Showing Posts For Cyninja.2954:

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Maining a rev since HoT, I love this skill. It has a LOT of issues. Primaery one being elevation difference.

But yeah, if you expect arenanet to keep it at these power levels, dream on.

It will get nerfed. Simply because spamming this into a wvw zerg gives people no chance to evade. I do love my 5-10k crit hits on squishy targets every 2-3 seconds though (considering I have 89% crit chance selfbuffed without buff food thanks to Rolling Mists and selffury, crits happen often).

Fractals need to change!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Have to agree with this. Interstingly enough, the move to have single fractals is a double edged sword:

- on the one hand, you can now jump in and play a fast fractal (or just get them all done and out of the way at once). This is beneficial to people who have little time, but even so with current rewards, are peoplre rally going to bother?

- on the other hand, now all people do are Maw, Swamp or Molten Boss for dailies and rush the content down just to get it over with (so fractals have become the new dungeons of the past, with less the reward. Very bad place to be in content wise looking at where dungeons are now).

Interesting here, the ability to pick and chose fractals has pushed the playerbase again to the path of least resistance (who would have guessed, right?). In the past, there was a small amount of gamble. Will we get Swamp, Cliffside, Dredge and Mai for an ultimate horror run? Or will it be Swamp, Ascalon, Grawl and Molten Boss/Maw for that sweet 30 minute fractal 50 run?

The fun was in overcomming the challenge and feeling happy of occasionally getting the easier combo but managing when faced with terror. This is completely gone from the game. Now it’s literally only about the rewards (which are worse). I think there could have been a lot of better ways to improve fractals some of which had been thrown out as ideas in the past like:

- a point system for instabilities which the party can put together (more points for harder instabilities and longer fractals for example)

- a rotating daily system of available instabilities which the party has to chose from

- completely random instabilities

Now I get that most of this stuff would make developing leaderboards harder compared to predefined fractals and instabilities per fractal level. But gameplay wise it would have been way cooler.

Math in a void, DPS and the Meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Cyninja you do realize because the offensive way that you are putting your point makes you look worse right?

you could at least be respectful with your disagreement.

and thus where the real issue is this community is losing its respectful nature for elitist posturing its a game to have fun in.I don’t mind that folks want to be the best at certain things but spreading misinformation and enticing people to kick players based on their class and not their skill level is wrong.

play the game how you want to but don’t force your play style on others.

Oh I know. I openly admited that I absolutely do not like Nemesis. How could I have been more direct? Even stating that I think finding like minded players and playing for fun should be the ultimate goal.

Now if you could please tell me where I tried to push or force or even manipulate the TC into “my playstyle”? I was giving him advice as to how to improve his understanding of the game in general. Which summed up could probably be:“Don’t be a sheeple and follow anyone blindly just because they are loud. (this includes myself by the way)”

fractal 70+ and conditions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


The scaling of toughness and vitality of mobs indeed benefits condition builds post 60+.

It becomes very noticable at 80+ (more so at 90+) where your full ascended zerker starts hitting for damage numbers you’d expect from someone in full rares.

Still doable, but expect for fights to take double or even tripple the time (90+).

My one issue with the end [SPOILERS]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Maybe not a celebration since the situation is still quite dire and many good people got lost.

But some sort of better closure, yes. Let’s hope Season 3 or Raids pick up and remedy this.

Dragonstand disappointment

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


He doesn’t commit suicide by tree, his brain explodes as a result of our actions in the last story instance. He’s never under any real threat in Dragon’s Stand because he can regenerate whenever he wants, but he has to rush to us(ignoring that, as commander of the Pact, we’re in two places at once…) or he’s done for.

Actually lore wise, it makes more sense that the Dragon Stand events take place before the end of the personal storyline.

It’s one of those things were arenanet decided it’s better to let players finish the story before mastering the event. Immersion might have been better if it had been the other way around (same goes for the other maps too by the way), but the outcry of rage and frustration might have been huge.

Math in a void, DPS and the Meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I think it’s important to differentiate what makes a good player of the game and what makes someone good at analyzing gameplay. Being good at one doesn’t mean being good at the other.

True, but when I’m someone flapping off as heavily and being as vocal on a subject, I’d hope to at least use a decent performance in videos I upload.

The mistakes and fail plays even against Bloomhunger seen in his videos that get put off as “well it was a pug” are dishearting. While Bloomhunger has to be one of the easiest fights in the game.

Tips for not sucking as a PVE Reve?

in Revenant

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Main hint: revenant is an autoattack class. You want to manage your energy so you are at 0-2 pips of regeneration in combat as needed.

It’s actually better to have as much degen as possible (and even waste energy with sword 2 etc). You want to have your energy depleted as soon as legend swap is up again. You can even use the elite facet to deplete energy.

Never use F2 a second time, let it run out because of energy depletion. That way cooldown is shorter and you have it up again when in glint.

When in Shiro just cast 6, impossible odds and autoattack. The energy will run out shortly before Glint is up again.

Tldr.: The Revenant plays like an endless supply of half filled beer glasses. Do you empty them one after another or do you wait for it to be completely filled? Your choice. ;D

Oh I absolutely agree. But please take into account who you are giving advice to.

The TC specifically said he had a hard time getting to understand revenant. My pointers were ment to make him get easy into the class and use it.

There is no reason to master a class from scratch when you are having problems with the basic concept. The pointers given will take him through all the pve open world content and the story without problems.

Once he has a feel for the class, he can start optimizing his gameplay.

Tips for not sucking as a PVE Reve?

in Revenant

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Here some hints for pre and post Herald:


- shiro/dwarf, aoe stuf down with your hammers
- try out mallyx, in old tyria even without condition damage, stuff dies to you and you have again a bit aoe
- remember your evade and immunity skills (shiro utility 1, sword 3, hammer 3, etc.)
- sword/axe+hammer are your go-to pve weapons.
- if in doubt, retreat and pummel with hammer


- shiro/glint – for others read up, but these will do for normal pve
- you will be sitting in Glint legend most of the time. No reason to switch to shiro unless wanting to be fancy (or higher level fractals) or needing the survival
- get Rolling Mists (
- while in Glint, your priority is as follows: Ferocity on always, Swiftness if needed out of combat and on cooldown use in combat for damage, Face of Nature when possible but resolve in combat to buff yourself and your group
- again remember your survival. switching from Glint to shiro, hitting your shiro heal and sword 3 = 2- second immunity and good healing
- same goes other way around, switching to glint and double tapping your heal → 3 seconds of all damage becomming healing. good for escapes or burst heals
- Glint 5 resolved (Facet of Chaos → Chaotic Release) and Hammer 5 both do a lot of breakbar damage. Top off with sword 2 (chill)

Main hint: revenant is an autoattack class. You want to manage your energy so you are at 0-2 pips of regeneration in combat as needed.

WvW builds, looking for feedback!

in Revenant

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Cheers for the response, Cyninja. I suppose it wouldn’t hurt sharing my thoughts on the builds and what my goal is. And i think you’re right, people are probably still in the testing stages. Still don’t mind what people think, even if it is early!

My goal is to endure fights and be able to get in and out of fights on demand. I want to be able to stay alive any situation. Which means i don’t care that much about burst.

I want mobility, speed and survivability.

I’m questioning how good Healing Power is, and how much is sufficient. So which setup would be better, marauder with weapons/trinkets that have a little Healing Power on them, or zealots.

In the past you’d go toughness and vitality for survivability. This goes double I think for revenant since our heals are weaker due to the fact we get 2.

Maybe take a look at condi builds. Revenant is not that strong condi wise, but can pull his weight. Might work better for wvw.

Also expect (hopefully) big balance patches in the next weeks as arenanet rebalances classes. Things might change then.

Gliding in central tyria

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I doubt arenanet has the ressources to implement this in a meaningful way. I would love to see it too.

Maybe adding gliding to things such as fractals or instances would work on a limited basis. That would barely scratch the itch though.

Request Mob Nerf: Mordrem Sniper

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


When people are not challenged they get bored they move on anet loses out on someone that would be spending money in the gem shop its no different than losing you.

They would have moved 3 years ago then. People sticked to GW2 because it was very casual friendly.
I barely touched pve for the last years because I wanted challenging content. I played mostly solo/small group roaming in wvw. I still think it’s the only place where you can fully take advantage of the combat system and find challenge in this game, even with HoT and the new difficulty. When I see pve’ers using the “l2p” excuses while they sit in pve ( which isn’t challenging), I can’t take any of you seriously.

People stick in pve to relax. It’s so obvious. If you were really looking for any pve challenging content, you would have moved to another mmo. I could suggest FF14 and savage raids.

So let me get this strait, you left pve for wvw because you wanted challenging content. Yet your solution to pve players is:

- make pve content boring
- find another game
- let’s go back to afk farm while waiting for the next expansion
- go to game xyz with a completely different design (most importantly, decaying equipment. Thanks, if I ever had tono-life a game again to keep my gear level I’d rather quit MMOs)

Casual friendly does not mean brain dead. If every one of the new maps where on Tripple Trouble levels, i’d agree. But as is, theya re more than doable. Verdant Brink is on farm, so is Auric Basin. They’ve been on farm mode for 2-3 days after launch.

The only remotely difficult area is Dragon Stand, and even this one is on farm for organized groups of random players (as in, all it takes is for 3 people who know what they are doing to flag on, rest follows).

But what do you care, you’ve already left pve for a different game mode?

Granted, but beside the point, as there are a whole lot more classes than just Revenant. The point here is that certain combination of monsters have a nasty ability to stun-lock you from actions, combined with dealing heavy damage. If you’re per example knocked down by a mushroom charger in the middle of a field of goo, you’re lucky to survive. Or if you’re stun-locked on top of a sniper line.

There are many variables to take into account and it’s impossible for a human player to keep track of every variable going on and counter act them. Simply because there are no group AI in this game, and thus all enemies act as if they’re on their own, and on their own their abilities are easy to counter, but collectively they can turn a situation into a rather nasty pile of carnage.

I used to main mesmer. Finished the story on new maps on mesmer before moving to revenant. Played Guardian, Warrior and Thief, none of which are having problems in the new maps.

Now I could go through every single profession and point out what their builds are which could easily cope with anything HoT throws at you, but thena gain I’m lazy. Guess we’ll just have to assume other players have finished the maps and story without problems.

You are over emphasizing your AI point. On the contrary, having multiple enemys running predictable AI makes fights easier once you know what to look out for. I’m sorry you believe otherwise.

Request Mob Nerf: Mordrem Sniper

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


…. Anet has said that this new xpac was suppose to be harder then the core stuff.

It’s irrelevant what ANet said somewhere on the net. What matters is what they say on the webpage where they sell the product. And it doesn’t say anything about it being harder on there.

The Heart of Maguuma will be home to some of the most challenging combat in Guild Wars 2

We also included special difficult-to-attain achievements with specific challenging conditions

You asked for the ultimate challenging content in Guild Wars 2

Do you still think they never gave any hint?

Sheesh, how dare you come with facts. We must keep demanding the gameplay be reduced to mindnumbing afk-auto-stick-follow levels.

Request Mob Nerf: Mordrem Sniper

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Lets lean back a bit and look at the broader picture of the entire game design. A sniper on its own isn’t that much of a problem. I take it most people can agree on that. They telegraph their abilities, and can be avoided if you know what to look for. However, in the world of HoT, being a lone individual doesn’t happen too often. There are always some sort of other monsters lurking around as well.

So recap so far; lone monster not that bad.

So lets move on to how HoT is really designed. The monsters are most of the time not alone. They are accompanied by 2 or 3 others. Now some combinations aren’t that problematic, mender and sniper per example. Other combinations however can be a bit more tricky to handle. And that’s the core problem of most of the enemies in this game, they’re rather balanced alone but in a group they seem to pile up abilities without there being a group logic to what they’re doing, they’re just doing what they would if they were alone and that can be rather devastating. I’m having a very hard time believing anyone saying they’ve cruised through HoT without encountering some group of monsters that totally wrecked them, I believe more a show of that “me Tarzan you Jane” mentality rather than the actual truth.

Are we talking about the same enemys that get rolled over by the player zerg train and even though they might down a player here and there, the vast amount of players simply runs over them? Even event scaling does not prevent this.

Or are we talking about that nasty group of 5 enemys you encountered solo or as a duo and likely bit off more than you could chew?

If it is the first case, I see no problem. Zerg kills all. In fact the enemys might need to get buffed with some anti zerg mechanics.

If it is the second case, it might be due to 1 of 2 reasons:

- better timed evasion needed
- more stability

if enemys are stunlocking you and you didn’t bring something along to prevent this, the fault lies with you not being prepared. yes, it might require changing those utility skills once in a while. That’s what challenging content does.

We’re talking about on your own here, per example in solo scenarios. Thought it was quite obvious.

As for stability; I’m playing as a revenant with Inspiring Reinforcement used on CD. I’m not positive but I think that’s about as stable as you can get, that is until it’s on CD that is.

As I’ve said, the enemies are in most cases fine on their own, but as a group their AI is thrown out the window and doesn’t function properly. That’s when you can end up stun-locked, and there are a couple of places where that’s rather probable.

Take Shiro, use when needed or switch into shiro from your main Legendary stance (which will likely be Glint in pve). Wait for cc to hit, press button, problem solved.

If you can’t get out of cc with a rev, you are doing it wrong.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I’m done talking with you.

My conclusion is, if you want to craft Dawn or other rip-off precursors that way, go ahead, I won’t stop you.

Perfect. That’s exactly what I will do. Decide if I want to use the new method or not. Considering I already got Twilight twice via the old method, getting Dawn for Sunrise via precursor crafting is a fresh idea.

I bet you wouldn’t because you argue with me only for the sake of arguing with me. Your argument does not benefit anyone because people will lose money/and waste time because of it. You can twist my point whatever you want and try to justify the current crafting system for this “sense of progress” that doesn’t really exist. In fact, gold is more flexible than your so-called “half-way progressed system”, which all of them are sinked directly in it and no way to retrieve it back, meaning you cannot stop half-way or you lose it all. On the other hand, if you trade materials for gold, you can always change your mind and buy something else.

Thanks for assuming. I shall turn to you for future predictions. Any idea which way the stock market will go? I’m considering buying VW stock in the near future once it has stabilized.

I’m here to enlighten people with fact with hard solid statistical proof. You can take it or leave it, your choice.

Let me correct that for you :

I’m here to complain to people with fact that at the current moment pricing, precursor crafting is more expensive than directly buying them from the TP. You can take it or leave it, your choice.

Kinda knew you’d respond like this.

Arguing for the sake of arguing, with no useful information or statistical proof to back you up, and no beneficial information for the player-base too, only base the decision and argument on your own feeling.

Have fun crafting. That’s all I can say to irrational people.

What proof do you need? You’ve already shown that precursor crafting is currently more expensive than buying the pre directly off the TP. People (myself included) agreed.

And it has nothing to do with the validity of precursor crafting.

WvW builds, looking for feedback!

in Revenant

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Maybe you should explain. Not sure where you were going with either of the builds.

- all of them are power, none condition
- all of them have +healing power. Now I’m not that big on coefficients, but with 1 legend being Glint, i can’t imagine that being of to much use. Maybe I’m wrong.

If your goal is small scale wvw, you are lacking burst in one of your builds (the Knight+Nomad).

If you are simply testing what people say about gear and stat choice, not sure you’ll get much reliable input. Everyone is trying out everything at the moment.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I’m done talking with you.

My conclusion is, if you want to craft Dawn or other rip-off precursors that way, go ahead, I won’t stop you.

Perfect. That’s exactly what I will do. Decide if I want to use the new method or not. Considering I already got Twilight twice via the old method, getting Dawn for Sunrise via precursor crafting is a fresh idea.

I bet you wouldn’t because you argue with me only for the sake of arguing with me. Your argument does not benefit anyone because people will lose money/and waste time because of it. You can twist my point whatever you want and try to justify the current crafting system for this “sense of progress” that doesn’t really exist. In fact, gold is more flexible than your so-called “half-way progressed system”, which all of them are sinked directly in it and no way to retrieve it back, meaning you cannot stop half-way or you lose it all. On the other hand, if you trade materials for gold, you can always change your mind and buy something else.

Thanks for assuming. I shall turn to you for future predictions. Any idea which way the stock market will go? I’m considering buying VW stock in the near future once it has stabilized.

I’m here to enlighten people with fact with hard solid statistical proof. You can take it or leave it, your choice.

Let me correct that for you :

I’m here to complain to people with fact that at the current moment pricing, precursor crafting is more expensive than directly buying them from the TP. You can take it or leave it, your choice.

Remove Charged Quartz Crystal gating

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Nice catch you two. I can see why it’s a bit gated now, though it still makes me wish they could ease up on it a bit. Finished Day 11/40 on my quest to get a full set of Celestial Gear for my Tempest due to this gating.

Another side effect of the gating is that daily quartz crystal consumption is limited, otherwise you would use up 4 stacks of quartz on day one to get your charged ones.
Quartz already went up 2s again since HoT launched.

If you want tocircumnavigate the timegate, you can buy trick or treat bags by the thousands, they occiasionally give the charged quartz, and sell the other items you get from them. If you get the bags on buy order and sell the mats as lowest listing, you shouldnt make too much loss.

the problem is, the quartz doesn’t NEED gating, you can only get 22 crystals a day (37 if you are the literal embodiment of fortune itself and manage to get the bonus 15 in your home instance),it’s an incredibly limited resource in comparison to everything else.

Except that quartz can be traded on the TP. So there goes that limitation out the window.

As is one can easily farm 100 gold in 2-4 hours without trading post flipping or other fancy stuff. Just sell your loot on the trading post, done.


Please let me in on that, to make 100 gold in 2-4 hours, please! As an avid Silver Wastes farmer, chest runs as well as events, I don’t make anywhere near that amount, and I do sell that loot. I’m serious, I really would like to know. I do tend to salvage blues and greens, maybe that’s something I shouldn’t do?

You must have missed the:

- Flax hype
- ToT bag hype and general Halloween farm
- Potatoe hype for 1-2 days
- Ley-Line Infused Tool hype
- Pile of Coarse Sand hype

Just to name a few. To bad, had you done more than just farm silver wastes in the past 2 weeks, you might have noticed these extreme price hikes and adjusted accordingly. I’m sure you also refered to silver wastes farming pre HoT, since then it already was around 10-15 gold per hour, the Pile of Coarse Sand insanity just added a couple of gold more per hour.

ToT labyrinth took nearly an hour just to get a single stack of bags. While it was decent money, it was no where near the 100g an hour mark.

I’m none so sure about the flax hype either. GW2TP shows flax reached a peak at about 48 silver each. Very respectable, but to get 100 golds worth of flax in one hour requires 208 flax at those prices. The flax farm gives around 12 per char, so you’d either need numerous level 80s (about 17) which not everyone has, or to get more flax around the map. It might be theoretically possible to get over 200 in one hour while going through the map, but somewhat unlikely.

I never mentioned having to stick with only 1 farm. Also if we are getting this technical, let’s do the actual math on how long it takes to farm flax and gold gained. How much does gathering for 1.5 minutes gaining you 0.84 – 5.76 gold (average of 12 flax times 7-48 silver) come out as? (cough 33.6-230.4 gold per hour cough)

The farm can only be harvested once per day. Even at it’s height, 6 character’s harvesting the farm would only net you about 35g. The rest of the flax would need to be harvested at map nodes across the maguuma.

See futher replies.

Obviously some people in this thread are trolling hard. Done here, I’ve made my point.

Just to reiterate:

- scarcity creates value. time getting creates scarcity
- if you want to circumvent some of the time gates, you can opt to pay more on the TP
- getting by gold is not an issue in GW2 if you don’t burn through it the moment it enters your wallet

No one is “trolling”, you just keep moving the goal posts trying to pass off hardcore resource farming as “easy to acquire” gold.

If one is going to spend that much time harvesting and dedication watching forums for market spikes they might as well get into hardcore trading and never leave the city of their choice as it’s a much better use of their time and energy.

I haven’t moved any “goal poal”. I’ve made a statement at the beginning of this thread and have been sticking by that statment. The only thing that has been happening is I’ve been missquoted, my words twisted or only partly quoted or more artificial extra barriers put up.

The examples I gave were examples. Examples that were common knowledge to anyone remotely active during this launch period. None of this stuff was “hardcore”. No one said you had to achieve absurd amounts of gold, just that there are very efficient farms, and there still are which are close to content that gets played a lot.

If at all, I should be the one complaining that these simple examples require this amount of explaining and attention.

When someone says they can make that much gold in that much time and then gives a math example where they calculate up to 230.4 gold per hour based on one char hitting one node farm one time a day, then, yah. They are going to have people taking issue with what they say because the math is unrealistic to calculate gold per hour. If their math is this hinky, no telling what else is.

I never mentioned having to stick with only 1 farm. Also if we are getting this technical, let’s do the actual math on how long it takes to farm flax and gold gained. How much does gathering for 1.5 minutes gaining you 0.84 – 5.76 gold (average of 12 flax times 7-48 silver) come out as? (cough 33.6-230.4 gold per hour cough)

When someone missquotes me and increases my suggested gold farmed by 2-4 fold, then questions one of the highest gold gains for least amount of effort in recent GW2 history:

I’m none so sure about the flax hype either. GW2TP shows flax reached a peak at about 48 silver each. Very respectable, but to get 100 golds worth of flax in one hour requires 208 flax at those prices. The flax farm gives around 12 per char, so you’d either need numerous level 80s (about 17) which not everyone has, or to get more flax around the map. It might be theoretically possible to get over 200 in one hour while going through the map, but somewhat unlikely.

I will point out the potential maximum amount of gold gained per hour. You also took no offense to the other examples I gave or the fact that any of these might be combined to achieve my suggested farm goal.

Request Mob Nerf: Mordrem Sniper

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


No more than any of you. I just want the game to be as fun as it can be.

Many of the players responding in this thread seem to disagree. Going via basic democracy and your vote being equal to theirs, you lose.

Lets lean back a bit and look at the broader picture of the entire game design. A sniper on its own isn’t that much of a problem. I take it most people can agree on that. They telegraph their abilities, and can be avoided if you know what to look for. However, in the world of HoT, being a lone individual doesn’t happen too often. There are always some sort of other monsters lurking around as well.

So recap so far; lone monster not that bad.

So lets move on to how HoT is really designed. The monsters are most of the time not alone. They are accompanied by 2 or 3 others. Now some combinations aren’t that problematic, mender and sniper per example. Other combinations however can be a bit more tricky to handle. And that’s the core problem of most of the enemies in this game, they’re rather balanced alone but in a group they seem to pile up abilities without there being a group logic to what they’re doing, they’re just doing what they would if they were alone and that can be rather devastating. I’m having a very hard time believing anyone saying they’ve cruised through HoT without encountering some group of monsters that totally wrecked them, I believe more a show of that “me Tarzan you Jane” mentality rather than the actual truth.

Are we talking about the same enemys that get rolled over by the player zerg train and even though they might down a player here and there, the vast amount of players simply runs over them? Even event scaling does not prevent this.

Or are we talking about that nasty group of 5 enemys you encountered solo or as a duo and likely bit off more than you could chew?

If it is the first case, I see no problem. Zerg kills all. In fact the enemys might need to get buffed with some anti zerg mechanics.

If it is the second case, it might be due to 1 of 2 reasons:

- better timed evasion needed
- more stability

if enemys are stunlocking you and you didn’t bring something along to prevent this, the fault lies with you not being prepared. yes, it might require changing those utility skills once in a while. That’s what challenging content does.

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

Revenant f2 ability

in Revenant

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I want to be able to run two other legends and maybe have perma fury, or whatever.
So guess it is a “yes” to your question.

But you already have perma fury, swiftness, regeneration or protection if you know how to utilize the class.

Not sure this change is needed, besides making the class even more faceroll easy.

My vote would go: get bugs fixed first (of which we have tons) and develope Revenants underwater builds so we are a full rounded class before stuff that is not needed gets added.

Remove Charged Quartz Crystal gating

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Nice catch you two. I can see why it’s a bit gated now, though it still makes me wish they could ease up on it a bit. Finished Day 11/40 on my quest to get a full set of Celestial Gear for my Tempest due to this gating.

Another side effect of the gating is that daily quartz crystal consumption is limited, otherwise you would use up 4 stacks of quartz on day one to get your charged ones.
Quartz already went up 2s again since HoT launched.

If you want tocircumnavigate the timegate, you can buy trick or treat bags by the thousands, they occiasionally give the charged quartz, and sell the other items you get from them. If you get the bags on buy order and sell the mats as lowest listing, you shouldnt make too much loss.

the problem is, the quartz doesn’t NEED gating, you can only get 22 crystals a day (37 if you are the literal embodiment of fortune itself and manage to get the bonus 15 in your home instance),it’s an incredibly limited resource in comparison to everything else.

Except that quartz can be traded on the TP. So there goes that limitation out the window.

As is one can easily farm 100 gold in 2-4 hours without trading post flipping or other fancy stuff. Just sell your loot on the trading post, done.


Please let me in on that, to make 100 gold in 2-4 hours, please! As an avid Silver Wastes farmer, chest runs as well as events, I don’t make anywhere near that amount, and I do sell that loot. I’m serious, I really would like to know. I do tend to salvage blues and greens, maybe that’s something I shouldn’t do?

You must have missed the:

- Flax hype
- ToT bag hype and general Halloween farm
- Potatoe hype for 1-2 days
- Ley-Line Infused Tool hype
- Pile of Coarse Sand hype

Just to name a few. To bad, had you done more than just farm silver wastes in the past 2 weeks, you might have noticed these extreme price hikes and adjusted accordingly. I’m sure you also refered to silver wastes farming pre HoT, since then it already was around 10-15 gold per hour, the Pile of Coarse Sand insanity just added a couple of gold more per hour.

ToT labyrinth took nearly an hour just to get a single stack of bags. While it was decent money, it was no where near the 100g an hour mark.

I’m none so sure about the flax hype either. GW2TP shows flax reached a peak at about 48 silver each. Very respectable, but to get 100 golds worth of flax in one hour requires 208 flax at those prices. The flax farm gives around 12 per char, so you’d either need numerous level 80s (about 17) which not everyone has, or to get more flax around the map. It might be theoretically possible to get over 200 in one hour while going through the map, but somewhat unlikely.

I never mentioned having to stick with only 1 farm. Also if we are getting this technical, let’s do the actual math on how long it takes to farm flax and gold gained. How much does gathering for 1.5 minutes gaining you 0.84 – 5.76 gold (average of 12 flax times 7-48 silver) come out as? (cough 33.6-230.4 gold per hour cough)

The farm can only be harvested once per day. Even at it’s height, 6 character’s harvesting the farm would only net you about 35g. The rest of the flax would need to be harvested at map nodes across the maguuma.

See futher replies.

Obviously some people in this thread are trolling hard. Done here, I’ve made my point.

Just to reiterate:

- scarcity creates value. time getting creates scarcity
- if you want to circumvent some of the time gates, you can opt to pay more on the TP
- getting by gold is not an issue in GW2 if you don’t burn through it the moment it enters your wallet

No one is “trolling”, you just keep moving the goal posts trying to pass off hardcore resource farming as “easy to acquire” gold.

If one is going to spend that much time harvesting and dedication watching forums for market spikes they might as well get into hardcore trading and never leave the city of their choice as it’s a much better use of their time and energy.

I haven’t moved any “goal poal”. I’ve made a statement at the beginning of this thread and have been sticking by that statment. The only thing that has been happening is I’ve been missquoted, my words twisted or only partly quoted or more artificial extra barriers put up.

The examples I gave were examples. Examples that were common knowledge to anyone remotely active during this launch period. None of this stuff was “hardcore”. No one said you had to achieve absurd amounts of gold, just that there are very efficient farms, and there still are which are close to content that gets played a lot.

If at all, I should be the one complaining that these simple examples require this amount of explaining and attention.

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I know I’m going to get a bit of hate for this, but I feel it has to be said in order to keep things in perspective: Legendary Weapons are prestige items, nothing more. Everyone does realize this, right?

They look cool, but ascended gear is equally good. They are in the game as an added endgame goal for the people who have already done everything else and have nothing better to do.

The idea of crafting a precursor was to remove the insane randomness of getting a drop, not to hand it to you on a golden platter. No one is making you craft a precursor. There is no game content that is locked behind having a precursor or legendary. In the end, the only benefit you get is a skin and the ability to switch weapon stats outside of combat(which is a trivial benefit).

If you find it so unreasonably tough to make a Precursor, just don’t do it. Ask yourself this: Are there better things to do with my time/effort/gold than make a Precursor? If the answer is Yes, then go do them instead of complaining. If the answer is No, then why complain at all?

I’m really tired about the ignorence of many people in this forum.

I’d use an example so people can stop repeating these same non-sense over and over again.

Dawn Price: 700g on TP

Deldrimor Steel Ingot x 100 price: 1050g
Additional material cost: At least 250g.
1050+250g = 1300g.

Let’s assume you love collecting your own materials, so you’re going to get all the material yourself, that market price doesn’t matter to you.

Now you have 2 options:

1st options:
Collect 10000 iron ores.
Collect 4000 platinum ores.
Collect 10000 mithril ores. (Yes, you need this many because there’s another mithril sink in other part of collection)
Use the above mats to make 100 Deldrimor Steel Ingots
Collect Orichalcum ores.
Collect Karka Shell
Collect Passion flowers
Do WvW for 10 hrs
Do PVP for 10 hrs
Do Silver Waste for 5 hrs
Do fractals for 5 hrs.
Do Dry top for 5 hrs
Run all over the world.
Hunt mobs around the world.
Wait for bugged event to finally come up
Wait for bug fix that prevent progress.

2nd options:
Collect 6300 iron ores
Collect 2800 platinum ores.
Collect 7000 mithril ores.
Make 70 Deldrimor Steel ingots.
BUY Dawn on TP for 700g

So even assuming you collect everything yourself, it’s still much faster/ easier to buy the precursor off TP.

People really need to get smarter…

You asking people to get smarter is very funny actually.

First, as was mentioned, precursor crafting was NEVER ment to be cheaper than the previous methods – FACT. Collin specifically states so in an interview.

Second, precursor crafting is supposed to provide players with the possibility of small increments and steps towards their gold besides watching their gold number increase. The current system accomplishes this, even if stifled with bugs.

Third, the current economic coaster ride that is the TP inflates and deflates certain item prices. Your assumption that prices for precursor crafting will rise base only on crafting is, well let’s say not realistic. Precursor crafting is new and shiny, people are rushing steps as much as they can -> prices spike.

Finally, precursor crafting was ment to be a hunt which leads you around the world of tyria. Now not everythig is fun to every one. The current system, and the objectives needed for each precursor are fitting it’s theme (if you bought all the Step 1 precursor books and looked through all the steps, you’d notice that).

Your main argument is only:

- it’s not fun
- it costs way more

both complaints are either subjective or were never intended to get solved. So please, would you kindely refrain from asking others to “get smarter” when you yourself don’t even grasp the situation.

Do you even read my post?

Is it really that hard to understand?

My point is you can GRIND ORES regardless of which method you choose, but one of them only requires 70% of ores to reach the TP price that you can straight out buy it from TP and save 30+ hrs of doing the whole process, and save the additional potential cost of 600g.

So you grind LESS if you buy it on TP.

The process of the grinding ores part is EXACTLY THE SAME between two method, just one method waste the material on crafting precursor, and another method utilize the material by selling them straight away and get gold to buy Precursors.
Either methods gain the potential revenue from this grinding ore method, but one of them spend way less ores and all the other materials.

Is it really that hard to understand?

I’m only viewing this in an rational, economic point of view. It has nothing to do with whether you enjoy the process or not. Both methods are boring, but the method of buying on TP endure the borden way shorter.

Both method are NOT exactly the same. No matter if you are to dense to understand the difference.

Method 1: you grind the ore and sell it. Your bank account increases. You now are tempted to spend the gold you have. There is no sense of progress since gold increases and decreases all the time.

Method 2: You gather the ore and forge what ever parts are needed and put them on your bank seeing the number of parts slowly increase. There is a buffer between you having direct access to this value as gold.

Again, stop thinking in pure gold cost. If you dislike the precursor crafting, fine. You have other options of getting your precursor. You are in no way worse off except if you already started crafting one without reading up first.

Here, imagine arenanet had said the following about precursor crafting: “We are going to add a way to aquire precursors that circumvents rng, but it might be slightly more expensive.”

Now replace your subjective expectations of precursor crafting being cheaper with this statement and move on. (which funny enough, is exactly what they had advertised precursor crafting as)

what the point of HOT vendors ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Remove Charged Quartz Crystal gating

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Nice catch you two. I can see why it’s a bit gated now, though it still makes me wish they could ease up on it a bit. Finished Day 11/40 on my quest to get a full set of Celestial Gear for my Tempest due to this gating.

Another side effect of the gating is that daily quartz crystal consumption is limited, otherwise you would use up 4 stacks of quartz on day one to get your charged ones.
Quartz already went up 2s again since HoT launched.

If you want tocircumnavigate the timegate, you can buy trick or treat bags by the thousands, they occiasionally give the charged quartz, and sell the other items you get from them. If you get the bags on buy order and sell the mats as lowest listing, you shouldnt make too much loss.

the problem is, the quartz doesn’t NEED gating, you can only get 22 crystals a day (37 if you are the literal embodiment of fortune itself and manage to get the bonus 15 in your home instance),it’s an incredibly limited resource in comparison to everything else.

Except that quartz can be traded on the TP. So there goes that limitation out the window.

As is one can easily farm 100 gold in 2-4 hours without trading post flipping or other fancy stuff. Just sell your loot on the trading post, done.


Please let me in on that, to make 100 gold in 2-4 hours, please! As an avid Silver Wastes farmer, chest runs as well as events, I don’t make anywhere near that amount, and I do sell that loot. I’m serious, I really would like to know. I do tend to salvage blues and greens, maybe that’s something I shouldn’t do?

You must have missed the:

- Flax hype
- ToT bag hype and general Halloween farm
- Potatoe hype for 1-2 days
- Ley-Line Infused Tool hype
- Pile of Coarse Sand hype

Just to name a few. To bad, had you done more than just farm silver wastes in the past 2 weeks, you might have noticed these extreme price hikes and adjusted accordingly. I’m sure you also refered to silver wastes farming pre HoT, since then it already was around 10-15 gold per hour, the Pile of Coarse Sand insanity just added a couple of gold more per hour.

ToT labyrinth took nearly an hour just to get a single stack of bags. While it was decent money, it was no where near the 100g an hour mark.

I’m none so sure about the flax hype either. GW2TP shows flax reached a peak at about 48 silver each. Very respectable, but to get 100 golds worth of flax in one hour requires 208 flax at those prices. The flax farm gives around 12 per char, so you’d either need numerous level 80s (about 17) which not everyone has, or to get more flax around the map. It might be theoretically possible to get over 200 in one hour while going through the map, but somewhat unlikely.

I never mentioned having to stick with only 1 farm. Also if we are getting this technical, let’s do the actual math on how long it takes to farm flax and gold gained. How much does gathering for 1.5 minutes gaining you 0.84 – 5.76 gold (average of 12 flax times 7-48 silver) come out as? (cough 33.6-230.4 gold per hour cough)

The farm can only be harvested once per day. Even at it’s height, 6 character’s harvesting the farm would only net you about 35g. The rest of the flax would need to be harvested at map nodes across the maguuma.

See futher replies.

Obviously some people in this thread are trolling hard. Done here, I’ve made my point.

Just to reiterate:

- scarcity creates value. time getting creates scarcity
- if you want to circumvent some of the time gates, you can opt to pay more on the TP
- getting by gold is not an issue in GW2 if you don’t burn through it the moment it enters your wallet

Remove Charged Quartz Crystal gating

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Nice catch you two. I can see why it’s a bit gated now, though it still makes me wish they could ease up on it a bit. Finished Day 11/40 on my quest to get a full set of Celestial Gear for my Tempest due to this gating.

Another side effect of the gating is that daily quartz crystal consumption is limited, otherwise you would use up 4 stacks of quartz on day one to get your charged ones.
Quartz already went up 2s again since HoT launched.

If you want tocircumnavigate the timegate, you can buy trick or treat bags by the thousands, they occiasionally give the charged quartz, and sell the other items you get from them. If you get the bags on buy order and sell the mats as lowest listing, you shouldnt make too much loss.

the problem is, the quartz doesn’t NEED gating, you can only get 22 crystals a day (37 if you are the literal embodiment of fortune itself and manage to get the bonus 15 in your home instance),it’s an incredibly limited resource in comparison to everything else.

Except that quartz can be traded on the TP. So there goes that limitation out the window.

As is one can easily farm 100 gold in 2-4 hours without trading post flipping or other fancy stuff. Just sell your loot on the trading post, done.


Please let me in on that, to make 100 gold in 2-4 hours, please! As an avid Silver Wastes farmer, chest runs as well as events, I don’t make anywhere near that amount, and I do sell that loot. I’m serious, I really would like to know. I do tend to salvage blues and greens, maybe that’s something I shouldn’t do?

You must have missed the:

- Flax hype
- ToT bag hype and general Halloween farm
- Potatoe hype for 1-2 days
- Ley-Line Infused Tool hype
- Pile of Coarse Sand hype

Just to name a few. To bad, had you done more than just farm silver wastes in the past 2 weeks, you might have noticed these extreme price hikes and adjusted accordingly. I’m sure you also refered to silver wastes farming pre HoT, since then it already was around 10-15 gold per hour, the Pile of Coarse Sand insanity just added a couple of gold more per hour.

ToT labyrinth took nearly an hour just to get a single stack of bags. While it was decent money, it was no where near the 100g an hour mark.

I’m none so sure about the flax hype either. GW2TP shows flax reached a peak at about 48 silver each. Very respectable, but to get 100 golds worth of flax in one hour requires 208 flax at those prices. The flax farm gives around 12 per char, so you’d either need numerous level 80s (about 17) which not everyone has, or to get more flax around the map. It might be theoretically possible to get over 200 in one hour while going through the map, but somewhat unlikely.

I never mentioned having to stick with only 1 farm. Also if we are getting this technical, let’s do the actual math on how long it takes to farm flax and gold gained. How much does gathering for 1.5 minutes gaining you 0.84 – 5.76 gold (average of 12 flax times 7-48 silver) come out as? (cough 33.6-230.4 gold per hour cough)

I was giving examples, and these were not only examples, these were well known “every one was talking about them” examples.

My point stands, it is not hard to farm gold or even come by gold via normal play at this point in time due to very high demand for basic crafting materials and other.

You can’t calculate gold per hour by one farm. I could go and chop down one tree, and proclaim that since I gained 5 silver in 5 seconds that I’m making 300 gold per hour doing that. That calculation, and your gold per hour by one char doing a flax farm are nonsense calculations.

And since you said you made 100 gold/hour and gave flax as an example then you should be able to get 100 gold by only doing flax.

Your math is misleading, to say the least.

I said It’s possible to make 100 gold in 2-4 hours. Big difference here. I’ve made far more. Using Flax farm to complement your other farm is and was more than viable and will take you a far way to reach those 100 gold per 2-4 hours.

All I did was show how insane the gold per minute of the flax farm was/is.

Nest time, please read more carefully and don’t missquote me.

Remove Charged Quartz Crystal gating

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Nice catch you two. I can see why it’s a bit gated now, though it still makes me wish they could ease up on it a bit. Finished Day 11/40 on my quest to get a full set of Celestial Gear for my Tempest due to this gating.

Another side effect of the gating is that daily quartz crystal consumption is limited, otherwise you would use up 4 stacks of quartz on day one to get your charged ones.
Quartz already went up 2s again since HoT launched.

If you want tocircumnavigate the timegate, you can buy trick or treat bags by the thousands, they occiasionally give the charged quartz, and sell the other items you get from them. If you get the bags on buy order and sell the mats as lowest listing, you shouldnt make too much loss.

the problem is, the quartz doesn’t NEED gating, you can only get 22 crystals a day (37 if you are the literal embodiment of fortune itself and manage to get the bonus 15 in your home instance),it’s an incredibly limited resource in comparison to everything else.

Except that quartz can be traded on the TP. So there goes that limitation out the window.

As is one can easily farm 100 gold in 2-4 hours without trading post flipping or other fancy stuff. Just sell your loot on the trading post, done.


Please let me in on that, to make 100 gold in 2-4 hours, please! As an avid Silver Wastes farmer, chest runs as well as events, I don’t make anywhere near that amount, and I do sell that loot. I’m serious, I really would like to know. I do tend to salvage blues and greens, maybe that’s something I shouldn’t do?

You must have missed the:

- Flax hype
- ToT bag hype and general Halloween farm
- Potatoe hype for 1-2 days
- Ley-Line Infused Tool hype
- Pile of Coarse Sand hype

Just to name a few. To bad, had you done more than just farm silver wastes in the past 2 weeks, you might have noticed these extreme price hikes and adjusted accordingly. I’m sure you also refered to silver wastes farming pre HoT, since then it already was around 10-15 gold per hour, the Pile of Coarse Sand insanity just added a couple of gold more per hour.

ToT labyrinth took nearly an hour just to get a single stack of bags. While it was decent money, it was no where near the 100g an hour mark.

I’m none so sure about the flax hype either. GW2TP shows flax reached a peak at about 48 silver each. Very respectable, but to get 100 golds worth of flax in one hour requires 208 flax at those prices. The flax farm gives around 12 per char, so you’d either need numerous level 80s (about 17) which not everyone has, or to get more flax around the map. It might be theoretically possible to get over 200 in one hour while going through the map, but somewhat unlikely.

I never mentioned having to stick with only 1 farm. Also if we are getting this technical, let’s do the actual math on how long it takes to farm flax and gold gained. How much does gathering for 1.5 minutes gaining you 0.84 – 5.76 gold (average of 12 flax times 7-48 silver) come out as? (cough 33.6-230.4 gold per hour cough)

I was giving examples, and these were not only examples, these were well known “every one was talking about them” examples.

My point stands, it is not hard to farm gold or even come by gold via normal play at this point in time due to very high demand for basic crafting materials and other.

Remove Charged Quartz Crystal gating

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Nice catch you two. I can see why it’s a bit gated now, though it still makes me wish they could ease up on it a bit. Finished Day 11/40 on my quest to get a full set of Celestial Gear for my Tempest due to this gating.

Another side effect of the gating is that daily quartz crystal consumption is limited, otherwise you would use up 4 stacks of quartz on day one to get your charged ones.
Quartz already went up 2s again since HoT launched.

If you want tocircumnavigate the timegate, you can buy trick or treat bags by the thousands, they occiasionally give the charged quartz, and sell the other items you get from them. If you get the bags on buy order and sell the mats as lowest listing, you shouldnt make too much loss.

the problem is, the quartz doesn’t NEED gating, you can only get 22 crystals a day (37 if you are the literal embodiment of fortune itself and manage to get the bonus 15 in your home instance),it’s an incredibly limited resource in comparison to everything else.

Except that quartz can be traded on the TP. So there goes that limitation out the window.

As is one can easily farm 100 gold in 2-4 hours without trading post flipping or other fancy stuff. Just sell your loot on the trading post, done.


Please let me in on that, to make 100 gold in 2-4 hours, please! As an avid Silver Wastes farmer, chest runs as well as events, I don’t make anywhere near that amount, and I do sell that loot. I’m serious, I really would like to know. I do tend to salvage blues and greens, maybe that’s something I shouldn’t do?

You must have missed the:

- Flax hype
- ToT bag hype and general Halloween farm
- Potatoe hype for 1-2 days
- Ley-Line Infused Tool hype
- Pile of Coarse Sand hype

Just to name a few. To bad, had you done more than just farm silver wastes in the past 2 weeks, you might have noticed these extreme price hikes and adjusted accordingly. I’m sure you also refered to silver wastes farming pre HoT, since then it already was around 10-15 gold per hour, the Pile of Coarse Sand insanity just added a couple of gold more per hour.

ToT labyrinth took nearly an hour just to get a single stack of bags. While it was decent money, it was no where near the 100g an hour mark.

Took me about 40 minutes for a full stack in a decent map (then agian, I did have auto loot the moment it got bugfixed). Also, I never said 100g per hour.

what the point of HOT vendors ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Most vendors carry items needed for collections of the new character specific weapons added with HoT.

Same goes for some of the other collections.

Each zone has a unique armor set which can be purchased via HoT currencies.

Without doing the exact math, I’d say there is about 5k-8k (depending on if you want the minis) worth of token items which can be purchased before having everything unlocked. This is about the same as Dry Top and Silverwastes.

Request Mob Nerf: Mordrem Sniper

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


It’s not about hardcore or casual. It’s about capable or incapable. Clearly you’re on the incapable of adapting, learning and improving side.

No, I’m not. I’ve already killed dozens, maybe hundreds of those guys, I’ve learned all there is to be learned about them, I just don’t enjoy fighting them, and would prefer that they be changed into something less annoying. But thanks for the condescension, it helped immensely.

So this basically summs down to:

- I’m not having fun, change it

To bad “fun” is subjective.

Going by the amount of interest in this topic, and going by the outcry during beta weekend 3 (which was toned down a lot in difficulty), the majority of the forum vocal player base (which is not necessarily represantative of the entire player base) wants a more challenging pve content.

Take that as you want. In this case, you are the special little snowflake that wants to force their unpopular view on other players.

Nobody is doubting that it’s ANet’s job to either change this or not. Players that keep posting these threads about how they should be changed are clearly counting on that.

And all of the threads end in the same way as this one. A vast majority of people disagree.

Interestingly enough, most threads come from people who barely entered the first HoT area and basically have had 0 play experience in the new zones. But I’m sure you noticed this too with the careful reading you’ve done.

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

Achivement Farm new meta for mastery

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


There are far more mastery points available than needed for the classic tyria mastery line. Tripple Trouble for example is probably one of the hardest or most time consuming to get.

Maybe going for different mastery point rewarding achievements might solve your problem.

Worth coming back after 1 year?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


No subscription fee means you can log in at any time, play a bit and see for your self.

Most important, it gives you the ability to reconnect with people you played with who are currently playing the game and ask them this exact question.

Asking a bunch of strangers who know nothing about you if like flipping a coin.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I know I’m going to get a bit of hate for this, but I feel it has to be said in order to keep things in perspective: Legendary Weapons are prestige items, nothing more. Everyone does realize this, right?

They look cool, but ascended gear is equally good. They are in the game as an added endgame goal for the people who have already done everything else and have nothing better to do.

The idea of crafting a precursor was to remove the insane randomness of getting a drop, not to hand it to you on a golden platter. No one is making you craft a precursor. There is no game content that is locked behind having a precursor or legendary. In the end, the only benefit you get is a skin and the ability to switch weapon stats outside of combat(which is a trivial benefit).

If you find it so unreasonably tough to make a Precursor, just don’t do it. Ask yourself this: Are there better things to do with my time/effort/gold than make a Precursor? If the answer is Yes, then go do them instead of complaining. If the answer is No, then why complain at all?

I’m really tired about the ignorence of many people in this forum.

I’d use an example so people can stop repeating these same non-sense over and over again.

Dawn Price: 700g on TP

Deldrimor Steel Ingot x 100 price: 1050g
Additional material cost: At least 250g.
1050+250g = 1300g.

Let’s assume you love collecting your own materials, so you’re going to get all the material yourself, that market price doesn’t matter to you.

Now you have 2 options:

1st options:
Collect 10000 iron ores.
Collect 4000 platinum ores.
Collect 10000 mithril ores. (Yes, you need this many because there’s another mithril sink in other part of collection)
Use the above mats to make 100 Deldrimor Steel Ingots
Collect Orichalcum ores.
Collect Karka Shell
Collect Passion flowers
Do WvW for 10 hrs
Do PVP for 10 hrs
Do Silver Waste for 5 hrs
Do fractals for 5 hrs.
Do Dry top for 5 hrs
Run all over the world.
Hunt mobs around the world.
Wait for bugged event to finally come up
Wait for bug fix that prevent progress.

2nd options:
Collect 6300 iron ores
Collect 2800 platinum ores.
Collect 7000 mithril ores.
Make 70 Deldrimor Steel ingots.
BUY Dawn on TP for 700g

So even assuming you collect everything yourself, it’s still much faster/ easier to buy the precursor off TP.

People really need to get smarter…

You asking people to get smarter is very funny actually.

First, as was mentioned, precursor crafting was NEVER ment to be cheaper than the previous methods – FACT. Collin specifically states so in an interview.

Second, precursor crafting is supposed to provide players with the possibility of small increments and steps towards their gold besides watching their gold number increase. The current system accomplishes this, even if stifled with bugs.

Third, the current economic coaster ride that is the TP inflates and deflates certain item prices. Your assumption that prices for precursor crafting will rise base only on crafting is, well let’s say not realistic. Precursor crafting is new and shiny, people are rushing steps as much as they can → prices spike.

Finally, precursor crafting was ment to be a hunt which leads you around the world of tyria. Now not everythig is fun to every one. The current system, and the objectives needed for each precursor are fitting it’s theme (if you bought all the Step 1 precursor books and looked through all the steps, you’d notice that).

Your main argument is only:

- it’s not fun
- it costs way more

both complaints are either subjective or were never intended to get solved. So please, would you kindely refrain from asking others to “get smarter” when you yourself don’t even grasp the situation.

Remove Charged Quartz Crystal gating

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Nice catch you two. I can see why it’s a bit gated now, though it still makes me wish they could ease up on it a bit. Finished Day 11/40 on my quest to get a full set of Celestial Gear for my Tempest due to this gating.

Another side effect of the gating is that daily quartz crystal consumption is limited, otherwise you would use up 4 stacks of quartz on day one to get your charged ones.
Quartz already went up 2s again since HoT launched.

If you want tocircumnavigate the timegate, you can buy trick or treat bags by the thousands, they occiasionally give the charged quartz, and sell the other items you get from them. If you get the bags on buy order and sell the mats as lowest listing, you shouldnt make too much loss.

the problem is, the quartz doesn’t NEED gating, you can only get 22 crystals a day (37 if you are the literal embodiment of fortune itself and manage to get the bonus 15 in your home instance),it’s an incredibly limited resource in comparison to everything else.

Except that quartz can be traded on the TP. So there goes that limitation out the window.

As is one can easily farm 100 gold in 2-4 hours without trading post flipping or other fancy stuff. Just sell your loot on the trading post, done.


Please let me in on that, to make 100 gold in 2-4 hours, please! As an avid Silver Wastes farmer, chest runs as well as events, I don’t make anywhere near that amount, and I do sell that loot. I’m serious, I really would like to know. I do tend to salvage blues and greens, maybe that’s something I shouldn’t do?

You must have missed the:

- Flax hype
- ToT bag hype and general Halloween farm
- Potatoe hype for 1-2 days
- Ley-Line Infused Tool hype
- Pile of Coarse Sand hype

Just to name a few. To bad, had you done more than just farm silver wastes in the past 2 weeks, you might have noticed these extreme price hikes and adjusted accordingly. I’m sure you also refered to silver wastes farming pre HoT, since then it already was around 10-15 gold per hour, the Pile of Coarse Sand insanity just added a couple of gold more per hour.

Start of Thorns is depressing

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Once you get most HoT masteries to rank 2, this become a non issue.

You are supposed to feel disadvantaged at the beginning of HoT. Mordremoth just wacked your fleet out of the sky, sylvari are turning on the pact, Destinys Edge is split appart, Caith is who knows where. It just wouldn’t fit the theme that Alpha super hero man comes along.

It also encourages people to play twinks and multiple characters with the shared mastery system.

Main problem I see is, you don’t know the maps by heart and you don’t know how to maximize experience gain. Which is perfectly fine for new content. Welcome to new and fun epxerimentation land. Enjoy it while it lasts, to soon you’ll be back at same old same old.

Request Mob Nerf: Mordrem Sniper

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Oh no, a npc that I can’t run head first into their attacks and live. nerf nerf nerf…

Snipers can be quite nasty if a group of them shows up due to event scaling and half the zerg is kitten ing. once the first half dies, the second half is soon to follow.

My 2 cents: perfect! Finally we get punished for sleeping on the job.

Snipers are fine and good fun.

Remove Charged Quartz Crystal gating

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I’ll summersize your entire post:

- give us stuff for free

Does that about hit the nail on the head?

I’m not going to even go into gold gathering or gaining. If you can’t be bothered to play silverwastes, gather materials, play halloween (or other events), do boss events, etc. : in short, play the game. No wonder you are having gold issues. As is one can easily farm 100 gold in 2-4 hours without trading post flipping or other fancy stuff. Just sell your loot on the trading post, done.

No that does not hit the nail on the head.. far closer to you missed the nail and shattered a kneecap tbh..

I am actually curious how you got give us free stuff from that long and detailed post

removing the time gate would do nothing other than speed up the process of crafting an old item that many people already have..
there is no reason why older items like this should still be time gated..
you still have to put in the work and it would more than likely encourage people to buy from the TP.. essentially giving these items more value as people are more likely going to buy them when they are soo close to finishing their desired item..

Time gates exist purely to prevent people completing new content too quickly and getting bored and having nothing to do.. that’s why Anet add them to the game
but after several months.. to years later those time gates are completely pointless and do nothing but turn people off those Items..

Why bother going after Mawdry now when you could be going after the Fractal backpack or the legendary backpack or any other ascended class backpack

see my point yet?

No it would give finished product less value since people can buy base material and just charge the crystals themselfs

And to answer why bother becouse you like the skin and want the bloodstone eater.


Time gates not only lock content, but also produce artificial value via scarcity.

Remove Charged Quartz Crystal gating

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I don’t see an issue here. If you want to circumvent the timegate on Mawdrey, pay the rush fine by buying the stuff of the TP.

One of the things a lot of players enjoy is the continuity. Speeding up or dummbing down content just because it’s not new is exactly what WoW has been doing for years. Let’s take a look at where that game is right now.

Yes but you assume players have the gold to do that..

most people really don’t.. and with soo few people people crafting these items the items needed to make them tend to stay at a set price on the TP.. and due to the limited availability of some of them.. they are pretty darn expensive

many players don’t play dungeons or fractals or know of any good ways to farm gold
put yourself in their situation..

you want Mawdry.. but you can’t farm the geodes you need for the items because Drytop is practically a dead map and it takes forever to get enough for a clay pot.. of which you need several.. so you take to the Trading post only to see that they are around 8g each
so you think wow.. that’s a big chunk of my money.. do I really want to spend it on one item?
so you take to the Wiki and find out you need 3 of these.. which puts you up over 20g..
then you find that you also need to dump another 30+ gold on piquant plant food another 10+ gold on meaty plant food
not to mention the 144 Firefox you will also need which would take a long time to farm leaving the TP the likely option again

in short you are there thinking.. well its taken me months to save up this 50-60g.. and its still nowhere near enough for Mawdry…
you know what.. I think I’ll not bother..

and that’s what a lot of people likely do in this situation
now if the time gates were removed from the plant foods etc.. people would be far more likely to actually go after this item..
since they could do it in a hour or so instead of having to wait at minium 3 weeks

I’ll summersize your entire post:

- give us stuff for free

Does that about hit the nail on the head?

I’m not going to even go into gold gathering or gaining. If you can’t be bothered to play silverwastes, gather materials, play halloween (or other events), do boss events, etc. : in short, play the game. No wonder you are having gold issues. As is one can easily farm 100 gold in 2-4 hours without trading post flipping or other fancy stuff. Just sell your loot on the trading post, done.

Remove Charged Quartz Crystal gating

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I actually agree with this..

time gated items really only are introduced to stop people gaining a particular item quickly..

when new content is introduced this is understandable.. but after several months a lot of people already have the item.. so there really isn’t any reason to keep the time gate..

in fact I would say a lot of people are put off crafting Mawdry these days because of the time gate needed for it..

I think the time gate.. needs a time gate to be honest and after a certain period of time the time gates should be removed

this encourages more players to craft these gated older items if anything

I don’t see an issue here. If you want to circumvent the timegate on Mawdrey, pay the rush fine by buying the stuff of the TP.

One of the things a lot of players enjoy is the continuity. Speeding up or dummbing down content just because it’s not new is exactly what WoW has been doing for years. Let’s take a look at where that game is right now.

Sword improvements

in Revenant

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Except that they don’t…

Current pve meta for Revenant is Sword+x/Hammer or Sword+x/Staff. But nice try.

Who dont? You make 0 sense. Pve meta is either axe offhand, shield and that is. As you said yourself current meta is sword/x+hammer or staff. Not sword/sword+sword/shield. Please stop trolling and derailing thread, ty.

I was responding to your bs here:

Oh..thats why people goes for staff (meta for junkey “top” ppl) or hammer over sword/shield+sword/sword. Got it. Sword offhand is terrible and thats a fact.

I’m not the one derailing this thread. You clearly have no clue of revenant. Here read a bit around before answering again:

Sword and shield offhand fill a role. This role is not damage. They fill the role decent enough to not need changing. You can accept that, or keep moaning. I personally really don’t care.

And you still make absolutely no sense. Nobody will carry sword offhand in pve for other than aesthetics reasons. Axe does more and has a pull as well (group, not single target pulling you away from the boss), shield provides small group support, block and healing. Sword offhand is dead. Also either way who the f cares about pve here when op talks form pvp perspective? People these days..either way im done with you.

Do you even read what you yourself and others write?

First, please point me to where the OP was talking about pvp.

Second, you yourself were first talking about staff meta, then about pve sword/x meta, then you are saying this is about pvp meta. The thread has and always has been about sword and it’s uses to revenant.

Also, may I point you towards raids and possibilities for uses for block rotations. Just because you were and are unable to forsee uses for skills, does not mean everything needs to be balanced around optiml damage.

The thread I linked, or better yet go to the DnT original thread, clearly shows that each weapon set has its uses. There is no reason to change offhand sword at the current state of the game.

Let’s see what your next spin is.

Sword improvements

in Revenant

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Except that they don’t…

Current pve meta for Revenant is Sword+x/Hammer or Sword+x/Staff. But nice try.

Who dont? You make 0 sense. Pve meta is either axe offhand, shield and that is. As you said yourself current meta is sword/x+hammer or staff. Not sword/sword+sword/shield. Please stop trolling and derailing thread, ty.

I was responding to your bs here:

Oh..thats why people goes for staff (meta for junkey “top” ppl) or hammer over sword/shield+sword/sword. Got it. Sword offhand is terrible and thats a fact.

I’m not the one derailing this thread. You clearly have no clue of revenant. Here read a bit around before answering again:

Sword and shield offhand fill a role. This role is not damage. They fill the role decent enough to not need changing. You can accept that, or keep moaning. I personally really don’t care.

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

Seriously Anet, Do You Hate Us That Much?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


clearly a ltp issue here


I’ve been through HoT on 2 characters (mesmer, revenant) in full (and I mean full on every single slot, even underwater weapons) berserker and have had no issues what so ever.

Did I die to a mordrem sniper the first time I met one? Sure.

Did I die to a smokescale the first time I met one? No, because by that time all the stuff I had met had me on my toes constantly, though I wouldn’t blame anyone dying to them in the beginning. They are nasty mofos.

Have not had any problems on my warrior or Thief (also both full berserker, but part exotic) too, but those are not as far.

HoT has you actually use all of your skills be it active defenses, escape machanisms, crowd control and condition cleanse in order to succeed (and knowing when to back out of a fight helps too). No more bashing your head against a wall until pve stuff dies. Arenanet even made enemys in the personal story a lot easier to kill, so there is that.

Now stop complaining and focus on getting better.

Should a non HoT player quit/take a break?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954



There are very few MMOs, if at all, that are worth sticking around if you are unwilling to stay on the current level of content.

Can’t blame arenanet for designing the future of the game around HoT, it is an expansion after all.

Sword improvements

in Revenant

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


tbh sword is in a great spot, now with the change to the auto attack even more.

you can’t compare offhand sword, axe and shield at all because they all fill different roles.

axe is a fast offhand with a teleport, designed for use when you don’t slot shiro.

offhand sword is a defensive dps weapon to pull people out of a crowd, isolate and kill them.

shield is a sustain offhand weapon and offers no damage at all but only support/defense.


Not every offhand needs to be high damage numbers. Sword offhand has a place, and it fills this place nicely. The fact that we can x/sword and x/shield for block rotations alone is amazing.

Sword mainhand is borderline broken(aka very good) as far as usefulness goes. Stop trying to make arenanet focus on stuff that is already good. The only thing that can come from this is nerfs.

Having a good block and a kinda useless evade pull is borderline broken?

Yes, it is.

Oh wait, you were just looking at the 2 skills on their own?

My bad, I thought we were considering them in view of the revenant entire class. You know the one with superb survival, excelent movement, lots of utility.

Being able to have 2 offhand skills for block (sword and shield) ON TOP of everything else the revenent has is borderline broken. But sure, keep looking at the skills in their own little universe. Meanwhile, the rest of the disscussion will eal with balance to the class.

Oh..thats why people goes for staff (meta for junkey “top” ppl) or hammer over sword/shield+sword/sword. Got it. Sword offhand is terrible and thats a fact.

Except that they don’t…

Current pve meta for Revenant is Sword+x/Hammer or Sword+x/Staff. But nice try.

Nightfury (Actually a Legendary?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Since it’s only Ascended Tier it’s Anets way of saying Legendary Armor will be this x10 and cost 10-20k+ gold.

If they mess up the balance, maybe.

I thought they said the cost of a full set of legendary would be roughly on par with a leg weapon? And not full cost per piece?

This. They did mention ascended armor being less expensive than weapons. Going by how crazy the market is atm though, I do expect full leg armor to be around 4-5k at release, maybe even more.

The ONLY way to control the market is make all the materials account bound or currency gated.

Other way being making it time gated.

Ahem, no.

Anet are in absolute control of the market developement. They set droprates, requirements for crafting and collections (aka demand). Not sure what you are refering to.

The only thing making things account bound accomplishes is take control from arenanet over the market and push it on the player (while still retaining the ability to control drop rates and desire, but stiffling trade).

Expect everything that are required for the legendary armors that’re tradable have 10 times the price of as now. This is what happened if you Anet (gov’t) doesn’t control the market by gating things account-wide. Richest 0.001% ofc would hate the system, but for the rest of the majority players, it’d be a better system, AS LONG AS IT’S NOT PURE RNG-BASE.

You don’t seem to understand. Anet does control the market, they always have. Who is to say that the developement that prices took is not intended?

Arenanet even warned about this 1 week before HoT went live.

EDIT: not sure where you have your information. But there is no data on what is required for legendary armor out yet. All that is happening is people guessing and/or adapting to current demand for crafting materials. On top of that leg armor will require raiding as well. So no, the prices did not increase ten fold due to legendary armor. They did due to the massive changes in supply and demand. I’m don’t even know why I bother replying to this nonsense.

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

Salvage Legendaries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Why on Tyria would you ever want to salvage a legendary?

One would ask the same question about ascended equipment, yet there that is in game…

Ascended is no where near the difficulty or cost of legendary. Please…

Nightfury (Actually a Legendary?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Since it’s only Ascended Tier it’s Anets way of saying Legendary Armor will be this x10 and cost 10-20k+ gold.

If they mess up the balance, maybe.

I thought they said the cost of a full set of legendary would be roughly on par with a leg weapon? And not full cost per piece?

This. They did mention ascended armor being less expensive than weapons. Going by how crazy the market is atm though, I do expect full leg armor to be around 4-5k at release, maybe even more.

The ONLY way to control the market is make all the materials account bound or currency gated.

Other way being making it time gated.

Ahem, no.

Anet are in absolute control of the market developement. They set droprates, requirements for crafting and collections (aka demand). Not sure what you are refering to.

The only thing making things account bound accomplishes is take control from arenanet over the market and push it on the player (while still retaining the ability to control drop rates and desire, but stiffling trade).

getting to 150 AR

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


yeh you made a mistake there
there are 2 types of infusions

14 slots for +7 AR infusions (6 armor, 2 weapon, 6 trinkets)
5 slots for the infusions with optional value (4 rings, 1 backpiece)

so you take
14x +7 AR = 98 AR
5x +9 AR (for example) = 45 AR

that together is already 143 AR and gets you pretty high in fractals

now you can just replace the +9 AR infusions in one of your rings with +12 infusions with the time
and then exchange 1 other +9 for a +10 and you have exactly 150 AR

Your solution is inferior to:

14 X +7 versatiles
3 X + 10 Agonys
2 X +11 Agonys

Your option requires a total of 13 +10ar infusions versus 7 +10ar infusions in option 2. At current prices of 40 gold per +10ar infusion, that’s 240 gold you are wasting to get the nearly same effect.

Nightfury (Actually a Legendary?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Since it’s only Ascended Tier it’s Anets way of saying Legendary Armor will be this x10 and cost 10-20k+ gold.

If they mess up the balance, maybe.

I thought they said the cost of a full set of legendary would be roughly on par with a leg weapon? And not full cost per piece?

This. They did mention ascended armor being less expensive than weapons. Going by how crazy the market is atm though, I do expect full leg armor to be around 4-5k at release, maybe even more.

What is the state on Ascended Armor Crafting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Should cost 2 and 2, lower the amount of damask by one, add in 2 elonian leather, i think woulda been much more balanced?

Have to throw in my 2 cents.

This seems reasonable.

Doubt anet will listen though.

Sword improvements

in Revenant

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


tbh sword is in a great spot, now with the change to the auto attack even more.

you can’t compare offhand sword, axe and shield at all because they all fill different roles.

axe is a fast offhand with a teleport, designed for use when you don’t slot shiro.

offhand sword is a defensive dps weapon to pull people out of a crowd, isolate and kill them.

shield is a sustain offhand weapon and offers no damage at all but only support/defense.


Not every offhand needs to be high damage numbers. Sword offhand has a place, and it fills this place nicely. The fact that we can x/sword and x/shield for block rotations alone is amazing.

Sword mainhand is borderline broken(aka very good) as far as usefulness goes. Stop trying to make arenanet focus on stuff that is already good. The only thing that can come from this is nerfs.

Having a good block and a kinda useless evade pull is borderline broken?

Yes, it is.

Oh wait, you were just looking at the 2 skills on their own?

My bad, I thought we were considering them in view of the revenant entire class. You know the one with superb survival, excelent movement, lots of utility.

Being able to have 2 offhand skills for block (sword and shield) ON TOP of everything else the revenent has is borderline broken. But sure, keep looking at the skills in their own little universe. Meanwhile, the rest of the disscussion will eal with balance to the class.