Showing Posts For Burnfall.9573:

Why were Assassins renamed to "Thieves"

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


@ Zero Day, hope you don’t.

Op, look at Guild Wars Assassin,

They had No: stealth, teleports, backstabs, heartseeker, clones, cloaks… or were OP in their design or mechanics, whatsoever.

But this one,

Watch Out!

Incoming God Mode/OP Profession

The point of this is, Assassin was not renamed to Thief, Thief replaced them and used them as a scapegoat, To Justify Their Over Powerfulness

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Engineers, the most OP class in the game

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Is this the Elite Kill List, Master Plan, for the non-elite class/s?

for Guild Wars 2?

First it was Rangers pets/spirits, now it’s Necromancers Conditions and Engineers Kits,

so what’s next,

Guardians virtues?

First it was Rangers, now it’s Necromancers and Engineers.

so who’s next,


If the elite plan succeed,

Guild Wars 2 will be at their mercy.

Guild Wars 2 will die.

You seem to think every class is OP. Is there anything that you consider balanced?

I can tell you which class is near balanced: guardians. Necromancers and engineers missed the list because they are being targeted by the elite.

Elites: Warriors, Elementalists and Thieve are the OP classes: very Unbalanced.

What’s new?

After 17 months,

absolutely nothing.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

My negative opinion about (most) stealth

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


As a ranger, i can tell you how many times Sic-em failed on the thief/thieves yet they immediately were able to re-stealth over again and again.


pretty much, Sic-em “working as attended”.

( see >Fail stealth trap)

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

[Suggestion] Mounts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I admire the OP for dreaming the impossible and embracing hope; without any restraints. .

Where is the poetry in it? Where is the bad attempt? Where is it?

Everyone is entitled to dream and hope, if you don’t like it, let them be .

by the way,

" Dreams and hope are not meant to be liked but to be freed "

@ Dusty Moon:

here are the Op last words,

" All I’m asking for is mount to increase our speed (You can cap it at 50% speed increase) and to make our character looks cool? XD".

I see no have too’s or must’s> no pressure here at all

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

[Suggestion] Mounts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


So what… if it look or seem impossible for implementing mounts in the game,

what are dreams for?

What is wrong with dreaming?

" Without dreams, life would not exist "

" Without possibility, the impossible would enslave us "

if your life´s happiness depends on GW2 and further, of the implementation of mounts in there, it is about time to reconsider quite a few things.

What does dreaming for the possibility has to do with happiness and enslavement ?

Does encouraging others for dreaming the impossible, make you a slave ?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

[Suggestion] Mounts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


So what… if it look or seem impossible for implementing mounts in the game,

what are dreams for?

What is wrong with dreaming?

" Without dreams, life would not exist "

" Without possibility, the impossible would enslave us "

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

We're back to square 1

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I believe she did a good job but could have done better though.

But i don’t blame her for it, brcause she is powerless beyond her job.

Only if she was in charge of the Balance team, than and only than, we would see more interaction and contribution from her.

I just wish the balance team leader would interact with us and contribute his/her ideas, thoughts and knowledge of were our class stands and what could be done to improve it.

If only

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

My negative opinion about (most) stealth

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Lol. Is Columbai a new title or insult? Like padawan or grasshopper? Can’t keep up with the interwebs lingo, lol

My point stands. Stealth allows heavy dps AND great defenses.

You’re point is actually invalid. The only time stealth provides “great defense” is when the player its being used against doesn’t know anything about it. Otherwise its just visual manipulation, something mesmer can do just as well if not better.

Regardless, knowledge is power and those who complain about stealth usually don’t have enough.

Sanduskel is not new, he speaks the truth and shares his knowledge, ideals and the truth of his class: thief to the masses. He refuses the abuse of wrongdoings and exposes them, in return, he is ridiculed and insulted for it.

" Knowledge is Power but when it is abused, it is no longer Power, it is Ego "

" The Truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, Ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is "

The Truth

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Engineers, the most OP class in the game

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Is this the Elite Kill List, Master Plan, for the non-elite class/s?

for Guild Wars 2?

First it was Rangers pets/spirits, now it’s Necromancers Conditions and Engineers Kits,

so what’s next,

Guardians virtues?

First it was Rangers, now it’s Necromancers and Engineers.

so who’s next,


If the elite plan succeed,

Guild Wars 2 will be at their mercy.

Guild Wars 2 will die.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

[PvX] We Require More Anti-Stealth

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Instead of pointing fingers at thieves, i encourage warriors to first point fingers at themselves.

Warriors are guilty as thieves, in bringing unfair and non-diverse challenge to the game.

As the saying goes,

" You blame your opponents for playing unfair, yet you use unfair strategy against him " ?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

My negative opinion about (most) stealth

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


As long they remain in their current design, they will remain this way.

As i said before, it’s in their design: thief need a complete redesign.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Blocked for being a thief

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I knew this would happen and unfortunately, it will continue until redesign thief class.

As i had said in the past, it is not the thief player at fault but, for creating and designing a class who plays by their own rules, by their own exceptions, by their own conditions, by their own standards, and by their own justice.

The thief guild i belong to (soon will disband near end of April, due to unresolved issues/problems, instability, inconsistence in the game etc,,) are wonderful individuals.


i was shocked and disbelief that they even invited me to their guild; i thought it was a trap or were hackers, trying to sabotage my account.

To make a long story short,

I believe all individuals behind thief class are good individuals, it’s the costume you are forced to put on, it is the system which enslaves, governs and control you, that make you, that changes you into something our forefather; Guild Wars. have fought against and succeeded.

In conclusion,

only solution,

Is for a complete redesign of your class.

If not,

the malevolent treatment against you,

will persist.

the entity that’s controlling you,

the entity that’s governing you,

the entity that’s enslaving you,

is a liar,

is a manipulator,

is a deceiver,


Its sole purpose;

is to torment you,

to torture you,

to agonize you,

to anguish you,

to destroy you,

to end your,


- My Sympathy for Thief -


Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

[Suggestion] Mounts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


They should make mounts like satchels. You go pick up a horse at a stable for a small sum of gold, but they you have to dismount it to fight or port or whatever, so it’s a limited use item for a small sum of coin.

They shouldn’t add them like most MMOs do, where you pull them out your butt when you need them.

Even if they were pretty much superfluous, they should be added for immersion sake. Its hard to believe in a world where they’re smart enough to hold the right end of a sword, no character ever thought of sitting their butt on an animal and letting the animal do the walking.

You read my mind, this idea is wonderful and reasonable.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Feedback regarding Conditions

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


As the lesser class in the game, i get killed 90% by bursts than conditions.

As the lesser class in the game, i get cleansed of conditions by condition removal support classes 90% of the time (I do the same for them with my Healing Spring)

As the lesser class in the game, once i’m burst, it’s game over… any available burst removal class to help me? burst removal mechanic, spells, traits, i need you ?

Are there any burst removal utilities, spells, mechanics, class/s in the game ?

Why won’t someone, anyone, create a thread about nerfing bursts by 20% ?


how can you compare thieves, warriors, mesmers and elementalists to necromancer?

how can you compare thieves, warriors, mesmers and elementalist bursts to necromancers conditions?

why not ask for more condition removal?

Thieves, warriors, and elementalists have them, why not for the other classes?

I see what is going on here..

It’s a Master plan by these Elitist classes to continue to push further down their unfair non challenge, unequal and non diverse practices to the non elitist class/s, in the game.

It was the same Master Plan they used to over throw the Ranger class.

It is the same Master Plan they are now using to overthrow the Innocent: Necromancer class.

It is is the same Master Plan they are using to overpower, control the non elitist classes including their meta’s.

Thieves, warriors and elementalists are the responsible parties,

Eliminating any fair competition, diversity and any chance of equal opportunity is what motivates them

This act of violation, abuse, wrong-doing, maltreatment, iniquity, unfairness, unjustice and evil, must be eliminated, eradicated in the game, at once.

Guild Wars 2 is at war,

Guild Wars 2 is in hostility,

Guild Wars 2 is in captivity,

Guild Wars 2 must survive,

Order must be restrained.

In Justice must be held accountable,

In Justice will be held accountable,

Justice muse be served,

Justice will be served

for the Innocence,

for Guild Wars 2


Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Gaurdian movement not much we got do we ?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Maybe if you wanted a more mobile class you shouldn’t have picked the heavy armor white mage archetype ^.^ not known for being particularly nimble

To begin with, how is it possible in mmo history where a Heavy Set warrior class run fast/er than a cheetah?


How is it possible for a Heavy Set warrior to be the Undisputed King of Speed than the Light Set 125 pound cheetah?

" This is Why You Can’t Outrun a Cheetah "

Of course

see> Warriors

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Permastealth still after april's giftpack?

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


The diference of GW2’s stealth vs any other decent games is others games mechanics has detections and counter stealth.

GW2 just has a perma spameable invisibility.

As well as dodge/cc mechanics that counters stealth. As well as non targeted attacks that can hit stealthed targets – other games with conventional stealth do not have that (besides very few untargeted aoe abilities). As well as insane power creep and low passive defences of stealth classes compared to most other games, what enables ppl simply kill stealthed targets in a matter of seconds.

No. Just, no. Wildly swinging melee weapons is not a counter. Get real. And many classes have very limited access to aoe and non-targeted attacks.

A well played thief (and lets be honest, it is not hard to play a thief), with full stacks of everything (borderlands bloodlust, sigil bloodlust X25, Applied Strength, Applied Fortitude), consumables, and ascended gear really can’t be defeated in wvw. Multiple well played thieves easily wipe twice their numbers and they can do it really, really quickly.

The results will look something like this:
1)2.5K steal
2)5.5k c&d
3)8k backstab
[…] a couple auto attacks for 500 each
4)10k Heartseeker
DEAD x_x

The combination of shadow stepping, stealth, high evasion, extremely high spike damage, and no cooldowns due to the initiative system results in a very, very broken class.

Agreed. Anet’s stubborn refusal to address this laughably broken mechanic will come back to haunt them. Whenever I talk to gamers about GW2, they remark that they don’t appreciate getting ganked by invisible enemies – no thanks.

Unfortunately it’s already happening. This is also the same remark i see all the time in other game forums about thieves in gw2, which is sad.

You would think Balance is required for this class, You would think Fairness is required for this class and You would think Diversity is required for this class!

Oh well!

I’m not the one who is jeopardizing this game for the sake of Favoritism and Elitism.

Perhaps, there is hope……. Guild Wars 3?

My Proposal for Guild Wars 3
- No group or class is dominate.
- No group or class will dominate
- For every group or class, there will be an equal or opposite.
- Fore every group or class, there will be uniqueness and diversity.
- The larger the group or class, the more influence it will have.
- Compromise, Fairness, Moderation and Stability will be implemented to all.
- Distributional of Power will be Compromised to all.
- Distributional of Power will be Divided to all.
- Distrubutional of Power will Beneficial to all.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Permastealth still after april's giftpack?

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I wish all classes had the initiative system. Get rid of cool downs! Don’t argue that theifs are the most squishy class in the game and that is why they dont have cool downs with that level of evasion, because we all know elementalists are the squishiest class, without even stealth.

Or go the other way around – give thief skills with reasonable cooldowns instead of initiative, kitten on Heartseeker would solve the 2222 spammers

Stealth really is a strong mechanic and the better and more creative the player is – the more over powered it looks, starting from the 2222 spammers through perplexity interrupt spammers to some pistolwhip or d/p stealth spammers… If these skills had cooldowns instead cost of initiative it would surely require more timing and thinking what to use (I’m not saying thieves doesn’t think what they’re doing… well some don’t) and if it goes wrong I’ll just stealth. Fighting invisible thief is a matter of luck if you manage to hit him and down (if he goes stealth at very low hp) – if not he just comes back at you with much health regenerated oe resets the fight. You with your cooldowns still run around circles hitting the air while he already has full initiative and prepares to take you down. Time to respawn.

I do have some experience fighting thieves and more or less know what to expect and how to react, but even that doesn’t guarantee I’ll be able to kill him. Either I get bursted/outcondtioned and kited around (lol) or he runs away unless he stays too long to die from my condis/lucky last lightning whip after he stealthed – that would end in my win.

Imagine then some fresh player who get’s jumped “WTF! there was noone around”, “oh kitten I gotta dodge” (even though he already took the dmg) and so on. Just the psychological effect is enough to turn the winning tide for the thief by a lot (unless you are prepared to fight stealth class at any time). Not seeing the enemy is one of the strongest mechanics in this game if not the strongest. Jumping in and out of fight “on a whim” does feel unbalanced (just as lack/too much mobility from this or any other class) and the complains from players are totally reasonable. How (or maybe) Will this mechanic ever get changed? Who knows, but the discussions will keep on going for sure ^^

Very well done and very constructive

(“Who knows, but the discussions will keep on going for sure” and many will keep walking away from this game, for sure).

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Feedback regarding Conditions

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573



What i would do if i was a dev/, i would completely remove all conditions from the classes, except for rangers.

Seriously ,

-what relations between conditions and warriors? Absolutely, None
-what relations between conditions and mesmers? Absolutely, None
-what relations between conditions and guardian? Absolutely, None
-what relations between conditions and engineers? Absolutely, None
-what relations between conditions and thieves? Absolutely, None

- -
-what relations between conditions and rangers? Survivability
-what relations between conditions and necromancer? Blood Ties

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

[SPvP] Thief Risk and Reward Changes

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Try 24k-30k backstab, 18k-23k heartseeker, Perma-Stealth-Nothing New ?)

Guys guys I finally figured it out!!!

He’s lvl 1 and wears no armor in WvW!

All thief players in the thief guild hits for those damages; that’s what i was referring to.

Not I

Like they said, “it only take 2 buttons to play thief class; 1 for stealth, the other for spam”

’That’s it in a nutshell’

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Elementalist Play Testing?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Good Proposal.

You do know there is a Price?

The Price,

My Proposal

-Remove Ride the lightning
-Remove all Bursts
-Remove Invincible Diamond Skin

(you already have signet of earth, armor of earth, mist form, Earth Trait- Obsidian Focus, Earth’s Embrace, Elemental Shielding, Rock Solid, Air Trait-Tempest Defense, Shard of Ice)

Than Diamond Skin?

Not Overpowered?

You serious?

-Remove the Arcane Trait
-Remove all Glyphs Spells
-Remove all Conjure Spells

Fair Price, yes?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Sigils: Ele and Engineer punished?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Elementalist are seriously Overpowered and are in need of Punishment/Balance. In other word, they deserve anything, everything that will keep them under control.

Engineers in the other hand are slowly getting stronger . In other word, any harm that will make them less effective, less powerful, i Sympathize and Appose.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

[SPvP] Thief Risk and Reward Changes

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Another Truth Bearer, Well Done -OP-

A thief guild leader of 135 active member (whose in the process of of disbanding the guild at the end of April): told me, “Burnfall, go somewhere else if you want a balanced thief class: Balance does not exist in guild wars 2, don’t you get it” !

I think that’s the best advice given to me since i joined guild wars 2.



thank you! for your reading.

(all thieves in the guild laugh when others complain about thieves damage hitting too high!, Try 24k-30k backstab, 18k-23k heartseeker, Perma-Stealth-Nothing New ?)

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


  • A Warrior is not a Ranger*

A warrior should not replace a ranger

My vision for bows is for ranger class only.

your argument is invalid as warriors are proficient in almost all martial weapons save a few puny ones.

No, it just means that they can use all weapons. What’s the deal of a class who can use almost al weapons and being the best in using them? It would be simply stupid.

Absolutely, Disagree.

Warriors are skillful fighters. To be skillful is to not being a Master or being the Best but being experienced.

So why not give warriors all the weapons and skills of all Professions than? What’s the point of having other professions in the roster to begin with? What’s the point of having warriors in ancient warfare than? what’s the point of having archers than, if warriors were the best of Everything? what’s the point of having any other players int the battlefield if warriors were the best of Everything? Where in ancient history were warriors were Gods?

Where in mmo history where warriors were a God Profession?

Oh wait! that may explain why only in guild wars 2 where Warriors are Gods…

Oh! wait! that may explain why God Mode are considered "Balanced"than…

Oh wait! that may explain why only in guild wars 2 where there are no need for any other professions skills or weaponry than….

No wonder why there are no need for other “Professions” than….

No Wonder Why There Are No Diverse, Discrepant, Dispersant, Dissimilar Equality and Fairness and Uniqueness among the other “Professions”….

That makes sense.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


the -15% damage nerf is totally uncalled for.


Arcing Shot (Longbow 3) – hit too hard, reduced damage by 15%.

reduce the damage by 15% but reduce the recharge time as well.
make the default recharge time 8 seconds instead of 10 seconds.

also make the activation time 0.50 seconds instead of 0.75 seconds.
the projectile speed is fine.

this will help balance the skill somewhat instead of the totally uncalled for damage reduction nerf.

  • A Warrior is not a Ranger*

A warrior should not replace a ranger

No class should not replace the ranger class

Just something extra: i just don’t get it in this game, how does non ranger classes gets the best out of bows to begin with than a ranger class?

Thieves bows, warriors bows?

You serious!!

Totally ridiculous! You will Never see this or find this in other mmo’s, well beside guild wars 2

Warriors already have a range weapon: rifle, seriously, how did they end up getting bows to begin with?

This is the reason why we rangers don’t feel belonged to and run to other mmo’s who embraces our uniqueness.

In fact if i were the balance team/, i would indefinably remove bows from warriors.

So whatever is happening within shouldn’t be stopped.

My vision for bows is for ranger class only.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Plea To The Devs To Un Nerf RTL

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Absolutely Not !!

It’s an Entrapment by this class to make their mobilities and bursts more OP than it is. Ride the lightning already output Super Extreme Op burst than it should be. Reversing this lock-down would be a suicide to your vision for class balance.

They are already in The Holy Trinity, why make them more?

Instead, Elementalist are Overly OverPowered and are in serious need to be Nerfed/Balanced more.

You gave them Invincibility (Diamond Skin), what more?

More God Mode Burst; Ride The Lightning?

Other class buffs beside Warrior and you, doesn’t make them Overly Overpowered.

take a look at this thread with video and tell me how ‘weak’ Ride the lightning is ?

take a look at this thread with video and tell me how ‘underpowered’ Elementalists are ?


Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

forum security

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Anet should be careful who they trust with these forums. These forums contain emails addresses, account names and passwords, that if not careful, can get into the wrong hands. Just look at the some of the major security breaches that have happened in the gaming and business history recently and the damages occurring as a result. Caution and security measures should be taken if anet does not want that to occur. Just a word of warning as a security measure. And i’m sure players would not want that either.

Do you honestly believe that these precautions arent already there? Also, since you appear to not understand this: your account name doesnt really amount to much. You cant log in with it. Also, since there’s something else you dont understand, Anet could have the most lax security regarding account information and IT WOULD NOT MAKE A DIFFERENCE. 2 step verification curbstomps that. If your account still gets breached, I have some bad news for you. Not anet’s fault. Only way they could bypass the verification is if your email was breached. No matter the amount of noise you make, that makes your account troubles your fault alone.

Your account name does not amount to much? I disagree.

Everytime i make a post on forums, i get a whisper from a goldseller in-game within the next few hours. If i do not post at all for like over 3 weeks but keep playing GW2 normally, i dont get those whispers at all.

It seems my account name is displayed in full on forums.
I really cant tell where these goldsellers are getting my account name from to whisper me in-game…oh wait.

That’s like the government giving your email address to every single scam sites out there…except that there isnt an auto-junk filter in-game like in emails…you have to block each goldseller spamming you manually.

I have reported and blocked every single one of them, there’s nothing that can be done about it since I cannot change display name, or stop the forums from showing my display name to everyone, is there?

Very well said.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

19 months too late for fixing core systems...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Some people will never be happy in life…

How i see it,

Happiness is Surviving..

Life is not about happiness but about making choices and decisions, that we will not regrettable for tomorrow

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

No Holy Trinity = Boring?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Op, the Holy Trinity is in the game, with having 3 exeptions: warrior, thief and newcomer- elementalist.

They are the only 3 class who fulfills and completes the Holy Trinity; they can flawlessly tank, heal and dps with having no effort whatsoever.

You can see where the outcries of unfairness and injustice derive from.

You can see where the Fun ended.

You can see where the Fun ends.

You can see where many had walked away.

You can see why many are in the process of walking away.

To begin with, why make exceptions to only these 3 classes?

Isn’t that creating an unhealthy, destructive environment to the game and the player base?

Isn’t that practicing Unfairness and Favoritism?

Isn’t that called Favortism? " The practice of giving unfair preferential treatment to one person or group at the expense of another "?

Isn’t that called Unfairness- " an inclination to favor one group or view or opinion over alternatives "?

Obviously it is, don’t you agree?

To conclude,

Because of this Favorite, Unjust and Unfair system, the remaining class feel bored, frustrated, hurt, broken, desolate and feel that they don’t have the mean to contribute anything, and no longer feel belong to because of these Holy Trinity Classes.

My suggestion to, either make the Holy Trinity also available to the remaining classes or to not have it at all; with no exception or favoring whatsoever

(i really like this game, but once again… as long favoritism remains, my devotion and commitment will continue to decrease)

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

19 months too late for fixing core systems...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


The way i see it, is not a new company or a company who has no clue how to build, fix or redo this game core system.

For example; look at the thief and ranger class..

Thief- are Ridiculously Overly OverPowered with having no support system whatsoever, Rangers-are Ridiculously Overly UnderPowered with having a suicidal pet system.

Seriously, how many more months or time should we wait?

Even as i speak, Even in the upcoming patch; there are No mention in their notes in resolving them.

So therefore, i concluded, is Overly too late for any hope for this game.

My Oppinion
(I will continue say this, as long Favoritism and Unjust treatments are present, there will Never be a fix/solution to the core system)

-just this past weekend, a large guild consists of 159 active members, walked away from this game. I also was friends with many of them and i tried to encourage them to be a bit hopeful but failed to do so.
Do you want to know one main reason why they left?

They left because they felt that was fully aware of all that is happening to the game: both good and bad and are intentionally allowing problems/bad things to evolve.

Again, this was their reasons and beliefs.

(I hold no bias, no judgement against their will, reasonings or beliefs whatsoever because they are human beings: they are entitled to feel and to reason)

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Warrior love felt warmly

in Warrior

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


“With the mod’s love for Warrior, all posts were deleted hiding all our exploitable weaknesses from the world. We are unstoppable because we have the favor of the mods”

You just verified that has committed Favoritism?

So is this the reason why so many players left and are in the process of leaving this game in flocks to other mmo’s?

Is this the reason why so many left and are in the process of leaving due to Impartial, Unfairness,Unequal, UnBiased, UnPreferable, Favortism and Unjust treatments?

So. we are ‘noobs’ for not playing War class?

So we are ‘noobs’ for playing non-War?

So we are ‘Bad Players’ because of Favoritism?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

One of these things are not like

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


There is nothing to refute because it really is a Learn-to-Play issue. If don’t want to spend a week learning about the profession that keep killing you for the sheer sake of pride, then you deserve your loses.

And that goes with everything in life. Time to learn dude.

This is how i see it Zacchary.

Attaining life with effort is learning.

Attaining life with no effort whatsoever is not learning.

What is it to learn with something that is effortless?

Thief class are an effortless class, what is it to learn?

Thief class are born with abundances and privileges…why blame us, why criticize us (classes), for not having abundances and privileges?

For example; it is like having someone who is born with riches and privileges telling, blaming and criticizing someone who is not born with riches and privileges that it is their fault for not having riches and privileges?

That is why we (classes) have an unfortunate.. disadvantage over you, in the battlefield.

We (classes) don’t have the Advantage as you….Thieves.

We (classes) are not Privilege as you…Thieves.


Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

List of Mesmer Bugs (Older Thread)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Mesmers clones, phants. can not attack gates in wvw? ex: Edge of the Mists

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

To Be A Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Arena Net hate Thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Thief burst is absolutely insane against terribads.


I completely disagree with that statement

(even Yishi will too)

  • as they all self suicide by attacking daggerstorm with ranged attacks**

then i turned it off. yishis very rarely plays good players. TIER 1 servers are HORRIBLE at 1v1 and small combat. this is notoriously know.

Thief burst is absolutely insane against terribads.


I completely disagree with that statement

(even Yishi will too)

  • as they all self suicide by attacking daggerstorm with ranged attacks**

then i turned it off. yishis very rarely plays good players. TIER 1 servers are HORRIBLE at 1v1 and small combat. this is notoriously know.

How do you determine who is good?

How do you determine who is a good player?

How do you determine who are good players?

Does being a good player make one become like others?

Does being a good player makes one belong to higher tiers?

" Good Player is about being yourself "

" Good Player is about knowing yourself "

" Good Player is about believing in yourself "

" Good Player is about making some mistakes "

" Good Player is about learning from them "

" Good Player is about who you are "

" Good Player is about you "

" Not about what others are "

" Not about what other others say about you "

" Not about what others think about you "

" Not about others "

" Not about classes "

" Not about Ranks "

" Not about ‘skills’ "

" Not about Traits "

" Not about Runes "

" Not about Tiers "

" Not about Sigils "

" But about "

" Only "

" You "

" Just "

" U "

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Arena Net hate Thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Thief burst is absolutely insane against terribads.


I completely disagree with that statement

(even Yishi will too)

Fairness Is To Not Get Everything, To Not Have Everything "

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Best Guild Name?

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Best Guild Name?

Rising Phoenix

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Please oh Please ANet, lift the AoE Cap!

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I Disagree for Aoe Cap removal.

In fact,

I encourage to Cap more; like Burst, Mobility, Stealth and Teleport.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Arena Net hate Thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573

Burnfall.9573 Hate Thieves?

Enter our world of Abandonment, Solitude, Brokenness and Lamentation.

The day you were born, you were born free.

The day we were born, we were born in solitude.



Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

[VOTE] Is Guild Wars 2 heading a good way?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


" If you see Justice and Righteousness for The Elite and Injustice and Depravity for The Lesser "

Than. No!


(the new traits is another reminder of how much lesser we will continue to be)

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Ride The Lightning.....

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Ele’s Do Not Lack Mobility

In fact: Ele’s are way Op atm.


Bursts, Aoe’s> Meteor Shower> 8k-20k+, Mobilities, Heals,, Fire grab> 12k-20k+, Invincibility>Diamond Skin, Invisibility> Mist Form……..


what is wrong with this picture?

(and yes, this build is still viable till this day)

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Warrior's Ridiculous Mobility

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Thief and Elementalist are faster and sacrifice less.

FGS is on a 180 second cooldown
Outside of this you have lightning flash every 32 seconds if traited for a 900rng jump and RTL every 20 seconds if you hit with it or 40 seconds if you miss.

Bulls rush – 900rng 40 sec cooldown
Rush – 1200rng 20sec cooldown
Whirling Attack – 450rng 10sec cooldown
Savage leap – 600rng 8sec cooldown

add to this mobile strikes breaking immobilise, warriors sprint, i really dont see how these classes can be compared in the mobility category.

It’s not a matter of percentage or statistic, it’s a matter of how outrageous, unjust and unfair their design and mechanics are, in the first place

How is this reasonable, justifiable and fair, for a class/profession design and mechanics in an mmo?

Class Balance?

When did Impossible, considered Balanced ?

When did Unimaginable, considered Balanced’ ?

When did Unbelievable, considered Balanced’ ?

When did Indescribable, considered Balanced ?

When did Unthinkable, considered Balanced ?

When did Exceptional, considered Balanced ?

When did Incomprehensible, considered Balanced?

When did Inexplicable, considered Balanced?

When did Undefinable, considered Balanced?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Chill and thiefs

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


i rather this thread said,

" All Conditions and Thiefs "

sound way much better, wouldn’t you agree??

(Balance… No Need To Apply, for this class)

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Thief: "The Black Sheep" (5/8)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


This thread is so funny.
One random guy playes dev with hilarious suggestions.
Please…create your own game. This One here is obviously Not for you.

" Creativity is a beautiful art having fun

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Anet forgot about GW1 players?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


As a ranger class, i feel forgot about Guild Wars 1 ranger class players.

In Guild Wars 1, ranger players were cherished, admired, appreciated, nurtured, nourished, cared for, comforted, guarded, honored, loved, preserved, embraced, adored, acceptable and valued.

How i see ranger players in Guild Wars 2..

‘they are thrown to the lions’, they are: defenseless, helpless, hopeless, unguarded, unprotected, uncared for, unloved, unpreserved, unnourished, unappreciated, vulnerable, unacceptable and unvalued.


Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

The ranger in GW2

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Good Ranger – Melee
Bad Ranger – semi-melee (shortbow)
The Worst “Ranger” – Ranged


The “range” in “ranger” does not originate from using ranged weapons.

noun: person or thing that wanders or ranges over a particular area or domain, a soldier specially trained in close-range fighting and in raiding tactics

Guild Wars; Ranger:

" They FAvor long-range combat, the bow being their weapon of choice, and can be especially effective from elevated locations such as bridges and cliffs "

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

I'm tired

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Op, this is not about thieves being controversial or being QQ.

This is about thief class design and it’s philosophy.

No other mmo’s or even guild war 1 had, has such outrageous design and outrageous philosophy of a Super Superior class being Op in all stats and having perma/un-encounterable stealth, whatsoever.

A class/profession who dictates, controls and resets fights in time.

A class who is immune/invulnerable to damage.

A class who sets rules and conditions of guild wars 2 class balance.

By the way…

There have been many, countless devoted thieves players, admitting and exposing thief design and its philosophy


we the community of non-thief classes should be the one tired, not thieves.

As the saying goes, “if you have never been hurt, why seek punishment for those who are in pain”?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Hit for 6k x 2 with a heartseeker.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Thieves are OP and they need to be deleted from the game

no other class can do that

By the way i unistalled GW2

See you never Noobs

If you play like most of those ppl that die in outnumbered videos…Good riddance. are a thief..

In other word,

it’s always, and will always be the non-thieves classes for dying to thieves.

Share with us, gives us all of your Op stats, than maybe, perhaps, our deaths by you, would be, can be justified.

Ex; If you have, if you hold, all the Keys, to provide, help, support and aide the helpless, why blame and accuse them for being helpless… when you denied, restrict them aide… in the first place?

As the saying goes, " As long you have, you hold, all the controls and have, and hold, all the powers, you have no reason, no justification, for blaming and accusing others for being weak and being vulnerable "

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Ranger Pets Removable/Dismissable?

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Though you are absolutely correct about rangers pets in guild war 1.

Yes, Op, this has been brought up all the time and states that they will never remove/dismissed rangers pets.

Unfortunately, that’s the vision for the ranger class.

As the phrase goes, “what you see is what you get”

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Thief OP?

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


" So all in all thief is not OP they are glass cannons. we hit hard but die quick.."

Where is Death when you can not see it?

Where is Death when you can not find it?

Where is Death when it already Over Power you?

Where is Death when it always Over Power you?

Where is Death when you are already Dead?

Where is Death when you are always Dead?

Can someone explain this to me….

Can anyone explain this to me…..

why this class is not OP?

why isn’t this Over Powerfulness class not a concern?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

[PvP] Why not balance....

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


i believe every class should have at least 1-2 OP spec. What i want balanced are the class who have more than 2 OP specs.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth