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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


A pay to win scheme for the Asian continent. Games used to need skill to be won. If throwing cash at a game makes me win I don’t see the fun in it. This pay to win mentality needs to stop for everyone.

Guild Wars 2 is the type of game anyone can jump into even if it is for only 30 minutes at a time. Players just don’t realize they are not racing against anyone and that is why they feel rushed.

Game is too easy.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


My main is a Ranger. Not any harder than any other profession. I have leveled them all to 80 and Ranger is actually the easiest because of its simplicity. Sit at range with a longbow , command pet to attack first and Boom , easy peasy mode.

I easily get groups for dungeons all the time. I can get into CoF, Arah, Fotm, and CoE no problem……. My zerker dps is as high if not higher than a GS war zerker. You obviously don’t know how to play Ranger Galtrix, no offense. Feel free to reply with disgust if you like.

Game is too easy.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


There is nothing Anet can do to make it any harder and they wouldn’t if they could.

Look at Tequatl. The first couple of weeks the forums were plastered with “Teq too hard” and players were angry or disappointed. I was disappointed with the time limit and that was all. IMO there should have been perimeters that decided a fail or win such as not defending one of the batteries. These days the only people who do Tequatl are guilds or certain servers who decided to “man up”. Only 2 or 3 servers ever do Teq now.

In GW2 early stages the Open World/PvE mobs were difficult to kill for the inexperienced player. Sadly these inexperienced players would rather cry on the forums than to just get better at the game. (I wont say casual because a player can be casual and still be good at the game). So Anet had no choice but to make PvE mobs toys for toddlers to crash their #1 into. The other skills on the skill bar actually had use in PvE at one point. Cripple was my favorite condition back then and now I don’t have to mitigate damage anymore because PvE mobs do nil.

GW2 can never be made challenging because it is too late. If I wanted to change something I would give PvE mobs more skills to use and shorter cooldowns for said skills.

GW2 is really just an RPG and players should treat the game like an RPG. If you know about Tarnished Coast you know what I am talking about. It is actually fun roleplaying in a roleplaying game. The game is easy enough so RPers can get to anywhere in Tyria and do their Rping.

It is not only Anet’s fault that the game is too easy. It is also the player’s fault for not playing the game right. Terms like “farming” , “raiding” , “grinding”, “zerging”, “BiS” are what made this game what it is. These terms came from players who played traditional MMOs like WoW. I am a GW1 vet and not once wanted to keep running on a gear treadmill.

Should Anet have kept to their GW1 fan base and stuck with the Manifesto? I think yes.

Let`s speculate

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


The only wish I have for 2014 regarding this game is that they announce an expansion pack which is heavily focused on elder dragon lore and heavy ties to GW1 characters and story(gwen,etc).
I believe an expansion is possibly the only thing that can save the game when all these new mmo’s begin to launch in 2014.

Gwen? Gwen is dead. GW2 is hundreds of years after the events that happened during GW1. This means there is not going to be playable content between now and then. There are three books out there that pretty much tell you what happened between GW1 and GW2. Read a book.

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Right off the top of my head I would like to see soulbound to be banished from GW2. By all means keep account bound and turn everything soulbound to account bound on use.

It would make altoholics happy and you can’t play GW2 without having multiple alts. GW1 vets you know what I am talking about.

The only demographic I see being hurt are the TP flippers. IMO GW2 wasn’t supposed to be “Stock Market 2”.

GW2 Combat vs other MMORPG's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


I feel its a little too uninvolved. During champion events, I find on my Mesmer, I just prop myself up a good 900 range away (To account for the mobs slightly moving around), get my phantasms up, turn on auto-attack and either alt tab out or sell things on the market.

Thats not an isolated situation or even being lazy. There are a lot of weapons where auto-attack outdoes all your other skills.

Was sort of hoping for Vindictus, that didn’t suffer from F2P syndrome and low budget when I got it. I do like the idea of being able to take care of yourself though.

Everything in the Open PvE world is meant to be easy. If you have a big enough group of players, all you need is your #1 and a heal if you make a little mistake. Some dungeons are also easy but can challenge you to move an inch or two. GW2 combat really shines in structured PvP.

CDI- Character Progression- Vertical

in CDI

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


What would be the point of raising level cap? It would only create more grinding to get to the max level just to experience content for said level.

Guild Wars 1 never raised the level cap past 20 and IMO GW1 is a great game.

[my #1 Problem] Improving skill order/queue

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


I just wish they would fix the attack in general. It feels like my character only has 50 FoV and stops auto attacking when the enemy runs beside me.

A lot of my skills fail to work because I can’t find that sweet spot where I am on that FoV edge.

How is GW2 progression different?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


I giggled at the trinity being deep….

Tank = sit there and take little to no damage at all against a single mob or multiple weak mobs

Healer = watches a health bar go down, trying to keep it from going empty

DPS= sits there at max range or melee without going over a threat meter to keep the mob on the tank. All the while clicking every button on his skill bar waiting on cooldowns to go away to repeat said faceroll.


Difference between WoW and GW2? GW2 has better graphics, gameplay, skill based combat (we don’t need to have sword of a thousand truths to kill that PKer, we just get good at the game), and has no subscription fee.

Scarlet needs to go. Now.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


I haven’t read all the replies to this, but I am gonna chime in and say Scarlet does have a back story. You just judged a book by its cover so to speak and didn’t bother to read it.

So since you don’t really give a crap about the story , why are you complaining?

ToN's destruction is very symbolic.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Funny OP. How do you know where a story is leading to if you don’t already know the ending? As long as the current story with Scarlet exists Anet can twist and turn the story as they please. Will Scarlet be imprisoned or executed on the spot?

I see you are complaining about the rewards for LS.. Why do the content if you aren’t getting what you want? RNG is there for a reason. It keeps Trading Posts from over saturating, but since the traditional MMO grinder/farmer will farm it doesn’t really do any good. If Anet took away RNG, do you think the farmers would stop farming? That is a good 8 hour and a half laugh on that thought.

Quit GW2 because of the living world!

in Living World

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


If you can’t find time within 4 weeks to complete very easy , very quick content then MMOs in general are not a genre you would enjoy.

This comment both illustrates and misses the point about time-gated content.

You’re right. You don’t understand.

so then what is the point? time-gated content is just a cheap way to keep players from reaching max stats. Since GW2 is playable by using only rares, no one should really complain about not having BiS gear.

Once you get that BiS gear what are you going to do with it? The same content you have been doing since you started your first character.

Living world wouldn’t be living world if everything stayed permanently.

Do you really want Scarlet invasions to be in the game forever?????????????

Quit GW2 because of the living world!

in Living World

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


I don’t understand how you are not getting any Living Story done even though you are casual. Ever living story only takes at most 5 hours to complete. You are given 4 weeks to get the achievements done.

If you can’t find time within 4 weeks to complete very easy , very quick content then MMOs in general are not a genre you would enjoy.

Heavy and Medium still in gshop....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


The flamekissed armor for medium and heavy are still in the gem shop. They clearly resemble pre-existing armor as well.

They need to be redone as well. Hell I can get invaders armor skin and dye it red and orange for my medium armor.

Please take them out and do a better job.

Why use old armor pieces for gshop?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Seriously guys. If you haven’t noticed already the three flamekissed armor pieces are just old skins already in the game with a little flame glued on them.

IMO It is very insulting to the community and anyone who buys gems in the gem shop. How lazy does a developer have to be to just take a pre-existing skin and put fire on it? Extremely Lazy.

Why couldn’t they come up with something completely unique?

Take it back.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


I just looked at the flame armors that you can get in the Gem shop. I am extremely disappointed with them and here is why.

They are just skins of pre-existing armors with a little shine and red/orange fire on them.

I thought Anet was better than this and they could come up with unique skins.

Seriously , what were they thinking?

Just take them back and take your time to create new unique armor skins. I can see many of your investing customers suddenly losing respect for you. It really is a kick in the face to many.

What if Ascended Gears was reversed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Should have been like GW1 at the start. Infusing exotics for AR.

What’re THE 5 things you love most about GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


1. B2P . It is how every game should be no matter the genre.

2. Easy leveling and downscaling. If I am level 79 and wan’t to get my last level in Caledon Forest, no problem! It wont take more than 2 hours.

3. Gameplay and UI. The combat is like water. There aren’t tons of skill boxes cluttering up my screen, or quest trackers telling me to do this or that.

4. NPC humor. If you stick around in certain outposts or camps out in the PvE world you will witness some funny conversations. The majority of players do not get to experience this because they are in Queensdale all day and it is very sad.

5. No mandatory grind. Exotics are easy to get and once you get your exotic you are completely comfortable tackling anything PvE can throw at you. I have not ever grinded in this game and have 12k AP and 8 lvl 80s all with exotics.

Those who grind are not enjoying the game and are literally shortening the game’s lifetime for them.

Solution to stop Champ Farm

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


So the majority of PvEers are boring champ farmers/grinders? Good to know. No wonder why people say the game is dieing. All of the other zones are empty.

Maybe they should just take away champ loot and call it a bad idea on Anet’s part. Or maybe they should get rid of all the other zones and keep Queensdale and rename the game Champ Train simulator. GW2 is not a grind game, but it seems that players will abuse this huge design flaw.

Yah, those of you that oppose my suggestion are offended because it would ruin your mindless, press #1 , champ train. Champ trains are definitely a problem because it influences new players to just farm and not experience any content , and it leaves the other zones empty. At least back then players were farming events in upper level zones such as Straits of Devastation, but now it is “just go to Queensdale and do the easiest thing for the highest reward per minute in the game”.

Anet does have heat trackers for their game.. I wonder what they are trying to come up with to spread the population. The sooner the better because this game went downhill from champ trains. The train is the most boring thing in this game and people do it because they think they will get what they want quicker. I really do giggle at that ideology.

Solution to stop Champ Farm

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


why do people care about the champ trains? How does it negatively affect your experience in the game?

It negatively affects my experience whenever I see a group event and I am not able to do it because everyone has hopped on the champ train.

What is Egineer's "Core Role" supposed to be?

in Engineer

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


In a zerg I go cleric heal bombs. Healing nearby allies for 333 HP and hurting enemies for 1k dmg every three fourths of a second makes me a walking meteor heal rain.

Solo , if you like rifle. Net turret , rifle cooldown reduction. sitting duck trait. and more CC. 2 things may happen. Your opponent tries to flee or they die.

Solution to stop Champ Farm

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Randomize respawn times between 10 mins to 3 hours for every champion.

Now give me my nobel peace prize. I shall wait for it in the mail.

Is Guild Wars 2 dying??

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


You do not see people near you because they are either in Queensdale, Spvp, or WvW. Sorry to say that but it is the true true. It doesn’t mean the game is dieing. The top 3 servers in WvW have queues in every Borderlands most parts of the day.

Anet just underestimated the influence farmers have on other players. A player who would have rather enjoyed the content the game has to offer is now told to go to Queensdale to farm champs. It is very sad.

Skin acquirement needs to stay hard

in Fractured

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Spoiler: there was always a rare chance to get them in the 10-20ish. The only change we made was to make them skins so you can apply them without spending a transmutation stone.

read OP , then read this. Then close thread. Seems some people didn’t realize that they could get those skins at 10 and they are still making posts thinking they can’t.

Gem shop skins too expensive.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Compared to other games the price for weapon or armor skins in the gemshop are insanely too high. What amazes me is they are also only one-time use! They should at least work like Achievement skins.

IMO it is too expensive for both the workaholic and the kid or basement dweller. Skins in other games cost $1.90 whereas skins in GW2 cost approx. $10.

I ask you not to comment here about “Anet has to make money somehow”, because they would definitely get way more sales if the skins were cheaper. Gold to gem conversion is about 1g = 10 gems. It is safe to say that the price conversion for gems will not go down since farms have been established.

Soon it could be 1g = 1 gem. Amazing right? Glad I obtained 16 character slots through gem conversion before this happened.

Hiding chest armour

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


I do have a concern that once get the option to turn off armor, half the population of female characters will end up running in their bikinis.

nothing wrong with that really. It is a matter of taste. I would actually like to see more chest armor for females that shape the chest better by using contour lines. There is a reason why people like the female form…… It is beautiful. It has nothing to do with perversion.

Not enough actual bi-weekly content

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


The content releases as of late have become minor grindfests. I say minor because the grind in GW2 is little compared to other traditional MMOs.

The latest update with the Tower of Nightmares only had one story mission that was short. After completing that I couldn’t bare to do the achievements because it meant having repeat super easy content over and over again. also having to wait on things to pop up in certain zones was not fun either.

What I would like to see in Living Story is more mission instances that are soloable.

Living Story should have been presented just like Personal Story. There should also be choices in the missions that players make that can change the outcome of where the story will be going. (the ellen and evon vote tally system could be implemented) I know that some players would be upset if their choice didn’t get majority pick but at least actual player interaction is involved.

So far it doesn’t matter if players choose whether or not to participate in Living Story. There is no real motivation to participate other than a single backslot skin, node, or AP.

The players should be making decisions provided options given from the developers. It should be the developer’s job to create the path that the majority of players pick. There is just no interaction or consequence for players pertaining to lore.

Scenario :

Players choice: Kill or Capture Scarlet
Certain rewards are given depending on the choice made. Maybe a good NPC gets killed because of the choice.

Huge lack of armor in-game, cash shop rampant

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


No, just no.

I have a full time day job and only play this game for around 10+ hours a week, and I’m thankful that I can use a small portion of my salary to substitute for wasting hours in a game.

why not have both? have the armor obtainable through the achievements and have it available in the gem shop? how would that hurt anyone?

Longbow should pierce without trait

in Ranger

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


A longbow may be good in PvE without having traits to back it up. When you take the longbow to WvW or Spvp there are traits you are required to bring to make it effective.

This means sacrificing 20-30 points into a trait line for a bow that has only one AoE move with a high cooldown just so you can pierce and have more range.

If an engi’s rifle has natural pierce then why not a ranger’s longbow?

The dying DE system and the new ascended mats

in Living World

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


either the rewards for Dynamic Events need to be increased or the rewards for other content needs to be decreased. take your pick Anet.

Remove Harpy's launch in Mist Fractal

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


you do know you can change your utility and weapon skills when out of combat? why not try to adapt to the challenge?

If you nerf harpies, then I want everything else in the game able to be beaten with just the press of #1.

how would you like GW3 to be.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


GW3 will be non-existent in at least 5 years.

The only reason why people dislike GW2 is because of their mentality. MMO players feel the need to always be rushing to endgame and to the best looking equipment all the while competing against people they don’t know IRL for said best loot. That is the only reason why there are champion train farms.

The manifesto for the most part has been provided in the game. It is the individual player’s fault that they can’t see it that way. It is a game. Treat it as such and you won’t have complaints. Honestly I think some people believe that they will play only one game for the rest of their life or something.

Given 5+ years and GW3 is even considered on the table I would just want it to never exist. GW2 is already good looking and patches can change everything. If you don’t play the game but are still on these forums then you just prove that this is the best MMO on the market and having false hopes on Wildstar will just make you come crawling back. Sub fee or a grind for more time? I think not!

Most Superior Runes are useless

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Superior Runes should be more powerful than putting in orbs IMO. There are probably only <10% of all Superior Rune sets that actually make sense.

Seriously, why put in a rune set that only boosts one stat when I can just increase 3 stats overall with a full orb set? Unless you are going for a specific build where you only do one thing in battle(boring!) you are better off with orbs.

Is Anyone Else Excited to finally...

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Isn’t it fun being grown up and mature?!

I don’t understand why things have to be mature themed to be good. Seems as if the gamer generation grew up or something. These days its all about cold blooded killing in games. I weep for kids today that are exposed to negative attitude gaming. It isn’t Mario, Donkey Kong, Starfox anymore.

What Happened to New Skills and Traits?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


still have November and December to go there chub.

Gamers: Have we become more Greedy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


greedy? more like we are burning the flame to bright. This Living story content is way too small to call it expansion worthy. It is a good breeze when it rolls in for the first day, but after that it is gone because major content cannot be created every 2 weeks.

What I hope is that Anet has some team in the background creating this huge content release that they are hush hush about. The content would obviously include new zones, new skills, traits, story, and monsters. Something that would change the current game meta.

Offer a Subscription Option

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


I used to think this game was worth the subscription fee , but as the months rolled by , the content they came out with along with the gem store items just did not seem worth it to me . So far gw2 hasn’t came out with quality content therefore I chose not to pay , If I’m gonna pay a sub it would be a different mmo .

No game is worth a sub fee. A sub fee is an idea that Sony made for their greed. A game’s quality is not dependent on a sub fee. There is a reason why most MMOs go free to play. Money isn’t everything.

Personal Story after Zhaitan

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


I believe that the best way to advance into other dragons is through more personal story.

Living Story seems so small scale(just doesn’t feel like a Main Story for a game) in comparison to a personal story because it is simply not personal enough. The instance with the Bloody Prince was probably the only thing that presented story. Of course if you go to the Mad Realm you can hear the Mad King and The Prince talking about past happenings.

Single player content sounds contradicting to an MMO but IMO players like to be alone sometimes and be able to complete stuff on their own. I myself don’t like to rely on others in dungeons, but it is simple, if the players are bad I just leave the group or be patient if I see light at the end of the tunnel.

The personal story is the best kind of content for lore and main story. Extending it to fight off the other Elder Dragons would be better than to just putting the dragons on a Living Story piece. It allows the customer to repeat the content if he/she makes another character. In all seriousness Personal Story should be repeatable for each character.

Account Security no locations

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


I tried logging in today and was prompted to verify my email. This has not happened in a long time.

I figure my ISP changed IP locations over night because the connection locations are in the same state.

Clicking on MY ACCOUNT creates <Error code=“48” and so does clicking on other stuff as well.

Checking the security page and it shows no locations connected or authorized networks but I am still able to log in every since I verified this morning.

Static discharge is SICK!!!!

in Engineer

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


All fun and games until u run into a FOTM warrior w/ shield reflect.

only baddies would kill themselves from their own bullets. If a warrior has shield reflect all you have to do is stop attacking when the shield is up. This allows you to burst him when the shield goes down and not waste your CDs.

It is really bad if a player blows everything on a shield block lol.

making fractal progression account wide

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


that makes sense. and changing alts to battle a certain map would be awesome to be able to do all the while increasing your difficulty level.

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


1. More PvE level 80 zones

2. Diminishing Returns

3. Variety in creatures to kill

This Game is too hard for a solo player !

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


playing solo in a multiplayer game.. tsk tsk. you may have to break that habit of lone wolf and get the wolf pack to help you. or you could buy various single player RPGs .

Guild Airships!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


A guild airship would be great for PvE. Say you want to move everyone to one zone without getting separated into different overflows; get into your guild airship and your guild leader simply takes you all to that zone en-sync.

Offer a Subscription Option

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


What is wrong with you OP? What is wrong with you paying $15 a month on the gemstore without Anet telling you?

You really want to feel obligated don’t you? Obligate yourself to spend $20 on gems every month and you will be fine.

BuGsy. Guild Wars 2 is Buy to Play. That means $ to buy the game and play forever.
Guild Wars 1 survived without a sub fee because of expansions so why cant GW2 survive through a cosmetic cash shop?

There are still F2P MMOs out there that still have their servers running(perfect world????). Who cares about success(it is not like you are making money off of the game)? If you are playing the game you obviously like it.

So stop it with the glorification of a Sub Fee…. it is a complete scam and unnecessary to keep a game running. A fictional scenario: game’s budget is $125 million selling the copy for $60 a pop. game sells 3 million copies. I’m pretty sure it just made budget and with its cash shop will continue to survive since it is a good game.

Assuming GW2 is a good game……., it should have no problem surviving.

progression in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


some people are asking for progression in spvp. What kind of progression do you mean?

If it is increased power/vertical progression I am extremely against it. How would GW2 be an esport if this happened? For a game to be an esport everyone has to be on the same balance of power.

I also hear lack of rewards. does this mean lack of rewards to translate over to PvE? if you are a hardcore pvper you wouldn’t worry about that.

Real PvPers are not in it for the power progression or rewards. Lets take Unreal Tournament 2004 for instance(because it is the best shooter IMO). Once you win the match you get nothing except the satisfaction of beating your opponent.

Real PvPers are only about beating their opponent with their inherited skill , not because their gear did the work for them.

Rings, earrings visual appearance

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


when completing melandru in cursed shore I came across Melandru’s Bloom. It is a level 80 blue ring with only one stat ; condition damage. What was the point of this drop? It is of course a unique drop and the icon looks like it would be a nice ring to show off.

Why not have rings show up on your character’s hands? Same for earrings? At least make it optional like the backpiece, helms, arms, and shoulders.

Also, alot of backpieces do not show up either.

Music livestream with Leif Chappelle and Maclaine Diemer

in Audio

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Music livestream with Leif Chappelle and Maclaine Diemer

in Audio

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Will there be more music involving emotion?

I just recently made custom playlists that contain music from the Witcher series and it has really improved my experience with the game. The current default music all sounds the same and sound more like jingles than actual songs.

Current DR hurts more than helps

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


I play everyday which means DR is on me every time I log in. I can’t remember the last time an exotic dropped for me from either mob, chest or boss. No I do not sit in one zone farming champs. It shouldn’t be that way.

Players should be lifted of DR the second they move to another zone or dungeon path. If it works this way I am not seeing it.

Champion farming is killing this game and its it not even the game’s fault. Player’s feel like they need to keep up with the magical leet player that they think exists so they champ farm.

There should be a system in place where every time you do a different event you go up a tier in rewards. Kind of like building up MF like on Diablo 3(*huge gasp. did I just say that?).