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Haven't had this much fun since Pre-Release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Dear Anet,

I know you guys may know me for sometimes being a harsh critique on you guys. I would like to take this time to definitely show my appreciation for this weekend. This is by far the most fun I have had in GW2 since the first Beta Weekend of Pre-Release for GW2.

The Raids are hella fun and beyond what I thought it would be.

The new specs, even though some may be overpowered, are polished for the most part and are a lot of fun. It showcases your technology you’ve got going on and really glorifies the combat even more. Some do need to be tweaked to be put in line with others a little more, but overall I’d say well done.

I just hope this game continues in this direction and you guys can market so everyone can see the direction this game has taken since it release.

I was tempted about buying the expansion before, but boy was I wrong. My friends felt the same way and one of them who hates pve, had a blast doing the raid.

Well done Anet.

~Morfeus, the Tenth of Tyria

Have been staying clear of the beta mostly too (just some hours the first weekends) but yes, let’s hope the breath of fresh air is as huge as everyone expects.

Personally, I expect a major rebalance (cough*nerf* cough) to be required within the first 4-8 weeks after HoT launch. I’m fine with that, just forces people to stick with the class they enjoy based on mechanics, not on power.

That being said, let’s hope for many many achievements, collections, fun new maps and great events within the next months. (that and the fact that the other MMO that shall not be named has basically an expected content drought for more than a year. things are looking good for the GW2 playerbase)

Question about Ascended vs Legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Ah good necro. Perfect for the entire ascended debate at the moment.

Too many specialization icons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Here’s my suggestion: Just color code the icons.

Each base class already has a color, as shown in the PvP stat pie chart.

All Guard specializations are blue icons, all Mesmer specializations are magenta, all engie specs are yellow, all necros dark green, etc. The key here is that each set has the exact same color/shade.

Then that makes it very easy to group them and you can still identify an elite spec on sight.

This idea really resonated with me. I like it. We have color coding for all the classes, let’s make use of that.

Greatsaw Greatsword Skin

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


The Greatsaw Skin was a first year Halloween skin and is currently not available ingame besides buying remaining stock from someone off the TP.

Should it get reintroduced, expect the TP price to fall accordingly.

BW3 Difficulty Nerf [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


ArenaNet, while I think the first map is a bit too easy, please do not increase the difficulty much. BWE#1 difficulty level may have been good for such an active time, but it was too difficult to be practical in release. Think about those players who work odd hours who will find themselves without much help at 3 AM. It’s almost where it needs to be in BWE#3 just a little more difficult. Also, please consider the value of keeping the first map less difficult, if all the maps in HoT are the same difficulty level then there is no real progression, the first map a player encounters should be about where things are now in BWE#3 because players will need to learn the dynamics of masteries: gliding, mushrooms, etc… Again, I think it’s about where it needs to be and you’re hearing a lot of complaining from players who aren’t considering these things; players who spent 6-12 hours (some more) in BWE#1 who don’t remember what it was like coming in for the first time and who aren’t considering the sustainability. They are only thinking of their experience and not considering what’s best for the game long term..

What you are writing about is mostly a scaling issue. Arenanet must find a decent scaling model for the maps so that few players can succeed just as many players. There is absolutely no justification for the expansion maps being easier than existing content considering they and the expansion provide a bigger pve variaty of skills. I do agree though that the first map can and maybe should be easier than the other 3 HoT maps.

If you are talking about longevity of the game, making the maps to easy is the worst they can do. To hard content can be nerfed or reduced in difficulty. If you do the same with to easy content, people will get offended that players in the past had it so much easier to get rewards. If they absolutely can’t find a balance, they should make the maps a tad harder than needed, then rebalance 2-3 weeks after HoT launch based on how the player population spreads out.

Is everything account bound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Keep the old character, don’t delete it. You’ll be happy the next time you characters birthday comes around.

Gear wise, everything (almost everything) is souldbound to character unless it’s ascended (pink in color) or legendary (purple). I’d recommend trying a new class first, before redoing a class due to race issues. Maybe all it takes is a bit of a break and you’ll feel happy again.

BW3 Difficulty Nerf [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Haven’t played the current BE. Going by BE1 and BE2, I felt the difficulty was fine. If you consider that most people (maybe even all) were running around like headless chickens having no clue what is going on, yeah there is room for improvement player side wise.

I get the dilema though. Anet are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Make the content to hard and people won’t play it, thus the zones get deserted and are not playable. (this is a big issue on scaling. Make sure the zones work with a low amount of players as to not have to go down the road of having to increase rewards for people to even play)

If the new areas are to easy, people will blow through the content and get bored. We’ll basically get 4 more Silver Wastes areas. That won’t have the same pull though, since players are farming SW in anticipation of HoT. Most have even grown tired at this point and are simply waiting for new content. If this new content is nothing but a snooze grind fest -> byebye playerbase.

Prof suggestion for a newbie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Definately Warrior.

You might branch out to a different class later, but warrior will seem very familiar while providing you with enough basics of the game to decide what really suits you.

Guardian might be second pick.

Classes you should definately stay away from:
- Mesmer
- Elementalist
- Engineer
- maybe Thief

Reason being, those are very high up as far as player skillcap goes and all require either an overload of skills, mechanics, game knowledge and/or all of the mentioned.

All fun classes in their own, but not as fun for a first timer.

Bring Guild Wars 2 to Steam already!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


“You wont loose anything by bringing it there”

Yeah, except for money that is.

Steam always takes a cut of everything being sold, including gems.

It doesnt work like that, Steam doesnt take the money that Guild Wars 2 would sell from the in-game store. Only if they brought extra gem-dlcs on the steam store and people bought them from there, only then valve would take the 30% of the money otherwise the in-game marketplace is completely seperate from steam/valve

Arenanet would have to give a cut of any gems sold via Steam, any game version sold via Steam, any bonus program run through steam.

Considering the Gem store is one of anets major income aspects of GW2, yeah I don’t buy them not losing out on money.

You could make an arguement that the exposure and potential added customers for more revenue might make up for those ties. I guess anet does not see it that way though, and why would they with GW2 base having gone f2p.

Bring Guild Wars 2 to Steam already!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Now that the base game of Guild Wars 2 is free whats the point of having it still in an abandoned place and not on Steam? If you were something like Blizzard’s where it has 6 games and all of them are from the most played games in the world it would be ok but Guild Wars 2 is just 1 game not a client with many games and its really strange that its still not on Steam while guild wars 1 and other games are there. You wont loose anything by bringing it there, only gain a massive amount of new players even Riot Games (League of Legends creators) are making a client with more games like so they wont have to bring league on Steam but GW2 should really be there. Even Wildstar is having a steam release soon

You Sir, have no idea how Steams business model works.

I love druid

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Well i dont see reason for nerf, its well balanced class.

As it stands now, I’m quite confident it will be nerfed significantly before release, but it is surprisingly fun to play in large groups (keeping an entire WvW zerg alive from 2 druids?) - not so much on its own.

Yeah, that sounds very balanced.


Raids excludes players, and it's ok.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


So basically exactly as predicted.

- more exclusive
- more stat combinations required thus either legendary gear or multiple items sets
- less viable builds (not less useful but straight up not viable)

My guess is if raids really remain as “hard” as advertised, people will just not do them, the majority that is. Hardcore raiders will grow tired once the fluff has worn out and all the skins have been had. But we finally get more required gear sets in PvE besides optimal zerker and less optimal anything else.

Let’s wait until arenanet actually implements this content bug free and see how things go from there.

Ascended Gear to be Required for Raids

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


And the main thing is you shouldnt have to grind for a month or more after hitting 80 to try a you re first raid. No raid mmo i have ever seen did that.

Except for the biggest raid MMO out there, WoW. Or do you truly want to tell me, people got into motlen core straight off the bat after hitting 60? Or Black Temple straight once they hit 70? There were even attunement quests which took hours to just be allowed to enter. (I could go on, but I guess you get my point)

Also, no one says you can’t give raids a shot in exotics, just that you won’t get that far. No one forces you to wait a month too. You can craft full ascended equipment within minutes.

using vanilla is not a good example, considering how the devs have gone on record saying “yeah, that was a bad idea, we’re not doing that again”.

you couldn’t enter MC because of the fire resist required, it would be like the new raid requiring 100 AR to survive.

wildstar recently showed what happens when you require attunements: it died after people started having trouble getting into raids

and in recent content in WoW, you CAN enter pretty much straight away (as in, a few HOURS of grinding, not months. hitting 90 in MoP let you go to the timeless isle, which let you get enough gear to ener the first few wings of LFR Siege Of Orgrimmar

I calculated the cost of making ascended gear in “a few minutes”: it came out as costing over 600 gold for light armor. and before you say “well buy gems” at current rates, that puts the cost of ascended gear HIGHER THAN HoT ITSELF.

you actually used the examples that the devs gave of what they wanted to AVOID in GW2

If you consider LFG raids in WoW a good example of people diving stright into raiding, please leave the disscussion. LFG raids are theme parks so casual players can have a look at content which took a lot of time to create, nothing more.

There is still a significant gear up period for WoW raids which is a red line through all difficulties. Especially if you aren’t getting taken along for the ride from fully geared guild members.

minutes? are we playing the same game?

agree about wow..and any other mmo. you need some grind before unlocking/being ready to play endgame.
the matter is gw2 was supposed to be no grind/ no gear check/ no treadmill, not grind before start to play and have fun. Another clue it’s vertical progression

Sure, the actual act of crafting the gear takes not that long. There is people out there complaining about timegated crafting components, which all can be bought on the TP.

Finaly we are talking about a 3 year old game. I’ve seen people who have started GW2 1-2 months ago sporting full ascended gear. Does it * that arenanet moved away from their core idea of “no grind for max gear required”? Sure. But they did so with addition of ascended equipment 2 years ago.

People scream at anet all the time for:

- “zerker meta” beacuse the game is to easy
- no endgame content
- no challenging group content
- more guild content
- etc.

Once they implement or try to implement said content, people suddenly start whining about the opposite.

Both dungeons and teq were nerfed several times – and for the same reason. Not enough people were doing them.
Guess what’s going to happen with those “hard and challenging”raids in the future…

Agreed, and then once everything has reverted back to people wearing “zerker gear” we will have the same * come out of the woodwork demanding for alternative gear choices being viable in a game design and combat system that simply asks for maximum damage.

(Suggestion)Trinity Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


You are wrong, BrotherBelial is right. You are viewing legendary weapons from todays situation. Back in the beginning of the game and for over 1.5 years legendary weapons came with predetermined stats.

So if you wanted a berserker Twilight, you had to transmute the legendary skin onto an exotic (later ascended) beserker weapon to get the best in slot for your build again. That’s why arenanet implemented the stat changing. There, small history lesson for you.

ya but if you search the forum. All the legendary owner will tell you Anet added stats switching as a QoL service. And since it is a QoL service, they might as well add rune/sigil switching too.

If you think Anet added stats switching because of historical reason, that is totally your opinion. But as far as I can tell, legendary owner will tell you otherwise.

You mean a legendary owner like myself?

You have this backwards, arenanet did not add the QoL service due to historic reasons. Historic reasons explain how it came to this QoL service. Stop trying to rewind the clock the wrong way.

Ascended Gear to be Required for Raids

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


And the main thing is you shouldnt have to grind for a month or more after hitting 80 to try a you re first raid. No raid mmo i have ever seen did that.

Except for the biggest raid MMO out there, WoW. Or do you truly want to tell me, people got into motlen core straight off the bat after hitting 60? Or Black Temple straight once they hit 70? There were even attunement quests which took hours to just be allowed to enter. (I could go on, but I guess you get my point)

Also, no one says you can’t give raids a shot in exotics, just that you won’t get that far. No one forces you to wait a month too. You can craft full ascended equipment within minutes.

(Suggestion)Trinity Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


the point of the stat change was because originally, legendary weapons like exotic, have specific stats, to you would have to transmute it to get the stats you wanted. A net later change it, so you could pick your stats with out having to transmute it. After all, getting one was not easy task. The point of a legendary is not to be able to have one set to rule them all, it’s so you can show off. The stat change was a QoL feature, that’s why they have not added the ability to change sigils already. if you where meant to be able to swap them freely, then they would have added it by now.

People who own a legendary would totally disagree. They believe Anet made legendary that way as a side benefit. And since they added the benefit, they might as well give them the rune/sigil switch ability too.

It is totally not because there are people who spend 2000 gold for a legendary and transmute it into a normal weapon. Because really, who would do that.

You are wrong, BrotherBelial is right. You are viewing legendary weapons from todays situation. Back in the beginning of the game and for over 1.5 years legendary weapons came with predetermined stats.

So if you wanted a berserker Twilight, you had to transmute the legendary skin onto an exotic (later ascended) beserker weapon to get the best in slot for your build again. That’s why arenanet implemented the stat changing. There, small history lesson for you.

There will always be A META.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Some people care about their name being out there as Tha Best. Some people are competitive. Some people invest hundreds of hours in getting the best possible time in 20 year old platformers. Will most people care? Probably not. But it adds something for those who do. And it’s not like its complicated to implement. High scores in arcade games were invented longer ago than most gamers have been alive.

Very few people care about numbers or names on a list – most care about gold, items and cosmetic benefits. You can’t motivate people with a list – very few of them will care about it.

Notice how Harper mentioned very few people. Not none, but few. No one is arguing that there would be no interest in highscores.

The argument he was making was that this alone would not keep a majority of the playerbase interested. I have to agree with him on this.

It’s already hard enough to keep many gamers interested without a WoW type gear treadmill that keeps devaluing your items, let alone leave people to figure out their own endgame. GW2 endgame is fashion wars, plain and simple.

(Suggestion)Trinity Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


don’t hijack my tread here and troll plz

u know that fun is most important in a game I don’t need explain the obvious

I’m not the one the majority of people disagree with. Obviously you do need to elaborate.

You never established that your system was more fun in the first place. It might be more fun to you, seems quite a few people disagree.

There will always be A META.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Very few people care about numbers or names on a list – most care about gold, items and cosmetic benefits. You can’t motivate people with a list – very few of them will care about it.

Clearly you’ve never worked in Hollywood

And this relates to video games and behaviour in video games how?

Time to nerf SW farming and more guild stuff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Coulter, your chickenkitten comments are not productive to the discussion either. You seem to be threatened when someone disagrees with you. Is that why you result to the catty insults? I can make insulting comments as well, but my reason for doing it is the outrage I felt at how you lashed out at someone asking a question.

Still he is right, the reward is disproportionate to other areas.

Personally I disagree with his solution though. I’d prefer HoT areas to be on par with Silver Wastes, not have all the areas worse off.

Who 'owns' Guilds??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


You seem to keep very strange company TC. Not sure I’d give much value such “friends”.

Matter at hand, you are in control of the guild and short of one of your “friends” comming over and using your account to transfer control there is little others can do about it.

Get rid of the deadweight and play with people who appreciate you.

Suggestion: Deposit all materials button

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Can easily be achieved by switching the “Deposit all Materials” with the “Hide Rarity” options.

More buttons usually lead to more menu clutter. Maybe I just don’t see the issue since this has litterally not happened 1nce to me in over 2.5k hours of gameplay.

why power block so op?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


the mesmer skill POWER BLOCK “enemy skills that you interrupt have a increased cooldown(15sec)”.and this skill has no internal cd.ppl can easily interrupt every enemys healing skill and make it 15sec to cool down.if ppl use this skill properly which isnt difficult to master,most of us wont able to heal for even once untill get killed(to every class who need time to cast healing skill).tell me if im wrong.

You’re wrong. There.

QoL Change-Tab Targetting

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Try next enemy instead. It might work better for you.

Ascended Gear to be Required for Raids

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Whats to stop me from pinging ascended gear while wearing level 20 greens?

Nothing, except for you faceplanting and dirtnaping during the first encounter followed by the instant removal from the raid group shortly after.

Time to nerf SW farming and more guild stuff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Yeah, let’s take a zone that is popular and nerf it. That really makes a lot of sense. It is one of the few zones that encourages teamwork across the entire map. Instead of calling for a reward nerf, how about asking that other zones receive an increase in loot? Loot shouldn’t be hidden behind instanced activities.

loot also shouldn’t just appear from a box on a floor and give more per hour than actually sieging a t3 keep in WvW.

Loot also shouldnt be guarenteed rares for pretty much showing up. Meanwhile 5000 wxp later, 25s and 2 greens. Yay ?

No, i’m sorry if you honestly think silverwaste is fine, then you have a serious problem with understanding time to reward scaling.

None of your points counter anything he said. What does loot appearing out of the ground have to do anything with Silver Wastes being a popular map (on top of it happening in a fictional computer game which people play to enjoy)?

How does WvW loot compare to starter maps? You are litterally comparing apples to oranges (not to mention that you didn’t factor in WvW badges which while not having a gold value do have value in aquiring gear).

You are well in your rights to argue against Silver Wastes or argue that the map rewards are unbalanced compared to other areas of the game. If you do so though, use proper arguments.

What do you guys think about Dungeon Sellers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I have no view about this , but its interesting to contrast the comparison that Dungeon Sellers are players selling a service to other players for Gold and thats allowed, but Gold Sellers who are doing the same thing (selling a service to other players) arnt allowed.

You should feel ashamed for comparing gold sellers to dungeon sellers (because they litterally have almost nothing in common except for the “seller” part in their naming). For someone with no view, you certainly also put no thought into your argument.

I’m not even going to go into all the details how real world hacking, acount theft, etc. factor into the equation.

(Suggestion)Trinity Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


What about weapons? Also, I can’t see this happening. This will be a new gear set to get. ANet have said ascended would be the last, now they have dropped legendary on us. Legendary will be your trinity gear. But minus the rune swapping.

They need gold sinks to keep gold to gem steady and to keep the economy healthy. The edition of this gear would slowly devalue runs. It would crash the market over night it would over the course of months kill the rune market, and have a knock on effect on armor. Why spend gold on armor when you have this? This in turn would devalue mats, as once you’ve made your armor, why make anything else? I can see something like this having too big of an impact on the economy in the long run implemented.

did u checked the rune price from 90 % of them? they going for under 10 silver about what market u speak of? is that a game for play and have fun or a economic simulation game ? where people play the TP full day.

I see you failed to understand my point. ANet was a healthy in game economy.that means trying to keep everything to have a value over the vendor price. This armor set would end up “junking” alot of things in the long run.

Let me give a fictional example. Imagine if you will, a company comes out with a device that lets you watch all your TV, DVDs, blurays streaming services music one inexpensive device. So you’d just have this one thing, no longer needing the rest so your saving space etc. now if you could get this item, why would you bother getting anything else? Getting it would be cheaper that getting all the other items individually, not to mention the free space you’ll have. In order to try and shift the other items they would need to fall in price to make them worth buying again. Or price so.much they would just be considered worthless and just be trashed.

not the first unvalued thing in game isn’kitten plus there could be a new value created for runes anytime anet want. But why put gear skills behind a paywall?

should not skill decide if u play good and not if u are willing to spend 200 gold on a rune? (extreme example but it happen with sigils)

to follow ur logic all armor repair companies in tyria should created a disaster to the economic since it went free.

I tell u play fun is more worth than peoples digital wallet.

Skill does decide, and in spvp you don;t have to spend 200 gold on anything. PvE, well that is a different story.

Gold sinks are a requirement in mmos that are designed like GW2. Nothing you say will change that fact.

People are really narrow minded its an MMO there will be always a tank and a healer u cant change that. Its an MMO there will be always mounts

u don’t own facts my friend, is it so hard to transfer the freedom of spvp to pve? what will change if I can fully focus on my pve skill ?

Calls people narrow-minded, proceeds to say how he thinks the game should work, this thread is a joke. Abandon ship

I know right.

Sure, let’s roll that way Balsa. While we are at it, why don’t we reomve gold alltogether since then people don’t need to grind for it. Let’s have item dispensers and people can just take anything they need or want, why force them to grind or farm or play at all.

Why have an ingame economy at all? Let’s make all skins freely available and remove any type of scarcity.

If you run around calling people narrow minded on basic economic aspects, you better be able to provide proper arguments. Arguing “because I think it’s more fun” is not sufficient without any type of factual backup.

Suggestion: Unique Currency for all regions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


The last thing this game needs, are even more currencies.

On the contrary, I think they should phase out some of the old ones. First example, pristine fractal relics. Remove them, convert everything bought via them to Fractal relic costs, done.

(Suggestion)Trinity Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


What about weapons? Also, I can’t see this happening. This will be a new gear set to get. ANet have said ascended would be the last, now they have dropped legendary on us. Legendary will be your trinity gear. But minus the rune swapping.

They need gold sinks to keep gold to gem steady and to keep the economy healthy. The edition of this gear would slowly devalue runs. It would crash the market over night it would over the course of months kill the rune market, and have a knock on effect on armor. Why spend gold on armor when you have this? This in turn would devalue mats, as once you’ve made your armor, why make anything else? I can see something like this having too big of an impact on the economy in the long run implemented.

did u checked the rune price from 90 % of them? they going for under 10 silver about what market u speak of? is that a game for play and have fun or a economic simulation game ? where people play the TP full day.

I see you failed to understand my point. ANet was a healthy in game economy.that means trying to keep everything to have a value over the vendor price. This armor set would end up “junking” alot of things in the long run.

Let me give a fictional example. Imagine if you will, a company comes out with a device that lets you watch all your TV, DVDs, blurays streaming services music one inexpensive device. So you’d just have this one thing, no longer needing the rest so your saving space etc. now if you could get this item, why would you bother getting anything else? Getting it would be cheaper that getting all the other items individually, not to mention the free space you’ll have. In order to try and shift the other items they would need to fall in price to make them worth buying again. Or price so.much they would just be considered worthless and just be trashed.

not the first unvalued thing in game isn’kitten plus there could be a new value created for runes anytime anet want. But why put gear skills behind a paywall?

should not skill decide if u play good and not if u are willing to spend 200 gold on a rune? (extreme example but it happen with sigils)

to follow ur logic all armor repair companies in tyria should created a disaster to the economic since it went free.

I tell u play fun is more worth than peoples digital wallet.

Skill does decide, and in spvp you don;t have to spend 200 gold on anything. PvE, well that is a different story.

Gold sinks are a requirement in mmos that are designed like GW2. Nothing you say will change that fact.

Ascended Gear to be Required for Raids

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Do they really have these encounters so tightly tuned?


…Because at one point they thought dungeons would be challenging content too.

They were, the first 30 days after launch.

BL Key crafting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I’m not interested in creating/deleting a character every week.

You are allowed to get 4 free keys a month. What benefit is it to them to allow you to get more than that? You need to explain that part.

So everything about the game is supposed to benefit ANet and not the player base? and not necessarily free since each character slot is valued around 800 gems or $10.. again, I’m not really complaining, the basis of my post was to generate ideas to modify/add to the current BL key system. Obviously they had issues with it if they had to nerf the PS key grind, just providing ideas for a medium between letting us have our free keys and allowing us to grind for more

When you make a suggestion, you don’t need to convince the players. You need to convince ANet. They are the ones who have all the power. So, yes, your suggestion must benefit ANet in some manner. It could be a happier customers argument, but since we already had unlimited key farming until recently, then that isn’t going to work as they’ve already considered and rejected that reason. So, how does your suggestion benefit ANet?

no when you make a suggestion you don’t need to convince anyone. it’s just an idea. like i said 3 times now…an idea gets the ball rolling and maybe with player exchange of ideas/suggestions by the end of the thread there could be something worth implementing.

A good idea will already have covered most bases though. First being that you have to explain what the benefit is to all parties, especially arenanet.

For example, I could suggest that arenanet add a npc who gives out free ascended equipment once per day to each player for 2 weeks. While that would certainly get favorable responses from a huge part of the player community I highly doubt arenanet would enjoy this amount of content (grind) be removed from the game.

You are at liberty to suggest anything you want, just don’t expect serious disscussions over your ideas unless you’ve actually put some serious thought into them.

(Suggestion)Trinity Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


What about weapons? Also, I can’t see this happening. This will be a new gear set to get. ANet have said ascended would be the last, now they have dropped legendary on us. Legendary will be your trinity gear. But minus the rune swapping.

They need gold sinks to keep gold to gem steady and to keep the economy healthy. The edition of this gear would slowly devalue runs. It would crash the market over night it would over the course of months kill the rune market, and have a knock on effect on armor. Why spend gold on armor when you have this? This in turn would devalue mats, as once you’ve made your armor, why make anything else? I can see something like this having too big of an impact on the economy in the long run implemented.

did u checked the rune price from 90 % of them? they going for under 10 silver about what market u speak of? is that a game for play and have fun or a economic simulation game ? where people play the TP full day.

One doesn’t work without the other. This “fun” game would very fast become unfun once the economic side totally breaks down. While it is unfortunate that a high amount of runes and sigils see little use, your argument is void.

Most people use the expensive runes and sigils and thus, if those were to lose their value, a significant economic hit would occure. Like it or not, the games economy is designed around having to replace and rebuy runes and sigils and removing them is done via costly alternatives (see BL salvage kit and upgrade extractors).

BL Key crafting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


They just removed keyfarming. I doubt they will add a new way of generating or farming keys any time soon. (not saying that I agree with this step, but it’s what happened).

(Suggestion)Trinity Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


No. End of discussion, Ascended was a huge controversy as it was and we dont need more treadmill.

its a solution to minder the treadmill

I reduce the set price for every set after u made ur first one by 75% I think more anti treadmill cant be

plus u do know that legendary armor is coming right ?

Legendary armor is not a new tier of gear stat wise. It’s a sidegrade with benefits, but no increase in power (thus no powercreep happening).

(Suggestion)Trinity Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Interesting idea. Doubt arenanet has the time to currently implement another set of gear, especially since there are almost never more than 2-3 stat combos useful. Essentially it would make legendary armor obsolete.

Maybe some time in the future we’ll get some way to save runes and sigils in legendary armor. Also some type of build save and load funktion would be nice. I wouldn’t count on it happening any time soon though.

Ascended Gear to be Required for Raids

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Let’s see:

Arenanet add raids to the game wich are supposed to be challenging group content while at the same time changing the system to a soft (maybe hard) trinity and people are supprised over:

- the max level of gear being required. What part of challenging content was missed? Having raids be balanced around exotics would mean ascended items make them easier than intended

- more restrictiv group compositions. That’s what trinity does, it automatically adds barriers and requirements as far as class and group composition goes, on TOP of gear and specialisation

- masteries being required. This was highly likely to happen anyway. I’m sure there will be some synergy between masteries and raid accessibility. It makes sense in artificially extending the game

I guess the best bet is to wait and see how hard raids actually are. If they indeed are as hard as promissed, expect all the mentioned points to come true. Let’s see how long it takes until people realise what it actually means to “not be able to play how I want”.

The max level of gear required will still be exotics. Just because something is balanced around ascended, it doesnt mean its required in the same way that a lvl 50 fractal requires 70+ ar, especially as ascended armor (not weaps/trinkets, just armor) is only like a 2% total stat increase.

More restrictive group compositions is the worrying part. If druids can put out 30% more heals (making up numbers here) than the next class, you will need them a lot more than the 2% stat increase ascended armor will give you.

Not sure about masteries, I havent heard anything about that yet, but I kind of expect something to be tied in to them since raids are HOT content.

But yes, a lot of this depends on how hard raids are. Even if you dont “need” ascended armor, a lot of people will be whining about it if they cant beat raids week 1 in exotics (even though they still wont be able to beat them with that whole 2% stat increase)

Just a small correction on ascended vs exotic. It’s not 2% stat increase, it never was.

The actual increase was 12.45% in full ascended, 10.40% in weapon+trinkets ascended (

and that was even before they removed stats from trait lines and added them to items.

There will always be A META.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Anet seem to disagree.

Raids are supposed to be hard. Maybe even to hard for casual and normal players (if arenanet keep their word).

You wishing for them to be something else will not change their current design and idea. Maybe arenanet will nerf raids down the line, or make them more casual accessible. In that case though, we would see the “zerker meta” return and people would again be up in arms about it.

Can’t have it both ways. Either challenging content, or speed clearable content due to lack of difficulty.

Yes, the latter. It should be “clearable” easily enough, but speed-clearing should take skill, just as any idiot can complete a circuit on a race track, but only the very best can complete it with peak times.

Raids are on 1 week lockout times, what benefit is there to “speed clearing” them?

That’s wishful thinking.

Ascended Gear to be Required for Raids

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Let’s see:

Arenanet add raids to the game wich are supposed to be challenging group content while at the same time changing the system to a soft (maybe hard) trinity and people are supprised over:

- the max level of gear being required. What part of challenging content was missed? Having raids be balanced around exotics would mean ascended items make them easier than intended

- more restrictiv group compositions. That’s what trinity does, it automatically adds barriers and requirements as far as class and group composition goes, on TOP of gear and specialisation

- masteries being required. This was highly likely to happen anyway. I’m sure there will be some synergy between masteries and raid accessibility. It makes sense in artificially extending the game

I guess the best bet is to wait and see how hard raids actually are. If they indeed are as hard as promissed, expect all the mentioned points to come true. Let’s see how long it takes until people realise what it actually means to “not be able to play how I want”.

There will always be A META.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


But that defeats the purpose of raids – raids by design ( and as Anet has stated) are supposed to be hard and aimed at the top 5-10% of the player base. It’s content that’s supposed to be inaccessible at first – forcing people to tweak and improve their build and skills in order to be able to participate and complete.

Then raids are something which should not exist in GW2.

Completion of the content should be accessible to all players, mastery of it should take skill. You should be able to complete these raids with whatever party you bring in (within reason), the “meta” builds should be about clearing them in minimal time for the added fun and prestige of it.

Anet seem to disagree.

Raids are supposed to be hard. Maybe even to hard for casual and normal players (if arenanet keep their word).

You wishing for them to be something else will not change their current design and idea. Maybe arenanet will nerf raids down the line, or make them more casual accessible. In that case though, we would see the “zerker meta” return and people would again be up in arms about it.

Can’t have it both ways. Either challenging content, or speed clearable content due to lack of difficulty.

Replacing a Character's Race

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


This won’t help this time around, but in general you want to avoid deleting a character (especially old ones) in guild wars and guild wars 2.

Primary reason is that birthday gifts are based on character age. Deleting that 2 year old veteran character you had might throw you back a long stretch of birthday gifts.

On topic, wait until the HoT upgrade and see if the items are salvagable then. Otherwise delete.

Are Children Under 10 allowed to play GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


That ToS rule is more a legal way of letting anet avoid getting sued over anything inapropriet for minors age 13 or below.

Imagine a kid playing your game, then imitating something from said game and getting in trouble, then some irresponsible parents deciding to sue the company running the game. I’m sure anet will not mind kids lower ages with proper parental supervision playing guild wars 2.

Condoning something is not the same as legally allowing it.

Making Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Here are some tips that will get you on track to your legendary:

- play the game
- spend less than you earn (<- this is the big one!!!)
- …
- eventually finish crafting legendary.

Also don’t expect to have you legendary fall out of the sky withint the first 4-8 weeks (unless RNGesus drops you 2 expensive precursors). Most people need about 3 months to farm a legendary, and that is not casual play time I’m talking about.

Will ascended crafting change?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Timegating is fine. How long has ascended armor been in game now? 2 years? If you want to instantly craft it, spend the extre gold fee on the trading post.

Not only that, but the items drop left and right now in current endgame pve content (fractals). You don’t seriously expect to succeed in raids if you haven’t even bothered with clearing this easier content?

This “But I want it NOW NOW NOW!” attitude of people needs to end.

What do you guys think about Dungeon Sellers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


They sell a service and obviously people are willing to pay for it.

If anet revamp the LFG system, maybe they could provide some sort of tab for such things, just so the LFGs from seller don’t block the view on normal group requests. Then again, the LFG system needs a big revamp anyway, so that is not one of my primary concerns.

Racial bonuses any good late game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Are the racial skills negligible? Yes.

Should your racial pick revolve around these skill? Absolutely not.

Are racial skills designed as fluff and fun side stuff? Yes.

Is it likely that racial skills get revamped and/or made more useful or worth a serious slot on your skillbar? Very very unlikely.

As was mentioned, they are even diabled in spvp and most builds created will not consider them.

What is your preferred rune for WvW?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Ever since they got changed: Traveler.

Once chrono is out, anything else.

Preview on precursor crafting feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


What got me was when they stated enough gold and time at tier 3 to keep the value of the Pre’s on the TP.

Did they ever say that? They said they wanted the Precursors to keep value, and I expect that they’ll still cost several hundred gold to complete, because there needs to be a large investment so that they retain their… grandeur. But I don’t believe they said that they want the Precursors to keep the same value they currently have on the TP. I mean, Dusk and The Legend are triple the price of The Energizer. Do you really think they’d make those Precursors three times as expensive as the other collections, just because they’re more expensive on the TP?

Forget the Energizer, Dusk costs something like 15 times as much as Venom or Rage!

No, the collections for the other undervalued precursors will be vastly more expensive than the precursors are on the TP.

This has already been covered by Wanze earlier in this thread.

Even if you modify for higher rare/exotic costs on the trading post (GS rares are about 2 times the price of other rare waepons. Staff rares are about 2.5 times the price).

Rare and Exotics base value is determined by the value of ectos and the salvage rate mainly. (currently at about 35s per rare, 40s per ecto)

So if we adjust for normal rare price, we still come out at aproximately 500-700 gold for The Legend, and similar numbers for Dusk/Dawn (note here, GS are valued lower on the TP since both Dusk and Dawn can be the result and Dawn is valued lower than Dusk).

We can thus assume that 500-800 gold are the normal prices achieved with current rare/exotic prices on the TP. Hence ALL precursors valued lower where rare prices are at 30-35s are undervalued.

Maybe Arenanet has factored this in, maybe not. I kind of doubt they have gone out of their way to make less desired precursors cheaper.

There will always be A META.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Of course there will always be people pushing “the meta.” But those are just stupid people being stupid. I play what’s fun for me.

No one is pushing any meta. Metas develope over time through and with the community.

You seem not to understand what meta actually means. But kudos to you for playing the way you want. If more people would do so, this disscussion and bs would not exist.


I understand what it is, I just don’t agree with saving a small amount of time over having more fun playing the game.

That’s not pushing a meta. That is people actively searching for similar minded players. The fact that you are swayed by someone elses LFG says more about you than about people pushing an agenda.

Pushing a meta would be going on the forums and telling everyone else how and what to play, or demanding change so a new meta ist established.

You have a couple of things backwards.

It’s no longer a few people searching for like minded individuals when EVERYONE is requiring it.

Not true, this has been brought up multiple times. The fact that many LFGs are up looking for zerker etc. does not mean that every one does.

It juse means that groups not looking for such stats fill up faster and leave the LFG system. You should open a couple of LFGs with “any one welcome” in the header. It will fill up in no time.

There will always be A META.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Of course there will always be people pushing “the meta.” But those are just stupid people being stupid. I play what’s fun for me.

No one is pushing any meta. Metas develope over time through and with the community.

You seem not to understand what meta actually means. But kudos to you for playing the way you want. If more people would do so, this disscussion and bs would not exist.


I understand what it is, I just don’t agree with saving a small amount of time over having more fun playing the game.

That’s not pushing a meta. That is people actively searching for similar minded players. The fact that you are swayed by someone elses LFG says more about you than about people pushing an agenda.

Pushing a meta would be going on the forums and telling everyone else how and what to play, or demanding change so a new meta ist established.

You have a couple of things backwards.