Showing Posts For Chewablesleeptablet.3185:

Dungeon Mentors [Noob]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


I dont like this. I do dungeons every now and then. When I return to a dungeon path I haven’t done in a while the rest of the group wants to do something completely stupid to beat a certain part of the path when the past method of beating that part was doing just fine.

It feels like players are trying to over complicate things with trying to LoS bosses, or standing in a specific spot to try and eliminate the function of the boss. This is not normal play. Every boss is able to be beaten through normal play. No needing to LoS the boss , or pull it.

GW2 Heroes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


yup the programming for these heroes would be a monumental task. Yah sure you can have heroes…. just give them 3 years to get the AI right for them.

Purposeful severing of ties to GW1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


People forget that GW2 is 250 years after GW1…………… I do not see how old lore could make it back into GW2 from GW1…..

If you want Guild Wars 1 lore, you are playing the wrong game. Guild Wars 2 is 250 years in the future, so things are forgotten.

Lets look at real life…. do you really care what happened 250 years ago?

Is Canach playing Snake Pliskin?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


I will be playing as Snake Plissken


25% speed increase for every class

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Mesmers can trait for speed. They can get a speed increase for how many clones you have.
Guardians have perma speed if you carry a staff and have a small boon duration increase.

How challenging is Guild Wars 2 for you?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


If you increase the difficulty or boss mechanics of the dungeons the casuals will not touch it. Look at Marionette/tequatl/wurm, possible to be beaten, but the casual/carebear community could not handle it and they gave up.

The mentality of the easy goer casual or pve carebear is this. " If I want something and the content is too hard, I will just go and champ train until I farmed enough gold to buy it off the TP".

Biggest Strength: No Killstealing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


This is one thing Guild Wars 2 does right. If everyone is fighting the same enemy they all get their own chance at loot as if they were soloing it.

This gameplay mechanic is one of the sole reasons why I can’t play any other MMO out there. When I am out in the world I can help out other players or hit the same mobs and not anger that player. In other MMOs it feels very lonely in their PvE worlds even though you see people waiting around their “spot” to kill the same mob over and over again.

Great job on this decision Anet. Here comes a list of things you did wrong by other posts from haters.

ArenaNet next game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Its not like the bugs make you feel like " this game sucks! and the bugs completely break the whole game!" At least it didnt make me feel that way. I hardly even notice bugs since I don’t try to exploit or anything that is against ToS.

Another Anet game? They have a long way to go because Guild Wars 2 is still in infancy and has yet to find its final form. The day Anet stops adding features/content to GW2 is the day they would be working on another title. Guild Wars 2 is their baby that needs their priority.

Less Skills More Balance - Fail? GW1/GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


If you have too many skills players will find only a few actual viable ones.

Look at GW1. Tons of skills, but there was really only 3 builds that were viable for each profession. Ritualist only had one IMO, SoS spirit spam. Monks? 55 monk…. Ranger? splinter barrage.

Lots of skills is just an illusion. You can only play one build at a time , and you will definitely be finding one single build that fits all content.

Gw2 tries to find that sweet spot in number of skills to choose from. There are probably some builds out there that have not been discovered only because the community doesn’t try to anymore. They just look on a build website for the best build whether it be for PvP , WvW, or PvE.

lvl1-80 in 44hrs , no champ train grind.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Did a bit of crafting to boost during certain phases. I did not buy anything from the TP to speed up crafting. Materials were obtained through loot drop while doing various event chains in each starter zone and other zones where event chains were present.

How long does it take if you were to champ train grind from level 1 to 80?

Is Anet destroying the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


healing signet is so strong that the warrior does not have to sacrifice DPS for it. Sure other professions can get better regen , but they have to sacrifice their damage. This is why it is over powered.

Love EotM

in The Edge of the Mists

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


I wish these scenarios where put into actual WvW though. Scorpion siege engines? Hell yes! Airstrikes? Hell yes!

These objectives do a better job than the bloodlust buff in terms of helping out the server.

Good job Anet. They need to be in WvW though , not an overflow instance.

Why EoTM update is unhealthy

in The Edge of the Mists

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


i was able to get in the same EotM with my guildmates just fine. the living story achievement is sooooo easy to get since everything can be reached without having to bust a single gate.

Flamekissed: Before and After

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


That is Guild Wars 1. Even so , it is unique/ one of a kind skin that doesnt share any other armor mesh in GW2.

Flamekissed: Before and After

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


I hope flamekissed is the last armor that they use pre-existing meshes for.

Gem store skins should be completely unique in design, such as viper armor, or profane armor.

When Anet said they were going to change the armor to something different I thought they were talking about all flamekissed armor. Instead, they only changed light armor from t3 human cultural to feathered armor which did not make my feelings about it any better.

Anet is better than this. It feels like they got lazy.

[Suggestion] Profession Changing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


I never suggested having secondary professions. I was just noting the ease of swapping in Guild Wars 1. Why would it be any more difficult to code something like that so we can change our profession in Guild Wars 2? I don’t see how you could confuse my post grandmafunk.

Having fun in leveling alts is subjective. Some people like to level alts while others don’t.

[Suggestion] Profession Changing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


In GW1 you could swap your secondary profession which was really nice. I believe that it could be possible in GW2 in a certain way.

There could be restrictions such as only being able to switch within your armor type (light,medium,heavy).

The only downside I see right now is having less alts. The upside is not having to level 8 different alts. Inventory items that are souldbound would stay soulbound anyway.

The way to go about changing the profession could be through gems with a reasonable price of say 250 gems or 100g plus karma. Anything above that price I would rather make an alt.

All weapons, All classes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


I don’t think so. A Warrior with a staff… doesn’t make much sense

You never watched Ninja Turtles?

A staff could be a great weapon. It would do less damage per hit, but if they make it a very fast weapon that could, for example, knock opponents over or daze them, it could be very effective.

Because Ninja Turtles is so realistic.

This is a fictional video game…. Anything is possible. Is magic realistic?

It would be awesome for all professions to have access to all weapons. It would broaden build possibilities. A warrior with a staff? Sounds awesome to me. It could have 350 range , but be weak and have several control effects like daze, stun , knockdown.

Ranger with a staff? Skills could control the environment in a 900 radius such as speed and slow.

[Zones] We need more of them

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Some players like to explore. Me being one of them. I have done world completion twice and seeing the same scenery over and over again is getting old.

I wish living story introduced new zones. Elona is looking nice.


[For players] Don't use bear for everything

in Ranger

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Cof 2 bomb run is too easy to bother with condi cleanse. you run in , maybe get burned for tiny damage , get bomb, run to magg, then heal spring. the heal spring will cleanse anyone else running in to turn in. if you are dying from the burning you aren’t dodging, and mitigating.

I dont doubt that bears are situational. Everything is situational. I am just saying that there are rangers out there that can’t be bothered to change out from bear for certain types of content and it actually slows/hinders the team. They aren’t even needed for Solo pve content and a bird can 1v1 any mob in open world and kill faster.

There are better choices out there and it is a noticeable difference in efficiency.

Got kicked from 4th fractal level 50

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


such is the consequences of pugs. if you see that you are in a group with 4 players that are in the same guild you better ask if they are going to kick you. screenshot the answer and then play on. If you are kicked then you have evidence of a lie. Can anet do anything? probably not , but they really should do something.

Ranger Longbow - Just Terrible

in Ranger

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


but that jab is so weak. good advice and yes I do switch when the tables turn or I am getting focused. Longbow i guess is really just for freecast(the jab)? The trait for 1500 range is great for it.

[For players] Don't use bear for everything

in Ranger

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Note: I said stalker and moa for dungeon running…..

emphatic bond? who uses that? 25 stacks of bleeding? I have not come acrokittenanger who uses bear in Spvp……… The rangers in spvp actually know not to get hit by such things and even get conditioned.

Emphatic bond is for players who don’t move when they fight. In WvW or Spvp the ranger shouldn’t be getting focused IMO. About the moa: that’s a bug(not attacking unless you tell it to). I use it as an opener for buff, not for combat.

No I don’t use emphatic bond in pvp or WvW(pet dies instantly in a zerg anyway, and I don’t roam). Why? because teamwork tells me that other players are helping and cleansing with better skills(healing spring?). Wasting a trait or points in a trait line just for emphatic bond is silly.

If necro is the only hard counter I have to worry about then so be it…

What I am really trying to say is that players shouldn’t be using bear for “everything”, but they are and it just hurts to see that they aren’t using the ranger to its full potential in certain situations.

(edited by Chewablesleeptablet.3185)

Ranger Longbow - Just Terrible

in Ranger

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


My concern is that the distance between you and your foe can be closed within seconds because of shadow steps and invuln/dodge leaps. Once your enemy is in point blank range your longbow is useless. Even if you use point blank shot your enemy will just leap or shadowstep back.

Utilities such as traps and muddy terrain are nice for snare , but they dont last long enough. I thought utilities were supposed to impact the battle?

My zerker ranger may pull of 4k each arrow but they just aren’t fast enough compared to melee warrior damage. When my ranger goes melee zerker sword …………………lol not even close.

Yah and those pets…. they could do damage if they shared your power level instead of having their own.

Stop blaming other players, plz

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Conversely, Liadri was faceroll easy with a condimancer prepared for some extra dodging and with nigh-maxed condi damage :p

yes , unless you were told that was how you could beat her , you didnt beat her the first time.

Fights like these are a learning experience. It may only take 2 tries for some gifted people. For others it could take a million years. Some have the talent, some don’t.

I love Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


I love this game too. There is no other game out there that easier to get into and come out of. There are still bugs, even ones that have existed since the beginning of time , but they are minimal compared to how awesome the game is.

The design of the game and the direction could not get any better. I am hoping that the difficulty of each new content release varies. Since Marionette is going to be done soon I would only think that Anet should ease off on difficulty for their content for the next release.

Stop blaming other players, plz

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


As a developer said in a past post, the overall community needs to up their game to complete bosses like these.

Actually there is no real reason why that needs to happen. It’s a completely arbitrary decision based on an arbitrary assumption, and flies in the face of the reason most GW2 players are here in the first place.

So even a tiny challenge such as Marionette is too much for the player base?

[For players] Don't use bear for everything

in Ranger

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Every time I see a ranger using brown bear I cry. The brown bear is useless. Shake it off is so weak compared to the potential of the other pets. Lets not forget that the brown bear doesn’t do much of any damage at all nor has any finishers.

If you chose bear because it doesn’t get killed as easily you are playing the ranger wrong. The key to playing ranger efficiently is to swap pets during combat and use their F2 abilities.

What I do for dungeon running:

Pets: Jungle Stalker = mighty roar / 5 stacks of might
Red Moa = furious screech / fury

The jungle stalker may be bugged ( f2 doesn’t always work %100 of the time) but those 5 stacks of might come in handy. It also does decent damage and causes vulnerability with every strike. The red moa can heal! THIS IS ALL PARTY WIDE!

TLDR: If you are using perma bear, you are playing the ranger wrong.

Stop blaming other players, plz

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Players who champ train all day should stay in the champ train IMHO. simple as that.

Doesn’t matter what profession you are. If you are bad at the content you are bad. I see a lot of posts saying rangers are completely useless. That is a load of crap. The player behind the monitor playing the ranger is useless.

There is nothing wrong with the ranger profession. It is very capable of dealing enough damage and killing any of the types of wardens. How do I know this? I have all of the living story achievements and I used the ranger to get them.

As a developer said in a past post, the overall community needs to up their game to complete bosses like these. Marionette is no where near the difficulty of Liadri.

Can Ranger/Necs qualify for LFG "Speedrun"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


my full zerker ranger has the same dps as a full zerker warrior. sword/warhorn. Utilities: frost spirit, quickening zephyr, sun spirit, rampage as one.
Pet: Melandru Stalker /Drake
I can destroy the gate controller in Cof P1 with these specs in less than 6 seconds. So yah a ranger does splendid DPS and still has the survivability.

Burst damage and DPS are two different things.

I am still able to do equal dps. So yah basically I am saying I have both the burst and DPS capability of a warrior with my ranger.

Tired of your frost spirit crap

in Ranger

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


So the skill is bugged? Don’t think so. Maybe the buff is seen on the character but thats just an indicator that the spirit is within range.

Longbow rangerssss rawr

in Ranger

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


For some reason everyone gets kittened off if I use my longbow and full zerker. I hitting for 4k with the longbow all the while my pet does around 1k. 103 crit damage + 3.48k attack

People get really kittened if I join their team for an Arah run. Haven’t got kicked for being a ranger yet though. Probably because I don’t use useless bears. Stalker, and red moa for the might and fury stacks ftw.

Can Ranger/Necs qualify for LFG "Speedrun"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


my full zerker ranger has the same dps as a full zerker warrior. sword/warhorn. Utilities: frost spirit, quickening zephyr, sun spirit, rampage as one.
Pet: Melandru Stalker /Drake
I can destroy the gate controller in Cof P1 with these specs in less than 6 seconds. So yah a ranger does splendid DPS and still has the survivability.

[Suggestion] Multi Party Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Great idea, but the scaling needs to be perfect.
Say you cant make up that third group and only 2 groups can go. The two groups should be able to get full reward(like if they had 3 groups). This will minimize waiting and not having to resort to getting a pug group. It is this very problem that goes on with current boss fights(Teq, Wurm, Marionette). Relying on a pug group is very risky.

The AP Leaderboard Sucks; Let's Fix It

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Even if you reset the leaderboards in intervals it would still only put whoever plays the most on top.

Bring an end to Queensdale champ farm

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Ok so now champ training equates skill level does it? LOL.

yes it does. champ training actually degenerates your skill level so much that you can’t do anything else in GW2 other than champ train.

@laokoko ^ I didnt’ do any champ train. But I’m still a complete newbie when I step in my first dungeon. You just over think things too much.
And a lvl80 newbie in wvw is the much better than a level1 newbie in wvw

Thats the point…. no one takes a level 1 into WvW.. They will have leveled through playing through much more content than a champ trainer and be level 80 before they decide to go to WvW.

A lvl 80 player who doesnt champ train can learn faster and comprehend better than a level 80 champ trainer when it comes down to dungeons.

Bring an end to Queensdale champ farm

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


That’s the point Traveller, those who dont “train” or even hang out in QD are complaining about those who do. People keep posting that its somehow detrimental to new players, without showing any actual downside. Toxic players are everywhere in the game, that’s why we have an ignore function and a report system. Its not limited to or because of the people in a train, its just toxic players in general. There are plenty of them at event like Teq.

There is an actual downside. A player who levels from 1-80 using the champ train will be far less skilled than a player who levels through WvW or the rest of the PvE world.

All you do in a champ train is press #1 as fast as you can. When you actually play the rest of the game you dodge and use the rest of the skills on your skill bar.

It is so laughable that I almost cry when I see an obvious level 80 champ trainer try to do any dungeon path. Would be great if these champ trainers stayed in the champ train forever. Then my sides wouldn’t hurt.

So much Ranger Hate.... Just sad....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Rangers are just so easy to rage on because a lot of new players that play rangers go longbow and bear.

There is nothing wrong with going longbow and bear. It really comes down to player skill. The ranger can be a complicated profession to play and that is why you see many not reach full potential. Anyone can play guardian and warrior with ease.

Its not just the ranger’s pets that stand in front of lane 2’s warden. I have seen guardians and warriors wailing on them doing ZERO damage to them and I would have to yell at them.

[Suggestion] Less waypoints, more mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


No mounts

Less WPs , but WPs better placed on the map.

Here is another thing they shouldn’t have changed in the Guild Wars series. \]

There shouldn’t be any WP in the open world. When you die you get rezzed near a resurrection shrine nearby if you choose to release.

Bring an end to Queensdale champ farm

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


If someone who bought the game today and asked what was the quickest way to level they would be told Queensdale Champ farm is the best/fastest way . This is a very bad thing IMO.

I say this because the amount of skill required to champ train farm is non-existent. I have seen level 80 players with 800 AP with golden title try to do CoF p1 or p2 and fail miserably then complain that it is too hard. You know kitten well how they got that title and level 80(champ train).

The quality of skill in players have sunken to an all time low ever since the champ train. I can’t even explain to these players how to beat Marionette or Wurm without getting some snarky remark. It is like these players are way too overwhelmed by simple mechanics and get hysterical during and after their failure.

I blame all of this on the Champ Train. Whoever does Champ Train doesn’t make them casual. It makes them low skilled. There are casual players out there that could probably stomp on hardcore(4+hr a day guys/girls).

It would be great if the Champ Trainers would stay with the Champ Train , but Living Story pops up and they rush to it thinking they can press #1 and win.


1. Randomize respawn times on every champion between 1-2 hours. Increase the overall respawn time to 1+ hours.

2. Gate players to only one box a day for each single champ in Tyria

Will others agree with me? Absolutely not. They want to grind to get what they want fast to cut their overall game experience into a quarter. If people leave the game because of these solutions then so be it. Guild Wars 2 could do a lot better without carebears. I am sick of not being able to do content that could be enjoyable because it requires a zerg. Would be nice if the zerg knew how to play. People try to teach but the knowledge is lost in overflowing chat full of whining. Am I whining right now? Yes , and for a very good reason.

So.. cof p1.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


That wall didnt stop our full zerker team from just running around and hiding behind things; not even trying to kill the adds.

If Anet wants us to fight those adds there has to be less of them. For the low-skilled player who only hits #1 on their skill bar the current scenario is un-winnable.


Already reduced play count at wurm

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Marientte is for regulars/casuals. Wurm is for hardcore. I don’t have an issue with this.

thats not right. why would Anet split the player base like that?

Also I believe marionette going to be up for 4 weeks. since everything else has been given 4 weeks time.

Worlds first Marionette Defeat!

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


beat it in overflow this morning…… if an overflow can beat I dont think it is prestige worthy.

GWO reviews the Wurm bosses

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


One thing could be changed and it could solve everything.

Take the timer away. Gives everyone all the time in the world to learn the encounter and solve together rather than fighting each other and having huge negativity

Once then done type thing

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


For the bosses of course.

The wurms more so. These events( wurms & tequatl) only need one thing taken away.

the timer.

Take away the timer and you have a happy community.

Pine is a soft wood!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Can we please stop with this Living Story...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


So Scarlet is the one and only character in this whole Living Story?

What about the new character Taimi? What about what is going on between Rox and Braham? Is Rox going to join the Stone legion and say goodbye to Braham? What about Kasmeer and Marjory? Are they the gay couple that I thought they would always be? Who is E?

If you actually gave a single crap about the story you would know that there is more to it than just little old Scarlet.

You play an RPG but you don’t even RP……

What would GW2 be like with trinity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Lately I have not seen any LFG where zerker was forced. just have to be lvl 80 these days thanks to the good nerf that dungeons needed.

A traditional trinity would be very boring and just as bad as the current situation.

1 single tank taking 0 damage and dealing 0 damage
3 dps sitting back and facerolling their keyboards or even worse using a macro
1 heal staring at the tank’s heal bar.

doesnt sound like fun to me.

At least the current gameplay mechanic lets me change my build completely and still be effective no matter what profession I am.

There really is healing there already. Not only guardians but Elementalists have really good healing capability.

gasp the ranger’s healing spirit and elite healing spirit , plus stone spirit can make a whole party invincible……………….

Zerker nerfed, allow us to swap asc gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Have any of you watched the live stream? you can watch it now. Berserker gear is still going to be BiS for raw damage. The only thing that is going to happen is that it may take longer to kill something, The reduction may not even be noticeable for some content.

Zerker nerfed, allow us to swap asc gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Nobody cares about PvE where no one cares if youre exotic or ascended.

With this attitude, why should anyone care about your problem?

I think they stated it poorly, but I think they meant in pve no one cares in your armor is ascended or exotic whereas in wvw they do (I don’t know if that’s true, but I think it came off much more… Angry? Than they meant.) and thus pve players won’t care enough to complain about the change.

I WvW and my guild does not make me run ascended. The only rules are , have exotics, party wide AoE skills that support or CC, be lvl 80. Ascended is overrated and a skilled exotic player can beat a full ascended noob into the ground easy. even if it is a 30v30 zerg the commander with the best skill and intelligence wins.

AScended gear to me is like legendary gear…. nice to have but not necessary. Anet should have never put Ascended gear into the game anyway. for Fotm they should have just let players infuse their exotic gear like in GW1 against the Mursaat. I really dislike the traditional carrot on a stick grind that Anet is pushing right now. Apparently that is what the majority wanted.