Showing Posts For Chewablesleeptablet.3185:

Questions about Pricing and Payment [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


I agree, kitten price tag is ridiculous. Big PvE changes , but hey pve needed fixes and I say this expansion is a fix because it adds things to the game that should have been in the game at release.

1 new structured pvp mode. 1 new wvw map and no alterations to existing wvw maps.

$10-$20 reasonable price

Teeny Tiny Expansion

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


if u dont like dont buy it =)

How would I know if I like it if I haven’t tried it? To try this expansion I am forced to buy it. #mindblown

Did you buy this game knowing if you liked it? Generally people don’t.

Actually I did. Anet was very good at giving information on the game before it’s release. I liked the idea of dynamic events and open world no loot stealing.

I did not mind the lack of guild halls at release because I thought they would be added in some update. I did not mind the lack of structured pvp modes because I thought that those would be added in as well.

Most of these features in this “expansion” as I said before somewhere were actually supposed to be a part of the core game. Who says you ask? I says, and so do others.

Teeny Tiny Expansion

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


If you read my OP “What is being given(based on what colin calls major features)”

It means that my opinions on the subject right now are time sensitive. I will wait and see kitten many of you say. The details that will be given over the next months, or even year could persuade me to think other wise.

It is completely true right now that we won’t be seeing Living Story for a very long time. The evidence is that the latest living story is free to obtain until February 28th.

This could mean many things but I am leaning more towards Living Story will be no more and the business model for GW2 will turn into something akin to The Secret World.

I really am going to miss the free Living World. Almost two years worth of free content.

I’m not some hobo either so don’t make that assumption. I have spent money in the gem shop and I thought that would have been enough to fuel the production of more content.

Obviously some crazy people wanted an “expansion” instead. No more gem purchases from me. This expansion could have been just one big fat kitten in the middle of LA and ppl would drool.

Questions about Pricing and Payment [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


you guys are insane if you think its going to be over $30 . The major features we are getting are way too small. small details/fixes as well…..

$50 for an expansion? please. it kind of makes me feel stupid to even think it.

The Original Price for Guild Wars Factions was $40 and that was a standalone campaign with loads of new content, lore, 2 new professions and pvp modes!

$10 would be a reasonable price. Not joking at all.

(edited by Chewablesleeptablet.3185)

Teeny Tiny Expansion

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


if u dont like dont buy it =)

How would I know if I like it if I haven’t tried it? To try this expansion I am forced to buy it. #mindblown

The GvG situation

in WvW

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


I say keep the gvg traditional gw1 style.. 8v8 stronghold. 20v20 and 15v15 is mindless

“Stack, might , veil, drop aoe bomb, back up”

bring back solo arena

in PvP

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


I don’t know about you guys but when I solo in unranked arenas I always get a good balanced game win or lose. It is never a blowout 400-0 unless it is that crap deathmatch map called courtyard.

Teeny Tiny Expansion

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


We do not know the scope of Heart of Thorns yet.

Actually we do know the scope. Colin gave a speech in front of a crowd about it.

Teeny Tiny Expansion

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


The very reason that I don’t take this OP seriously is that he didn’t come back to see the replies. Just show that he thinks he is the god of Keyboard.

Like most of ppl said here: Let’s wait, shall we?!

Oh I am reading sir….

In the coming weeks there will be details. These details will be based around these major features.

MAJOR features means that these features are the biggest things that the expansion will offer. This means (though subjective) that bigger or equal things that could have been a major feature will not be put in.

You call one PvP mode, one new WvW map, one new profession , one new region, and a couple new skills an expansion? Yes lore will be added , but when playing with people in-game it feels like no one gives a crap about lore. They just want that loot.

I call this a mini expansion or rather DLC and if you don’t buy it you will be left behind.

So IMHO these major features are small and are not worthy to be called an expansion. Really does feel like Reaper of Souls for Diablo 3. A big fix to the core game, but only a few actual features.

Probably is going to have some ridiculous price tag as well.

Let’s clarify , I will buy this, because it feels like I won’t have a choice if I want to have fun. Let’s face it games are for fun and that’s it.

Teeny Tiny Expansion

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


What is being given(based on what colin calls major features) in this expansion is somewhat similar to what we have been getting in feature updates and very small.

One new profession. NO new race. No new dungeons.(we got fractals for free!) Another region comprised of at least 3 maps(southsun cove, silverwastes, dry top, all free.)

Specializations( only one weapon added to each profession and not giving universal weapon usage amongst all professions.)

Guild Halls, should have been in the game at launch. Stronghold , same thing.

CORE GW1 was released with so many of these features plus TEMPLATES!

I say expansion is too big of a word for this.

I would rather call this
" If you don’t buy it you will be left behind." I will buy it of course but it just doesn’t feel right to call this small DLC that could have been free an expansion.

Apparently the sales in China did not make any profit for Anet to keep the dream alive.

Really feels like I am paying for a fix. A reason why I didn’t buy Diablo 3 expansion.

Wait lets call it Paid Living Story

(edited by Chewablesleeptablet.3185)

Stonghold lacking for GvG fans

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


They are making a PvP mode that is almost identical to the original GvG in Guild Wars 1.

The fact that a tiny group of people in WvW have decided to call 20v20 clashes GvG is not really ArenaNets problem.

People have been asking for GW1 like GvG since release, and now they are getting it.

so much this ^

The WvW community was already having GvGs without even knowing. Your guild against my guild taking Stonemist castle is a GvG technically. Sure there are pugs around though.

This WvW GvG community say that the 20v20 deathmatch takes skill. IMO the only skill that you need in this deathmatch is preparation of builds and gear stats.

The actual gameplay of the WvW gvg community plays out like this……

" STACK , Might! , Veil, Drop aoe at your feet! Slowly back away….."

So 1 new zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


A zone consists of several maps; e.g. Ascalon is a Zone consisting of 6 maps. I’m pretty sure there will be enough for us to explore in the jungle

actually what you call zones are “regions” . zones are maps/instances.

Little Miss Sunshine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


You cant compare EotN with Heart of THorns.. GW1 is a CoopRPG , not an MMO.

HoT should only be compared to other AAA MMO expansions and HoT seems very small.

Everything Anet said that they were going to release in this expansion was presumed to be released for free in a feature pack last year. Kind of disappointing.

Please add more character slots!!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


sounds good to get a free slot . I think we did for the stand alone gw 1 games

My thoughts on the expansion

in PvP

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Hang gliders! New profession specialization! Those seem really cool!
PvP changes seem bad! Even with the new specializations and the new class and the effect it will have on the meta, the game mode will still be boring, old, stale, un-esports conquest! Meanwhile the new game mode is even less PvP than conquest! It’s practically PvE! Where are the arenas! Where is true PvP!
Oh wellz! Back to the Killing Floor 2 hype! CSGO until it comes out!

Wahoo! Bye frands!

No healers = no arenas. Wont ever happen.

except that courtyard could be considered an arena and players can choose to do 1v1s 2v2s 3v3s and so on and so forth.

Stronghold isnt GvG

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


semantics is fun

yah because no one knows what GvG is supposed to be…. some think its a 20v20 deathmatch

some think to win in GvG you have to siege a keep and kill a lord.

I like gw 1 style gvg and Stronghold is closest to that.

Little Miss Sunshine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


What will happen to players who do not buy this expansion? They probably will not be able to do any future Living Story after the expansion is released.

There will be a huge separation between players. People who buy the expansion will have a clear advantage over those who don’t because of specializations(unless this is for everyone).

Will core players get access to the new WvW map, the stronghold pvp mode, guild halls? How about crafting precursors?

This expansion is practically mandatory if one doesn’t want to feel left behind. I am surprised that this expansion has a price tag when it seems like all of this stuff could have been included in a free feature update. Not making enough money from the gem store I guess.

This expansion’s major features explained at the panel seem to be only slightly larger in comparison to what we have been getting through the living story and feature updates for 2 years.

If it has to cost anything I wouldn’t price it over $20

I hate to say this but the minority is you, The people who will not get the expansion and yes people will have specializations in the expansion that others will not (not an advantage mind you but a whole new twist to the gameplay.)

I never understood the camp who don’t expect to pay for the expansion and yet expect more than half of its features. ALSO the expansion is not in any way shape or form mandatory its still a choice and they have already mentioned that the living story will take place still in the original world and pick up after the events of the expansion (STORY WISE).

Since the crafting of precursors is done through the mastery system I would lean towards a resounding nope on everyone having it since masteries are thus far only known to be earned in the heart of maguuma. However they may implement core mode masteries which could contain the precursor scavenger hunt.

Much love

You assume I will not buy the expansion….. You are dead wrong.

I just don’t think I would call all of these features expansion worthy comparing it to other MMO expansions.

Are you going to buy HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185



the price tag should be no greater than $20 considering the small amount of major features and overall content that we are actually getting.

Stronghold isnt GvG

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


GvG in Gw1 had you bust through gates to kill a Guild Lord defended by weak NPCs. to win

GW2’s Stronghold has you bust through gates to kill a Guild Lord to win.

Stronghold = GW1 GvG with a few added elements.

Stronghold is the GvG that I want. Not some stupid 20v20 death balling.

Little Miss Sunshine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


There is no way that they would sell the expansion through the gem shop. Anet took the traditional route and is selling this in stores and digital downloads.

Sure you can buy the deluxe edition for 2000 gems , but that doesn’t really give you anything other than a few boosters , 1 mini, and something else I don’t remember.

Little Miss Sunshine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


What will happen to players who do not buy this expansion? They probably will not be able to do any future Living Story after the expansion is released.

There will be a huge separation between players. People who buy the expansion will have a clear advantage over those who don’t because of specializations(unless this is for everyone).

Will core players get access to the new WvW map, the stronghold pvp mode, guild halls? How about crafting precursors?

This expansion is practically mandatory if one doesn’t want to feel left behind. I am surprised that this expansion has a price tag when it seems like all of this stuff could have been included in a free feature update. Not making enough money from the gem store I guess.

This expansion’s major features explained at the panel seem to be only slightly larger in comparison to what we have been getting through the living story and feature updates for 2 years.

If it has to cost anything I wouldn’t price it over $20

Remove foefire from map choice....

in PvP

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


only if they take courtyard off of the map selection would I even have a twitch in the brain about this.

Bring back a revamped Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Since Anet and some players did not like underwater combat this great map was lost.

An easy compromise would be to have the water dry up and center cap point would be in a deep hole. The ship teeters on a couple of rocks which can be damaged and then the ship slides off into that cap point making the area higher. The cap point is reinserted on the top deck.

LEVOLUTION!!!!! oh crap bf4……

ArenaNets new raid designer is really shining

in Living World

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


The designer behind the Vinewraith was Lisa Davis. You might remember her from such releases such as the Marionette, and Super Adventure Box! (But really, there isn’t just one boss designer on the Living World as all the designers contribute to the encounters in both design, implementation, and feedback. They all deserve cookies.)

I guess that is why Vine Wrath has a Marionette feel to it. lanes, lane debuff lockout, limited fails.

What is sad is that it feels like Vine Wrath will be a ghost town in the next week or so because everyone will have gotten their coats and stuff. Rewards for certain bosses like these have to be much better than they are now.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


You should never be able to get AP by just playing the game without a goal that isn’t just killing mindlessly or gathering random crap. These daily achievements need to be specific and goal oriented. The rewards need to be better to incentivize doing challenging content and getting the achievement.

The specific zone daily achievement needs to be changed back to regional. Level 1-15 zones give nothing for level 80 players.

What some players are asking for is the equivalent of just logging in. These players are asking for no challenge at all to get their 10 AP which IMO is stupid. There is no reason to complain about these dailies unless you are trying to get more AP easier and that is pathetic.

Can we just get rid of pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


I like when my pet bird does a double 2k dmg hit with my LB 14k rapid fire , hello 18k killer move!

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Those who do not like the new change must be really lazy. It takes seconds to complete these achievements now. this new daily system is actually way better. do not change thing Anet.

Instead of asking for a revert on something that is actually less flawed than the previous iteration , how about we actually revert something that deserves it. like the NPE trait system.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


the PvE dailies are way too easy , but that’s because PvE is easy. WvW and Spvp dailies are perfect because you are matched up against people that may or may not give you a challenge.

Achievements are supposed to be challenging. Or would you rather get AP from just /dance ?

I like the change, and the rewards. I really don’t see why anyone is crying over PvE dailies because of how easy it is. OMG I have to click 10 times to get my 10 AP. QQ

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


The pve dailies are way too easy(pve open world has no challenge). Achievements used to be about challenging yourself. not a checklist to do. Spvp dailies now are great because they present a challenge if you do not know how to play a certain profession. WvW achievements are so-so because WvW is very limiting in what can be made into an achievement.

The old system was so easy too, (kill 50 mobs,,,,, or kill 50 moas if you wanted lol) VERY BORING!

This new system for the PvE side is better , but not harder or much different.

I like the change because it can be completed in 2 seconds. Daily achievements for video games should mean guiding the player to something they wouldn’t normally do every day. I like the new harvest achievements because it gives me wood, ore, or food that I wouldn’t normally get.

There should not be an achievement for using a vista however. It should be changed to killing veteran mobs or something.

You should not be getting any AP for just doing anything like killing 50 mobs, or dodging 20 times. That takes no skill and is not specific. The older system where you had to kill a specific race was better IMO. It made you go somewhere.

I guess babies want to stay in their champ train all day and get AP for no reason.

frustrated as a PVE player.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


so wait, are you looking for vertical progression? That’s not in GW2. 10 toons and nothing but open world PvE mostly? good for you. I could say that I do the same, but occasionally I do go on a dungeon running trek, and do WvW, craft.

Technically you actually can do nothing but PvE open world content and get everything you want , except for dungeon and pvp skins.

All content other than open world PvE is naturally harder in difficulty and deserves to give exclusive rewards. Its called a challenge, you don’t have to do them , but if you do you can get something really cool. Granted things in GW2 that are considered a challenge to the devs are actually things that you just have to think a tiny bit on.

If you love guitar hero, go play it...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


See this is why games are so easy these days. The devs listen to players who are simply unable to beat content because of their personal skill. What do the devs do? They create games that take one button to do every action , or make the content so easy so everyone with down syndrome can beat it.

What does this do for the higher skilled players? It makes it completely boring for being so easy. Now players set high standards for wanting great rewards for pressing 1.

500 notes? did that in three sessions(wasn’t trying hard). Also got many presents. I am done with bell choir , but I enjoyed doing the content because it promoted a slight challenge.

When an obstacle gets in your way find a way to get passed it. Don’t cry to someone for an easier obstacle.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


I LOVE the new system! Finally I am given goals that are so easy and quick to do!

no sarcasm whatsoever.

10 ap given in less than 10 mins

Then again I play it all, pve , pvp , wvw. like a true GW2 player does.

New mini-game - Inventory Manager

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


they really need to implement something that doesn’t break my left mouse click.

I don't mind the changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


The 50 mob kill was boring.

What are you on about? You got that through playing the game normally.

actually no. depending on how you play the game , you might not get 50 kills in a day……

I don't mind the changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


The new daily system lets you get 10 ap for 5 minutes of your time! They are actually achievements now. The 50 mob kill was boring. The 20 gather was boring.

The daily login reward seems like something desperate developers do to keep players logging in every day , but whatever its free loot. Getting those laurels don’t feel like a grind but the patience of waiting to get them will be annoying.

I love playing pvp now since the daily pvp rewards give extra reward track! We need more pvp scenarios though. I think activities should progress the reward track somehow since you are competing.

The pvp daily rewards are now incentive done right.

Still no vertical progression = win , win , and more win. No one can virtually be left behind because of gear stats and how easy it is to get exotics. I really have no respect for people who think doing the same thing over time = success. Pure skill and self improvement is how it should be.

Though the changes feel awkward they are not bad IMO. I am still doing what I want and still getting the desired rewards. We do need more armor and weapons skins that are obtainable through gameplay and not hidden by RNG lock boxes for ticket scraps.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


wow , many of you don’t realize how easy doing 3 of these achievements are. (take no more than 5 mins to do!!!!) NO LAURELS???? omg ! You get laurels by logging in now.

It is clear that those who are whining don’t have all the facts or didn’t even make an effort to get all of the facts.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


funny, because I got my 10 ap in less than 5 minutes whereas before it would take me at least 20. rofl at this whining. mod edit if needed.

GW2 in MMO face off.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Cool, The Secret World vs GW2…

I chose GW2 , because it has more things that are better than TSW. TSW just has a far superior story. It is held back by crumby combat mechanics and questing.

Why Anet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


All I can say is, I am glad that I made all professions to level 80 before all the NPE was released……

Anet really did mess this game up in the most annoying way possible when it comes to traits and unid dyes.

Why we can`t use DPS meter?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


That is a rather narrowminded statement. DPS can vary extremely between a player using Clerics or Berserker even when both players are using full ascended with stat infusions.

I would have thought people would have assumed I meant when everyone has zerker a dps meter makes no sense to have. But hey I assume the people that want the DPS meter are people who want to use it to only accept people with the highest dps in their dungeon or instance groups…… DPS meter is not needed when a combat log already tells you what kind of damage you are doing, plus using a little bit of math you might be able to tell your actual dps.

December temporary rule changes, dates?

in WvW

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


This kill for points thing… probably not the best idea even if it is a temporary event. The bigger server / zerg will completely demoralize other servers and no one will want to WvW. At least with the original formula small servers had a small chance of keeping up.

SO when will all players get free transfers every 3 months or so??

How is this any different the points from bloodlust?

I saw very few and limited complaints about points from bloodlust, so why do so many take issue with its next step of natural evolution?

Its very different from bloodlust. To get a point in bloodlust you had to stomp your opponent. (you already knew that right?)

Hobo Sacks: A Terrible Fashion Statement

in Engineer

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


simply making the hobosacks very small on the backs should do the trick. lower back area. Wrench, flamethrower, grenades, bombs, and elixir gun are already easily visible on the engi’s hands. no need for the hobosack really. true engis don’t really stay in their kits long enough for the enemy to find out what’s going on anyway.

December temporary rule changes, dates?

in WvW

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


This kill for points thing… probably not the best idea even if it is a temporary event. The bigger server / zerg will completely demoralize other servers and no one will want to WvW. At least with the original formula small servers had a small chance of keeping up.

SO when will all players get free transfers every 3 months or so??

Has Living Story failed?

in Living World

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


I think Living story isn’t getting as much love right now because of certain changes that are coming to the game. They obviously pulled resources from living story development to attend to bigger things. Or you know they could all be just working 1 hour shifts each day and eating pizza all the time.

These new changes (Anet listening)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Where is my new dungeon and hobosack fix?

this guy . +1

Why we can`t use DPS meter?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


there are no DPS meters because there is a plateau of power which is ascended equipment. This is not an MMO that gets monthly gear treadmill upgrades where your gear suddenly becomes obsolete over time…. end of discussion

Guild Wars 2, the repetitive mmo?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Every game is repetitive… every game……

I am really craving for a sequel to GW1...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Gw2 is a sequel to GW1.

I played GW1 since launch all the way up until GW2 betas and head-start. The lore from GW1 is everywhere ; those who do not see it are very blind IMO. The combat is a step up from the stale combat that GW1 provides.

Profession builds from both games are cookie cutter(admit it). No questing!? Hell yes! The event system is way less boring(some events are boring or renowned hearts(renowned hearts should be removed IMO)) than doing a quest with a wall of text to read.

Almost all of the professions from the core GW1 are in GW2 , no monk because no dedicated healer class/holy trinity, guardian does ok though. Stacking is really no different than having your healer watch health bars, or dps sitting at range and facerolling his/her keyboard. In higher skilled parties guardians actually do watch peoples health and babysit.

The biggest difference between the two games is passive play…… Which is very sad. Im talking about traits. Traits that reward you with passive play. Anet could have done a way better job with the trait system. Instead of granting boons and stat increase for certain skills , the traits should have altered the skills completely. Passive play makes PvP a joke right now.

Saying GW2 is not a sequel to GW1 is like saying Dragon Age 2 was not a sequel to Dragaon Age Origins. We get it OP GW2 sucks for you, but its still a sequel.

Oki doki new game mode - dev confirmed false

in PvP

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Still disappointing, because conquest scenario is getting old. We need actual different game scenarios like CTF , Fort Aspenwood siege mode, GvG (you know with a super tough guild lord you gotta kill inside someone’s base for the win like in GW1. WvW does not cut it)

How about making a dota style game mode? Waves of creeps in lanes fighting each other , automatic towers that strike and obliterate players if they try to dive?

Do you realize how crazy awesome it would be to create a dota style scenario for GW2? Forget about the gold resource and shop, and you have something easy to start with.

No add. glove chest when playing with an alt?

in Living World

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


yah this is messed up. Anet finally releases armor skins that are not on the Gem Store and they put a huge grind wall in front of it. We don’t like grindy games Anet, that is why we bought your game. Putting grind in your game just wastes the precious time in our life.