It was a core feature of Guild Wars and made team composition a lot easier, as well as not having to remember every rune, sigil, skill, trait, etc every time you change your build.
It’s a real shame they failed to bring this core feature across to GW2.
Players should absolutely not have the ability to kick another player from the server. Are sabotage and spying lame? Yes, but they are a part of war. Unfortunately war isn’t fair, and neither is wvw (per Anet themselves).
I’d like to see a function implemented that announces when a tactic is pulled, along with who pulled it – “Bob pulled Emergency Waypoint at Garrison!”. You’d be able to turn off the announcements in your options if so desired. I’m also all for guilds being able to block an individual player(s) from pulling tactics or taking supply from an objective.
In the meantime watch your tactics. If they’re pulled unnecessarily, prepare for incoming battle. Don’t wait 10 minutes for golems to show up. In an unintentional way, the trolls are giving you a headsup, so have your scouts take advantage of that.
This is the solution. Get a team down there and check for movement coming out of enemy spawn- you only need three reliable scouts and that golem move is spotted as soon as it starts moving.
However did we cope before EPs? /sarcasm
You will need to get to the mastery points, which will be locked behind an exp grind whilst you acquire the new jumping skills (opp, I mean ‘mounts’ LOL). So, grind out the exp to get the mount to be able to reach the mastery to unlock the skill to get the elite.
That’s my guess. And judging from what I have seen of the new map (and that last one, with waypoints you have to farm to unlock), Super Marios fans will be drooling as it’s one big platform game.
It’s a shame really. Relying on gimmicks and platforms to disguise the lack of real content where you engage the enemy, group up to defeat harder content etc. Instead we get platforms, time gates, JPs, and jump skills to bounce around the map like Super Mario.
Ahh, that lovely sense of entitlement in the OP’s post.
Not a hope son. You really think players could be trusted with that sort of power? Sure, it might start out with good intentions, but how long before a ‘Momentum’ type of takeover and before you know it you’re for the chop?
You can try and report these players. Don’t hold your breath- it took them forever and a day to deal with even some of the fly hackers and people were sending in dozens of videos.
You don’t need repeatable. You just need to get out more. Finishing in two days means you are stuck in front of your computer gaming for waaay too long. Find something more constructive to do with at least some of your leisure time.
I tried it. In a moving battle those sand things seemed way too clunky to be used effectively. All the torment is overdone.
Went on my normal necro build and had a blast wiping all these new specs.
I can see a use for a couple of these in a big squad step up, so not a total loss, but a lot of issues to iron out before it’s smooth.
At least it’s not as bad as the new ele weaver thing…
Tested weaver out using staff. It’s deadly. Deadly to me, that is. That 3-4 second delay before I can get to the skills I need NOW in order to save my squad is total kitten.
The weave skills are uselekittenoots you for one second while it fires….the water thing takes too long and doesn’t really help and the fire one runs into the ground.
I’m surprised this got past basic testing. I can’t see any reason my support ele would ever want to get near weaver.
Might be more interesting for dual weapons and 1v1 or spvp where macros and people able to do very fast rotations but it’s just too much of a finger fest dual wielding.
There was a solid reason for identifying items in Guild Wars. There is zero reason to do so in GW2.
In Guild Wars it operated so that you could identify and remove valuable items, or just junk skins you didn’t want to ID. Generally you’d only ID rare items, and salvage off useful upgrades such as 20% enchantments, etc.
GW2, not worth IDing anything less then exotic. If they have not made a distinction between rare, exotic, etc and you have to ID it before you even know, that’s a terrible design.
Just more pointless gating.
I just think the mounts are glorified jump skills with the ‘need’ for them artificially created by the lack of waypoints in the new map. The lack of waypoints will just become annoying for many reasons listed by previous posters.
Even the need to gather 10 or 20 coral or whatever in order to activate a shrine is just time gating and an annoyance- there was zero need for it, and it just means having reached what appears to be a shrine you can’t actually use it and you just wasted all that time getting there- go farm more. Then you just lose interest in repeating what you just did, log off and play something more interesting than JP/farmville.
The new maps could have been done with the HoT masteries. Having more jump mechanics just makes it feel ever more like a platform game, but with those jump skills hidden behind gates of exp.
Perhaps the majority of ‘players’ really do want another platform game – as that seems to be the direction Anet are heading in.
I’ve often wondered at the mind set that says ‘we must complete this in the fastest time possible or GTFO’. I’m here to relax and enjoy my all too short gaming time- which is why I don’t have the time or inclination these days to design and explore optimum builds/rotations and rush through content. It’s a game, not a job- unless you’re playing wvw for the backpack, in which case it’s a full time job each week!
Zenith’s argument just shows how badly designed the game is- that the only realistic way of winning is to blast through as fast as possible before the mob/boss or whatever has a chance to use it’s skills- because those skills do way too much damage that you can’t heal. What a terrible design.
If the game didn’t have stupid timers and bosses which stupidly huge damage attacks and a proper trinity people would be able to run raids in several different ways and still get through in a reasonable time. They could easily design a ‘blow back’ on bosses so they reflect damage over a certain amount per second- but instead they nerf eles in all parts of the game to deal with static target damage.
One other thought- not all of us have perfect memories nor run fractals or even dungeons that often, so bear that in mind before you start shouting at guy that forgot to kill that spare elite mob to the left.
If you thought it was hard to kill daredevils that spammed 5 dodges away when they lost 2% hp, get ready for the shadow meld future.
3s stealth duration, 2 charges, 45s to recharge one charge.
the only “issue” I’d see with it is that it removes revealed – but hey that’s a hefty CD on it and you know what will be also added with that expac to one other class?
AoE reveal, 2 charges, 20s to recharge one and if revealing that thief who have just stealthed was not enought it also removes blindness and guarantee next hit being a crit – and is much more spammable
frankly I’m afraid that most of thieves will actually need that 1500 range to not be masacrated by all those spellbreakers that are bound to show-up on them…
360 radius….and uses up a utility slot. On a warrior…
Also that vid… that’s with perma alacrity, quickness, war banners, 25might, fury and other crap. Those are like the ideal buffs to have, you’d never see all those on one guy in wvw or fractals or pretty much anywhere unless its super coordinated and for a short duration……
That’s standard boon setup. It is reasonably valid in meta comp parties, found in both fractals and raids. Not in WvW, obviously, as there the focus is primarily on defence.
It’s not in wvw because in wvw all those boons are stripped or converted into condis, and your stand still and cast is interupted by enemies.
But still, nerf meteor shower, makes perfect sense for wvw where enemies actually move, interupt, boon strip/curse, etc…/sarcasm
Staff ele doesn’t need any more nerfing for anything other than raids. And the easiest way to nerf it for raids is just have a field effect around bosses that has a chance of reflecting meteors onto players.
OP, while you may self-identify as casual, there is little agreement among all who so identify. Some think of the word as meaning preference for easy content; others for limited time spent playing; still others for solo-only play. There may be as many understandings of what “casual” means as there are people using the term.
Based on what little you’ve told us, I’m going to guess your definition refers to dislike for vertical navigation and maybe dislike for HoT mob difficulty, thought the latter is a leap.
What I can do is tell you a few things.
- Living Story Season 3 zones moved a bit away from HoT design parameters in some ways, but not in others.
- There are event chains, but no over-arching map meta such as we see in the 4 HoT zones. Participating in events is more on a drop-in basis, as we saw in core, and less dependent on consulting timer sites and hoping to use LFG to get to the one or two active map copies.
- Mobs in LSS3 zones are not particularly difficult, with a few exceptions. Some of them do have what I find to be annoying mechanics (When you “kill” a White Mantle Mesmer, for instance, it turns out you’ve killed his/her clone, and then need to kill him/her, all while it and then s/he are spamming the bright pink beam of Mesmer Greatsword 1 at you).
- There is still a vertical component to movement in LSS3 maps, but I find getting around in them to be quite a bit easier, as there is a lot less of the trademark ANet, “Can’t get there from here.”
Perhaps those map designs are going to be indicative of what see in PoF, just as Silverwastes and to some extent Dry Top were precursors to HoT.
As to PoF, we know little. There will be huge zones. There will be bounties. There will doubtless be events. There will be Elite Specs and doubtless some means to unlock them. There will be mounts which have unique movement capabilities, and those capabilities will be necessary to get to some places on the maps. Mounts look to be obtained via Masteries, though we do not know as yet if there will be any major substantive changes to how Masteries are acquired.
As to whether any of that constitutes “casual-friendly” or “casual-unfriendly” to what casual means to you, well, only you can answer that. Bear in mind that the preceding is some amount of pattern analysis and some amount of guesswork coupled with the facts revealed in the PoF announcement. The best, and only really reliable indication of whether PoF will suit you or not is going to be trying it yourself, and the only cost to try the free beta weekends is the large download.
‘mounts’ are just glorified jump mechanics locked behind a mastery system/grind and they look to have made the same mistake with mastery points (mini games, ffs) as in HoT.
‘mounts’ are required as PoF is just one great big Super Marios level platform game but with the grind and locks added.
If you didn’t like HoT maps you’re unlikely to like the PoF maps much either, as it looks like the required jump skills, oops, ‘mounts’ are gated behind exp/mastery.
I’ll be giving it a go, but mainly getting the expansion because of wvw and the need for new skills etc in wvw to remain competitive- although no doubt they will have nerfed ele into the ground whilst boosting thief to ranged OPness.
Deadeye looks seriously OP. it’s like a ranger on steroids with added stealth. One shot, 15 stacks of vulnerability, aoe shot on zero cooldown, piercing for free.
If it comes out like this, I expect to see half the players in wvw playing deadeye, and pin sniping will become so common that comms will tag off. Three Deadeyes in a focus group will be able to insta down targets for fun.
I’d better dust off my thief, rifle shortbow ranged stealthed thief is having a laugh.
What is this thread about exactly? What soup pot? And what does MP mean?
I’m confused.
Soup pot is in the city where you have to comple the mini game with the chef and it gets you the mastery point. MP is Mastery Point. This is in regards to the Demo area.
Another mastery point shoved behind some stupid mini game. I guess Anet didn’t learn from HoT after all, and this will be the same awful mini-game hidden masteries that so many hated in HoT.
Or they could just change tagging mechanics and then a huge section of the population wouldn’t care if they were in a squad. It’s pretty funny seeing so many commanders require so many things to join a squad and then they blame their failures on the fact that a lot of people don’t want to join there squads…. gee I wonder why lol.
Also good commanders never hear any complaints from me, and they know the value of an experienced player. Petty commanders exclude and require all sorts of nonsense and then exclude exceptional players when they get their feelings hurt.
Many times I’ve seen commanders have closed squads and requirements to join, and they lose tons of fights against evenly matched zergs, and then blame it on people who won’t meet there requirements (be in there guild, be in TS). Finally they leave and one good commander comes on, has open squad and no requirement and we wipe zergs 2-3x’s our size. It never ceases to amuse me.
So now your suggestion is to break up group synergy just so you can get more loot? Try playing a support class then you will feel the difference in loot!
If you’re gobbing off all the time then it’s no surprise commanders don’t want you in their groups- try reading any basic management manual and look at ‘disruptive, negative employees and the effects they have’. Then compare yourself to that.
Exceptional players will fit in, share their knowledge, teach, be respectful. You’re not exceptional, as clearly you fail these tests, preferring to shout the odds and moan at people leading to your exclusion.
Some comms like running certain groups- whether they win or lose fights isn’t that important to them, as long as they have fun.
It’s strange- I could log on my ele or necro and will be invited to join groups, guild groups, ts- only groups and they know I can’t use TS. Only one comm (he’s fairly new to server) won’t invite me to his group as he has a strict ‘no-ts, no party’ rule- but he’s happy for me to come along.
Now consider why that doesn’t happen to you.
I went in with the given set up, didn’t bother to change a thing about the build, the necro. It’s a terrible build, but I made it through without dying. It was a very tedious story and having to put out all the fires just dragged it along.
At least there wasn’t quite so much NPC talking this time, so that’s a plus.
Fights felt OK, as long as you tackle one group at a time.
Quite happy with this change. I never understood why guards were given a spam aoe that could tag everything in sight and counted as a tag in one hit. Shorter range means less tag, less loot if you just carry on spamming one and don’t use your other skills or (OMG) swap weapons during combat.
Now you need to be where you should have been to start with, next to the comm pushing through (still plenty of tagging) rather than hanging back waving your stick and being useless to the core.
Stationary targets…what a great way of testing what real dps is…NOT.
Go into wvw and see how many of those actually hit (or even if you manage a cast without interuption).
And yet the devs have seen fit to nerf ele even more because of Raids and non-moving targets. Thanks for the video proving that you can manage decent numbers on something that doesn’t fight back at all…as that’s why the rest of us got nerfed.
‘Mounts’ will be new jumping skills that are gated behind mastery points- probably using a new type of mastery point only gained by grinding out ‘content’ in the new expansion (just like HoT forced you to do).
So you’ll be able to use gliding to get some places but guaranteed you will not be able to get to most place and progress without grinding out the exp and finding the ‘mastery’ points required.
My one hope is they don’t gate so many mastery points behind ‘mini-games’ or JPs or ‘achievements’ which require you to watch endless meaningless dribble (oop, sorry, ‘story’) over and over again without a skip button until you get the required ‘achievement’.
It’s become a platform game. If you don’t like platform games, you’re not going to enjoy the new zone. It’s like the designers have overdosed on SM and have been told they must include jumps, puzzles and glides to get anywhere as that will make up for the lack of actual content.
And by the looks of it, the expansion has more in common with Super Marios than Guild Wars. ‘Mounts’ which are really just hidden gated jump skills….
My personal favourite was Perfect World, although technically not a RvR, with it’s up to 3 hour 60v60 battles (and sometimes 3 fights on 3 maps at once!), Territory Wars.
ESO’s main problem is the map is too big.
bee n there, stung that.
As it will take the average player over a year or more to get it, not seeing how pve’rs can complain at all- there is a huge time gate wall behind tokens that you need for the wvw armors that doesn’t exist in raids.
I’m glad they have done this- at least eventually people will be able to stat swap, although for many it won’t really be possible, and blobby spam 1 t1 ‘heroes’ will be able to get it in a few weeks.
It’s a precursor for bringing the next map to wvw which will be entirely a JP, Super Marios style, mounts enabled.
They hope it will bring the pve JP lovers into wvw…
It will get worse with PoF with even more particle effects slowing things down even more.
The secret to combatting lag is to use a toon that doesn’t need skills to survive and relies heavily on passives, like guardian or warrior, so you can run around spamming 1 and clocking up kills while the chars that need to use utilities, heals, etc die do to lag.
READ people. Gliding only if you own the territory. So an advantage to the defending side (stealth glide bomb springs to mind).
When hot came out people asked the same thing on gliding in wvw. Anet responded that wvw was not built for gliding because it would allow people to just glide into other peoples towers and keeps. I am sure they are not going to allow mounts because of the same reason. On top to the mounts possibly letting you into areas you dont own there is also the huge issue with lag. We are already laggy as it is we dont need more things loading in. That is what mounts will be causing lags and crashing. I hope they do not add them to wvw its bad enough its going to cause lag in crowded areas of pve.
And yet, here comes gliding.
Mounts are just disguised jump mechanics hidden behind a mastery wall. Give it a couple years, ‘mounts’ will be useable in wvw. all I need is a complete set of one of the armours at 10-15 tokens a week and we’ll finally be able to change builds…
Or I can stick to my existing multiple ascended sets for multiple characters and then choose one for the next update to play full time as it will need another set after the ‘balance’ changes ruin the current build.
A good change. Years too late.
wvw doesn’t get anything (other than a new reward track basically a rework of spvp).
pve gets new fractals, raids, maps etc.
If people don’t realise by now that wvw is a total sideshow and pve is their entire focus, I can’t help you.
Basically ‘mounts’ are just adding yet more Super Mario JP style to the game. But locked behind masteries to ensure you have to play on the new maps, and no doubt mastery points will be locked behind JPs, mini games or stupid achievements in stories just to ensure you can be frustrated with the huge swing towards a platform game ‘mounts’ represent.
In fact, ‘mounts’ are just like the ‘boosts’ you used to pick up in Super Mario, but locked behind a time/experience/hidden mastery points wall.
And of course without the required ‘mount’ (mastery locked skill) you won’t be able to traverse the maps, forcing you to grind out the required XP and then fart around finding enough ‘mastery’ (usually behind some non-core skill) points to activate it to move on to the next one.
Gliding and mushrooms were enough movement to get around, there really was no need to add more locked ‘skills’ other than to turn it into more of a grind to disguise the lack of actual content.
Nine new elite specs might be interesting, I wonder if they even thought of wvw when designing them (almost certainly not). Hopefully I have enough proofs to unlock them (although I expect yet another currency so you are forced to grind the pve, until 3-6 months from now they remember to add it to the wvw vendor).
I hope they kept particle effects to a minimum otherwise wvw will just grind to a halt (again).
I’m happy for you. Personally I don’t like the look, but at least I know what to look for on the enemy now:-)
The sheer amount of jumping and puzzles in the new content makes me think Super Mario’s lead designer is moonlighting at GW2.
I wonder if teleport to a friend would get you into the zone?
The sneaky Super Mario designer that makes these will be pleased with your comments…
Try changing your pve build.
And some of the story challenges are a breeze for certain classes and extremely difficult for others, especially first time through if you don’t know to bring endless condi cleanse or what gimmick you are fighting against.
A lot of games patch Tuesday morning, restart servers, maintenance, etc and are down for 2-3 hours in the quietest time of the week.
If Anet cared at all for wvw it would run on separate servers and not have to be closed down for a pve patch, which could be applied to wvw players as soon as they leave wvw.
Patching any time just after reset is just a bad idea, ruins play for hours afterwards.
This build diversity people talk about… everyone is (or at least should) run celestial stats on the classes that are actually useful in medium to largescale combat. Great! Celestial offers more stats than any other armor (almost 30% more). No downsides, just low risk easy to play builds that stand in the way of interesting gameplay.
What would be interesting about adopting the pvp system? Less build diversity?
To the OP, a firm NO.
I like my build diversity. My builds depends on their unique stat combos and skills and foods. I don’t want to be another mindless drone ‘insert amulet A here’ type.
Not met many that use celestial in wvw in medium to large scale those ‘extra stats’ you speak of aren’t actually all that useful compared to pushing up the stats you really want- unless you have to choose an amulet, then it becomes a simple ‘yes’.
If you love JP’s, Super Mario is for you! GW2 seems to bear a lot of similarity these days, how long until SM franchise sue GW2 for copyright infringement?
Was never a fan of platform games (I don’t get any fun out of jumping from place to place- well not since I was around 2 years old) or gimmicks as a crutch to hide inadequate game design behind.
I’m glad you kids enjoy them (that’s adults and children alike).
It’s been asked for since they brought the game out, as there is nothing worse than having to listen to the same boring space filling conversation AGAIN whenever you want to take another toon through, or go for an ‘achievement’ that you missed.
I now just read up on some other stuff on my other computer when I force myself to ‘play’ through these Living Yawns.
Typically ‘action’ takes place about 5 minutes in, so click and turn away…just watch out in case they got smart and put a prompt in to continue the ‘conversation’ with another NPC.
And of course our other favourites got added: puzzles and a jump puzzle and new ‘skills’ that make our actual skills disappear because using them might be what we want to do…any more of this and the makers of Super Mario would have good cause to sue!
I guess I’ll have to force myself through the yawn fest speeches so I can unlock the new map at some point….wine at the ready!
OP. Log off. Open window, or better yet, go outside. See real sunlight. Experience the real world. GW is not life.
Seek help.
I’m reminded of people who say ‘this party is boring’. Then repeat it for the next 5-6 parties, all of which have one thing in common: the person who said ‘this party is boring’. it’s boring because they are boring, as they have no imagination and expect to be spoon fed. Don’t be that person.
PoF or POOF, as in POOF, we made all the players disappear?
Probably ordinary Failure?
Proof of Fortunes?
Panic or Fail?
Plainly one Fudged?
Pain of failure?
Pain of Future?
Plainly ordinary Features?
Plotting One Feature?
Please (add) one Full (wvw map)?
Posted On Facebook?
Bandwagoners got tired of the other bandwagoners. See the irony? Yes there is elitism among the bandwagoners.
Your comment should be nominated for perfect summary of the year.
Svarty. Sorry to tell u this. But guilds move servers every time since the beginnin of the game to have good fights. I dont see any problem in that
The ‘good fights’ made me laugh.
They are bandwagonning. By moving, they ruin any chance of the rest of the server that they join having the ‘good fights’, as it’s now full. After a while, they decide to move on, again looking for the ‘good fights’, and leave a server in a worse state than they found it in.
Rinse, repeat for 4 + years and we’re left with the rump and the stubborn.
I found the comment that EU was in a good state before linking very amusing.
EU has always been beset with bandwaggoning guilds who would think they are the best thing since sliced bread, ask people to leave maps so they can get their raid going, leave a sour taste in ‘pugs’ (ie, the original wvw players on that server), dissaude people from playing, and then a few months later they’d be off ‘looking for the fights’ by joining an even more stacked server.
Rinse, repeat for several years and EU maps were ghost towns before linking outside of prime, mis matched populations and mis matched coverage leading to match blow outs and declining populations.
Out of my friends list of wvw players from the early days, I’m the last man standing..and I’m not really playing now either since this latest sticking plaster disaster.
Let’s face it, the mode is stale. It needs a rework, but Anet aren’t willing to invest even a faction of the money they wasted on their failed e-sports ( I told them it would fail..), and so we’re seeing the decline in numbers again.
Server pride has gone. Maybe it’s time to rework the mode completely.
One change they could bring out is making scoring more interesting. Killing higher ranks could give more points, for instance. Or killing people who have clocked up more kills without dying. You could even have it so that when someone reaches a threshold they are highlighted on the map.
Events within wvw would be easy to do, if they had anyone willing to take the time to do them.
Maybe it’s time to kill off servers, and make it guild based instead, with guilds allowed 500 players and tactical timed matches between squads of various sizes on various maps and a ranking and handicap system. Five teams on a map.
Maybe even have a couple ‘free for all’ maps where you can join with a squad of five maximum and be randomly assigned a colour for that fight, one hour duration, rewards based on various criteria.
So many different ways of doing it, but it would mean a complete relaunch of wvw with a marketing budget too- so enough dreaming, I’m off to bed.
Hi there, I’m hoping Gaile, or another anet employee will see this. Dear anet could you please add a checkbox in the wvw reward track options that allows me to select NO reward track. I am fed up with all of the chests cluttering my screen and all of the useless loot cluttering my bags, if i wanted loot i’d play pve, it’s really just a small qol issue for me, i don’t know if anyone else feels this way but i just do not want a chest every 2-3 minutes, filling up my bags with rubbish.
i desperately want this, please please please implement it, i’m so fed up of this clutter.
I’d really love it if the dev read your post and disabled you from acquiring any loot or any progression in any reward tracks. Including Pips.
Played for a while tonight. Our border had been pretty much wiped, so started by setting a ram up for others to use (3 of us there) while I killed 3 catas enemy had left and a couple archers on the wall (NPC). Capped tower. Tier 1.
Capped sentry.
Moved to EB as it had been reset. Capped keep, 3 towers, two camps, met 3 enemies that we killed over the next 30 minutes or so, so 39 minutes after I had logged in got to tier 5. Took a long time to reach tier 3 and start earning- probably 20 minutes.
One decent zerg fight will put you to tier 6….
Then ran out of objectives to take. Enemy camps t3 and defended, no enemies flipping our sentries or camps, not enough players on map to try and round them up and push for another tower. Take a look at Deserted BL, nothing within distance to cap. Same with home BL which has only com on and is now queued. Other enemy BL has 3-4 man thief gank squads roaming next to all 3 exits, and there isn’t enough people on the map to push out.
We’re scoring last in the match up. No wood chest last week, and only 3 pips for rank 2300, so a grand total of 4 pips.
Decay set in. Logged out. Logged into another game. Had fun in the remainder of my valuable leisure time.
It’s funny, thiefs and rangers have little problem keeping up participation- not surprising when they go around in squads of 4 looking for easy targets= 10 minutes. Run into a problem- whoosh they are out of range and gone, sorry if you needed a fight to get credit before your timer ran out.
People who don’t play cheese mobility classes struggle to reach objectives before the timer starts counting down- especially on quieter maps where the only available camp might be one at the bottom of the map that is flipped before you get there, so 5 minutes on that one, or camps that are defended by entire squads on the enemies home borders.
Try playing outside of prime time on a less busy server not on a thief or ranger and then come back and tell me how you get on.
Well I tried the new system out. Took over 30 minutes of my time to reach tier 5. Didn’t notice any decay as I didn’t do any of my usual scouting, I just followed the tag.
System works just fine if you already have your tier up, you can afford to stand around whilst the catas do their work (someone has killed all the guards, etc before you get to touch them), and mindlessly follow the com and at least manage to bag a kill- even if it means half your team died as you were trying to get kills rather than doing your healing job.
If you are t1 or t2, then attacking a defended tower or keep might result in decay, and will almost certainly result in decay if your squad gets wiped.
Best solution is to blindly follow the com (if there is one) and play only during prime time, or hope that the usual gank squads aren’t playing outside of those times and you don’t have too many deaths, and enemy hasn’t just flipped all the camps so they are on timers 4 minutes + when you enter the map or respawn, or you don’t have too far to run to flip something (which is a real problem if you’re playing against a dead outside of prime server, less things to flip).
Play like it’s EOTM and you’ll be fine with the new system. Playing outside prime and you’ll struggle to even find something to flip within the time limits, especially if the gank thief squads are around, at which point log off and play something else.
I think that’s what they wanted to achieve with the changes: zerg, play only in prime, or play something else.
Can’t wait for when they change wvw to be 4 hours in prime only, or some other equally stupid change without consultation.
I think some people are confused and think that whenever you do something that gives participation it adds to the decay, which has not been and is not the case. For example when you take an objective, it gives you 10 minutes before your participation will start to decay; then if you kill a guard it will only reset to 2 minutes if you have less than 2 minutes left otherwise it won’t affect the timer. This is how it has always worked; the only thing we have changed is the reset time for each action.
The reset times are as follows:
• Killing a Player – 10 minutes
• Killing a Caravan – 2 minutes
• Destroying a fortification – 5 minutes
• Killing a Guard – 2 minutes
• Killing a Lord – 5 minutes
• Killing or reviving a merc npc – 1 minute
• Repairing – 5 minutes
• Siege Damage Wall/Gate/Player – 1 minute
• Destroying Siege – 5 minute
• Killing a Veteran Creature – 5 minutesThese happen on event completion:
• Defending a Caravan – 2 minutes
• Completing a Merc Event – 5 minutes
• Completing a Defend Event – 10 minutes
• Capturing an objective – 10 minutes
• Capturing a Ruin or Shrine – 2 minutes
• Capturing a Sentry – 5 minutesIt is still possible that we will tweak these numbers going forward.
Conclusion: run with the zerg, and make sure you tag everything. Don’t bother playing support, your decay will kick in. Make sure you are on the ram or catapult- if not, throw another one down and hope people build it so you can take it.
Whatever you do, don’t have long sieges or try anything tactical that takes more than a couple of minutes or half your players will start to lose participation.
Always start your evening by map jumping until you find the biggest blob to run with that you can, to make sure you get to tier 6 – as we all know trying to solo up past tier 3 can take half of your available game time, even more so if you’re roaming and scouting. Don’t worry if it’s a guild group, just run along with them anyway- they won’t appreciate it, but just tell them you need the tiers and it’s the only way to get them as there are no other organised groups on the maps atm.
Shout at the com to hurry up and cap something, and cap faster so you can reach tier 3 and maintain before decay kicks in. Or find a big fight and win.
Don’t play outside of prime time- it will take you too long to get past tier 3. You are likely to get decayed before you even start earning those pips that will reset at the end of the week anyway.
If your server has low population, bandwaggon to a bigger one- oh wait, most servers are showing as ‘full’…
If your server is dead outside of prime time (and sometimes in it), you now have even less chance of finding other people to play with and getting to tier 3, maintaining it (oh wait, swap turns with your 4 man team every 15 seconds on the catapult whilst you wait for the wall, that’s practical…).
Please Anet, seriously, TEST these changes and ask REAL wvw players (not T1 bandwagon spam 1 guilds) to test them and give feedback before imposing them upon us. I’d have thought you’d have learned that lesson by now……