Showing Posts For Burnfall.9573:

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Thanks to this VID-OP for giving us a perfect example of all that is wrong with stealth and chain stealth.

Also this is not just a sPVP problem, the problem is a lot more compounded in WvW as you can see in the video.

Now, has a blueprint as to how to approach it, probably, maybe, finally fix this broken mechanic.


Maybe provide proper counterplay, just a thought.

" The probability that we may fail in the struggle ought not to deter us
from the support of a cause we believe to be Just

Once again,

Another exposure of Disgrace.

-Stealthing off walls(evidence show that it was nerfed but was immediate reverted), Perma-Stealth(so called Patch Nerf), God Mode (nothing new here), where does it end?

As long refuses to admit and take immediate action against this class, more Truth-bearers will expose their wrongdoings.

Worst of all,

Many of my server players has reportedtheir wrongdoings spreading to other mmo’s game forums.

YouTube, Reddit, Guild Wars 2 and others, has enough evidence to support them.

Once again, far too long…..we the community concerns has been Intentionally Ignored, Rejected, Ridiculed and Mocked and thrown under the rug.

How many more Truth-bearers needed for our concerns to be taken seriously?

How many more Truth-bearers needed for immediate action to be taken against this class?

Rework Thief Class!

Rework Warrior Class!


Risk more exposure


Risk losing your community.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Where Are All The Devs?

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Good question Op, i’ve had asked the same question and so far, no one answered me..

What i think where all the devs are?

I believe the devs are active, present and closely watching us. I believe, they are being sanction to not conversate with us because we are threat to their Prosperity.

Remember long ago, we were told that we were the Minority of Guild Wars 2 community?

Guess what? I believe they underestimated us.

so what steps they’ve taken since?

They are being very careful and secretive of not releasing any informative conversation for the sake of continuing jeopardizing Guild Wars 2 Prosperity and Fate.

I now don’t blame them for being so.

Because at this rate, it looks very bad in their financial revenue and for Guild Wars 2 Prosperity. has a very, very long list of our concerns in their hand and if they want to preserve Guild Wars 2 Integrity and Future, they must take immediate action now.!!

Our real problem, then, is not our strength today; it is rather the vital necessity of action today to ensure our strength tomorrow "

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

eliminate stealth stomping in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


This is the only mmo in the mmo market where this is allowed.

Even upcoming and future mmo’s Does Not and Will Not incorporate this Tyrannic and Unjust system.


what is Guild Wars 2 Justification for incorporating it?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Suggestion: Easy Swap Between Alt Weapon Sets

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573



Guild Wars never incorporated a control and punishing system for swapping weapons.

Not only Guild Wars 2 has implemented this controling and punishing system in skills, and utilities, they also included it on swapping weapons: which i find very Ridiculous and Unfair to begin with.

Why add cool downs to skills, and utilities and than add cool downs to swapping weapons.


30 seconds cool down for swapping rangers pets?


Example: it’s like getting a ticket for speeding and getting another ticket for driving the car?


what is wrong with this picture?

Instead of giving the players the Freedom of Controlling their Fate, Destiny and their Survival, they are are reminded that they are being controlled and enslaved by a tyrannic, unjust and unfair system.

By the way, has already hard-coded this system in the system,

If you want the truth, here’s the Truth

If you want an easy weapon swapping game and mmo with no cool downs, you will not find it here.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Stealth Thieves Still OP

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573



I Appreciate you of coming forward to this critical matter and i also would like to encourage others to also come forward to stand with our cause of Fairness and Justice for the sake of Guild Wars 2 Integrity.

The more truth bearers we have in exposing the truth, the more will have no choice but to stand with us and put an end to our unjust and our unfair treatments by this loose cannon Tyrant class: Thief.

Because at the moment, i feel is defending and sheltering them, and laughing, enjoying our pain and suffering by them. They continue to Blame us Innocent: victim class for being the abusers and the oppressors .

We must remind this tyrant of our forefather Guild War’s vision and mission of enforcing Order, Liberty, Justice and Fairness of Guild Wars Integrity.

I Promise that Order, Liberty, Justice, Fairness and Change will be restored, once after all.

The end of the Punishment of the innocent is near.

The end of Blaming and Accusing the Innocent is near.

The end of Unjust, Unfair Maltreatments of the innocent is near.

The end of Tyranny and Oppression is near.

Embrace yourself Thief 1.0

Restoration is coming.

Change is coming,

Justice is coming

Order is coming,

-Awake -



Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Guild Wars 2 Network Lag., Please! fix it

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

[PvP]Runes of Strength, The cookie cutter

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Let me give you an example Op:

Jakie always had the need of speed, of driving fast cars. So one day she finally decided to buy one: instead of borrowing from friends. As she was shopping in the car dealership, she noticed a devil beauty: the Venom GT: the world fastest car ever to be built with 270mph.. Her heartbeat accelerated of the excitement, so she wasted no time to buy it and drove it out of the car dealership.

She unleashed her devil beauty as she hit the highway: 50 mph, 80mph, 100mph, 150 mph, 200 mph, 250 mph, finally 270 mph…..than there was complete silence.

“Ma’am, Ma’am…….Ma’am are wake up”, said the paramedic.

Jakie never regain conscience.

Who is to Blame?

Jakie or The Venom GT?

Who is to Blame?

The Class or The Rune?

Who is to Blame?

The abuser or the victim?

Who is to Blame?

Only You

The Abuser

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

[Guide] WvW Shatter Post Patch 5/11/2014

in Mesmer

Posted by: Burnfall.9573



Quite impressing!

Good Job!

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Remove stealth downing!!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Valid post Op.

I had a interesting experience in wvw yesterday, here goes…

I didn’t know i was being chased by an enemy thief until i was 2 shotted down by 13k heartseeker+13k backstab.

As always, i surrendered my body: without putting up a fight and waited for my death: seriously, what’s the point of trying once they go into stealth?

Than the enemy female thief proceeded to stand on top of my body and laughed, mocked me.

10 seconds remaining seconds left before the the shadows of death embrace me; the enemy thief chatted with me and told me how i was brave and humble. She permitted me to regain my health, so i did with caution.

Once i regain health: i hid my pet: in sign of non-aggressiveness and was left in shock.

I thanked the enemy female thief for giving me a 2nd chance, she smiled and teleported away.

We continued to chat and discussed how ridiculous stealth and the stealth downing system is, including many other things.

She than encourage me to join her server and her guild with one exception; “delete ranger class (laughs) and play thief class” .

She said if i consider, she and her guild of 2,000 members, will train me to be a Killer Assassin thief.

So there..

Even an enemy thief player sees something wrong with this ub-fair, un-just and un-balanced mechanic and class (why not?).

How is this called “Balance”?

How is this not a Problem?

It give UnFair advantage to Stealth class/s while Punishing Non-Stealth Classes ,

Eliminated this mechanic once and for the sake of the Gods: rework/redesign the broken thief class

" It’s a new day, Yesterday’s failure is redeemed at the sunrise

Redeem The Thief Class!!

once and for all!

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

[PvP]Runes of Strength, The cookie cutter

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Everyone has EQUAL access to runes, sigils, armors and so forth.

Seriously, what is wrong with some of us in the community ?

Why not complain about Not having Equal Access to things we don’t have; like stealth, invisible, invulnerability, Perm-Everything and God Mode, like the Thief class, like the Warrior class and like the Elementalist class ?

Stop Punishing our Freedom To Equal Access !!

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Yesterday something strange happened; while regaining health in stealth during downed state by a party thief, an enemy thief was able to kill me, while i was in stealth by my party thief.

How is this possible?

We discussed this matter with the server members and they all found that strange and impossible.


i feel that cares less about balancing/redesigning/reworking this class.

oh well!!

there are other mmo’s and new mmo’s companies in the market who cares about Balance

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

List The Best Commander or Your Favorite

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Interesting thread.

To me, i don’t have Favorites or Best commanders; I don’t believe in Favoritism to begin with.

Favoritism only result in Failure and Loss

I don’t think having Favorite commanders qualifies success or prosperity, what qualifies success and prosperity for any commanders is: using good judgement, having positive attitude, common sense, good communication with the group… being confident to any circumstance, sincere, respectful, humility, focused on the goal, cooperative in getting everyone working together to attain success, helping and providing strategic support to the group, and most importantly, cooperating in getting along with everyone: no matter what.

That to me is a Commander

Just because we choose one to be our favorite, doesn’t mean we think all other commanders are bad…

No one out there is perfect. People have flaws based on how they deal with things… I’d stick with the one I belive that deal better with each situation. But it also doesn’t mean he is perfect, and not everyone in my server agree that he is the best just because I think he is…

Really, you never had a childhood hero? I can say we are somewhat doing the same here…

I described the Duties and Responsibilities of Commandership. Where in it did i offend you or other commanders? Where in it did i sought Perfectiveness? Is not seeking Favoritism, is seeking Perfectiveness?

I’m confused??

As a child i had heroes, now as an adult, I see each of them as being unique and special, in their own wonderful ways.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

List The Best Commander or Your Favorite

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Interesting thread.

To me, i don’t have Favorites or Best commanders; I don’t believe in Favoritism to begin with.

Favoritism only result in Failure and Loss

I don’t think having Favorite commanders qualifies success or prosperity, what qualifies success and prosperity for any commanders is: using good judgement, having positive attitude, common sense, good communication with the group… being confident to any circumstance, sincere, respectful, humility, focused on the goal, cooperative in getting everyone working together to attain success, helping and providing strategic support to the group, and most importantly, cooperating in getting along with everyone: no matter what.

That to me is a Commander

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Stealth Thieves Still OP

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


It’s so sad for me, one GW1 player from the start to read this posts.

I started GW2 from beta, and I notice from the start the unbalancing between professions.

How can a company that was always worried with the balance between professions in GW1, produce this caricatures in GW2?

Mighty Ice Arrow, here is the truth

The Arena.Net you and us know are near extinction: only 1 remaining:The President of

There are so many different stories of how the old Arena.Net members left but what is important is this: the we have here. apposes all rules and sacrifices of their Forefathers Arena.Net.

You are correct, Arena.Net was Passionate about Rules, implimenting a Fair, Just System, Balanced Design, Mechanics and especially Passionate and Attentive to their community needs and concerns.

The we have are the complete opposite. Their Passion is implementing a Unfair, Unjust system which not only apposes all rules, design, mechanics and Balance of Arena.Net but intentionally ignoring their community concerns and attentiveness toward important critical matters..

One example: 2 Years later: same constant Crashes, System Freezes, Lags, hackers: the lists goes on….

seriously, nothing new here.

Another example is the warrior class, oh my! i don’t know where to start. All i will say is this, the Warrior class is the substitute of all the classes,

I said it right!!!

Warrior Class Is The Subsistent For All The Classes.

Oh i almost forgot this part: this class can stun you for 8-30+ seconds using just a hammer..

Yes,you heard it right! just for using a hammer: you will be instantly near perma stun lock and it’s game over.

You already see what’s wrong this picture: no need to go on.

Yet another example, i bring you the Elementalist class: no need for a Guardian class: this class have it all. Talk about it, if you do not see this as problometic, try their 2 single shotted bursts with instant death aoe’s.

Oh! did you know they were given a Invincibility, Invulnerability Mechanic called Diamond Skin?

Yes that’s right! it makes them invincible, Invulnerable to everything.

A Invincibility, Invulnerability class mechanic in Guild Wars 2?

No way!!

Yes way!

Lastly, is the thief class; 2 years later, we the community implored to to balance/redesign and redo this class due to their unfair, unjust advantage among the classes but once again, looked the other way.

In return, we the community have lost yet still losing, more, many and many great wonderful players and guilds due to this.

Forget about learning and experiencing, it’s all about the easy way out.

But don’t call that cheating or abuse or else you will get Punished: Infracted, Banned

So there…

That’s the cross we the community must carry, for wanting a Fair, Just System and for asking for better communication with

In Remembrance to our Forefather, Godspeed

Guild Wars

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

New player from GW1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


As a fellow GW1 vet, I need to inform you that GW2 is completely different than GW1 and nothing feels similar. No class plays like it did in GW1. No class has the defined roles they had in GW1. So throw everything you liked about GW1 out the window, it does not apply in GW2.

Warrior is all around better than Necro. Necro is a very selfish class that does a lot to buff itself but not much to buff its allies. Warrior is superior in group play.

Build variety is virtually non-existent in GW2. There really isn’t much you can play around with at all. Compared to GW1, might as well say it just isn’t even there.

Population is good. You’ll have plenty of people to play with. Only thing you need to worry about is WvW server population. Do some research, pick one based off things you think you’ll like.

You’re right on with everything: honest, sincere and truthful.

Well Done!

(Op, “if you want the truth: here it is, if you don’t want the truth: you will be left with disappointment” )

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Why we hear nothing but Silence from ANet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Look, it’s okay to have criticisms about the game. I have my own. Trust me, people on my guild’s Teamspeak channel are often privy to some angry ranting about this game.

That said, a lot of the good feedback on these forums is totally obscured by dozens of angry hyperbole. Whatever you think of Megaserver, it is not destroying the game. It is not the worst thing ArenaNet has ever done. It is not so broken that the only option is to immediately remove it. They did not do it to save tons of money because the game is failing.

Chill. Out.

If this community doesn’t police its own worst offenders, it will remain a toxic pool of discontent. We’ve seen great examples of self-regulating our members within the CDI posts. Bringing that same attitude to the entire forum would be a great first step at helping developers be comfortable enough to post here regularly.

We need to build trust with them first. Trust is earned. We aren’t earning it .

“Bringing that same attitude to the entire forum would be a great first step at helping developers be comfortable enough to post here regularly ".

If i’m hearing you right?

what are you talking about?

There are multi-tude of that in the forums and you guess what?, still remain silent.

“If this community doesn’t police its own worst offenders, it will remain a toxic pool of discontent”

Let me get this straight, it is Duty to communicate with their player base and resolve the problems that they may have.

As a Company to an employee, it is the Company Respnsibility to communicate to their employess. Toxic or not: Communication help the Company know the needs of their employees and Resolving any problems that they may have

Is it the employee responsibility to help the employer “feel comfortable” to being an employer?

As a Parent to a child, it is the Parent Responsibility to communicate to their child. Toxic or Not: Communication help the Parent know their child and Resolving their child problems that they may have

Is it the child responsibly to “help his/her parent feel comfortable” to being a Parent ?

To you, the reason why (the Parent, the Company) do not communicate and resolve our concerns and problems is because we made them feel uncomfortable and that we are toxic?

In other word, we failed in becoming their slaves servants and their programmable robots…




…You’re the reason we can’t have nice things. -_-

Developers are still people, paid or not. Would you want to be on the back end of all this virtual garbage people are spewing? No.

So learn how to be productive. That will open the dialog between gamers and developers, and give them much less digital poo they have to sort through to find good ideas they can incorporate into their game design.

Geez. :\

it is Burnfall- he is kind of known on the forums for speaking in prophetic/ not sure what the term is, terms.

hi Burnfall- /wave

hi Morrigan /wave back

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


just repost my post from another thread so there might be some formatting errors and the responses might seem to be irrelevant!

just my 2 cents to several posts so far.

1. why am i (are we) playing thief?

someone mentioned he wants to play against players who wants to fight them fair and square. that’s not what the thief is about! simple as that. a thief is a pain in the a**, a rat that demoralise the enemy, fighting unfair and dirty and thats what i (we) like about that profession. we don’t care to fight 1v1 in honor we want to be the most possible nuisense to our enemy and to kill him. otherwise i wouldn’t have picked the thief as my profession in the first place.

2. spamming the same abilities over and over.

yeah that can happen if the situation is rewarding you for it why shouldn’t you?
but mostly that’s the difference between mediocre and good players.
i think there are enough posts/threads about this so far so my advise too all those anti-thief guys: play a thief yourself in spvp for a month. after that i guess 90% won’t argue anymore….

but i agree that some weapon skills and their synergy doesn’t feel right atm and could need a rework

3. INVIS OP!!!!

i have to say invis in GW2 is broken, but far away from OP.
most stealth skills have with traited shadow arts 4 seconds of invis. during this 4 sec the thief is most likly going to hit on you seems very predictable isnt it? and to a decent player it’s also manageable to dodge, block etc. the incoming attack.

whats broken about it tho?…. it doesn’t serve it’s original propose:

insteat of making the thief unpredictable for an amount of time it makes him pretty predictable during stealth.
stealth is way too short to actually be used to find an opening to engage a “prey” you can’t make any real distance with it (excl. SR) and too short to disengage the fight if you want so. therefore it is “spammable” or let’s say more precise it’s useable quite often during the fight, and here is the real problem in my eyes.

Neither our enemy wants us to get invis every 3 seconds for 3 secs nor we want to use this over and over again till we finally are able to land with enough DMG.

make invis/stealth an out of combat mechanic only. i think the best system regarding stealth is the system Blizzard uses in WoW.
invis should be to engage (no cd, but only outofcombat) and to disengage (usable during combat, but with decent cd).

the moment you decide to engage you can’t disengage and reengage 5 seconds later and than again and again and again untill you feel like finishing your enemy.
you completly rule the pace of the fight and that’s what the QQ’ers are hating on.

stealth should’t be in your skillrotation. it should be your initiate and your last resort to escape. with the option to play mindgames and use the “retreat invis” to reengage again once!

you either choose wisly and you are able to finish your enemys off > reg > keep going onto the next “prey” or you choose poorly and you lose the fight. you still have the ability to disengage with your infight invis, but than you have to risk not having it the next time you make a go or wait long enough to get it from cd again. so it is more about decision making which increases the skillcap to be more effective/effecient with stealth and it reduces the need of counterplay to it.

just a possible change to the skills regarding above:

-Hide in the shadows: instead of making you invis, it grants you the same state as mistform for 3 secs.
-CnD: gives you the abillity to use the stealthskill without being invis for 3 secs.
-Smokebomb: this could be the CD infight invis i mentioned above.
-Shadow refuge: instead of giving invis to you and your allies give them boons (protection and reg f.e.) and add a condition cleanse to it.
-Shadowtrap: i think this can stay that way, even if it makes you invis.

the smoke combo field needs a rework than but i think Anet can think of solutions by themseves if they would consider it as a possible change to stealth.

Well said.

these good suggestions would help in the redesign/rework of thief class.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

13k Backstabs are toxic, PERIOD.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


" The essence of all art is to have pleasure in giving pleasure ".

Take a look at this Precious Master Piece


Take a good look at this Disgraceful Master Piece

The Time Is Now, To Make This Art Piece Precious And Pleasant

Redesign/Rework this class.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Nerf Wish list

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


hi thief class, (no smile until your class is redesign/reworked)

A temp remedy: self inflicted anti-perma-stealth remedy?

Someone mentioned something quite interesting today, "thieves can have all the stealth they want but in return, if they remain more than 5-7 seconds in stealth, they will suffer with conditions in which will reset their stealth to 10-45 seconds.

In other word, if a thief remain more than 5-7 seconds in stealth, they will automatically suffer self inflicted conditions which will break them out of stelth and must wait 10-45 seconds to regain stealth.

This would prevent the thief from perma-stealthing.

Your thoughts????

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Why we hear nothing but Silence from ANet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Look, it’s okay to have criticisms about the game. I have my own. Trust me, people on my guild’s Teamspeak channel are often privy to some angry ranting about this game.

That said, a lot of the good feedback on these forums is totally obscured by dozens of angry hyperbole. Whatever you think of Megaserver, it is not destroying the game. It is not the worst thing ArenaNet has ever done. It is not so broken that the only option is to immediately remove it. They did not do it to save tons of money because the game is failing.

Chill. Out.

If this community doesn’t police its own worst offenders, it will remain a toxic pool of discontent. We’ve seen great examples of self-regulating our members within the CDI posts. Bringing that same attitude to the entire forum would be a great first step at helping developers be comfortable enough to post here regularly.

We need to build trust with them first. Trust is earned. We aren’t earning it .

“Bringing that same attitude to the entire forum would be a great first step at helping developers be comfortable enough to post here regularly ".

If i’m hearing you right?

what are you talking about?

There are multi-tude of that in the forums and you guess what?, still remain silent.

“If this community doesn’t police its own worst offenders, it will remain a toxic pool of discontent”

Let me get this straight, it is Duty to communicate with their player base and resolve the problems that they may have.

As a Company to an employee, it is the Company Respnsibility to communicate to their employess. Toxic or not: Communication help the Company know the needs of their employees and Resolving any problems that they may have

Is it the employee responsibility to help the employer “feel comfortable” to being an employer?

As a Parent to a child, it is the Parent Responsibility to communicate to their child. Toxic or Not: Communication help the Parent know their child and Resolving their child problems that they may have

Is it the child responsibly to “help his/her parent feel comfortable” to being a Parent ?

To you, the reason why (the Parent, the Company) do not communicate and resolve our concerns and problems is because we made them feel uncomfortable and that we are toxic?

In other word, we failed in becoming their slaves servants and their programmable robots…




Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Serious Griefing being done at Lyssa

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


This remind me of how new players being punished and being treated as ‘2nd class cititzen’ , ‘outcast’(not saying the Op is new) for just learning, experiencing on their own, which is heartbreaking.

Just yesterday, a guild of 140 members walked away from this game also due to these unjust treatments

“It’s either you play by their rules or die”

As many had already stated, everyone are entitled to have Choices, Not being Punished and Mistreated for choosing to learn, experience on your own.


what is going on with this game?

how is this healthy for the prosperity of the game?

how will toxic design mechanic help the prosperity of the game?

wasn’t your vision for guild wars 2 was about explorations and experiences?’’

when did bribery became part of that vision?

What is going on here

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Too punishing for new players

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Interesting thread.

I have an announcement to make, a 140 new players guild called it quits today.

They pretty much were wvw focused and couldn’t take the mess, the nonsense in wvw anymore.

From thief, warrior and ele being “Fathers of God Mode Trinity class” and how lost touch with balancing their game and helping their players needs.

They felt as the Op suggested including others that Guild Wars 2 does not offer fairness whatsoever unless you play a OP thief, Op warrior and Op ele: and that wvw has too many Lazy and Cheating Modes: stealth, teleports and clones. .

“Why all the cooldowns? Everything has cooldowns? Even swapping weapons has cooldowns” ," How is this an action mmo with having all these cooldowns" ? “How would it feel to wait(cooldown) to swap weapons in a action game? Who in their right mind would call that an action game” ?

“Guild wars 2 has the worst cooldown mechanic in mmo’s history, totally pathetic”

They also told me how much a joke this game is when it comes to diversity and balance.. “Guild Wars 2 is a mmo about God Mode with Breaking All Rules Mode, that’s all”


They told me that this is the worst experience in mmo history they’ve had and also how is the worst of company when it comes to fixing their game and cairng and helping their playerbase with problems and issues..

“Guild wars 2 is a sinking ship which is on the verge of sinking to the bottom”.

They suggest me to..

“Leave before their ship hit rock bottom”

so there..

Thanks! for Punishing New Players

" No one should be Punished for the Wrongdoing of others "

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Where Are All The Devs?

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


" Knowing without action is merely a dream, Willing without action is merely a vision "

" Silence is Golden when action is applied "

Encouragement to,

Knowing our concerns is not enough.

Willing to do something about it, is not enough.

Applying Action is.

Once and for all,

Apply Action to your community concerns

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Thief overpowered? Then why....

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


when did i ever mention playing the game?

Well guys, the thief became so OP that even people not playing the game are buying accounts on GW2 to QQ about it.

and yet i am quickly moving away from playing the game.

Aside from the standard l2p solutions, yeah that’s another solution.

“Well guys, the thief became so OP that even people not playing the game are buying accounts on GW2 to QQ about it.”.

I was being sarcastic.


I see that you enjoy tormenting those whose Cause differ than yours?

“and yet i am quickly moving away from playing the game”.

This time i wasn’t.

A word of advice to Thief Class:

Embrace Yourselves

" When Justice Is Done, It Brings Joy To The Righteous But Terror To Those Who Commits Injustice "

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Thief overpowered? Then why....

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Swagg, " Thief is overpowered because it serves a role that doesn’t need to exist in a game without a dedicated healer or damage-mitigation class. GW2 wasn’t built for pure classes. An argument could be made that pure classes are a burden on any MMO altogether. In any case, Thief outright shouldn’t be in GW2 because it breaks a lot of common rules that go into balancing combat.

Very well said.

Even these mmo’s in the market: Wow, Rift, A.A, Tera, P.W, B.S, R.O.M, A.C, D.C.U.O, L.O.R., FF14, including furure mmo’s: Bless, Titan, Black Desert, E.Q, L.O etc…..

Do Not violate balance and common rules for Balance.

except this one,

Guild Wars 2

How does Guild Wars 2 stand a chance against them?

They all know the consequence of not abiding by the balance rules and common rules.

They all know the consequence of ignoring the community main concerns.

Why us Guild Wars 2 choosing the path of self-destruction?

and yet here you are playing the game.

and yet i am quickly moving away from playing the game.

Why settle for the same theatrics?

by the way,

when did i ever mention playing the game?

Also, why play a game that intentionally ignore their community concerns ?

What make any one think a New rabbit will come out of the hat?

If anyone don’t know the answer, here’s a hint…

The Same Rabbit/ The Same Deception and Lie since day 1

Enjoy watching the same prerecorded show.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Thief requires serious redesign.

in PvP

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


You are not alone Op. For 2 years many of us had requested this but resulted in nothingless.
I would like to pass-on to you and many whose hoping for a change that, don’t bother making any request or directing concerns to this matter that care not about our concerns.
I was told that i and many others are playing the wrong game and need to Not HOPE and CARE anymore. That, if i and others need a game in which concerns are cared for and problems are taken into account, including having a game system which abide by rules to go somewhere else
That, GuildWars 2 is a game which breaks all rules and justifies them in the name of “Balance”.

So there..

I leave it in your hand including others to take this into seriousness.
We must take a stand for the better.
Guild Wars 2 is against Upholding The Rules
Again. if we want a game which cares values their community concerns than this game is not for us.

why do you think the same hackers, the same rule breakers remain and find safe haven in this game?
Seriously, think about it!
Rule Breaking make this game attractive and vulnerable to them.


Continually reporting them will get you Banned

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Guild Alliances on Upcoming Patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Once again i can another community concern ‘going under the rug’ (thief class and war class redesign/rework, same bugs/lags/crashes…)

oh well!

While it lasts……….

OP, Thanks for exposing the concerns.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Feedback regarding Conditions

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I will ask again, between these two: Bursts and Conditions.

1. Which one of them do more damage?

2. Which one of them do you die more to?

3. Which one of them do you have more chances of surviving?

2 Years while maining a lesser ranger class, i can easily answer all them with both eyes closed.

1. Bursts.
2. Bursts
3. Bursts



Remove all conditions from all classes excluding Necromancer, Engineer and Ranger.

End conditions free cards to undeserving classes.

End of complaints.!

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Thief overpowered? Then why....

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Swagg, " Thief is overpowered because it serves a role that doesn’t need to exist in a game without a dedicated healer or damage-mitigation class. GW2 wasn’t built for pure classes. An argument could be made that pure classes are a burden on any MMO altogether. In any case, Thief outright shouldn’t be in GW2 because it breaks a lot of common rules that go into balancing combat.

Very well said.

Even these mmo’s in the market: Wow, Rift, A.A, Tera, P.W, B.S, R.O.M, A.C, D.C.U.O, L.O.R., FF14, including furure mmo’s: Bless, Titan, Black Desert, E.Q, L.O etc…..

Do Not violate balance and common rules for Balance.

except this one,

Guild Wars 2

How does Guild Wars 2 stand a chance against them?

They all know the consequence of not abiding by the balance rules and common rules.

They all know the consequence of ignoring the community main concerns.

Why us Guild Wars 2 choosing the path of self-destruction?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

theif still op

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Thief is the least of your worries. PU condi mesmer or even just PU is OP. Warriors in full cavalier, have fun with trying to tickle them to death.

Play power block mesmer interrupt heartseeker or CnD congrats you won the duel.

Why don’t you play thief and realise it’s not easy to manage initiative and to all the people who complain about heartseeker spam, it got nerfed and buffed at the same time.

All you QQers are the reason thief gets nerfed every single patch.

Without a redesign/rework of thief class, every “Nerf” this class get is a joke to us: the remaining class (excluding OP warrior).

why joke?

Perma-stealth, Perma-mobility, Perma-Everything, Unlimited Condition removal in stealth, OP Outrageous Bursts… will still remain.

do you get the joke now

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

13k Backstabs are toxic, PERIOD.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573



I really have to applaud your argument, but I do not think much will come out of this thread.

1) Right wrong or indifferent by singling out back stab you have a ton of posts of thieves getting very defensive (which cripples any kind of good solid debate).

2) Look at posts that got Devs attention and feedback
2a) Most were long and thought out, very logical, and brought a lot of numbers or examples.
2b) Allie was there, and she did a good job at providing feedback to salient posts.

3) Even if a dev did hear your plight, and agree it would be at least 3 months before another balance patch, and they may do a CDI first (Tyler Chapman promised a CDI for Elementalists for this year, so you can get an idea on the time tables).

Look I have tried to fight the good fight against the Devs balance and the forum poster (Trolls), in the end I was spending too much time on the forums or in game gathering data and not enough having fun which is what a game is supposed to be about.

I decided it was better for me to just leave for another game and pop my head back in every once and a while (really easy when GW2 has super big patches several months apart).

One day I am sure they will have class balance, they have changed so much of this game since launch, and they are not afraid to turn a lot of systems upside down in search for a better experience. I am, however, sure that such a fix will not be here anytime soon, at best 3 months, but I suspect much longer at this rate of patching.

Once again, Once more, Our concerns. continue to be ignored and ‘thrown under the rug’

Ex: Sometimes this is the only method used when our relationship show no care whatsoever for our concerns.

Like a singer says in a song, “You took my love for granted……you don’t know what you got… t’ill it’s gone”

Perhaps this is the only way for us and our concerns to be cared for, is to part ?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

theif still op

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573



I don’t blame you for having fun and enjoying your God Given class,

i seriously don’t

what is not fun and enjoyable is how we: the remaining classes: (excluding warrior),, were put here to be killed by you

we’ve waited too long,

no helper,

no comforter,

no one savior

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

theif still op

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


In support of my thief guild members; they want to remind everyone that, thieves will remain Op with their Perma-stealths for a very very very long time in this game.

And we the community must face the reality and move on to other stealth challenging and class balancing mmo’s who values their community concerns.

(2 years of false hope and deception, is enough for me to take that Great Opportunity).

why not!!

" When you slice the truth too thin, you deceive "

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


To thief players, why do no other mmo’s in the market Do Not and Refuse to accept and refuse to adopt Guild Warts 2 thief class Op balance philosophy?

Seriously think about it,

If Blizzard were to adopt thief class design, mechanic and Op balance philosophy in wow, what would happen to wow?

would they still remain at the tops spot in the mmo market?

would their player base remain the same?

would wow prosper?

In fact the guild i am in were discussing how wow players were making fun of guild war 2 thief and warrior class being the only 2 class in the entire game.


are they lying?

(don’t get me wrong, i do want guild wars 2 to prosper, but refusing to balance/redesign Op classes: especially these 2 class alongside with a OP balance philosophy for class balance, will not result in prosperity but only failure)

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

13k Backstabs are toxic, PERIOD.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Far too long i’ and many other had suggest to remake/redesign this class,. Well 2 years later..we were the joke,

Glad i wasn’t “delusional” or ‘making things up’ of thieves being OP/ hitting for 7k-20k damage: which i recently posted.

The Truth lives on yet denial fights on. Denial is what is killing this game and it is killing it very fast..

Even new mmo’s in the market doesn’t use this game Philosophy and Theory of Overly Overpoweredness being considered Balance.

It’s a pity, guild wars 2 would had greatly succeeded and prospered but……..

As i said before, guild wars 2 is the only game, mmo in the market which does not impliment counter to stealth,. Guild Wars 2 is the only game, mmo in the market that adapt this Silly, Outrageous Overly OverPowered System in defining their game/class balance.

where is the future in all of this?

this is why i miss the old from Guild Wars.

So many has said, "If the original with Guild Wars were to introduce a remake of Guild Wars to their new technology, not only would it greatly prospered but would give them a edge in the highest populated mmo market.

It is indeed sad where guild wars 2 population stand.

In conclusion,

I know a thing about Toxic, it will suddenly die a quick death.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Feedback regarding Conditions

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


What relation do warrior, thief, guardian and mesmer have with conditions?



Once and for all,

return conditions to their master: necromancer, ranger and engineer.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Thank Goodness Stealth Thieves Still Far OP

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


“dem OP Theifs nerf pl0x”
here’s the deal: backstabs do less dps than autoattacks now

Thats sad if true….though with how ferocity panned out I’d bet it’s actually the case

Anyone test this yet?

I think everyone has seen their crit dmg decrease, as expected. But i’m pretty lazy and i haven’t switched over from zerker to conditions yet. I’ve still been wvwing in my zerker gear and i’m still dropping fools like before the patch.

as for backstab being less dps than auto-attack…i dunno about that. Even with the nerf my backstabs are still hitting for 8k-10k.

It is reason like this i always quote the word “nerf” when given to thief class,

All day yesterday, i was getting hit with 7k-11k + damage by none other than thieves.


It’s true!

What’s New??

Oh wow!

“This class always gets “NERFED”

As the saying goes, “words are nothingness without action”

Since day 1,

till this day,

Thief Nerf,

Nothingness !

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Thank Goodness Stealth Thieves Still Far OP

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I’ve come to peace with thieves hitting for 7k-20k, but with perma-stealth, unacceptable

Guild Wars 2 is the only game..mmo in the market having no/zero counter to stealth and having Op class philosophy defining class balance.

My hope for guild wars 2 to survive will not be enough to save it.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

WvW changes on the feature patch... enough?

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Invincible Warriors with Unlimited mobility and Op bursts with Op hammer, Invincible Elementalists with Op defense and offense + Op healing; who needs a Guardian anyway?

Not too long ago, i was hit with thief 13k backstab, 7k heartseeker, 10k cloak and dagger.. how is this feature patch not enough?

With no counter to stealth, zero interest in balancing OP class, guild wars 2 will not stand a chance against mmo’s who refuse these OP mechanics in their game.

History tells us, having No counter to stealth and having God Mode philiosphy defining balance, will only result in FAILURE.

(imagine having WoW with guild wars 2 balance philosophy, would it prosper the way it is?)

of course not!

I will leave with this…

Warriors, Thieves and Elementaists remain Op, even after the feature patch.

As a person once told me, “as long our leaders continue protecting and providing weapons to the bad guys, there will never be peace”

There’s goes “balance”


((the feature patch only made them more OIP))

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

When will the patch go live?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I have a feeling that it will be delayed till tomorrow; due to bugs.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Is Thief One of the Weakest Classes In Game?

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


The strength of the Thief profession reflects the strength of the player using it. In the hands of weak players, Thieves are nothing but loot bags.

“In the hands of weak players, Thieves are nothing but loot bags”

u sure that’s accurate?

No learning curve requirements, None to very Low Cool-downs: Stealth Skills, Shadow Steps, Steal, Dual Skills and Initiatives..

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Thieves and stealth

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573



My world is a world of guild wars 2 having justice and equal opportunity for all.

Either you like it or not,

Either you accept it or not,

it will happen,


Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

[Ranger] too many mandatory traits.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


We rangers must not put ourselves in the same category as other classes having choices.

We rangers are Nature archetype, not an archetype by man choices. We do not seek wisdom from man but of nature, “Rangers are usually associated with the wisdom of nature”

“We are nature’s beauty: what is natural to nature is natural to us*.

What is natural?

“Natural means that which exists without intervention of the human species”.

why are rangers nature are being punished?

Why are rangers are prevented from being natural?

why are rangers forced to be enslave by this system choices?

This mandate choice system only forces rangers to go against their natural nature

The true nature of this mandate choice system is to unnaturalize, enslave exterminate our nature

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Let's Fix World vs World....

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I feel the Op have valid points and good reasonings. .

Once again, the way i see it, Guild Wars 2 system is design to give the Elite/Superior
unfair advantage and unconditional right and power to abuse and suppress the advantage of the lesser/weak.

How is this not a problem?

How is this Fair?


Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Thieves and stealth

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Ranger has stealth to, Ranger has antistealth spell, Ranger has rapid fire(autoaim spell vs invisible) and many other.

L2P your class, go and train your skill and you killing Thief on breakfest.

D: but what if….. the ranger doesn’t bring the anti-stealth and stealth skills….. what if he doesn’t use rapid fire as well as many other option…. Isn’t the thief OP then?

Anyways…. It’s kind of cute.
Also, you’re beating a dead horse, that’s turning into pulp into dust. (OP) Don’t think there’s been a single week where no one complained about stealth on any forums… x.X can people at least get more original…. like say something else is OP about the thief…

I love this game! It’s “pick the youtube video as evidence” game!

I got one…

^ RANGER TOO OP, nerf next patch PL0X…..

At 2:44, he even kills a warrior! So impressive… clearly OP.

I kind of like the music in the 2nd one over the commentary in the 1st one… :\
Btw you can find more if you search in youtube “<class> OP gw2” loads of videos as “evidence”.
(Btw, both are old videos, done by some randoms….)

Zero Day, both are indeed old videos and guess what?

Only one of them remain viable and un-nerfed.

guess which one it is?? i know you will deny it: again and again yet the Truth stand.

hints: Sword/Dagger, OP condition short bow, unbalanced/God-Mode/OP design. mechanics, utilities and traits, unlimited-area 360 degree teleporting position, perma-evades, perma/stealths, cheap-zero-low-skill class requirements..

Literally every skill on S/D (in PvP) has been nerfed except the autoattack. In fact, Sword #2 (IR) which that player was complaining about was specifically nerfed after that video was made.

The “unlimited 360 degree teleportation” is specially limited to places you can walk to and surfaces often contain features which prematurely end the shadowstep.

Please do some research or try playing the class yourself before you comment on something about which you have limited or skewed knowledge of.

By the way, once in stealth, thief is invulnerable to Every conditions

seriously, what is wrong with this picture?

Now can you see why they’re OP > Perma-Stealths> Perma-Invulnerabilities>God Mode

God Mode, " is a game mechanic or cheat that prevents the playing character from being harmed, sustaining damage and ultimately, dying.1 By contrast, invincibility or invulnerability etc..

“God Mode is an ability, often entered through a cheat code, that gives the player god-like abilities. God Mode usually imbues the player with the powers of invincibility. When included as a cheat code, God Mode has also been known to provide the player with certain abilities and effects beyond general invincibility "

see God Mode> warriors and elementalists

I do know my research and know thief class pretty well; i belong to a thief guild, isn’t that enough?

See Thief “Nerfs” > In PVP Only


Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Thieves and stealth

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Ranger has stealth to, Ranger has antistealth spell, Ranger has rapid fire(autoaim spell vs invisible) and many other.

L2P your class, go and train your skill and you killing Thief on breakfest.

D: but what if….. the ranger doesn’t bring the anti-stealth and stealth skills….. what if he doesn’t use rapid fire as well as many other option…. Isn’t the thief OP then?

Anyways…. It’s kind of cute.
Also, you’re beating a dead horse, that’s turning into pulp into dust. (OP) Don’t think there’s been a single week where no one complained about stealth on any forums… x.X can people at least get more original…. like say something else is OP about the thief…

I love this game! It’s “pick the youtube video as evidence” game!

I got one…

^ RANGER TOO OP, nerf next patch PL0X…..

At 2:44, he even kills a warrior! So impressive… clearly OP.

I kind of like the music in the 2nd one over the commentary in the 1st one… :\
Btw you can find more if you search in youtube “<class> OP gw2” loads of videos as “evidence”.
(Btw, both are old videos, done by some randoms….)

Zero Day, both are indeed old videos and guess what?

Only one of them remain viable and un-nerfed since than.

guess which one it is?? i know you will deny it: again and again yet the Truth stand.

hints: Sword/Dagger, OP condition short bow, unbalanced/God-Mode/OP design. mechanics, utilities and traits, unlimited-area 360 degree teleporting position, perma-evades, perma/stealths, perma-spams, cheap-zero-low-skill class requirements, only survivalist zerker class.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Thieves and stealth

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Ranger has stealth to, Ranger has antistealth spell, Ranger has rapid fire(autoaim spell vs invisible) and many other.

L2P your class, go and train your skill and you killing Thief on breakfest.

No!! you L2P your class.

You do not know a thing about how our class functions. Didn’t you know neither traps, nor sick-em (barely) works on a thief ?

Didn’t you know, rangers were designed to be easily killed by thieves ? I’m sure you didn’t know that one.


Did you know thieves can teleport of our entangle ?

Victim Blaming Thief, “we are the victims and rangers and everyone else, are the abusers”

" So it’s easy to blame the victim than to take responsibility for your actions " right?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

[Ranger] too many mandatory traits.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


The only game where rangers are not unique or diverse,, is this one.

When did any professions in any Game, MMO: beside this one, DARE match or equal to, or excel a ranger profession?

see> warrior and thief mechanics and designs
see thief short bow>
see warrior long bow>
see> who has the advantage than ranger
see> Guild Wars 2 Balance Philosophy

see- mmo’s who values and embraces rangers naturalistics without mandatories .

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Im coming back!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Thief, Warrior and Elementalist.

That’s all i have to say.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

[PvX] We Require More Anti-Stealth

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


This is a very misleading. You are asking for thief survivability to be buffed for compensation. But what you don’t realize is that a zerker thief has the highest survivability out of any zerker class, this includes the heavy classes like warrior and guardian as well.

The question is how can that be? Stealth and blinds. Not being hit is the best form of mitigation. If stealth was nerfed the compensation is for thief players to pick up a defensive trinket like cleric, soldier etc if they want to survive. This is what every other class has to do, why should thief be any different?

That is funny. No, thief has very little “mitigation”. Mitigation is a lessening of severity. What thief has to rely on is “Avoidance” but the difference here is that mitigation works all of the time while avoidance doesn’t. If avoidance fails, thieves suffer the full effects of the attack and must deal with it.

You take full damage in stealth and still suffer from conditions. The visual effect is what keeps you from getting hit so long as the enemy isn’t competent. Yes you can remove 1 condition every three seconds while in stealth but guess what, that’s the best we get.

Warrior can remove all conditions in 40 seconds or 3 in ~6 seconds, even get near immunity to a few. They got blocks, invulns, plenty of passive HPS, a utility that buffs vitality and toughness on top of having the highest base Health and armor the game provides. They can even take advantage of Superior Runes of the Soldier for even more mitigation.

And Warriors have been nerfed once… once. Why should every other profession be any different?

This is a good post to show the results of living in denial. You try to make it entirely about a totally different class in order to prove your point why thief doesn’t have broken mechanics.

What thief stealths and just sits in the same place? Once they stealth is the enemy has to play a guessing game with the direction they might of went. Are you suggesting that players are (or should be) psychic? And that by some divine power everyone should be able to intuitively feel where the thief is while stealth?

Well said.

Since day 1, thief class has been and still is in denial and blaming players/classes for everything, for all faults.

Victim Playing> Thief

- Withholding wrongdoing
- Countering any wrongdoing
- Ridiculing any exposure of the truth
- Diverting the truth
- Blaming the truth for everything that goes wrong
- Accusing the truth for not knowing how to play their class
- Belittling/Humiliating truth bearers
- Name Calling: anyone who disagree with their views and ideas.
- Undermining the truth; ’it’s "L2P ’ or ‘noob’
- Refusal To Accept Responsibility
- Denial Of The Truth

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)