Why we arent getting new dungeons
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185
It is obvious by now that we aren’t getting new dungeons because all of the major features have been announced. IMO I would put new dungeons as a major feature.
Here is why Anet is not making new dungeons.
1 story mode : Has to relate to the core game takes time , voice acting, cut scenes
3 explorable paths : have to be scripted with additional story and balanced
token exchange : 3 new sets of armor skins and all new weapon skins and unique runes or sigils.
New monster models. and boss mechanics
Anet does not want to release new armor skins through gameplay. They want to release them through the Gem shop. This is bad because it makes players resort to grinding gold to convert gold to gems or spend money from their wallet outright. Anet is selling an expansion that may or may not provide new skins that are obtainable through gameplay. I predict that there will only be one new skin for each armor type.
It will be interesting to see if there will be more than 1 new type of armor skin at all from HoT.
I’d prefer it be more like vinewrath or at least Teq. Vinewrath itself was fun and easy and if the content is fun the difficulty doesn’t matter because you are having fun.
Certain mechanics need to be in place to where if you don’t adapt to them you will have a very hard time killing the boss, but the boss should still be killable. This is not true with Tequatl or Evolved Wurm. You have to do certain things or its a wipe early.
Keep it fun, give it various objectives that make the fight easier if used and you have a good boss.
I really am just speculating on the sword #2 skill and how little initiative it needs to immobi and cleanse. Traits that give initiative and utility skills that replenish initiative makes the S/P thief very strong dare I say overpowered?
Going against a properly traited S/P or S/D thief is so annoying. You have to deal with stealth, the stun on steal which doesn’t have any tell, blind when locked down in the blind field, and basilisk venom. It is a super great combo that other professions can barely replicate.
I myself play a variant of S/D with D/D secondary to have a big laugh. Starts with basilisk, hit sword #2 , then Dagger #5, switch to secondary , get backstab, then heartseeker to finish. Stability? no problem, rip boon steal and I now have their stability lol. This happens all in a matter of 2-3 seconds. Timing is everything though.
Thief truly is the only profession that capitalizes greatly on a well timed attack because of how quick skills can be used and the overall burst damage.
This really is a skill issue. In an open field situation , yes the ranger will destroy you, but this is hardly the case anywhere in the game.
Pro tip….. Line of Sight the ranger .
The new player experience is so annoying! It is so dumbed down and underwhelming that it is so hard to make an alt and not use tomes of knowledge.
The pre-NPE was way better. Unlocking trait lines by buying books instead of spending over 100gold or going places you don’t want to go to unlock them was way better.
This NPE hinders veteran players and new players alike. There is no sense of growth when it comes down to just blatant gating,
Anet tried to dumb down for new players , but in reality the old way didn’t even overwhelm anyone except for a few special people. face it some people have lower IQs than others. world fact
There needs to be a revert to how traits and weapon skills are obtained. If not then let people who already have a level 80 be given the option to make an instant lvl 80 free of charge with all traits and skills unlocked.
Skyhammer is awesome! Those who don’t like it don’t know how to adapt or even have map awareness. This new pvp mode will be a refresher to spvp. Anet admits that this modes takes things from other games…. so what? I can just say blizzard….I said it.
The only thing that brings a tiny disappointment is that the stronghold Pvp mode does not use Guild Halls as a battleground. The game mode itself could be a fun little preview of guild halls that your guild can purchase.
Zerker ranger builds are easy as long as you have free cast. but put on a rampager , celestial, carrion, or anything condi and it can be hard with the lack of 1200+ range.
rangers are not OP at all. its those warriors that sit there and soak up all my condi dmg with a single freaking healing signet passive.
I am a little confused. A lot of people talk about how promises were made in the manifesto that were not kept. I just watched the manifesto and in that video I didn’t hear any promises that aren’t in the game.
“everything you love about GW1” subjective so that is an impossible promise.
“we just don’t want players to grind” that’s true, Anet doesn’t want players to grind, doesn’t mean that there won’t be some artificial grind created by the player.
Dynamic events do create a sense of a living environment. you complete the event then it may chain off, you leave the area , an event that could be defended is failed and everything goes back to the beginning chain.
So basically 1 promise was made that was impossible to keep. What I loved about GW1?
Guild Halls. GvG. Fort Aspenwood, Jade Quarry. PvP before it got dumbed down with less modes to play. Secondary professions. Great weapon skins. Ease of travel. Intellectual combat meaning choosing skills and knowing when to use them. Lockpicks! Huge open areas that were only open to me/instanced to go through and vanquish.
Basically it is a kittenildish to think that the manifesto made any promises that could be kept because there really weren’t any promises at all. The manifesto did do a good job of describing what kind of content you will be doing though.
BTW I never felt like I was grinding while playing GW2. The second I would feel like something would be a grind I would just find some other way to get what I wanted and enjoy doing it. Grinding to me is something you don’t want to do but have to get something you want fast.
(edited by Chewablesleeptablet.3185)
Maybe HoT lore and zones content and masteries tied to the HoT zones will be locked. Anet said they would be extending the masteries into the already existing zones so I would only hope that they would be unlockable without the expansion.
Is Soloing going to be forever screwed?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185
I heard The Witcher 3 is going to be awesome and it might be released before HoT!
I say this because it has all the solo content you will ever need with over 100 hours to enjoy.
No more exploration? That’s because you have explored all the game currently has to offer.
Which race will your Revenant be?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185
Charr. Can’t decide on male or female. Charr cultural heavy armor is awesome.
"Challenging" content in open world concern
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185
PvE content will never be challenging. Sure the content is challenging at first. After a couple tries you learn the mechanics and you know what you have to bring to win.
Lets take the Liadri fight for instance. A couple of one hit death mechanics. Once you learn them and their patterns you don’t get hit by them. Liadri had very high toughness but low vitality. Easiest way to beat her was fire and forget condi durations.
Modern PvE content will never be challenging because of patterns and lack of variations to those patterns. The last boss in Season 2 living story had easy patterns. The only reason why people had a tough time on the last boss is because of lack of comprehension or by being overwhelmed by simple mechanics that were just different than what they were used to.
The only games that actually have challenging PvE content are old 2d fighting games because they use lots of RNG commands. Mortal Kombat 1, 2, 3, Street Fighter etc.
Gw2 is limited because of lack of moves the enemy can do. Teq: splash, fear, claw slam that’s it. If Anet increased the number of actions the enemy can do in PvE the game would be a lot harder and probably would scare off casual players who just want to press 1.
I won’t be jumping the wagon as all of the features in this ‘expansion’ should have been in the game since day one. A new race might have made me slightly consider getting this, now I that have no race to pin the Revenant on and playing two of same race goes against my principals. You people have fun, I won’t be anything new you don’t already have in GW2.
Yes, just wait until its real cheap. Though I think the hype is so strong that it won’t be going on sale for a long time because of the amount of sales.
I hope the majority of players get access to the beta to see if the expansion is any good.
I wish Anet would have made an expansion the size of their standalone campaigns for GW1 and sell it for $40 but this is no where near that big.
Sylvari serving Mordremoth.
Norn serving Jormag, aka Sons of Svanir
Charr not known Kralkatorrik does not discriminate between races
Asura not known Primordus maybe . or that might be dwarves
Humans not known but could easily have been zhaitan.
Serving Mordremoth is a matter of being tainted. The nightmare court doesn’t serve Mordremoth.
Serving Jormag was choice of some Norn because Norn are always trying to get stronger.
Will Anet go this route into some type of story? Is it too simple?
Carapace Coat Box: Feedback & Suggestions [merged]
in Living World
Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185
Most of the armor in the gem store and new armor put in this game are just reskins with different starting colors. The male Hexed outfit and Witch outfit are very similar except one uses a skull helmet.
The flametouched armor was easily seen as a reskin of armors that you could buy with karma in Orr.
The light carapace armor is the only armor skin that actual looks unique. Across all three the only unique pieces are helmet and, shoulder and boots. Coat and Leggings look like existing skins in the game with very subtle differences.
horizontal progression to me means more versatility without adding actual power that gives an advantage to other people.
Guild Wars 1 handled this very well whenever they added new skills each Campaign. The skills that were added were mostly not OP. Yes there were some and people loved to exploit them, but they got nerfed hard.
Since Anet made GW1 I think they can handle making new skills without making them extremely OP and exploitable, and if they do you know they can always give it the nerf bat in a quick update.
Need more than 1 Specialization to make sense
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185
Anet is trying to try something new and they don’t want to put all their development time into one basket.
(edited by Chewablesleeptablet.3185)
Questions about Pricing and Payment [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185
I hope it is $79.00 . I hope it is HUGE and flipping awesome !
I hope it is not $20.00 or less and underwhelming or worse .I remember getting “the eye of the north” the day it was released . That made me happy . I like getting a good value.
I hope its $1000. no peasants can play my awesomeness.
Questions about Pricing and Payment [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185
But you can swap out skills and traits for other skills and traits.
Which means $20 would be a great price to sell it at psizone.
Questions about Pricing and Payment [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185
Its weird how Anet won’t give us a price. Stand alone campaigns for Gw1 were just as big as prophecies and they were less than the box price for GW1 on release date. They also only took a year to make.
Now this expansion has very few features and an appropriate price would be between $10-$20 . Anything over that and I would hope that everyone would lose their minds.
Those who think it should be around $50 are just plain crazy. That’s like saying a Hershey bar should be worth $25. The fun size one.
Not weird at all, they said they’d be giving out the specific information including the price in a few weeks.
You keep saying it has so few features but we don’t have any detailed information, masteries and specialisations could be huge features on their own. We don’t know yet.
The price point is the only think I agree on. I don’t think they could justify going over $30 for any kind of expansion.
Masteries and Specializations lets break them down to what they are.
Masteries : Passive and probably optional utility skills to fight PvE mobs. Very similar to WvW abilities as Anet said.
Specializations: 1 new weapon to use complete with new weapon skill bar, new traits a couple utility skills, an elite , and heals. When you change into your specialization you lose a couple of your skills and traits from your base profession to be replaced with new ones. You can change between specialization and “normal mode” out of combat.
These two things may have look like they have lots to give and are original but they are born from pre existing systems we already have and just being called something else.
I guess what I am saying is that nothing uniquely innovative is being brought to the table except for artwork, lore , event scripts, and geometry. Hang gliding…. hello , Aion, Archeage. Nothing wrong with this but its not something I would sell as pure gold.
Questions about Pricing and Payment [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185
Its weird how Anet won’t give us a price. Stand alone campaigns for Gw1 were just as big as prophecies and they were less than the box price for GW1 on release date. They also only took a year to make.
Now this expansion has very few features and an appropriate price would be between $10-$20 . Anything over that and I would hope that everyone would lose their minds.
Those who think it should be around $50 are just plain crazy. That’s like saying a Hershey bar should be worth $25. The fun size one.
Sooo, perhaps you can explain to me how Heart of Thorns is “too small” to be an expansion? Everything I’ve seen on what has actually been announced points toward it being average or large for an MMO expansion.
If you point toward “fewer maps”, I remind you that it is fewer, but denser maps. That is, each map has a lot more going on in it than normal. Not all maps are created equal. Silverwastes is a small map, but is much, much better than Snowden Drifts.
late to the party aye? read some more of the thread.
The massive majority of the thread is dedicated to various disassemblies of your frankly unsupportable description.
yup you know about sheep? They come in herds.
Sooo, perhaps you can explain to me how Heart of Thorns is “too small” to be an expansion? Everything I’ve seen on what has actually been announced points toward it being average or large for an MMO expansion.
If you point toward “fewer maps”, I remind you that it is fewer, but denser maps. That is, each map has a lot more going on in it than normal. Not all maps are created equal. Silverwastes is a small map, but is much, much better than Snowden Drifts.
late to the party aye? read some more of the thread.
I’ve read the entire thread. Given what we’ve actually been told, it looks to be a pretty big expansion for an MMO, or, at worst, average size. Give me a bullet list as to why it is a “Teeny Tiny Expansion.”
ok now you are jus trolling me, that’s just rude. There is definitely a bullet list in this thread that shows why it is a tiny expansion. There are also great comparisons between this game an other MMO expansions.
Sounds like you think one big kitten region or a map that has “depth” and nothing else would be big enough to be called an average sized expansion. Its a good thing one tiny piece of juicy fruit gum doesn’t mean the universe to everyone.
sure they do. why don’t they? are mounts supposed to be fluff in the first place?
Sooo, perhaps you can explain to me how Heart of Thorns is “too small” to be an expansion? Everything I’ve seen on what has actually been announced points toward it being average or large for an MMO expansion.
If you point toward “fewer maps”, I remind you that it is fewer, but denser maps. That is, each map has a lot more going on in it than normal. Not all maps are created equal. Silverwastes is a small map, but is much, much better than Snowden Drifts.
late to the party aye? read some more of the thread.
Im not trying to sway minds of the fanbase though it seems I have made faces red with anger. My thread was more of a suggestion to the devs that what they have put on the table as Major Features is just not enough for the expansion name label.
Since this thread has not been given any love from any dev or forum dev I can only assume that they think they have something big up their sleeve. I have the right to remain un-hyped about it.
I think it’s a bit late to not call it an expansion. Either way, they already called it an expansion and they have every right to call it an expansion no matter what your opinion of that is. Plus I doubt anyone here is really angry, other than pointing out that you base your opinion on some information, but incomplete information. Which doesn’t mean you can not have that opinion of course, but it does mean you probably will stand with a minority, until we can see the whole picture more clearly.
Of course you can remain un-hyped, personally I’m not really someone who is hyped about anything at all and take everything at face value. If ArenaNet decides to release it this way, then I don’t really mind paying for any update, as for the last 2 years we gotten most things for free. If this means they have more money for more free updates for a while then that’s pretty good all together. Plus after 2 years, it’s not bad that people who can’t or won’t buy gems need to pitch in too to further the development of the game.
That and I dunno why a developer would post in this thread. :p There’s nothing in here that they can react to. It’s not going to be called something else than an expansion. It’s not suddenly going to be free either, deals have been made, the publisher calculated how much they need to invest and can expect back. SO what is the point really? Just that you’re stubborn about not calling it an expansion, while the rest of the world will just call it an expansion. Very hipster of you.
Wow. I guess there is a first time for everything. Someone actually calls me a hipster. Just because I disagree with a couple of people on the forums and how content is being delivered.
Its hip to be square. So hip to be a square.
BTW I do spend real money for gems. Everyone assumes I just want a handout. This is definitely not the case. and here is the echo:
If living story is a success Anet would not have to make an expansion. The living story was improving so much with new maps and better story with pretty good rewards. Anet probably makes this “expansion” based off of the opinions on Season 1 because many people didn’t like it. So it would be obvious that they started making this expansion between season 1 and 2.
It is really easy to assume that we will be killing mordremoth in this expansion. If that is not the case then what is going to be epic coming out of this expansion?
It would have been great to be given the notion before all of the living story started that they would be ending the current storyline with an expansion. I would have been fine with that.
Where does it ever say in the vastness of the internet that Anet was hurting for money? How can anyone make the argument " Anet has to make money somehow"? Loads of people throw at least $50 each in the gem shop. I know people who actually got thank you mail and received extra stuff for supporting Anet this way.
“deals have been made, the publisher calculated how much they need to invest and can expect back.” Deals with who? NCsoft? Is anet going to come out with TV commercials? Anet claims that NCsoft has little say on what goes on at their studio. Its probably why there isn’t any P2W items in the gem shop yet.
It took 1 year after GW1 released in 2005 for Anet to make Factions which has a ton of content and is a stand-alone campaign. Here we are 2 years after release of GW2 and only finally just getting Guild Halls, GvG like pvp mode, and a small new region complete with masteries and specializations and 1 new profession. Seems like a really teeny tiny expansion to me. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guild_Wars_Factions
When I say too small to be an expansion it is an exaggeration…..
(edited by Chewablesleeptablet.3185)
The discussion in this thread is long gone. Everything is repeated 100th times, this is pointless because neither side will admit the other is right. Stop with the bickering and just wait for the blogs/expansion and you can decide whether you will buy it or not.
Oh come on. one more time. This expansion is too small to be an expansion. Its more like a fix to what should already been in the game. The details included within many interviews and the PAX announcement were sufficient evidence for me to have this opinion. Some features should have already been in the game or released through living world content.
Im not trying to sway minds of the fanbase though it seems I have made faces red with anger. My thread was more of a suggestion to the devs that what they have put on the table as Major Features is just not enough for the expansion name label.
Since this thread has not been given any love from any dev or forum dev I can only assume that they think they have something big up their sleeve. I have the right to remain un-hyped about it.
Its like the forum gods came after me and told me " You will pay for it and you will like it!" Yes I will pay for it , I will like it, but I will also feel a little empty inside knowing that Anet thinks they failed at Living Story and had to pander to traditional thinkers.
What if ….
Anet announced Heart of Thorns as the Season 3 free living story instead of calling it an expansion and said every thing the exact same about all its features and details in the interviews?
Would people be just as hyped or more meh? Judging by the attitude and mentality of some people I would think it would lean towards the meh side all because of a price tag. Is that not insanity?
If each expansion does have us kill off dragons it better have a really good story and be epicly epic. Buying GW2 before release that was what I was thinking was going to happen until they opened up with Living Story and said they wouldn’t be doing any expansions if LS was done right.
Well Anet thinks they failed at LS even though there were huge improvements over the course of 2 years.
So yah you can be a little bit confident that each expansion = dragon kill.
As much as it’s nice to see the additions of new skins, I think I speak for most when I say I want new ways to play. I want more than just a few utilities, weapons, elites and traits. More ways to play the game with your current toon is a lot more fun than just new areas to explore. In my opinion
You mean like hang gliding? Cause thats a new way to play, and just from the pax announcement theres going to be other things like hang gliding. sooo…
Seems like you know what things there will be that will be like hang gliding. Can you tell us? Or did you imagine that there would be other modes of travel?
yup Samhaim , we all will be taking it up the tailpipe for Anet.
Actually the point you’re making about it is that it -is- about the quantity. You’re the one who said “too small”.
Sure it might seem like there is less content or features coming with this than your typical expansion, but the -quantity- of such things actually factors into it in that case.
Not to mention the content of this expansion falls right in line with GW2. Its quite literally -expanding- rather than adding some standalone game to their original. Which is what Factions and Nightfall were on GW1 and EOTN was the actual legitimate -expansion- for GW1 and added, comparatively, just about the same amount of content. Not to mention it’s just as Rin said, this is going to shape the path for newer features and further expansions upon the rest of the game.
Anet actually put their patches, Living World and Feature Packs together, to take the basis of one thing and expand upon it. The same will very much happen with HoT I imagine. Maintaining a MMORPG is a much longer ordeal than just one release and they want to lay a foundation for things to come so they can tweak and fine tune things along the way and make things better.
Which, honestly, is a smart move from the developer standpoint.
Don’t forget how atrocious dungeons were back when GW2 released in terms of even being -slightly- rewarding.
Small may have been the wrong word to use. Fix is more like it.
There really aren’t that many features coming from this expansion. Not that much content either. So yes it is small compared to my expectations for an expansion, Maybe small is the wrong word. lackluster would be wrong too.
I just simply wouldn’t call it an expansion. It doesn’t feel like one. It feels like a fix to the game that the player community was asking for and now has to pay for it. We really don’t know the price , and if its anything over $20 then it really would be too small to be called an expansion.
(edited by Chewablesleeptablet.3185)
See Rin , everyone else is making the argument about how we don’t know how many whatever/skills/ traits/ bushes on the northwest side of the map there is, and I am over here saying quantity in that sense doesn’t mean crap.
Will the new content be too difficult solo?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185
You wont be able to solo open world PvE Maguuma for the first month OP. Everyone and their mothers will be there.
Clearly, you’ve gone past the Point of No Return, you’re within to the point where you’re actually labeling and name calling me like a someone would if they’re feeling threaten with logic and reason. Get a hold of yourself man, this isn’t productive for a thread at all. They’ve shared no concrete details of the expansion yet, the same reiterated details in every other interview. I’m done with this thread, take care.
So The ranger being able to turn into a druid through specialization is not a concrete detail to you? Might I add that the ranger will be able to use a staff?
I believe Brimstar used a poor choice of words. No one is arguing you are not using concrete information, they are arguing you are using incomplete information.
SO complete information would be to list all of the skills a druid has plus all other profession specializations. All of the fauna and flora in the new map/region. All of nooks and crannies in both the 1 single pvp map and single wvw map.
I mean come on. Its obvious that specializations and masteries will provide you with an easier or different way to kill things. Still clicking the same buttons though. Its like you are trying to make things complicated to make things interesting when these things are so simple and ahem “small”
I am not going to repeat myself, or others, because it has already been made abundantly clear what we don’t know yet. But I will just add the following:
What does the term expansion mean? In terms of GW2 it basically means to expand the systems of the core game. With this in mind I can see at least 4 features in HoT that have the potential to do that: Specializations, Masteries, the new borderland mechanics and the new PvP game mode.
All of these systems will allow Anet to add more content to these features in the future. We will get more specializations, more masteries, more improvements to the core WvW maps and more stronghold maps.
So while you are only seeing things like how many maps and skills we are getting, I and others are seeing that Anet are also expanding the core systems ready for future (likely free) content.
I agree that these new features will set the stage for what is to come, but I still wouldn’t call it an expansion. I call it an improvement and Anet has been improving GW2 for 2 years without a word such as expansion.
What do you mean try harder? I stated my opinion and my expectations for an actual expansion are different from those who are blinded by hype.
I don’t think the number of games played = skill.
Clearly, you’ve gone past the Point of No Return, you’re within to the point where you’re actually labeling and name calling me like a someone would if they’re feeling threaten with logic and reason. Get a hold of yourself man, this isn’t productive for a thread at all. They’ve shared no concrete details of the expansion yet, the same reiterated details in every other interview. I’m done with this thread, take care.
So The ranger being able to turn into a druid through specialization is not a concrete detail to you? Might I add that the ranger will be able to use a staff?
I believe Brimstar used a poor choice of words. No one is arguing you are not using concrete information, they are arguing you are using incomplete information.
SO complete information would be to list all of the skills a druid has plus all other profession specializations. All of the fauna and flora in the new map/region. All of nooks and crannies in both the 1 single pvp map and single wvw map.
I mean come on. Its obvious that specializations and masteries will provide you with an easier or different way to kill things. Still clicking the same buttons though. Its like you are trying to make things complicated to make things interesting when these things are so simple and ahem “small”
Can ppl just stop with the “should have been here at release” entitled bullcrap? Did you see Anet say that those features would be available at release anywhere? Because if you didn’t then saying it should’ve been here at release is just bs
And no, we are not getting 1 pvp map. We are getting 1 pvp game mode, and we don’t know how many maps there will be in it, could be 1 or 10, WE DON’T KNOW
mimimimi the new region is too small, stop kittening judging the maps by their horizontal area, it’s a VERTICAL MAP, and don’t even know how many we’ll be getting.
Actually we are only getting 1 spvp map with that 1 spvp mode. The devs said so. They also said if stronghold was successful they would add more.
Its not about entitlement. It is definitely not bullcrap. These features that should have been at release are features that many MMO games have at release! INCLUDING GW1 Anet doesn’t have to say whether or not they would have them because us gamers expected to have guild halls in guild wars 2 as they did in GW1. I mean why back peddle?
I agree, I’ts stupid that we have to pay 200 Gems to play each chapter. Some people don’t live by their computer and wouldn’t have the time to sign in. If it was free for that day of signing in then it should be free forever.
You had two weeks, sometimes even a month to sign in for just a few seconds.
The “I have a life” card doesn’t work here.
^ and some characters
I never said it would be broken. It seems you refused to read anything else beyond that point. All I have been saying is that this is not an expansion. Its not big enough.
I have no clue how you can say its too small to be a expansion when they have released no details what-so-ever about what the expansion and only feature names. Unless you have found these leaked documents somewhere and have already over-viewed them? If so, please cite your sources. It sounds like you’re only catastrophizing a subject where you know nothing yourself. as they have shared nothing, not even a release date. I deduce this thread is toxic in itself because assuming before something happens is bad as the bible trumpeters predicting the end of the world.
Did you not watch the PAX announcement or read any interviews? There are loads of details on each feature from many interviews. Colin didn’t stand up on stage and say “guild halls, stronghold, Maguuma region, masteries, specializations, wvw map” He said those things and then gave a few examples and details. OR was your fanboy meter passed 11 and couldn’t comprehend anything other than big words?
Clearly, you’ve gone past the Point of No Return, you’re within to the point where you’re actually labeling and name calling me like a someone would if they’re feeling threaten with logic and reason. Get a hold of yourself man, this isn’t productive for a thread at all. They’ve shared no concrete details of the expansion yet, the same reiterated details in every other interview. I’m done with this thread, take care.
So The ranger being able to turn into a druid through specialization is not a concrete detail to you? Might I add that the ranger will be able to use a staff?
(edited by Chewablesleeptablet.3185)
I never said it would be broken. It seems you refused to read anything else beyond that point. All I have been saying is that this is not an expansion. Its not big enough.
I have no clue how you can say its too small to be a expansion when they have released no details what-so-ever about what the expansion and only feature names. Unless you have found these leaked documents somewhere and have already over-viewed them? If so, please cite your sources. It sounds like you’re only catastrophizing a subject where you know nothing yourself. as they have shared nothing, not even a release date. I deduce this thread is toxic in itself because assuming before something happens is bad as the bible trumpeters predicting the end of the world.
Did you not watch the PAX announcement or read any interviews? There are loads of details on each feature from many interviews. Colin didn’t stand up on stage and say “guild halls, stronghold, Maguuma region, masteries, specializations, wvw map” He said those things and then gave a few examples and details. It is so hard not to offend someone but really people don’t seem to want to listen to everything being said. DAT fanboism.
(edited by Chewablesleeptablet.3185)
I know the ones who know exactly, how big this Expansion will be. We all know them. The only one who can tell if the expansion is small or big. It’s the Devs from Anet. Only they can tell if the content, they are releasing with HoT is big or small.
What do WE know? We know, that an Expansion is coming, it’s Name, the Place where we are going to, that it comes with a Mastery System, new Challenging Content ( well they said that for the original Dungeons before Release, so I’m a bit sceptical about this ), a new PvP Mode, new WvW Map and one Specilization for every Class + a new Class.
What do we don’t know. Well everything else. We don’t know how big these Features will be or how Game Changing they are. We only know that these Features exist.
So we can’t say that this expansion is too small as a matter of fact, since we know, well not much about it.
Masteries and Specializations are definitely game changers but they are small. A few added abilities , skills , traits. Not every one will be running their specializations 24/7 because they won’t be able to use some skills from the base profession.
The new region will be small but have lots going on in it. Still small.
1 new pvp map, 1 new wvw map. guild halls that should have been at release. Precursor crafting was promised to be released last year!
The devs called these MAJOR FEATURES. Doesn’t seem that much content to me. Which means any other features will just be quality of life for the core game.
So yah we do know what we are going to get in terms of major features which is a very small list. The only thing that is not clear is what is going to be added to the core game.
TLDR: We do have sufficient information to base the opinion that this expansion is too small to be an expansion.
Engis have little to no stability pending on build. PvP is all about CC and you can destroy an engi by using tons of CC. SO why not prevent the engi from getting anywhere near you?
Tips from me.
It’s absolutely freaking nothing.
- adding new class is nice, but you should add new classes when your current ones are atleast decently balanced, which is not the case of GW 2.
- one specialization per class is laughable
- new zones? Every expansion to every MMO ever.
- mastery being a selling point of an expansion is a joke, as it’s pretty much same thing as garrison outposts in WoW. You’ll get some sort of new ability which you can use only in the new zone. So what. Am I expected to buy HoT because of this?
- one new WvW map. As if the lack of maps was the biggest issue of WvW.
- new PvP regime. Same case as WvW map.
- Guild Halls. This one is nice, but it should be in the game since freaking release.
- GvG, same as Guild Halls, plus it seems like it will be limited for the new PvP mode. So it will most likely end up as Rated BGs in WoW – niche activity for handful of guilds.
This is hardly an expansion, DLC would be more appropriate. Hell, they could probably just patch most of these things in. So this is my opinion, I expect Arenadrones to tear me a new one.
^ Though I don’t think you had to compare things to WoW. Even if WoW didn’t exist this non-expansion is still tiny.
Well it all depends on price whether I buy it or not on release . Anywhere from $30-$60 would be asking WAY TOO MUCH. If the core game with all its features can be sold for $20 for sale and $10 on a special weekend I couldn’t price the expansion on release at more than $20.
Scarlet was awesome and I was sad to put a spike in her. I was hoping she would come back as a ghost or something later on.
I know right? I can only wonder how a team generates resources.
Finally a scenario that can be used as an esport platform!
Resources to manage(the dota aspect). A base you have to plow through. A lord you have to kill to win.
Way better exciting goals than just kill, and capture.