Showing Posts For Clark Skinner.4902:

What traits affect conjured weapons?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Did a search, couldn’t find a list.

There are some obvious ones, but others like the More Damage to vulnerable enemies in water one are harder to tell without testing.

Does anyone know?

Trying to get other users banned

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Discussing moderation is not allowed. This thread will be closed anyway.

Trying to dodge the infraction as block is on cooldown.

This is a relevant example. Thanks for posting it.

Ele buffs helped non-eles more

in Elementalist

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Instead of using subjective terms like “big help”, and “improved”, it would lend credibility to your opinion if you gave examples, the way I have.

And as the thread title says, I am not saying the ele didn’t get buffed, I said the buffs were more for other classes. There were nerfs as well. One must consider count the gains and losses before deciding on profit.

One loss I forgot to mention as the evasive arcana range reduction. My bad.

Trying to get other users banned

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

^ That doesn’t really have anything to do with this topic, it’s not about whether the rule is a good idea or not.

You need to revisit base health values

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Well let’s take away some of the zerker gear so that ele has the vitality to have the same health, and toughtness to have the same armor as a warrior. Do you think the ele will have anywhere near the DPS in this case?

The high DPS builds for eles are extremely situational. Like enemies against walls with fiery greatsword, autotargetting off, enough survivability to pull off the attacks without dying partway though, having 90% or more health, enemies being burned, allies blasting for might, staying within 600 range, etc.

In most cases the damage isn’t as high as the hype we hear about, that refernce best case scenarios. And still, the survivability is very very poor.

Trying to get other users banned

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

This was something that concerned me about the warning we all were given.

As it was, the report feature was used by some to stick it to the person they disagreed with. Sometimes for legitimate reasons, sometimes for an enormous stretch of the policy. Sometimes even illegitimate reports would see action, which of course could be successfully appealed.

With the new uberpunishments, this petty behaviour can be a lot more destructive.

I have already seen people calling others out, trying to explain loudly how the other person’s post is breaking the new rule. It is more of the same stretching of the policy to punish one’s opponent. Plainly, it is trying to get someone banned.

Is there any deterrant to this? A person reported can’t simply report the one who anonymously abused the Report feature.

It’ll become the new meta of forum bickering. Trying to entrap a person into crossing a line, then lawyering an explanation of how that broke a rule, and getting the person banned.

I hope that in making this bold move, ANet considered this second-phase consequence and has an answer for it.


Ele buffs helped non-eles more

in Elementalist

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

After spending a lot of money and time mastering a profession, it is not unreasonable to be opposed to it being changed into a different type of profession.

Most of the changes to other classes help those other classes mainly and sometimes allies. Warriors even got buffs to using ele’s weapons. How about eles getting a buff to being near a warrior banner?

If they all were changed the same as ele, it would be fine, but like always ele is the one rising the slowest with each buff patch.

AoE nerf affects eles more than most, as we all know. There’s no minimizing that.

Radius reductions mean either we’re less powerful or we have to get closer for them to work, the effort of which can put the ele in danger and slow down combat.

Base heal was not improved, only the staff water auto-attack’s was, and as I said in the OP, it rarely hits the ele because of distance. “Regen, boon duration, more dispels” None of this was in the patch notes. Where did this come from?

The superspeed trait is one of the worst of them all. But you can read all about that in another thread.

Ele trait: Soothing Wave

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Works for me for Mist Form and Signet of Water. Does not work for me with Frost Bow.

Lingering Elements trait bug since release

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Any more details?
It seems to work for me. You see the attunement icon above your bar after switching.

when switching from water to fire, the soothing mist from being in water attunement keeps getting re-applied until the water attune goes away. Earth would be easy to test too by watching your toughness when switching to Earth and seeing if it lasts 5 seconds after leaving earth.

Cleansing Water

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Water trait XI – Cleansing Water – Remove a condition when granting regeneration to yourself or an ally. Conditions Removed 1.

When using underwater skill Undercurrent, which applies regen to allies, it does not remove a condition.

I reported this in the spring. We just had a patch fixing bugs with traits. Still happening. Come on now.

Should I return or not :)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

There are a few bug fixes. A few buffs in speed of staff skills, and a trait in air that makes a new burst build available.

But other classes were buffed at the same time. They don’t nerf everyone anymore, where the “loser” of each patch would be the one that got nerfed the most. Now they mostly buff all classes, and the “loser” is the one that gets buffed least. Ele has consistently been one of the Biggest Losers in every patch for the last half-year.

I’m not telling you not to play the game, but if you do, don’t resume on the hope that ele has been restored to parity. Warriors and Guardians are still the backbone of tough content. If you come back, let it be about trying the new content.

Ele buffs helped non-eles more

in Elementalist

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

I have to disagree that I exaggerated a lot. Unless you meant the person above you. Most of what I wrote were a list of facts. :/

Quit my Ele when nerfs began a while back...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

I understand. Elementalists got very little out of this patch.

Why closing the user-created thread?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

I have never called someone a kitten (I acutally wrote the baby cat word there to cover all curse words) on here. But I have had lots of infractions. Some of them were overturned because they were not for any legitimate reason. Others were stretches of the rules. I have a feeling that most moderation happens because fellow posters complain, not because a mod has personally thought the post to be bad. A system which people can abuse to hurt each other.

So I’d be fine with rules that are against being insulting to anyone. But if the credibility of the future moderation is of the same quality as in the past, I will be getting 2-week suspensions without actually breaking rules. They’d better be REALLY careful before clicking the “yes this report was valid” button, so users can’t abuse this new hefty punishment to punish their opponents.

Ele buffs helped non-eles more

in Elementalist

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

This patch buffed all of the classes, but the buffs for ele really help other classes instead of the ele.

-The Geyser got bigger. Eles don’t need it to be bigger, they can target it on themselves. The extra size helps allies get affected by it. (when they don’t reflex dodge out of it, that is)
-The water auto-attack heals those in melee range (not staff ele), which is a buff to other classes.
-Unsteady Ground is just a CC now, not even a combo field like Line of Warding, and reduced eles DPS and ability to tag. I’d rather the guard use its Ward so I’m able to do enough damage to merit a loot drop. And against bosses, this is useless.
-Conjure weapons are a utility skill that is given 50% to the ele and 50% to the ally who picks the other one up. And considering a lot of other classes do more damage with a conjured weapon, these buffs help them at least as much as it does eles who dare to sacrifice a utility to slot Conjures.

This, in addition to the nerfs to AoE, attunement radius, evasive arcana radius, glyph of storm targets, glyph of storms having a red AoE circle resulting in them being dodged, no heal from water auto-attack 1 if nothing targetted, Windborne speed radius reduced, healing rain radius reduction, Glyph of Renewal range reduction.

The only buffs that help the ele is making Blasting Staff trait affect the AoEs it hadn’t been affecting, and the earth 5 going slightly faster so it doesn’t miss as often.

Why closing the user-created thread?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

I’m hoping it means they’re re-thinking the whole warning and rewriting it to be something that makes us not afraid to post, and something that protects and punishes all players and employees equally.

Forum Moderation - clarification please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Is the 2-week suspension only for people who insult people who work for ArenaNet? Or for people who insult people?

I’d be fine with all of this if it was an across-the-board rule of respect for all of us. It’s a serious issue of basic human respect if not.

Forum Moderation - clarification please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Does ArenaNet feel that it is more wrong for an ArenaNet employee to be insulted than anyone else?

No. Unfortunately, we do have to infract, suspend, and ban numerous folks from the forums, who have never once insulted our team.

So these people who insult an other player will also get the 2-week suspension?

Forum Moderation - clarification please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

I asked a rather important question above that got merged in this thread and wasn’t answered.

Does ArenaNet feel that it is more wrong for an ArenaNet employee to be insulted than anyone else? And if not, can we expect to see the same bans for users being insulting to each other?

Forum Moderation - clarification please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

I read the announcement about getting serious about posts that are insulting to ArenaNet employees. Sounds good. But…

Are you going to be equally serious about personal attacks made to other members of the forum? Because I see those all the time.

If we are all equals and deserving of equal rights, the same requirements should be met by all humans using this forum, staff and user alike, and the same punishment should be given for any human being insulted.

I really hope it’s not a case of it being a bigger crime when it happens to those with moderation abilities.

The crossing (and other Halloween weapons)

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Anet needs to explain this if they don’t want us to lose all respect for them again, despite making some slight gains in the last couple of patches.

Leaving it as it is is the very worst that can be done. Anything is better than being totally apalled.

A discount on the viscount

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

I had no idea that there was a) candy on the ground, and b) that standing on any enemy’s goo the ground could be anything but harmful.

The “s” in discount is silent too! “dye-count” :P

A discount on the viscount

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

This guy’s a major pain. Takes forever to kill, knockdown spam, too cluttered with effects and UI to even see any attack animations, everyone’s dying all over the place from trying to rez.
Rewards are poop too. Personally, it’s not worth my time to do, until it’s made either less annoying or way more rewarding.

Zhaitaffy Vendor

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

How about we just have both available now?
I used to get my food there with the ton of zhaitaffy I have now. I don’t want to buy food since I already have the mats for it.
And since the plans are to have both tabs in the vendor, let’s just use that vendor!

If there was some warning, I would have stocked up…

Counter Invisibility, not Stealth

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Lots of things have hard counters.
I don’t base my whole playstyle on one mechanic, expecting it to never be countered. It is time that stealth-centered builds have to fear counters the same that any other build that is built steeply on one mechanic.

On getting critcism

in Community Creations

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

All of my experience, interactions and witnessings of ArenaNet’s actions tell me they would do well to read the article and learn from it. It’s not hard to sort the people who don’t have a clue. It is hard to resist flattery.

Purging Flames vs Cleansing Fire

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

You know how Rangers have a nasty negative damage coefficient because of their pets?

I’m guessing Elementalists have something similar for having 4-modes of attunement on their left-hand bar instead of the 2-modes weapon-swapping most classes use.

This is true. Rangers weapon damage gets balanced because of that. The way ele skills are balanced for having 20 weapon kills is that they are all much weaker most of the 3,4,5 skills have 30-45 second cooldowns.

Comparable utilities between different classes should be equal. It doesn’t have anything to do with weapon damage, and all classes have the same number of utility slots, so they should not be weaker.

New exotics don't drop inscriptions

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Holy cow. 1500 with BL kits or mystic?

That’s way more than you could use.

"I gathered the mats so it was free"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

I’ve said it a couple of times. Acquiring mats isn’t the topic here.

The topic is that crafting something with mats you didn’t buy doesn’t mean you got a free item. Free would be an item mailed to you. This gives you the item but takes mats that had value. Thus not free.

Purging Flames vs Cleansing Fire

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

These are both Utility skills. Purging Flames is for guardian, Cleansing Fire is for elementalist.

The twitch preview buffed Purging Flame, so let’s now compare these 2 skills.

Purging Flames:
Remove 3 conditions
5.5sec Burning
Combo Field: Fire
Reduce Condition Duration on allies for 6 seconds
Cooldown: 35sec

Cleansing Fire:
Remove 3 conditions
3s Burning
Cooldown 40s


"I gathered the mats so it was free"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

It’s not the gathering part that is free/not free.

Regardless of how you gathered the mats, you have the choice of selling them or crafting them. So the crafted item isn’t free, you are exchanging the value of the mats for the crafted item.

One doesn’t need to minmax and do a lot of calculations to understand that you’re losing something to gain something. Sometimes it’s a huge loss, like some of the food recipes that cost 3s to make and sell for 3c. In that case, the chef didn’t make 3c, he lost 2s97c. But just seeing that 3c was enough to know it was a bad deal, without putting any thought into it.

21K & 24K Achievement Points Rewards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Achievement point hunting that hardcore is concerning. It’s the opposite of living life to the fullest. So much work, doing repetitive, boring activities for a number to get higher in a video game. They day they stop playing, all of that will be for nothing. No one in the real world will care, you don’t get paid a salary for doing that work, and in your deathbed, you would think “Instead of living, I spent a year busting my rear for nothing”.

In the future, I imagine there being a medical diagnosis for the extreme cases of video game obsessiveness, and some kind of treatment. I’d hate for someone I care about to be caught up in that.

"I gathered the mats so it was free"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

I hear this often from people in and out of game. I can’t understand how they can think that crafting something was free since they gathered the mats.

Once you have the mats, you have 2 options:
1. Craft them into something.
2. Sell them.

In both cases, you are without the mats in the end, but gain:
1. The value of the item you crafted.
2. The gold gained from selling mats.

So when crafting, the cost was either #2 (gold you would have gotten selling the mats), or the cost of buying the mats, both of which are pretty similar.

And the time it takes to gather should also be taken into account. Time saved can be used to make gold somewhere else.

Stop relocating our positions

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Could just do the tried and true invisible wall around it so at least our camera and character aren’t manhandled. Really bad that it hasn’t been fixed for the duration of the 14 days where this dungeon is spotlighted.

New exotics don't drop inscriptions

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

I’ve tried about 8 salvages of the new named Exotic weapons that come from champion boxes with either Sentinel’s or Magi stat combos. They are lv 80 of course. I used black lion kits. Then I tried 3 more using mystic kits, since my BL kits are running low.

Not one orichalcum imbued inscription came of these. I am thinking these can’t drop the inscriptions for some reason, and see no reason why they shouldn’t. In any case, this should either be fixed, or officially stated that they can’t so we don’t go wasting our money on salvaging them.

TP API for buy orders bannable?

in API Development

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

I have outsmarted a bot here and there, but it is a lot of effort and risk for a very short-term reprieve. There are more than one bot out there, so the item will get outbid no matter what. And they do have caps as to how high they will go. But I put myself at risk making these high buy orders to get the bot to top them. And the higher the order, the more likely it is to be filled quickly. So even if I do get the bot up there, the order gets filled and the price drops back down.

Anet would totally give us an answer if they were able to enforce it by now. It is hard for them to notice, and prove that a player is botting. Even then, it’s hard to get them to act. So they could say “No it’s not allowed” but get people complaining that people are breaking rules and anet would have to do work to please them. Or they could say “yes it’s allowed” and have the TP wrecked by a huge influx of players running automated programs, becoming Bot Wars. The option that causes them the least grief is to not reply and hope people don’t do this kind of activity, at least until they find a way to control it better.

Slaying Potions, the double-edged sword

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

The trade off is already there. You’re trading off sharpening stones for only having them affect certain enemies. And also the storage slots are a big tradeoff. Most people wouldn’t bother with potions, so having them be extra effective in those few cases where you fight all of the same enemy type is a reward for the people willing to bother with them.

TP API for buy orders bannable?

in API Development

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

I was saying that spidy’s slow updates prevent a real person from competing with bots.

I know for sure they are botting, but won’t say how I know since it can only give people ideas.

How can you know about bidding flood control unless you’re doing it?

I have witnessed bids being posted insanely fast, with help of others. This is a clear advantage over players who are using in-game means. Just getting from the main TP page to the item’s buy order page takes time. 3rd party programs skip this, and the player can keep playing while it happens. It’s like running 2 accounts at once. Whether the real player is in combat and teh app is trading, or the player is trading while the app handles combat, it is still against the rules. Using apps to automate in-game activities better than real players can. It also blocks others from using the buy orders for those items because they are dominated by bots.

And if every item had auto-outbidding, your program to recommend good deals would be useless because a bot would make sure it ALWAYS had the highest bid. You’d only be able to work with items already for sale.

TP API for buy orders bannable?

in API Development

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Spidy refreshes every 15-30 mins. And it’s the autobidders that are cheating. People are doing it 24/7. A minute or so after they are outbid, their old bid is removed and a new one is replaced. There are one or two bots dominating areas of the market that others can’t come close to competing with. It is automating in-game actions, getting an advantage over other players by doing things that take time with the slow UI, and can be done at the same time as doing other in-game activities. It’s solid cheating and it’s being completely ignored by Anet, unless it’s them doing it.

Ascent To Madness (Mad King Dungeon)

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

…Although, since the whole dungeon was based on jumping downward, wasn’t it more of a Descent to Madness?

I giggle’d

Oh good, maybe it’ll be in the following release.

Ascent To Madness (Mad King Dungeon)

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Is this not coming back? It was pretty much the only thing I enjoyed about last Hallowe’en (and the one-time doing Mad King Says).

It’s not in the press release…

I don’t enjoy jumping puzzles and most of the mini-games I’ve played since launch have been meh. I hope there will be something for people who log on to play an MMORPG.

App to check event on each server

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Is there an app that notifies you when an event is active on any server?

I’ve gone through almost every one on the list and they all begin by choosing just 1 server.

The only thing close to this is the gw2 stuff page for "All US servers’, but it is neslted in a bunch of unneccessary data. It also doesn’t notify and is easy to miss.

TP API for buy orders bannable?

in API Development

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

People are already automatically outbidding on the TP. Anet knows and isn’t doing anything about it. So go ahead and cheat.

Difinitive answer on potions

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

I would say they’re not worth using because
a) they do more damage to you, which means you have to interrupt your DPS to heal, which results in less damage dealt
b) a comparable damage boost is given with sharpening stones
c) they only work on certain types of enemies, where sharpening stones can affect everything
d) they take up many inventory slots for each type

Difinitive answer on potions

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

FYI Slaying potions have been found to be bugged. They do the opposite as described in the tooltip in regards to taking damage.

8% less damage from Nightmare Court actually makes you take 8% MORE damage from nightmare court.

Details here:

Slaying Potions, the double-edged sword

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

I tested it myself a little while ago. Tried 4 tests, each about 30 non-critical hits from lv 14 Nightmare Hound. I took the average of each test by typing the numbers in excel and using science!

No pots
I took 176.62 dmg average

Potent Nightmare potion (should be 8% less dmg)
I took 190.97 dmg average

Strong Centaur Potion (should be 6% less damage to centaurs but no change here)
I took 176.11 dmg average

Weak Outlaw Potion (should be 0% less damage to outlaws and no change here)
I took 174.42 dmg average

So the nightmare potions did 8.12% more damage to me when they should have done 8% less damage to me.

The centaur slaying did 0.29% less damage to me (negligible RNG).

Weak outlaw potion did 1.25% less damage to me (odd but maybe just negligible RNG).

I have been using these potions since launch thinking I was a smart player. All this time with them taking 10+ slots in my bags. How sad.

Slaying Potions, the double-edged sword

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Are we all going to believe this without any proof?

Can you tell us your testing method? I can’t think of a way to test this properly

Difinitive answer on potions

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

How did I not think to test that?

I just tried with nightmare court outside of TA. I started with no potions, no might or any strange stuff like that to affect it. The potions I tried using after were the 8% ones.

The last 4 attacks were
26 <— used potion before this one

24 * 1.08 = 25.92 (rounded up to 26)

Then I tried switching to an icebrood potion from the Nightmare one.

27 <— switched potion here

27 * 1.08 = 29.16

So they do appear to work on their appropriate type.

Clockheart not resetting after wipe

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

After a wipe, the electrified floors often remain electrified, and his shield and power stacks don’t get erased. Our party wiped and I watched his power stacks continue to rise while we were waypointing out. (no one is in combat when we waypoint). When we got back, his power stack was at 30.

So for the next round, we had to deal with his power attack and a panel of the floor electrified from the start. The timer to remove that stuff is 1 hour, which is unneccessary.

This revive bug is annoying, ETA?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

One time it happened, I pressed F and it turned my character away from them. Each time i tried to rez, it acted like they were behind me. Maybe they get killed and their rez radius is placed in the wrong location.