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What is the best single target DPS weapon?

in Thief

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


How can you claim it to be “high” DPS when there are several factors that hinders it from being “high” DPS?

You can’t have it both ways. Either it is or it is not.

For the record, I believe that the article is correct when the author wrote DPS instead of DAMAGE.

You absolutely CAN have it both ways when the answer is dependant on a relative way of looking at it. Either it stands on it’s own and it can be high DPS or it is compared to a higher DPS attack(s) and it suddenly becomes low. Terms like big and small are relative just like high and low are.

The real question is whether or not you believe the math. That is what you asked for after all.

edit: If you believe that that portion of the article is correct, how are you using it to question the validity of the article? Tengu didn’t say it was incorrect.

(edited by Dustfinger.9510)

What is the best single target DPS weapon?

in Thief

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


I think you’re missing something. Larcenous Strike IS a high DPS attack as the article states. But several factors (Including cast time and initiative cost) keep it from carrying the entire weapon to be the equal or better of D/D. Your examples in the article don’t actually speak against it’s validity. because there are simply some cases where DPS and damage are interchangeable. But the issue is a weapon set against another. Not a single attack against another.

The article says it is high DPS. When we look simply at the skill it is. But it is a non-factor when combined with the rest of the attacks and then compared with D/D attacks.

You can even feel free to dismiss the article as a source. If the numbers in the article are right and the math applied to the numbers is correct, then they speak for themselves.

(edited by Dustfinger.9510)

What is the best single target DPS weapon?

in Thief

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


The article isn’t in error. DPS is different from Damage in that DPS means ‘damage per second’. So while a single skill in one weapon set can be high damage, it’s long cast time (or other qualifiers) can keep it from being high DPS.

e.g.: Using my made up numbers (and weapon options) for easy clarity,

Thief machine gun auto hits 10 damage every second.

Thief cannon hits 80 damage on 9 second cool down.

While cannon is a high damage, it is lower DPS than the machine gun because MG hits 100 damage every 100 seconds while cannon hits less than 100 damage every hundred seconds.

So the DPS is:

MG- 10 DPS (damage per second)
Cannon- 8.88 DPS (damage per second)

Cannon attack is high damage but low DPS when compared with MG. But if we only look at the 1 second it takes to cast the cannon attack, it is a very high DPS. Just not when compared to MG.

(edited by Dustfinger.9510)

What is the best single target DPS weapon?

in Thief

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


As everyone here has said, daggers is the answer to the OP’s question. However, Sir Vincent brings up a decent point to add to that answer. While daggers is bar-none, the highest single target DPS weapon, it may not fit the OP’s playstyle. if that is the case, then you as the OP may get better results with another weapon set. So all these factors should be taken into account as you make your decision on what to equip.

When will Lion's Arch be rebuilt?

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


There’s probably other more immediate concerns that would require the resources that would go into those spare parts and getting the drill up and running. Not to mention, rebuilding some complicated piece of machinery simply to move it out of the way when it is sitting in water already out of every bodies way doesn’t seem very energy efficient.

(edited by Dustfinger.9510)

LS2 Ep 3, Rytlock > Foefire

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


The ability to fight for and hold land is the only real “rightful claim” anybody can have.

LS2 Ep 3, Rytlock > Foefire

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


I want to note here as well, the Movement claims there were surviving humans in the ruins, while other sources say that all human life within the city and around was eradicated.

And the Movement is an in-universe document that “is continually being challenged and researched and revised by the scholars there [at the Priory].” So even within the game, its veracity is fluid.

Let’s apply that to the information in topic. Either the dead guard rose or they didn’t. In universe, that would be a hard mistake to make.

LS2 Ep 3, Rytlock > Foefire

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


On who was effected and the death toll:

the dead and defeated Ascalonian guard arose once more, their spirits animated by the power of Adelbern’s sword

Their spirits are only memories, the lingering presence of a past that cannot let go of the present

So it seems both the living and the redently defeated dead were risen in the forfire.

LS2 Ep 3, Rytlock > Foefire

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Interview. I’ll look for it and edit in in here.

edit 1: While looking I did come across this. also, still looking: (wrong forum)

edit 2: can’t find it. :/ either the link is no longer available or I just skipped over it. If I run across it I’ll bump this thread back up and PM you when I do.

edit 3: got something

King Adelbern unleashed the Foefire from Ascalon City, turning all humans within its reach into undying ghosts who sees all living beings as threats that must be eliminated.

(edited by Dustfinger.9510)

Human Gods: Real or complete myth?

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Ah, nice. That’s the first asura NPC in game I’ve seen explicitly deny the gods. I have seen a few humans express their doubts though. Also, this:

Esprits d’Orr : Are the Gods still worshipped with the same intensity as in GW1?

Angel McCoy : They are not. When the gods withdrew, many humans saw it as a betrayal, as if the gods were abandoning them to the dragons. More than a few humans turned away from their worship as a result. There are those at the other extreme as well, those who think that all they need to do is worship harder to entice the gods to return.

The grand majority of the human population falls somewhere between these two extremes. Only the most ancient of humans (who have magical longevity) have lived more than 250 years and have seen a god or avatar face-to-face. 99% of the population has not. Thus, the “fact” that gods once walked among humans is quickly taking on the characteristics of myth. Some even disbelieve that it actually happened and blame reports of such incidences on mass hallucination or wine.

(edited by Dustfinger.9510)

LS2 Ep 3, Rytlock > Foefire

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


We have dev confirmation that Ebonhawke was spared only because it’s status as a distant outpost happened to mean that it was outside the effects of the foefire.

Human Gods: Real or complete myth?

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


If history can doubt the existence of the gunmen on the grassy knoll in just 50 years…

Little different situation here. The gunman on the grassy knoll wasn’t a known figure if he/she ever existed. So it wasn’t somebody that everyone knew and then fell into the realm of legend.

Actually, this is not true. It is not only sylvari. Many humans are also stated to be skeptic of the gods’ existence. An example is the Vigil marksman in the Cathedral of Zephyrs that states he does not believe in the gods, for they have never assisted him in his life.
Asuran scientists, particularily older ones, also have a tendency to discredit spiritual relations between Priests and gods; particular example is the VOED personal storyline teacher, whom you can interact once more in the Cathedral of Silence, in Orr.

I’m curious if you have the asuras dialog available.

LS2 Ep 3, Rytlock > Foefire

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


There simply wasn’t that much lore to begin with. The main issue seems to be that when it was filled in later, it just wasn’t what some of the fans wanted. They wanted Ascalonian leadership to be the bright and shining alliance against the demon corrupted horde of chorcs. the problem with that is that the GW1 manuescripts painted humanity as warlike conquerors from the beginning. The very name Guild Wars comes from the wars the humans had with each other.

Human Gods: Real or complete myth?

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Skepticism may have started but doubting the gods on a large scale after only 250 years is like the general population of The USA doubting that George Washington ever existed.

the events are far too recent and far too widespread (also far too well-documented by various races). and like i said, there's physical evidence of the gods existence spread throughout tyria. the bloodstone being shattered everywhere, for one. arah, for another.

this isn’t like doubting the old testament is true. this is like doubting the french revolution happened.

exactly. Doubting actual historical figures who played such a major role in so many things is pretty unlikely on any large scale. especially in just 250 years.

New lore interview to Anet lore team

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


looking at the RL definition of aether may provide some insight. it was supposed to be the spiritual/mystical medium through which magic flowed. So it makes sense that we can simply think of it a “space between objects” on a mystical plane. or just an explanation as to how magic energy can move from one place to another.

edit: that doesn’t negate it from inconsistency and measurments however. if it’s thicker in some places over others then that may allow for smoother magical conduction with less “resistance”.

Human Gods: Real or complete myth?

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Skepticism may have started but doubting the gods on a large scale after only 250 years is like the general population of The USA doubting that George Washington ever existed.

Smallest male body type feet?

in Norn

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


I like thew big foot look. I helps distinguish the norn from just being ‘big humans’. So I chose boots that accentuate the feet.


Human Gods: Real or complete myth?

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Godhood is inherently more than a magic-power-level-reading. If we go by the definition of godhood as simply being very powerful then the Elder Dragons are also gods.

Absolutely. The titans would also be gods if it was simply a matter of being powerful beings. And if there is actual gods like the devs say there is then godhood is an actual thing beyond someones opinion.

Oh you positivist. I’m an interpretivism myself, so my particular epistemological and ontological stances causes me to inherently view the world as being constructed from social-object and meaning to be attributed through human perception. So no a dog is not always a dog :P

It’s a good thing the devs have chosen to establish lore beyond individual in-game opinion and philosophy. Otherwise there would be no definitions for anything.

What I’m getting at, godhood as a measure of power isn’t sufficient. Godhood inherently requires something that is spiritually meaningful, also a touch of the omnipotence doesn’t hurt (as we see with human they clearly still perceive the gods as being a role in their lives, not overtly but that they’re still here subtly influencing things).

Any pantheon that has more than one god means that no god can be omnipotent. So that isn’t a requirement. The humans see the role in their lives. The asura try to understand and define that role in individual life and the greater universe. Either way, worship isn’t required from either race for the god to be gods.

(edited by Dustfinger.9510)

Human Gods: Real or complete myth?

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


No it actually is fairly nebulous, as different people mean different things. And I’m sorry but you just saying “nuh huh!” doesn’t change that.

Um…. dido /shrug

the titans were gods to the charr, we as humans deemed these charr gods (notice the similar terminology?) false, killed them, and said that our gods are the true gods. because of course we’d say that, we are humans.

my definition is that gods is a title assigned by a culture to a powerful being they worship. this is especially prevalent in tyria, where many races throughout time worshipped gods, then stopped worshipping them, or worshipped gods that other races didn’t consider gods. that, on top of what i mentioned before, half gods being gods, former-gods that are former-gods just in name, and humans becoming gods by absorbing the power of another.

seriously, how is grenth a god if he’s only half whatever-the-six-are? he “took down dhuum”, who remained just as strong while stuck in the underworld. abaddon was cast down and imprisoned on his own realm, but he was still a god, just one blacklisted from history.

the only thing that makes kormir a god is her “power level”, because she was human until abaddon died.

lyssa is actually two different people, how does that even work?

i could go on listing stuff, but the point is, “god” is not a race.

We have dev confirmation that the gods are gods and the titans actually aren’t. It’s not nebulous. Your mother isn’t my mother but she is a mother whther I call her mom or not. The devs refer to the gods as gods. It’s not a matter of being a god to one culture and not to another.

Human Gods: Real or complete myth?

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Not quite the same. A dog is a species. It’s a label of a physical collection of characteristics. A god is not a species, it’s a rather nebulous label for very powerful beings. The definition is not concrete. Sometimes things that are extremely powerful are called god. Sometimes things that are worshipped. Both the humans and the Char mean it in the second way. The Asura generally mean it in the first.

“god” isn’t nebulous. It has a definition and there seems to be a difference between “powerful beings” and actual gods. otherwise the titans would have been actual gods rather than false gods.

yes, that’s where i’m getting at. godhood is relative.

we have a half-whatever-gods-are, half-human god, we have a god that ascended from her mortal coil after killing another god, and we have gods with half brothers. gods have been de-godded (neologism ho!) but in title only, and so on.

godhood seems to be a purely relative thing in tyria. no one denies the six’s strength, but only humans deem them gods. that’s why they’re the six human gods, and not just the six gods.

The existence of the titans disagrees with godhood being relative. We know that the six are gods and that the titans were not. Even though the titans were undeniably powerful beings. What is your definition of god again?

LS2 Ep 3, Rytlock > Foefire

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


>Tribal societies aren’t valid
>Grawl aren’t sentient

-Of course they are. We accept quests from them.

I was mocking the person I was replying to.
“>” is shortform for anecdotal quotes in other reaches of the internet. Those things are essentially what HE was arguing. I was isolating them and mocking them.

Ah, I gotcha. This should teach me to read carefully :P

Human Gods: Real or complete myth?

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


those societies in history also tend to label the other gods in an exclusive manner, to imply they have no relation to them, and that’s not even counting when they call them “false gods”.

the word “god” just carries too much weight for other races to be accepting of them as “gods”. heck, “there are no gods” is kind of a charr motto. other races accept the gods as existing, but not as “gods”.

That’s not really true. For instance, if they lose a battle that took place in the hills, they attribute the loss to the idea that the god must be a god of the hills so they would try to fight the next battle in a place that isn’t hills. There hasn’t always been an “I’m right and your wrong” attitude about worship. Periodicaloly, there has been an attitude that there are plenty of gods but some benefit more than others. Even Rome had an alter to the unknown gods. Those that weren’t worshipped but must surely have existed as far as they knew. Because there was already so many that did exist.

I haven’t heard the charr say that there is no gods. The other races may not worship the six but beyond the norn, I haven’t seen any general dialog of any playable society talk about how the six aren’t really gods. They just aren’t worthy of worship according to the races like charr and asura. I’m curious, what your definition of god is that negates the six from being gods.

i’m using god as a perspective. see, to the humans, the six are gods, but not to the other races.

similarly, a grawl might worship an oversized imp/ice elemental and call it their god, but we dismiss it as grawl being stupid and then kill their “god”, because we know it’s not really a god.

charr as a society would not accept gods, human or not, due to their past. they see the humans clinging to their gods as a sign of human weakness, and would probably challenge the six to a fight should the opportunity come.

in other words, these entities we call the six are only deemed gods to the humans.

if I understand you correctly, a god is only a god as long as you revere it? That means ‘godhood’ is a purely relative position. But we know the gods are gods reguardless of opinions about them. So how could the charr deny the sixes godhood? It seems that godhood means more to you than it actually does. A dog is a dog whether anyone chooses to pet them and a god is a god whether anyone choses to worship them. it’s not a relative thing.

Human Gods: Real or complete myth?

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


those societies in history also tend to label the other gods in an exclusive manner, to imply they have no relation to them, and that’s not even counting when they call them “false gods”.

the word “god” just carries too much weight for other races to be accepting of them as “gods”. heck, “there are no gods” is kind of a charr motto. other races accept the gods as existing, but not as “gods”.

That’s not really true. For instance, if they lose a battle that took place in the hills, they attribute the loss to the idea that the god must be a god of the hills so they would try to fight the next battle in a place that isn’t hills. There hasn’t always been an “I’m right and your wrong” attitude about worship. Periodicaloly, there has been an attitude that there are plenty of gods but some benefit more than others. Even Rome had an alter to the unknown gods. Those that weren’t worshipped but must surely have existed as far as they knew. Because there was already so many that did exist.

I haven’t heard the charr say that there is no gods. The other races may not worship the six but beyond the norn, I haven’t seen any general dialog of any playable society talk about how the six aren’t really gods. They just aren’t worthy of worship according to the races like charr and asura. I’m curious, what your definition of god is that negates the six from being gods.

(edited by Dustfinger.9510)

Human Gods: Real or complete myth?

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


i don’t think that’s entirely accurate.

other races recognize them as beings, but they’re quick to make sure to call them “human gods”, as in “the beings humans consider gods”. they’re far more accepting of human gods than of any gods the grawl muster, for example, but assigning the role of god implies worship.

the six are gods to humankind, but to the other races they’re just extremely powerful entities.

Assigning the role of gods doesn’t need worship. E.G.- RL societies fought each other in the name of their own gods. And they thought their gods were more powerful than their enemies. Winning battles was considered evidence of a gods power. So they believed in other gods, they just didn’t worship them.

But if we look at the actual definition of a god as part of a panthreon, it doesn’t need to be worshipped. it just needs to be the supreme being of a particular concept or aspect:

( lowercase ) one of several deities, especially a male deity, presiding over some portion of worldly affairs.

( often lowercase ) a supreme being according to some particular conception: the god of mercy.

the only reason I gave the norn some wiggle room is because they say the gods are an embodiment of a force like death for example, while humanity says that death exists because of a god. But by the definition of a god, they are still gods. But even the SotW would be gods. A god doesn’t need to be worshipped or any god that stops getting worshipped would stop being a god and anything that was worshipped would become a god. (As you said, the grawl worship anything). Gods simply tend to be worshipped because they generally give out power when they are. We as forum posters like to try to set out own definitions but what are we really basing them of off? What is the difference between a god and a powerful being of a concept of the world?

LS2 Ep 3, Rytlock > Foefire

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


>Tribal societies aren’t valid
>Grawl aren’t sentient

-Of course they are. We accept quests from them.

Believably Black Human Male?

in Human

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


You guys do know that Caucasians aren’t just white people? And it’s also an incredibly outdated and offensive term. It was coined with other terms which are completely intolerable in todays society, so I dont see why people keep throwing it around. It has nothing to do with skin tone either! Seriously guys, 5 minutes research….

Also, I’m “white” and there’s no good facial options for my people, not even in Norn….


Human Gods: Real or complete myth?

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


The gods as god is in question, not whether they exist. The Asura don’t believe in gods but their understanding of the eternal alchemy does allow for extremely powerful entities to exist. The Charr with their history (the Titans) also believe that powerful entities exist, but they don’t think of them as gods either (in fact I’m pretty sure they think they could probably kill a ‘god’ if need be). Norn had their spirits and the Sylvari have the Pale Tree.

I don’t think the gods ‘godhood’ is really in question by anybody who believes they exist (except the norn who belive they are Spirits of the Wild for a higher concept than an animal) . The asura view gods as major cogs in the Eternal Alchemy. The charr believe that they are gods. They just don’t think they are worthy of worship. None of the gods is omnipotent but that doesn’t negate their godhood because any pantheon that contains more than one god automatically means that none of those gods can be omnipotent.

Human Gods: Real or complete myth?

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


We as players know for a fact that the gods exist. The sylvari generally aren’t sure because they’ve never had encounters with them and in one interview, the devs said belief among some humans is naturally waning due to lack of interaction. So there is reason for in-game mortals to doubt. but we as players know for sure they exist.

Medicine in Tyrie

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


They said that lore is malleable under extreme circumstances. though the menders do confirm that sylvari anatomy is so different it should be noted that mender Aviala makes her salves from jungle trolls. So she isn’t simply using spells, she is using alchemy. So spells may be a catch all while it would be understandable that alchemy and medicine would need to specifically be more precise.

LS2 Ep 3, Rytlock > Foefire

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Prophetic statements about the future often work out differently than people expect. So the definition of the term ‘rightful king’ may not follow bloodline, legalism, etc. Or, the rules could ecompass multiple options. So the khan-Ur may be able to lift the curse as well as any decendant of Doric. As long as the necessity of wielding the sword is fulfilled.

(edited by Dustfinger.9510)

Human Gods: Real or complete myth?

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Reaper of Grenth at the end of the personal story is again just an avatar and could of course be wrong/lying.

The definition of an avatar is an incarnation of a being. If the reaper really is an avatar, then the god must actually exist.

My problem with Eternal Alchemy

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


@Dustfinger: Except there is in game proof that all of these do exists, and these facts are widely known by all races. All of the races know of Ventari’s Tablet and the Sylvari’s beliefs, just as all know of the Eternal Alchemy and the Asura’s beliefs. So no, I do not think it strange for, say, a Human to refer to the Eternal Alchemy. Which brings me back to my original point: What, out of all of the other races beliefs and terms, could that vision have been called? That vision was a glimpse at the inner workings of the world, for which the term “The Eternal Alchemy” is the only one we have to describe such a thing.

We are saying the same thing.

My problem with Eternal Alchemy

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


A non-asura talking about the Eternal Alchemy as if it exists is no more strange than any non-norn race referring to the Spirits of the Wild as if they actually exist. Or a non-human referring to the six. Which happens all the time in game.

Are humans Extraterrestrials ?

in Human

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


The complete information about the posts actually says that any lore found outside the game is only malleable under extreme circumstances.

My problem with Eternal Alchemy

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Agreed. it’s our RL version of science. How does everything we know to exist interact with everything else. Since It would need to in some way shape or form then it can be studied as long as there are fairly constant rules. The ET is those rules and the idea behind those rules.

I still think Science is Science. Viewpoint of asures is known in real world as Holism. It’s just a philosophy, asuran scientific theory at best. Most races have got scholars, why only Asuran one have answer to it all.
Saying that everything is connected, is part of bigger design, is closest to our monotheist than anything else. Intelligent design, anybody?
I think viewpoint of just one race shouldn’t be considered vastly superior to any other. The same way Asurans and other are cautious when it comes to matter of Gods and Spirits, other races also shouldn’t take Eternal Alchemy as sure thing.

It seems pretty close to the Theory of Everything to me. Tyria knows for a fact that gods and magic exist. And the game has said that magic is a natural force.

So the idea of holism is behind the entire premise of modern science. Even before the term was coined. It’s why the hard science of math is applicable and base to almost every other field. Biology, psychology and sociology have so many over lapping components that the idea that they are independent systems is archaic.

The entire idea of the scientific method is based on the idea of holism. We take related knowns and use them to test unknowns. So two thinks that were thought to be previously unrelated are joined when the method proves a hypothesis correct.

I don’t see how using the Asuran belief system to define the role of all other beliefs is not Asura Centric.

Because ‘asuran centric’ implies focus on asura related things at the expense of everyone else. But the belief is inherently all inclusive. So isn’t excluding anybody.

(edited by Dustfinger.9510)

My problem with Eternal Alchemy

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Isn’t the EA just an overarching idea the asura have? I feel like it’s along the lines of us on Earth saying “there is no magic or supernatural stuff; everything can be studied.” A way of looking at things rather than something that produces products. Kerrsh basically says neither norn nor dwarf nor human spiritualities are necessarily wrong, they just exist and are things that happened.

That’s how I interrupted it all anyway.

Agreed. it’s our RL version of science. How does everything we know to exist interact with everything else. Since It would need to in some way shape or form then it can be studied as long as there are fairly constant rules. The ET is those rules and the idea behind those rules.

Champions of Ed's

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


It may just signify a different role that they play. A champion would signify a great fighter but nothing much more is needed to be one. A lieutenant could signify that The Claw is more crucial to the plans and strategy of Jormag.

Anyone else find the Kodan a little silly?

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


yeah. That’s true. They can be jerks.

My problem with Eternal Alchemy

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


I like gritty Warhammer, but evon was in for the money.

Kiel was even more WarHammer dark justice.

She had everything planned, exploded a whole ship in the end and behaved like it was just a normal job. Cool and calculating.

Evon did not much so far as i am concerned. Or can you tell me one thing he did so far? Aside from corperate fluff? (BL deals do not count, it is still buisness)

However, we are getting offtopic, dont we?

Evon being in it for the money is dark and gritty. The whole theme in WH is that there is no real good guys. They all have a darker side even when doing heroic things.

Why are Guardian/Warrior Asuras so popular?

in Asura

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Lasers shouldn’t make any sound at all. So any sound that is made can be chalked up to any other piece of technology in the gun that helps it function.

There shouldn’t be any sound in space battles either, but can you imagine how boring space battles in movies/games would be if there was no sound at all? :P

Sure. But we can get around all that with sound effects from inside the space ship from mecvhanics that allow those lasers to workas I said, and soundtrachk from the outside of the ship but does that change the fact that lasers or sound in space is a Hollywood invention? Should we all have to strictly adhere to Hollywood steriotypes and inventions? We might as well keep all actors Caucasian, all Polynesians as invented steriotypical Hawaiians and all primitive tribes portrayed as savages who are something between animals and real people.

Anyone else find the Kodan a little silly?

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


It’s not that complicated. It’s just hierarchy of reincarnation. Trade “kodan” with “cow” or “boaconstrictor” and we parallels with actual ancient religious beliefs.

I can't believe Malchor is Grenth's father

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


RL mythology gives us a few different options.

-A goddess disguised in mortal form

-“Dream sex”

-Any kind of spiritual/magical buffer that would protect Mal to some degree.

My problem with Eternal Alchemy

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


That shows more about the preferences the fans have. WarHammer fans may well have chosen the gritty shady character of Evon over the bright and shining hero of the alli… Tyria.

Why are Guardian/Warrior Asuras so popular?

in Asura

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Lasers shouldn’t make any sound at all. So any sound that is made can be chalked up to any other piece of technology in the gun that helps it function.

If you’re making a general point about how laser sounds should be conveyed in popular culture, sci-fi mediums, etc., that’s fine, but I and most people are used to “laser sounds”. At the very least, sci-fi pistols should not be making “bullet” sounds!

This is very intriguing; apparently the new ley line pistols do make new sounds. Woot!

EDIT: even the staff has a sound!! Sorry, totally derailed the conversation here… See ya while I go throw my money at Anet!!!

I’m making a point about how lasers actually do sound IRL.

Why are Guardian/Warrior Asuras so popular?

in Asura

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Lasers shouldn’t make any sound at all. So any sound that is made can be chalked up to any other piece of technology in the gun that helps it function.

My problem with Eternal Alchemy

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


ET doesn’t condtradict with anything. it is an all inclusive philosophy that simply states that all things are intertwined in some way shape or form. That is basically a given when we deal with any facts of reality. the only deviation for error on the asuras part is how things intertwine and relate to each other.

Did Living Story writers play Nightfall?

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


We already know that the charr haven’t kept a complete record of event from 250 years ago. Especially of how big of kittens they were. 250 years is a long time to play the ‘telephone game’. For all we know, this may be forshadowing of the latter relationship that eventually developed.

Did Living Story writers play Nightfall?

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


I don’t buy “Ossa’s writing” as an excuse. Firstly, it’s exhausting the “NPC perspective thus unreliable” crutch used to make stories stand up.

It’s not really anything we need to buy. Either the NPC’s in game are fallible or they aren’t. We know that they’ve been fallible since the beginning of GW2.

I highly doubt some pixellated sprite named Ossa became self aware and wrote that. So yeah, Dev.

And the devs have always written every dialog that every NPC has. Yet we know that they are still fallible because some of that info is intentionally wrong. So yeah, fallible NPC’s.

Since this sort of info is written in to justify Scarlets gaping plot holes I do not think the intent is for this NPC to be fallible. The intent is to make what we know of Elona from GW fallible. Nothing new.

What you just described is still making NPC’s fallible. As you said, nothing new.

Did Living Story writers play Nightfall?

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


I don’t buy “Ossa’s writing” as an excuse. Firstly, it’s exhausting the “NPC perspective thus unreliable” crutch used to make stories stand up.

It’s not really anything we need to buy. Either the NPC’s in game are fallible or they aren’t. We know that they’ve been fallible since the beginning of GW2.

I highly doubt some pixellated sprite named Ossa became self aware and wrote that. So yeah, Dev.

And the devs have always written every dialog that every NPC has. Yet we know that they are still fallible because some of that info is intentionally wrong. So yeah, fallibile NPC’s.

Did Living Story writers play Nightfall?

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


I don’t buy “Ossa’s writing” as an excuse. Firstly, it’s exhausting the “NPC perspective thus unreliable” crutch used to make stories stand up.

It’s not really anything we need to buy. Either the NPC’s in game are fallible or they aren’t. We know that they’ve been fallible since the beginning of GW2.