most) damage simply because unlike everyone else, they can afford to gear for it…. why is that class also the class that is the most impervious to being kited? if any class should have poor mobility, should it not be the illiterate overweight lumbering lards with their giant plate mail and hammers?
there is literally no sacrifice in playing a warrior. big damage, big survivability, big sustain, big mobility, stability, CC, they even gave you very reliable condition removal. the only advantage other players have against warriors is the breathtaking amount of autism exhibited by so many players of the warrior profession.
Easy now. not every warrior is an “illiterate, overweight lumbering lard.”
Elementalists easily have as much sustain as Warriors if geared properly.
Thieves, Rangers, and Mesmers all have stealths that break target locks.
While warriors do have decent sustain and high damage, they are also the most visible of all of the classes except Guardian. They are mobile, but very straightforward, and as any other class, once you lock a warrior you will know exactly where they are unless they die or escape.
In a combat oriented game, that is a significant disadvantage. If they were perpetually visible AND melted or were extremely susceptible to anything surpassing clever rotations or focus, then they would be useless. their meatiness is their sole advantage. you cannot walk up to them and hammer away.
They can. That’s their job. your job is to make that impossible for them. You lose if they get in close or draw line of sight for too long.
Knowing when to disengage is also a combat tactic. Because of this, their mobility is fine as is. They have two weapons, borderline three, that make them crazy fast. the others dont do a thing for their speediness. It’s a bit unreasonable to think they are too fast when you can see which way they are running, when thieves and mesmers can vanish outright, rangers also to a lesser extent, with impunity.
I play warrior. A good thief downs me. A bad one melts. One that makes mistakes gets injured.
A good mesmer, to me, is untouchable. A bad one melts. Again, one that makes mistakes gets injured.
I fought a good ranger yesterday. She pushed me back when I was going to savage leap, and binding roots’d me when a teammate came near, enough for a combo setup.
I melted.
I fought another ranger later on that sat on steps and auto attacked. I made his life hell.
Good elementalists sustain against me practically for hours.
I have nothing against those classes, but it seems that just because people play warrior and happen to win because it has the most simple playstyle doesn’t mean it is overpowered.
It just means that killing one requires more forethought.
In the case of thieves, it should be enough argument that a good thief in a 1v1 will -never- down, and a good thief will never allow 2v1 to happen.
they have poor mobility compared to warriors, yes, but they’re incredibly good at getting the kitten out of harm’s way.
(edited by Azure The Heartless.3261)
So you watched nosoc arguably the best necro in pvp in the entire game and now think everyone is capable of that? Why isn’t every mesmer helseth, every theif sizer etc.
Wouldn’t the fact that such a thing is possible be proof of the class’s potential vs these players?
I’m sure there’s an actual name for the build, but I run a condition crit build that uses axe main hand, sword off hand and longbow. I kinda understand the new changes to warrior coming in September, but at the same time I’m kinda nervous about if my warrior will still be viable or not. I do use utilities such as the berserk stance, rage signet, etc. so I was wondering.
no mobility at allllllll~
your warrior will be fine. Axe still builds crazy adrenaline. youll just need to be more careful with evisc. Signet of rage builds adren 50% faster, so if you have it on CD and make sure you land your eviscs with pin down, you might see reasonable or better turn out.
If you miss though, you might suffer.
Brutal shot → Fierce shot = youll do more damage in 12 seconds than you would with old bleeds.
Charr Warrior.
My first impression when playing Warrior was that the Adrenaline abilities were done in a very juvenile way making the class too easy to play. I never understood why I never lost any Adrenaline when I missed. The changes make a lot of sense to me and reflect more what I expected of Adrenaline than what I received. I think it adds more risk to the class.
I think they WILL be a bit of a nerf, but then again Warrior is the easiest to play class and one of the strongest. It probably still will be after the patch.
Easiest to play, hardly.
Last to melt, only when compared to guardians.
Every non tanky class has stealth.
Now if you say requires the most effort to fight, then I would agree with you, since the fight changes from “drain their HP” to “keep them the kitten off of you”.
With these nerfs coming to the warrior class, we’re about to be thrown AGAIN under the bus-
Arcing slice cleaves.
I don’t miss bursts anyway.
This patch only makes me stronger.
In my perspective I think it just doesn’t justify the cost of making it which can potentially lead to so many bugs since they would be messing with hostility tags being local to the player and duelist. Remember release with all those buggy NPCs and skill points where they don’t turn hostile?
Also potential split of pvp community – reason of what you just mentioned and then some more.
I agree with you on the cost, mainly because the mistssss sate my pvp itch [read: bloodlust]
It’s a good notion, but the effort needed to handle and deliver it properly are… kind of at substantial levels right now.
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