Showing Posts For Burnfall.9573:

A Way to solve the Pet Problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I have a Ranger lvl 80 and I have never actually had any problems with my pet.
runs away really quickly and hides in a bombshelter

so true

that made my day.


Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Another great opport, Ps4? :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


You guys do realize, ps4 has usb connections right?

In other word, it is designed to be compatible via usb with mouse, keyboard, etc..

(Remember, final fantasy 11 was released in ps2 with usb mouse and keyboard connectivity)

So rest assure, guild wars 2 would not have any problem with concerns to mouse and keyboard connectivity and compatibility.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

anet has great customer support

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Since day 1; their customer support been Awesome.

Keep it up!

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Another great opport, Ps4? :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I found this interesting article concerning Sony Playstation 4 embracing free-to-play gaming in their gaming system.

So again, the question arises, will reconsider and embrace this great opportunity. encouraged by sony ?

Guild wars 2 in playstation 4 , in the not so distance future?

My encouragement to, you have another chance of expanding Guild Wars 2 in a wider market; in other word, more profit and more fame to you.

Well, let me quote exactly what was said,.

John Smedley indicates MMO’s console release is just a matter of time

“Elsewhere in the interview, Smedley explained why he believes the PlayStation 4 is going to be a lucrative new market in the free-to-play sector.

“Free-to-play gaming is going to take a large role on the PlayStation 4. In fact, you’re going to see a number of free-to-play games at launch, and we think it’s going to be the biggest opportunity in free-to-play gaming right now.

“PS4 architecture lends itself well to MMOs, because we know we can use the stable platform – where we know everyone has the same hardware. That stable base is probably the biggest advantage that PS4 offers.”

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

What does Profession Favoritism mean to you?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


We all know it exist and how it has impacted the core game and the professions, in many ways.

So, what does it mean to you?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Entangle vs thieves

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


If I’m not mistaken, it isn’t the stealth that causes them to escape the vines. It is the trait that removes a condition every 3s while in stealth that allows them to escape (or one of their several evade skills). In fact, the only profession that struggles to escape the vines is necromancer if you already forced out their heal.

Stealth lets them escape Entangle.

Thank You! for exposing the truth.

Another example of Favoritism vs Failure

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

The Topic of Stealth- yes again...

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


this is the kind of arrogance that gets our class constantly nerfed. no compromising, just call everyone who hates the abuse of perma stealth (Anet’s phraseology, not mine) bad players. keep it up. Your attitude towards players who ask for balance just foster more hatred and more nerfs.

What arrogance? I’m not calling people bad for hating perma stealth, I’m calling out players who don’t bother to try and learn how to play against thieves. Please read before making these replies with your usual nonsense.

5 of us fighting a thief in north camp, 2 of us rangers. We switched out Sic’Em while fighting this thief for 10 MINUTES. Shadowstealthing away constantly (I prefer when thieves do this), entering stealth for barely a second before attacking us again. We threw down traps, AoE, solid attacks, EVERYTHING. He never got down lower than 20%.

Reason being, too many of the thief traits that allow you to survive are attached to stealth or add to it. You can easily trait for condition cleansing through stealth, regen health in stealth, move faster in stealth, removing conditions and gain regen when you get under 75%, heal yourself whenever you use initiative, steal = stealth, etc.

Add all these together and you create an unkillable thief. Which is what we just had. There is no L2P when you have THAT much utility plus being untargettable and impossible to knock out of stealth.

Are you talking about 70 pts in shadow arts build?

No, I’m talking the 0/0/30/30/10 build.

5 of us fighting a thief in north camp, 2 of us rangers

“2 of us rangers”

That sounds like a comedy, this is a comedy right?

Trap Ranger and Power Ranger. The other 3 were a guardian, a zerk warrior, and a mesmer. If you call surviving a zerk warrior, a mesmer, 2 rangers, and a guardian comedy, then yes, it is.

This is why its hard to take thief complainers seriously. No one runs that build. Seriously no one. The only thing a 30/30/10 build could be useful for is a full survival build with dire gear, melandru runes or something, and just running around spamming dodge and stealth to troll groups of people like you and your friends.

You guys might not have been able to kill him, but he sure as hell wouldn’t be able to kill anyone.

And y’see, how can thief players think that is okay?

In beta, necros are shown to be pretty much invincible bunkers, they rarely kill anything but good luck killing them. They have lifesteal taken away on multiple abilities and their DS is severely nerfed, the game launch with them practically useless in PvP.

Shortly after launch, developers realize that the guardian can basically live forever in as much as a 1v3 by focusing purely on defense, blocks, and healing. Their healing and defensive stat gets severely nerfed.

A few months later, the water/arcane elementalist bunker build is made, has the same problem as the previous two, and the developers pretty much euthanize the entire class because of that one build.

So why is it okay that thieves be the only class that can build to live through anything? It’s not, either all classes should be able to or none, and in my opinion it would be better for the game if none.


1. the practice of giving unfair preferential treatment to one person or group at the expense of another

2. the practice of giving special treatment to a person or group


1. A contestant or competitor regarded as most likely to win

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

immobilize nerf and entangle

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Entangle wasn’t used in that video; so in other word, it would be ridiculous if decide to punish us too.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

The Topic of Stealth- yes again...

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


you people are kittening stupid. You’re complaining about a profession that has kitten defense and kitten attack (save for stealth backstabs, which is why they have an exposed condition), and you want them to take away the only way a dps thief can survive. sounds like a bunch of cry babies who got their kitten handed to them by thieves.

What is a cry baby when we get you to 80%-90% health and you cowards stealth away.

Fight like a man than you will never hear us cry.

Like the saying goes, “Bravery bring Honor, Cowards bring Disgrace designed and supports a Coward Mechanic which Disgraces the Rule of Class Balance-

What a Shame.

If it is so overpowered, then why are you and sanduskel not playing it?

I’m a firm believer and practitioner in balance.

Is that wrong?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

The Topic of Stealth- yes again...

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


All I ask for is an effective counter.

I hit a thief with cripple…they stealth and shake it off. I hit a thief with Daze, they stealth and shake it off. I hit a thief with Entangle (my Elite Skill) they stealth and shake it off…then I get hit twice and die.

Where is the balance?

14 months later……….

There was never any balance to begin with.

(Even thieves admit their class are broken, yet think otherwise).

That says alot!!

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Another topic that Anet wont read

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

The Topic of Stealth- yes again...

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Burn… we’ve told you and other players how many times how to counter thieves.

yes, i know

sadly, i’ve given up long time ago.

This time, i’m not asking for nerfs but to have counters against thief stealth.

(I just don’t like the fact when some thief players blame other non stealth class players of not being able to kill them; that is why i honor and respect non stealth thief players for playing fair)

A very serious question to, why didn’t you implement the same mechanics in Guild War Assassin to the thief class?

If you had honored it, thief class wouldn’t be blacklisted and hated among the other classes.

In other word, they are not responsible for having a broken class.

As the saying goes, “give me a broken stick, and i will break it more”

-That is exactly what they’ve done-

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

The Topic of Stealth- yes again...

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


This is to the stealth thief players; Does Invisibility ever tell Visibility to learn how to play?

Does Invisibility ever tell Visibility, to know how to and when to; to evade, dodge, stun and counter it?

Because it alarms me when stealth thief players are blaming non stealth classes for not being able to see them or play with them.

The non stealth community and I, are very curious in knowing the answers.


Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

The Topic of Stealth- yes again...

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


As a thief, i can do that and remain stealthed. (snip) as long as thieves can kill without risks because of cheesy specs, anet will continue to keep us in the cellar.

Please teach me your ways of being able to backstab and still remain stealthed.

Thieves are NOT the best 1v1 class. They are not the best small group class. They are not the best large group class. People complain when a thief attacks them while they are already fighting some one else. If a good player on ANY class jumps in while you’re already busy you’re toast. What are thieves good at? Scouting, killing yaks, tapping keeps/tower, etc.

Despite this people QQ about thieves all day long. Why? Because they can’t be bothered to learn to fight them. I have a thief. I hardly ever play it anymore (it was my first 80). I can beat a thief on all of my other 80’s (save ele who I literally got to 80 from crafting then used for cloth storage). Learn how/when to cc a thief. Learn to predict them (they are very predictable). Although d/p is cheezy right now (getting nerfed) I sure as kitten won’t die from one. At most thieves are annoyances… and are usually free loot bags.

As others have said if this was mesmer PU complaint, I might agree. But thief of all things? No.

You must admit, thief stealth counter attacks everything you just stated.

The issue is not with thief class, it’s with their stealth mechanic.

=resetting fights… should be enough for you to not be in denial.

No it doesn’t… thief stealths (they’ll be going in for a backstab). I use the block/stun on my eng’s shield then pounce. They SR, I use the knockback from my shield to knock them out. They put down a BP, if they are out of blind shot range, I use magnet and yank them (large ini loss). If they are in blind shot range I’ll toss nades at the BP. I could go on and on.

Did you see anyone in his vids do the sort of things I was talking about? No…

Did you see the failed results of block and stun on the thief in the videos?

Oh wait! i forgot…

you can not stun or block STEALTH.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

The Topic of Stealth- yes again...

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


As a thief, i can do that and remain stealthed. (snip) as long as thieves can kill without risks because of cheesy specs, anet will continue to keep us in the cellar.

Please teach me your ways of being able to backstab and still remain stealthed.

Thieves are NOT the best 1v1 class. They are not the best small group class. They are not the best large group class. People complain when a thief attacks them while they are already fighting some one else. If a good player on ANY class jumps in while you’re already busy you’re toast. What are thieves good at? Scouting, killing yaks, tapping keeps/tower, etc.

Despite this people QQ about thieves all day long. Why? Because they can’t be bothered to learn to fight them. I have a thief. I hardly ever play it anymore (it was my first 80). I can beat a thief on all of my other 80’s (save ele who I literally got to 80 from crafting then used for cloth storage). Learn how/when to cc a thief. Learn to predict them (they are very predictable). Although d/p is cheezy right now (getting nerfed) I sure as kitten won’t die from one. At most thieves are annoyances… and are usually free loot bags.

As others have said if this was mesmer PU complaint, I might agree. But thief of all things? No.

You must admit, thief stealth counter attacks everything you just stated.

The issue is not with thief class, it’s with their stealth mechanic.

=resetting fights… should be enough for you to not be in denial.

No it doesn’t… thief stealths (they’ll be going in for a backstab). I use the block/stun on my eng’s shield then pounce. They SR, I use the knockback from my shield to knock them out. They put down a BP, if they are out of blind shot range, I use magnet and yank them (large ini loss). If they are in blind shot range I’ll toss nades at the BP. I could go on and on.

Did you see anyone in his vids do the sort of things I was talking about? No…

Did you see the failed results of block and stun on the thief in the videos?

Oh wait! i forgot…

You can not stun or block STEALTH.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

The Topic of Stealth- yes again...

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


As a thief, i can do that and remain stealthed. (snip) as long as thieves can kill without risks because of cheesy specs, anet will continue to keep us in the cellar.

Please teach me your ways of being able to backstab and still remain stealthed.

Thieves are NOT the best 1v1 class. They are not the best small group class. They are not the best large group class. People complain when a thief attacks them while they are already fighting some one else. If a good player on ANY class jumps in while you’re already busy you’re toast. What are thieves good at? Scouting, killing yaks, tapping keeps/tower, etc.

Despite this people QQ about thieves all day long. Why? Because they can’t be bothered to learn to fight them. I have a thief. I hardly ever play it anymore (it was my first 80). I can beat a thief on all of my other 80’s (save ele who I literally got to 80 from crafting then used for cloth storage). Learn how/when to cc a thief. Learn to predict them (they are very predictable). Although d/p is cheezy right now (getting nerfed) I sure as kitten won’t die from one. At most thieves are annoyances… and are usually free loot bags.

As others have said if this was mesmer PU complaint, I might agree. But thief of all things? No.

You must admit, thief stealth counter attacks everything you just stated.

The issue is not with thief class, it’s with their stealth mechanic.

=resetting fights… should be enough for you to not be in denial.

No it doesn’t… thief stealths (they’ll be going in for a backstab). I use the block/stun on my eng’s shield then pounce. They SR, I use the knockback from my shield to knock them out. They put down a BP, if they are out of blind shot range, I use magnet and yank them (large ini loss). If they are in blind shot range I’ll toss nades at the BP. I could go on and on.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

The Topic of Stealth- yes again...

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


As a thief, i can do that and remain stealthed. (snip) as long as thieves can kill without risks because of cheesy specs, anet will continue to keep us in the cellar.

Please teach me your ways of being able to backstab and still remain stealthed.

Thieves are NOT the best 1v1 class. They are not the best small group class. They are not the best large group class. People complain when a thief attacks them while they are already fighting some one else. If a good player on ANY class jumps in while you’re already busy you’re toast. What are thieves good at? Scouting, killing yaks, tapping keeps/tower, etc.

Despite this people QQ about thieves all day long. Why? Because they can’t be bothered to learn to fight them. I have a thief. I hardly ever play it anymore (it was my first 80). I can beat a thief on all of my other 80’s (save ele who I literally got to 80 from crafting then used for cloth storage). Learn how/when to cc a thief. Learn to predict them (they are very predictable). Although d/p is cheezy right now (getting nerfed) I sure as kitten won’t die from one. At most thieves are annoyances… and are usually free loot bags.

As others have said if this was mesmer PU complaint, I might agree. But thief of all things? No.

You must admit, thief stealth counter attacks everything you just stated.

The issue is not with thief class, it’s with their stealth mechanic.

=resetting fights… should be enough for you to not be in denial.

Also, you can agree that, any game company who impliments this mechanic to a profession make this profession a god.

As the saying goes, “One who master Time, is indeed a God”

In guild Wars 2


Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

The Topic of Stealth- yes again...

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


So the Op Elitist Tyrranize Stealth mechanic still lives on, well, we will see in Dec 10 if is serious about preventing more faithful players from leaving the game.

So many had left this game due to this mechanic, yet no change of heart from for implementing counters to stealth, or removing Perma-stealth and stealth altogether.

1 year later, nothing.

Like someone said in a mmo forum, “any game company who implements stealth mechanics, are practitioners of oppression”)

I’ll leave it at that, with no objection.

(Dec 10 will either be the day of Salvation or Eternal Death for the future of Guild Wars 2).

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Another topic that Anet wont read

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I don’t understand the point of this thread. Op wants ranger to be deleted but won’t reroll? What? I assume it is just a rant thread, in which case you are right, they won’t read it.

If OP was to proposed to reroll, would that make any difference?

-just asking-

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Another topic that Anet wont read

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Why should Anet read your post: Your just complaining your not suggesting a fix. You have a wall of text that if they were to read your post would just be taking away what little time they have to read helpful and constructive post.

You have a right to complain all you want. When you complain to much and don’t bring anything to the table people learn to just skip over your post.

I disagree with the op. We all know ranger have some issue but it not as kittenome people say it is. The ranger is the second most popular class. Those of you who cant melee and can’t use your pet properly just make it harder on yourselves.

I wish there was a GW2 Olympics classess would compete in varior catagories. I think rangers would have a higher metal count than any other class. But that’s just me.

You seem New to the Ranger class; " your not suggesting a fix"

Since day 1, All suggestion of fixes and Improvements for the Ranger class; have been DELETED and INFRACTED

Do you understand?

(the reason why ranger is “the 2nd most popular class in the game” ? Simple; they are the best class at farming")

By the way; Warriors are the 1st best class at farming and everything than us because, well, they are better ranger than us.

In other word, our range weapons and range mechanics, are a joke and an insult to theirs.

Oh yea, on top of that; they have pets (elite) which is totally a humiliation and insultive design to the ranger class.

(this is the only mmo where you will find a “warrior profession” having pets; and can do everything a ranger profession does… seriously!!, wouldn’t that make warriors OP? Not In Guild Wars 2… what a joke!!)

Hope that clarifies.

(I encourage you to look at this; from another ‘old timer’ truth bearer ranger)

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Another topic that Anet wont read

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


As a main ranger, i agree with the Op.

Seriously, show me where the Op is lying?

Show me where the nerfs he mentioned aren’t true?

Show me which class that dies first and the quickest in wvw?

I am ashame to say this, my guilds and other guilds target rangers first, well because they are too easy to kill.

What’s so new? nerfed our pets, spirits, and weapons, what more nerfs do you want to see and believe , concerning their real agenda?

How many more surveys should players post, agreeing with everything the Op stated?

Is 83% not enough?

How man more factual evidence and proof do you want from where they are using Warriors to find more reasons to punish our class more?

And what i find so sad about this; they are doing everything within their power to make our class more vulnerable to the other classes.

Did you know in the upcoming Dec 10; our regeneration skills/ traits and our spirits, will be severely nerfed, in the name of satisfying other classes to greatly overpower us?

So to end it all, i encourage to once and for all; free our battered “pets” and our abusive rangers,

It’s about time they live up to their name and Live.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

A call to Balance D/D Ele. Bursts

in Elementalist

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


“When the OP is clearly egotistic and delusional, there’s no point in further posts. As the saying goes, “Don’t feed the troll.”

“Game design lead Jonathan Sharp took to the Guild Wars 2 official forums yesterday to offer players a “high level” look at ArenaNet’s plans for profession balance and improvements.

Although the changes won’t be going into effect until the October 15th release — and Sharp cautions that some of them might not make it in that early

ArenaNet wants to provide fans with a chance to see where each profession is headed and to offer feedback"

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

A call to Balance D/D Ele. Bursts

in Elementalist

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


A clarification of what define a troll; a troll hide, lie, deny and manipulate the truth.

Whereas i, boldly,proudly and shamelessly, expose the truth; all of it.

As the saying goes, “many will hate the truthbearer, because of the light”

As a Truthbearer; i will continue to stand my ground until honors their mission.

The light will resist until order of class balance is fully restored.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

A call to Balance D/D Ele. Bursts

in Elementalist

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Lol burnfall…just lol.
D/D ele has been nerfed into the ground to the point it’s barely playable in spvp.
Those bursts are extremely easy to avoid and he does the exact same combo every single time. Half of them were probably against uplevels. If you get caught in an extremely obvious to dodge, highly telegraphed burst like that you deserve to die.
He is full zerker glass cannon and probably insta-dies if anyone with even moderate damage so much as looks at him. There’s your balance. Now go away.


I must resist until change comes.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

A call to Balance D/D Ele. Bursts

in Elementalist

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


oh, thanks for reminding me of another OP class excuse,

The people he fought in that video were bad. Like really bad. It’s incredibly unlikely for an Ele to ever get off this sort of burst short of the enemy player being really bad or afk’.

sigh…even after all evidence, they continue the Blame Game.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

how to nerf runes of perplexity

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


does it need a nerf?

I completely agree

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

A call to Balance D/D Ele. Bursts

in Elementalist

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


“Did you notice that this “OP Spec” you are complaining about has about 12K HP and about 1200 armor”?

“Did you notice how not 1 person dodges his “ZOMG INSANE BURST”

18K+ Elelemtalist Burst

*There is a trend among Op classes, “if you can’t dodge my 1-2 instant damage, it is your fault”

Let’s take a quick look…

Thief- Stealth+Backstab= Instant Death
Elementalist- Burst+Knockdown+Burst = Instant Death
Warriors- Perma-Stun+ any weapon skill= Instant Death


Am i missing anything?

Where is the possibility of evading?
Where is the possibility of dodging?

None whatsoever.

In other word, ‘Stop blaming others for dying to your Op, 1-2 Instant death mechanics and status’’

(Ex; it’s like somebody driving a car and out of nowhere; gets hit by a truck. So are you going to tell the car driver that he or she, ’didn’t evade in time’?" Or let’s say, someone crossing the street and suddenly, a car speeds up and kill the person, are you going to tell me, the person didn’t dodge in time’?)

Seriously, Common!!

D/D Elemtalist, your time has ended; it is time to take full responsibility of your actions and account for your unjust imbalance Op practices.

In other word,

You long Op reign is long overdue and soon will end; you have no other alternative but to accept your fate

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

A call to Balance D/D Ele. Bursts

in Elementalist

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


End of child play.

Take a look at this, explain a to and the community, why D/D Elementalist outrageous bursts, shouldn’t be balanced?

Only serious.. elaborate replies are welcomed.

(This evidence is more than what i had anticipated in the posted thread. In other word, i underestimated the capacity of D/D Elementalist bursts (10k+bursts= Unacceptable))

Once again, my encouragement to; this game breaking unbalance class, must be dealt with, without having any remorse or sympathy whatsoever,

This threat must be severely dealt with or eliminated, at once., we the community would like to Thank You! in advance

Now times that by 8 and ten with d/d elementalist bursts on a small, medium and large group of players.

Again, is this justified, unbalanced, and not a game breaker?

I leave that up to you to decide..

Well no, according to, leaving this unbalance tyrant will disgrace their whole mission for class balance.

D/D Elementalist bursts, are an urgent threat at the moment and must be quickly targeted and eliminated as soon as possible. .

((thieves are deff. Op without a doubt but the call for immediate urgency is much needed at the moment))

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

A call to Balance D/D Ele. Bursts

in Elementalist

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


End of child play.

Take a look at this, explain a to and the community, why D/D Elementalist outrageous bursts, shouldn’t be balanced?

Only serious.. elaborate replies are welcomed.

(This evidence is more than what i had anticipated in the posted thread. In other word, i underestimated the capacity of D/D Elementalist bursts (10k+bursts= Unacceptable))

Once again, my encouragement to; this game breaking unbalance class, must be dealt with, without having any remorse or sympathy whatsoever,

This threat must be severely dealt with or eliminated, at once., we the community would like to Thank You! in advance

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Spirit Rangers after patch

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


People hate it because its passive and causes screen clutter.

It will still be viable, but different. Add 10 points to Beastmaster, and have 3 stacks of might 75% of the time which will work to overcome the sun spirit nerf. Also increased pet damage so the damage will be okay.

There are other options as well.

People hate warrior healing passive signet because of its passive, yet no condemnation of nerfs for it..

Is that Justifiable?

Where is justice when your intention is to punish, outlaw the less capable class who’s only intention, purpose, is to survive and live a bit longer?

There was never justice

Never None

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Should I introduce GW2 to my son?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Hello everyone, I just want to know if its a good idea to introduce GW2 to my 10 yrs. old son. I’ve been playing this game for the last 10 months and I really liked it. My son sees I played and he seems to be interested in it. He usually plays fps games. I’m sure he will like the asura engie class. Im afraid he will be too addicted to it like me. So what do you think, go or no go?

No go, with the high amount of RNG in the game, your son will end up being a gambling addict in the future :P

Now seriously, it’s your choice, you don’t need to ask here, but if you can’t control your own addiction ingame, don’t expect to be able to control him.

I completely agree with you there, very well said.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Stealth thief bot holding Lowland Wp hostage

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Um… if its a bot, why do you need a stealth trap?

i was asking myself the same

because he was a thief

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Stealth thief bot holding Lowland Wp hostage

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Freee…eee… Lowlandssssss….. wayAY….point.

Thieves are a bunch of crooks.

bot theives, not thieves

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Ranger video truth

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Sincerely, i can’t get this truth ranger video out of my head. What sadden me the most, is when the truth speaks within the soul to my poor ranger of how she has been deceived and manipulated far too long, into thinking she would be taken care of and how much she was special.

I ranger, stand alone, with a shattered heart, broken in million of pieces.

Held in a solitary prison, designed solely for me, left abandoned by my creator.

In my prison, i am constantly being reminded, how much a failure i am, how much pain i must bear, how much suffering i must abide to.

If i scream; no one will hear me, if i cry in agony; no one will listen to me, if i pray for salvation; death comes and torments me.

Light, i don’t want to cry in anymore, i don’t want to scream anymore, i don’t want to pray anymore.

Light; I stretch my fragile arms to you, embrace me, hold me, release me, from this hurtful, this hateful world of guild wars 2.

:( Ranger

Uh, are you okay?

Of course I am ok , unfortunately not the ranger

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Ranger video truth

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Sincerely, i can’t get this truth ranger video out of my head. What sadden me the most, is when the truth speaks within the soul to my poor ranger of how she has been deceived and manipulated far too long, into thinking she would be taken care of and how much she was special.

I ranger, stand alone, with a shattered heart, broken in million of pieces.

Held in a solitary prison, designed solely for me, left abandoned by my creator.

In my prison, i am constantly being reminded, how much a failure i am, how much pain i must bear, how much suffering i must abide to.

If i scream; no one will hear me, if i cry in agony; no one will listen to me, if i pray for salvation; death comes and torments me.

Light, i don’t want to cry in anymore, i don’t want to scream anymore, i don’t want to pray anymore.

Light; I stretch my fragile arms to you, embrace me, hold me, release me, from this hurtful, this hateful world of guild wars 2.

:( Ranger

Uh, are you okay?

Yea, not sure if trying to be melodramatic and trolly or in serious need of help.

Ranger class need help, can’t u tell?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Stealth thief bot holding Lowland Wp hostage

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


It is exactly what the title says, everyday, every minute in Eb, there is a bot thief contesting Lowland Wp using Perma-stealth. We had to use stealth trap to kill this perma-stealth bot theif.

And few minutes after we kill the bot theif, he re-appeared exactly at the same location, same position. same spot.

We are very furious that is totally aware of this game breaker threat and has done nothing to eliminate it.

Seriously, how many players, how much evidence should it take to prove bots unjust illegal activities in wvw?

Is 70%-80% evidence , witness not sufficient?, please eliminate this threat; if you continue to not do anything, the thief bot with other bots, will eventually hold more wp’s hostage until they complete full dominance of your world.

I know you are trying but i encourage you to do more and not give up

That’s all.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Ranger video truth

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Sincerely, i can’t get this truth ranger video out of my head. What sadden me the most, is when the truth speaks within the soul to my poor ranger of how she has been deceived and manipulated far too long, into thinking she would be taken care of and how much she was special.

I ranger, stand alone, with a shattered heart, broken in million of pieces.

Held in a solitary prison, designed solely for me, left abandoned by my creator.

In my prison, i am constantly being reminded, how much a failure i am, how much pain i must bear, how much suffering i must abide to.

If i scream; no one will hear me, if i cry in agony; no one will listen to me, if i pray for salvation; death comes and torments me.

Light, i don’t want to cry in anymore, i don’t want to scream anymore, i don’t want to pray anymore.

Light; I stretch my fragile arms to you, embrace me, hold me, release me, from this hurtful, this hateful world of guild wars 2.

:( Ranger

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

A call to Balance D/D Ele. Bursts

in Elementalist

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


First, i would like to thank for finally buffing Ele. in their staff department; which i felt was too weak, including it’s very long casting mechanics.
To begin with, I always favor this class in all situations but lately it has come to my attention,this rising power has too much power at hand and must be dealt with as soon as possible.
My case,my focus, d/d ele; they are the only class who have the highest burst after warriors.
Their outrageous numbers are the following….
Ride the lightning (6,799), Fire grab (9,647), Arcane Wave (5,171), Arcane Power (4,865)
Are these justified?
Of course not!
It’s outrageous!
Very game breaker, yet with all their given powers, they are given full control to sabotage this game at will.

We the World of Guild Wars 2 find D/D elementalist> Guilty, and your sentence shall be— nerf ride the lightning, fire grab, arcane wave, and arcane power by 33%-45%

D/D Elementalist, the world of guild wars 2 will no longer tolerate, your unjust unfair unbalance practices..

Take heed and learn from your punishments; only one shall live, only one shall survive, only one shall conquer darkness, only one shall conquer death, only one shall uphold the truth; which is light, only one shall rise to be the only Supreme Power in the world of Guild Wars 2, and that only one is……. Justice.

Justice must prevail,
Liberty must prevail,
till, the end of guild wars 2 survival.

(I will continue to encourage and to remind; Class Balance, must be enforced for Guild Wars 2 survival).

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Ranger video truth

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


As an advocate and a defender of the truth, i would like to thank the Op for exposing the truth and not being ashamed of the truth.

As the saying goes, “the truth will never be contained, nor forced into, or hell will break loose”

Dec 10 will be the day to either liberate us from the lies and deceptions or continue to embrace the fiery truth.

The Truth is Immortal, The Truth is God, The Truth is Life, The Truth is Death, Death to The Darkness, Long Live The Light, Long Live The Truth

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Ranger video truth

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


At first its really, really funny. But then when it ends and you think about the truth, its pretty sad.

RIP shortbow.
Ranger traits are still warrior traits split into two separate weaker versions.
Swords moronic root is “intentional,” per the Dec 10th notes clarification.
They are simply not capable of making pets viable for dungeons or large fights (or they would have already).
Same can be said of spirits outside of sPvP, even though making spirits into auras would entirely fix the issues there.
They are not interested in allowing anyone to be independent of pets (who wants to admit such a huge mistake?)
Traps are still in a line that has nothing to do with conditions.
Survival is still mandatory as the only reliable source of condi management.

If only I wasn’t in love with the Ranger archtype.

I have no other choice but to completely agree with you.

May the Truth be expose and live on.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

400 Free Gems for not playing...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Op, no disrespect, what is your concern?

Where is the irony, where is the injustice in giving 400 free gems for encouraging more people to play?

It is obvious, you had receive 400 gems equally as well, aren’t you being hypocritical?

My advice; as the saying goes, ’ keep affairs to one who beholds it"

In other word, mind your own business and let others be

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Skill Lag

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Op, It has been a problem since day 1; you are not alone in your Frustration.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Why do people stop playing GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I haven’t stopped play, but i find myself playing less than ever and sincerely, i don’t regret it.

After countless of reasons, only one stands; refusal to balance Overpower classes.

Well, lately out of nowhere, there seem to be an answer to my reasons, in the Dec 10 balance preview patch.

So my question to, why take 1 year to balance the Op classes?

Were you not aware of their Overpowered status in the begining?

What did you gain by your refusal to balance them in the beginning? or soon after the majority of the community kept pressing you on their Outrageous Overpower status?

Or was it all Intended to begin with?

Why the change, all sudden?

what made you change from your vision from a Guild Wars 2 World of Favoritism to a Guild Wars 2 World of Fairness?

What guarantee will you give us the remaining players including new players, from ever repeating this again?

As i said too many times; I do want Guild wars 2 to succeed, it all lies in your hand; to either be the voice of the people or to continue be the voice of our tormentors; who pride themselves in breaking your beautiful world, at will.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Sup sigil of Bloodlust Nerfed or Bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


After many hours, suddenly it is working; stacking

As a result, it is a bug, not a nerfed which i feared.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Sup sigil of Bloodlust Nerfed or Bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


In wvw; Eb, I tried other stacking sigils and they all stacked, except for Superior Sigil of Bloodlust.

Can anyone verify this? i would appreciate it.

Worse case scenarior; it’s either nerfrd to the ground or completely bugged.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Death From Above!

in Warrior

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


isn’t that an exploit?

Cause not too long ago, mesmers were doing similar thing; well, instant death stomp, and was fixed within minutes.

If this isn’t an exploit, it’s an insult to class balance vision.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Warriors are OP atm.

in Warrior

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Opynn, i sympathize your response, i really do.

I sincerely do want warriors to be strong and able to have condition removal and to able to equip with heavy set weapons that does strong damages.

But what I sincerely do not want is having a unsupervised warrior class, causing outrageous devastating damage + perma stuns in the game and say that it is ok for not breaking the game.

Well, that will never work and most importantly, it completely make the other classes near obsolete for their roles in the game.

Again, as long warriors are closely supervised, they can be strong and powerful.

I hope you understand.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Warriors are OP atm.

in Warrior

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


What a dumb thread. Reported this trash topic for trolling.

Do you say the same thing to every thread, post, when confronted by the truth?

I’ve been labeled as a troll for a long time until recently confirm the truth; see- dec 10 patch preview.

There are far more truth to be revealed; factual evidences, to make dream come true for guild wars 2.

So, instead of criticizing each other with negative words and negative remarks, let us all unite with the light; which is the truth, in helping as much we can, in making this game a reality.

That’s all.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Warriors are OP atm.

in Warrior

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Well, the Op deserves the right to express his or her views concerning warrior class being Op atm, and he or she is not alone.

By the way, nice video Op.

Read the forums, there are multitude of outcry against this class OP status and i’m one of the voices.

As i will continue to say, i believe warriors should be the strongest class in the game but not to be invincible and immune to all conditions damages and vulnerabilities.

Right now, all we are witnessing is the only class being immune to all weaknesses; which i find very pathetic and very poor design; yet the superior class; thief can bleed to death and not warrior?

The truth is, only in guild wars 2, you will find a class FOREVER living as a god.


(by the way, the Op never once used Op healing signet; oh i forgot! it is in OP passive mode).

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Anyone else excited about the nerfs ?

in Warrior

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


what i find hilarious about all of this "warriors will drop or quit because of hammer nerf’ is hammer is not the only strong weapon warriors have, they have sword, greatsword, mace, bow, axe… any more?.


Warrior hammer is not the class mechanic, it’s a weapon

How much more common sense and understanding should it get!

If a weapon is Op, is entitle to nerf it!

-now, moving on to nerfing warriors OP healing signet/s……….

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)