please anet its a joke 106 gems for 1 mf booster one repair and a scroll of knowledge ?
i never ever will buy one and i advice everyone the same gamble is ok but thats to funny
problm is they dont bring much. the content can be beat what ever. also there is no reward for personal work.
no dmg meter nothing to give u an star for extra effort.
thats a kind of sad sometimes
i like to join noob
could i get a inventation pretty please
one of those again…
ok i feelt motivated to photoshop and this picture hopefully explain that stacking is a normal common tactic in War ….
the thing with jokes and ppl love u is just working when the run is good, before i joined they seemed to lost a player since they where half done and stucked at the wave event.
When guild groups got bad mood they dont kick the bad player they kick the non gildy and that without thinking if its fair or maybe laughable
oh they had many guys with funny names in that party, the guy who didnt made a portal befoer using Wp was called something and second name was genius
the other guys who signed my deathsentence was named something of steal yes he wrote steal instead of steel so how can u not say something about his name …
its like a trap
one of those again
I joined a cof p3 run all other where in the same guild.
they stuck at the wave event i helped them out there dps was extremly low but we made it. all ok i have good mood. then bomb event i run no problem mesmer run he made it too. I say u can do port for all and then wp.
He wp no prtal to make the portal the other side… i say oh u could do it here he die many times by try to run back. all other of his guildis made it so we stand there waiting for the mesmer. I see one of them has a funny name which sounded like a rockband just written wrong. Then I said nice name he say get kicked kitten !
I see loading screen …
so ya learn from my mistakes guild groups are very easy to anger
oh was always thinking there was a red outline but now as u say it… yes i support that good idea !
i know :P like i said this is my second set i have one for only Fractals with full agony res.
My point is that agony res is so specializied it is no fun for the all over game expierence there for thre is no need having it on my gear at all.
last time I made a post,
The Lead Writer Bobby Stein came, and one guy was unhappy with the story in S2 so Bobby ask what kind of story he want ? The guy answered A story which is worth telling !
If i get Player responses like that I would also prefer talking to a Wall, then being here in forum.
But I feel there is a lot talking from the devs here I never got in any other game the feeling that the creators actually reading what i write.
ps wispher …. they like compliments i already learned that they come when u write something nice about them. So always put critic in sugar :P
like the title says they should be account not gear bound
agony infusions are boring
I barely do frac anymore but i be forced keep them on my gear in case i wanna go frac later for fun or challange.
if it would be accbound i could use the infusion slots for wvw infusions with would give me stats instead of a weird resistance. i do that for trinkets since i have them double but i cant do that for my armor that would kill me.
agony inf are no fun so get rid of it please
about infusion part
i use wvw prec infusions i think they are quite cheap
i have 2 rings of dead so i can have those 2 offensive i no more care much for fractals but i still have a second trinket set for frac to switch as well a second gs
60% unbuffed 80% critchance with selfbuff
i never said about voice acting it was more about the written stuff.
they do say your name without voice acting and lore wise is my title more real then Boss. I never was there Boss Im not paying them nor i hired them.
So my personal development is closer to lore then Boss
Hey Boss this is how Majory is calling me or Balsa Shogun.
I not really liked called Boss nor called by my full name people be called by there full name when the wife is angry or husband or mother who ever ….
So short idea why not just Balsa ? just take the first name instead of the full name and a other idea instead of Boss use the players active title ? In my case The Blazing Light i prefer that over Boss since thats more close to my character in game * before i had the title slayer i liked that too
thanks for reading
Story telling wise anets writer made a leap .
that was amazing good story telling.
I couldnt stop. after everybody left the room of scarlet me and taimi stayed and i watched and read her hologram
5Stars for that
Im dead sleepy but i need to know the end
Im ok with the update speed of gw2 but thats why i know we are beta tester for china and russia :P
but now more constructive Is ok to quit a game thats so normal and the good news is u can come back later. I quit gw2 as well but for other reasons more bcs there is no challange in game after I saw Liadri came back and she was not stronger even more weaker then before i quited. Also real life goes first Im sure for the next big event im back but for now i enjoy my free time and good weather :P
i know the real reason for blocking websites in China blocked in china since launch of GW2 in China.
seems like someone who make a chinese dulfy version dont like competition …
love ur writing style
i agree with the ideas u have also i thing stacking should be a tactic at some moments in fight and a no go in other.
I think the answer is in the past
sry for saying that but look wow
3 phase fights
Lupicus almost got it right and the fireshaman did it almost perfect.
I say let the old dunguons alone and make 10 man raids which need more then just stacking and wow that will be cool without WOW
i do no gear no fear runs randomly where i run naked in dunguons
not stacking runs are also nice the rest is fashion and waiting for updates
seriously china just got gw2 u honestly think they release a new box directly ??
and who say anet dont make money ?
please add a warning if u sell acendend gear to vendor
I almost accidentl sold a waepon today
no warning at at all
please that will spare tears in the future
thank u Obal
but is it worth it to change traits from max utility to max dmg ? I feel its so bothering anytime change traits since in open world i enjoy a longer boon duration when i run around
to be more specific how much is the dmg difference between utility build and max dmg ?
thanks a lot
should be there from the start :P
or comming with feature patch last time so far overdue that
China got gw2 and im sure we dont get new LS so long not at least 70% of those chinese players are lv 80
and full geared with exotics
So that would mean 1 more months before ls2 ?
Just for kill time
what u would like to see in LS 2?
I myself want a giant dragon fight. In the marionette style I found that fun
story wise i want it more epic a clear story line with a enemy we can fear
Scarlet was beaten by me the first time i meet her so it was disapointing that nothing big was behind her.
A good Boss intro for me was from WOW the Lich king i barely survive the first encounter with him
here my 2 minutes cry
Its maybe only me since i am a 1 man Guild and dont join fix teams since my work life dont allow me certain times
I love this game its great
But these days and many more often i ask myself why should i get the best gear or the optimum build for pve or wvw
its nice when im solo mobs die faster or in wvw when i solo roam
But dunguon or zerg wise?
what can i get by playing good…
I just wish the game would reward good play and encourage that.
ok im done thanks for reading i feel better
skipping means skill so why u want that not in hardmode? killing everything on arah p1 or p4 wooow saw once a guy on lfg who wanted to do that i told him wispher me after u done that i never got a wishper.
Stacking is a tactic i used stacking in wow a lot. What the bosses need is moments where u must stack and moments where stacking kills u.
varietion is the keyword.
more health yes can be good sometimes
i would add extra attcks from the boss or extra mobs maybe the need to split up ur team that 2 people get a special assignment.
a Hardmode could have a timelimit to succeed
hardmode could be called solo mode, its to bad that u solo lupicus and u have nothing to prove it .
back to lupicus he in fact has a hardmode if u let him eat all the grups
a real hardmode dont need limitations like no skipping stacking adson
what it need is more variotions and extra attack extra mobs around the boss and a timelimit before the boss enraged.
so interesting i remember the times when i was kicked as guardian bcs i play zerker
People will always find a reason to kick nerfing the only fun playstyle in pve will not help anything.
I did that as well i may can later add there response.
Question to the devs
is it possible to transfer to a chinese server? I play atm at a european server but the lag is hell. And since i know there are many people who play gw2 but they are closer located to china what would give them a great benifit for there connection.
will it be possible to transfer completly ?
they are jealous. thats why
i had also people who storm my dunguon sell. its redicilous how serious people take a game that they want destroy other ppls fun
i think we all can agree its getting better
if anyone remember kulling in wvw at the start
open ur eyes there is so much new content all the time, I never had a game which offered me so much. i played wow and wow had no content in compare to gw2
and people who say gw2 dont has content wich stays…. what has wow ?
OK lich king stays but can u expierence him like other did while u be lv 90 now? u solo him all wow content is temporeary . every zone is a ghost town after a new patch in wow. GW2 is vivid every where since the megaserver.
Im super happy with the rate of content and i have a legendary could have a second one have 10 chars.
there is so much to do to even master a class needs so long that i still can learn new things about my main.
whats so bad on running zerker?
i dont get it
is it bad running a gear where u actully need to doge ?
do u want us spam 1 as we do in wvw already
just leave the meta its fun and fair since everybody can do it
salvage tool i totally agree with that such a QoL tool
after that those gathering tools
so u need a little more gems
lets say
4000 gems but then u have a great life
Playing a guard in full zerker traits and gear is much more fun then a tanky guard
it need skill to time blocks
why People want change that ? Is it better to just face tank everything
why u cant accept that some people like play fast with skill and not just stand there without moving and using there reflexes.
Anet didnt nerf berserker gear bcs they dont like zerker they did it because they felt % stats are hard to balance so they changed it to a more easy to balance stat since there will be more gear upgrade in the future.
So to all those PVT people i can just say sry u choose a easy life but just saving ur self not helping ur team. There is no need to punish the people who actually help there team mates
My guess was scepter GS in the mix
good idea
i myself have all skins except the Mace so all other would be such a waste
my little evil warri
super cute !
pssst Guardian weapon
aaand improve that by adding a filter like show exotic acended gear only
i love effect gear
something which does some ghost effects from time to time
also more sexy gear i love sexy gear yes iam that lonley
ice effect
more plant gear for sylvari
more tatoos for every race
more cyber gear
more scary feeling gear
i trust anets designer so far im happy with there designs
zerker gear still if u feel u die easy use a hammer with zerker stats as well
its a little sad that dmg can beat everything but on the otherside why not. I love being agile and time my blocks.
sometimes i wish it would be more easy to see when my block is still up, but then again i can see it when i blocked so i can call another one in.
The Block mechanic and the movement with highest dps by GS is what makes me play a guardian over a Warrior
does anyone know which weapon is the best to destroy burrows in ac?
everybody who prefer any other gear in pve then zerker must be an RPG player
Pretend being a healer who heals the group with powerful magic
Pretend to tank Lupicus
Pretend bleed every mob to death
pretend using fear and pushbackskills can control the fight
Pretend ranging the mobs needs skills since ur arrows barely miss ur target
Wish u fun with ur RPG builds
looks like one of those before after photos
uses the same visual tricks as well
Guardian after patch i feelt the need becoming an arc angel
maybe to compensate the dps lost
Challange accepted !
….when u buy all ur christmas gifts for ur family in the gemstore
…when u buy new clothes in the shop and u ask the shop owner if those pants have berserker stats
… when every morning at 6 am u are so sleepy u ask ur wife to rezz u
…when all waypoints in ur city are contested
…when everytime u see a guy with a hobosack u are sure he is engineer
…when u open a club but u write on the door zerk or kick/ gearcheck
… when u be a Soldier in the armee but u repeating to say we dont need Tanks
… when u start doin that terrible Norn dance to impress girls
…when u look the 100 meter sprint at the olympic games and ur commentar is.. i bet those guys can outrun a Centaur
…when u start counting ur money not in euro but in gold
…. when everytime u see a ranger in the Park u tell him he should switch his class …….oohaaa
(edited by Balsa.3951)