(edited by DanteZero.9736)
The asura and charr both have alot of clipping issues because the body shapes of the other races are humanoid. Since the armor artwork (for the most part) is made with humans in mind, non-human races seem to get the short end of the stick because adding unique armor models means spending more resources on it.
To be honest, at this point, I wouldn’t mind if Anet devoted a single update to polish rather than content. Just looking at the charr and asura armor art screams to me that GW2 needs it.
Does anyone know about any medium armor pieces that don’t clip through for the feet? Almost all the foot pieces clip through the two toes and the ears clip through almost everything!
It’s not even helping that there’s that weird issue with the right arm when equipping certain pieces not to mention the pvp locker doesn’t have all the cultural armor art displaying properly.
I’m not even going to go on about how some of the material/texture appearances appear squished or stretched on some pieces too.
My thoughts on the dredge fractal:
- The buttons/gate zone is not fun or challenging because you’re facing infinite spawns of dredge and can be easily interrupted while opening the gate.
- The bombing run has infinite spawns and they remove the bombs once placed.
- Rabsovich and his clown car feels like an arbitrary mini-boss fight and doesn’t do much to add to the challenge. It feels like an obvious time sink (much like the drill in the molten facility).
It seems that if you notice, two out of the three points all include infinite spawns and one of them just feels misplaced.
As for the dredge themselves, they’re a whole slew of annoying that I’d rather save for a topic about creatures and what I like or dislike about them.
I wouldn’t mind an auto attack for the grenades or even having an option to hold to autocast (as pza suggested), however, I imagine making a change involving targeting will be very resource intensive (QA). I really would like to see some sort of change made for the grenade 1 skill only because manual targeting (even with a razer naga) is incredibly taxing on my fingers and wrists.
I think the wave of agony might be a “wall” that you’re supposed to have prepared for. In other words, with all the guild commendations, laurels and weapons that are out, there are plenty of chances to get an ascended item, and working your way up to level 10 will get you a nice amount of relics for the infusions (as well as using the mystic toilet if you have the money/mats).
You heathen! Everyone knows it’s Lord “Bearbow,” not Bowbear!
(Seriously though, please avoid running bearbow/bowbear.)
+1 for show rarity feature. This is the kind of quality of life improvement that we should be getting every month if not every content update.
+1 for new fractals
+1 for account based fractal levels
-1 for the not addressing the issues with the dredge fractal being too long and tedious, also, Mai Trinn is just as ridiculous as I remembered her.
-2 for human t3 cultural armor being sold on the gemstore. Selling armor that costs alot of in game gold and thus, time, in a gemstore where you can exchange gold for gems is a bad thing.
-4 for Scarlet.
My opinion on Scarlet:
- Tara Strong as the VA.
- She feels forced upon me. To clarify: she was responsible for the starting events of the asura personal storyline (her and Teyo), she’s “super-duper-uber smart and in your face about it,” and she’s uniting all sorts of separate baddies into Saturday morning cartoon style alliances.
- Her personality is annoying.
- All the mumbo-jumbo about controlling reality or shaping it or something involving the eternal alchemy. That’s basically giving a villain something akin to ultimate power. I’ve had enough thank you.
- Her “story” feels long and drawn out. I spent about 3 months taking my time to beat Zhaitan in the personal story, and that felt just right for me.
The mere thought that Dessa and her krewe are part of a fractal itself (thus making the mistlock observatory a fractal) really has my interest piqued on Dessa’s background.
The button and the clown car fights feel like the most drawn out and annoying parts of this particular fractal. This doesn’t even include the bomb running with the infinite spawns part.
Also, you really don’t want to find out what happened at Thaumanova. Or you might. I don’t know if you like… certain narrative decisions made this year.
Just had this interesting thought after doing the story mode.
At the end we see Dessa try to leave the fractal and suddenly things go wonky. She seems to reset and loses all memory of having just run a fractal or meeting Ellen.
Additionally, Dessa doesn’t know that the reactor has blown up which might suggest she is either very ill informed or in the past before the reactor explosion.It would also give a good explanation as to why you are doing the same fractal runs over and over for her. Every time you go visit her you are visiting her for the first time and she has yet to run those fractals from her point of view.
So like how she can’t pull people out of the past or other Fractals, she cannot leave her own Fractal and we keep visiting her space in time as a fresh face each time.
That… is pretty mind blowing stuff going on right here. If this is true, then this makes me look at the fractals in a whole new light.
Dear Kiel voters,
Thanks to you, Scarlet is now permanently part of our fractals experience. I hope you guys like her, because I don’t like her.
Warm regards,
Evon Gnashblade supporter
This is not a hate topic on skins being in the cashshop. RNG aside, I think Anet has one of the better cashshop systems in a b2p/f2p MMO.
My problem with the skins is that they are complete sets. None of my characters wear complete sets of anything, they are all mix and match. I wonder if they would ever split the skins up and let us buy individual pieces? Even at a higher cost for the individual piece?One complete set is 800gems, for example. Each piece being 133gems each. Maybe sell each piece for 150 gems? Complete set would end up being a ‘discount’.
There are various pieces from different sets I would buy if offered individually. As of now, its not worth it for me to drop 800gems when I only want 1 or 2 of the 6.
I really like this idea since I rarely buy and use entire sets of armor. Most of the time, I only use 1 or 2 pieces, with 4 being the most I’ve ever equipped on a character. The rest are either stored up for the future, or deleted if I find the parts ugly.
I already have plenty of dragonite ingots, empyreal stars, and bloodstone bricks. What I’m more interested in getting as a meta reward are the deldrimor ingots, spiritwood planks, electrum ingots, elonian leather squares and bolts of damask. Now that in my opinion, are some rewards worth going for.
Very nice work EB! I didn’t expect infinite stealth thieves using portal devices to disrupt and capture towers and keeps! Watching [Void] has been eye opening about the level of organization that we at SBI lack.
Anet didn’t prevent server transfers before and during the season so that allowed for a lot of bandwagoners. I’d say yes it’s a disappointment.
Without consumables, stacking sigil effects, and boons, my staff ele has to have a minimum of:
- 2000 power
- 40% crit chance
- 70% crit damage
- 13k+ HP
- 1200 toughness
If/when ascended armor is released, I’d have to reevaluate my stats and consider changing it up a tiny bit. As for runes, I don’t find most of the effects as that helpful so I decided to stack up on crit chance and crit damage.
What effects do I find as not very useful on my ele (you know, lowest armor and base health)? On hit effects and health threshold effects. If I’m getting hit, then I’m doing something wrong, and since I have such low health to begin with, my health will drop either way (attacks, conditions, or other effects).
Would this be considered “delightful irony?” It has been over one year and yet there are still dungeon and temple bugs that haven’t been addressed save for the occasional path exploit that is “fixed.” Hopefully, this livestream will act as a wake up call for bug fixes to commence.
This trailer’s style is much better than the previous trailers. In my opinion, it’s especially better than the previous trailers with the hylek female VA’s narration.
We need more things to use them on or to atleast be able to sell them. Myself and tons and tons of other people have gotten to the point we just destroy them. They take up inventory space.
Without giving any specifics, I’d highly recommend you change that strategy. There are things coming soon that will give you lots to spend it on.
As long as it’s not ascended armor, I’ll be happy.
I have a feeling the parts you described as mithril could also be Tarnished Silver.
It could also be tarnished silver, I just fired those colors off from memory and I recall experimenting to the point where my brain felt fried from all the color names. White gold, antique gold, and mithril are the names that somehow stuck in my head the longest.
Edit: Skullmount, that could be the result of the green lighting effects in the tower chamber instance. I noticed that my color combo comes as green in certain parts of the tower too (including nightmare chambers).
Feathers are white gold, white parts are actually mithril, and the rest is antique gold.
You guys hear that? It’s the sound of a troll laughing at having succeeded at suckering people to reply to him.
After almost two weeks, I figure I might take a stab at posting my thoughts on the Living Story:
What I expected upon it’s announcement:
- New full sized explorable areas with renown hearts, dynamic events and collectors.
- Much more exploration of Tyria’s background lore. I want to explore Janthir darn it!
- More uses for karma.
- Full armor sets as rewards for completing things (such as Living Story events).
- More cinematic in-game cutscenes.
Reasons why I expected these things:
- Guild Wars 2 has a rich lore thanks to Guild Wars 1. The fact that we rarely have any GW1 lore touched by the Living Story and only get a few references here and there on release made it feel very unsatisfying. The (assumed) cutting of various areas out of the final release (such as a broken bridge to an entrance that leads to possibly another explorable area in NW Brisban Wildlands) makes the current game feel really small. There’s only so much I can take upon re-exploring the same area for the 7th time.
- Guild Wars 1 built the foundations of the lore that GW2’s events and NPCs would be based on. Why aren’t there deeper explorations and revelations?
- Karma was touted as an alternative to grinding for gear and items. Well, that’s great, but there is so little gear that we can acquire and even then, it’s 1 single set of armor art for each armor class. Also, why can’t we exchange karma for weapons, combat consumables, and mini pets?
- While I know that no sub fees means having to get revenue from other sources, constantly placing entire armor sets in the gem-store makes me feel like the game is stagnating in the armor set rewards section. GW2 != GW1, I get it, but one of the main points that drew me to GW1 was that there was such a large variety of armor art as rewards.
- I was very shocked to see that GW2’s personal storyline cutscenes were basically in the style of a play; a backdrop, and two NPCs standing on two sides talking to each other instead of standing in 3D space and feeling animated. All we got with the personal storyline cutscenes was the occasional arm movement.
What I hope to see in the future of the Living Story:
Like a TV show, I hope to see a deeper investment in the lore and the backgrounds of the characters that are a part of it. I want to be able to find out more about them in game. TV shows also tend to have a narrative payoff: something big or shocking is revealed or mysteries are solved. As for GW2, more armor sets as in game rewards would be nice.
The TV shows I’ve seen don’t tell backstories or relay various bits of lore through other means such as websites and such, they tell the backstories by taking time in an episode or devoting hour long specials to explain things in greater detail (The most recent example I can think of is The Legend of Korra where they detailed the origins of the first Avatar).
About scepter auto-attack:
A lot of people hate the auto clone generation, so would be nice if we can choose to generate or not.My suggestion is to create a new combo skill called Ether Bomb and, like Illusionary Counter, if you press button 1 during the Ether Bomb charge time, will swap with Ether Clone.
A blast finisher on an auto attack chain is too powerful. I’d rather the third hit apply 1 stack of 5 second torment and have the cast time reduced than to see it be a blast finisher.
Phoenix Touch
Gain 5s of vigor on applying a burn to an opponent. ICD: 5sWith this, Fire trait-line has a lot more usable skills, you reduce the necessity of arcana, you don’t have perma-vigor without jumping through a lot more hoops, and even fire aura/the 5-point minor are useful.
1: Its active
2: It easy to implement
3: It fits thematically
4: It fills a critical need to break arcana-dependence by providing a bit of defense outside of water/arcana.
5: Its actually good
You forgot to mention that it can also trigger outside of fire attunement assuming players apply burning through sigil/trait/ally abilities (such as the guardian’s virtue of justice).
This sounds like a really nice trait. The name could use a bit more work though.
This is why Elementalists are so frustrated. Its been a year since launch and the only “powerful tools” we have to compensate for low survivability are 15 water, Elemental Attunement, Evasive Arcana, and to a much lesser extent Final Shielding (which no one takes over better arcane traits) and Earth’s Embrace. 3 powerful traits and 2 somewhat useful ones. No offense, but Temepest Defense, even at 25 sec cd, is not going to be viewed as much of a survivability improvement by most.
If you really want players to feel safe speccing outside of water/arcane, there needs to be powerful survivability mechanics in fire and air. None of your proposed changes really add that. Fire Aura is something you could improve that would make 20+ fire really appealing, if having Fire Aura up was actually a reason for players to regret hitting the ele. Improvements to Flame Barrier/Zephyr’s Speed at high trait levels is another thought too.
This is true on many levels. The issues I’ve encountered whenever speccing into full fire or air is that I absolutely feel forced to spec into water too because it offers a large health bonus and traits that I need to stay alive. It seems to me that fire and air don’t have much to offer aside from crit damage and power boosts, but as helpful as the stat boosts are, they’re nothing if you’re downed/defeated because you didn’t have much health and armor to begin with.
A downed/defeated player means no DPS, utility, and/or support. Jon, this is what I have to deal with when playing on my main, an elementalist. I can’t speak for everyone about it though.
Suppose you do improve Fire and Air enough that people are comfortable leaving water 15 to spec for them. All ele’s still NEED Elemental Attunement (or feel they do) and all staff ele’s still definitely need blasting staff. 20 arcane will still be holding everyone back. Staff ele’s arent going to go the aura-for-protection-and-swiftness route ever, because they only have good access to one aura.
As a main staff ele, yes, I won’t be going for aura traits since I have access to one single aura skill. Still, I need to have renewing stamina to be able to dodge (mostly) thieves and stubborn aggro locked enemies. Since I also play staff, I absolutely need blasting staff because that 60 increase in radius is beyond helpful. For me, I have to invest 20 points since I need it.
This has me puzzled since playing BWE 3 when I noticed that the elementalists skills were weakened a lot. Why do elementalists have a very high skill cap to play effectively (as DPS, utility, or support focused builds), yet even with such a high skill cap, I don’t see any proportional results that reflect the amount of skill required when compared to other classes? Also, yes, I have played d/d, s/f, and s/d in PvE and WvW.
i’d rather forget about that
Same here. I wanted the fall of Abaddon but nope, the playerbase opted for Thaumanova and 4 weeks of cheaper waypoints.
Diamond Skin
- this can be absurdly broken. Please, please, do not go with this. Not only pure passive immunity to conditions is very powerful, cheesy and and cannot be counter-played, but this new trait would literally kill specs like trap ranger, not to mention it would hurt necromancers.
Once again, do not go with this trait, it would be a huge mistake.
You do realize we eles have 10.5k base health and have the lowest armor, right? Also, you have to be over 90% health for it to take effect. With such a low base health, that shouldn’t be too much of a problem for other classes.
They were posted here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Dec-10th-Balance-Preview
If I remember correctly, wasn’t the thief supposed to have 1 initiative per second during the previews?
I feel conflicted:
- Attunement cooldowns reduced to 13 seconds.
- Ember’s might and burning rage are no longer redundant and synergizes with each other.
- Blasting staff as an adept trait.
- All the air and earth trait changes.
- Arcane abatement moved to adept traits is great!
No like:
- Renewing stamina moved to be a master trait. I understand it allows us to have a lot of dodging and seemingly near perma vigor for so little investment, but as a PvE staff ele, this is great for those stubborn enemies that you can’t lose aggro. I’ll still be going 20 arcane just to have this trait.
- Aquamancer’s alacrity moved to master is understandable, since 20 points would allow us to have 20% reduced water spell cooldowns and 20% reduced cantrip cooldowns at once. Still, 20% reduced water spell cooldowns helps a lot but I also need cantrips to survive. It seems Anet is adamant at keeping us with low health and armor and thus, making it much harder to stay alive. To me, this feels like an incredibly bitter pill to swallow.
I rarely use the other traits so I can’t say much about it. As for these planned changes, I feel like there are a lot of positives, but some of them really hit me hard.
Veritas Invictus (est. 2005) is looking for new members!
Who we are:
- We’re a North America guild located on Stormbluff Isle.
- We’re a multi-faceted PvE/WvW guild dating back to the original Guild Wars 1.
- We run WvW havoc groups on weekends and reset nights.
- We respect other members and don’t insult each other (so don’t expect elitists in the guild).
- We’re newbie friendly. Are you new to the game? Don’t hesitate to join us and learn the chops!
(It’s cool if we’re your primary guild, but that isn’t a major requirement. You can join us and rep us anytime you want.)
Who you are:
- Patient, mature, and friendly player willing to help others and join us in our occasional goofing off (there may be some slight tomfoolery too).
What we have to offer:
- A fully upgraded guild.
- Weekly guild mission runs.
- Weekly WvW havoc team(s) (depends on amount of participants but we have a core team).
- Friendly and easygoing guildies.
- Our own website: “http://thetrueguild.enjin.com/”
How to join:
Head to our website and select “Join True” or click on this link “http://thetrueguild.enjin.com/join”
If finishing enemies was revealed earlier, I would have bought more finishers with real money knowing that I have a use for them in PvE! I can only hope I get another chance to purchase the super explosive finisher.
My only complain about the new armor (especially the medium one) is THIS
http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2013/44/1383066662-gw504.jpgCan’t every stuff “connect” properly?
That issue with the krytan chestpiece exists when combined with many other pants armor pieces. There’s also the small (I believe it is backface culled) sideways gap where the chestpiece ends and pants armor begin.
This error is affecting me too. It seems to be affecting a very small amount of people from the looks of the forums.
Assuming no traits or boosts, that’s a 6 second stability and protection over a 90 second cooldown which means 1 second of prot/stab every 15 seconds.
Traited, we’re looking at a 72 second cooldown (with the cantrips trait) which leads to 1 second of prot/stab every 12 seconds.
I wouldn’t mind having an untraited 75 second cooldown (60 second when traited). I typically trait for cantrips since we have such low survivability (among other things).
As for other skills, lighting flash was an amazing stunbreaker but it’s still very useful. Mist form isn’t useful at all because it offers no other benefits other than avoiding attacks (and interrupts whatever skill you’re using) and needs some sort of buff or rework. Cleansing fire needs to get buffed out of all the cantrips because it lost what made it so helpful to begin with-a stunbreak.
Veterans will remember that Gumdrops is the Mad King’s invisible steed (with invisible hoofprints). This is our second Halloween event, where is Gumdrops?
Anet should have made both the bloody prince and executioner sets as armor. They’re way too nice looking to be just worn in town.
The next content update seems to address that with the addition of a new healing skill for everyone: http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/game/473/view/news/page/1/read/28849/Guild-Wars-2-Tower-of-Nightmares-Announced.html
Projectile canceling/reflection is incredibly helpful in this dungeon. Unfortunately, projectile canceling exists on the focus and reflection exists on the staff-both have one skill out of many that performs the functions. It may be a good idea to not only have defensive armor, but also to have utilities such as arcane shield to help out.
Thanks for the constructive feedback. We’ve got a few things planned for upcoming releases that should clarify some of the story confusion by putting more of this information in the game.
I prefer having all the information be in the game instead of through the website. The stories pertain to the game, and if I didn’t frequent the forums/official website, I wouldn’t know about the stories in the first place.
Telling a story through the website is nice, but I feel that it would provide a richer narrative if the stories were actually part of the game, whether the player has to piece it together, seen in a flashback, or narrated by an outside narrator, or anything that can be done in game.
Other than just crafting the armor, why not have a way to ascend your current armor? You could always make use of the mystic forge for that. Hell, there’s an item called “Gift of Ascension” used only for ascending fractal backpieces.
If Anet decided to make these gifts of ascension account bound and made them available through other means (such as through karma and badges of honor), perhaps they could be used to ascend currently equipped armor?
Forgive me if I’m wrong, but isn’t timewarp the only AoE quickness skill in the game that has no drawbacks (hence the elite status and long cooldown timer)?
Before the nerf to quickness/haste, timewarp was, imo, the definitive standard for what an elite skill should be: powerful, large effect radius, and gave the entire team a very noticeable benefit.
At the time, it seemed like it was the only skill to match the developer preview’s statements about elite skills that were so powerful, people didn’t want to use it early because the long cooldowns meant the skill was effectively out of the fight for a while.
I feel so stupid for not noticing that. Can this get stickied or somehow PSA’ed to all the players?
Both provide 5% increased damage versus enemies on fire, except one is an optional adept level master trait, and one is a grandmaster level minor trait. To me, it feels redundant.
Ember’s might is an adept trait and it’s optional. It’s an ok trait for low levels but I personally find little use at the higher levels.
What really puzzles me is that burning rage is a minor grandmaster trait—it’s not optional. If someone were to invest the points necessary to reach 30 points, that 5% is nice, but is it really that helpful of a trait to make it mandatory?
I would really like to see burning rage reworked to something else. These two traits do the same thing and I don’t see any other class in the same situation. The big takeaway from me is that one is optional and requires a small amount of points compared to the other.
Also, I would like to point out Oniyui’s thread: (https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/elementalist/Fire-Love-boon-removal-theme/first#post3039441) about boon removal when applying burning and I really think that reworking burning rage to remove boons (with an internal cooldown) would make it really useful.
Ouch. We should have had searing flames for our minor grandmaster trait, it shouldn’t have been part of the guardians’ traits to begin with imo.
Dual pistols FTW
Bullets would match the attunement and we would have our own unload, that would make me partially forget about my Thief alt
A p/p ele sounds pretty cool, but that would also mean we’d have pistol/focus, pistol/dagger, dagger/pistol, and scepter/pistol combos too. Adding two more weapons would open up a ton of possibilities for experimentation.
As for my choice, I wouldn’t mind seeing us get a mace if only because it seems to be not as popular as the greatsword.