GW2 is not built, structured, or adaptable to console format, sorry.
Is there actual proof he is dead? I know they have his tail but like a giant lizard he could have shed the tail and scampered off. Really, if I was going to kill a dragon and cut off something to show I did it I would cut off the head, not the tail.
If he is still alive it explains why Orr isn’t healing and the risen are still there.
Well he was supposedly blown to pieces, the tokens you get for completing Arah dungeons are his shards, and according to lore the undead are slowly getting cleansed off Orr.
Pics or it didn’t happen. ^^
Teeth are the strongest bones. Even if he was blown up they should have found some teeth. But noooo. Just the tail was retrieved. I still think he shed it, slithered off, and they are lying to cover up their failure.
I believe lore-wise, zhaitan is gone. Maybe not dead-dead, but definitely gone, as Tequatl has grown stronger and began stepping up into zhaitan’s place.
Slowing down the animation speed means you’re slowing down the attack frame itself. They’d have to shorten the animation to make it slower.
If it were only the current precursors, how could you unlock the new skins from a drop, as stated in the Blog?
The same way, iirc, equipping Eternity would give you skins for the dusk/dawn legendaries.
If you’re getting knocked off the path at the end of cliffside, you’re seriously doing it wrong. Obviously if you rush it’s not going to work. Chase the explosions, not outrun. If you’re fast enough you can make it the entire way without stopping or getting knocked off.
The reason I suggested moving the minimap is because that’s really the ONLY thing that excessive boons would impact.
The Hammer in Cliffside is meant to provide stability – For running the hammer through the traps/stopping getting the stun at 30 stacks. However, since the hammer only provides 1 stack of stability at a very slow rate,
To my knowledge, the hammer has never given stability, unless you mean one of the hammer’s skills. Frankly I think most people use the 30 stack stun as a “you need to drop this hammer very quickly” warning.
One of my Mesmer comrades has poor eyesight. It makes it difficult for them to tell what charge their Mantra is on. The request was that an additional charge number could be placed on the skill icon itself so it would be easier to see. There would be no confusion because a cooldown ticks, and colours the skill icon black until the cd finishes.
That was their request.
My request is that this is not going far enough to just change one skill. The entire UI should have some option for resizing or changing to accommodate not only those with visual disabilities, but also the players who simply find some aspects intrusive. For instance when I have too many buffs I have to decrease the size of my map in order to see them all.
So the questions for this thread are both for anet and for the player base.
- (For anet) Is there anything in development to assist players with visual disabilities?
- (For both) What about your gaming experience has been affected because you were unable to resize or move aspects of the UI?
Graphic options gives you interface size options. Setting “interface size” to “larger” makes it pretty kitten gigantic. Have them give that a try. Out of curiosity, do they not wear eyeglasses? Sometimes that can make all the difference. Personally, I cant focus on anything beyond roughly 12 inches beyond my face, which means without glasses, I’m functionally blind.
As for your own UI issues, drag the minimap to the top corner of the screen, and try that for a while. I’ve done that, and not gone back. Frankly it’d be nice if we could hide the minimap.
The issue that was addressed above is the only issue here that matters between a good or bad run.
Whether the dead scale the boss or not the people rezzing certainly count towards scaling and are not doing their share of the DPS. I believe that the dead don’t count towards scaling based on…
“Events can detect that players have not performed any actions relating to the event within a period of time and will scale down the event accordingly.”
That being said, it will usually take longer for someone (or a couple of people) in combat to rez a dead person than it would for that dead person to waypoint and run back.
this was the second post in this thread.
you are in the way when you dont WP when dead. But thats it.
The dead do count towards scaling for a “period of time”. How long that period of time is does have an effect on whether it’s worth it or not. However, 5 people can rez a person from fully dead to alive in only a couple of seconds, so is it really even worth not rezzing them? They are able to get back into the fight and contribute additional damage that otherwise wouldn’t have been there.
Also, no, it never takes as much time for somebody to be rezzed than it does for them to WP and run back. If there’s an instance it does, then it means there’s a fight almost quite literally on top of a waypoint. (MKII is not on top of it, but the AoE damage is a good reason to tell people to run back)
No, simply no. Let’s not even get into the risk of people standing there for 5 seconds in 1 place and maybe getting wiped out. Let’s just do some simple math.
For this let’s assume perfect reactions and a base 10k dps per player.
1 player dead = -10k dps
5 players ressurecting him = -50k dpsplayer is dead for 5 seconds = 5 x (10k+50k) = 300k dps loss
Player is now back in action and does his 10k dps. He would have to do full 30 seconds of 10k dps to even break even on the investment of time on people ressurecting him. Now let’s multiply this example up by 3-4 people dead. Am I getting some where?
It is NOT worth ressurecting a dead player for damage purposes. Period.
EDIT: and just to be clear. I did not factor in for ressurectors dying, players having to evade post ressurection, boss mechanics that allow for only period of time to do damage, etcetc. All of those work most of the time even more against ressurecting.
You’re off by about 20%. You forget the dead person also went through the downed state, where their damage is utter crap.
Frankly, it’s simple. Waypointing if you die (no one gives a kitten about how you died in the first place) means you’re out of the way of others, and not dragging them into a potentially deadly situation because you dont want to pay 2 silver.
Tbh, I think the easiest solution would be to make dead players pseudo-ambient targets. That way you may not deal damage to them, but you can certainly punt their corpse so kittening far away, they might as well waypoint. Or enemies as well. It’d be nice to watch a couple of teq’s waves scatter corpses around the beach and out of the way.
Smooth Penguin likes creating thought-provoking threads. Some of SP’s posts are more effective at this than others. Regardless, don’t over-analyze. I’m sure SP isn’t “above” spiking the market, but I wouldn’t bet on whether SP stands to personally gain.
And whether people realize that the xunlai ingots are probably a relic of the abandoned ascended accessory crafting (replaced by what’s ingame now, just speculation though), and they havent found a way to remove it without breaking god knows what else.
Of all the places you mentioned, ONLY DR is actually, you know, a city. For all intents and purposes, Ebonhawke is not a city where one can be willfully ignorant. You’ve got separatists causing fights, and you’ve also got charr that refuse to accept the ceasefire.
The rest are meaningless to change, or detrimentally impact LS episodes.
Have you tried an extractor?
Expensive, I know, but so is the item you stand to lose.
Mentioned in the OP. Very convenient for Anet that the only resolution to this issue is either sacrifice a lot more gold, or spend real money when there is no way to tell currently.
Well, the OP is also partially at fault for trusting the wiki to be 100% accurate about what can and cant be salvaged. It is, afterall, only managed by players. Unless someone went out of their way to test if something is salvageable, and then post on the wiki, there’s no way to know.
“Fixing it” is trivially easy – anything bought from the TP becomes account bound on pick up. The end. Flipping dies before drawing another breath.
The question has always been “does flipping benefit the game environment” and our resident economist has always been a staunch supporter of “Yes”.
That’d require flipping to actually BE a problem too though. Which it isnt. Flipping is a perfectly normal market health-sustaining activity. Without flipping around, prices could have a gap of 100%+ or more of the buying price (100g/buy, 201g+/sell).
A lot of these “anti-flipping” threads just read as a thread about “I just lost gold because I sold to a buy order instead of as a sell order, now I’m mad and will take it out on whoever bought it.”
edit: for those that think it’s possible for flippers to control any item, you’d be surprised to know the answer is actually not just “no,” but “a snowball’s chance in hell no.” Why? Because anything shown on the market could only be as much as half of what is currently available as a “salable asset” to as little as 1% of what’s available. If I remember correctly, Wanze tried it with a few items. From what he’s posted, he failed on each one.
Second, dont try to mention items like precursors. JS has already proven that precursors move comparatively fast on the market, and the number of identical sellers and buyers can be stated to be <1%, ie functionally irrelevant.
(edited by Basandra Skye.4031)
Trolling cant be anything but malicious. Frankly, it’s just a small step short of being cyber-bullying.
If you dont drop the exact stats you want, get to crafting it. Anet’s not going to introduce a method of altering stats on ascended gear that trivializes the point of them being time-consuming to craft.
They’re an uncommon drop. I can go an entire day in SW without seeing a single skill scroll. Other days I can go 1 to 1 in SW on skill scrolls.
Quit spazzing out people. They havent even announced the release date, let alone pricing. Hell, we havent even seen the full size of the maps.
Also fermi, you’ll probably want to report that listing as a fraudulent one. I strongly doubt Amazon is selling legitimate pre-orders before Anet’s even doing so.
Only skimmed the thread, but… are all you people forgetting it took roughly the same amount of time for GW1 to get an expansion?
On what basis are you assuming this?
I’m afraid not many people will give this post any thought/credibility without some kind of evidence to support your conspiracy.
They have stated the spec system will be live before HoT, and whenever they introduce it, that will be what players are focused on — rebuilding due to the trait and stat changes.
Any information on the week it launches will be overshadowed, so why compete with it?
Keep in mind that they arent going to release the base spec system when it isnt even complete. Dont forget, engineers had incomplete traits at the time of the current iteration’s preview. Not to mention they’re going to be balancing things as well, such as parasitic contagion for necros.
15% condi→health returns might not sound too overpowered, but that’s completely disregarding the use of epidemic to spread conditions, as well as the condition caps being changed. Just some quick math for you, if they uncap bleeds to say… 150 stacks, a necro has the ability to distribute 600 stacks of bleeding every 12(15) seconds as long as the target retains 150 stacks. At roughly max condi damage, that’s about 200 damage a stack per second. That comes out to about 120,000 damage per second total. With 15% returns from Contagion, that’s a massive 18,000 health returned per second, which comes out to around 70% healing per second. From a single casting of Epidemic.
You didnt bother to check his AP count, did you? Odds are he was neither the new player he claimed nor did he actually get The Legend. He probably posted the chat code instead. Additionally, if you really wanted the precursor, you’re better off saving gold to buy it, not risking it in the forge.
I bet if people took the argument about why rangers are bad, and replaced all mentions of ranger with the word “meta,” it’d be easier to understand why people dont like the meta. I mean, simply put, it boils down to new players (and utterly kittenty players) get told to wear zerk because “it’s meta”and when they do do things such as dungeons and fractals, they’re going to be the ones always dying and gimping the rest of the party. IE bad meta users are roughly equivalent to those that are bad ranger players. Nobody wants them around.
Lot of people are forgetting a very key quote right now. “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” That applies to this ingame compared to the real world, as well as the other direction.
I mean… if you were sent back to the 1700s with only a lighter on you, people would think you’re a magician or godlike.
Doesnt matter if it’s not infused. An agony infusion slot does not give stats other than agony resistance. You wont miss it.
Considering how easy it took out the whole Pact Airship-fleet it is unlikely that air-support would be possible. The fact that it can also sprout vines more or less everywhere would make a land-assault rather dangerous as well.
Yeah everyone knows blimps are comparable to F22 Raptors in military capability.
Pssh. The AC-130J says hello.
That is what I was thinking too. I was just checking. Kind of upsets me though. I spent money on it, I shouldn’t have to use Transmutation Charges. Thank you for your help though. I may just end up wearing an outfit until I reach level 80.
You only paid to unlock the skins, not for infinite use of the skins.
You realize that Sinister is the Condi heavy version of Rampager, right? Assassin’s isnt even condi either.
Additionally, if you run fractals you can infuse the plague signet and then go buy another one to wear with the infused one.
Out of curiosity, is your SB kill before or after the changes to the fight? Fastest kill I’m aware of was before the changes when TTS invaded weeniedale after getting bored of killing teq for the nth time one day xD Died in about 24 seconds or so. Sadly had no screens or video of it, didnt realize just how fast it’d die.
This does nothing to address the meta, in any of it’s forms, so no. Making EVERYONE suffer just means the status quo remains the same.
So, for those of us that haven’t done full map completion, should we try to get as many skill challenges in now for HoT?
Will skill challenges done now pass forward to HoT?
Either/or. Skill challenges are changing to hero challenges. For all characters, the amount of hero points you get are based on level + completed challenges.
Just a note for all of those saying you dont need ascended gear because you can use trinkets to reach it, you’re forgetting a key fact- a +10 infusion requires 512 +1 infusions. The amount you’d need to reach +60 AR off trinkets is over 1500. Additionally, considering that you only gain 1 to 3 per fractal chest (4-12 a run), you’re looking at at around 400 in worst case scenario, and as few as 150 or so in the best case. Probably around 300 or so runs on average.
So yea, it is possible to not need ascended armor to run fractals, but it’s also a grind worse than crafting the armor in the first place.
By the way, do people realize that “intending” something isnt actually the same as “doing” something? I mean… I intend to get every existing precursor out of the forge (gotten 6 so far actually) by the end of the year. Am I actually going to attempt to do it? Given rng, probably not. Not actively at least. I just like flushing things to see what comes out.
Afterall….. they said they intend to bring back SAB. But……. I dont see it.
edit: stat increases are quite literally meaningless from exotic to ascended, giving as little as +0 increase in damage, or as minor as +10 damage. An ascended weapon vs exotic weapon is a difference of up to 20% damage. Want proof? Go look it up yourself on any of the skill builders out there.
So if the differences are meaningless, we can make them the same, yes?
Again, why do you want them the same? Because you want ascended tier stats but dont want to put the effort? Why stop there? Why not give every piece of armor the same stats? Make everything equal? There’s no reason to do something so frivolous.
If someone wants ascended, they can put out the effort to get it. They dont want to put out the effort? They can make do in exotic gear.
By the way, do people realize that “intending” something isnt actually the same as “doing” something? I mean… I intend to get every existing precursor out of the forge (gotten 6 so far actually) by the end of the year. Am I actually going to attempt to do it? Given rng, probably not. Not actively at least. I just like flushing things to see what comes out.
Afterall….. they said they intend to bring back SAB. But……. I dont see it.
edit: stat increases are quite literally meaningless from exotic to ascended, giving as little as +0 increase in damage, or as minor as +10 damage. An ascended weapon vs exotic weapon is a difference of up to 20% damage. Want proof? Go look it up yourself on any of the skill builders out there.
(edited by Basandra Skye.4031)
tl;dr I can’t see any reason not to consume most of the scrolls now.
However, I am reluctant to spend skill points today on traits, because ANet hasn’t explained whether those points (or the required gold) will be refunded or otherwise made available in some other way.
You wont get refunded. You dont get refunded if you buy the trait and later on go complete it’s unlock requirement. You dont get refunded for the trait books you bought before THIS change took place. Why would you get refunded now?
As it stands now, skill points arent hard to come by, they never were, unless you were sub80 across all your characters.
Any idea for Cooldowns if these would be put in place? The Tomes are pretty cool, but Courage, currently, is almost useless.
I don’t have the heal/boon duration numbers in my head but the current test cooldowns are 180 on signet of course and 30 on “feel my wrath.”
I dont know…. I feel a 180s cooldown on the signet in exchange for a party-wide full heal is a bit large. Particularly since it’s still 180 seconds before you can use the passive again. All things considered, something closer to 120 seconds might be fairer for the signet. It’s not a short cooldown, but it’s also not excessively long.
If it ends up being possible to heal via a % of an ally’s health (since currently I think the tome’s skill just has that high of a healing amount that it’s a full heal no matter who you are), it might be worth taking a smaller amount of healing, say 50% heal, for a cooldown around 90 seconds, or lower. Ideally the cooldown time will take into consideration the traits that affect signets, particularly decreased cooldown.