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Too much pushing for gem buying(edit) [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I think I explained how it works but ok.

The gem exchange works by charging you more gold to get 800 gems than the amount of gold you get for exchanging 800 gems to gold.

Let’s take it a step further. Gems/gold conversion rates are determined by the people exchanging them we are led to believe. But we are not talking about an item on tp here that we can list for whatever price we like. Anet determines the cost of the conversion and here is why:

Gems are anets currency, they own it and they control gem supply. How? By creating gems when people buy them. They also exchange gems for gold. They pay less gold when buying gems back and ask for more gold when selling.

Why do they need to tax us for SPENDING the currency they want us to SPEND?

It’s not like I pay cash for 800 gems but only get 700 due to a tax to stop me making too much gold.

Ah Zing! There it is, if you pay cash you will always get same amount of gems for same amount of cash. It’s only when you don’t want to spend cash on gems does the system change.

You have a lot of reading to do if you don’t understand why a tax on both ways is of benefit to the players.

Here’s a hint: without that tax, some nifty traders would have a field day. You think the rage about the trading post was/is bad now. You really do not want to imagine this scenario. But sure, just keep looking at it from your subjective view and how YOU are affected. I’m sure balance on this basis is healthy.

As was pointed out, there is a ratio between both currency pools of gems and gold in the exchange. has arenanet told us the ration and calculations? No. True.

Should we believe that they are not affecting the ratio at their leisure? No.

Has the gem-gold exchange behaved in similar and expectable ways over 3 years time given all the information a player has access to? Yes.

So either arenanet are really really sneaky and manipulate in tiny fractions, or you know, the ratio has been constant.

Too much pushing for gem buying(edit) [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Your gems….for their gold.

Who is the “their” in that text?

I’m imagining it means anet’s gold as there is zero proof of “our” gems being traded with other players.

And also the “your gems” part should have additional text so as to make it perfectly clear what the statement is saying:

“Your gems, bought from anet by you, for real cash…for their gold”

Plus you still get less gold for exchanging gems than it costs to you to exchange gold to get gems.

If for example it costs you 160g to get 800 gems, you should get 160g for exchanging gems.

Still unsure about who the “their” is mind….

Someone needs to read up on how the gem exchange works.

Better yet, read up on WHY the gem exchange has taxes, and why that is a good thing.

Why is everyone so mad about the precursor?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I just don’t get it, why is everyone so freaked out about the precursor crafting?
I mean, it’s called a Legendary weapon, because it’s hard to get, and the timegate makes it more rewarding.
If you want everyone running around with twilight and stuff, making your weapon skin feel common then fine.
But i’m noticing the same issue with the difficulty of the monsters on the jungle, and people crying about it being hard or everything being grindy…
To be honest, I never had a Legendary, and I’m slowly working towards mine. Even the mastery system, which I never grinded it but I’m suddenly lvl 87 or something like that.
I believe the greatest issue in the gw2 community, is the fact that it developed a weirdly childish personality where a bunch of people see something different or something they wanna get yet it’s kinda hard for them to, and they start a tantrum because the can’t get it NOW.

Welcome to the age of entitled gamers.

To answer your question directly:

Many people expected the precursor crafting to be vastly cheaper than the old system. These people are now very frustrated since they did not receive their precursor for free with the launch of HoT and are still waiting on completing their legendary.

Let’s not resort to sensationalism. All it does is discredit your post.

I think people were expecting precursor crafting to be an alternative means to acquiring precursors. Not necessarily a cheaper alternative, but just an alternative to praying to the RNG gods or spending a large sum of gold in one go.

The issue is that in a lot of cases, not only is the precursor crafting more expensive than than the base precursors, but it is also time gated. It doesn’t make sense to spend 1000 gold crafting a precursor that costs 200 gold on the TP, for example.

If a system is horrendously unbalanced, then naturally people will criticize it. It doesn’t mean they’re asking for freebies, it just means they’re asking for balance.

(That being said, some people do go to extremes in their complaints).

Alternative to RNGesus and the mystic forge? Check.

The majority and main complaint or major argument always brought up is that buying the precursor is straight up cheaper. Even you bring it up when comparing 1000g to 200g (haven’t seen this big a disparity yet, then again I’ve not gone through every pre available). Most people wanted the expensive precursors cheaper. No one is complaining about 200g precursors on the TP. So, people expecting stuff for less -> Check.

Precursor crafting does exactly what it was advertised it would do. It gives players an alternative to playing the mystic forge or buying off the TP. As an alternative everyone can now decide which approach he wants to take. With those 2 options there was no balance as well. Some people wasted 1k+ gold on the forge and never got their pre, others got it 3rd try. There is no reason for balance now as there was none before.

Will I get banned?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Should be fine.

Thena gain if your “friend” just became you friend 2 days ago, you’ve had no prior interaction with his account and/or his account (or yours) is already under suspicion things might be different.

Why is everyone so mad about the precursor?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I just don’t get it, why is everyone so freaked out about the precursor crafting?
I mean, it’s called a Legendary weapon, because it’s hard to get, and the timegate makes it more rewarding.
If you want everyone running around with twilight and stuff, making your weapon skin feel common then fine.
But i’m noticing the same issue with the difficulty of the monsters on the jungle, and people crying about it being hard or everything being grindy…
To be honest, I never had a Legendary, and I’m slowly working towards mine. Even the mastery system, which I never grinded it but I’m suddenly lvl 87 or something like that.
I believe the greatest issue in the gw2 community, is the fact that it developed a weirdly childish personality where a bunch of people see something different or something they wanna get yet it’s kinda hard for them to, and they start a tantrum because the can’t get it NOW.

Welcome to the age of entitled gamers.

To answer your question directly:

Many people expected the precursor crafting to be vastly cheaper than the old system. These people are now very frustrated since they did not receive their precursor for free with the launch of HoT and are still waiting on completing their legendary.

In any case, while you are entitled to your opinion, could you perhaps list what you feel are the benefits to time gating? For me personally, I can’t see any benefits. It does nothing to enhance the gameplay experience. Even old legendaries could be crafted without any time gating so I don’t see why new legendaries should be.

Besides preventing a massive price spike short term and causing even more unbalance? And any price spikes with new content that requires the ressource (you think now it’s bad, what do think would happen if every person bought 60-90 times the amount of ressources from the TP at once?)

It allows crafters to have some value with their timegates and opens up the ability for players to sell the time ressource for small profits.

It allows for an easier balance from arenanets side as far as time goals they have for content.

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

Astralaria... 62+ days of time-gated madness

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


The timegate was not “self imposed” when the game launched. The amterials simply weren’t there. Most people who had their first legenday after 1 month had massive help from friends or guild while still playing 16 hours per day.

I just want to point out that the first legendaries started showing up on the tp in December, 3-4 months after launch, not 1.
Twilight was one of the first being listed. And around 9000g, no less. Which is quite rediculous, given the gold/gem ratio at that point and the pace at which you could earn gold. Bifrost started at 5k gold.

Good point, but I was refering to visible ingame. Not sure legs were sellable at launch, as far as I remember arenanet allowed for that in a patch later. Can’t say I agreed with the decision back then, but there was no way back after.

Edit: the gold-gem ratio Wanze is refering to was 35 silver to buy 100 gems at launch. 3 months in it will ahve been around 1g per 100 gems as far as memory serves.

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

Astralaria... 62+ days of time-gated madness

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Getting a legendary should take as much time as I’m willing to put an effort into getting one, either being 3 months or a year, i should be the one in control not anet by enforcing timed gate chores.

And you are, to a very big extent. The gold required for the new legendarys is nothing sneez at.

It’s just that arenanet have a target minimum time they want for legendarys to take. They could also have chosen a different aproach than timegating, but timegating was probably the most convenient way of ensuring that the time to craft legendary xyz takes at least xx amount of days.

Too much pushing for gem buying(edit) [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954



Oh no, gold → gem prices are falling and people can now more easily aquire gems with ingame gold. Terrible.

Oh wait, that wasn’t the topic at hand. Guess I’m one of the few who actually is happy about this. Why?

Because I:

- don’t buy overpriced materials, instead I sell the ones I gather (a lot of gold in this at the moment)
- I craft only some timegated items for future use, but refrain from going all out crafting mode at the moment
- I take my time with precursors and legendarys knowing I’ll be fine if I have mine 3 months from now (not to mention the timegates on the new ones won’t allow me to be done faster anyway)
- I enjoy the bottomed out prices on: crafting recepies (zealots for everyone, which funny enough is a very good stat for raid healers), +1 agony infusions (went from 15s to about 1.5s, all subsequent ranks have dramatically decreased in price), T6 fine materials, ecto prices (went from 42s to 31s)

I will agree to that the add leaves a bad after taste, but if you are a semi intelligent and aware player, it should come as a benefit to you. Sure if you need everything NOW, well pay up chum.

Astralaria... 62+ days of time-gated madness

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Anyone else noticing the hypocrisy of players feeling entitled to watch others suffer a time gate, when they themselves are complaining of how long it took them to create a legendary ?

When did they all complain about it taking so long? They were mentioning that it took them a lot longer to make their legendaries to show 2 months is not a ridiculous time gate. That doesn’t mean they were complaining that it took them that long rofl.

Should i have said made a measuring stick for the sake of proving a point about equality ?

Both sides complained about the length of time when they mentioned it takes/took (x) days.

It’s hypocritical. Who cares how long your legendary took to craft compared to another person. The point being brought up is a fairly simple one previous method versus current method and how there’s now a forced time-gate as opposed to a self imposed one.

The timegate was not “self imposed” when the game launched. The amterials simply weren’t there. Most people who had their first legenday after 1 month had massive help from friends or guild while still playing 16 hours per day.

Timegates are the definition of equality for content. Everyone is affected by them and the increments are smaller per day that you need to farm.

Obviously arenanet did not want players to run around day 1 of legendarys being unlocked with them. Is timegating the best way to approach this? Maybe not, but some people really make a way bigger issue out of this than it has to be.

If the game can’t hold your attention for 2 months, your priority shouldn’t be legendarys in the first place.

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

Question About GW2 Craft

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Simply put, as mentioned, the fast guide omit a big part of the components and go for mostly finished presteps.

It speeds up your shoping and the amount of items you need to hold that are not materials.

Same goes for the heart quests for cooking. Though that is a bit more selfexplanatory.

Astralaria... 62+ days of time-gated madness

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


People aren’t understanding the point I’m trying to make… I’m not entitled, I’m more than willing to work hard for the new legendary, but old legendaries didn’t have these ridiculous time-gates… (there should be no waiting game for making legendaries)

Uuuurgh nevermind. No one gets it. Forget it. Jeez. Won’t be returning to this thread because I feel like I’m banging my head against a brick wall trying to get the point across about time-gates.

No, I get it. The old Legendaries had multiple paths you could take to get them, either by getting the money playing the game/flipping TP, sheer dumb luck in the Mystic Toilet or RNG. A person could, theoretically, get a legendary very quick if they played the system well/were lucky/spent all their time on it, but for the most part people just played the way they wanted, and either saved up or got one from RNG. And that took time.
Timegating sucks because it’s artificial. It discounts all the previous time a player has spent gathering materials/money/whatever, and puts in an artificial slowdown to keep those of us who spent their time gathering materials for such an occasion. It’d be like making someone only able to give 50g a day to the TP for a Legendary when they already have the money for it. Having ‘certain people’ able to get a legendary super fast isn’t a problem, and I say that as someone who’s never been one of those ‘certain people’ (played the game since a few months after launch, never got a precursor, never owned a legendary). I’m saying this as someone who thinks timegating makes no sense as a game mechanic unless you’re a free to play where you can buy the gates open.

To each his own, but I for one am quite happy it actually takes a while for people to aquire the new legendarys.

I remember back after release, the first legendarys showed up about 1 month after launch. They were unique and special and not more common than fractal weapons.

If arenanets desire was to introduce a certain time element they certainly could have taken a different approach, but I’m quite sure people would have been unhappy with that too. Why? Because it goes against the “BUT I WANT IT NOW” mentality many have.

Give it some time, middle of next year you’ll see just as many new legendarys run around and the novelty will have run it’s course.

Elite specs are a terrible design mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Not even going to bother.

Clear illinformed troll bait, or a very unskilled player.

Stop charging me to sell on tp

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


The initial charge to sell on the tp needs to stop. I hate throwing away gold to put something up again that didn’t sell. Charge me when it sold, not to list.

So it’s working as intended?


There is a reason for the charge, you not accepting or agreeing to this reason does not disqualify it.

On the value of "luxury" rewards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I’m not arguing for a reduction in carrots, sticks, or their availability. I’m saying that their availability should be more evenly balanced. I’m saying that if some people can gain them relatively easily, then all people should be able to gain them relatively easily, that no methods of earning things should be significantly superior to any other. If you want to argue about carrots and sticks, please do so elsewhere, that is not a factor here.

Your arguing that scarcity is supposed to be reduced for as you put them “luxury” items. If you reduce scarcity of said items, they would automatically not be luxury items any longer and something else might or might not take their place leaving us with 2 outcomes:

A. something else takes their palce -> we are back at the start and you’ll be advocating again that these luxury items should be made more easily available

B. nothing takes their place -> even worse, this would mean that the entire balance of material and gold removal from the game gets imbalanced and would lead to either more inflation or deflation. Both of which would create volatility and have a negative impact on normal players gaming experience.

On the value of "luxury" rewards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I’m not sure that they can solve things to everyone’s satisfaction, but they should err on the side of the person who is happy having what he wants to have, rather than the person who has what he wants, but actually gets upset that other people can have it too.

I may be in agreement with you in one sense and here’s why:

People love to go on about how GW2 has no gear treadmill, but this is mental gymnastics. In raiding games, generally speaking, they have to antiquate old sets of gear (making them easier to obtain or obsolete) so that new sets coming in don’t make the treadmill too hard for new players entering the game.

For example, a raiding game might start with blue > green > yellow. Blue and green are super easy to obtain. Yellow takes some work. Yellow is also vital for contributing to the latest raids. Later they release Orange, which better than yellow. So yellow now becomes almost as easy (if not as easy) to obtain as blue and green, with Orange being the new Black. I mean, cough, yellow.

Many of GW2’s players and the devs themselves have no doubt told themselves that they don’t need to do this antiquating thing in their game with gear. Which is partly true, but more on that later.

What they are consistently missing is that in raiding games, the main end-game content is raiding and in GW2, the main end-game content is fashion. In neither case is said content the only kind of end-game content. Raiding games invariably have some content outside of raids at end-game, it’s just not very robust or has much longevity. Similarly, GW2 has some content outside of fashion, but (for the most part) it has never had much longevity to it. The illusion of longevity only comes from the treadmill for unlocking a seemingly infinite number of skins.

If you look at GW2 in the context of fashion being its raiding, there is an evergrowing barrier of entry to new players that is only increasing over time, instead of being addressed in the typical way – with old rewards becoming easier to obtain.

One might think this is some sort of twisty mind game I’m playing, but if we look at it in the context of what we’re discussing about psychology, it makes a lot of sense. Gear treadmills and barrier to entry in raiding games isn’t just about the hard barrier of not having the right gear. It’s also about the psychological barrier of feeling that you will never catch up to your peers in a meaningful way.

Some examples of how fashion has gotten worse, or stayed in much the same place: Ascended gear (which is a can of worms in itself and I don’t want to fit it into this post in full) is now harder to obtain than before. Dungeon skins are harder to obtain because less people are playing them, while the content itself remains at the same level of difficulty. Old Legendaries are still pretty much as costly as ever, despite the ability to craft the precursor. And most generalized tradeable skins are all but completely controlled by the whims of the market, so obtaining them as a new player is a highly fickle process.

Here’s the kicker (and maybe this is why some people aim their crosshairs at TP flipping): If you hit this barrier of entry in its various forms, there is one consistently effective way to get past it and that is to become good at playing the TP. It’s not an instant solution, but it is an effective long-term buffer. The problem is, it is also the only significant one in place, so if you aren’t excellent at trade or economies, then you can kiss your luck and place among your peers goodbye.

Both the GW2 community and its developers need to recognize that there definitely IS a barrier of entry to enjoying end-game as your peers do. Many of them, in fact, and the argument that the barrier is not “hard” (e.g. not Agony type hard) concerning fashion is an impersonal argument that fails to take human psychology into account.

There is also the matter of ascended/legendary gear and actual raids, but that’s a post for another time.

This one gets it.

Now that we’ve established that if we remove the “endgame” from guild wars there would be no game left, can we move past this nonsense? Or are we seriously arguing about removing the little bit of endgame design this game has?

Yes, if you consider fashion as endgame GW2 is very grindy. Especially if you have to have every single skin there is. Even some of the more luxorious ones end up demanding much of your time.

Yes, temporarily ascended gear has become more difficult to obtain (who would have guessed this might happen when a majority of players try to gear up in a very short amount of time, prices might spike… /sarcasm. Small note, most people who have multiple ascended sets did not pull their first set out of thin air, but built it over a much longer periond of time than 1 week. Except for the ones who built it on release. Deldrimore Ingots were 30+g the first 2 days, so we have a LOT of room up).

For anything besides endboss raiding and very high level fractals, ascended armor is not needed to enjoy the game content. Neither are legendarys. There go about 80% of the gold needed to gear up. On top of that, arenanet have stated that fractal rewards are to low and should get buffed.

On the value of "luxury" rewards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Or you know, they could just let the market find it’s own equalibrium instead of poking around and increasing volatility even more.

that takes time though, and in the interim, people cannot advance those activities without spending excessive amounts of money. Better to keep it balanced throughout. The volatility would be as shortlived as the initial volatility whenever they make changes, especially if they were clear in communicating the specific changes they were making, and what they expected the markets to do in reaction. The first time they do this, the markets might react a bit more, but once people know the drill the markets shouldn’t even blip in response, they should just settle into the “new normal” within a matter of hours and stay there.

I’m quite sure arenanet has certain values in mind for items and timetables for these items to reach said value. If this isnot achieved in a timely manner, THEN they might interfere.

And that’s pretty much the least they could do, but they could do more and lead to more happy players. They choose not to, so when spikes happen, you can’t just say “well, spikes will spike, wait them out,” the spikes only exist because they are deliberately allowed to exist. It’s not a natural disaster, it’s a poorly designed disaster management system.

So we are now down to basic gear making stuff easier. Unlike what most people believe, full ascended is still not required for a majority of the game. Even rading does not require full ascended. How lucky that it’s become so easy to gear up in full exotic, you even seem to agree:

What is “required” and what is “highly useful” is a matter of debate and pointless to argue within this discussion, but suffice it to say that whether they are right or wrong, a large number of players consider ascended gear to be advantageous over exotic.

and again, it hasn’t become “so easy” to gain exotic, exotic has always been at the price it is now, within a reasonable margin of error, it’s no easier to gain it than it was two years ago. What has changed is that the content does more damage now, making highest possible stats more valuable, and existing means of acquiring those highest possible stats have become more expensive and/or rare.

Which is intricately interwoven with the games economy and has to be expensive for precursors to keep their value

Sure, for Precursors to keep their value. Which is neither a necessary, nor positive thing. It’s like saying “well we can’t build dams on that river, it might make it less likely that a flood would wipe out the surrounding farms!”

I was merely pointing out that your outrage and arguments are based on one thing alone in the expansion, but you make it sound as though everything were out of balance to make people believe you have a stronger argument (which at it’s base is flawed, but that is another topic).

Or, you could actually read the things I’ve said, and discover that it is about more than just that one thing, although that one thing (well, twenty-three things) would be a notable portion of the problem.

Sometimes I wonder if you make stuff up and actually believe it’s so. There are so many factual errors and blant (and I’m afraid having to use this word) but lies in your comment it’s sad.

Starting with you turning on your own argument from the first page of this very thread. First exotics are easy to get, now they are not that easy. Then going as far as saying exotics have kept a constant price over 2 years. You know, people can use trading post websites to verys imply discredit you, I’d do it myself, but I’m tired of your nonsense.

I’ve bolded some of the most obvious nonsense. If you do not understand why scarcity and value is important in precursors, the limit of your economic understanding is more frightening than expected. Then again you’ve proven this over and over again.

There is no point in arguing with a communist (refering to your very obvious train of thought, not ment derigatory) who can neither sticks to his believs devaluing his own argument and/or provides any sensible economic solutions to current capitalist problems in a game.

On the value of "luxury" rewards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


All of the examples you just mentioned are affected by temporary price spikes which will correct themselves in the longrun.

Even if you adjust for the price spikes, and assume that they will come down over time, the gold requirements for Precursor crafting would be considerable even at pre-HoT levels.

And besides, as I’ve said on numerous occasions, ANet bears responsibility for price spikes as well. They can estimate that certain items will be in unusual demand over a given period of time, and should provide short term faucets to counterbalance that demand, such as those silk-dropping bags they had during the LA invasion that tanked cloth markets for a bit. when you dump a ton of new sinks into the economy, dump a bunch of short term faucets as well, so that the system is designed to balance out eventually AND to quickly counterbalance short term spikes.

Or you know, they could just let the market find it’s own equalibrium instead of poking around and increasing volatility even more.

I’m quite sure arenanet has certain values in mind for items and timetables for these items to reach said value. If this isnot achieved in a timely manner, THEN they might interfere.

If you could show me how a majority of the collections besides precursor crafting can be circumvented by using the TP I’d be very thankful. Most are based on soulbound items (example: ).

Well, aside from the Precursors, you can more easily gear up in peak equipment (full ascended with ideal runes/sigils) using gold, which makes any achievement-based progress easier. You can also buy peak food, which also helps. The Auris weapons require certain accountbound components bought with map-currencies, but they also require ori imbued inscriptions, more ori, and a good amount of linseed oil, which is currently down in price from its peak, but nowhere near vendor trash.

So we are now down to basic gear making stuff easier. Unlike what most people believe, full ascended is still not required for a majority of the game. Even rading does not require full ascended. How lucky that it’s become so easy to gear up in full exotic, you even seem to agree:

I don’t know where you did your shopping, but pretty much all exotics were already in the low price range you cited for years now. The only ones in higher price ranges were those with particularly rare skins, and the prices on those have remained high, in some cases spiking due to new/returning players coming in.

And finally we are back to you major complaint of precursor value:

To be fair, some of the collections are pretty complicated and overly specific. I do think they could offer more paths towards earning some of the components required, or only requiring less than 100% of them and let players decide which to prioritize. But again, the biggest outrage was over the collections you seem least interested in discussing, the Precursor collections, which require hundreds of gold in fungible materials.

Which is intricately interwoven with the games economy and has to be expensive for precursors to keep their value. It’s that or hike up the prices on a lot of other items to keep everything in balance. But here we seem to disagree.

I was merely pointing out that your outrage and arguments are based on one thing alone in the expansion, but you make it sound as though everything were out of balance to make people believe you have a stronger argument (which at it’s base is flawed, but that is another topic).

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

Need masteries, but hate PvE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Dont tell me that is not a bug i found on some external forums that is gonna be fixed. I spend like 3 days to get that option, i’m playing only wvw. In big fights its lot of usless clicking.

Arenanet said they might offer the option of autoloot for wvw.

It will likely not be part of the pve mastery. Maybe a wvw tree that can be bought with wvw points.

On the value of "luxury" rewards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


And they’ve been doing just that. Less rng, more collections.

In places, but a lot of the collections currently involve dumping tons of money, and dumping tons of money to remove RNG was always an option, it was called the “Trading Post.” And Precursors aren’t the only problematic luxury goods, there’s also the Guild Halls, Nightfury, Ascended armor, etc. They have a lot of work to do.

All of the examples you just mentioned are affected by temporary price spikes which will correct themselves in the longrun.

Price spikes due to the widespread NOWNOWNOW attitude. Just look at flax seeds, down to 5s from 20-40s.

If you could show me how a majority of the collections besides precursor crafting can be circumvented by using the TP I’d be very thankful. Most are based on soulbound items (example: ).

What more fair way is there than offering everyone the same opportunity via souldbound collections. Unfortunately this gave rise to a new problem once again, people feeling overwhelmed and thinking they have to “do everything” in order to “keep up”.

On the value of "luxury" rewards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Sure, but it’s still important to understand why they are upset, and make best efforts to make as many of them happy as possible. A system that by the admission of its practitioners only rewards a tiny fraction of the population and should maybe be adjusted for the benefit of everyone else instead.

And they’ve been doing just that. Less rng, more collections.

Now go looksie what all the recent rage is about on the forums.

Is condi ranger viable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I don’t buy it. There’s no reason why raids would suddenly become faceroll just because dungeons were considered non-faceroll content. Likewise, with enrage timers, it is very much in their design to not let everything work. That’s why full GC groups have to slam their heads against the boss dozens of times just to squeeze out a single kill.

Well until the next power spike comes along in what ever form.

Back when the game launched and dungeons were considered hard the power level of the playerbase was no where near it is now. I’m not talking about ascended versus exotic, though that is a significant factor or exprience of players.

I’m talking about average gear level (which currently is not full ascended), way more power via talents and specs, new sigils, etc.

Raids will stay endgame content and challenging exactly as long as arenanet wants them to even without directly nerfing them.

On topic, condi ranger is working at the moment. Be aware though that support druid is the most desired ranger spec at the moment though.

Need masteries, but hate PvE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Oh yea i mean hero points. And thx for answers

Since you like to wvw you are going to like this:

Use those Proof of heroics you get from wvw chests to unlock as many hero points as you want on your characters. No reason to ever set foot in pve.

This game used to be so fun..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Here is what you do:

- take a deep breath
- accept that you don’t HAVE to get every reward there is in 1 week time
- do a check list of what you think would be fun to work towards
- then start playing the game again in a relaxed way and stop worrying about getting everything done asap and be frustrated over no new content coming for the next 6-9 months.

Problem solved.

Oh and having a guild and friends to chat and play with helps too.

On the value of "luxury" rewards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I got all of the attached pix in the past few months. That’s pretty reasonable, don’t you think? John has my permission to confirm that I’m not a hardcore Forger. Save up on Exotics, and toss them in. Craft a bunch of GS when my T5 mat hits a stack, save Exotics for future Forging. Having an NPC in WvW drop one was icing on the cake.

Long story short, this game is well balanced in terms of rewards. RNG can bless you. Or you can work hard and earn Account Bound ones.

That’s lovely, for you, but the fact that people are complaining should tell you all you need to know about whether your experience is universal or not. You can’t make this right without everyone else actually feeling right about it, you aren’t going to convince anyone that you are.

Players complain ALL the time. Doesn’t mean they are right.

Recent (as in last 3-4 months) occurances of massive complaints that turned out to be bogus:

Trait change - BIG nono for some. People complained that twinks had their hero points auto assigned. Long story short, it sorted itsself out in the mid- to longrun. Why? Because arenanet designed the system longterm, not shortterm.

class xyz is overpowered - all the time. Read the class forums. Basically every class is overpowered, and if everyone is overpowered, no one is.

mounts - we have a how big thread about this now? Granted, this is more of an opinion piece, still it is a constant source of complaint which does not mean that either side is right.

gold mail limit - yeah, also keeps reapering. Usually with no care as to why this was implemented in the first place.

race change - an all time favorite even though arenanet has openly said they will not implement it since the technical and programming barrier is to high. Not to mention it makes no sense lore wise.

Here is a simple fact:

No matter what you do, part of the playerbase will always feel happy or unhappy with your decision. Simply because there is a multitude of players with different opinions and desires.

On the value of "luxury" rewards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


So getting the account bound mats like spirit shards, laurels, karma, bloodstone dust, empyrial fragments, dragonite ore for the old stat combos as well as airship oil, auric dust, obsi shards and ley line sparks for the new ones is considered by you no problem at all, while listing your loot for twice or triple the value you usually do is considered impossible.


I think you simply lost perspective on some things.

That you seem to believe you’ve made a point here just shows that you really don’t understand how the game’s economy works for the average player.

If I had to pick as to who has the better understanding of the ingame economy, it definately be Wanze over you Ohoni.

I’m sure many forum regulars will agree on this point no matter if they are sympathetic to Wanze or not. In order to effectively “play the trading post” one must understand the market. Your theories are nice and dandy, but so far all you’ve been advocating for is “free stuff”. That doesn’t show a lot of understanding.

On the value of "luxury" rewards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Really? That’s your analogy? People who want to get things in a game…a GAME – you equate that to real life?

Do I want things in a game? Yup. Do I want to essentially work at it for hours a day, grinding mats and re-running content over and over again, to accomplish it…not a freaking chance.

A valid point. You won’t like the solution though: this game isn’t for you. Try sticking to single player games and stay away from MMOs.

That. That right there is what will kill this game. The attitude that someone who wants half-decent rewards for completing challenging content should stay away from MMOs. So, all MMOs are about constant grind and repetition? Why? Is the reason simply: “That’s the way it is”? If so, that’s some shortsighted thinking right there.

Most are, yes. Due to one very simple basic fact:

- producing interesting content at a speed that it gets consumed is not yet possible.
- different MMOs deal with this problem in different ways. Some reset all your progress back to 0 (see WoW) and/or raise your level cap. Others aproach this differently, like GW2.
- if you find a good MMO on the market that manages to circumvent this, please let me know.

Also your second response varied wildly from your first. One was about grinding, the other about challenging content being rewarding. Two different aspects. The fact about challenging content being more rewarding seems to get addressed with the update to fractals.

Tyria Masteries (Pact Commander)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Your 2nd account gets daily laurels does it not?

That is a perk compared to f2p is it not?

The rest of the benefits normal accounts have vs f2p are listed here:

Some worth of note are:

- less character slots
- less bag slots
- no sending of coin or items
- limited traiding post access

and more restrictions on f2p accounts.

Are u saying f2p accts don’t get laurels? What’s that got to do with it anyway? I bought the game and it don’t make sense HoT players only got this perk, when it’s earned in core game and mostly only usable in core game, beside the auto loot and mentor badge, so why shouldn’t we get it? I’m not debating f2p v b2p, it just don’t make sense excluding gw2 players who have bought the game and supported the company for many years.

Aside from that, my 2nd acct never got any perks for purchasing the game, as all others did.

You were complaining that your account which you bought pre HoT does not enjoy any perks compared to f2p accounts. I merely corrected your statement.

And yes, f2p accounts get no daily rewards to which laurels are tied to.

It makes absolute sense to keep masteries tied to HoT even if they are refering to the base game content. Even story wise it makes sense. You aren’t the pact commader in the vanilla game, Trahearne is. You are his second in command. Not going to get into HoT story details.

Despite my 2nd acct being bought this year, i’ve been playing the game since head start and have sunk many $$$ into the game aside from buying the game and expac and i have spent lots of money on the gem store upgrading to my 2nd acct and i now wonder why really. their progress has come to a dead end.

Wonderful, and I’m sure you got everything you purchased in a timely fashion on your main or twink account when you spent those $$$. If anything has not yet been delivered or you were deprived of, make sure to contact customer support. How does this entitle you to free HoT content though I don’t understand?

PS. since you didn’t mention when you purchased your 2nd account I’m going to assume you payed the full price. I’m not going to assume you used one of the many 75% off discounts where the game was barely worth more than 10,- $. Either way, your investment must have paid off in login laurels alone by now on your second account, so there is that.

On the value of "luxury" rewards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Rofl once again ohoni never fails in the entitlement department

your argument is essentially that you want to receive top tier rewards for logging in and doing ANYTHING and that its “unfair” if another players playstyle is more profitable or effective at receiving those rewards than what you personally LIKE to do.

Its essentially the same thing as demanding to make money for watching tv and eating cake because thats what you like to do and saying its unfair people WORKING a job get paid to do something you dont consider “fun”


I don’t even bother responding to Ohoni at this point. He is like a brik wall.

Without reading most of his posts, let me guess to what it boils down to:

- give players stuff for free
- players with more stuff have somehow cheated or used unfair advantages to get where they are now
- rng is bad

All the while he probably did not mention any of the benefits that have come around with HoT:

- most exotics are now dirt cheap. Yes, some exotics were close to 10g or above pre HoT. Most have corrected themselves down to 0.5-1.5g per armor piece and about 1.5-3.5g per weapon
- cost of materials being distributed to lower tiers means new players have a very easy way of aquireing gold while leveling
- a lot of the old collections have droped dramatically in price giving access to their rewards easier
- Mawdrey costs a fraction of what it did 2 months ago

The funny thing, now everyone is absolutely going mad over having to get ascended (without having bother or cared pre HoT in over 2.5 years). Best of all, they have to have their ascended asap, better yet, delivered yesterday. It’s easier than ever to gear twinks up for wvw with full exotic. Funny, not to long ago people were content with this.

Same goes for precursors. Everyone is up in arms about their cost not droping (who would have guessed…) and the fact that they aren’t free and require timegates. Let’s put it this way, if gathering the gold to buy the precursor off the TP was never a limiting factor, why haven’t you done this in the last 3 years?

The grass is always greener on the other side I guess.

Really? That’s your analogy? People who want to get things in a game…a GAME – you equate that to real life?

Do I want things in a game? Yup. Do I want to essentially work at it for hours a day, grinding mats and re-running content over and over again, to accomplish it…not a freaking chance.

A valid point. You won’t like the solution though: this game isn’t for you. Try sticking to single player games and stay away from MMOs.

Dev's said Healing Power was weak ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Healing Power and weak?
I found already in WvW a player agaisns that i battled with my thief, that was simply able with all of its heals to outheal constantly all of my damage including bursts on a perfectly timed matter, wer were basicalyl on same skill level…

it was so totally absurd, thsat we we would jhave stopped for sure after some time, if i wouldn#t have been disturbed by a silly ally from my enemy whough saw that and thought he needs to put his weight into the battle to cause their side to win, othewise im pretty sure, this would have turned out into a true endless battle that would have been ended first once one side lets down their concentration first and does make either a fatal mistake or one side gets big lag so that the other side could overcome the enemy by dealign the damage in that time, where the other side can’t react.

healing power is surely not underpowered. in the hands of a skilled player with the right build, it makes them pretty much invincible when you are pretty much able to outheal just everything, even if you give all your best to try to burst your enemy down and interrupt their heals even!!!

It was really absurd what i saw that day in WvW and if my memory isn’t broken, I think that player didn’t have had even any great buffs on (no food ect., just basic healing power from the build that this player used)

Uh, no, not really.

Uh, yes, actually yes.

What Orpheal means is, if healing power gets to useful, it will have an effect on spvp and wvw. Bunker builds currently work through damage mitigation via skills and boons, if you add more effective healing power on top, you break those game modes. Not to mention other builds that with current talents and setup would become unkillable.

What most do not understand, healing power not getting improved has almost nothing to do with pve. If it was only pve content to balance around, arenanet would have long ago been able to change coefficients. Spvp and wvw game modes would have to be completely rebalanced from scratch.

Tyria Masteries (Pact Commander)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


The pact commander line is all convenience, it isnt needed at all to play the game. Besides, the tag you get titles you a Mentor. If you want to be a Commander, you are able to purchase a commander tag without HoT (just like most of us did 2+ years ago).

The OP doesn’t mention the mentor tag and that may not be their reason for wanting the mastery, as it wasn’t mine. The mastery also provides greater speed in cities, faster revive, access to new merchants and – my favourite – the option for loot to be automatically picked up. I was disappointed in this mastery too, but only because the auto-loot should have been first tier and mentor should have been last.

I can understand the OP’s point here. They’re in central tyria. These are central tyrian masteries. They’re a pact commander. The mastery is called pact commander. It would seem logical to have it available to players of the core game. But realistically, the masteries are a new tech which probably took a lot of development and they want to recoup their costs by having people buy the expansion.

Yes you are right about my intent of the thread. I have in fact bought HoT (the $100 version on my main account and spent 100’s of $$$ in the gems store since) but i also bought a 2nd acct b4 the game went f2p. I have now maxed out Pact Commander on my main acct and am still getting used to not having to hit that bound key to auto loot. In fact i do it often still as i only got this maxed out a couple of days ago. It’s kinda funny hitting that key and getting nothing, then i realise why. My problem now is when i switch to my 2nd acct, i do the opposite, i forget to hit the bound key to auto loot and often miss out on stuff.

Aside from that, my 2nd acct never got any perks for purchasing the game, as all others did. I got my 2nd acct after the Hot announcement and i guess i didn’t qualify as a “veteran” player but this mastery would at least compensate a bit and just allow people in my situation to play both of their accts with some consistency and with less confusion.

And btw, i do have a commander badge on my main acct, its not about badge at all. In fact, i don’t even like the mentor badge much, imo its too big, but i do like the other perks and besides, i think it’s appropriate and only fair that all those who bought the game and particularly finished the PS should get this mastery. Perhaps it can only be unlocked after u finish the PS? Either way i would really like to see this change.

Your 2nd account gets daily laurels does it not?

That is a perk compared to f2p is it not?

The rest of the benefits normal accounts have vs f2p are listed here:

Some worth of note are:

- less character slots
- less bag slots
- no sending of coin or items
- limited traiding post access

and more restrictions on f2p accounts.

So what IS the point of precursor crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


It was never meant to make legendaries cheaper anyway.

Because that’s what we’ve been asking for since launch and what they should have delivered.

No, that’s not what “we” have been asking for — only some people wanted it. Most people asked for a way to get precursors that didn’t depend on saving a lot of money or getting lucky. Some thought that meant that the process would be cheaper; a lot did not.

Moreover, it’s only hellishly expensive now because the materials used are in high demand and low supply, because everyone and their sister is trying to worth on the same collections.

As in any economy, those in a rush to be first to get new shinies should expect to spend more, often a lot more. Those who are willing to wait will spend much less. (Although whether that’s less than pre-HoT prices remains to be seen.)


Dev's said Healing Power was weak ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


This is a point I think lots of players of Guild Wars 2 miss (as evidenced by a lot of the PHIW crowd). The goal of other MMOs is to mitigate damage via armour, then heal through that damage with — healing. That’s not the goal in Guild Wars 2. The goal here is to negate (avoid) damage entirely through active defenses (blinds, blocks, interrupts, reflections, dodging).

This design goal (avoid damage entirely) is why gear sets other than DPS are terrible (in PvE) and why all of the healing in the game is relatively anemic. This druid thing Anet has come up with is … interesting. I’m curious to see where they go with it.

Except this isn’t true anymore, and Healing Power is in fact weaker than it should be. It really always has been.

Considering that raid healers are more than capable to heal current raid content in full celestial, I’m having difficulty following your train of thought.

If such low amount of healing power is sufficient to get the job done, how is it weak?

If they increased healing power efficiency, they’d just reduce the coefficient of different skills. This game has spvp and wvw too you know, not only pve.

Laurel drought

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


did you read what others wrote, rings bought with pristine relics so no need for laurels, amulet 20 if you got afew badges of honor that you get from ap chest.
true you need 1 stat for each armor part so thats 30 laurels.
Total since you can change stats with exotic insignias/inscriptions

you need a total of 90 for all armor types
105 for all weapon types
180 for all your amulets and your done a total of 375 not 1890

I was answering for me, not for everybody else. I don’t get pristine relics or badges of honor in quantities that would help. Changing stats might work, but that seems more expensive than just building it right in the first place. Thus, I believe 1890 is accurate.

NOTE: Not completely. I have two characters who both use tailored carrion armor. So, it’s really 1680. I may even double-up again, but that seems like a longshot at this point in time.

But that is your own problem though is it not?

If you value laruels less than gold, but run out, you misscalculated. Sure, changing stats on existing ascended items isn’t cheap. But is it more expensive than to run out of a limited ressource you are already bottlenecking on?

If you choose to spend more then needed on ascended items and don’t use the cheapest channels per slot, sure then again this becomes an issue. But here too, an issue of your own choosing. The game is designed to make people play all the game modes. And especially fractals have become super easy as far as rings are concerned.

This is a problem for new players mostly.

Dmg reduction revenant! (raid)

in Revenant

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


So far, none of the bosses require this amount of heal and/or tank.

The most limiting factor usually is lack of damage. If your raid is dying to mechanics and you need to offset this with more tank/heal, you are very likely not going to make the timer.

Future bosses might differ in this respect though.

Laurel drought

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


This can be an issue on new accounts or for people who buy ALL their trinkets with laurels.

As is, make sure you get only amulets or at most accessoires with laurels. Rings are now even easier to get than before via fractals (also remember to check wvw vendors to offset some laurels prices with badges). Accessoires are still best bought with guild commendations and armor/weapons have the ability to change state via the mystic forge. If you are buying every single stat recepie for your crafter, well that is your own fault is it not?

Gw2 changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954



Keep us posted on how your blog is going though you seem to have writen your next entry here isntead of there.

tl;dr: No one cares.

Actually it seems many do. And you can speak for all only your self. If you don’t care fine, no need to make an under the bridge reply.

Yes, because the flood of “I’m leaving for game xyz and I would love for everyone to aknowledge this” threads are not toxic to the community at all.

If you are unhappy, make a constructive thread about it addressing issues and/or simpply leave. A 2 liner implying you are a special snowflake and are now leaving for this way more amazing game certainly is not.

Oh you mean like your constructive critique about the op and insulting people and name calling. LOL. Take off the blinders.

Oh I’m sorry, I guess these forums are not for constructive discussions. Good job on derailing the already useless thread. Let’s keep the content here on this level.

Also I never said my critique was constructive. It’s hard to give constructive critique to something like this.

Some people.

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

How did you get your ascended gear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Crafted about 2.5 sets worth with 2 or so pieces from collection rewards pre HoT. Had about 1.5 sets worth of armor from fractal chest drops on top.

Weapons I’ve crafted (GS, 4 swords, Axe, etc.) and had 3-4 drop as ascended chests from all over.

Rings I have about 4-5 banks tabs worth of left over from fractals pre HoT (at 1 point I sold 2 bank tabs worth wayway back so I ended only with 2.5 bankt abs full for HoT). Accessoires from guild mission tokens. Amulets from laurels. Backpieces mostly from fractal relics.

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

Druid Build for raids?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Failed at the part where you mentioned your support was running clerics for raids…

Do you regret pre-purchasing HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Hmm feeling slightly burned out I have to admit.

Then again I still find the time to sink about 2-4 hours into the game when ever I find time.

That and the fact that since HoT launch I’ve sunk probably 200-300 hours into the game I’d have to go with: No.

Had I taken things a little bit slower instead of no-lifing as much as I could I’d feel even better.

That being said, i do hope we see some attention to bugs and map population. Maybe even at some point in the future experience from any area towards masteries. It’s very depressing when playing Tyria and having everything maxed that the experience doesn’t spillover into HoT masteries. I do understand why that is though so not that big of an issue yet.

Legendary precursor journey is a joke....[Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Update for you, since Spirit wood cost 15g now due to Nevermore, now anything that uses Spirit Wood cost over 1000g for precursor crafting.

Thanks for Anet reusing old materials in new legendaries to compete with old legendaries. Lots of irrational decision here and there Anet.

So with following knowledge:

- new legendarys which are staff, axe and pistol
- precursor crafting for existing legendarys
- no new slots for asceneded materials in the bank

You were unable to deduce or anticipate that Spirit Wood might spike in price once the collections open? Yeah, to bad. Market changes were communicated.

So what IS the point of precursor crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


In short if you’re complaining that it’s cheaper or faster to buy them from the TP then you are not the target audience for precursor collections.

Just like there are people who don’t like dungeons, or don’t like PvP or whatever there are people who don’t like buying high-end rewards and would rather not have it if they cannot earn it themselves.

They don’t want to do it quickly or cheaply or efficiently, they want to do the entire process by themselves instead of collecting gold to trade to someone who actually got the item they want.

Do you know what’s the actual target audience?

Not those who’re actually working hard for legendaries, but those who want to make a profit by making Dusk and sell it.

This is just sad, because they decide to make them tradable, with insane material cost.

People who complained are those who want, and work for legendaries the most.

That seems contradictory to the rest of the thread, which has been about how it’s cheaper to buy one from the TP than craft it. It can be cheaper to buy it and more profitable to sell it.

Have you not got it? People are basing the material cost on the MOST EXPENSIVE precursors. As the result, all the other precursors that sold less than Dusk got the same price inflation for the material usage because they share the same materials, making them not optimal to craft.

And that is a problem because? If prices inflated and remain stable that is a market correction.

In short if you’re complaining that it’s cheaper or faster to buy them from the TP then you are not the target audience for precursor collections.

Just like there are people who don’t like dungeons, or don’t like PvP or whatever there are people who don’t like buying high-end rewards and would rather not have it if they cannot earn it themselves.

They don’t want to do it quickly or cheaply or efficiently, they want to do the entire process by themselves instead of collecting gold to trade to someone who actually got the item they want.


If you don’t like it, tough cookie. Get over it and move on. Precursors are still available the old way. Good for you that you can save up gold and just buy them off the TP.

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

too many transmutation charges

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Just because you get a transmutation charge instead of a key does not mean it replaced the key.

Arenanet could remove transmutation charges from the loot table and not in any way change the amount of key you get. Just an fyi.

Be happy you have that many and stop complaining.

Salvage Kits Nerfed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


The last 10 rare I salvaged net me around 20 ectos. By your logic I should be asking if salvage kits were buffed.

Other have said it, I’ll just rephrase. Sample sizes of less than 1,000 are no where to be taken serious.

Also consider this, if you open a thread with this title, guess who is going to answer first? Exactly, people who had the same subjective experience.

For future referance:

- salvaging 10 rares and getting 0 ectos is possible (I should know, it’s happened to me 1nce)
- salvaging 5 rares and getting 10 ectos is possible too

Both are not in any way representative sample sizes.

Celestial revenant in PvE?

in Revenant

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


So far not really useful.

Revenants condition damage is poor in pve due to the majority comming from torment.

Revenants direct damage is superb.

Revenants have excelent survivablity and mobility without any defensive stats. If you are running tank in raids, you will pick pure thoughness trinkets and keep rest at peak damage due to timers on bosses.

No reason for celestial unless there are major changes to the class.

Reverant Status - Fair or unfair?

in Revenant

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Revenants are balanced imo except for one skill, Unrelenting Assault- which appears to be the favorite skill of every Revenant i’ve ever encountered. I’ve seen it crit for over 15k which is a one shot to many players. It’s on a 12s CD and you evade all damage while doing it as well as hopping all over the place popping in and out of stealth so basically it can’t be countered. I’ve seen plenty of revs that basically spam this, and then when its over, use crystal hibernation, and cycle these two skills back to back so they are basically immune to damage while dealing a great deal of it

for some reason anet saw it fit to give guardians and revenants skills that ultimately become crutches for most players

Learn to dodge.

Let me guess, smoke scales are wreaking you in HoT too right? Maybe practice against them, then against players. The skill is powerful, as long as the oponent has no clue how to counter it (hint: not hard to do).

Let me give you a small guide:
1. have revenant use UA on you
2.realise that the rev who is using UA on you can be repositioned with you, so you kite back to your group, zerg, firendly npc, etc.
3. ???
4. profit

Experiencing annoying Herald bug

in Revenant

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I can confirm this bug. Not 100% sure what causes it, but it seems that anything which switches you out of Glint legend makes the game bug out. The result is that the Facet you activate instantly deactivates 1 second later. This is not the downscaling bug since I’ve had this happen in fractals and max level content.

For example, entering and leaving underwater has caused this. My guess is, the “fix” for turning off Facets when switching legends has some interesting side effect on other such situations. Getting down leveled might also cause this, but I’ve not tryed this yet.

Switching to your other legend and back to Glint seems to fix it though, until you reactivate the bug.

Sincere Opnion from a Rev 1-80 playthrough

in Revenant

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Actually skimmed through that wall of text.

Can barely agree to anything.

Most classes feel overpowered now in 1-80 due to the new trait system. That has NOTHING to do with revenant.

You’re example of other classes giving up everything for condi cleanse or other specialisation is backwards. On the contrary, the revenant is giving up a lot with his legends, every other class ingame can customize a lot better thanks to hand picked utilities. Not sure where you were going with this.

Revenant(Herald) is at this point in time an unfinished class with a lot of bugs that performs decently due to:
- high synergy within itsself
- easy upkeep of essential damage boons
- a unique 50% boon duration mechnic
- a LOT of evade, blocks and damage ignores
- superior mobility
- having a very low skill cap to perform good (just stay in glint and autoattack. you’ll do more damage than any comparable other class) while being not to complex compared to classes like Engi, Mes, Thief or Ele

I too mained mesmer pre HoT (and Guardian). Judging revenant from the state that mesmer are in right now is a bit silly (not saying mes are op, but they are in a VERY good spot and very desirable at the moment for group content).

If you look at some of the other classes (for example mesmer) you’ll notice not many (besides warrior) have multiple weapons for the same role. Hammer may be our only ranged option, but it sure beats out a lot of other ranged weapons on other classes.

Traits I can agree with. But that is more due to most powerful stuff being baseline for revenant (which again is an inherent benefit) not needing specific traits (though some traits are clearly superior to others). While other classes define themselves/their build over the traits they pick. This has more to do with the difficulty of balancing revenant in a system that is clearly designed for allowing players to pick and chose utilities.

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


And as for easily avoided I am constantly landing this skill with no problems at all.

You’re either exaggerating or lying – the slightest elevation often cancels its damage and you can constantly strafe to avoid it entirely. Obviously it’s still a great skill, but it’s far from broken and it’s certainly not an instant win button. I’m full zerker (meaning I’m squishy) on all my WvW characters and I have yet to get hit with these mythical 12k CoRs; my own usually hit in the 5-8k range. At any rate we’ve been dealing with 8k meteors, 5k per tick lava fonts, out-of-the-blue necro marks and wells and other massive bursts for years; CoR’s damage isn’t any more deserving of a nerf than those other abilities.

Good idea to compare a 2 second cooldown fire-and-forget skill to a:

- channel with high cd
- casted ground targets with significant cooldown

It’s almost like you are trying to prove the TCs point.

EDIT: which on top of all does more damage.

In all seriousness, you can delude yourself all you want. A nerf will come, and I wouldn’t even blame arenanet for it. But I would want the bugs fixed at the same time.

Why revenant has no access to reflect?

in Revenant

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Wait a second, I remember you. You were the one who couldn’t make up your mind what revenant pve weapons were in the thread about revenant and swords.

Your ramblings back then made no sense, just as asking for reflects for revenant now doesn’t make any sense. Glad you’re still on target.

Why revenant has no access to reflect?

in Revenant

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Because they can do just about everything else and giving them reflect would mean arenanet could remove the other 8 classes from the game maybe?