I said before, the ‘new’ Deserted BL feels more like a pve map that was spare and thrown at wvw, and gliding was a part of that design. Hence why it looks like it does.
Considering it takes much fanfare and time for them to make miniscule changes, don’t hold your breath.
Can’t be bothered to log in and test whether making the cooldown 4 seconds and 0.5 second between hits helped at all.
So now to wipe the back line you need to time your 5 CoR players to hit in 0.5 second (hell, make it a 1 second) intervals, so only have to cope with massive damage every 0.5 seconds.
OK. That sounds OK now…NOT.
EotM… I don’t know why EotM has unbalanced matches, like greens with 50+ zerg and blues 3 player “zerg”. I have thought that it is because of how teams are made – all greens are greens in EotM etc – and because winners of matches most likely gets green color. So is said, but I don’t know what is the real.
But well, “Join WvW battle” button would be far better than 24/7 of Outnumbered and total lack of players. No perfect solution is needed.
You can always go with the second best thing to a perfect solution. Its right on your login screen when you open the server list. “Transfer”.
(no but seriously, transfer to T1 or T2 if you want at least some action. If you are aleeady there… well sucks to be you)
Rather than spend money transferring to a slightly less dead server, choose the sensible option like so many others, and just quit the game mode (and probably the game).
Or do what they obviously want wvw’rs to do, and go swell the numbers for the equally broken spvp format.
New map looked like they designed it with gliding in mind, then didn’t or couldn’t be bothered to put in the necessary defences to deal with gliders to stop them dropping in to keeps, etc and so in the end the map was rushed out without gliding (or auto looting…) enabled and greeted with less than sterling reviews.
Not been on much- did any of these get done yet or were these minor revisions pushed to one side because the dev was required to code a change to a dance move of an NPC in HoT (obviously much more important than a wvw change)?
Even some hint at an eta for these minor changes? A test server? See how it works in reality and be prepared to revert back if the res changes prove too much?
Mind you under the current state of play any driver is going to be downed so fast it’s not funny.
Fundamental weakness of a lack of trinity is that players need to bunch up to blast fields, share buffs, etc which limits being able to launch multiple attacks from different angles and limits tactics as you need to have the fields placed and then make sure you blast in them whilst trying to move around a field full of pretty pixels.
What would make wvw more fun would be body blocking and collisions.
Don’t bother moving. The situation is the same everywhere in EU- only map with any q is EB. Wvw population is declining everywhere and soon to be followed by their ‘big changes’ at the end of this year (maybe, if they can spare any dev time from important matters like changing the colour on a left toe nail on a NPC somewhere in H0T), which will probably bring in mega servers and spell the death of wvw as we knew it.
http://www.twitch.tv/guildwars2/v/36989122 36 minutes and 12 seconds.
The change is in response to “feedback from players that the event takes too long”.
Make of that what you will, but that’s the official reason given.
They been listening to their streamers again…
No and here is an example why. Traveling with a small group last night and came around a hill and ran smack into the middle of another small group coming the other way. Complete surprise fight on both sides. Was utter chaos on both sides. Now this could have been mitigated by having a proper lead scout out front and such but the fact that the terrain was able to hide both groups from each other till the last moment was awesome. On the old Alpine maps this might not have even resulted in a fight since one side or the other might have withdrawn on sight of the other as both jockeyed for position. New maps might have issues but they have so much varied combat options that they will stay fresh much longer than the alpine maps ever had.
This could be expanded a bit to read ‘after wondering aimlessly seeing no one to fight for 30 minutes, we finally ran blinkered straight into another group and actually had a fight’.
There has to be players on the map for there to be ‘varied combat options’. They are not ‘fresh’ now- they are dead.
the forums aren’t an accurate reflection of the love (or hate) for the expac.
It’s quite true. But, number of map instances are accurate reflection of sucess. There are hardly 1 map instance or 2 for the 4 maps right now.
I’m not sure why you think that. Full maps don’t have taxis. I’ve often seen people in different instances in successful meta chains at the same time. Verdant Brink … during peak hours, I hardly ever get into the same instance twice in a row.
The sun is always shining and people are always happy in my world:-)
Why would you keep changing VB instances, but not using taxis? You mean you randomly hop around instances without using taxis? Did the other map close and push you in to a new one? How long do you play in order to hop around instances and hardly ever get in the same instance twice in a row?
The reason you don’t is because everyone hops from the completed one to the next taxi instance, leaving behind a dead map that will close sooner or later.
Takes around 100 players to create multiple instances in this way, which is hardly a huge number of players- as soon as map cap approaches, new map created, rinse and repeat.
When I logged in for my daily reward at peak time today I finally achieved the ‘no friends online’ in my friends list, which tells me how many have left the game since H0T released. There are still piles of people playing, but not in the areas of the game I like (wvw, which they have killed off).
I stopped reading when you said Sanctum Scramble was 5/10 difficulty for silver and 6/10 for gold.
This reads more like ‘here is the adventures and I find them easy’ rather than offering any practical help to those of us that don’t like playing SM8 during our leisure time, don’t have the time or inclination to time our gaming to suit some timer so we can complete an event so we can access an adventure that we actively dislike and wouldn’t go anywhere near given any choice whatsoever.
‘Adventures’ are nothing of the sort. They are blocks to progress that a lot of us can’t stand and don’t want to be forced in to content that has nothing to do with the rest of game using mechanics we don’t enjoy or can’t achieve.
The OP wants ANet to change the source for an item, without addressing the reasons that it might have been introduced with limited sources.
Guild Hall (and scribing) balance is designed for larger guilds, not max-sized guilds. 95% of the game is designed in a way that suits small guilds; very little is appropriate for bigger guilds.
I agree it would have been nice for ANet to have set things up so that small (20-50 member) guilds could build some stuff quickly and medium guilds (50-150) would be better suited for the next stage and that only the top level stuff would be hard for anything smaller than 400+. However, that doesn’t make the system “imbalanced” — it only means it’s not everyone’s idea of balance.
Removing upgrades from existing guilds and then gating them behind this grind was a bad idea for those players who prefer playing in smaller guilds.
Gating it all behind various walls, and then gating behind a crafter (wait until your scribe quits the game, then you’ll see what a bad idea it was) were further bad ideas. And then they thought that the new banners would be a good idea- again put behind a grind wall.
All of the changes mean that small guilds are left in the dust by larger ones- if that isn’t your definition of imbalance then your horse riding knows no bounds.
Of course, it’s all fine if you belong to a large guild full of farmers- but for smaller, friendly guilds these guild changes have been awful.
I am, yet again, truly hoping that BnS and BDO can cater to the more hardcore players and can entice those that like that kind of thing away from GW2. Unfortunately it did not happen with Wildstar and I had high hopes there too
My hope is that someday, something, might lure them away from GW2 and maybe then we can say goodbye to esports while making verticallity optional again. It may be a pipe dream, but until ANet starts showing some semblance to the game I fell in love with in 2012, I will just continue to do my daily and log out; for now.
Edit: oh yea forgot.. kill the kitten timers on EVERYTHING, thank you!
So just to check, by your own admission you aren’t really playing the game much and you want GW2 to lose its dedicated players to another game.. Wow you sound like the perfect person for Anet to listen to..
The Raid is fun and I hope they continue to produce interesting bosses, the new maps are well deisgned and I hope they continue to produce good work.
The reply put a smile on my face. Those new maps sure are well deisgned. It’s a shame they designed them about as well as designed was spelled..
I hope they actually do some work testing maps at an early stage with real players next time so that they can listen to feedback and change changes, rather than announce a beta where basically everything is set and nothing can be changed.
Perhaps they will make a better job of designing new wvw maps next time too- rather than the current Deserted BL deisgn.
Can we have all that account bound crap that we get from BL chests tradable now too- I have piles of it in my banks that is rotting away.
Also, maybe if I could sell the spare salvage things I’d make enough to be able to convert god to gems to get the 5 slots..
And the guy going on about 18 character slots, how much did those cost too- as anyone who might want to follow your method needs those slots, then needs to move all those toons to the right spots, then needs to be able to farm 3 flax spots, log in, log out, to next toon and start next one all in less than a minute. Not to mention levelling 18 toons to 80 to reach the spots and buying flax farming picks- did you factor those in too?
Flesh, gotta love that fail logic. You assume a value for something that isn’t there. 1 account bound slot is one slot, it doesn’t matter how many toons you have, you can only use it to hold one item at a time. the logic on 4 ‘free copperfed’ is also flawed logic. he has one- now he doesn’t need to transfer it to his bank and take it back out, so he has gained convenience. He hasn’t gained any real value other than convenience. Counting freed up slots is garbage.
For 700 gems he gets one slot. It costs 700 gems. If he buys a copperfed he spends another 800gems, total cost= 1500 gems. If he buys another slot, he spends another 800 gems. There is no ‘free’ copperfed, it just means he doesn’t have to go to a bank to change it from one toon to another between playing characters- and you can only play one at a time anyway. There is also not any more slots, just one, as you cannot put 5 different things in that one slot- at any one time, it serves as one slot, so your calculation of value is hopelessly flawed. Ride on…
At most it saves you the teleport fee to a bank and back to the nearest waypoint, and the time spent opening bank, insert item, and remove item from bank- maybe 30 seconds a toon. How long will it take to recover that value?
At 700 gems a slot, it makes no value sense to me, but to others no doubt they will buy them- after all, people still spend thousands on skins and other cosmetics from the cash shop, don’t see this as being any different. Pretty sure they could but an item in there that gives you 1% extra copper per drop, price it at 1000 gems, and you would get the same people raving about how great that is too…
People and their money are easily parted. Ask any con artist or criminal, and it’s why there’s the saying ’there’s one born every minute’.
Hahah, so spending way more hours grinding gold than it takes to earn an equivalent amount at work is common sense?
It’s trivial to earn around 5g a day from casually playing (assuming you’re not slumming it in WvW, which has terrible rewards, or refusing to harvest anything you see). Two months of just having fun, just playing the game normally, and you’ll have 2000 gems (or at least close to it, depending on exchange rate). No grinding involved, no putting in more hours than you want into the game.
If you think that playing the game normally for two months is too much, or is less enjoyable than your work, then you’re either not enjoying the game anymore or your work is really awesome (I hope it’s the latter).
Waiting for the price to drop 20% for something that is 4 times it’s actual value is common sense?
If you don’t see the value of a 700 (or 560) gem item giving you the same benefits as buying an 800 gem item for every single character, then you’re free not to. You can see it as a 700 gem item that simply removes the minor inconvenience of swapping items through the bank. I said as much before.
Either way, it’s common sense to wait for a price drop on something you think is too expensive. It’s also common sense to simply not buy something if you don’t think the price will ever drop enough, particularly if it’s something that’s completely unnecessary.
No matter how you try to spin it, the value doesn’t equal the cost. Yes, you definitely have Buyers Stockholm Syndrome.
Tell you what, two months from now I’ll get my five account wide slots for free (mmm, all that gold from just 20 minutes of flax farming every day, love having 18 characters) and you can keep crying about how expensive it is. I will gladly accept having Stockholm Syndrome and you can accept being whiny, cheap, and impatient. Deal?
This made me laugh. You’re going to spend 30 minutes a day for two months (you’re not able to log in 18 toons and pick up flax and sell it in 20 minutes – the flax point does move a bit) just to earn $35. That’s around $1 an hour. What a waste of a life that sounds like- although I admire your dedication. And your flax price seems high- 3 per toon= 54 per day, you saying 5g a day, flax = 9.5 to 10 silver each?
Compared to the price of entire games, these slots are expensive- basically about the same price as the expansion should have been.
Thank you to all those that bought these and are paying for the game. I’m not laughing at you. I’m not laughing at you. Ahh, who am I kidding? HHAHHhahhaahhaahah.
700 gems for one slot, gg Anet marketing dept, gotta love that money grab, and the usual suspects that piled in, bought 5 and praise the ‘opportunity’ given them by you to pass over more of their hard earned.
I just bought an entire game for that.
I loved the bit about drastically improving thief auto attacks..it wasn’t enough that they can root you/stun you and burst you down with a macro combo, but now they will do massive damage auto attacking too? Sounds perfect…
And no mention of the broken CoR either- I guess it doesn’t matter as it only really affects wvw and that area of the game had died due to lack of attention and bad decisions..
Unfortunately, it’s been shown time and time again that there is 1. no such thing as wvw devs and 2. even when they bring something in, they don’t listen to feedback or change anything (the Detested BL’s being a case in point).
Spare your fingers.
I think all of the changes are good for the health of WvW. All of them.
I’ll fix that for you. You should have said ‘If the changes mooted are eventually brought in in the current proposed format then they will be good for the health of the game’.
As of now there has been no changes and the entire thread is hot air blowing out the exhaust of Anet’s hype trumpet.
The mentions of ‘wvw overhaul’ and ‘in progress for over a year’ make me laugh every time I read them- why would you throw new maps in if you are working on an overhaul? (Not that they are any good anyway, but still..).
Let me know if anything ever changes- in the meantime logging in to collect daily log in rewards and playing something else.
They’ll make the changes as soon as a wvw dev becomes available. But first they will have to appoint one. Then train them up. Then get them back from working on other stuff as they pulled them off to help on some other project.
So, proposed minor tweaks around April. Wvw overhaul- your guess is as good as mine, I’ll go for August. I’m not saying what year.
‘Listens to the echoes of the Deserted BL’
No news..maybe they will announce it as a ‘feature’ of the ‘upcoming’ wvw overall, so around June 2017?
Gimmick Wars.
It’s clear they only want one pvp mode in GW2, and that’s their ‘e-sports’ spvp. Hence at every turn they throw in more gimmicks and pve (when not bringing in pve maps) in to wvw to drive the pvp players towards spvp.
But it doesn’t work, many are just heading for the exit instead.
These banners are a terrible idea for a pvp mode.
So, gave us something to talk about during the holidays, but WHEN are they going to be introduced.
They are, after all, minor cosmetic changes (and have mostly been done before).
I would ask that they let them run for a couple of weeks and then listen to the feedback from all tiers as to whether or which ones to keep and which to revert.
I’m not convinced the res changes are a good idea, bit extreme going from many to one or none.
I had no idea that turtle banner was just SO OP. I actually laughed when i read those skills. Clearly whoever dreamt up this stuff wants wvw to fail, so they can stop spending any more time on it.
How anyone thinks it’s a good idea to introduce that sort of garbage in to a pvp mode is beyond me- without even thinking of testing it out with real players first.
It’s a bit like the announced (yet to arrive, wait for it, trumpets sounding, wait some more…) changes (which they could but in for a week to test them, but again, nah, let’s throw them in permanently without testing). No thought involved, just make it more and more gimmicky and lock more stuff behind gates- in this case, large guild, loads of cash, high scribe level, so totally favours the larger over the smaller, leading to more imbalance.
I’m glad I’m ‘on a break’, otherwise instead of laughing at the absurdity I’d be upset at the destruction of my main game mode on GW2 (that’s now officially Gimmick (JP) Wars 2).
It’s easy to solo roam. Log on to any server outside of prime, choose a BL, and you can solo roam to your hearts content. Don’t expect to see anyone else….at all.
Having tried out both elites for ranger and ele, I’d stick with ele. Ranger elite and form is too dependent on other factors, hence needing several in a group to make it work, and if running a heal spec isn’t really much use for other things. Ele can switch quickly to provide other services and also cause a lot of damage.
I really wanted ranger to be better for wvw, but it just isn’t that useful.
Maybe with snipe teams and the new res rules (whenever they actually get put in, usual Anet announce, announce, announce, announce again, then bring in 6 months later), rangers might find a role again.
I’m all in favour of them not changing them at all. Mainly because all this gated/timed/locked gimmicky ‘mastery’ ‘adventures’ has made me realise I’d rather be doing something else rather than spend time and money on an exercise in frustration.
So apart from daily log ins (inflate those ‘players playing’ numbers, a good ploy by games companies) I’m ‘taking a break’ from GW2.
Problem is, if I do anything and see the mastery progress bar getting fuller, I feel like I should be trying some stupid gimmick in order to gain enough points before the bar fills. I personally find the gimmicks (or waiting for hours for some spawn to possibly happen, or lfg on the off chance a map is about to start when I’m able to log in, etc) make me want to go do something I consider fun in my leisure time.
The horse riders in the community can defend them all they like- for me this type of gated/timed/locked/gimmick content has nothing to do with the core of GW2 and pulled the game in precisely the wrong direction for me- it’s become ‘do this because you have do’ instead of ‘play how you want’.
Sadly quite a limited selection, as they were all from the top tiers. Ins at least tried to get a wider viewpoint by including the other types that play besides the 50 strong zerg comms.
That a streamer had to do this and then it’s picked up and broadcast by Anet is also sad- Anet should have been doing this regularly as part of the promotion of the game mode and spending a lot more time and effort on this mode. It might be a case now of ‘too little, too late’ to revive the game mode and try and bring wvw players back from the other games they have no left for.
Perhaps they can repeat the process with commanders from each tier (if they can even find one in the bottom 3-4 tiers these days) to get a balanced view of what wvw is like for the other 90% of players not in the top 3 servers, so the devs don’t go off designing another disaster like the Deserted BL based on feedback from the most populated servers.
I knocked off 2/17 elites and gave up.
This game doesn’t cater for casuals anymore. I don’t care for anything other than WvW and PvP either.
with masteries unlocked, it literally take me 45 minutes to get 25 hero points with a friend, with no waypoint, starting from silverwaste, 45 minutes.
See, you went wrong there when you said ‘with masteries unlocked’. The casual or spvp or wvw player doesn’t have them at all, so first factor in getting a few of them.
Saying you got them in 45 minutes being completely knowledgeable of the maps and getting lucky with the gates, etc doesn’t really help the casual get theirs any faster.
It’s a bit like me saying ‘I can save you more money in an hour than you could in a year’. It happens to be true, but in order to get in a similar position you’ll need 3 years of study and a lifetime of experience.
I found having to try to do adventures that are time gated or simply not available due to some map condition or contested WP’s and forced lfg to try and find a meta map too much of what I call a grind- which is being ‘forced’ (ie, in order to progress, you have to do this and nothing else can unlock it for ) to do content I detest.
Some of the horse riding set will say ’that’s not a grind’, but grind is subjective. Forcing players into 3 and a bit maps in order to force them into doing ‘adventures’ if they want to progress masteries was a bad design decision (in my opinion, others may disagree).
They made the equally bad decision (again, from my view) of gating piles of the Tyria mastery points behind equally tedious gimmicks, or even worse, JPs.
I don’t like gimmicks, or having to repeat a story i have already died of boredom in listening to the NPCs talk and talk and talk just so i can go off and stand in spot 4 to get credit for some dumb ‘achievement’.
I’m enjoying collecting Wintersday boxes in Guild Wars in a repeatable quest- which gives me cash, progress on three minor titles and 1 major, and requires some skill to complete. The difference is, I can stop any time and have a chat in the guild, wonder off, or just stop doing it and it won’t mean I’ll be wasting exp as the bar is full, or searching some instance for some stupid gimmick to unlock another ‘achievement’ so I can move one step closer to the next mastery point to try and unlock legendary crafting or the next h0T mastery.
The hardest part of H0T is the endless JPs and gating and inaccessable areas (like whole of 4th map), contested WPs making failing a jump or a glide a very long run back, gated and timed ‘adventures’ that rely on superb ping and some rng as well as, yep, JP style mechanics, and reaching some of the Hp’s in the first place, then waiting and spamming map chat hoping someone takes pity on you and spends their time getting to the HP you want so that you can complete it.
If you remove those elements then all that is left is some harder mobs, which are only hard until you learn their mechanics, then the problem becomes spatial awareness and being able to kill one lot with out aggoing others in the area whilst avoiding attacks. then they become annoying as the ‘paths’ in the jungle are narrow so moving around mobs is often impossible.
Getting to them is the easy part. Finding people to kill the champ with..
Except for the gated ones, contested WP’s, blocked paths, unavailable during certain parts of the meta event of course.
If your playing WvW for shiny loot and to “Make it rich” your playing the wrong game mode. Players purely motivated by loot and being “Rewarded” is only going to attract people out for that and only that, not team players, not people wanting to work hard to come in first each week, but people only there to fill their wallet…
As opposed to having no one play at all?
Step outside the t1 bubble for a minute or two and you’ll realise most other tiers are dead – they all switched to the top three servers (like yours), or quit the game mode.
Anything that brings back greater numbers to wvw would be nice at this stage- as outside of prime time on EU it’s a ghost town.
The game is very casual friendly. I can log on , get my daily reward, log out. No need to play at all.
It helps that the game is more like SM8 than Guild Wars 2- I don’t like twitch jump puzzles with timers or ‘adventures’ with masteries locked behind meta events AND timers (so frequently not accessable), so I’m now extremely ‘casual’, having given up on finishing masteries in H0T (gated behind ‘adventures’ that are so bad they had to gate mastery points in them otherwise no one would bother with them at all), and given up on doing Tyrian ‘masteries’ that are locked behind gimmicks in stories, gimmicky jump puzzles, or gimmicks at world bosses where you have to wait and abuse the lfg tool and wait and hope that your instance map reaches the right bit, and you get the spot and then get to finish the gimmick.
I’m enjoying the ‘play how I want’ of Guild Wars. The one true Guild Wars. Not this JP infested thing that has the same name.
What I’ve seen over the years, especially with moderated forums, is that those with an opinion not in line with what they want to broadcast get pushed out. The players who care about wanting to see a better game and express this in the forums are next.
Then it’s the rise of the white knights, who blame anything bad on those first groups who wanted things to be better but were ignored while the game company consulted with a select few (let’s call them the ’yes men, or streamers) and then come up with nothing like what was asked for. Even during testing feedback is completely ignored and content is dumped on the player base.
A second round of the above follows, and so on and so forth, until what is mainly left on the forums are either one off complaints on the way to another game or totally bland comments and fan boys, which leads into another round of bad game design decisions.
This cycle is not present on all forums- where there is constant interaction by the devs and action taken to stamp out bugs, exploits, and obvious problems, and all announcements are launched on the forums first. You know it’s gone wrong (bad communication strategy) when they start using streamers and hold them up as pillars of a community (when hardly anyone has heard of them), use other forums to make announcements and spend huge amounts of money promoting one game mode whilst almost totally ignoring the other.
Although feedback by email is great in theory, no company employs sufficient people to be able to read all that feedback. It’s much better to have test servers and see how they run under low, medium and high populations and see what the players say needs changing – then actually go away and implement it.
I think the biggest issue is that they don’t have real test servers with real players to test out changes and maps and so we end up with huge issues in wvw (such as CoR- wait for that no res and the spikes will be mighty!) and maps that aren’t fit for purpose. A few people might like them, and they might have looked good on paper, but the proof of the pudding is in the eating and the Deserted BL maps aren’t liked as pvp maps by the majority of players, who now q for EB rather than step into BL- or join a BL until the instant the q pops.
They don’t need changing at all.
They just need to remove the mastery points from being gated behind them. Then no one would care.
A message from the World vs World Team:
WvW has a team………….wut? When did this happen?
They drew straw at the office, bottom 5 were called ‘wvw’ Team. It lasted 1 hour, now they are back doing their real jobs.
Post count for Devs on Star Wars spoilers: 6
Post count on entire wvw forum: 1
How about they introduce some of the ‘team’?
You must be new here. EoTM is a karma training map, where people take their alts, low levels, etc and steam around pvding in a circle. Fighting the enemy is not as efficient as avoiding them, so avoidance is the name of the game.
EOTM has nothing to do with wvw – the points don’t count towards your server score, there is zero reason to hold anything.
EOTM is easy wvw levels, so people also run it to level up their ‘wvw’ rank.
It’s also almost as bad as the Deserted BL in terms of design for actual fights.
Can the OP post this in Super Marios 8 forums?
This used to be a MMO, now it’s just another platform game with basic mechanic of ‘jump’ with timers.
Too bad I dislike both timers and jump puzzles- lucky for me lots of other games have neither of these and are a darn sight more enjoyable.
The rally bit might be a bit extreme, will have to see how it pans out in practice. Basically it changes fights to ‘if you’re downed, you’re dead’, which makes huge spike damage skills even more OP (CoR, I’m looking at you).
With the long run back to the fight in the BL under this new method, looks like it will discourage people from playing there even more and also encourage even more people to play ranged classes or revs.
Pirate ship looks much more likely now- who’s going to charge in and get downed under the new system when you can keep going backwards and stay upright?
Will be interesting to see how it pans out.
The other changes are quite welcome.
The interviews referred to were with two t1 commanders from one server, one t2 commander from another and another t1 server. Please remember the other tiers and don’t base decisions on wvw only on what t1 commanders want to see- they don’t represent all the other players stuck in lower tiers. Please spend some time talking to real wvw players and find out what they think, not some streamer.
WTB a dev to log in to my account, do all the adventures on gold (without cheating) and let me know when it’s done.
Then auto credit all tyria masteries that require doing jump puzzles or mainly jumping or dodging some random rubbish in a mission I’ve already completed.
Then wish me a merry Xmas. Thanks Santa!
So, how am I supposed to do the hero points?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Baldrick.8967
Please remember that playing with your elite spec is optional unless you want to complete some collections. Therefore you’re not forced to get the HPs with every character.
What a complete non-entry that is.
That’s like saying using a weapon with your character is optional, and about as much relevance to the OP’s question.
I think you’ll also find that playing with your elite spec might be quite useful in many areas of the game (Raids, wvw, pvp)0 but I guess if you’re a member of the ‘press 1’ brigade than you wouldn’t have noticed anyway.
The OP’s point has been stated since H0T launched, and as I pointed out from another account just after launch, these things will become more and more difficult to get done as time goes on- and so it is proving to be the case.
‘just ask for help in guild’ gets very old in guild too, as the 10th request to do the HP you just did comes in and you actually just spent all your log in time doing that rather than doing anything you wanted to. How many days/weeks/months of that will you continue to help for…
Yet another JP…this game truely is designed by rejects from the Super Marios franchise these days.
Am I even vaguely interested in trying yet another one (they are all basically the same- jump jump miss die repeat from start)? Nope.
I always find it interesting that you can use the exact same mechanic (jumping) over and over again by dressing it up in to different ‘puzzles’ and people accept it as new content and even say ‘there are 25 different JP’s’. Nope, there is one type of JP, repeated 25 times with a different skin on.
Anet have fooled a lot of people into thinking this is ‘content’ when it must take all of five minutes to design a new JP- have a tool that knows max jump distance, vertical/horizontal, enter how long you want it, press start and hey presto outline of a new JP. Colour it in whatever theme you like- which is where the art department comes in. Add timer to further annoy people.
Another objection to this- if it was a close match- is that the enemy server could wait for you to move to a BL and then flood EB with alts, locking you out for the night. We’ve seen 20-30 in some matches as it is (before H0T launched).
GW1 Factions: how to do an expansion right.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Baldrick.8967
The whole GW1 series, whether you call them expansions or not, were basically more of the same. There was no huge change in difficulty level or game meta. Hence, they were popular and well-received by the bulk of the regular players. HoT seems to have been a month ’s worth of distraction for a portion of the player base and then lots of them seem to have gone back to core.
This has the core of the argument in it. H0T has little longer term appeal- waiting for gated/timed/locked content isn’t much fun. Once you know the paths and have unlocked gliding and mushrooms repeating the maps takes less and less time- and mastery points are done, so no repeat value there, POI’s are just somewhere you have to go to fill the map, and large parts of some maps are unavailable for long periods of time.
Add in constantly contested WP’s, mobs that are just annoying so you start to avoid them (as they are totally irrelevant to anything really, not going to grind on mobs to level masteries, etc) and meta events that need taxis…
It’s no wonder people have wondered off. Sadly they put in Deserted BL at the same time with a vague promise of ‘working on a wvw overhaul’ for some point in the future (same promise for last 3 years rally…) so there’s little left to appeal.
I’m enjoying Factions again, along with the rest of Guild Wars, as there is so much to do and mobs mostly have a point there rather than being things to skip on the way to the next pile of players/event with gimmick one shot mechanics and JPs, etc.
Some of you have some truly horrifying reading comprehension skills…
Shouldn’t that read : ‘Some of you have truly horrific reading comprehension skills’?
GW1 Factions: how to do an expansion right.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Baldrick.8967
Let’s compare replay value of the two. Factions- great to replay, titles to get, pvp areas to fight in, other titles to work on, huge number of elite skills (that matter to your builds) to go and cap. Lovely pve skills that added a lot of variety to pve builds. Endless hours of replay value and huge build variety, and very easy to switch builds without spending an arm and a leg and carrying around 16 different armor sets and 20 pages of paper where you have to write down a build in GW2
H0T. Do chest, done. Do HP point, done. complete map. done. Gated/locked/timers force you to do things at certain times or else. Switching armor very expensive, runes lost every time, switching builds means finding that bit of paper you had the build on then trying to find the other one when you want to switch back.
H0T- feel like standing around waiting for event to start, missing taxi to last map, wait 2.5 more hours. 4th map is basically a no go map except when running around during meta event, so basically it’s 3 maps and an open air dungeon instance for many people.
One raid compared to many dungeons with two difficulty settings.
Whoever said they were thinking of going back to Guild Wars, there are still plenty of players, we all play on the USA servers and if you want a Kurzick alliance pm me and we’ll get you going (we own Hzh).
Slein, it’s just a game. It’s not real life- even if some people act like it’s the most important thing in the world.
They came with a build which would win if they could cap first. As soon as that failed, they knew they couldn’t win- maybe the better thing to do would be to stand in a corner? It’s a game, if you know you can’t win, move on, don’t waste your real life doing something with pixels that isn’t going to reward you anything.
If there was an option to resign from the game, then they could have taken that option.
Easy change?
At this stage, this is by far the cheapest option for Anet- although they will never admit it nor do it, rather alpine maps will come back as the ‘rotation’ and then they will ‘forget’ to rotate off them…
Bad idea- so Anet will probably introduce it.
The idea of logging on to a dead map then having to wait any length of time at all to get off it again will kill off wvw even faster than it already is.
So you move maps, find no one there to fight, and have to stand around for 5-15 minutes? Result= log off.