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Again on sale the Silver-Fed Salvage-o-Matic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Both the copper and silver-fed salvage-o-matic are QOL use items (except for the very harcore salvage crowd with say 1k+ salvages per day).

The copper-fed is way more interesting than the silver simply since the cost per salvage goes from 3.6c down to 3c per use (the silver one was 63c down to 60c I think). Also all those white, blue and green items require a lot of basic salvage kits otherwise.

The silver-fed is quite useless (I do own one) and is more of an “check, got it” item. Mystic salvage kits are far cheaper (if you factor out the 3 mystic forge stones gem value wise. a lot more expensive if factoring those in) and with 250 uses sufficient. Even buying 3-4 Master Salvage Kits will usually cover your salvage needs as far as rares or the occasional exotic goes.

How much gold do you spent in mystic forge.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


None. I throw my rare weapons from loot/bosses. That has netted me 2 precursors in the last 9 months and cost me no money in doing so.

No money?

What about the value of those rares? Would you have destoryed them otherwise?

It’s called opportunity cost.

We need this- a Bestiary and/or a Lore Book.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Love the idea. Let’s see what it does:


- provides easy access to game lore
- allows optional reading for those “boring” moments when waiting on someone, etc.
- could be coupled with multiple unlocks per enemy type. meaning a new minor way for people to “farm” up something
- new sorce of achievementpoints (if so desired)
- an efficient gap closer between game lore, personal story, enemys, etc.
- lots of lots of cool anet game art!
- no real balance issues since it’s a voluntary side system not part of the gameplay
- not to hard to code
- new exploration incentives

- the actual time of creating images (let’s hope for new ones) per lore entry might force the art department to run overtime
- all the text required would take some time typing up

That being said, make it happen! I think the pros far outweigh the cons. Never underestimate how much some people will go out of their way for cool lore. I highly doubt though that anet have the time for something like this pre HoT release, but maybe after alongside SAB or so.

Free Trail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


While I love the idea of a free trial, I feel like the current new game experience and progress would do more harm than good if limiting players to anything below level 40.

Level 10 – insane, you have near nothing in form of skills or customization. Most people would get horribly turned off.

Level 20 – almost as bad as 10, just slightly better. Still lacking a lot of customization.

Level 30(31) – Finally you can get a complete set of skills down and things get interesting. Due to the lack of hero points, not all skills could get learned, but a base amount of skills would entice new players to try out more.

Level 40 – maybe a tad to far, but you do get 1 trait line to see how that works, and all of your slots. Gameplay has also reached a very authentic feel to how the game would progress futher.

What anet could do is limit the trial to level 35-40 and give it a 1 week timer or so. As with all trials all access to guilds, trading post, chat, mail, etc. would have to get limited severly (aka disabled).

I want nerf to waterfield blast finishers.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I’ve have not 1nce seen players demand healing or tank gear to get nerfed.

You are pulling this statement out of no where (to not get more explicid). Most arguments are usually just “nerf zerker so I can use gear xyz”.

But you are indeed opposed in a change that would make healing power scale better, at the cost of a worse base healing.
Because you feel entitled to have good healing skills and defensive skills (without investing in healing and defensive stats) while retaining your dps.

I never said I was opposed to the healing scaling getting changes (while I do believe it would not solve the current situation but instead cause way more new problems under the current game design, but that is a different disscussion). What I said was that I haven’t seen people actively screeming for nerfs to defensive stats while the nerf zerker crowd is very vocal. You putting words in my mouth does not change this fact.

I also do not feel entitled. In a good fractal 50 run I don’t have to heal even once, so my healing skill power is quite moot to me thanks to active defenses and my player skill allows me to go maximum damage.

Not sure what you mean with active defences sacling with defensive stats. Please elaborate. Should my dodge on zerker gear not make me immune, my reflect only reflect part of the damage? If so, where is the cutoff?

I would rather tie endurance regeneration to a defensive stat (toughness, for example) and some skill effects to other. Like, make endure pain absorb vitality*X damage, or something like that.
So that they end up having active uses, unlike now. And by being active, they can also have skillful uses.

Sounds good. Let’s do that. How about you write up a detailed idea and submit that. There is a post on how to give good feedback and suggestions at the top of this forum, get the guidlines there and get to work.

I’m sure anets balance team will love for someone to take some workload off of them.

The only result would be, players find the next highest minimum of defensive stats absolutely required, and go rest damage. Hence a new zerker meta is born.

See, i don’t care a bit about the meta. A meta will always be there, after all.
But i would like to see less disparity in the stats, at least as long as gear provides them in equal numbers.
What’s the point of stats like healing power, if it scales badly on purpose, it has to compete with stats that scale far better and it is given in the same quantity of them?
Opportunity costs dictate to get other stats instead, then.
Why bother with defensive stats, if the game provides defensive skills that are completely independent from them?
Would you think it would be logical if we had skills that don’t depend from offensive stats but that would still do tons of damage? Well, it wouldn’t make sense, obviously. But the same goes for the active defensive skills we’ve got so far.

Are you talking about pve only? Because what you just wrote is only true for pve and bogus for wvw or pvp.

There are reasons for why + healing power has a low scaling. In part that is due to the fact that toughness and healing power synergise quite well. You can’t just adjust one stat based on a feeling. It would completely throw the other game modes out of balance (pvp and wvw).

What you are looking for is content that requires or demands other stats. Nothing you want or ask for will get made possible by just changing some values of scaling without breaking the game horribly in its current state.

In GW1 anet eventually split skills for pve and pvp. Here they are okay with the fact that certain stats are useless in certain game modes, while others are more sought after. Deal with it.

Minimum Upbidding

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Going to put this here since some people still seem to not understand or sufficiently think about the main differences:

Trading post =/= auction house!

Both are very different with different set of rules and mechanics of how they work. Please consider this when writing responses (ideally try to figure out what the differences are and how they might affect behavior befor posting).

I want nerf to waterfield blast finishers.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Yeah, but unfortunately the people who want to play that way (with that kind of stats) also demand 10 minute clear times on par with full zerker groups. Some people want not only the cake, but the plate as well.

One could say the same about zerkers – they want the same healing and defense of people who invest stats in those, while retaining their high dps.

What about making active defenses scale over defensive stats?
Since offensive skills already do that, after all.
That at least would make it so that people using defensive stats have to skillfully play to reap from their stat choice (obviously, some reduction of the efficency of the passive effect of the stat would have to be implemented as well to balance it).

I’ve have not 1nce seen players demand healing or tank gear to get nerfed.

You are pulling this statement out of no where (to not get more explicid). Most arguments are usually just “nerf zerker so I can use gear xyz”.

Not sure what you mean with active defences sacling with defensive stats. Please elaborate. Should my dodge on zerker gear not make me immune, my reflect only reflect part of the damage? If so, where is the cutoff?

The only result would be, players find the next highest minimum of defensive stats absolutely required, and go rest damage. Hence a new zerker meta is born.

No tank, No healer, No trinity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Anybody that has ever looked at one of the meta builds should know right away that it isn’t about raw damage, it is about bringing the most to the party while still doing a lot of damage.

There is nothing wrong in caring only about damage, but still, you are only caring about damage. It’s ok, it’s the gw2 trademark, but it’s also a quite disappointing experience.

I’ve already pointed out that it isn’t about raw damage. To deny reality and live in your own world where you’re right is childish and wrong.

A grand example is Phalanx Strength warriors. Prior to June 23rd they did way less damage than pure DPS warriors. But they were still preferred because they were better for the party as a whole. Instead of more selfish direct damage utilities they’d bring banners, they’d bring might, they’d bring vulnerability.

It isn’t about raw damage it is about the party.

It’s about party damage. You aren’t talking about weakness, blinds, stuns, or controls.
They are not needed.
You aren’t talking about regeneration, aegis, or stability.

They are not needed (except for skips, maybe).

You are talking about:
Party Damage.
PS= party damage.
DPS =personal damage.

currently it’s the least common multiplier of the game.

And I’m ok with them not being needed, I’m less ok with them not having a place in PvE because things dies before they are useful. i.e. before stamina is drained, healing skills are on cd, and personal blocks have been used.

Do you even understand what you suggest?

Increasing the length and/or lethality of combat in GW2 to the point that all the support skills are required (and no, relfects are not taken along only for damage, least not in high level fractals. stop arguing from noob dungeons that are 3 year old content) and your personal skills are required to survive an encounter, would up the demand for very select classes by a LOT.

Certain classes would not get taken a long at all any more.

Your right, none of the defensive skills are needed. Now please go run a fractal 50 without a guardian providing aegis, without an elementalist/thief providing aoe blind, without reflects from mesmer or guardians.

Compare that to a group bringing all those things. Then come and tell me none of those are very useful. True, they aren’t required in dungeons or most open world content, because that content is way outdated. They aren’t required as in the run that takes 45 minutes with them, turns into 1.5-2 hours without them.

high level fractals only prolong the inevitable because most people are new to them, but since the core mechanics are the same as in dungeons, even there people will reach the point where they can just use some utility skills and dive in full zerker, simply because it’s the enemy AI that doesn’t require that kind of approach.

Increasing lethality is not the way go. Increasing complexity is the way to go.

- added in November 16th, 2012
- Fractured update in November 26th 2013

Fractals have been almost as long in the game as dungeons. They are certainly not new content.

Yes, fractals even at 50 are run in full zerker gear (at least I do on my guardian/mesmer). Especially due to that all the defensive skills are even more important. A solid soft trinity and classes that provide proper utility and group skills are a huge boon to every ones nerves and sanity.

I agree on the complexity part. It’s almost like how most enemys and bosses in fractals get new skills every 10 levels (that’s new skills, not only agony)?

I really hope anet makes some of the new content on par with fractal 50 difficulty (or even harder since this is on farm for people) but my guess is the resonance in the majority of players would be to ignore those aspects of pve or start complaining over the high difficulty.

No, they need to stop trying to cater to both types of players with the same content. You can’t have content that appeals to players that like high difficulty content and players that like casual content at the same time. They need to introduce hard mode. So that less organized or just less hardcore players can enjoy the casual modes and then hardcore or just more organized groups can do the hard modes and get better rewards for their effort.

That I can agree with. My last point was more aimed at people thinking they will suddenly thrive in hard content simply because anet changes around stats a bit.

No tank, No healer, No trinity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Anybody that has ever looked at one of the meta builds should know right away that it isn’t about raw damage, it is about bringing the most to the party while still doing a lot of damage.

There is nothing wrong in caring only about damage, but still, you are only caring about damage. It’s ok, it’s the gw2 trademark, but it’s also a quite disappointing experience.

I’ve already pointed out that it isn’t about raw damage. To deny reality and live in your own world where you’re right is childish and wrong.

A grand example is Phalanx Strength warriors. Prior to June 23rd they did way less damage than pure DPS warriors. But they were still preferred because they were better for the party as a whole. Instead of more selfish direct damage utilities they’d bring banners, they’d bring might, they’d bring vulnerability.

It isn’t about raw damage it is about the party.

It’s about party damage. You aren’t talking about weakness, blinds, stuns, or controls.
They are not needed.
You aren’t talking about regeneration, aegis, or stability.

They are not needed (except for skips, maybe).

You are talking about:
Party Damage.
PS= party damage.
DPS =personal damage.

currently it’s the least common multiplier of the game.

And I’m ok with them not being needed, I’m less ok with them not having a place in PvE because things dies before they are useful. i.e. before stamina is drained, healing skills are on cd, and personal blocks have been used.

Do you even understand what you suggest?

Increasing the length and/or lethality of combat in GW2 to the point that all the support skills are required (and no, relfects are not taken along only for damage, least not in high level fractals. stop arguing from noob dungeons that are 3 year old content) and your personal skills are required to survive an encounter, would up the demand for very select classes by a LOT.

Certain classes would not get taken a long at all any more.

Your right, none of the defensive skills are needed. Now please go run a fractal 50 without a guardian providing aegis, without an elementalist/thief providing aoe blind, without reflects from mesmer or guardians.

Compare that to a group bringing all those things. Then come and tell me none of those are very useful. True, they aren’t required in dungeons or most open world content, because that content is way outdated. They aren’t required as in the run that takes 45 minutes with them, turns into 1.5-2 hours without them.

high level fractals only prolong the inevitable because most people are new to them, but since the core mechanics are the same as in dungeons, even there people will reach the point where they can just use some utility skills and dive in full zerker, simply because it’s the enemy AI that doesn’t require that kind of approach.

Increasing lethality is not the way go. Increasing complexity is the way to go.

- added in November 16th, 2012
- Fractured update in November 26th 2013

Fractals have been almost as long in the game as dungeons. They are certainly not new content.

Yes, fractals even at 50 are run in full zerker gear (at least I do on my guardian/mesmer). Especially due to that all the defensive skills are even more important. A solid soft trinity and classes that provide proper utility and group skills are a huge boon to every ones nerves and sanity.

I agree on the complexity part. It’s almost like how most enemys and bosses in fractals get new skills every 10 levels (that’s new skills, not only agony)?

I really hope anet makes some of the new content on par with fractal 50 difficulty (or even harder since this is on farm for people) but my guess is the resonance in the majority of players would be to ignore those aspects of pve or start complaining over the high difficulty.

I want nerf to waterfield blast finishers.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


so much on healing power and tanky gear being useless.
if anything its too strong, it turns active combat into passive boring gameplay, because you can literally ignore everything and still win.

Yeah, but unfortunately the people who want to play that way (with that kind of stats) also demand 10 minute clear times on par with full zerker groups. Some people want not only the cake, but the plate as well.

I want nerf to waterfield blast finishers.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


This has the potential to set up a ‘requirement’ for dedicated healers, ie, those who sacrifice all damage to enable their allies to live longer and thus deal more damage (to make up for the damage the support cannot provide)

this in turn sets up a situation where people are forced to sacrifice their preferred playstyle in order to make play in any way possible. That’s not good design and i’m glad GW2 has never crossed that line.

Why i would like the healing power stat to be more useful and rewarding to those who choose to invest in it, i don’t think that this suggestion is a step in that direction.

as opposed to dedicated healers sacrificing their preferred playstyle and instead being forced to run zerker to be viable?

^ this.


lower base heals, increase scaling. i say for all skills, don’t limit it to just water field blasts

This is so funny to me. That’s like saying:“I want to be a healer in Diablo 3 or CS:GO.”

Notice how both of those games don’t have a holy trinity, hence no dedicated healers. Now take a guess what GW2 doesn’t have.

No one is forcing you to wear zerkers if you want to run a more party support heavy setup. The issue is that it’s just not required and that is based not on stats but how game mechanics work.

I used to love playing a priest in WoW, doesn’t mean I demand GW2 to have dedicated healers. The game is NOT designed around holy trinity.

The influx of players coming from other MMOs not being used to the soft trinity in GW2 (support,control,damage) wanting things changed so they can live in their holy trinity doesn’t help the matter. The game is simply not designed from the very ground up for this setup.

Now if you wanted to discuss GW3 and how anet should return to holy trinity, fine by me. Just accept it is not going to happen in GW2.

EDIT: on topic, water fields are getting used 99% of the time in WvW only. Changing stuff around there will result in 1 thing only (same as in other MMOs):“zerg with most healers wins”. I very much doubt the current WvW crowd will be very pleased.

The effect on PvE would be 0 atm.

i didn’t say this, i don’t want this. i hated gw1 moments where i didn’t have a monk in the team, so someone had to get kicked or changed. so, u r wrong that we are suggesting this.

i’ll make simple for u.

we have lots of stats in this game that u can spec gear for

power, ferocity, precision, condi dmg, healing pow, vitality, toughness

the current setup for heals, high base values, low coeffs, means that investing 1k pts in healing pow is not efficient. u are better off putting it in almost any other stat, cuz your incr in healing is negligible. but the lost dps is huge

so how can we make it so the stat is actually useful? condi dmg was largely useless in pve for most of the game. so, anet changed up the math a little. and now it has a better role. i think the argument here is to do something similar for healing power.

i dont’ think every1’s #6 should be reduced to the pt of unhelpful, but if someone invests stats to boost healing pow, that should be something they benefit from

I’ll make it even simpler for you. Simply changing some coefficient here and there won’t work.

Why? Because the problem with those stats not being needed is due to the AI in the game.


The variety of pvp and wvw specs that use stats that get shuned in pve. Reason? Oponents with a brain.

You want people to bring along more healing gear? Then ask for better AI.

Also, anet didn’t just “change up the math a little”. They basically redid the entire condition damage and damage over time mechanic from the ground up (and still managed to break the game in the process). To even suggest this change was thanks to some tweaking here and there is to insult months of work in balance and rework that anet had to put into the game.

No tank, No healer, No trinity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Anybody that has ever looked at one of the meta builds should know right away that it isn’t about raw damage, it is about bringing the most to the party while still doing a lot of damage.

There is nothing wrong in caring only about damage, but still, you are only caring about damage. It’s ok, it’s the gw2 trademark, but it’s also a quite disappointing experience.

I’ve already pointed out that it isn’t about raw damage. To deny reality and live in your own world where you’re right is childish and wrong.

A grand example is Phalanx Strength warriors. Prior to June 23rd they did way less damage than pure DPS warriors. But they were still preferred because they were better for the party as a whole. Instead of more selfish direct damage utilities they’d bring banners, they’d bring might, they’d bring vulnerability.

It isn’t about raw damage it is about the party.

It’s about party damage. You aren’t talking about weakness, blinds, stuns, or controls.
They are not needed.
You aren’t talking about regeneration, aegis, or stability.

They are not needed (except for skips, maybe).

You are talking about:
Party Damage.
PS= party damage.
DPS =personal damage.

currently it’s the least common multiplier of the game.

And I’m ok with them not being needed, I’m less ok with them not having a place in PvE because things dies before they are useful. i.e. before stamina is drained, healing skills are on cd, and personal blocks have been used.

Do you even understand what you suggest?

Increasing the length and/or lethality of combat in GW2 to the point that all the support skills are required (and no, relfects are not taken along only for damage, least not in high level fractals. stop arguing from noob dungeons that are 3 year old content) and your personal skills are required to survive an encounter, would up the demand for very select classes by a LOT.

Certain classes would not get taken along at all any more.

Your right, none of the defensive skills are needed. Now please go run a fractal 50 without a guardian providing aegis, without an elementalist/thief providing aoe blind, without reflects from mesmer or guardians.

Compare that to a group bringing all those things. Then come and tell me none of those are very useful. True, they aren’t required in dungeons or most open world content, because that content is way outdated. They aren’t required as in the fractal 50 run that takes 45 minutes with them, turns into 1.5-2 hours without them.

I want nerf to waterfield blast finishers.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


This has the potential to set up a ‘requirement’ for dedicated healers, ie, those who sacrifice all damage to enable their allies to live longer and thus deal more damage (to make up for the damage the support cannot provide)

this in turn sets up a situation where people are forced to sacrifice their preferred playstyle in order to make play in any way possible. That’s not good design and i’m glad GW2 has never crossed that line.

Why i would like the healing power stat to be more useful and rewarding to those who choose to invest in it, i don’t think that this suggestion is a step in that direction.

as opposed to dedicated healers sacrificing their preferred playstyle and instead being forced to run zerker to be viable?

^ this.


lower base heals, increase scaling. i say for all skills, don’t limit it to just water field blasts

This is so funny to me. That’s like saying:“I want to be a healer in Diablo 3 or CS:GO.”

Notice how both of those games don’t have a holy trinity, hence no dedicated healers. Now take a guess what GW2 doesn’t have.

No one is forcing you to wear zerkers if you want to run a more party support heavy setup. The issue is that it’s just not required and that is based not on stats but how game mechanics work.

I used to love playing a priest in WoW, doesn’t mean I demand GW2 to have dedicated healers. The game is NOT designed around holy trinity.

The influx of players coming from other MMOs not being used to the soft trinity in GW2 (support,control,damage) wanting things changed so they can live in their holy trinity doesn’t help the matter. The game is simply not designed from the very ground up for this setup.

Now if you wanted to discuss GW3 and how anet should return to holy trinity, fine by me. Just accept it is not going to happen in GW2.

EDIT: on topic, water fields are getting used 99% of the time in WvW only. Changing stuff around there will result in 1 thing only (same as in other MMOs):“zerg with most healers wins”. I very much doubt the current WvW crowd will be very pleased.

The effect on PvE would be 0 atm.

Minimum Upbidding

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Except its not finding a “proper” price for the item.
Those that put buy order do so because they know players are impatient and want to get $$ asap. The trade off for instant profit is buy orders being placed at amounts lower than what the item is worth. So when the sellers end up reaching this price due to the 1 copper spam; its not finding a proper price for the item but rather decreasing its actual value.

And your example (which btw were your intentions to try and make it look “complicated” because there is certainly no need for so many letters in the equation) doesnt even make sense. You cant outbid without placing a higher bet in the first place. So your argument of “not being able to leave x at 0” makes no sense. I mean i think i get what your trying to say, which is that making players pay a set price to outbid or undersell players is going to cause a chain reaction and lead to items being undersold or overpayed to a damaging degree. But that is literally what is happening right now and it is currently forcing players to increase/decrease their bids constantly because of it.

My intention was to give an example that works with any item or price mentioned instead of cherry picking an example that fits my agenda. If you think some letters instead of numbers qualifies as complicated, you have a world of hurt comming at you if you every try to do any type of calculations that resemble math. But you are correct, the xample given was very simple, because the entire concept of a trading post is not complex.

Glad you think you understand. Let me clarify so you actually understand. No, the 1 copper over/under bid is NOT the same as a minumum bid price. Far from it.

Example 1 (as is):

Someone using the trading post has 2 options:

- place an item bid equal to what the current maximum/minumum bid for said item is
- place an items bid higher/lower than the current maximum/minimum bid for said item

Example 2 (with minimum bid increase):

- place an item bid modified by the required minimum increase or more

Example 1 and 2 not only differ in the amount that the bid changes (which as I said already would increase volatility and not fix the problem of getting outbid at all). But both situations also differ in that Example 1 allows for prices not to change while the supply to the market gets increased while Example 2 does not. That is a HUGE difference. Simply stating it’s not is simply false.

No tank, No healer, No trinity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Here’s how i’ve always interpreted the devs on this issue.

1. They never restricted roles or the trinity.
2. They wanted all roles to be viable to get groups faster, so players wouldn’t have to wait for a Tank or Healer to join.

That’s it. Anyone who has followed GW2 before it’s launch would have known this.

100% true.
This is what I’m afraid they’re going back on and if they do it’ll be a huge mistake.

Mandatory roles for content will be a very big issue that will destroy the delicate LFG situation we have now even more.

There isn’t much difference in waiting for a “Tank” or “Healer” than waiting for that PS Warrior, the Staff DPS Ele, the Guardian with the reflects or the Thief with the team stealth. “Pro” groups already have mandotory roles

I can’t remember the last time I waited 30 minutes to get a dungeon group in GW2. That is quite common practice in WoW for damage dealers.

Also you fail to understand 1 central difference. Having the game mechanics require certain classes is in no way equal to having players demand certain classes due to speed or ease of clearance.

Running a dungeon in a traditional MMO in general will not work without a healer and a tank. In GW2 any content can be cleared with almost any class and skill setup, it just varies in difficulty and speed.

Minimum Upbidding

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


You can not make “the right bid” in this games current trade house. Literally every time something is put on the trade house be it bids for buying or selling it is almost always immediately outbid or undercut by someone else for 1 copper. And this continues endlessly. That means that no matter what number you make up to sell or bid on an item, it will never “be the right bid”. The only items that are not affected by this issue are the ones in high demand (which is pretty much only crafting materials). That is a problem. The trading system in this game is not anywhere near balanced.

Heres an example of what currently goes on with it:

Item A is listed on the trade house for 10 gold.
I put item A on the trade house for 9 gold. (1 gold less should be good right?)
Immediately after, someone puts item A on the trade house for 8.9 gold
Immediately after that someone puts item A on the trade house for 8.8 gold
Immediately after that someone puts item A on the trade house for 8.7 gold
This continues endlessly or until an item is being sold for the same price as people are placing buy orders. The next day or sometimes even in the next few hours item A can now be as low kitten and my original listing can be behind thousands of other orders forcing me to pull my item off and start over.

This is part of the reason why prices on items fluctuate so often and so dramatically and that is not good for the trading system.

Edit: the “kitten” was five gold with the number and letter g. Not sure why that is bleeped out lol

If your example were true, no trades would ever happen.

Your example is just an example of the market finding the correct pricing for your item. The fact that you have no knowledge or information on what the “correct” pricing might be has no meaning to the market. You yourself explained how the market will find the correct pricing by continously closing the gap between buy and sell orders. In general some research (there are enough websites with trading post data out there, also experience will be a big part. for example knowing the relationship of ecto price to most goods help a lot) will allow a person to figure out an aproximation of a price for an item.

The lower the Sell price drops, the more people drop out who are willing to sell at that price, while at the same time more people willing to buy the item increases. Simple supply and demand affected by pricing. This is how the TP works for 99% of all goods.

Now there might be some items with such a low trade volume that volatility might be a problem. Expensive precursors for example have low trade volumes of less than 100 per day. Here you are left with either babysitting your orders or fullfilling sell/buy orders.

Finaly you complained that you might get outbid by 1c to find thousands of and item be placed infront of your order. Let’s take this example and just mentaly think about what would happen with fixed minimum bids:

- you place a bid for item ABC for price YZ in the trading post
- player A you and lists the item at price YZ + X (X now not being able to be 0 and being bigger than 1c)
- result = item bid is now YZ + X

- Now the player B comes along and outbids player A again not being able to leave X at 0. result = item bid is now YZ +X +X

It’s very clear that X now creates a bigger volatility since the minimum price increase increments are bigger. This creates huge spikes in both ways, in general not good for a market.

Worst of all, you now limit the amount of people able to list their items since you are now unable to list at same price and are FORCED to increase/decrease your bid. This reduces supply of both buy and sell orders on the TP. Again, NOT GOOD!

gold sellers [suggestion]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


instead of fighting gold sellers, maybe anet could have an authorize gold seller deal that would authorize and allow other gold sellers to sell gold and in return give commission to anet or some other kind of return.

And why would they do that?

We have gem → gold conversion. Why would arenanet put something in the game that competes with their own version of gold redistribution for real $$$.

You make no sense.

What they should do is more aggressively remove gold seller gold AFTER it has been bought. Put some of those gold buying accounts into negative gold. That works wonders in EvE Online.

No tank, No healer, No trinity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Since a lot here probably won’t bother clicking the link. lol Colin’s quote from Reddit:

“I think some of my point was either misunderstood or lost here, in particular reading Nikes comments on the youtube section so I’ll try and clarify more simply:

We like the way combat works right now, we really don’t plan to change it much other than add more options with elite specs. It works the way we intended: you can play control, support, and DPS actively. To folks who prefer to define by the holy trinity, Gw2 doesn’t force you to pick one of the three from heal, tank, or DPS and only do that – it blends a mix depending on your build and allows you to actively swap roles or soft play between roles. Our goal was to remove the forced singular role per you’re locked into, people often mistake this as saying gw2 has no trinity elements, that isn’t true – we just don’t believe in a forced role per for Gw2 for the reasons I covered in the live stream.

That said the point I really wanted to make in the live stream was the issue with the combat system in PvE isn’t the combat system. It’s that the mobs and encounters we have provided so far very rarely allow/encourage you to make use of the combat system as intended. There are some exceptions, but one of our goals with HoT is to help allow more room for players to experience the full range of the combat system in PvE. From the common world mobs up to the challenging group content we will talk about later, we are asking our design team to design encounters in PvE more focused on using the system we have built.
Hope that helps a bit! – CJ"

I hope what they’re bringing out in HoT is what he’s talking about.

Going to quote this since again, many might not have read it or skipped it.

With that clarification out of the way, is there any reason to keep discussing this point? Clearly the OP (and some other trinity lovers) missunderstood something.

Typing to delete is obnoxious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Your anoyance level < thousands of manhours saved or reduced in customer service billing due to accidental item destruction

Sorry, the world is an unfair place.

So is Anet going to ignore these problems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Anet is never ignoring problems. They are professionals and they are working on a schedule. Game breaking fixes are highest priority and those will be fixed first. The changes introduced with june 23rd patch is a well thought bussiness decision, prepared for a long time. They changed some things about game mechanics with trait merging and rebalancing and this is for us players to discover new solutions with current system. It’s like discovering the game as a new player. I love this!

Oh really? Then tell me why it’s two years since they said they would fixed necro minion ai, and it still is bugged exactly the same as then. Pretty sure when your entire skill bar stands 600 feet from you and never attacks, it’s gamebreaking.

There are MANY bugs from release that are still in the game, and have simply NEVER been fixed. I wish I had open ended deadlines for extremely important things in my line of work, but I don’t have that luxury, I have polished products to market.

I don’t know, maybe those things you consider bugs are not bugs? If there are real problems I’m sure it’s on their list. Those are professional, educated employees, they know what they are doing.

So it’s not a bug that the AI is genuinely broken and has been for years, with Anet comments on it. Got it. You are blinded by your fandom.

Listen, the best example of why your call to arms is a non-issue is Condition Stacking. Since launch, it was broken. Anet heard us and repeatedly told us that they were working on fixes to condition damage pretty early on, but like you, people believed that Anet was sitting on their hands for years doing nothing. Low and behold, years later, we have a fix for condition stacking.

Was it a week, two weeks, or even a month after the initial reports from players that this got fixed? No way. It took over 2 and a half years. Are there other bugs since release that still aren’t fixed? You betcha! As someone pointed out earlier, Anet has their own priorities for when to resolve bugs and balance stuff which will usually conflict with when we want them fixed (Now!). In addition to that, the bugs/balance issues that you and others have problems with, in all likelihood, do not have easy or obvious answers. Even if they did, Anet’s own internal release schedule may delay releasing a fix/balance/correction. So, you have pointed out things you and others have problems with. Great! They probably already know about them and will probably just push out a fix when its ready™.

Wow it takes years to make non stacking conditions stack AND increase the stack cap? Bravo, encor. Oh they are doing a stellar job with balance, just take a look at the PvP section, every one RAVES about how balanced the game is, the top players themselves RAVE about how balanced everything is after years of careful changes. I grasp the point you are trying to convey, the issue with that is, well, plainly obvious.

First you complain that anet didn’t implement stacking conditions and condition stack caps fast enough, Then you complain about balance. Have you ever considered that both of those are related?

Either they revamp the system which means more than just adjusting some numbers here and there but redesigning the entire thing, or they change stuff wthout testing at all. Here is a hint, had they just increased condition stacks on enemys without the rest of the adjustments, this game would be hell of more unbalanced.

The fact that after such a major change some rebalancing needs to be done is natural.

Can’t have it both ways.

EDIT: and no it did not take “years” to implement any of this. The actual implementation probably took 6 months tops. Now the realisation and desire to change the system, that might have taken longer. Then again going by your posting history you have been playing GW2 on and off, so what do you care? (that is besides going on the forums and spreading bad mood because you might be bored with the game again?)

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

So is Anet going to ignore these problems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Actually besides the first P/P problem I talked about, the other problems are things I have heard over and over again by other people. They aren’t really MY opinions, because I don’t share their experiences.

Ignoring the fact that your problems are more suggestions or personal dislikes of the directions anet is taking the game:

This is the first time I’ve read or heard of any of those, and I’m a forum regular. Then again I do not read necro and thief forums everyday so I might have missed something.

Race change on gem store/black lion chest?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


The difficulty of implementing this has already been discussed, by the looks of things.

I’m going to quote Astral Projections again here- this topic has been discussed many times and I think Astral’s summary on A-net’s views is perfect.

ANet so far has said no.

Race changes:
1) I am afraid that the team does contemplate different possibilities and new features for the future but this one is not among those. Source
2) There are a lot of far-reaching consequences of allowing one character to play through every race’s personal story or equip any cultural armor/weapons. For now, we feel that it would take away from the experience of Guild Wars 2 for the majority of players. Source
3) Thanks for asking. To change the race in the Gem store will not be an option in Guild Wars 2. Source

Feel free to browse the links.

I also want to add that it’s probably more profitable for A-net if people have multiple character slots on their account for different races and professions. This means that a player has multiple places to develop a character’s aesthetic and as a result, a player is more likely to buy more outfits and armours from the gem-store. Moreover, levelling a new character incentivises the purchase of convenience items, such as the infinite gathering tools, salvage-o-matic and boosters.

So, even if race change was possible to implement and even if the cost of a “race changer item” covered the cost of its development, it still won’t necessarily be a profitable move for A-net.


Awful Female Human Heavy Armor Art Design

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Thank god taste in looks is subjective, and your is very heavily driven by sexualization.

Believe it or not, there are many who enjoy the fact that armor actually looks like armor and not some dress or skirt thrown over.

The new Training and no 'reset' ability

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Also, bear in mind not everyone power levels their toons to 80 using swaps in dungeons or whatever dodgy way is now the norm.

Not sure if serious. Are you really pulling the “you are not playing the game right” card in a game where:

- day 1 crafting allowed to hit 80 within 3-4 hours
- instant level 20 and level up tomes are provided a plenty
- leveling via Edge of the Mists is very fast
- experience is basically thrown at you for just walking around (I went and hit level 17 with a character in the past by only exploring the starter areas without having to kill even 1 mob)

The new Training and no 'reset' ability

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


While I understand the new system inconveiences people who are leveling, let’s objectively look at this in level ranges for when the patch hit:

- level 1-15 : not affected really.

- level 16-31: slightly affected, didn’t have that much hero points to begin with. WIll clear up by the time you hit 40-50. Not being able to get the elite you want is likely the worst aspect here.


Let me clear that up for you. At level 20+ you are locked into a trait line that you did not want, and that you cannot change or unlock another until level 31 (or is it 41?), along with a random bunch of unlocks that you also weren’t aiming for. Even then, you are a whole traitline behind until the system catches up with you at 80.

You cannot change these until you hit 80.

If you play guard or warrior you probably won’t notice (spam 1’rs generally don’t) but for the squishier classes being locked out of the trait line you actually wanted for your character for your playstyle isn’t so much fun.

Also, bear in mind not everyone power levels their toons to 80 using swaps in dungeons or whatever dodgy way is now the norm.

Still, they made the decision based on what was easiest for them rather than what players might actually want (you know, things like ‘choice’ or ‘build diversity’) and they won’t bother offering anyone affected any chance to repair their toons.

Incorrect. You are not “locked out of anything”. You might have gotten traits bought that you did not want to use, yes.

Solution, buy traits in a line you want to use and change the specialization. And no, you are not a full trait line behind since you do not have the hero points to buy an entire trait line in those level ranges. Unless you got every single Hero point in the starter areas and ignored almost every thing else, otherwise you’d be higher level with more skills.

I just finished leveling another twink to 80 from 1 with the new system. Stop trolling, it’s not that big of a deal.

The only argument, and a fair one, is from people who enjoy the process of leveling so much that it’s borderline OCD. In wich case deleting and restarting is a solution.

You are literally taking a fly and turning it into an elephant. I can’t help but imagine, if you had spent all this time arguing on the forums instead on fixing your characters and playing them, you’d have been able to get past this problem.

EDIT: just for referance, here is the list of gain per level

You get exactly 60 Hero points by level 30. That is by far not enough to buy all the traits in a class trait line (most cost 60-80). This would require to not get ANY skills at all, which is highly unlikely.

The next 10 levels provide 46 Hero points (31-40) so by mid 40s you’ll have recovered the amount of missplaced hero points. Notice how the gain of hp increases as you keep leveling (as was mentioned by me).

I stand by what I said, the biggest impact would be not getting the desired elite at 31, which is unfortunate, but not game breaking.

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

Infusions and HOT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


While they have stated the Ascended gear is the definite top tier for gear progression, they haven’t said anything about the progression of infusions lately. Infusions are clearly another avenue for unlimited progression.

Infusions provide a reward for top tier players who have very limited options to spend excess resources while the incremental improvements are too small for lower tier players to worry about.

Where do you see infusions going with HOT? Do you think they will take this opportunity to improve and expand the infusion system?

Personally, I’m waiting to infuse anything else before we get more info. Infusions serve two main purposes currently: agony resists and stat improvements. We’ve seen the agony infusion increased to 15 and many are expecting advances coming to FOTM with an FOTM-specific mastery track and a possible increase to FOTM levels.

It’s easy to speculate the FOTM mastery to provide an exclusive NPC merchant to sell more infusions (Fractal Attunement Mastery—Recursive Resourcing). Alternately, the FOTM mastery could provide an innate account-based agony resist that would remove the need to slot AR, and open up those slots for more stat improvements (Fractal Attunement Mastery—Agony Channeler). Other FOTM masteries could remove the Mistlock Singularity debuff from you (Fractal Attunement Mastery—Mistlock Singularities, Essential Singularities, Hyperactive Singularities).

Rings and back pieces can be infused for an additional infusion slot, but that infused tier has never been offered for amulets and accessories. Armor and weapons could even be infused for a second slot as well, though unlikely.

Currently, stat infusions cap at 5, but as agony was increased from 5 to 15, it’s possible for stat increases to be treated similarly. I’d expect another kitten storm if stat infusions increased to 15 considering what happened when ascended (and all other gear level) stats were increased with the recent patch. Boosting stat infusions which already cost as much or more than the armor pieces themselves would bring about another mutiny.

On the other side of things, when you have enough gold and you’re already fully ascended, there really is not much left in the game on which to spend your resources..

Just a minor correction. The agony infusion have not been increased to +15. They have been increased to +30 (actually I think infinite, not sure though), but anything past rank 15 is highly unlikely due to cost.

That being said, it is much more intersting with what anet calculate “desired” or achievable ar. This is currently at +5 and might increase to +10 (meaning you can achieve required ar by sloting +5 resitance in all slots and use +10 or higher to cover for items not having ar).

The ideas with fractal mastery sound interesting. Guess we will have to wait and see what anet are planing.

Stat combo: power, ferocity, condition damage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


too true but back to my comment,i explained why it most likely going to be “op” with the way rangers can trait now we can easly go with 0% crit hits and end up with 50% upkeep of opening strikes which will 100% crit always.

and that plus power, ferocity , condi damage just gives ranger even more power Higher than the current Zerker , because they will gain a lot of condi damage for free.

now add in the factor of the pet which can be traited to do Longer bleeds+pets attacks cause bleeding also while your crits gain the pet might , by using Wilderness , Marksman and beastmastery.

its not just one set of traits adding this to the game will give any class the Benifit of extra condi damage without giving up somthing else because precision can be replaced through traits though the choice of weapons would be limited.

but down to its core is , its a power creep with the current traits.

now imagine Burning Guardain with P,F,C stats and trinkets of P,P,C(rampager)

unless you propose a counter Stat set to P,F,C.
for example

V,H,C extra hp , higher healing power to counter a good portion of DoT’s and Condi stat as those work strongly vs glass builds due to most having low Hp it DoT’s on the V,h,c set are effective while using CC’s.

Okay, so let me just understand you correctly, you want to use a greatsword to grant you a chance on fury, that will give you a garanteed crit on you’re next attack? And you want to do it while building full glass? If you got the skill to stay alive when running that then go for it! XD ‘m really not interested in an argument in theory crafting, but I will say this, this exploit that you are talking about, it’s in the game right now, a ranger can right now go power toughness ferocity, or power vitality ferocity effectively having zerker damage while being tanky at the same time. Also I assume that you’ll need some other condition applying utility skills, since relying only on your pet to apply condtions would be pretty ineffective, and the greatsword doesn’t have any conditions on it. So basically, you’ll be forced to stay melee, or else you’ll loose all the benefits you get from ferocity, and you’ll need to take at least one or two condition applying utility skills, or else you’re condition damage output will be pretty weak, which will leave you with only one or two defensive utilities. All in all you’ll be SUPER squishy, but yes your damage will be “OP”. But here’s the thing, you’ll need a MASSIVE amount of skill to be able to stay alive long enough to use this build effectively, and if you have the skill to that….well, that’s exactly what it I was getting at before, 90% of this game is skill XD.

marksman,skirmishing,beastmastery/nature magic.
Remorelsess + fury sources = 100% crit chance from opening strikes which means you only need 15-20% crit hits to maintain a good amount of damage between fury application.

Bleeds on skirmishing + PFC gear = more extra damage for ranger because he is now able to take condi stats without sacrificing.
pets will sustain those bleed stacks untill the Ranger tops it up increasing the stack size.

rangers are not like other classes they can making the impossible possible through theory crafting and desgining builds effectively and also what my comment was " against the idea and only proposed a Counter Balance" and once again people are only focusing on the Damage protion of the the Exploit? i didn’t even mention a exploit.. its not a Exploit , grab your ranger and try again.

I’m not going to argue with you, you think it’ll be op, I think it’ll be just like any other build. Thank you, have a nice day

The years of “nerf zerker” threads in the forums and mentality behind people there begs to differ.

A new stat combination can very well be “overpowered”. We currently have 25 stat combinations, and only some very few are considered “viable”.

As mentioned, many classes have ways of achieving high or at least intermediate crit ranges without any precision.

This is much less a pvp stat disscussion than a pve one. And there highest damage wins. Period.

Transform abilities should allow utility use

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I think the thread could be useful if people would comment on it. I never see anyone use transforms so clearly they are unpopular. If nobody bothers to say why they don’t use them, it doesn’t even matter how much detail I go into in the first place.

I guess my point is if it turns out nobody cares about transforms (ie. nobody comments) then it would be a huge waste for me to go into detail in my OP.

But that is not how disscussions work. Don’t have other people bring arguments to a disscussion you have not provided with any substance.

If you want something changed, put in the work to explain why that would be a good idea. Why should others put in work when you yourself can’t even bother.

You could just aswell open a topic stating every player should receive 50 free ectos daily, I’m sure many would agree. Doesn’t make it a good or worthwhile Idea to discuss though.

This nails it.

Most Stable Currency

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Let’s say I was to transform all my gold into a certain item and stock it. Which one would you pick?

Keeping a lot of gold on you don’t always seem like a good idea as the price of items seem to constantly increase making your gold worth less and less as the months pass. So which item would you bet on?

Your assumption is only correct if there were constant inflation. While that is the case in some aspects of the game, anet does keep prices well balanced. Most changes price wise are due to changes in supply and demand from changing circusmtances.

For example anet adding an ecto gamble and new ways to reroll ascended armor made ectos more desirable. This price change had little to do with inflation.

Thus if you are asking for people to give advice on a commodity that keeps or rises in value to counter inflation (which as mentioned is barely noticable) you are effectively asking for investment advice. Something not many will share freely.

The best advice so far has been:

In general, I wouldnt advise you to bet only on one horse but to diversify your investment. That way you are more likely to see a return of investment, whenever you come back.

It would also depend on how much gold you want to spend and how long.

Are you taking a 2 month break or a year? Or are you planning on investing all your gold now, keep on playing and sell some of your stocked items whenever you need money?

No one commodity will fullfill your desired result.

The new Training and no 'reset' ability

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


While I understand the new system inconveiences people who are leveling, let’s objectively look at this in level ranges for when the patch hit:

- level 1-15 : not affected really.

- level 16-31: slightly affected, didn’t have that much hero points to begin with. WIll clear up by the time you hit 40-50. Not being able to get the elite you want is likely the worst aspect here.

- level 32- 45: probably the worst off since you are right in the middle of the leveling process. Hard times, agreed. Not having the 2 trait lines you want will be the biggest gripe.

- level 46-59: not as bad off as the earlier tier since you likely got some useful things unlocked unless you’ve been really unlucky. Still the 2nd tier from getting screwed over wise.

- level 60-79: serisouly? you are probably 5-10 hours from hitting 80 away anyway. Inconvenience, sure. Gamebreaking? No. Also the high amount of hero points gained the last few levels allows for corrections.

- level 80: non issue.

As mentioned, this is a problem that will correct itsself over time. I find people funny who delet mid level characters over this. The time you lose to relevel could have been spent finishing your toon and getting the skills/traits you want. To each his own I guess. Gaining skills/traits at low levels does take a lot longer compared to the old skill system though. Seems a lot of people miss that point.

Condi patch, Berserker still

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


The whole reason for the 23 June patch was to make condition build more appealing. Yes, that was the impression given to us. or at least everyone had hoped it was.
Sadly, it didn’t. the meta is still Berserker and even more Berserker.
I was leveling a new Mesmer to test out a condition dmg only build. While it did better in killing stuff. I saw others that could kill a normal mob in just a few hits still. While I had to dump condis like crazy on the same very mob and took longer to kill. And at world bosses, even with a 4 level 80s in a party, I could not get enough dmg to qualify for a champ bag from the boss (Frozen Maw, Fire Shaman..etc). Yes, I know that event scale up because it was a 100+ players at the world boss, still I was thinking would have have been credited to get the champ bag if I had been using berserkers?

I am not asking for a Condi = Berserker thing. That would be too absurd. The condi patch did make condi better a bit, but it wasn’t that appealing that I would drop the berserker for condi.

Granted, I hope the next patch fixes most of the problems facing now, and we will see if condi is really worth the time & effort to invest into it.

A.) a lot of people are waiting out a couple of patches and a lot of balance changes before commiting to building up new sets of gear. I know I do. Not everyone will be up and running condition damage the moment it becomes viable.

Which leads me to to: Yes, people who have their zerker gear are trying out new builds and in all zerker has become stronger (while condition damage has become borderline broken on some classes, as in overpowered)

B.) your leveling mesmer… cool story bro. To bad no one cares. My 2nd guardian that I played up in the last week post patch with condition gear did fine, even better than with direct damage.

C.) the amount fo damage needed to tag world bosses is so low, I doubt you are telling the whole story. Hell my friend on his lvl 22 thief with blue/green condition damage gear from level 20 taged all 4 events at shamen without problems (even though he took over a 1 year break and this was his first time playing since then). I highly doubt direct vs condition damage was your problem here.

Bad first impression to new players??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


For those thatthink levelling takes to long : my first char ever in this game i lvld within 7 days to 80 (a few months ago) , my last one i lvld in 4 days. Doesn’t take a genius, just some common sense.

Leveling can not take to long and still be boring. What people are complaining about is that the game does not pull new players in the same way it did pre NPE.

The reviewer in that video might not have been an einstein and his pewdiepie like cuts were more anoying than entertaining, but he did touch on some valid points.

Even the shortest leveling curve won’t do if people lose interest after 2 hours.

HoT Paid or Free?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Necroed an unecessary thread to agitate a topic that has been dealt with mostly. Reported.

There’s no rule against necroing threads.

Let’s check the Code of Conduct shall we and see if this necro violates some points in there?

1.) Read the forum before asking a question. There’s a good chance your question has already been answered.

2.) Use the search function before posting. This will focus the discussion and facilitate a response.

3.) Do not spam. This includes bumping threads or making posts that lack content.

4.) Be respectful. Be pleasant to forum members, staff members, and moderators.

5.) Do not submit “trolling” posts or threads. We define “trolling” as commenting in a manner intended to elicit overly strong negative and emotional responses for mere shock value, attempting to derail threads, persistently posting off-topic, or engaging in personal attacks on another forum member. Accounts made with the sole intent to “troll” will be terminated. (picking up the most rage filled topic from the last 2 weeks, check)

6.) Do not make alternate forum accounts. Users are permitted one account per person. Alternate accounts will be terminated, and users involved in creating alternate accounts will be subject to discipline at the discretion of the moderator staff. (first post necroing a thread from 5 months ago on a hot topic? Sure)

7.) All forum content is permitted or removed at the discretion of ArenaNet.

On that note, I really hope whoever used his alt account did not login both his main and alt via the same IP (then again some people are that stupid). And if they did, give the main nice 3 day temp ban off the forums with some infraction points (and the alt a perma ban) . Should clear things out.

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

HoT Paid or Free?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Necroed an unecessary thread to agitate a topic that has been dealt with mostly. Reported.

Signet of Inspiration please make it stop!!!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I’m going quite insane listening to my character’s buff lines over and over and over. I’m playing on mute now, but would really love it if something could be done to limit it when using this Signet.

Or they could just add a toggle for this kind of banter. I know a lot of people would love to toggle this on or off. I know a friend of mine just can’t play humans since the “I can outrun a centaur” line drives him insane.

Bad first impression to new players??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I think they need to completely repackage the personal story, and do it similar to season 2 of the living world. The story of GW2 really hit it’s stride in season 2 and stayed strong (mostly) throughout. The reasons for this are because they scrapped the side-by-side dialogues, and made use of recurring characters with meaningful interwoven plots. Also, each episode culminates in a dramatic, and relatively challenging boss fight with unique mechanics. The story is MUCH more satisfying when you feel like you’ve defeated a worthy foe. Most of the original personal story is full of trivial veteran enemies that die to auto-attack with little or no dodging, and no unique mechanics to speak of.

Yes, I really enjoyed the Season 2 story. They outdid themselves (yes I know opinions may vary, this one is mine) and you can notice that anet learned along the way. Things they did well with LS season 2 imo:

- recuring intersting characters with more or less own personalities (yes all of them were in Season 1, but this time around you actually connect more to them. Maybe this is also because I did all of it at once and didn’t do it step by step as in LS season 1).

- achievements and reason to replay the story parts. this did keep me interested for quite a while. great for achievements hunters and some of them were fun and challenging (especially when doing all of them not using exploits)

- the strong connections to GW1. Something many have waited for for ages. I hope anet expand on this, but don’t over do it. Building connections to GW1 should remain significant I believe

EDIT: Back on topic, GW2 struggles with the balance between not overwhelming new players with everythign all at once, and keeping people interested long enough to realize just how much there is to this game.

One of the worst changes imo is the weapon skills and their tie in to levels. Back pre NPE weapon skills were one of the few things you could “work towards” while having no utility skills or weapon swaps. At the same time, at level 30-40+ one enemy killed would unlock them instantly so it was no hassle to get a new weapon set up and ready. Now I just don’t feel the same amount of “progress” when I level up and the skill just unlocks.

Anet need to find a way to bridge the level 6-31 gap I believe, and a simple level up notification which everyone just clicks away just doesn’t do.

EDIT 2: locking personal story into such big chunks and to fixed levels was also not an ideal solution. Not going into detail here, WP did a very decent video on this topic.

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

Any MMOs similar to GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Mechanically GW2 is based on Warhammer Online (which died years ago). The next closest I can think of is TERA Online, which has a notability different, but also very movement oriented real time combat system. Its easily one of the best combat systems for an MMO to date…… enough so that I wish GW2 took a few cues for its own combat system.

The downside for TERA is it being very much a Korean MMO in every other aspect of the game. The combat is super fun, but you can see where they stuck with the classic RPG design. After playing GW2 you can see how both of these games got things right, and the places where they both didn’t do nearly enough.

I have to disagree. I played Warhammer Online in the first year and was like top 3 or 4 of Swordmasters on my EU UK server with renown rank 65 before quitting. The game was way more similar to WoW mechanics, gameplay and design wise.

The only thing slightly similar with GW2 is the Realm vs Realm, and even there GW2 shares more similarities with DAoC than WO.

EDIT: On topic, try TERA or ESOL. Both are f2p now I believe. FFIVX is also quite popular, but shares nothing with GW2 and is definately p2p.

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

The Robert Gee Appreciation Thread

in Mesmer

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Must place <3

Condi mesmer for WvW roaming

in Mesmer

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Hi folks – longtime no posting in this forum for me – I’ve been experimenting with other professions for a few months.

I was wondering if anyone has tried out something like this for roaming in WvW.

The signet seems like I should have swiftness at least 50% of the time, so swapping in focus every now and then should probably give me enough mobility.

Would love any feedback – thx!

Not going to comment on the build as a whole since I’m to tired to look through everything. I will comment though on the signet swiftness.

It’s more or less useless and/or anoying to slot. Since our focus 4 does not stack on top of swiftness boon you end up with 1 of 2 situations when the signet swiftness goes off:

A.) you have no swiftness and get 5 seconds of swiftness -> you can now not use your focus 4 and have to wait the swiftness boon out

B.) you’ve just used focus 4 for swiftness and the signet procs and adds 5 seconds on top of this. You are now left with waiting until you x+5 seconds of swiftness expire until you can reapply focus 4

In total I’ve found the signet to be more hassle than worth, but maybe I’m just missing something. This could easily be fixed if they made our focus 4 always add swiftness at least 1nce.

New Mimic + Chronomancer = op ?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Keep in mind that F5 will revert everything. Which means if you enter it without mimic being active, you will leave f5 with mimic not being active. Also, it is very likely that when you are phasing in F5, the skill will be in active state, meaning sig of ill will not reset it because the skill is still activating, technically. So, sig of ill will probably only affect F5 once i.e. two rounds of F5 or three with mimic.

F5->do whatever you want->F5 ends->Mimic->Sig of Ill-> F5 again -> do whatever you want-> F5 ends->Sig of Illl ->F5 one more time.

And btw… that smells like it’s gonna be OP already.

That would actually work, but I’m going to keep off on screaming OP until this actually gets tested. As is other classes have been getting some very powerful stuff, and while mesmer is quite strong in the burst and suprise department (just look at the amount of peope screeming mesmer nerf) we still lack a core spot in any pve group (especially with guardians now doing quickness better).

Any MMOs similar to GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Guild Wars 2 combines so many features that I like that it’ll be a nearly impossible act to follow, but I’m going to try anyway.

If it has what you want, then why?

Perhaps he just wants something new? Imagine having tacos every single day for a year. Wouldn’t you love to have something else that has meat, cheese, veggies, and a starch? Pizza comes to mind.

I have eaten Pizza everyday for the last year, I am so conditioned to it that sometimes I don’t even know how much of it I’ve eaten, but when I want some variety I cut it into 8 slices instead of 4, it keeps things interesting.

8 slice pizza?! Madness I say, MADNESS!!!

My last try... ArenaNet Please hear me out.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


No matter how good the idea is, I have to go with this:

They just took lord knows how long to make a major revamp to the trait system and you think they are going to pay any attention to your idea now? /facepalm

To believe any feedback this close to the release will get implemented in any timely fashion is ludicrous. That being said, I’m sure anet is recording the very best suggestions for future reference, or maybe they have their hands full with enough other stuff atm. Either way, don’t expect anything suggested going live for a LONG time, if at all.

Steep Decline of Engies followed by Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


No matter if I agree with your sentiment, taking this kind of bogus statistik is just sad.

It only gives people who want to deny class balance another step to stand on. You should feel ashamed and go back to highschool statistics before ever making another thread.

Here I’ll leave you with this meme since it adequately shows how much value your 6 game subjective statistic has:

How many characters do you have?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Total Characters: 9

- Mesmer 1– 80 (main)
- Guardian 2– 80,80 (main twink, fractals if mes isn’t desired)
- Necromancer 1– 80
- Ranger 1– 80
- Elementalist 1– 80
- Warrior 1– 80
- Thief 1– 80
- Engineer 1– 80

3 slots open for Revenant and any twinks/keyfarm I might want to do.

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


ANET – Would you please remove the limit per day each of these items are able to consume?

The conversion is limited so as to keep the influx of items generated via these converters to a minimum.

Lifting the limit would allow people to double dip reward wise infinately. You’d be getting the ascended mats while playing/farming and then get another batch of items on top of that via converters.

This kind of thing should never go unlimited/unchecked in an ingame economy.

You have ways to deal with ascended mats. Delete or refine them, or wait out the cds.

Guardian bug fix shows flaw in trait setup

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


This is not a thread complaining about Guards or Anet’s fixes. In fact, if Anet even reads this thread, I am not even trying to sound like many of the trait QQers out there. I’m just trying to point out a limit of the new trait setup and hope that it is something that is taken in consideration. When there are T3 traits that are lackluster, I am forced to take one of those traits, I cannot simply choose another T2 or T1 trait like we could in the old system.

New fix for the Guard was to temporarily disable symbolic avenger and I am OK with that. However I want to use the two other previous traits in that line too: Fiery Wrath , and Zealous Blades. That leaves me with two Grandmaster traits now Expeditious Spirit and Shattered Aegis. Both are not lucrative to me in the slightest. Since I am not taking spirit weapons (which I still don’t understand how they are useful in the slightest btw – it’s a garbage mechanic IMO) I’m left with the Aegis trait. That trait can be useful, but when I block an attack for damage is kind of unreliable, unless I use it with the shout: Retreat, but you removed Superior Aria too (and don’t get me started on that).

So what would be ideal for me with Symbolic Avenger disabled? I would double dip in T2. Since I am using radiance and have the minor trait that causes blindness, it would make sense to use both Zealous Blades (since I’m using GS) and Blinding Jeopardy. I know that by limiting one trait from each Tier makes thing much, much, much easier on your balancing/dev teams, but it limits us and removes creativity. There are so many times I have been trying to make new builds, and I find I’d like three lower tier options rather than the T3 options given to me. I understand that every skill has had careful considerations and testing, but some of your choices really make little or no sense. Maybe these skills are tested in environments that I don’t play in and then don’t see their full potential.

So, please consider, allowing us to choose multiple traits from lower tiers. Of course T3 would be limited to just 1 choice, but perhaps T2 gets up to 2 choices and T1 could get 3. It would restore some flexibility and creativity, while creating more work/frustrations on your balancing team I know. In an ideal world it would be nice to have more T1 and T2, but that would drive the OCD/symmetrically inclined people nuts, I know.

To the players: if you were not limited to 1 trait per tier, what would be your choices for your 3 traits and why? Knowing you could of course not choose more than 1 T3 trait.

I don’t see the flaw exposed in your argument. Anet disabling a buged trait has nothing to do with them splitting up traits into 3×3 tiers.

Now if the bug in Symbolic Avenger meant they had to disable all 3 GM traits, sure then you might have a point. But it doesn’t so your point is moot.

Also we are unfortuntaly still in a balance and bugfix phase (which is not desirable but to be expected after such a big patch/change). The fact that anet went out of their way to just deactivate the trait instead of just fixing it with the next content patch should show just how unbalanced and broken the trait was (still waiting on the engi grenade fix).

I play guardian as my main twink (and main dungeon/fractal runner for 50s) and I have to say, any player currently complaining about guardians state in the game should really take a step back. The class is already on the breaking pointof being totally unbalanced (FMW is way out there). If this small trait change gets you riled up, don’t be happy for the rebalance of some skills that are bound to happen.

EDIT: anet did actually disable the grenadier trait as well. going to keep the post as is since all it shows is them acting on game breaking things

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

Victory or Death missing from story journal

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Not a big deal, just tad anoying.

My guardian was on the last step of the personal story and after completing the Victory or Death mission solo today my story journal did not upgrade.

Huge parts of step 7 are missing too. Not sure how to reproduce this bug and my other characters (4 total with which I’ve completed the personal story) are fine (though I completed the personal story a long time ago on them).

My guardian:

- was created quite a while back (2 years maybe, not sure)
- had been played until about chapter 6 I think over a year back (before the entire change to the living story happened and stuff got taken out)
- finished up until the last step (Victory or Death) prepatch (about 3 months ago?)
- finished the Last mission and got rewards and everything post patch (yesterday 31.6.2015)

Thanks in advance.

Inspired Character Names!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


All of my characters have the name Tyr in them. I got the name from Breath Of Fire 1, it was the main of the end boss at the (which was actually a girl) but years later the changed it to Maria because Tyr was just a bad translation. However ive been using the name for almost 20 years now and almost legally had a name change (yep).

Tyr X I I I (tattood on me)
Tyr V I
Tyrannus Krogan (Mass Effect is King)
Tyrzamaeus Krogan
Aelia Valtyrie
Tyrael Stormbringer (my most used name in every mmo, though its usually Tyr Stormbringer)
Tyrael Worldwalker
Czar Tyr Boudabras (Boudabras is Elven for Chaos in the Demon Wars elf language)
Tyr Almighty
Tyr Above All (name ive been using the most recently)

and my one toon with a different name is Crypt The Immortal. The reason I made this is because my in game friend, CP, or Cee Pee, died last April 13th. He mained necromancer and only played sylvari. I took the letters CP and added them to Tyr and came up with Crypt.

<3 BoF1! Just had to be said!

Condolences to your friend passing.

When do you use foods/oils?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Silverwastes or when I farm, mf buff food but only when I bother with using it.

Fractal 50, oil and food if I feel like it or the group has major damage problems.

WvW when planing on playing a full evening of more then 1 hour of wvw.

Specializations... Killing the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Why on earth would anyone want to make “sub-optimal” characters?

I totally understand enjoying a large amount of choice, but surely that approach only works if they are capable of balancing it?

I can’t speak for the person who said it, but “sub-optimal” doesn’t necessarily mean “intentionally bad”. It just means “not meta.” If I can take an axe trait that makes my DPS 1000, or a greatsword trait that makes it 1050, then the greatsword is optimal. However, the difference is small enough that the axe character can easily perform just as well in any game mode. If a player thinks the axe is more fun, they’re free to choose that with no real detriment to themselves.

That’s the loss that many people are mourning. There were many, many build options that were not meta, but could perform just fine, and which naturally had the highest usage among players who weren’t trying to crunch that extra 1-2% of damage out of their build. If character efficiency were on a percentage scale and 1% was the meta, the “sub-optimal” 90-99% are where the variety was gutted.

No one said sub-optimal was bad and your sub-optimal to meta description is wrong.

Let’s make this simpler, in the old system there were:

- meta builds depending on class and game type (a build is not defined by 1 simple set of traits and skills, but also alternatives to traits and skills)

- a couple of useful non meta builds which people run as niche or just for fun that worked just as well because without damage log parser and the casual approach of the game (and lots of open world pve zerg) no one cared

- a LOT of useless builds or very subpar builds composed only in theory since the traits for those would have never been picked (or shouldn’t have)

Your example would have been of someone taking a meta build and slightly altering it, or making up their own build which still fits in category 2 of useful and playable. What people are refering to when mentioning sub-optimal builds or useless builds are the ones in category 3 of which there were A LOT.

Each class had some very defining traits in each line which basically dictated what build they used while the rest was fluff. The new system gets rid of a lot of fluff and makes sure that more people are on even ground as far as trait setup goes.

Is this to your disadvantage? Sure, if you believe you’ve develeoped that unique snowflake build that no one else has ever come up (very unlikely considering the playerbase).

Is this to the games advantage (and ultimately yours too)? YES! It allows for better balance, easier use to casual players to “get a decent talent build” which in turn allows for anet to balance content differently because they better know what to expect from classes.

I’m not even going to get into their expansion approach with elite specializations which would have been a disaster in the old system.