Showing Posts For Burnfall.9573:

Ascended armor - December 10?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Dec 10, will strictly be class balancing plus new skills, traits etc..

perhaps Dec 24?

Is this actually confirmed though?

Until yesterday we “knew” Dec 10 would only be a balancing patch. But now we know that it will also include new skills, so why not assume there is more we do not know?

We will soon see, seeing as today is reveal ^^

can’t wait

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Earthshaker ... 35% nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


i totaly agree with that nerf. i maining a warrior (because ranger dont have dmg, cc or anything) you cant have everything but warriors still have the most

i totally agree +1

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Ascended armor - December 10?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Dec 10, will strictly be class balancing plus new skills, traits etc..

perhaps Dec 24?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Power Ranger Signet Build (pun intended)

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


in wvw toughness is everything.

most definitely.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Arganthium, seriously i don’t want to fight with you, but i’ll answer your questions.

“My last question to you would be- why do you give credibility to people like Sanduskel, and yet completely ignore others who, like me, have no interest in nerfing stealth, and have little or nothing to gain from being so”?

First of all as i said before, Sanduskel and you are thieves, and he/she deserves the right to have different opinion concerning thief stealth mechanic.

As the saying goes, “just because you say the sky is yellow and i say it is blue, it doesn’t make us not human”

In other word, you and many other asking to not nerf stealth, and Sanduskel, I and many other, asking to nerf (balance) stealth, doesn’t make us less of a player.

I support both sides, for and against thief stealth; that’s how balance works, no??

Not to be in total agreement but to draw a line between unfairness and fairness.

As you already know, and you don’t have to admit it, thief stealth has completely crossed the line and that is the reason why it is the number#1 concern the majority and remaining community have with thief class.

We look at nerf as being balanced; not to destroy thief class and their survivability.

Like one thief said; which i like how she/he said it, “if you are going to get rid of something or to make it less of what it is, replace it with something, to complete it balance”

Nicely said, don’t you think?

I hope you understand.

In fact within the past 2 months, i’ve been encouraging to re-design thief class from the ground up, instead of ’just nerfing them. Cause the worse fear is to make this class unplayable; which i totally appose.

So to answer your last question,

“EDIT: also, I don’t suppose you were opposed to the ridiculously OP Spirit Ranger before it got nerfed, were you”?

In fact if you pull my history, i strongly reminded them that, it was and thief strategy to make my class; ranger, to be more vulnerable to them. Prior, there were many calls from thief class and warrior class, begging to nerf our spirits because we rangers were killing them, so they did.

Same thing was said about our pet damage, so nerfed them.

Same thing was said about out pet leach range, so nerfed them.

So you can see why i and many ranger players strongly apposed from nerfing us any more.

-Just to add to the list; in rangers Dec 10 patch, will nerf rangers regens+regeneration traits and skills, and yet again,.. the same reasons; for killing thieves and warriors.

So in one word, is punishing the ranger class for the pleasure of the supperior class and making the ranger, an easy to kill class for thieves and warriors.

By the way, did you know in wiki it clearly stated that, had no intention in creating the ranger class to begin with? , so in the very last minute, they just threw our class in the rouster.

Pretty much, like throwing trash in a garbage truck.

Whatever it take to balance thief class, i’m for it.

So to conclude with thief stealth class..

Sincerely, i do not want to destroy thief class without giving them; (as was nicely said before.).. valuable and reliable tools to survive and to depend on.

-Ok, i’m done-.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


@Burnfall: i would say the biggest Problem fighting thiefs as Ranger is the Pet.
1. It cannot keep up to the Mobility/shadowsteps of a thief so it does close to 0dmg.
2. It provided free stealths as it cannot dodge.
Hybrid : yeah, my Ranger has 2700+ toughness and some extra vit. So i can survive some backstabs. Full zerk = easy kill.
I Run 2 dogs and Most of the dmg i Do on my own. For me the Pet is more of a control Tool than a dmg Source.

Domney, i completely agree with you and I’ll consider your strategy with your last comment.


Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


In defense and support to Sanduskel, and to many sincere, honest and truth-bearing thieves, here and in gw2 reddit forums..

and no! i’m not a troll either; look up my history.

We know your history, and of the constant stream of bullkitten coming from your mouth.

EDIT: can I also add that that reddit thread is nine months old? The player also had some really good gear compared to his enemies, and the main issue, if anything, was the ridiculous amount of healing he got from whatever that food he was using was.

Yeah ok!!

I’m a vet of guild wars for 7 years, i’’m a vet of guild wars 2 since beta, yet i’m Bullkitten

Seriously, you have to do better than that.

Once again , playing the BLAME GAME is the solution of fixing this class and the game

You claim to be a thief, so why not publicly confess that thief is in PERFECT condition than?.

In other word, all thief players who see a problem with their class, are liars than, and you are the only one who is telling the truth.

I would like to remind you, i belong to a thief guild, consists of 150 + active members and it took me a long time to see their class weakness because i was in-denial and how i was blinded by my own ignorance of refusing to understand their class.

I also give many credit to the thieves here as well, for being patient and understanding of me; and they deserve it!

There are many good hearted sincere thief players here. as well, who will do whatever it take, in helping other to know the truth of their class situations.

And also, there are troublemakers, rule-breakers who will do whatever it take to humiliate and belittle anyone who dare question the truth or reveal the truth of their class brokenness.

“so to make a long story short”, as the saying goes, “Blaming without understanding the truth get you nowhere, only leave you in your own cloud of ignorance and stupidity”

Stop blaming, and accept the truth!

Stop blaming sincere thieves for exposing the truth of their class brokenness!

Stop being in-denial of the truth!

Thief class is broken, and it is not their fault for being this way.

If you care for thief class, accept the truth and encourage to fix your class; i prefer a thief reboot.

-Nerfing thief class will not fix their problems; infact it will make them worse; you will see~

Thief class must be re-designed from the ground up, and to be able to survive on their own, instead of being enslaved to a stealth mechanic that hinders them of taken full advantage of their class potential.

so getting back to you, if you still want to play the blame game and continue to refuse your class brokenness, i encourage you take it to the one who is responsible for thief class…

-Case Closed-

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Repeat crashes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


It is not you OP.

Within 10 minutes; 18 crashes.

Totally inexcusable!!.

15 months+ into guild wars 2… continue to refuse to fix this.

Don’t even mention, tremendous skill lags

Op, providing crash report will not help, it’s on end; their unstable servers

(80% of threads and post that are posted in this tech forum, are about crashes..)

In other word,

it will never be our fault.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I would like too, someday but right now, ranger class is my heart; even though it is mercilessly being tortured in the hand of thieves and

This is what, why we were created for, right?

So i guess.. after the burial of my innocent ranger, i will be free to cross the other side.

And when that day comes, people might start taking you a bit more seriously…. might.

Scratch that… you will probably come back say “so easy unfair blah blah blah”.

because i joined the dark side, right?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


@Burnfall: what kind of ranger do you play? full glass?

apothecary/settler builds own thieves all day, or at least (if they decide to run) you remain untouchable for them.

today i played my lb/gs signet power ranger (yeah…rubbish) and i had some nice fights vs thieves. won some (including troll p/d and d/p) lost some.
what i want to say: if you would play thief for a while , you understand what they are capable of and what they cant do. you would know when to block/evade/rupt/kd to completely force them out of their rotations.
if you still feel tortured by thieves (after you tried it yourself), then its maybe your skill.

sorry for the late reply, i play a hybrid beastmaster/zerker ranger. Lately, i’ve been working on the builds you mention and i find myself doing much better against them, not killing them, of course! but very close, like 85%-90%.

In conclusion, Domey, i would like to thank you for your encouraging hopeful advice.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Mugi D/D Solo Outnumbered Video

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573



After watching your good play video, i have a question for you, how is it possible for you to tele down them?

What i mean by tele-stomp, is that you didn’t even have to be close to them or near them, to down them?

In other word, how can thieves down enemies during teleport?

No I have to get near them to start the stomp animation, then afterwards i can port away using a shadowstep, but before your stomp animation ends you have to port back with shadow return to pull off the stomp.

that’s awesome.

this remind me of necromancers’ spectral walk but without the stomping.

(very soon i will be converting to thief class; once publicly confess of intentionally setting up the ranger class to fail.. so during the mean time.. any new, hidden or unknown thief skills, i will gladly take and learn)

thanks for replying shu

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Mugi D/D Solo Outnumbered Video

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573



After watching your good play video, i have a question for you, how is it possible for you to tele down them?

What i mean by tele-stomp, is that you didn’t even have to be close to them or near them, to down them?

In other word, how can thieves down enemies during teleport?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

MESMERS / THEIVES - - - Stealthier?

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Op, as a ranger, i rarely lose to a mesmer using strealth.

Unlike thief stealth, “that’s a whole different ballgame”

In other word, you can not compare thief stealth to a mesmer stealth because at the end of the day, you are Forever gone in Perma- Paradise world, while they in the other hand, are Perma-Forever buried 10 foot under.

let’s play a very quick game….

1. where is mesmer? if you kill all the clones, you will find mesmer.

2. where is thief? why not ask yourself, where are you? Oh wait! i’m dead.

No no!


you’ve been long dead before you even started the game…

by whom?

by whom??

by stealth

but i already killed mesmer!

no no

not by mesmer

but by thief..

How can it be?

their perma-stealth..


they used perma-stealth that intentionally gave them, to kill you.

totally unjust and unfair!!

don’t blame thieves,


blame for giving it to them since guild wars 2 release.

and for mesmer??

they were created to be a scapegoate

for thief.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

LFG Tool "You have joined too many..."

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


That usually happen to me, so what i do and would like to recommend to you Op, use lfg tool with your other alt, than once entered in a party, relog back to your previous alt.

It has worked for me, ever since.

try it and gl

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Does anyone Do Teq (or any dragons) anymore?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Whats sad is the people in this topic actively discouraging anyone else from trying it. You don’t like it, so exaggerate it as much as possible and make it sound as horrible as you can to discourage anyone from ever trying it.
It’s one thing to post an opinion, its entirely another to make up falsehoods and actively discourage people from even trying. Just sad.

So, you what is discouragement?

Being sincere or being a liar?

What is exaggeration?

Being real or being a fraud?

What is sadness?

Warning other to be aware of this control enslave unjust mechanic system?

What is falsehood?

Exposing the truth or hiding the truth?

As the saying goes, "the truth is always accused of being untruthful even when the truth exposes the truth "

In other word, to you, we are all liars for exposing the truth.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Remember ride the lightning for Eles?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Don’t we think it’s time to do the same for Warrior’s mobility skills?

For example’ it’s like a lion asking to have a cheetah speed.

no thank you!!

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Does anyone Do Teq (or any dragons) anymore?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Teq requires a lot of people. It’d probably get a lot more interest if they removed the timer.

but whats wrong with that? it didnt make ANY sense whatsoever that a 10 man team could do teq by themselves. Why cant the GW2 pop actually enjoy a challenge instead of wanting everything handed to them? This is the problem that causes a lot of hardcore MMO players to leave GW2, and im even considering it. Not that anyone cares, just my personal opinion.

This is the only mmo who uses control mechanism to force players to kill, with limitedly time.

Not only that, it completely violates any Fun mechanics in this game.

The reason, many left; (not saying your reasons aren’t valid), is because of Arena.nets’ control mechanics of punishing players who don’t abide to their ways of “fun”.

Phy is 100% correct, the only way to enjoy or and have fun doing teq is to remove this; controlling punishing tyrant and oppression mechanic; a.k.a “timer”

My server finally woken up and refuse to submit to this enslavement “timer” tyrant.

As the saying goes, “why say to a man, go free, while you chain his feet?”.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Does anyone Do Teq (or any dragons) anymore?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Teq requires a lot of people. It’d probably get a lot more interest if they removed the timer.

Pretty much it,

common sense right?

Of course!

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

why no wp for new frac? bug or intentional?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Seriously,… we were totally enjoying these new fracs.. until after our deaths, and see that there are no waypoints.

I hope it’s not intentional because if it is, you are loosing many interests to your visions for fun in this game.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Some crazy black friday deals.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I appreciate you Op for putting this important info up.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Thief, playable class again? Fract.' Update

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Burnfail, as we’ve begun calling him in the ele forums, likes to make posts to try to degrade other classes so as to further his class.

His favorite lines are “justice, freedom, liberty” and other crap he spews.

I’d usually say ignore the troll, but the troll is hard to ignore, as you risk Anet listening to the troll.

Good luck, thieves.

As a representative of the ranger class; I think our relationship with thieves can be worked out. It is not about degrading their class to further our class at all, it is all about setting boundaries between ourselves.

At this moment, we don’t have much, we are too vulnerable to them. The sad truth, we are constantly being weakened in their favor; giving them much better reasons in killing us.

Ranger class is all about survivability and adaptivity, right now, we don’t have much left to survive with, we are constantly being forced to adapt to every nefs we get. Our pet survivability and adaptivity, are completely non-existence.

What grieves us more, is when our pet watch in silence, as we lay in our final breath, crying out for help.

Which is not right at all, especially to a company who once said, “we are all treated equally”.

Reason why i use words like justice, freedom, liberty is because i strongly believe i in them and also, they determine guild wars 2 future.

We all know the feeling when our class freedom and liberty are being threatened with undeserving nerfs, when other class(ss) is given “the free pass” to constantly abuse and manipulate their power over you.

which only leave us in great sadness, brokenness and desolation, asking, “where is justice”?

As the saying goes, “justice, freedom and liberty, give us hope to our future”.

My hope is for to work with the thief class with their needs and wants, in return; helping and preventing them from abusing and manipulating excessive power, and control.


Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Thief, playable class again? Fract.' Update

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Burnfall stop with the trolling and making non constructive threads just because you have not learn how to kill a thief with your Ranger.

You could better ask in this forums the mechanics of the class to help you with your gameplay . . .

Please man just stop . . .

How am i trolling,when i’m giving thief class assurance that they are in good hand?

I belong to a thief guild, 80%-90% of wvw commanders play thief class, i always embrace having a thief at my side, and in my party… yet still i’m a troll?

I wish we rangers had someone, somebody, to give us assurance, hope, for our future

When does giving assurance consider trolling to begin with?

Is it wrong to give good compliments?

So you think we don’t see what you are doing?

I just need to click into your message history to see how many times you tried to make look bad thieves.

Now you come with your sheep disguise to the thief forum trying to . . . well i do not even know what are your trying.

If you want to improve your class, (Ranger) go to the ranger forum and create constructive post explaining why you feel your profession need a buff.

you mean this?

Burnfall, "So at the end of the day, we all can agree, thief class is severely broken and is in need of serious complete redesign; instead of nerfs, nerfs and nerfing them more. until they are more severely broken.

Big Encouragement to, please pull this class from the class roster until they are completely redesigned and fully reworked, from the ground up.
In other word, put thief class to sleep until they are reborn again.

(that’s the only right way i believe, to help this class)"..

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Thief, playable class again? Fract.' Update

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


WHO are you that you can give assurances? you said you dont play thief, so you dont understand them. You cant say thief is in good hands because you cant See if someone is playing thief well or Bad. And if someone is playing Bad, how should he Know what is good for the class?
Im Not saying anet Team plays Bad, but p/p…you need 2 Buttons for this Set. “w” and “3”.

“WHO are you that you can give assurances?” I’m a valuable player just like you.

“You cant say thief is in good hands because you cant See if someone is playing thief well or Bad. And if someone is playing Bad, how should he Know what is good for the class?”

As the saying goes, “by our experience together, i can see what you are made of”

I belong to a thief guild, 80%-90% of wvw commanders play thief class, i always embrace having a thief at my side, and in my party, and they all welcome me with open arms

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Thief, playable class again? Fract.' Update

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Upon reading the next fractured update, i notice something quite alarming, staff; Team 3 using thief class to demonstrate new changes in the upcoming fracture update.

I don’t know if i should be happy or not

so here is the truth; you guys are in good hands for now and forevermore.

in other word, don’t worry about any threats of "nerfs’, cause at the end of the day, you will still be Favorite Playable class. will make sure your future is secured.

(for reassurance.. you’re the only class who remain the undefeated champ in all stats, since day 1, and will continue to be, in the far distance future)

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Server of the year

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I’ll say something nice about every server that I know something about (sorry, don’t know the Bronze League guys well)
JQ = More time in T1 than anyone, obviously they are doing something right
BG = A very diverse server that always surprises.
SoR = Clawed it’s way up from the nosebleed seats. Underestimated for a long time before they hit T1. NA is always a rout.
TC = Polite to a fault, keeps the temples open for everyone
SoS = (n/a my server)
Mag = actually backs up their trash talk. They love a good fight and never take the easy way out.
FA = Very stable, was the best beta server IMHO.
SBI = Rides the unstable waves of fortune with class. Mad respect for long-time members.
DB = Mad props for those that are riding out the rough times. Beastly SEA presence.
YB = If they get Hills you better just forget capping it for the week.
EB = They hit like a tank in open field. Don’t let their ranking fool you, they will chew up and spit out a PuG zerg in seconds.
BP = Tenacious to an extreme. Whether it’s 4 people or 40 on a map, they are pushing hard 24 hours a day.
CD = Grew out of the “Friday Night” diva phase and will get you if you blink. Very crafty and unpredictable.

(Everyone else I either haven’t faced, or haven’t faced since they underwent some ginormous changes in their population.)

i like your post +1 .

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Winning seasons = 100g to each player

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


This is a very interesting thread; i would go for the 100g to each players.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


In defense and support to Sanduskel, and to many sincere, honest and truth-bearing thieves, here and in gw2 reddit forums..

and no! i’m not a troll either; look up my history.

…. from 9 months ago. …. when culling existed….. and before some of the abilities (i.e. caltrops) were nerfed. …. using conditions in a meta where most people were set up to counter burst……. before other classes were significantly buffed……. and the top comments are still l2p (coming from non-thieves)…..

Have you tried thief like we keep suggesting yet?

I would like too, someday but right now, ranger class is my heart; even though it is mercilessly being tortured in the hand of thieves and

This is what, why we were created for, right?

So i guess.. after the burial of my innocent ranger, i will be free to cross the other side.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Please remove Signet of the Beastmaster trait

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


All i can say in all of this, many of our traits should be natural to us and our pets, not be forced to a Dependant.. Barricaded.. Enslave point system.

Since day 1, i’ve been protesting the same thing, over and over again. It feel like is keeping our class and our pets.. ‘on the leash’.

In other word, I feel is preventing our class to be natural and independent to their natural habitant.

When i think of the ranger class, all i can picture is a ranger and a pet, locked inside a cage surrounded with sharp iron thorns.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


In defense and support to Sanduskel, and to many sincere, honest and truth-bearing thieves, here and in gw2 reddit forums..

and no! i’m not a troll either; look up my history.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Complete list of nerfs since release

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


You know what thief class!!, all the other classes been asking for; in the past 15 months?, is to just have counter measures against your mechanics"… that’s all!!.

Yet thinks otherwise.

In other word, Don’t Blame us for nerfing your class, Blame as the sole responsible party for intentionally allowing your class to break the game and causing hatred, animosity, grudge, retaliation, malice, spitefulness, disgust, greed, lust for total power, lust for total control, greed. and injustice, among ourselves.

As the saying goes, "why blame a blind man for not seeing, when in fact you are the one who took his eyes"

once more…….

We are not to be blamed or is responsible for your Broken class

(if we were to be responsible for your class and its creation; with some minor tweaking, we would make you similar to your kin, The Assassin . .


no more unjust wars

I would just like to point out that I don’t see how this list implies that we hold you responsible for our nerfs. I simply compiled this list for others to read, and I too think that the majority of these were rightfully installed.

What I personally think about the subject however is that it starts with feedback from the other 7 classes, and then Anet decides what to do about that feedback. The problem is most feedback they receive is unfortunately negative, because if one were to fight a different class, they would probably note what that class’s strongpoints against them are, and not so much what their weakpoints are (what im saying is you dont see warriors or whatever saying “thieves r too squishy, plz buff”)

Therefore, I think there is some truth to the saying that the source of our nerfs is the community, but not entirely because what Anet decides to do with that information is up to them.

The first rule of the thief forums is we do not respond to Sanduskel or Burnfall.

They’re trolls with an agenda. They are not here for a discussion, from their perspective their opinions are ironclad fact. No amount of facts or counter-arguments will sway them. They just come here to exaggerate, misinterpret and derail threads.

The first rule of the thief forums is we do not respond to Sanduskel or Burnfall.

As the saying goes, “i come in peace, yet you treat me as an enemy”

In other word evilapprentice, you are banishing us and mistreating us, for our peaceful support and criticism to the thief class.

Sincerely, I don’t understand your opposition at all against sanduskel and i; after all, we are valuable player in the world of guild wars 2… like you.

So my encouragement, ‘cut us some slack’ and appreciate the fact, not everyone will agree with the current state thief class is in, including it’s future.

Including our mindful thoughts and reasonings to our concern of theif class status.

We will continue to make a strong case against thief class, in the name of balance; in general. To be balanced is to have strengths and weakness, and unfortunately, thief class balance is all strengths with having no counter or weaknesses whatsoever.

And if there are any weaknesses; in a blink of an eye, it is completely gone.

Evilapprentice, guild wars 2 is not a single player game, where you can have this one class profession, overpowering, controlling, destroying everyone and everything, to the point of reversing time a.k.a resetting fights.

Well unfortunately, this is the case of what we have here in guild wars 2, of the class; called thief.

So at the end of the day, we all can agree, thief class is severely broken and is in need of serious complete redesign; instead of nerfs, nerfs and nerfing them more. until they are more severely broken.

Big Encouragement to, please pull this class from the class roster until they are completely redesigned and fully reworked, from the ground up.

In other word, put thief class to sleep until they are reborn again.

(that’s the only right way i believe, to help this class)..

Finally to Evilapprentice,

(As the saying goes, in order to understand wisdom, to learn wisdom, is to embrace its peacefulness and its calmness’)

In calmness, I leave you in peace.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Since anet gave rangers 'Sic em'...

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


You guys shouldn’t worry or feel threaten anymore, because lately, we discover thieves are immune to sick-em.

In other word, rejoice thieves, and continue your full unjust assaults in decapitating the under privilege weaker class; ranger.

As the saying goes, ’what used to uplift the weak, now make them weaker"


Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Thieves are immune to Sick-em?

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Did you submit this bug?


Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Thieves are immune to Sick-em?

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Not once, twice but four times, i used sickem on a thief and the the thief was able to re-stealth, and no! there weren’t any other thief around; it was 1 vs 1 in wvww.

Seriously!, you really need to be sincere and faithful in doing anything with our class.

Your unjust wars against our class is uncalled for; it is heartless and cruel.

We’ve done nothing to you to deserve these barbaric treatments.

All we ever wanted and asked for, was to be left alone in solitary and survive in this outrageous!! unbalanced! world of guild wars 2, the best we can.

It is getting too much, whatever you do for our class, it results in pleasing the Op classes.

So again, i’m asking you to be sincere and faithful to our class, and if you can’t do that, delete our class; since wiki already claimed you had no intention from the very start in creating our class.

Feeling like a failure class is unbearable and deceiving our class with worthless, unworkable skills and mechanics, are just too painful to bear.

(sorry for the rant but sometimes it is the only choice in getting attention, especially in the poor struggling state our class is in)

-thanks for reading-

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Lover's System?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I’m def. in favor for the lover’s system.

i know this is a bit of topic, this remind me of Gwen and Keiran Thackeray wedding celebration, in Guild Wars.. it was so beautiful and wonderful.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Unjust, Punishment (2x) 4 being staff Ele :(

in Elementalist

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


what did the OP say before he deleted it?

Short version:

I feel Elementist are being unjustly punished twice, for equipping staff, and on top of that; being punished to wait almost forever to switch attuments.

Since Elementalist don’t have weapon swap like other classes other than engineers, i felt Elementist class should have shorter cool-down in their staffs including in their attunements.

Each class weapons, have their cool-down, there should not be any need of having additional cool-down or long cool-down, in the elementalist attunement, alongside with their staffs.

So, i am encouraging to reduce attunements long cool-down or to complete eliminate them from the elementalist class., or better, eliminate staff cool-downs altogether and have only 1 utility cool-down; attuments .

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Unjust, Punishment (2x) 4 being staff Ele :(

in Elementalist

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Only 1 word needs to be said: Burnfail

fail by speaking the truth?, yet, you are an Elementalist??

No, for speaking absolute nonsense.

yet the evidence are clearly presented to you?

Simply i don’t understand your opposition, when i’m supporting your class based on my experience.

And also, nonsense or not, why would you appose any suggestions in helping your class to be better?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Unjust, Punishment (2x) 4 being staff Ele :(

in Elementalist

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Only 1 word needs to be said: Burnfail

fail by speaking the truth?, yet, you are an Elementalist??

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

[ANET] Not trying to flame, please answer

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Op, i agree with Dreary Yew and i also encourage you to post in the general discussion.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

LFG "No Rangers"

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573



as already stated it’s not something new to our class; appreciate you for posting it though..

I see that all the time; the sad truth, that is why i do runs with guildies.. less discrimination and prejudice.

The unfortunate reality truth is, i don’t blame them much for hating our class because we were created to be treated this way.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Complete list of nerfs since release

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


You know what thief class!!, all the other classes been asking for; in the past 15 months?, is to just have counter measures against your mechanics"… that’s all!!.

Was that too much to ask?

Yet thinks otherwise.

In other word, Don’t Blame us for nerfing your class, Blame as the sole responsible party for intentionally allowing your class to break the game and causing hatred, animosity, grudge, retaliation, malice, spitefulness, disgust, greed, lust for total power, lust for total control, greed. and injustice, among ourselves.

As the saying goes, "why blame a blind man for not seeing, when in fact you are the one who took his eyes"

once more…….

We are not to be blamed or is responsible for your Broken class

(if we were to be responsible for your class and its creation; with some minor tweaking, we would make you similar to your kin, The Assassin . .


no more unjust wars

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Strongest 1 vs. 1 class?

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


thief; of course.. perma stealth a.k.a resetting fights; you get the picture, warriors and phantom mes.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Stealth Should be the Reward

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Take a close look at this; Guide to thief Infinite Stealth also while in zerg?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Stealth Should be the Reward

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


if you start making penalties on stealth for thieves… the whole class will become useless.

I keep hearing this but im sure all most of the people saying this havent read most if not all of the OP;

Thieves need other ways of defense that doesnt involve being annoying, and imho they already are ok without constant stealth since they have a LOT of teleports and evades, but if needed, increase them. The class is supposed to be an acrobat, not a jehovas witness at 9am on a Sunday at your door

totally hilarious and true.


Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Future Profs./Class. been here all along??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573



First, every concept art in guild wars 2, are wonderfully designed but there are 2 which i believe, in my opinion, are the most beautifully designed concept arts i’ve seen in mmo’s.


Whoever team or person that or who designed them, deserves the most honorable highest reward.

So lets get started…

Finally i’m so excited to share my excitement with the community with what i think and believe are the long waited future class and profession we’ve all been eager waiting for…hopefully.

Yes, they have been upon us far too long, so let’s hope will confirm this.

And yes, and again, i do know they are concept arts but i’m hoping they are more than that to what will soon come. I leave room for you guys (the community) to share your thoughts, mind and ideas about them.


1. ( Brisban Wildlands)
I’m proudly to introduce.. The Summoner

2. (Twighlight Arbor)
I’m proudly to introduce the …….. i leave this up to you guys


Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

I hate thieves !!!

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I miss Assassins.

same here; it was Balanced for sure.

I can’t tell if that’s sarcastic or not.

I’m serious

Assassins were the true thieves in the previous life; having no stealth, having no invincibility, having no power of time, having no power of control.

Here.. In this present life, thieves are eternal beings, having everything in their full control at any given time, at any given moment!!.

Who Dare question the God of Time!!

Who Dare question the God of Control!!

Who Dare express Hatred toward the Ultimate God!!

Dare I say, No one!!

Now… run for your petty lives and await your instant silent death

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Who is the easy target ?

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Another ranger

thank you!

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

I hate thieves !!!

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


How many more threads and posts will it take, for to finally balance this class?

500? = little
5,000?= too little
5,000,000= not even close
5,000,000,000= Never

Case Closed

(always remember; every nerf to this class, are an excuse to not rework this class)

you will see… again

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

I hate thieves !!!

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I miss Assassins.

same here; it was Balanced for sure.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Experiences as a Glass LB in 48 Fracs

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Since day 1, I felt hunger for our blood; why? you ask.


To shed our innocent blood.

(they’ve already shed our companion blood, now..they’re in the hunt, until our blood is shed)

Why do you think we are always the first to be preyed on, by everyone, including

As the saying goes, ‘the innocent, are always first to be sacrificed by the hand of blood thirsty men’

In other word, Rangers were made to bleed to death… our final end.. is to be Sacrifice.

(Short bow or no Long bow, glass or no glass, melee or no melee, kicked or not kicked, will not change anything for us, will not prevent our shortcoming)

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

A Way to solve the Pet Problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


When pets are on passive they give a random Effect to the RANGER for example,

Jaguar = " +5% dmg, "
Jungle cat = " 50% on hit to grant might "
Snow leopard = " Chance to do chill and condition duration increased"
Drake Ice Drake = " attacks do chill "
Drake Salamander = " attacks do fire dmg "
Drake River = " attacks have 20% chance to cause lightning strike"
Drake Reef = " Attacks cause confusion"
Polar Bear = " Gain Vitality and chance to chill "
Brown/ black Bear = " Gain Vitality and toughness "
Eagle / Hawk = "Bleeds are 10% more effective "
Raven = " chance to blind on Hit "
Devourer = " Attacks have a chance to hit twice"
Moa = " Gain Random Boon per 10sec"
Wolf= " Crowd controll are 20% more effective"
Pig = " gain Healing power"
Warthog = " gain precision"
Boar = " gain power"
Siamoth = " gain condition dmg "

What do you guys think? they are sort of like Preparations from Gw1.

the pet will always be visible, but not active. soo it stays true to the ranger Bio. " has a companion pet"

just gives us a chance in pvp and pve to not lose efficiency, due to the pet dieing or causing issues

In memory of rangers Guild wars .

As the saying goes, ‘always remember the good times, while it lasts; until Guild wars 2…’

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)