Showing Posts For Chewablesleeptablet.3185:

Current DR hurts more than helps

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


IMO diminishing returns hit you way too fast and it lasts way too long. If I play for about 15 minutes I will start to get hit by DR. This DR will keep building up unless I take maybe 2 hour break it seems, I could be exaggerating.

Lets say I like to do a certain dungeon run once a day. I believe the DR kicks in and lasts probably 3 days for that dungeon path. Every time you run the path you are just resetting the DR timer.

There needs to be a better way to keep farmers at bay.

Instead of having DR why not increase the reward rate if the players go from zone to zone? An inverted DR if you will. Say I am spending time in Fields of Ruin and I do a couple of events. I can stay and get the same rate of reward or I can move to another zone and get increased rewards from another zone for that day.

That would definitely get me to explore more! This system can reset daily or players could pick a permanent time for it to reset to fit their busy schedule.

How to make people want to do Tequatl

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Anet could have found that sweet spot if they took away the timer. The punishment for multiple deaths is good enough.

The timer is the biggest reason why no one does it. They need to take away the 25% thresholds too. Instead put the phases on a timer. 5 mins on regular attack . after the 5 mins , switch to protecting the batteries.

On getting critcism

in Community Creations

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


So telling Anet that they are doing a good job is dangerous? It is wrong to say something that you like about the game?

You got to have some bad to make the good even better.

How do u guys make gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


dungeons. 1-2 gold every 20 mins sounds good to me rather than the extremely boring champ farm.

Those who farm for gold are just shortening their overall time with the game. Once you have farmed all that gold up and bought what you wanted, what is there to do after? Start an alt and repeat the process? LOL

Don’t try to compete with others in how much gold you have. Guild Wars 2 will become a second job if you do. You are supposed to be immersed into the game, not downing a champion in less that 5 seconds then clicking a waypoint for hours on end.

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


noticed that i had to rip boons off of a guardian in order to soften it up with S/D on my thief…was with another guardian, we were against a mesmer and a guard. both repplaied boons without a problem, really glassy however i dont see where S/D Larcenous needs a change at all if its a negative change…if anything it needs a buff , a slgiht buff to actually assist in softening up targets more, theyll just easily reapply buffs without a problem..
WHERE…is Larcenous “OP”…seems to be Underpowered if anything.

Pretty much this exactly, in its current state you can burn all your resources cleaning someone of boons, and 3 seconds later the guard/ele/eng/mesmer will have full stacks of everything again while your at maybe 20% initiative. Thats why it was not a worthwhile counter before the buff, and it will again be worthless if its changed as suggested

That is just not true.

Nice counter argument! :P

If they’re going to nerf larcenous strike again, they’d better make it faster, or cost less initiative, because as it is now, it’s a total initiative drain and it’s really slow compared to the old flanking strike, even though the old flanking strike only stripped one boon, it was inexpensive and quick. The nerf to Larcenous strike could make it almost worthless.

Well it was quite obviously false. If you want to argue for changing something, you should actually make real statements.

You aren’t making real statements and aren’t backing up your arguments in the slightest. Saying what he said is “false” is only your opinion, and nothing more. That would be like saying “you suck” to someone that you don’t even know and without listing reasons as to why they suck.

It is patently obvious that what he said is a complete lie. An elementalist cannot completely rebuff in 3 seconds. You cannot just lie your kitten off claiming it as truth with absolutely zero backing, then call someone out for saying you are lying.

An ele can get multiple buffs just by switching attunements, not even using any skills, if they blast a couple fields while switching through 2-3 attunements, your easily looking at 4-5 important boons within a VERY short time frame. Ele aside there are multiple skills for certain professions such as Rage signet, that can provide 2-3 buffs INSTANTLY. So yes it is absolutely needed that LS maintains 2 boons per hit, unless its intended that thieves only play d/d or d/p backstab builds?

except that the thief can gain initiative a lot faster than the cooldowns of the skills for the boons.

you forget that thieves get evasion plus a rip? that alone is very strong. why? because the thief isnt taking any damage and can easily go stealth to regen initiative to spam LS again , and again, and again , and again , and again , and again ..

How to make people want to do Tequatl

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


I would have figured if they wanted people to do Tequatl they would take away the timer and add in a better fail mechanic. Not protecting the batteries would be good enough.

Engi Elite: Mechanical robot

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


It could work just like a flesh golem does for the necromancer except better autonomous AI listed below.

Robot uses rockets when 2 or more enemies are in a 1000 radius

Minigun when only 1 foe is present in 1000 radius

Flamethrower if enemy is up close

Activating the skill makes the robot whirl in place knocking back foes.

At 10% health the robot begins a self destruct sequence;
after 8 seconds the robot will explode if not killed in time and damages and burns enemies in a 600 radius. players can AoE heal the robot to greater than 10% to stop the self destruct countdown.

Behavior in targeting can be the same as turrets.

This elite skill may not see the light of day in WvW , but I see its usefulness in PvE and Spvp.

10/15 pet health change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


and our ranger pets will still die in 99% of all boss encounters because they cannot jump/dodge or avoid any of the big hitting aoe’s, doesnt matter how much hp they have.

guess what the return button is for? or the swap pet button is for.

here i will tell you. you can swap the pet just before the big hit comes or press the return key to make him run back towards you if you are ranged. 2 melee pets you say while you are also melee? *snicker.

What's in the box guessing thread!

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


A portal to Cantha!

A potential good healer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


update: ran 4 dungeon runs , CoF path 2s and AC path 1 and 3 with pug group. no complaints because their health was full and my phantasms doing 4k crits in cof.

note: not cleric built. full celestial gear with ascended celestial trinkets. got to love that crit damage.

Are Rangers Worth It?

in Ranger

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


shift modifiers work wonders.

A potential good healer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


wrong skills? didn’t know there was such a thing. I thought gw2 was about how you use the skills that are on your skill bar. oh well. just dont take me with you in a group.

nothing wrong with stealth.

in Thief

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


instead of thinking “OMG i can’t beat this” , relax.

guess what the ultimate counter to stealth is?

block. every profession has it. even better ones are block +counterattack.

also anticipation is a big factor. I’m sorry guys but you can’t just blow all your skills at once on a thief like you can with other professions.

Thieves in dungeon

in Thief

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


i find it hard to sustain dps with a thief. you can’t sit their and wail on a mob like a warrior does. sometimes you have to stealth and backstab.

pistol/pistol thieves with bounce are great imo. You can spam #4 and keep a mob dazed for a long time if you can manage your initiative well.

At least in WoW, stealth was balanced

in Thief

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


there is nothing wrong with stealth in this game. It is a L2P issue, but Anet just had to give whiners what they wanted.

No I do not main a thief. I just kill lots of them easily.

Are Rangers Worth It?

in Ranger

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


the problem with pets is that people do not like to micro manage them. Most players don’t ever think about telling their pet to return to save them.

The saddest part about a lot of ranger players is that they do not swap pets in combat at all. They just let their pet die and never swap for a full health second pet.

Always… Always swap before your pet is about to die. It will reduce cooldown on the next swap.

I can run a full zerker set and deal great damage and still have my pet do 3k crits with the proper trait lines. 20/30/0/0/20 the secret is to trait for abilities, not stats.

What is "bearbow" and why do people hate it?

in Ranger

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


run ice and flame drake. they both have blast finishers. longbow is fine if you can stay at max range and deal max dps and the occasional CC knockback if needed.

condition and damage ranger viable?

in Ranger

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


yes. bring your choice of sun spirit or frost spirit.

a selfish build is not viable for wvw or dungeons so make sure you bring something for your allies.

Why Pink Hearts particle effect Please Change

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


i think the particle color should change to the primary color of your armor. Butterflies are pretty!

How about fans?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


  1. kiss fits female mesmer fine, but a male mesmer just seems not masculine.

hurrah for male mesmer pansy boys.

A potential good healer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Please don’t run a heal spec in dungeons, it just makes you a waste of a player slot.

A bit like bearbow rangers, you basically 4-man a dungeon when you get one of those.

heal spec deals good raw damage. I dont think people would mind if their health bars were kept full. It will make the fight less stressful. Sure a full zerker team can run a dungeon fine, but you got to be on speed all the time to out dps your mobs.

dont tell me how to play

Is Mesmer good atm ?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Can’t have it all!

The Warrior laughs at you.

Warrior lacks in raw DPS output and has relatively poor AOE capabilities outside of cleave. They are balanced in just about everything (as they were meant to be) but that comes at a price.

yup. that is why our guild wipes 40 warrior zergs. its funny seeing them warbanners after they are all dead.

A potential good healer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


yah just found that out. between charging mantras you can cast your instant abilities as you are using charges.

I just 1v1ed another mesmer in WvW and it made him run away because he couldnt drop my health past 80% while I had him down to 40%. The amount of heal the traits give is great.

A potential good healer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


there are two traits that can turn the mesmer into a great support healer.

restorative mantras : heal when using a mantra

restorative illusions : heal when shattering illusions

mantra of pain has a one second cooldown! pair that with a three use trait and you have three pulses of heals every say 5 seconds + damage!

any thoughts? I will test this out in a pug group for a dungeon. in any case it will be fun.

Crafting: Skin making

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Crafting is so lackluster and pretty much useless unless you are making food or ascended gear.

The best way to revamp the crafting system is to allow players to craft various armor and weapon skins apart from the ones you can already craft.

This could include making dungeon armor skins through using lodestones as a material. Even priory, vigil, and whisper armor could be crafted.

They would also need to be able to apply to existing armor without having to use a transmutation crystal. Why? Because the amount of time spent would take longer than farming gold then exchanging it for gems and then getting the crystal.

How many really care about personal story?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Guild Wars stories are almost universally corny and lame. They feel like a story line in an anime for 12 year old kids.

what did you expect? Something from George R.R. Martin?

100 % Critical Chance... wow!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


funny how some think Warriors are OP.. especially in WvW. our guild wipes warrior centric guilds all the time. All that is left are the 20 warbanners that resurrected them for a split second, only for them to die immediately afterwards.

transmutation stones(yellow) worthless

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


yah probably a formula like :

50 yellow trans stones + 1 mystic forge stone + 20 ecto + 1 transmutation crystal =

random yield of 10-20 transmutation crystals.

ANet makes money off the crystals. It’s probably one of their bigger sellers. What would you suggest they do to replace lost sales if they were to do your suggestion? You have to consider what a company loses in sales when it turns a money maker into a freebie as otherwise your suggestion will never be considered.

show me proof that they make a lot from selling crystals because I convert money to gems for cheap stuff like that.

You do realize that the gems you bought with ingame money were first bought with real money don’t you?

Just because there is an extra step there, you buying the gems from the player with gold, doesn’t mean the gems didn’t cost real money initially. Any time you reduce the number of items that someone wants to buy, either directly or indirectly, this reduces the money going to ANet as sales.

If ANet sells X number of crystals a day, it doesn’t matter to them if the sales are direct or indirect. Each way they make money off the transaction and if those crystals were removed from the gem store then that’s the money they would not be making on a daily basis.

show me your source where you got this assumption.

Merging servers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Some people say the game is dying and some say the population is rising.


If the player population is rising, where are they? Certainly not in the lower pop servers. Okay so you just bought the game and deciding which server to play on….. Of course you will pick the ones that are high at the least.

This means that the medium sized and below servers have not really seen new players since release unless guilds of 500 max players xfering which is a non-existent scenario.

Even new players who choose low pop servers eventually quit the game or transfer to a high pop.

It may be too early to say this , but the empty servers probably will be merged within the next couple years. WvW guilds are the only ones that I see that would be mad. Why? Because they like the small scale GvG.

IMO the server cap was raised too high, and it led to dead servers.

transmutation stones(yellow) worthless

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


yah probably a formula like :

50 yellow trans stones + 1 mystic forge stone + 20 ecto + 1 transmutation crystal =

random yield of 10-20 transmutation crystals.

ANet makes money off the crystals. It’s probably one of their bigger sellers. What would you suggest they do to replace lost sales if they were to do your suggestion? You have to consider what a company loses in sales when it turns a money maker into a freebie as otherwise your suggestion will never be considered.

show me proof that they make a lot from selling crystals because I convert money to gems for cheap stuff like that.

transmutation stones(yellow) worthless

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


yah probably a formula like :

50 yellow trans stones + 1 mystic forge stone + 20 ecto + 1 transmutation crystal =

random yield of 10-20 transmutation crystals.

transmutation stones(yellow) worthless

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


I wish you could mystic forge 5 of the yellow transmutation stones into a transmutation crystal.

I mostly just chuck them out of my inventory since all my chars are lvl 80 and its kind of pointless to keep the dull skins on your journey to lvl 80.

IMO I think no one uses them unless they are new to the game. When you hit 80(which is quickly obtained) in this game all you have left is to get the cool looking armor and weapons.

I probably trashed about 250+ of them.

Please don't make us craft ascended armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


let them craft ascended armor, but also let the armor be obtainable from killing champions, or dungeon loots.

Ascended stuff should not be only for high level fotm. I know some people think they are elite because they can get to lvl 50 , but really the difficulty to fotm is similar to the Liadri fight.

Fractal 48 OMG Guess what I got?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


since everyone is able to get to fractal 48 , the rewards are going to be small.

Why the silence on zerker/conditions?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


try using a full zerker team in a fotm 50….

So how is GW2 these days?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


well if you don’t play now you are just gonna keep missing out on stuff.

Personal story to fight other dragons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Instead of introducing main dragon fights in temporary content, they should be introduced through personal story. That way it can be played repeatedly.

Also personal story should be repeatable.

GW2 is awesome.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185




Has potential?

Yes. Absolutely.

But there have been a lot of bad decisions which is REALLY frustrating:

- Living Story ignoring all Guild Wars lore, you know, interesting and important stuff.
- Soul bound everything when it could just be account bound AT LEAST.
- Time gated gear (soul bound for extra time sucking slow fun! *Vomit)
- Ascended gear
- WvW bloodlust
- WvW leagues
- WvW population issues (server stacking)
- WvW exploits not being addressed
- Targeting enemies feels SO out-dated, it is terrible (target nearest in GW2 makes me CRY, it was perfect in GW1)
- Skill bugs not being fixed, bull’s charge as one example (you go flying past the target after hitting them, the tracking is BROKEN)
- Skill tooltips give little info (finally being addressed next patch)
- Ignoring sucky rune sets while introducing OP ones (perplexity)

There is potential.

They just need to listen to the players instead of blindly doing whatever they want, even when the majority of players say no.

And do not kid yourself and tell me the forums are a minority, they are the majority of feedback and ideas and answers. Until you are getting feedback and ideas from the silent people anet has dubbed “The majority”, they mean nothing. Do not delude yourself.

What is guild wars lore exactly? what would you rather have Living Story be told about? It can’t relive the past because it would be a contradiction.

Maybe they should have started out with fighting another dragon like Jormag? but then it would be temporary content and along the line of the story Jormag would be dead, never to be experienced ever again.

So what I propose is that they should make another personal story for everyone that comes after the killing of Zhaitan which can be replayed by making a new character.

Do engineers have to much access to might?

in Engineer

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


there are builds out there that can rip that 25 stack of might easily………………………………..

Ascended stuff not really a power creep?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Its an example, not a mean for new players. Its to give players who have done everything and who really, have nothing left to do. The only version of it is high level fractals, but they are very unrewarding in terms of loot.

most people who are at high level fractals know that they aren’t that hard. basically a guardian is required for reflect and you are basically suicide running to complete certain checkpoints.

The overwhelming numbers of spawns and the amount of health they have are so high it is better to just bunker up.

Then again you are talking about increasing your overall power which GW2 isn’t really about. Its more about looking cool and enjoying the content that is there.

So how is GW2 these days?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Did a lot of the content I miss contain achievements that are no longer doable then?

All of them did.

and there is where you will have a problem. being felt left behind because you missed out on AP. Competing for AP is like competing for how many times you used the restroom today. Its pointless to compete in this game unless you are in WvW or TPvP.

Is Anet afraid of expansion not selling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


tbh, they’re going to have to really up the stakes on what they put in an expansion to get people to buy it.

Knowing that what they consider “an expansion’s worth of content” are events, a new gear tier and the LS, they’ve got a lot to improve on.

GW1 expansions did not introduce a new gear tier so why should GW2’s expansion? GW2 needs to stick to GW1 formula in that matter. More players would be happy that way, especially GW1 vets.

A Berserker Solution

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


yes for friendly fire if 2 or more berserkers are in the mix.

Ascended stuff not really a power creep?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


well one player cant be everywhere at once. Zones are going to be deserted, there is no escaping that fact and there is nothing Anet can do to spread out the community. Queensdale is always populated though and that is a starter area.

Heroic difficulty? whats that about? can newcomers trying to level by playing it? If not then how is heroic difficulty useful to newcomers?

So how is GW2 these days?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Nothing new has been added, you missed a lot of temporary content that won’t be re-lived.

So, its essentially still the same game you left it.

except that the OP will be experiencing the latest Living Story update…. so yah you are wrong about playing the same old game.

BLC Weapon Skins

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


No offense but I hope to god they do NOT come back EVER… These should be something that people who have been around since the beginning have a priviledge of owning. They can go ahead and make new weapons but I will be EXTREMELY kittened off if they bring these back…

How is that fair? They are just skins anyway.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Hey all, Wanted to provide you the map of Tyria with the 3 “Continents” from the Guild Wars 1 Era. This is the same map Astral posted but larger and with better quality.

Respects go to “That Shaman”

That is one huge world and we onlyplay in a tiny portion of it. This map shows the ultimate potential of the whole world of Tyria.

Ascended stuff not really a power creep?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


I don’t believe so. I don’t think my exotics will become utterly useless in the game once ascended armor comes around. WvW will be a different story probably, which means there needs to be a better or more reasonable way of obtaining anything ascended.

Many players who WvW but do not put in insane amounts of game time will be left in the dust. A small increase for a single player isn’t much, but times that by 20-130 and you got a big increase for a massive blob.

Level 80 PvE ,besides level 10+ FotM, will and should always be doable by using even greens(just won’t be as easy).

Spvp is safe from ascended gear and that is awesome.

Ascended trinkets are only obtainable through fotm or laurels and IMO they should be able to be obtained from the mystic forge using 4 exotics 10% chance(triforge amulet is the only one that can be made without ever going to fotm, and it’s celestial).

Is precursor crafting going to happen or not?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


and yet I dont think I will even craft a precursor when it is possible to do so. Odds are it will be time-gated like ascended weapons.

Anet…. we hate to wait months to get these time-gated BiS gear if we have the resources.

Speed fastur!!!! DX

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


I agree 33% is nice, but I would like to see the skills like Super Speed go past that. Since the duration of Super Speed is quite short it is not OP. Maybe the thief 50% speed in stealth needs to be reduced to 40%?

Alot of range reliant builds in spvp seem to zip around the arena really fast when in combat. I hate it when I have to chase them……