Showing Posts For Basandra Skye.4031:

Edge of the Mists bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

Depending on what’s causing the bug, it’s not going to be fixed in <12 hours.

Not obtaining Hero Points from leveling

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

Correct. You’re currently in a deficit due to the algorithm used to “maintain” builds in the new update would have selected a “best fit” for your character. While it will temporarily limit your ability to swap skills and traits, it does mean your character will be, until it catches up and pays back the deficit, noticeably more powerful due to having access to traits it normally would not have yet.

The Horrible, Awful, Tragic Death of My Build

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

So separate them??? Don’t just kill off the customization of those selectable stat points!!!

In order, they did, and they didnt. A portion of those stats were added to your base stats. The rest were compensated by gear stats being shifted upwards. In all honesty, if your build was so severely impacted by the loss of ~200 stat points somewhere, I really dont think your build was good in the first place. Frankly, even with the risk of someone complaining about my post, your build sounds like utter trash if you die that much. Even my engineer running full zerker or sinister (depends on the dungeon and fractal) does not die that much in AC.

Salvaging rares-exos gives less Ectos now ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

All I know is I only get 1 exto per 4 salvages at most. I went 9x tonight no ecto from lvl 80 rares using mystic kit…this happens every day. People say it’s impossible and they will never understand unless I give them access to account which I won’t be doing so I guess this is a stalemate. This, possibly might be a BUG with certain accounts or just hyper bad ‘luck’ on my part. People state all these facts from one or two guys but did they increase their testing pool by using many different accounts rather than just one?

Accounts have no impact on ANYTHING regarding RNG. The claim is pure tinfoil hattery and people know it.

Commanders of Tyria

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

(I was at the Caledon wurm recently and there were more commander tags standing in one spot than colors …. how was that at all helpful).

I sincerely invite you to a Chaos Tequatl raid followed by a Chaos Wurm raid done by TTS. If you think a handful of tags at a baby boss is strange……. wait til you see what ours look like.

Thank you A-net Devs!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

And I saw on reddit that there is even worse things, like people asking for some devs to get fired

They only do that on reddit because they know if they do it on the forums, it’s going to result in very quick sanctions. Or it did result in said sanctions, and now such people have an axe to grind.

Face it, there needs to be a test server.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

test server depends on 2 things

community finding bugs.
people fixing said bugs.

I already know who would be the ones finding the bugs and it isnt the vast majority of the players.

Fixing bugs. lol.

most players dont find bugs, but you dont need most players to find them as long as a dedicated % does. (with gw2 population, even a small % is probably enough)

The real problem is probably fixing bugs and reacting to feedback. Its possible that finding more bugs wont help if they dont have the infrastructure to fix bugs rapidly.

it may actually be pretty useful for design level changes though. Because once those go live they stay there for a long, long time.

Wont matter a single bit. We’ve proven that there are bugs they cannot find on internal testing or small scale testing. In fact, Anet’s declared they’ve fixed bugs before (teq flying away for good on a “too stronk” burn), only for those able to definitively prove it true or false (the communities of TTS, ATT, TxS, etc) do the actual work. Guess what? Within 5 minutes of teq starting, you’d have map commanders announcing teq got done borked and to go post on the forums to let anet know. It happens not once, not twice, but THREE times before teq got it’s current iteration.

Why would they bother doing a test server when people would use them to test everything BUT what anet put on there to test? No reason to use a test server when it wouldnt accomplish anything.

Only really true for narrative based patches. Things like the trait overhaul however would fit nicely into the rest server.
Also you can always weed out people who don’t provide feedback… so I guess semi-public then? Definitely opt-in, since I don’t feel like testing something like the new traits.

The “testing” of traits would involve large scale numbers in a live environment. A test platform would be too small to be idea. SA might not have been glaringly obvious if it wasnt in such a large scale. Unfortunately, I also think you also give too much credit to players.

Removing mechanics because they are useless?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

In combat, its value has a tiny tactical niche at best.

Unless your sole goal in combat is to goad an enemy zerg to follow you off a cliff that requires fall damage reduction to have a chance at surviving

serial code

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

Actually, it’d be safer to, after cleaning your computer, contact support and request changing the associated email account. If there’s even the slightest risk of your email account being breached, which there now is, it is far safer to abandon it for a completely new email address. The same is true for banking and other services that email is tied to.

So I prepurchased hot but

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

OK so I got the ultimate addition of hot for all the bonuses but I only got the gems and title is there any thing I can do or do I need to relog to get my mini

Relog or restart your client.

Chill Stacking Duration not Intensity

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

Just did wurm, literally two minutes ago, and noticed during the “fight” that the Chill condition only stacked duration and not intensity.

From the patch notes:

Chill condition now stacks to a maximum of 5

So, did that mean it’s not back to a condition duration maximum of 5 minutes instead of 5 stacks of intensity?

It means you can have a maximum of 5 applications at a given time. You could have 5 seconds of chill (1s-1s-1s-1s-1s) or 5 minutes of chill (1min-1min-1min-1min-1min).

Bank or Trading Post in Silverwastes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

I think it would be a great idea for there to be a Bank or Trading Post in the Silverwastes. I know you can donate bandit crests to a merchant for certain services, however it sucks to have to leave the map for a trading post or bank for 2 seconds then lose all your stacks of Perserverance.

Then post in /m that you’d like help getting a bank or TP from the npc. Anet’s not going to change it when something’s already got plenty of solutions.

Suggestion for Stopping Personal ABUSE in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031


Then the OP needs to block them, report them for the chat component, and then submit a ticket to support for the remainder. It’s the same options they’ve had this entire time. It’s what anet’s going to tell them to do, it’s what Gaile Gray is going to tell them to do. They dont want to do that? Then anet isnt going to do anything about it. You dont ask for help? You arent going to get help.

Hat wearing baldness disease

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

Not per hat! That would be… a lot of stuff. Just doing short/long tucked hair per race is only 10 models for the entire game and would at least give us -something-.

You… do realize that’d work for only 4 of the 5 races, right? Sylvari hair isnt actually hair you know.

Clarification on chill changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

Like most boons and conditions, those that only have 1 effect regardless of stacks will only stack in duration.

Chill used to stack to 9 ( I think) instances of duration, in which any more would not add more duration to it.

For example, 4s + 5s + 1s + 2s + 2s = 14s of chill out of 5 stacks maximum.

Most people who care about this are angry because after the 5th chill stack the rest you apply are ignored.

This clears up a lot of my confusion on the matter. Much appreciated.

Now if I could get a reason for the change I would be very satisfied.

Chill is a significantly strong skill not just because of it’s movement effect, but because it also slows down skill CD.

Face it, there needs to be a test server.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

But then we have to wait weeks/months for fixes…

That honestly depends on how much of a clusterkitten the bug’s source is, among other things, one of which is impending changes. It wont matter a bit if they fix a bug while disregarding the fact that the next major revision going out is, without accounting for the fix just used, going to simply break what was just fixed.

Face it, there needs to be a test server.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

Why would they bother doing a test server when people would use them to test everything BUT what anet put on there to test? No reason to use a test server when it wouldnt accomplish anything.

WTF! Test servers are used successfully in almost every MMO.

I’m laughing. So hard right now. Every mmo I’ve played with a test server has 99% of the time never ended up seeing bug hunting or other such “Beta Testing” as the primary activity. In fact, almost every single time the first thread you’d see on their forums was about profiting off the changes in the best way possible. It was also the next 30-50 or so threads too.

Or test servers end up relegated to the role of “log in here to test character builds” and never serve any other purpose.

Hat wearing baldness disease

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

i’m sure this isn’t that difficult to do so the hair stays where the hat doesn’t touch or something?

You couldn’t be any more wrong.
Put a hat over a hair model without changing the hair is almost impossible, or you’ll get terrible clippings at best.
Change the hair based on the hat that is covering is an amount of work you can’t imagine, the simplest solution would be to make a different hair model for each hat for each hair model, for example, if there was 6 hats that makes the head bold you would need to make 6 new hair models for every possible hair in the game.

Just 1 hair model per hat would work for each race/gender. As long as you can see hair under the hat. The baldness is weird as hell. Try putting the celebration hat or whatever its called on, you look like kitten patient trying to hide your baldness with a baseball cap.

1 model wouldnt work at all. Particularly with Sylvari, what with people wanting to use that god awful mushroom head.

Face it, there needs to be a test server.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

Why would they bother doing a test server when people would use them to test everything BUT what anet put on there to test? No reason to use a test server when it wouldnt accomplish anything.

Suggestion for Stopping Personal ABUSE in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

I’m big on law and order and well, point taken but ultimately it comes down my believing absolutely in the 11th Commandment which is, “Thou shalt not get away with it.”

Report, block, move on, and more importantly, DO NOT interact further with them. That’s as simple as it gets. If someone keeps it up, Anet will act on it. Not to mention, anet’s going to sanction BOTH parties if the “victim” continues to instigate the problem.

Character position ?

in API Development

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

No, the API can’t do that yet.

Just to note — real-time fine-grain access to character position is never going to be something we can provide. The closest we’d be able to get is which map they’re currently on, not where on the map they currently are.

May I ask why this is not possible? Every character has an XYZ coordinate that is also being used to show to party-members (or WvW people).

I could imagine the API only reads information form the database and the character positions are obviously not in the database, however one would think you could ask the server that information (just as the cliƫnt does get that information).

The map instance servers are the only ones that have real-time character position data and aren’t designed to have arbitrary bits and bobbles connecting to them. Strictly speaking, it isn’t impossible, but I don’t want to couple them to the API infrastructure.

Would it be possible to pull information on the last waypoint or “landmark” a character passed?

Also, to the post above, the game does show where party members are in another map, just not with the fine detail as it would on the same map.

Cant download Gw2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

Did you try running it as admin? Right click the shortcut and select “run as administrator”

Data consumption

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

Actually we got close this month but that’s only because I had to re download the whole game again (20 gig) as my hard drive was low on space. So I downloaded to a bigger drive waiting and ready for Hot.

Coulda just copied the game folder from the current hard drive. That’s what I did when I got a new HDD, copied it from my laptop to my desktop. Took an hour, but it beats downloading it.

Race change on gem store/black lion chest?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

Hi guys, sometimes i get bored of my race of my main class, so i would like to change it but replace a character that have map complete, maxed profession and so on is difficult and frustrating. So, why not give something for race change like total makeover kit?

Wont happen. Anet has stated that your character’s race and profession are HARDCODED VALUES. Want to change either of those? It’s going to involve the deletion of your character. There is no snazzy coding magic anet can do to change that.

Wedding ideas in GW2 currently

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

No. Roleplayers already deal with the issue creatively enough. Secondly, I dont want to see map chat filled any further with bigotry and narrowminded hate. I get enough of that being forced to watch CNN’s coverage of Donald Tramp at work.

2786 hours, 0 precursors

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

Food for thought.

A while ago, a poster posted the results of opening ~11,800 champ bags. He had one Asc. armor drop. That’s a drop rate of 85/10,000 of a percent. In 2722 hours I’ve gotten 1 Asc. armor, 0 precursors.

OK, at that low rate, it’s entirely possible that the precursor drop rate is higher than that for Asc., maybe even much higher. I presume the rate in the MT has to be higher, or no one would waste so many rares/so much gold. However, it’s enlightening to know that drop rates in that range even exist.

Keep in mind it merely took him that many to get ONE ascended box. It could take him 1/10th as many to get the second, or 10 times as many to get the third. It’s also discounting where among that number he got the ascended chest. Hardly a viable set of data to determine the real drop rate. It is, however, a good snapshot of his rng at the time.

WvW Gear & Rune Extraction

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

Upgrade extractors are clearly priced for something other than runes.

Obviously. One doesnt overwrite a 100g+ infusion with another 100g+ infusion.

Whats a guild leader to do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

You don’t want to recruit new players and you can’t be bothered to help + organize events inside of the guild, and you only log in to do the dailies. As a guild leader, what else do you think would happen?

Frankly if that’s the OP’s outlook right now, they’re better off passing leadership to someone who still enjoys the game. I mean, YOU might think the game’s stale, yet there’s whole Communities out there that are still around and playing the game. I mean, sure, the one I’m a part of might not have the 6k+ members it had this time last year, but we’re still around, still kicking kitten , and probably should be upgrading a few extra guilds to prep for HoT.

Clean up Attributes & Prefixes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

Condition Resistance (toughness equivalent for condition damage)

Why have the same thing twice? Vitality is literally the defensive equivalent of toughness regarding condition damage. You dont reduce their damage, you outlast it. It’s also why you have -% duration foods and not -% damage foods.

2786 hours, 0 precursors

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

Guys go cry somewhere else this is the 0!!! precursor topic not the i only got 2 and sold them for 3000g !!! you are messing with our feelings here T.T

I’ve gotten 6 since last november. GS, warhorn, longbow, pistol, rifle and mace.

Guild Promotion Is Just Wrong!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

Ok so I’m really glad there is a guild promoter NPC I can buy scrolls off to gain rep points to upgrade my guild but WTF is with having the price 20g for 10,000 rep? The only guilds that have any use for these Scrolls are small guilds that do not have large amounts of members gaining Rep points daily for guild. This being said these scrolls are more likely used by guilds with fewer to no member base which will likely play mostly solo style game play in which generating less overall income. I like my guild and want the options and bonuses I receive from owning and upgrading my guild. So my point is GUILD REPPING is killing smaller guilds with the multi guilding option because members are not acquiring any points for guild and charging top price to small guilds for scrolls to build their guild a kittenen bullkitten. No I don’t want to join a big guild, I’ve had this one since launch and it died after all my friends went back to GW1 and recruiting is hard when you don’t offer an extremely active guild straight away.

Spare the conspiracy theories. The Promoter is there for those in guilds who want to accelerate the gain of influence for whatever reason. Whether it’s for a 4th personal bank guild, or your main guild that needs a quick juicer (if they cant do a bounty training for whatever reason).

One-day Purchas Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

Well either Gw2 is getting money for one day gem items or someone else is. I mean seriously, one person just buys a whole bunch of gw2 accounts, waits for a one day item, and sells them for more. How did the devs not see why one day purchases are bad.

Even if you have someone with a bunch of accounts (why someone would really have more then 2 at the most is beyond me but… okay…) they couldn’t ‘waits for a one day item, and sells them for more’…
Unless you are gifting an item directly from the Gem Store to someone else (which obviously you can’t do if it is not currently for sale,) you can’t (as far as I know) buy something like the wing back piece and then sell it on the TP…

OP thinks people hoard accounts, buy “exclusives” on one day sales (@OP, there’s been only TWO SUCH SALES to my knowledge, both of which are explicitly stated as PREVIEWS OF SOON TO COME ITEMS), then sell said accounts for “a bunch of money.” Why they do is beyond me, and I cba finding the tinfoil picture.

Evolved Jungle Worm after Buff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

There are a grand total of two things in the whole PvE-part of the game that require any sort of organization whatsoever. Is that really such a big deal?

Triple Trouble Wurm and to a lesser extent Tequatl are supposed to be for organized groups. It really is as simple as that. If you do not want to make organized groups, there are over 2500 other events around the world that you can complete.

Well yeah it kinda is a big deal in my opinion. Sure, EVOS facilitates a triple decap without teamspeak, but everything is still fairly organized as far as text-only goes. The only NA groups I know that do triple decaps for large groups are EVOS, TTS and EG (not sure if they actually do triple decaps), and TTS requires teamspeak to get on the map.

My biggest problem is failing when everyone does their job because it’s a dps/healthpool issue!

Also today is like the 3rd, 4th? day in a row failing. I’m really getting bummed now. Moreso than when I fail Teq because there are always people taxing in for Teq because it doesn’t require the setup Triple Trouble does.

TTS requires you to be on teamspeak to get on the map, if you arent already on the map, because it’s a very big sign that you’re committed to the successful raid. It’s also how they can facilitate getting members from up to 12 different subguilds onto the same map. And that’s completely aside from the understanding that they’re going to try and get their MEMBERS into the map before the community.

Not to mention the event mechanics mean they cant simply dumb it down to Teq level. Coordination would always be required. Whether it’s via chat or voice does not matter. There will always be people who decline any semblance of cooperation too.

(totally not a plug to join us on teamspeak for raids, I promise)

Display name availability

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

Actually you can trogdor, it does require a support request though I believe, due to it being an irreversible action and them needing proof that it’s the legitimate ownership making the request.

And can you post a link to a thread that says so by a member of ANet? Gaile has posted on numerous threads that it’s not allowable unless the name is a security risk or inappropriate. Such a full name. Or a name that would end up censored on the forum for a good reason.

Please make sure you’re actually reading before jumping to conclusions.

Also you can’t just close your account.

~ Sigil of Blood ~ does Not function

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

I’m not sure what those screen-shots are supposed to show, other than you are attacking the target. I see that you got one normal hit and one crit in the first shot.. and a normal hit, a crit, and some burn damage in the second. How does this prove anything?

The text someone added on the wiki is hardly proof that nothing has changed in recent patches. The majority of the Engineer traits don’t function anywhere near what the descriptions say, and that’s just the start of the issues.

When attacking the target with low health I never received any health from the Sigil, unless the health doesn’t show up on your health bar either?
Others on the GW2 Reddit community have also tested and backed my findings. Even if that bug mentioned on the wiki was true at one point, something along the line must have changed, as it no longer works at all.

Sigil of blood, as well as the foods that grant LS chance, never showed up in the combat log, before or after the patch. Previously, neither did the 2 lifesteal traits necros got for on-hit and on-crit lifesteal.

While We're Here

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

Teq and TT have unique ascended rewards in addition to the “generic” ones, one of which is a unique weapon skin, the other a couple unique armor skins. In all honesty, if someone wants ascended armor, they might as well fork out the time, effort, and gold, to CRAFT it. Anet is not going to introduce a dungeon token-esque system that would get you ascended stuff any faster than crafting it.

Permanent Upgrade Extractor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

It wouldnt happen without Anet making it bind runes, sigils, and infusions upon removal. Frankly a lot of the “why cant this have multiple uses” threads are just shell arguments by people wanting to use it to make money without understanding, or caring, the massive impact on the market it would have.

One-day Purchas Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

Yes yes but seriously, It is the same as giving blank end game gear and selling all the good looking stuff in the shops. Why should I level crafting if I can buy all the best looking backpack skins. People can also market accounts this way to make some serious cash. (Sorry the title has been edited)

Because all the crap you buy with gems dont have stats? And make serious cash my kitten . Anyone dumb enough to try selling account typically gets permanently banned once Anet acts on it.

Display Name

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

I wish I could change mine, as I feel that I have left a foot print on the internet.
I just don’t know what story to tell them other than the above.

The other reason they deny display name changes outside of security concerns, is so that less…. reputable people cannot “hide” their post history.

Display name availability

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

Actually you can trogdor, it does require a support request though I believe, due to it being an irreversible action and them needing proof that it’s the legitimate ownership making the request.

Very high ping since 23 June 2015 update

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

If you haven’t noticed your player base is getting pretty upset at the lack of attention for the connection issues since LAST PATCH. Please do not try and feed us the usual “it could be your ISP, your comp sucks or sorry about your luck- check these settings bro”. Please have your team review this thread on your forums:
A response would be greatly appreciated and a good start. 4k ping in PvP / DCing do not mesh well……..
I’m on Fort Aspenwood. Ohio .

You really should check with your ISP as a first step. I live in ohio as well, and my ping NEVER exceeds 300-400 unless my ISP service is eating kitten that day, and even then it never exceeds 2k.

Payment failure, appalling support ensues

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

I purchased the HoT deluxe edition through the gem shop using a debit/credit card, not the website. The basic and ultimate were also available here. On the home page of the gem shop was an advertisement on the right side for HoT and clicking that opened a new transaction window to choose which version of the expansion I wanted to pre-purchase. After buying it the advertisement no longer shows up in the gem shop and the deluxe edition upgrade under ‘upgrades’ tab is showing I had purchased it. It’s possible they changed it some time after I purchased it through the gem shop. Order #T8XX5C86

As for the OP, I came to see if there was any advice I could offer. Unfortunately I don’t have any since it’s all been said already. Sorry.

I think it is a bit based on wording and what you count as the gemstore. As I read it, Gailes gemstore is the ingame store where you can buy things using gems. While your gemstore is the entire first option in the Black Lion Trading company that is labelled gemstore, but offers the HoT expansion without the offer to buy them with gems.

That makes sense I guess.

In simpler terms, you bought HoT through the interface offered through the BLTP’s Gemstore tab. Basically how you’d buy gems with money “ingame” as well.

The new Training and no 'reset' ability

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

^Did you account for the hero challenges a player would have completed in the lower level zones? Or just skip those to support a one sided argument?

The new Training and no 'reset' ability

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

And again, I’ll state what was the premise behind the original post: We got handed an arbitrary set of skills/traits based on what they interpreted as our build intent with no input from us the players and no ability for us to fix what they screwed up.

As much as people whined, moaned and complained about the last major trait update at least they had the ability to zero it out and get in a semblance of how they wanted.

Frankly the only response you’re going to get at this point is a “enough already, just deal with it kitten it.” Secondly, why are they going to (or even should) spend time on some craptastic solution that’s almost guarantee to FUBAR something else just to “solve” a [b]temporary[/i] problem? Want a solution? Use the same ones given to every other person with a complaint about no reset option: go level, delete the character, or step away from the game.

All armor broken -> unrevivable

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

I’m not against the idea. I’ve never had my armor broken.

Question is: what do you do about fractals? I’ve had my guildies break their armor in fractals and die. :S No waypoints exist in fractals.

Exit to Character Select→ go back to same character→ repair armor while in LA→ hop back into fractal

Salvaging rares-exos gives less Ectos now ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

There’s no doubt fewer ecto’s from salvage Rare and Exotic 80’s after June 23rd patch. I’ve done it daily and estimate the yield to around 40% of what it was.

Don’t estimate. That’s worthless. Get the actual numbers.

No it aint worthless, I know what I’m getting and also know what I used to get.

Estimating something like this just means your numbers get disregarded as being biased and/or false. I could say I salvaged 100 rares and got 300 ectos. Without screenshots, however, people would believe that just as much as someone saying they salvaged 100 rares and got 20 ectos.

Guns in fantasy mmos

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

I think you mean medieval mmos not fantasy.

But then there wouldnt be magic, talking plants, or talking mutant cow-cats. That ride tanks. On wheels. With flaming giant swords. There’s more, but I mean… really now.

Also, “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” From that viewpoint, one could surmise that Asura only kinda sorta maybe know what they’re doing with golemancy.

Lil' cheesed atm; however, in all reality...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

End result was that a single guardian could do more dmg than 10 people of any other class in places like tequatl and wvw.

35k hammer AA crits /snerk

@OP, chill out and relax, go play another game or something. Hyperboles and exaggerations have no place here. You seem like you’ve got little to no understanding of coding, which means you dont understand that while something may look simple on the surface, it’s a massive cluster-kitten right under it. Especially when it’s something that they’re going to need to basically follow every single reference, call, and variable, among other things, to see if SOMETHING, somewhere, is either doing something it shouldnt, or not doing what it should, or both. Given that it’s a trait, it could be something as simple as a missing qualifier (basically a “symbol.ownership == self” sorta thing), to something as complex and nightmarish as going through the rat’s nest of the Combat System code.

Granted, my involvement with coding is merely academic and hobby related (kitten able required java course….), but it DOES give me insight on just what a mess is involved in finding a bug. Believe me, nothing’s worse than a bug caused by the code not being wrong, but by the code being right in the wrong way.*

*I’ve spent nearly two weeks before trying to find the cause of a similar bug in a project. I was only able to fix it by butchering it into a less efficient form. “Coding, where being too efficient can actually be a problem.”

The future of underwater combat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

Let’s be honest – we know ArenaNet is starved for resources. There are too many examples of this to count, but the latest is how it took them a week to deal with a game-breaking exploit, and their answer was to remove content from the game, not to fix the exploit. Meanwhile, a literally massive bug (the wrong crit areas in the world bosses) has been left to rot.

Do you even know the amount of effort it would take Anet to fix something as “simple” as Symbolic Avenger’s super-functional issue? At best it’s messing around with the entirety of the code related to that trait alone. At worst? Entirely picking apart the combat system coding. All of it. I’m not even going to begin to guess how many lines that would be.

As for the other one, are you sure it’s even a bug? Or is it a “I can only range with a target and cant hit the crit spot so it must be a bug” bug?

Finally, dont use hyperbole or exaggeration as the basis of a standpoint. It topples pretty easily.

Guardian bug fix shows flaw in trait setup

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

Every class has this problem.

But given he existing poser creep issue, opening up the trait lines would just make it worse.

I dont think you’re using the term “power creep” correctly at all, or know what it means. WoW has power creep, EVE has power creep. GW2 doesnt.