I’m original from Germany but bcs of work I’m now in shanghai. I know I could just buy a new copy but is hard leave my chars behind
New "HUB"? What did I change server for? ~.~
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Balsa.3951
Is ebonhawk not the best place for crafting ?
I would love play eu server but the lag makes it unplayable sadly….
I go with zaithan since I want a rematch with him after the first disappointment fight.
And it would explain tequatls power increase.
But I think what scarlet really want is the dragons energy and she will become the tree of nightmares. A anti pale tree.
(edited by Balsa.3951)
Will gw china have a English client ? And I would love to know if I can transfer to a Chinese server. I played wow in china and it was possible to play the game in English there but it was a little complicated to do so.
Fractals should be different the other dunguons
In my Opinion Fractals are a anomaly in time and space. Almost like a dimenion Traveler or a dream. Fractals are not bound on reality or even your Char. In Fractals you can be the good Guy or the Bad Guy. You can be you or someone else.
How about replay history events. for those let the player transform into a certain figure and give everyone unique new skills for that frac.
Transform the Player into 1 Big Dragon where everybody control one aspect of the dragons power. and we are fighting against Destinis Edge to replay Snaffs death.
Give fracs the feeling of weird dreams.
For play fun i also would like more jumping puzzles in fractals.
Maybe make us feel god like for a brief of time.
Example all 5 players transform into the Guardians of Light, We even get the ability to fly and one hit huge amount of mobs. Thats of course still provide a challange at some point.
*time limits to finish it for example
a Other idea is…
Fractal could be the place for play the game different. I even would like small mini games like cooking in Hells kitchen which could be a mix of jp and fast reflexes where u need feed a giant demon when he is full and not hungry anymore u are done.
Not every frac need be hard or long since there are 4 fracs anyway.
Higher rewards are not a way to evolve a game. U could do the most stupid game design when the reward is high ppl will do it, BUT that should be not the way how u messure ur success…
(edited by Balsa.3951)
What I always wonder why stealth is working in the Drege Fractal but blind not …
plz dont make fractal skins easier to get. I like something hard to archive.
ok The thing is i bought my game in europe i am a European citizen and i moved to China. I was very happy to hear gw2 opens in China.
But i heard gw2 in china will be not free to play ? and a other question can i transfer to a chinese server ? i dont mind pay yuan :P but i would love keep my char since i cant acces the game in europe without tons of lag
best thanks
EXp mean SuperkalifragelisticEXPaligetiiishhhh!!!
….Oh Mary POPins
i saw lv up only as learning curve after i reached 80th there was a chance i understand the basics of my class.
I not really have fun on lvln but i think they must give us something to raise after new maps are opening. My suggestion stay lv 80 but u need a kind of agony resistance to go into higher lv maps call it explorer Blood or New World expierence.
something what makes the mobs in new maps more chalanging without hurting lv 80 atm since its still very unbalanced all just look how crit will get nerfed.
skipping is fun is almost like a Jumping puzzle a good skipper has skill. Look arah P1
If u are a bad skipper u can learn it or use a thief it helps or if u hate skipping make a lfg write Arah P4 no skipping bring a Book and a lot time we will stay here a day to clear it out! HuYAAA!!!
i agree with both statements
i was thinking it makes berserker even moren useable, when ferocity come. I think about dragons on them u cant crit anyway.
I only wonder if ferocity synergy is with prec or not if not it will make prec a useless stat ?
i felt the game has a trinity its called Warrior Mesmer Guardian
but all go zerker since we are in hurry
but serious i dont like the idea of pure trinity, Its good like it is now just the bosses are to easy to force ppl to even think about doin anything else then zerking the boss down.
(edited by Balsa.3951)
maybe anet can do this events less frequently like 2 times a weeks but always different days and then make the loot higher.
Since this game become really huge now. Biggest mmo i ever played i feel its bigger then WOW already and keep growing.
There is so much to do now every day
Liadri was fun, Soloing Lupicus is also fun, Anet please give us more cool solo content.
wich add some title. I also feel exhausted from zerg runs even so the Marionette event is genius i love this as a guardian and Tower defense fan
anet dont care, This moment was the first time i felt they puplished a unfinished game.
I dont know why they dont overwork this sad moment in the game, I think a new 5 man zhaitan fight would be a nice LS
not all was bad in the living story
there where some short moments of magic, And even some are epic.
I would like see more visuel effects comming from runes.
Lets say transform me when the bonus proc. Make me be shiny or transform me into a bear or something other cool.
The rune effects could be like sayed more aoe effects or even giving me a special skill which i can activate myself.
good idea and easy to do
it could be a lv 1 event even. like a way to choose ur proffession
the weapon and way u choose to beat boss x gives u ur proffession
:) LOL !!!!!!!!!!
is there any date for asian servers btw?
bug fix polish first mac client still in beta
i see no justice for an expansion at this state
agreed also the 2 ppl vote for kick suck
plus a net plz punish guild teams who invite ppl just to carry then they kick u to get there friend in.
a intern dmg meter would made solve that. u play very good do a lot dps eat a lot dps be very active u become un kickable
there are some rules about agro
i try to remember
u have a shield
and how close u are
also every mob has a individual dmg meter
haha nice love those all
look also WOW pet problems i think everything what is wrong in WOW Hunter pets can be found in gw2
i think its time to implement one more armor type.
all mmos have 3 gw2 wanna be better why not have 4
i dont have the perfect idea im just curious what other so say
spiritual armor or maybe elemental armor or cursed armor who knows just play some fantasy
respect for ur effort
i wonder how u came to those numbers
are u balancing power already or did u focus on fun?
good idea like all ideas about dual spec.
but also i almost got used to have just one spec
since my berserker guardian rule anyway everything. But but sure it would enhance the gameplay a lot
simple im sure already was suggested
enter a dunguon and be able to share food without ur mail is supressed.
maybe even make all food in game be shareable, its nice for the team spirit and it will also a nice animation sitting and doin a picnic in front of lupicus
mmm only thing i still feel would be fun is a shape shifter or a puppet master like in naruto. or a dragon spirit caller ? light armor who just summon avatars but he would be still a puppet master stay alife in second line and control his avatar from the distance, with the ability to merge with his avatar for melee fight
how about buy a stance from gemshop arena net? u want make money so let ppl buy there own individual stance.
relaxed stance, cute stance, funny stance, agressive stance, samurai stance, taunting stance, sleepy stance, holy stance, unholy stance and so on …..
the mistwolf is anyway useless so why care at all
only way make him cool would be he is a perma pet which do slight dmg maybe dmg like the golem from the Necro and to make it fair he maybe only useable outside dunguons who knows
(edited by Balsa.3951)
not drums !!! BATTLE DRUMS !!!!! and WARHORN !!!!!!
still to close to the original design, why not change the shape of the blade?
mmm more skills always but thats all covered by utilitys i feel if u play guardian for example u are full of protect ur team skills
yep bug fix first … and mac user client suck then some more real cool story then fix all world boss fights overwork but is nothing we need talk since anet said that themselve no expansion before the game is not round
hi i try to play gw2 on mac but the lag is amazing is there any latency fix for mac? or a proxy server ?
I think all said to this question.
not sure maybe somebody can make that better
I would like have next to my class an icon which show what roll i play in game.
For example im geared and trait like a Berserker then i want a Sword beside me
Im traitet and geared like tank then a Shild
as Condition a Skull
as a hybrid Skull and sword
this could be made that way that the system see after a certain class has a certain number of dmg points it count as Berserier at a certain point of toughness it count as tank.
Im sometimes annoyed that everybody see my guardian think im Tank while im quite the oposite from gear and skillung.
That would be also nice when I post for lfg and i say only zerk and then a warrior with Soldier runes come and yes everybody play like he want but when i like open a group with similar minded ppl who like play offensive. Makes it easier for the team to have that kind of filter
oh im sure too this will be expensive but i also would like be able as a guardian to wear the warrior legendary if i feel it suit me more
MattVisual also had a nice idea he said it would be nice if legendary armor give u an extra like it cant break after u die. I felt that very nice. beside the change stats ooc
i do fractals since forever and after almost a year i got all skins really all except staff and Mace
but I swear many other i got 6 times already
fist skills as duel would be nice, nothing u beat up mobs but nice to have a Bar fight in LA. Dont need but such super effect fights just a normal good old school fist fight brawl is enough.
Drunk Man 1 : U stepped on the feet of my Wieffe ??? I want revengeee hicks !!
Drunk Man 2 : Of course Sssir !!! U see thereeee at the Corner thats my Wife !!!! hicks
its a mess atm i hardly find my staff when i open my gear weapon hero window. There are greens and blues and a old Sock even.
Give us a way to switch gear sets on one button push and also a filter like only show exotics or only show acendend and exotics.
also a optional smaller window for weapon gear switch would be nice since im sometimes change weapon sets on the run.
So summary
Costumizeable gear weapon Windows
A gear weapon Filter Ascended exotic rare and blablabala
A one push button which is editable to safe up gear set combinations example berserker / tank
to bring in some musical in this story
“Aaannd I Am Javert”
(edited by Balsa.3951)
nice i didnt test my numbers like u but I myself also came to the mix s/f and gs
it just felt very right maybe bcs im so used from warrior to swap weapons for rotation.
my highest gs hit whirl thing was 24k at fractals in a random group after that i was sure its worth it.
one Question
How to u test ur builds?
I personal just learning by doin but i dont have fix numbers in my head ever
there will be more builds when they needed is my guess, Fault is not really the traits is more those boss mechanics. If some would force u actual to go range or to be tanky or to be this and that or at least have one in the group who has that …. then we will see more builds.Now good player go melee and berserk Noobs go PVT normal player go mix skill and traits. Force the good player to have more build varity with harder encounters then there will be a lot more builds and give us dual spec so we can switch if the situation need it