As predicted by just about everyone, the Tequatl encounter has been abandoned by the community at large. The “improved” loot just doesn’t justify having to spend over an hour organizing an open world event with people who simply don’t listen, deliberately screw with the turrets, refuse to waypoint away (thus screwing it up for everyone else), refuse to do what they are told and have half the map AFK for the first half of a the fight then demand to be ressed.
You could have Waypointed and run back in less than 30 seconds.
Stop being so cheap.
Well gee, that’s the 4th minigame broken now.
It’s pretty clear that patch after buggy patch that two weeks is simply not enough time to test these releases. Every single time we get labored with frustrating and downright game breaking bugs that a competent QA team or even just a public test server could catch and rectify.
What say you? Do you feel ANet needs to swap to a 4 week release cycle?
Without a backup timer, the game never starts because all it takes is 1 person to not click ready, with no indication. Add to that it threatens to kick you for being AFK when you literally can’t move… but if you press the skills (that don’t work) it resets the AFK timer, meaning the person not pressing ready never gets kicked.
Seriously, fire your QA department please.
In short, No. I’m stuck with the game as I’ve already paid for it but with the way ANet is botching each and every patch again and again I might even stop regardless.
The view on the forums is likely to be skewed towards a “no don’t bother” answer.
My advice to the OP would be to check out some reviews, go check some youtube videos, and take anything said on the forum with a large grain of salt. If you like what you’re reading in reviews and game articles, and like what you’re seeing on youtube (and even twitch, they have their own channel), then try catching a free trial and investing some time into the game that way. They are having like a week long free trial right now, which should net you quite a bit of game play, upon which you can base the final decision of whether it feels like the game is ‘right’ for you.
Keep in mind any reviews will be of the game before ANet decided to pump out crap updates every 2 weeks to spur gem store purchases so will be unreliable.
Dungeon champs drop small vials of karma. Sorrows Embrace Path 1 is good as its fast, easy and you get 5 champ bags.
Does anyone know for certain if it’s possible or not to get inscriptions for the non-craftable inscription stat combos (e.g. Soldiers) but salvaging the exotic weapons bought with dungeon tokens?
Just ignore it. It’s free DPS.
Yes, this would be a great idea, even if it were 5 bricks into 1 ingot/star.
Scepter lets you churn out extra clones for more shatter damage.
Been this way since Day One. ANet simply don’t care.
You have to buy the recipes from the trading post. They were drops during the Labyrinthine Cliffs event.
One of my friends was having this issue recently. Apparently it was one of the jumps in the Mount Maelstrom jumping puzzle with the 4 orbs to unlock the chest (The one you take the portal to get into). If you give those two a try it should work.
Let’s be honest, GW2 does not have a good track record when it comes to fixing bugs quickly, but there are some that have been present since day one. That’s over a year and they still have not been fixed.
That’s kind of ridiculous, no? If anyone else knows of other bugs, post below and I’ll add them to the list!
- Food Nourisment: Tooltip states a bonus of “+10 experience from kills” instead of the actual bonus of “+10% experience from kills”.
- Hold the Line: No sound clip unlike all other shouts.
- Bloody Buccaneers event in the east of Bloodtide Coast is unable to be completed.
You have to remember that:
1) Unlike the website, full groups are removed automatically.
2) The LFG tool is great for yolo-ing a COF Path 1 but useless for anything actually challenging.Actually the only dungeon I don’t manage to run with the tool is CoF path 1, since teams fill faster than the time my arrow takes to go from “refresh” to “join”, Never had toubles with Arah (Path 3 excluded, but since even before the LFG tool was added.).
That’s why you start your own group.
You have to remember that:
1) Unlike the website, full groups are removed automatically.
2) The LFG tool is great for yolo-ing a COF Path 1 but useless for anything actually challenging.
You have an implicit obligation to teach people.
You are going to the other extreme end of this debate. Nobody owes teaching to anyone. Best you can ask for is that everyone works as a team.
Where “work as a team” doesn’t mean taking orders from the “experienced” guy who thinks his way is “best”, but rather figuring out ways to do something together. That way even if you wipe, you still have fun doing the dungeon, as opposed to merely being a sidekick to an elitist farming his gold.
Conversely, having someone who has never done a Fractal insist he melee’s the Lava Shaman is just frustrating.
Ascended gear is useless outside of Fractals. By giving World and Dungeon bosses Agony attacks it would make it worthwhile and help thin out the leechers.
they will likely be worth very little to nothing
Also this. If people could sell them, then everyone who could care less about ascended would just sell them on the spot, making the mats way too cheap and would help to usher in the next tier a bit too fast. (I’d assume they’re need a next tier if everything was sellable right off the bat)
Considering that they are a) Time Gated and 2) Take a metric ton of materials to make…
What do you consider a “set” of ascended weapons? 82 temple events is around 5 weapons (ore wise). I have no clue how many you get per dungeon run, plus I get a bit from just doing world bosses. I’m only bothering with one ascended weapon atm, and the only reason it’s taking so long is that I’m too lazy to get to 500 in a craft :P
Are you wanting 4 mh/of weapons, and like a few back up pieces 2 weeks into the update?
I will agree that E. Fragments are a bit slow, then again… everything is compared to those kitten Bloodstones :P
I do indeed need 5 weapons. Greatsword, Hammer and Staff for melee with Scepter/Focus for the secondary set.
Simply put, having to run COF Path 1 125 times and do over 82 temple events in order to get a set of Ascended weapons is ludicrous. Allow us to trade post the fragments/ore please!
Simple solution is to just spawn Ice Bows while prepping then help defend the turrets.
Organising is all well and good, but when the event pops and 33% of the people on the map are AFK and don’t show for the fight it makes the event all but impossible. Not only does it ruin any notion of organisation, they block players stuck in overflow who want to participate.
Please, implement a stricter AFK timer on Sparkfly fen. It’s simply not fair for people to ruin the event. Even if it’s a 5 min timer, that way people who are AFK will get booted and allow people in overflow to take their place.
As it stands, 15 mins is a pretty tight time limit, even for normal bosses. For a megaboss like the Dragons the time limit should be at least 30 mins.
Use 2 factor authentication. It exists for a reason.
As it stands, this achievement is almost impossible to get because the prisons die in one hit. Please make it so the prisons last some time so everyone can get a hit. I’ve been stuck on 4/5 for a year.
It’s your punishment for being greedy. Accept it with good grace.
So, since Karma is no longer Soulbound and no longer benefits from Bonuses, why bother making them an item? Just give us the karma straight into our wallet.
As has been pointed out by other posters: The recipes for inscriptions are not impacted by this, you have to rediscover the weapon and then get XP from it. Example:
I can currently craft a Berserker’s Pearl Reaver. After the build, I will still know how to make the Inscription (which is the recipe), but i will need to put one of the Berserker’s Orichalcum Imbued Inscriptions, one Orichalcum Axe Blade and one Small Ancient Haft into the Discovery window and make it to be able to craft the axe again.
You are missing the point. The point is twofold:
1) People who discovered these recipes simply to have them unlocked. A friend of mine crafted a LOT of very unprofitable exotics just to have the recipes unlocked for their own sake. He’s just gone and wasted several hundred gold now because of this change.
2) People will have wasted a lot of gold by having discovered these beforehand and now must discover again to get the XP boost.
Players should get the XP boost without needing to lose gold discovering them again. The vast majority of exotic recipes incur a MASSIVE gold loss.
GW2: Exploit Hard. Exploit Early.
I remember suggesting both Timers to the daily and monthly achievement panels and rotating WvW colors randomly as suggestions that have been implemented.
It seems that the Ebon Vanguard Greatsword you buy from the Karma Vendors in Ebonhawke are missing a unique icon while the rest of the weapons have one!
Once again Anet has shown that a 2 week expansion cycle is simply not viable for them. Either their QA team is the worst in the world or they simply do not have the resources to properly text each release. This is the 3rd release in a row that has needed emergency hotpatches to fix exploits and bugs that should have been caught before release.
Am I right that the legendary Tara Strong (The voice of Purple Smartywings) is the voice of the Announcer for the Gauntlet?
When you mouse over the + Button to see your currencies at a glance, it should fully hide any currencies that are empty. If you want to see your empty currencies, you can click the button. It would help reduce clutter.
Is it intended to be able to get outside the arena in Keg Brawl? You can jump on the torches and go outside at the corners of the arena.
Whenever me and my friend try to enter trials, it doesn’t give the join dialogue.
It worked yesterday, but not today. We’ve tried remaking the party, restarting GW2, guesting to another server, everything.
At several points throughout the Asura Personal Story, NPCs refer to their theory that Dragons consume magic. This is incorrect. Until they substantiate it and test it, it should be called a hypothesis. I know that “theory” in common usage means a hunch or idea, but these are Asura! They should be using the correct terms.
See the title really. It gets stuck on “Submitting”.
Once the Bazzar leaves, is Poyaqui moving to Lions Arch?
Stop clicking on dodgy links. There, no more hacks.
The website will ALWAYS be better than any in game LFG tool. Putting that out there right now.
Once the in game tool is launched, the website is likely to die, better or not better. Less and less people will use it, which will make it not better..even if it turns out to have been better.
I’m guessing the in game tool is harder to grief though. Anyone can post your name on the site. It’s happened to me on a few occasions.
I think you’ll find that people will shun the crap LFG tool for the good website.
The website will ALWAYS be better than any in game LFG tool. Putting that out there right now.
Yeah, if you don’t have any high level characters, move your stuff to your bank, then delete and transfer. You’ll be able to use the same name when you remake your character as it holds names for 24 hours.
Won’t happen. Temporary content sells Gems and games (since no monthly fee) which lets them buy more Gold Plated Yachts. I know it’s an opinion that will most likely be deleted, but it’s the truth.
Angry Joe is a long time and very popular reviewer of Video Games, one who gave Guild Wars 2 a 10/10 with a Bad-Kitten Seal of Approval, but even he is getting sick and tired of the shoddy Guild interface in GW2. Specifically, the lack of “last time logged in.”
Seriously ANet, when even a huge supporter of your game (and, if I may add a personal note, the one who swung the balance in favour of buying the game when I was on the fence) is getting annoyed off with it, it’s time for you to admit you’ve failed, buckle down and actually fix stuff before adding more and more useless temporary content.
If you haven’t seen his review, check it out here:
So much potential wasted, it’s difficult not to be a little upset.
(edited by BaconCatTheGreasy.9542)
I mainly ask as I am on Reward Level 49 and would like to just do a 50 once to see what it’s like
Simple question, is Fractal 50+ still impossible?
Why doesn’t the 99% trick work on 50+? Surely a necro could absorb the firstt tock with their death shroud?