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Just hit lvl 80, what now? :(

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


What to do when you first hit Level 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Make short, medium and longterm goals.

Shortterm goals could be:
- get full rare/exotic gear and figure out a build for your character. if you want to be very thorough try some talent specs out in the spvp area, then commit
- complete almost finished maps
- try out spvp
- try out wvw and see if you like it and what you could imagine playing there
- start a new character
- find a guild of similar minded people to play with if you are still soloing (absolutely do this, it will increase enjoyment of the game exponentially)

Mediumterm goals:
- finish your personal story
- finish Living Story Season 2 and all the achievements
- finish the HoT Story and the achievements
- try out fractals and try to get to fractal level x
- play more spvp and wvw
- do map completion and get your first 100%
- try out jumping puzzles and other obtional content
- complete the Bioluminescent achievement collection (or any other collection you deem fun)

Longterm goals (for a new player):
- complete a full set of ascended equipment (alternatively keep armor exotic, not necessary worth the upgrade)
- decide on a legendary and start working towards that
- rise up the ranks in spvp
- play wvw

Anyone know how to get vipers gear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I’d also advise you to craft a different ascended armor and change the stats in the mystic forge. The reason is that a full set of viper’s armor requires 425 Fulgurite, which is just way too tedious to collect all materials for.

I tried this but it didn’t seem to work for Commander’s Armour. I’m guessing it doesn’t for all HoT stat combined armour?

True, but it does work for vipers gear and is very recommended over actually building it.

The suggestion with getting the exotic viper gear box in the second last HoT mission is also a good one. Rushing through the HoT story takes about 1.5 hours once you know what can get skipped. While being limited to 1 box per character, it is saving you what is essentially 600-700 gold in crafting an ascended armor.

I’d pick from those boxes:

- exotic armor first since this will be the last you’ll be replacing and it allows you to go for best in slot runes
- craft exotic or ascended vipers weapons

Suggestion: Mounts [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


The idea is almost as old as people asking for mounts. So nope, nothing new here. Just a dead horse getting beat, once again.

It won’t happen. Why? Because:

- mounts produce more visual clutter. Unlikely arenanet would increase visual noise as they call it when they’ve been trying hard to reduce it ever since HoT launched

- there have been other games trying mounted combat. The fewest of them succeeded in making it fun, even fewer of those were MMOs

- balance. Game is hard enough to balance as is, adding more things to balance won’t make it easier

Those are the 3 big ones right at the top of my head. Not even going to get into lore, playerbase preferance, etc.etc.etc.

But as is always the case, this thread will get merged sooner or later. Then 2-4 weeks later, another new player discovering the official forums will let this dead horse rise again.

Is Gw2 F2p Broken?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Doesn’t really fit GW2.

The f2p model in guild wars 2 is essentially a trial with unlimited length. Purchasing the full game allows access to everything game essential.

The entire concept of needing new players for seasoned ones to grind through is not the case in GW2.

The video is more about full f2p games as encountered on mobile devices or with heavy game altering cash shops. There is an ambudance of those around, and they are quite different from GW2.

The GW2 conveniance aspect has been drifting more and more towards the gem store though.

Shared Inventory Slot Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


So, just to clarify…you’re saying it is 1 FREEKING SLOT for 1 ITEM? For $8+? I can’t even encapsulate in words how much of a rip off that is Anet. The armor is already expensive, the keys are literally legally-distinct gambling, & you’ve put most of the rewards that should be in the game for goals into the store & at the same time you’ve made posts asking us how to fix RNG. Really? Is the continuing issue of rewards not extremely obvious?

I couldn’t have been happier with the value & quality of GW1 when it came out. Anet was amazing, I literally bought items I didn’t want just to support the company. Now It’s the most expensive MMO I’ve ever played. easily. For me to get access to the same quantity & quality of content & rewards I got in other sub MMOs, I would have to spend thousands of dollars per year in GW2 or play for more hours there are in the day with the sole purpose of maximizing gold generation.

You’ve misunderstood what you’re paying for. As Cyninja.2954 said, it’s a convenience multiplier item: for 700 gems, it extends the value of any account bound item you already have. If that’s not convenient for you, don’t get the item.

For me, it’s a great deal — I was expecting to pay 1,000 gems for something like this.

That’s some hard-core rationalization. You act like labeling something a “convenience multiplier item” allows for infinite valuation. If you need to convince yourself that you spent your money well, that’s fine, but don’t treat other people like idiots because they ascribe a reasonable value to a service.

I’m perfectly happy with the 5 shared slots I have. You are free to not get any slot, that is the power of choice.

What you, or anyone else asking for 250 gems pricing do not account for is the economic effect this addition has for arenanet. This “1” slot is infact a minimum of 5 slots, since all your 5 characters have access to it. It gets exponentially more valuable the more characters you have.

Now it also has another effect, it actually reduces the amount of gems arenanet can expect to generate from MOST of their conveniance items. See all those people who are, in my opinion rightfully, asking for refunds or compensation for multiple salvage-o-matics, harveting tools, etc.? Yeah, that is gems arenanet will not be generating in the future (aka no one needs multiple of those any more).

If you are not interested in the shared slot at this price, that is perfectly fine. In that case, you were never the target group anyway. The target group is people who spend money on gems (or vast amounts of gold) and allowing them an increased ease of use of other conveniance items.

Shared Inventory Slot Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Correct me if I’m wrong here, but this is one skimpy slot that holds just one item? If so are people nuts, paying $9 to save yourself a few seconds each time you decide to play on a different character and want to transfer items to that character. I wouldn’t even spend $1 for just one of that. You do realize for 600 gems you can get a whole bank tab? And even at that price I feel it is overpaying for something that should be gained as a in game reward. I’m not normally one to cry price gouging but this item qualifies as a price gouge if I ever seen one.

It’s a pure conveniance item, you’re saying so yourself.

Is it expensive? Absolutely.

Is it mandatory? No.

Does it multiply the value of your other conveniance items? Yes, and that’s it’s main draw. People now can get 1 permanent tool, salvage-o-matic, royal pass, etc.

Pricing the item any lower than 700 gems would devalue multiple of those permanent items (most of them priced at 1,000 gems) even more.

You are forgetting the crowd of people who have:

- full bank tabs
- full material tab extenders
- salvage-o-matics
- royal access passes (any of them)
- more than 5 characters (most veterans are going on 10-20 at the moment)

To any one of these, the new shared slot is of quite high value. It even increases the usefulness of permanent access merchants. Permanent Bank access is now a god send and allows combined with 1 shared slot bank access on ALL your characters, everywhere.

EDIT: speaking of permanent bank access express, look which item just quadrupled in value

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

You DO NOT want gliding in main tyria [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Oh look, another mount thread.

No to mounts, yes to gliding.

Fractals - Lack of loot

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Another 50+ fractal daily, another single Stabilizing Matrix as reward. Sigh…

Double-click to open.
Contains a Pristine Fractal Relic, 10 +1 Agony Infusions, a Tome of Knowledge, 3 Fractal Encryption Keys, and a Stabilizing Matrix.


Immediately after the patch, I started doing more fractals and the 50+ ones too.

From the 3/3 daily lv50+ chest, I got an ascended salvage kit with one, yet ONE single charge on it! No rings, no exotics, just a couple rares from the runs, blues, greens and the useless kit!

The next day, I got a single Stabilizing Matrix (ascended crafting material that are SO common and easy to get).

After two days in a row of really bad loot, I stopped doing the 50+ fractals. Today, I got my chest, went to open it in my inventory, and it wasn’t there!! My bags were not cluttered (because you don’t get much loot in fractals anymore) so it’s not like I couldn’t see it! I salvaged the few items that were there, double checked, tripple checked, nope … no chest!!


From another thread. You seem to have a notion of either:

- exagerating
- overlooking parts of your loot
- being affected by severe game bugs no one else has mentioned on the forums (or reddit) so far

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

Mastery Points

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I’ve got everything done and 12 mastery points left over for HoT. Counting the 9 mastery points I’m missing from some silver/gold adventures that puts me at a potential 21 HoT mastery points left over.

Considering the total amount of mastery points from story missions are 18 ( and you get 1 for completing the story (so it’s 14), you have more than enough spare mastery points from other locations to go for.

Will they be as easy as doing some of the insanely easy story achievements? Probaly not. But it is doable.

Fractals: my first impressions...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Cool story brah.

Now if only your posting history didn’t give away your trolling.

That kitten Toxic Bacon...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


The challenge of this hero point is just knowing when to start the first heal.

All the damage/healing done is % based.

Knowing this you want to wait with your first heal so that you heal as much as possible while not waiting to long (it’s 3 or 4 ticks in).

Basically the entire challenge gets decided by your first heal. If you overhealed (aka you healed to early), you won’t have heals ready often enough to keep yourself alive. If you healed to late you wasted time and again will run into health problems.

Then there are multiple ways to make the challenge easier:

- mango pie
- mesmer providing alacrity

The challenge is absolutely doable without any outside mechanics. The autocast option even ensures your heal will get triggered as soon as it’s available.

Fix the exploits in Fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I’m not defending the exploit i’m just pointing out why it’s being used

Except you aren’t since a proper mossman should be faster.

Except you’re wrong – people are sick of the fight. Between taking 5 minutes of actually doing the fight itself (which you’re sick of) and taking 7-8 and watching netflix while occasionally hitting 1 on your keyboard- can you tell me which one of these exposes you more to the content you’re incredibly tired and bored of?

Yes the fight takes longer – but your involvement and exposure to the old and boring content is at its lowest possible level.

Sure – if legit mossman took 1-2 minutes and the bug took 8-9 then yeah – we might see more legit. But adding 2-3 minutes is a good trade if it means you don’t really have to do anything but press 1 and chill.

None is forcing you to play the game. It is clear that by what you say you’re sick and tired of it and you don’t see it as a game.

End game content that has a chance to reward you with a BiS item should not be afk#1 spam no matter how boring you think it is.

Any content 3 years old which faces no changes becomes “afk #1 spam”. Especially after such a powercreep expansion.

No one is arguing against difficult, challenging and working endgame instanced content.

The problem is, the current design leads players to maximise their success while minimizing their time investment. On top of the content being ages old.

I doubt you’ll find many people who have run fractals since the very beginning (most are at 3 thousand fractals run and more by now) who find ANY of the fractals fun or “a game”. It’s a minor inconveniance between ones self and the next random ascended item at best.

My random idea for end game gear progression

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Wrong game.

Random generic MMO gear grinder is -> way

The current state of pve gear already has enough people complaining about the effort they have to put in to aquire it. Arenanet have state multiple times that they are happy with the current design.

Introducing any type of new grind or devaluing of gear would severly damage the game.

If you want to min/max your gear, go for what LegACy said:


Also, there’s already that agony infusions with +5 stats if you truly want to max stuff.

Full set of +5 power infusions will cost you a good 2-3k gold. Getting multiple legendarys will also set you back 2-3k gold per legendary.

The core game was advertised as “no grind”. Now arenanet have taken quite a few steps away from that idea, and each one was followed by outrage from a big part of the playerbase. As is, big parts of the playerbase do NOT want an “urge” to complete more content for minor gear increases.

Always be aware of who your target audience is. Though I’m sure some players in WoW would be quite happy for Blizzard to slow down in their devaluing of gear, they’re at hyperspeed in shoving in new gear tiers.

who made DS

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


The HP by the spiders can be obtained at any time with a leap skills or one of the teleport rifles.

The HP on the far west of the map can be reached at any time by coming at it from above. There’s a path leading up to it from the first camp.

The only ones that require the entire meta to be completed are the mushroom one at the center lane and the one in the final area. The vista and POI also require you to have beaten that meta. The three towers have HP but can be done at any time once those doors have been opened. You can easily get all three once you have completed the tower events.

I’ve done map completion twelve times in that map and 15 min is more than enough time to get what you need and farm pods.


Most of the map can be explored at any time. Only 1 Vista, 5 PoI, and 4 HP require that you do the meta event. And 15 minutes are more than enough to get those after the meta event is over.


Also, who says a map has to be completed at once? Took me 3 DS runs to complete my first DS map since I decided not to use guides and figure stuff out on my own.

In essence it’s only 1 Vista and 5 PoI since you could always do some wvw and compete those HP via wvw tomes.

Was HOT Made Before GW2 Came Out??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Whatever you are smoking TC, I want some of it.

Dulfy note: ...working on the next expansion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


He is likely refering to an expansion coming out in I would guess 2017.

For anyone familiar with developement cycles this should come as no suprise. It take years to get an expansion done. The entire process is more than just “let’s make some grafics, tweak a bit here and there, done”. The design process usually starts far earlier and has to do with general direction, theme, new ideas and so on that get brainstormed. Then the actual developement and programing takes a huge chunk of time too.

My guess is, areanet are moving to a system of frequent expansions in 1-2 year time gaps with some Living Story inbetween.

Fix the exploits in Fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Hope they do a nice round of bannings to go with exploit fixes. If you can’t do it legit, then you shouldn’t do it at all.

Besides, these instabilities aren’t that bad, I remember some truly awful ones back before HoT, 43 seems to ring a chilling bell.

Yes, which everyone did exactly 1nce if at all (because it was way easier to just rerun 49 and 50 until you caped). That system was essentially even worse then the current one. Here you at least have to do each fractal once for rewards. Great comparison.

I remember when fractals went up to fractal level 80 and people had to exploit mechanics left and right to get past the instant kill agony to get there.

How about we go ALL the way back and get every player who ever set foot in fractals banned.

Fixing the exploits is one step, the major one has to be fixing the game mode first though.

Suck at Love (Banned)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


What I find the funniest is how people still defended SaL even after Gaile came by and stated what exactly got the account flagged and banned.

People really think that arenanet would go out of their way to fake evidence on a topic that created this much buzz just to save their hides? Really?

That is waaaay more believable than the alternative: someone f-ing up and trying to get away with it.


(edited by Cyninja.2954)

Dueling and Inspecting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I would really like an inspect option then i woudnt have to kick people who dont want to link gear.

You are the minority though, and that attitude is exactly why there is no inspect option in this game.

We need balance patch ._.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I have 3k armor . Is this a balanced game in yor opinion?^

Better question.

Would you say not dying if you have 3k armor is balance?

EDIT : sure you got hit for 10k, but we dont know anything about buffs, debuffs, or any other external factors.

And by an attack as easily dodged as Kill Shot, no less.

Dear Azure please read this and hopefully some dev will too.

You guys have no idea how many people didn’ t buy hot and how many people have actually quitted the game after buying hot for this unbalance game status.
Myself i can count at least 10 of my friends.
Immagine what will happen when games like black desert online and blade and soul are out.
What truly confuses me is that Azure I gave you evidence of a 10k shot saying that i have 3k armor, ( everyone knows that that skill is overpowered ) and you even attack me denying what i m saying?^ XD

I truly hope that devs don t share your same way of analyzing problems Azure.

Dear Darkness,

what Azure is saying is that Arenanet needs to carefully analyse and make appropriate changes while a big factor of the player base have no idea what balance actually means.

You are a prime exampe in this case. That screenshot shows multiple things:

- for one, you have no idea how to give proper valuable feedback. Unless provided ALL the factors going into that “screenshot” it’s hard to draw conclusions.

- I quotationed marked screenshot because screenshots are almost never good feedback. They lack way to much information and are snapshots of events. You do not balance around snapshots

- it shows a very hard hitting attack. Yes, this warrants further investigation. It does not automatcally require rebalancing though.

Let’s now look at what this screenshot does not provide:

- data on buffs/debuffs for both targets as well as buff foods
- Gear dis-/advantage between both characters
- talents affecting the attack. Maybe that revenant was running Swift Termination ( thus maybe the issue is with the talent instead of the skill
- any random outside factors which the screenshot does not cover

Now after all that we can finally start looking at balancing the skill in respect to:

- how easy is the skill to land?
- how long a cooldown does the skill have?
- what type of skill is it? (Weapon skill, Healing, Utility or Elite)
- what range is the skill ment for?
- what added benefits does the skill provide? (does it provide de-/buffs? a combo field? a finisher?)
- what is the basic design of the class the skill got used on and does it fit this design?

Most if not all of those questions do not get answered by your screenshot. Providing armor values (which are likely a guess) and a damage number are vastly insufficient and do not warrent proper feedback. Thus at most what you can do is ask for the skill to get looked at.

I’ve been on the side of changing CoE on revenants since day 1. You can find posts to this end in my history. What you are doing though is screemin “nerf” based on vastly insufficient data. That is exactly something arenanet needs to stay clear of at the moment.

It's been less than 3 months and...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954



So I think i’m officially ‘tired’ of the pvE game structure now. I noticed it about 3 days ago when I logged in and just found myself running between towns feeling extremely bored with the constant missions and aimless mob attacks to get points.

I have a level 62 mesmer. I’m no longer interested in levelling her up. I also have three low-level characters, a human revenant a norn warrior and norn ranger, but I won’t even bother with those either… I was interested in exploring the different lores of the races. It seemed like fun at first. But it’s just the same endless crap. And after buying a whole set of new armour for my mesmer I realized I don’t have the interest or patience to spend that much time in the store doing it again.

Also, one thing that got to me: I wanted to test out the crafting element of the game, so I bought enough ingredients and made half a greatsword. then I returned with more ingredients to make the rest as I ran out – only to find out that the crafting station was closed because of some stupid ‘failed experiment’ which had green creatures running around. If that’s an excuse to add diversity to the game, then my face is blank. REALLY?? So I finished the sword the following day when the ridiculous mission was over and crafted my sword!

It just seems pointless. I remember feeling this way with gw1 – the only difference was that that didn’t happen until about a year later. And from that point forward I only logged in to have fun in Random Arenas.

I think the core of the pve is still the same as the original game and that’s probably why I’m completely bored of the game now, and have no feel to play it, which is a shame.

a.) It takes about 48-72 hours of /played time to hit max level. That is without any bonus experience from crafting or other methods of advancing in pve levels. We are talking first character new to the game time required.

b.) There are crafting stations in every racial city. There are way points unlocked for every character in the starter Zone next to every racial city. Lions Arch has a Gate Way hub which interconnects every major city. Not having access to ac rafting station is not an issue.

c.) You get 10 levels per month for free just for loging in.

d.) Every 10 levels you get story missions worth about 2.5-3 levels worth of experience.

e.) Open the trading post -> select armor -> select chest -> configure options to show only blue/green/yellow items which are +/- 2 levels of you current level -> buy item -> select next armor slot -> buy item ->repeat process for every armor slot. Repeat process for weapons. Done. Takes no longer than maximum 1 minute.

Maybe, just maybe you are not that big of an expert at this game as you think you are.

The other poster wondering if you have been grinding enemys for experience was valid. You complain over so basic and simple processes which are streamlined and simple in GW2 that your complaint comes more off as you not actually knowing how to proceed.

Now you not enjoying the story or other aspects of the game is a possibility. Nothing of what you actually mentioned is the problem. If the game is not your deal, fine.

They need to make this game more interesting and take away the demoralising mission/mob grinding as a pve mainstay. They suck.

Just my opinion. It’s what killed the fun for me, after what is just a few weeks.

I might log in occasionally to run around in WvW.

Any thoughts?

See above. My thought is, you have not even grasped the beginning of what GW2 is and have given up. Which is fine.

But your assessment and verdict are off by miles.

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

TP limit bids to 5,000

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Seera, Let me apologize for not making it clear, what I intended to refer to was someone putting up five hundred bids for level 30 level leather pants (or things like low level weapons and equipment, not materials…). check the TP and see the low level items- put a bid of one up and within minutes you will most likely be over bid by one copper with someone asking for hundreds of that item… (if you’re familiar with the Turing test, here is a great opportunity to spot algorithms at work and see if it is human or bot- play around for one week and you will see…)

The TP without the 15% tax being necessary or preventing inflation is speculation on your part…the 15% tax is there to increase credit card purchases to the cash shop. (which I did not say is a bad thing~ the middleman gouging by players to the extant it has bcome…not condemning the player’s self interest, there’s just an easy fix).

So what you are telling me, someone who sees that an item on the trading post which is undervalued, then puts up a bid to salvage the item and reintroduce the ressources into the market (thus increasing the supply). Oh dear god no, blasphemy.

If someone overbids you by 1 copper he will do so until the item is not worth salvaging any more. People buying and salvaging items is a GOOD thing. It keeps material prices in check while it does not let prices drift appart between ressources and items.

The only argument which can be made here is boting, and even this brings market prices closer to equalibrium. Not all ends justify all means.

TP limit bids to 5,000

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


God, I love these hobby economist threads.

Best part, new people come with the same stupid ideas over and over again.

We really need back the Trading Post forums just to be able to link to old disscussions where exactly stuff like this gets disproven and or discussed.

My favorite one so far in this thread:

- making traded items from the TP account bound

I also love how people love bashing John Smith while GW2 has one of the most stable MMO economies on the gaming market.

Please fix the rare veggie pizza exploit!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


He’s using poor language to convey a valid point of discussion.

He’s using poor language in order to grab peoples attention for a maybe valid point of discussion.

The mere fact that TC has to create such a smokefield just to get people interested in his complaint/idea should be indication enough of how much attention this point might have gotten otherwise.

He also does not address the issue of expertise actually caping at 100%. Forcing condition builds into their second primary damage stat and secondary stats(primary: expertise, condition damage. secondary: precision). Power builds have no caps on their primary or secondary damage stats (primary: power, precision. secondary: ferocity). Not even going into the damage loss for conditions that not run their full duration due to:

- cleanse
- enemy death
- immunities

as is this is at most an issue in pve boss fights of a set duration and above (which TC also forgot to mention).

As is he just compares buff foods while he does not take into account the itemisation system of the game. That is an incomplete argument at best, and a faulty one at worst.

Critical chance is capped at 100%. Though Power is not capped, but neither does Condition Damage. Ferocity is minor factor in effective power. Then you should take into consideration that direct damage is divided by the mobs’ armor value, which decreases it further. True, condition damage coefficient should have taken care of the the balance between power (when divided by armor and multiply by the ferocity factor) vs condition damage (without the division). That left is condition duration cap vs precision cap.

It doesn’t change the fact that it is OP. Toning it down via normalization to +100 Expertise (6.66% condition duration, from 20%) +70 condition damage would do the job.

I also never mention that anyone should get banned for this. Remember those two days where the birthday gun gave +2000 to all stats to a level 2 when scaled up in WvW or in fractal? It is the same thing. No one got banned, but nevertheless was an exploit and it did get fixed. Same with this food.

The caped crit I already addressed further up, but let’s actually get some numbers in.

Using the precision formula for level 80:

Critical Chance = (Precision – 916) / 21

That is exactly 20×21 precision = 420 worth of stat points you get from Fury boon (20% crit flat). Power builds can straight up get more Primary stat than condition builds and/or more secondary stats. You started this thread arguing that condition food gave more stats than power food. Well guess what, boons favor power builds. Give condition builds a condition duration boon and we can talk balance in other areas. Fury boon is basically everywhere, I don’t see everyone poping 50s-1g buff food all the time.

Also your minor factor ferocity comes down to this:

1% crit damage at 80 = 15 stat points.

Use those 420 stat points from Fury Boon in Ferocity instead of Precision and it comes out to:

420/15 = 28% Crit damage

I hope I don’t have to do the math on what this means for crit caped power builds (which they all are). How is this “a minor factor”? The argument could be made that power still beats ferocity, which in essence just means that ferocity gets stacked on the side as much as possible while maintaining maximum power.

Direct damage is instant, condition damage is wasted once the enemy dies. Which as I mentioned further up becomes ONLY a factor in extended boss fights. Most enemys below champion (and some weack champions too) don’t live long enough to matter.

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

What level Fractals give Ascended Chests?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Alright, since HoT fractal update I’ve gotten 4 ascended chests, 2 gold fractal skins and 3 regular fractal skins.

3 of the chests dropped from the Champion Chest (do 3 51-100 fractals daily one)
1 of the chests dropped from the Veteran Chest (do 3 21-50 fractals daily one)
Both gold fractal skins came from the Veteran Chest I believe.
Don’t remember where the fractal skins came from, could be any I’m sure.

Maybe my RNG is good (it’s not anywhere else in the game), but those 3 ascended chests I got from the 51-100 dailies was across maybe 8 dailies. So 3 out of 8 times doing the daily I got an ascended chest (2 boots and 1 chestpiece).

That is exceptionally lucky though.

I opened 25 master chests on patch day and got 4 ascended chests. None from the lower ones and no golden skin weapons.

Ever since then I’ve been running all the fractals daily and have gotten 2 more ascended chests and still no golden skins.

People need to realise that 10-15% is just that. One item per week or week and a half. With bad rng we are looking at 2-4 ascended items (not counting rings) per month of doing daily fractal 51-100. It wasn’t a lot better pre HoT, except for the occasional fractal skin.

Biggest difference is the time. 3x swamp is an easy 20 minutes for the daily. Pre HoT 30 Minutes was a really fast run, 45 Minutes was okay and 1 hour and above was Cliffside and Taumanova plus Mai at the end.

Please fix the rare veggie pizza exploit!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


The condi food is weird. While it does give technically more stats than any other food, it is also the only food where its primary “stat” will vanish once a certain cap is reached. I mean, sure, the other effects of food diminishes as you stack on more and more buffs, but it never outright stops.

Precision also vanishes.

Question: Does the extra precision help against up-leveled enemeis? I vaguely remember a discussion thread about it back then, but I can’t remember if increased precision had an effect against the crit rate reduction from being underleveled.

He’s using poor language in order to grab peoples attention for a maybe valid point of discussion.

The mere fact that TC has to create such a smokefield just to get people interested in his complaint/idea should be indication enough of how much attention this point might have gotten otherwise.

My memory is a bit longer, so I remember the nature of condi food being discussed multiple times in the past. Particularly when it was at +40% duration, and the difference between having it and not was far more substantial. The issue is one that hasn’t really gone away, just reduced a bit over time. I’ve been wondering for quite awhile why it is that Anet hasn’t fully embraced the expertise system, and converted food buffs and other sources to static additions. What we have now is kind of a messy patchwork.

Precision being caped at 100% crit is also moot at this point. Yes, technically precision does cap but that is only achievable with Fury boon up (and/or heavy investment in assassins gear at expense of power). Now please someone point me to the 20% condition duration boon that was added in HoT… wait there is none, really?

Effectively allowing power builds to stack more power and ferocity.

I will agree to that the current situation is messy and could use some cleaning up. My guess is arenanet went overboard with making codition damage viable but hasn’t worked out all the kinks. The reduction in codition duration on food seems like a wildswing to make vipers more attractive. I can’t say I blamen them though, reducing condition duration food even more would have caused people freaking out about requiring raid trinkets for BiS gear.

They could change fury to provide crit and condition duration, but that might cause some serious double dipping for certain builds.

Please fix the rare veggie pizza exploit!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


He’s using poor language to convey a valid point of discussion.

He’s using poor language in order to grab peoples attention for a maybe valid point of discussion.

The mere fact that TC has to create such a smokefield just to get people interested in his complaint/idea should be indication enough of how much attention this point might have gotten otherwise.

He also does not address the issue of expertise actually caping at 100%. Forcing condition builds into their second primary damage stat and secondary stats(primary: expertise, condition damage. secondary: precision). Power builds have no caps on their primary or secondary damage stats (primary: power, precision. secondary: ferocity). Not even going into the damage loss for conditions that not run their full duration due to:

- cleanse
- enemy death
- immunities

as is this is at most an issue in pve boss fights of a set duration and above (which TC also forgot to mention).

As is he just compares buff foods while he does not take into account the itemisation system of the game. That is an incomplete argument at best, and a faulty one at worst.

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

Gold Limit annoying, please increase

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


No-one would accept their bank putting a $500 limit on transfers.

Actually they do, it’s just not 500$:

Combined with mandatory reports on transactions over 3.000,- $ and supsicious activity reports if the bank detects attampts at wrongdoing.

With this in mind, you should be happy arenanet ONLY puts a limit on gold per week. Imagine you had to fill out a justification for each bigger transaction on the TP or else money gone.

Gold Limit annoying, please increase

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


hmm I doubt the majority of players in the game are Gold Sellers but whatever, if you’re stupid enough to think such a measure is acceptable then I guess it is no surprise you have never been inconvenienced by Gold limits Suppose its a matter of perspective.

While we are on the subject though, it would also be nice to up the limit in Guild Bank from 1000 Gold as well.

You got links showing what the numbers are which, unless Arenanet deliberately decided to fake numbers, show that over 98% of the activities affected by the 500 gold weekly limit are RMT related.

You go on calling the person who provided the numbers as stupid due to your own subjective opinion.

Somehow I doubt you understand what the word stupid means.

Fact of the matter is, the inconveniance of a very small minority of players (less than tiny actually) is more than justified for curbing RMT in the game if we consider:

- arenanet probably did not just implement this mechanism out of thin air but had reasons in doing so (maybe they felt the RMT was growing, who knows)
- the value they picked was carefully decided on by factoring for maximum impact on RMT an minimum impact on the playerbase
- they believe this limitation to be of benefit to the game overall
- RMT directly cuts into arenanets business model. Everyone complaining about them going heavy on promoting the gem store or removing liquid gold gains from the game economy should keep that in mind

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

Instanced content done right...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


You’re funny. You judge your opinion on:

- people who keep rerunning the content (have to be addicts and bragartists, can’t be due to the content being fun)
- people who don’t do them (my guess is most have not tried or tried and failed). Great way to get to know content, ask people who haven’t done the content.

If you had spent the time talking to people who do the raids, you’d get quite a few to answer that the raids are a lot of fun. The mechanics for the 3 bosses are interesting (Goreseval is usually the one everyone mentions as least interesting due to the dps check aspect) and quite fun.

Now this might not extend to people trying with bad pugs, but most regular raiders will tell you exactly this: the first wing is a lot of fun and most are looking forward to the next wing.

I’m sorry but I’ve played the raids multiple times. Personally I don’t find it good content at all, it’s just boss fights with gimmicky mechanics and gated by annoying timers. There is no story, nothing to explore, no real motivation to keep banging your head on the wall either. It’s a shame on the endgame content that was to be found in Guild Wars 1. I think it’s a complete fail, it’s not going to keep people playing this game.

So you’d rather fight trash with no mechanics and no timers? Open world it is for you.
Story is there, just not thrown at you, but hidden in those letters and what you can see from the encounters/small bits of dialogue. Gear/drops you can only get there are your motivation, if that’s not for you, again, there’s open world.

No I’d rather GvG and PvP, stuff that actually is skill-wise challenging, instead of the false difficulty or high HP and timers. I want hard content in a game that can get you involved from both a story and gameplay perspective, but the raid here are just boring as hell. Look for a party for 2 hours minimum, fight this boss with a million HP and probably fail 10 times until people quit, then this other boss with a million HP if you have a good party, then this other boss with a million HP, repeat. Even the Arah dungeon initially was way better developed than this.

Seriously, I can’t believe people can’t see how kittening cheap the raid content is. It’s not what I paid 50$ for. For 50$ you can get amazing games that have had so much more work in them than this expansion, like the latest Assassin Creed. I don’t see why anyone would waste their time with this just to get an armor skin.

What I take from your post is this:

- you haven’t completed any of the raid bosses. You probably tried Vale Guardian a couple of time and failed. Yes, 5-8 minute fights with multiple mechanics are just to long to bother with.
- technically you didn’t pay any $$$ for raid content since quite clearly you are not a raider. The rest of the HoT content is up for grabs for you
- spvp and wvw are in terrible shape right now (balance and content wise), not sure why you would even bring that up.

But we’ve derailed this thread long enough. This was about what GW2 could learn from CoH and not your preferance in game modes.

Please fix the rare veggie pizza exploit!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Yay, let’s throw around trigger words like “exploit” on every thopic or game aspect we disagree/dislike.

Let’s not give any care to what exploit actually means but rather generate a lot of buzz for this rant/complaint/suggestion we have.

I’m sure the inability to use proper terminology will absolutely make people take my topic seriously.


On topic, rare veggie pizza might not be well balanced against other buff foods for certain builds – true. Unfortunately this is not an exploit. Better luck next time.

In am so over all the cc in HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


- bring stability
- bring condition cleanse
- learn what to dodge
- use class provided mechanics to counter cc (reflects, blurr, distortion, teleports, etc.)

These skills are more than enough to get you through ANY HoT content no matter if solo or full zerg. Some classes have it easier, yes, but every class can cope and manage the content.

Invite me ingame and then I’ll watch you liberate one of the outposts in AB solo. Oh, it is doable … but it’s not fun and ONE “mistake” (like a 2 cavalier respawn in your back) and you’re to port back to the “spawn” because those two cavaliers will knock you over at least once if they come from out of view (unless you happen to dodge something else at the same time), the second one will keel you over again (unless you have a second stunbreaker available which not many classes can do) and you’ll have eaten a few stacks of toment from the tormentors by then and it would be a miracle if you would not find yourself in the crossing paths of 2 snipers (at least) by then because those guys seem to synch their attacks.

Soloing an outpost (my favourite is Southwatch) in AB is really a good lesson – four breachers with 6 – 8 spawns to defend it (that regrow rather fast) and outer perimeter defense that also respawns at a challenging rate + has an aggro radius that is just insanely huge (and consists of 2+ cavaliers per breacher + patrolling grunts and a few vines).

With a group … easy. Solo … doable but can be very frustrating. And then we come back to the point of my luck with megaserver placement …

Nothing you mentioned here is undoable. You even said so yourself.

I never said it has to be fun for you. Fun is a very subjective thing. Also the difficult outposts you are refering to are designed for groups. There is enough evidence of people soloing group content (lately we have an engineer soloing fractal 100) which also shows it’s doable. No one said we have to balance for the lowest common denominator. If you can’t solo group content, then don’t. It’s ment for groups.

I’m also sick and tired of people complaining about the megaserver system as an argument for anything group related. If you are incapable of utilising the lfg system, then you have way more basic problems you should address than soloing HoT content which is balanced for multiple players.

I want to play with my bad friends again.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


HoT shifted the focus of pve content on open world content.

The instanced content is now ment to be more challenging and design wise I guess arenanet will want to keep it this way.

This allows for challenging content while not overburdening players who just want to go out and solo pve a bit. Just look at the recent nerfs to TD and other HoT open world content. DS is basically one big roller coaster ride to your reward with minor bumps.

There is no reason to reward brainless instanced content or up the rewards on such content. All this creates is funnel players away from arenanets current open world design with little control over what players do once they are in their own instance.

You’ve basically been hit by arenanets deflation model which removed gold from dungeons. At 4-6 hours you must have been gaining direct gold between 50-100 gold pre HoT per day. That’s been cut down to 15-25 gold from fractals basically. I don’t think it’s realistic to believe arenanet is going back to the old model.

In am so over all the cc in HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


So sad, many of you have absolutely no idea, or perhaps just don’t want to admit the reality of what I am talking about. That’s fine, I have no problem getting through the content full Zerk, but the sad truth is that it doesn’t matter if you run glass cannon or tank, the spamming of hitpoint sink mobs with excessive cc and condis just doesn’t equal engaging gameplay for me, and a lot of other people. So please continue to tell me it’s a LTP issue, when in reality is it’s a game design issue, one where Anet took a very lazy path….

You’ve continuously failed to provide a counterargument to the suggestions people have been providing.

- bring stability
- bring condition cleanse
- learn what to dodge
- use class provided mechanics to counter cc (reflects, blurr, distortion, teleports, etc.)

These skills are more than enough to get you through ANY HoT content no matter if solo or full zerg. Some classes have it easier, yes, but every class can cope and manage the content. (notice how I didn’t mention toughness, since it’s basically useless in open world content. Also a l2p issue if you did not know)

This is a clear learn to play issue if others can manage but you can’t.

Is this fun to you? Maybe not, but that doesn’t mean it’s not doable or unbalanced. It simply means you do not enjoy this type of challenge.

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

Instanced content done right...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


You’re funny. You judge your opinion on:

- people who keep rerunning the content (have to be addicts and bragartists, can’t be due to the content being fun)
- people who don’t do them (my guess is most have not tried or tried and failed). Great way to get to know content, ask people who haven’t done the content.

If you had spent the time talking to people who do the raids, you’d get quite a few to answer that the raids are a lot of fun. The mechanics for the 3 bosses are interesting (Goreseval is usually the one everyone mentions as least interesting due to the dps check aspect) and quite fun.

Now this might not extend to people trying with bad pugs, but most regular raiders will tell you exactly this: the first wing is a lot of fun and most are looking forward to the next wing.

I’m sorry but I’ve played the raids multiple times. Personally I don’t find it good content at all, it’s just boss fights with gimmicky mechanics and gated by annoying timers. There is no story, nothing to explore, no real motivation to keep banging your head on the wall either. It’s a shame on the endgame content that was to be found in Guild Wars 1. I think it’s a complete fail, it’s not going to keep people playing this game.

The timers are so generous though that they are a non-issue. They are only there to make people not cheese the encounters by going full tank and just ignoring all the boss attacks.

The only boss where this is a slight issue is Goreseval, hence why I mentioned he is considered the least interesting.

About the story aspect, well you must have not been paying attention since there clearly is a story (granted it’s not a shiny cinematic which spoonfeeds it to you). Let me link you to woodenpotatoes 30 minute video where he goes through everything we learn in the raidwing:

If you don’t fancy WP, there are other youtubers who have done videos on the raid story so far as well.

I’m not saying you are wrong for not liking the raid for its story since this is a purely subjective thing, but from my experience (again subjective as well) you are not part of the majority.

Instanced content done right...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I think I explained enough with the words I chose.

Their “profession” were varied and fun and supported good gameplay. Instance content was far superior as well. Hand and hand they were fun and far better than any instance content we have here and far superior in the all things “profession” department as well…

Players are free to research as well…

I’ll pull up some videos of gw2 instanced content for a more side by side viewing comparison…

I’m thinking most gamers will get the drift without having to write a novel…

Well you are free to futility, but this discussion got going the moment you gave more context.

Also no, YOU are trying to get a point accross. No one should have to reasearch anything unless they are hooked. Your OP was terrible and you first answer was barely any better. The moment you expect others to have to do your work for you (aka research stuff they have no vested interest in) you lose.

I’ve never heard ANYONE say the new Guild Wars 2 raids were FUN.

People say “too hard”, “easy”, “made it pass the first boss”, “don’t like it”, “done it once, never again”… But, never have I heard someone say it was “cool” or “fun” or “enjoyable” or “the best content in the game” or anything of the sort. Everyone is sort of “meh” about it, and those who repeat them seem like addicts that just want to be able to brag about having a legendary armor or being better. They don’t seem to enjoy it either, but in my huge friend list I think only 1 or 2 are actually doing them and everyone else just doesn’t give kitten about it.

I think Raids in Guild Wars 2 are just filler content to make it seem like HoT has new endgame content when in reality it doesn’t.

Meanwhile I bought Bioshock Infinite for the ridiculous price of less than a GW2 outfit (an half a dozen other games) and I’ve been AMAZED by how good it is, so I’m taking a GW2 break which may turn out to be until the next expansion if Anet can create some enjoyable instanced content.

You’re funny. You judge your opinion on:

- people who keep rerunning the content (have to be addicts and bragartists, can’t be due to the content being fun)
- people who don’t do them (my guess is most have not tried or tried and failed). Great way to get to know content, ask people who haven’t done the content.

If you had spent the time talking to people who do the raids, you’d get quite a few to answer that the raids are a lot of fun. The mechanics for the 3 bosses are interesting (Goreseval is usually the one everyone mentions as least interesting due to the dps check aspect) and quite fun.

Now this might not extend to people trying with bad pugs, but most regular raiders will tell you exactly this: the first wing is a lot of fun and most are looking forward to the next wing.

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

Maguuma dead?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Learn to taxi until megaservers are fixed.

Problem solved.

Move on to next easily player fixed problem we could wildly complain about.

Suggestion: Mounts [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Posting in an epic thread that shall soon get merged.

It’s distinct commonness will be soon added to the collective ( and ultimately forgotten.

Instanced content done right...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I’m not sure you’ve gotten your point accross.

First off, linking videos to a different MMO will be widly confusing to people who have never played that MMO. I for one never played City of Heroes, so all I got from those videos was:“They sure love bright flashy neon colors in that game.” The only people who would understand are players familiar with that game, but those already know about how these things were better.

A short explenation of what you aimed to show would have been helpful.

Second, City of Heroes went bottums up. In order for players, developers or anyone to take advice from things that game did right, you might want to explain why things were good. Then explain why those good things had nothing to do with the game going bust. There are quite a few past MMOs that had great ideas implemented but didn’t survive. Still, explaining why something was good/bad goes a long way of people not just going:“That game went the way of the Dodo. No way we are taking any suggestions from there.”

600gold gone, due to websites lying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Assuming people do their research (huge assumption though) then buying should always end up cheaper. If the price of collecting becomes cheaper people would eventually shift to doing it that way which will push the price on the TP down over time until it becomes cheaper to buy again.

The current problem is the fact that if you craft all the materials required to craft the precursor but, instead, sell those materials on the TP you will be able to buy the precursor from the TP AND still have made a profit.

This means there’s absolutely no point in crafting the precursor.

You’re saying the same thing just phrase it differently.

I have to agree with Kisanth, IF the collections are cheaper (it’s actually a mixture of cheaper gold wise and the amount of effort required, but let’s not get into to much detail) players will do the collections and sell the resulting precursor. Thus increasing supply and reducing precursor price on the TP. At the same time the price of required materials will rise due to higher demand. Both effects will lead to precursors being cheaper off the TP than crafting them.

It’s the same effect as in almost every other MMO where gathering professions eventually end up being the most lucrativ since crafting professions alwaysend up with this conundrum (unless crafting is heavily timegated). Now with guildwars not having any gathering professions… I hope you get what I’m going for.

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

asc trinket: HoT stat locked behind RAID

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


You are starting to argue your point based on maybes and possible future content changes, which you have no basis on believeing they might get added. This should already tell you how weak your argument is.
Let’s keep it in the here and now.

Not really, before HoT anyone would have said that sinister is the get go stat for condition.
After HoT not anymore: Viper is king for condition.
Because Anet added :
- 2 new attributes: expertise & concentration.
- 6 news stats combo.

My point still stands.
You are not sure what set of stats, you may need to tackle future content or Anet decide to add.
Having part of these stats locked behind specific content isn’t a good thing in the long run.
Armor & weapon are easy to change now but trinket are getting used as reward more & more.

That argumentation does not even make sense. Sure we can complain ONCE arenanet has changed something. I will certainly not do so before hand. For all we know they might put in a new tier after ascended. Let’s worry about that too.

You fail to realise that the trinkets are NOT NEEDED and are infact a disadvantage since they provide to much of the new stats in the current state of the game. Now you might feel left out or sad that you can’t have every single stat combo available to you, which is a valid complaint.

Then rephrase your complaint and make clear that this is what bothers you. Currently, your terminology is faulty.

asc trinket: HoT stat locked behind RAID

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


You can have a treadmill if the side grades are actually upgrades due to game mechancis changes.

Also even if you want to believe that some of these trinkets are side grades, they give objectively more stats than other pieces.

I addressed this issue further up. They are upgrades if the more stats they provide are of actual use and/or the stat combination is not achievable via other combinations.

Are the new stats upgrades? Yes, but that was not the problem expressed in the topic. The problem at hand deals with if the trinkets from raids are a gear treadmill, which they are not.

2 points make your entire argument void:

A.) no one is disagreeing that raids are providing the only method of aquiring rings and accessoires with viper stats. What people disagree on is you calling this a treadmill, which it is not.

B.) the fact that you think viper ascended trinkets are desirable or needed. As of right now a full set of:

- Viper ascended armor and Viper ascended weapons
- Viper amulet (gained via HoT Story arch 4 achievements)
- rest Sinister trinkets
- Koi Cake + Toxic Focusing Crystal

provides maximum condition duration for classes. Why you would want to go above the cap of 100% condition duration is beyond me. Yes, having the trinkets would allow for different armor setups, but the end effect and desired amount of stats does not change. So even here, trinkets are sidegrades.

Next time, less hyperbole, more research.

With the food currently available: yes it’s true.

Now full viper trinket over what you propose is 15,8 % condition duration increase.

Let’s take the focusing crystal: if Anet release a new oil that give something like :
Gain condition damage Equal to 6% of your power
Gain condition damage Equal to 6% of your precision

I’m not sure that your current setup wins (this is just an example so don’t call me on it).

And your argument still doesn’t void the zealot problem.

The problem still stands: Anet hide desirable ascended stats trinket behind raid drop.

Okay let’s go through this point for point:

A.) No druid will want to go full zealots. It’s overkill in +healing and inefficient, at least for raids and other pve, which I assume you are arguing about. WvW, yes that might be a problem.

Might this be the case in the future? Maybe, we don’t know what other bosses Arenanet has planed. Going from current experience though, a non-issue.

B.) That oil you propose is bogus. No oil in game currently provides 6% off of 2 stats. It’s 6% off one, and 4% off the other for one. Second, IF they add this kind of oil, then we can talk (and not even sure this would be better). So far arenanet have tried to stay clear of having Oil’s that increase damage stats based off of other damage stats.

You are starting to argue your point based on maybes and possible future content changes, which you have no basis on believeing they might get added. This should already tell you how weak your argument is.

Let’s keep it in the here and now.

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

A Balanced Economy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


There have been severe price drops on quite a few items. Great, you lucked out, more power to you. That has nothing to do with balance though.

My point is it wasn’t luck. The ability to store 20-40 stacks of any item that bottoms out, and just wait, means you don’t need luck – just time.

I also have a several stacks of Tequatl Runes I bought at the lowest TP price. No reason to believe those will be worth anything any time soon, sort of like Celerity Sigils – but if they do go up in value, I’m not necessarily lucky in my choices. I’m fortunate to have the ability to store them, as I was with Air Sigils when they were modified by a patch.

A lot of changes with HoT were for the worse, and one of them was removing the ability to obtain personal guild banks, while allowing a class of people to retain them.

There are thousands of items that are bottomed out. You have no reason to believe any of them will gain value, so yes, it was luck unless you have inside knowledge of what is going to happen. You stocked up on a lot of valueless items and won the lottery. Is this a valid method? Sure, you are essentially using a high quantity of unused storage space on characters/banks slots for minimal investments that might pay big and as long as storage space has no value (which in this case it doesn’t or only minimal value) this is fine.

Still has nothing to do with balance. On the contrary, you are essentially hoping for arenanet to balance values accross commodities so your investments increase.

Storing 20-40 stacks is not as hard as people make it out to be. Every character slot can easily store 80 stacks of anything and as we know, new character slots are now cheaper compared to before thanks to the drop in gem-gold price favoring cheaper gems.

asc trinket: HoT stat locked behind RAID

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Technically that’s not a treadmill as all new stat sets are sidegrades, not upgrades. They’re preventing you from losing a specific amount of one stat to gain a specific amount of another stat, but they’re not actually giving a raw stat increase.

Just like the elite specializations were sidegrades also?

But you’re right, not a treadmill, but rather p2w.

Elite specialisations are not sidegrades. Also this thread is not about elite specialisations.

Pope’s argument still stands, yours on the other hand makes literally no sense.

Also a small hint, stop using p2w as an argument for anything you dislike. It might make people think you have no clue what you are talking about, just as in this case.

LOL. Lack of reasoning/reading comprehension skills FTL.

Let me rephrase that since you seem to be a bit slow:

Yes, you are correct, elite specialisations are not sidegrades. This has nothing to do with this topic though, stop derailing.

PopeUrbans comment was dealing with the exchange of stats and how the introduction of new stat combinations could be seen as sidegrades instead of upgrades. The new stat combos do allow for a higher total of stats (which is meaningless if they do not outperform old stat combinations or are achievable in different setups, see my post further up). So his point remains valid, while you lack to show how your elite specialisation comment relates.

Finally I was recommending you stop using pay- to-win in your argumentation since you clearly lack the understanding of what this term means. People who have played or know pay-to-win games will instantly know your arguments are bogus if brought up in this manner.

There, this should clear things up.

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

A Balanced Economy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I made over 1,000 gold this Wintersday selling the 20+ stacks of Sigils of Mischief and Runes of Snowfall I had stashed in a guild bank for over a year, alongside several piles of leather, Mystic Coins, and a lot of other investments that have not yet peaked (or they may never). I bought the Sigils and Runes for 2 copper each, they’re now worth 50 silver because of a patch. The Mystic Coins were purchased for 75 copper when I got them – they were at 34 silver when I sold 2000 of them, because this patch also created demand for them.

This kind of long term speculation with large quantities of bottomed out commodities isn’t possible without multiple personal guild banks to hold 200 stacks of goods each. However, obtaining a fully upgraded personal guild bank is no longer feasible.

Previously, you could achieve this for about 70 gold in influence purchases, or by soloing Guild Bounty Practices for 3000 influence each.

Only question is, what does your longterm speculation have to do with the balance of the economy?

There have been severe price drops on quite a few items. Great, you lucked out, more power to you. That has nothing to do with balance though.

I argue the economy isn’t balanced, because there now exist two classes of player – one that can store massive quantities of a commodity without even thinking about it – and another that will never be able to do this.

I can tell you all now that Silver is bottomed out around 10-14c, and it will shoot up to at least 10x that price when something comes in a patch that requires it, but only a small percentage of people can take advantage of this by banking 100g worth of it, and you can’t join that club anymore.

Except that players can now farm those 100g by just playing the game instead of having to run dungeons or farm Silverwastes since most materials give a good gold return. Let’s not even get started on how much money Halloween or Wintersday allows players to make (that is IF you decide to save and not go for super expensive skins, it’s always a trade off). Your argument does not make sense.

On topic, partly yes, the actual value of gold has increased (see gem exchange or multiple other inidicators). The way of gaining gold has changed compared to pre HoT. Farming and selling materials is now more lucrative and will remain this way until demand subsides or higher supply is introduced (unlikely over the shortterm). Downside is, if you want your stuff now (if it’s stuff based on materials) you have to compete with guilds and other individuals driving prices up.

Now is a great time to increase personal gold supply by selling high demand items on the trading post. The falling gold-gem ratio also favors players who want to get items off the gem exchange without having to spend real $$$ (100 gems were down to 15.50,- gold compared to peack prices of 26,- gold per 100 gems pre HoT).

There is definately a healthier supply and demand currently on the market. I’d say the major downside is the increase in cost for crafting ascended armor if wanting to nitpick (temporary until prices drop). Luckily ascended armor is still a waste of gold and running content which provides said armor as drops has been made easier.

asc trinket: HoT stat locked behind RAID

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Technically that’s not a treadmill as all new stat sets are sidegrades, not upgrades. They’re preventing you from losing a specific amount of one stat to gain a specific amount of another stat, but they’re not actually giving a raw stat increase.

Just like the elite specializations were sidegrades also?

But you’re right, not a treadmill, but rather p2w.

Elite specialisations are not sidegrades. Also this thread is not about elite specialisations.

Pope’s argument still stands, yours on the other hand makes literally no sense.

Also a small hint, stop using p2w as an argument for anything you dislike. It might make people think you have no clue what you are talking about, just as in this case.

Untethered Achievement

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Best bet to solo this achievement is using a stealth class.

- stealth past every thing until you reach Zoja/Logan
- kill the clones
- stealth past everything until the final fight. make sure to not get hit by the vines
- kill boss

Otherwise if you have friends, just let them kill everything or finish the instance and you’ll get the achievment.

Yes, this achievement was fixed.

Nothing in the final fight was fixed though.

Besides most of the bugs, the only really anoying or tricky achievement is the Flights of Fancy. Here it is very important to not get hit by:

- rocks and orbs during the flight phases
- the vines in the final phase. Getting hit by them WILL remove the ability to get the achievement. Happened to me, so just make sure to dodge them while finishing Mordy.

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

asc trinket: HoT stat locked behind RAID

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


So what you’re saying is that defense stats suck.

That’s not the same issue.

Unless you want to change the whole meta ( which I don’t) : yes.
But the fact is that Anet hide the most desired ascended stats trinket (stats that fit the meta) behind Raid purposefully.
Take what you want from that.

2 points make your entire argument void:

A.) no one is disagreeing that raids are providing the only method of aquiring rings and accessoires with viper stats. What people disagree on is you calling this a treadmill, which it is not.

B.) the fact that you think viper ascended trinkets are desirable or needed. As of right now a full set of:

- Viper ascended armor and Viper ascended weapons
- Viper amulet (gained via HoT Story arch 4 achievements)
- rest Sinister trinkets
- Koi Cake + Toxic Focusing Crystal

provides maximum condition duration for classes. Why you would want to go above the cap of 100% condition duration is beyond me. Yes, having the trinkets would allow for different armor setups, but the end effect and desired amount of stats does not change. So even here, trinkets are sidegrades.

Next time, less hyperbole, more research.

My misson: Level to 80 by HARVESTING!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Sounds like a fun thing. I leveld a character 1nce to level 17 by not doing any combat (basically ran around the starter areas and got vistas, waypoints and occasionally gathered). It’s definately doable. I think most people underestimate how much experience you can actually get in GW2 without any combat.

You would of get experience for uncovering the map, waypoints (unless you try really really hard to not get close) and the occasional dynamic event you pass by. Make sure to check how long it took you, would be interesting to know.