Showing Posts For Erzian.5218:

PvP runic blade (infinite light skin)

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


phoenix token + sword token + arcane crystal + arcane powder

you get phoenix tokens from t2 cultural armour (and dredge dungeon armour I think)

edit: too slow

Jump's Ultimate PvP (Teef) Wishlist; Jump.Doc

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Ok, so there will be alot of controversy over this so I should probably add an asterisk or something.

Dodge rolls just don’t feel right to me right now. Even back when watching players like Teldo, when a player hits full endurance he just dodges. Doesn’t matter if its to avoid autoattack damage.

This change would add another layer of depth to the game. For example, I’m fighting a scepter burst Ele. In his mind he’s thinking “I’ll wait till he does a bad dodge roll to use my burst”. In my mind I could be thinking “I’ll just not random dodge making him hold off on using his burst”. And of course there would still be the factor of you ‘risking’ a dodge trying to predict the elementalist’s burst.

PS: I’m pretty sure every other game with a dodge mechanic locks you down at the end to punish bad dodges.

While I agree that the game needs to be more rewarding/punishing in general, I don’t think that punishing “bad” dodges is a good idea given the massive of amount of powerful instant casts and poorly telegraphed skills, which forces players to predict/dodge randomly.

Also for the love of pve, don’t nerf max stealth duration/do it for sPvP only

[merged] The Skyhammer Thread

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Whenever people mention gw2 pvp and competitive in the same sentence I have to laugh because even if you are bad (like me) and play at the bottom of the ladder you meet the same people over and over again, which indicates how small the playerbase actually is. If you want to play competitively, you should go play LoL or dota2 or anything but guild wars 2 instead of complaining about skyhammer.

Yes, I like skyhammer; at least it is different from the remaining maps and allows somewhat interaction with the environment besides shadow stepping up and down hills.

In the end solo queue is just random arenas, thus – regardless of the game – not competitive at all; if you think they are, you might as well go play 1D tetris and claim the same. (Don’t come me with ladder rank or similar, you don’t have to be good at this particular game to judge about something that is universal)

(edited by Erzian.5218)

Thief DPS Build In Action 7sec Kill

in Thief

Posted by: Erzian.5218


a) Unless you sleep 9+ hours a day your maths is wrong
b) Doing maths on how much more experience your opponent has does not exactly support your position

(edited by Erzian.5218)

[Merged] Game Update Notes - December 10, 2013 ~ Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Erzian.5218


seen a few comments about changing up skills between PVE/PVP.. and my answer is…

YOU ARE NOT A THIEF>>>>>>>>>>>>

so obvious. PVE is worse than PVP…almost… try getting into high lvl fractals. everyon keeps kicking you. i have 55 AR almost my 4th legendary and full ascended. im expereienced and lvl 45. no excuse for that. thats not bc we suck its bc the way anet made us. they made us to be assassins and they took that away with the nerfs to mug, HS, BS, CND…… now we are a shadow of a good character.

I (EU) don’t have that issue, must be some individual (or NA?) problem.

Yes, having more than 1 thief usually sucks, but that is also the case for other classes and especially in fractals thieves are very useful.
Generally, in pve thieves are far away from the bottom tier which is necromancer and
engineer. The bad reputation is probably due to thieves being squishy and therefore dead more often than equally bad/good warriors; failed dodges are just more obvious but that does not make the class bad/worse.

Concerning the shadow return nerf, I am wondering how egocentric people have to be to think that spamable “ohsit-buttons” are good for pvp balance in a game whose combat is based on reward/punishment. /randomNumberOfCrybabiesIncoming
Well yes, announced implementation is bad but what do you expect from a company that can’t even implement a proper search algorithm or even font/interface scaling (trading post).
Vigor nerf happens if you, at first, design a trait that grants a massive amount of dodges when combined with vigor and then decide that it actually grants too many dodges, kinda sucks for everyone who does not want to put 15 points into acrobatics but well yeah… anet.

Don’t expect me to argue with the average biased poster, who considers his class incredibly underpowered, in this subforum; I simply gave my opinion on this subject and have no interest in quote/forum wars. thank you.

Do you remember?

in Thief

Posted by: Erzian.5218


After they nerfed elementalists’ rtl into oblivion?

(edited by Erzian.5218)

Sorrow's Embrace p1

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Erzian.5218


When hitting the first “Barrier” (or whatever you want to call those) it doesn’t show any damage numbers and it feels more like hitting a gate in WvW (takes ages).
After the first asura boss neither the way point spawns nor does the gate open -> you can’t continue the dungeon.

Warrior Vs Thief --- Relative Damage

in Thief

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Warrior Axe/Shield Full Berserker Armor and Max Dmg Build

Thief Dagger/Dagger Full Berserker Armor and Max Dmg Build

Tested in WvW and even SPVP later.

First tests of fighting:

1) Skill 5 only
2) initiate at same time
3) attack until opponent is down
4) record Hp of winner

Results of 5 fights

Warrior – 0 wins
Thief – 5 wins

Hp Range of Thief 100-100%
Normal Hp left 100%

I feel op now

(edited by Erzian.5218)

Dec 10th thief changes

in Thief

Posted by: Erzian.5218



You are arguing with people whose argument is “thieves have no stability”. Why even bother?

(edited by Erzian.5218)

Dec 10th thief changes

in Thief

Posted by: Erzian.5218


chaining 52 52 52

You are doing it wrong.

Dec 10th thief changes

in Thief

Posted by: Erzian.5218


People are crying because a Skill, that renders the vast majority of cc skills useless and allows you to make up for 293824902380 mistakes at avoiding certain key skills, is getting fixed. Sorry guys but its time to step up your/our gameplay instead of whining.

Let’s be honest. I consider myself mediocre at best. In pvp encounters I dodge randomly (and so does the large proportion of gw2 players) most of the time and I can still win most 1v1 encounters in WvW/spvp as a s/p thief and I am pretty sure I can do so after the nerf, too.
If you consider yourself good, you should be able to do so easily and if you can’t play without a spamable stunbreak, then you are simply not good but getting carried by your class.

I'm done playing thief. How about you?

in Thief

Posted by: Erzian.5218



you don’t have access to many dodges


Whining about Queue? Read this

in WvW

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Hey people,
for few weeks Anet was telling you that moving to T1 is not good idea.
They also made some free transfers so you can move from overpopulated servers.
Nobody cared about it that time.

And it is not Anet fault. I dont see people from Bronze league whining about queues. Rarely i see people from silver league. And there are servers you moved from.
There was queue before start of the leagues. You count count with queues after start of the league, but you still moved there or stayed there. It is not Anet fault.

It is not anets fault that they offered free transfers to a “top” wvw server who had no or only very short queues (except for eb maybe)?
So we are supposed to leave our home world now because anet decided it was a good idea to make such an offer?
I wouldn’t say anything if it was me who transferred to a t1 server, but in fact it was a huge amount of people from other servers who came to my home world and anet promoted doing so by free transfers.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

server without queues?

in WvW

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Big thank you to anet for the free transfers to medium servers, I can now log on and wait for 1+ hours instead of logging on and being able to play wvw on a decent wvw server, which used to have an overall pretty nice and friendly community. This has greatly improved my gaming experience.
I really appreciate the new high population. I fell in love with the long wvw queues (instead of the short to non-existent ones) and enjoy the massive amount of advantages (aka none) for the remaining content (pve and spvp) . I think it was a great idea to announce the introduction of a wvw league and reducing the cost for transfers.
Piken Square used to be my favorite server, well thanks again anet – you ruined it for me.

Guess I will have to leave to everyone behind if I want to be able to play instead of wait, so is there still any server who has no (or very short ~5min) wvw queues in the evening/prime time?

edit: euro server ty

(edited by Erzian.5218)

Elona reach/Piken square/Seafarer's Rest

in Match-ups

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Didn’t 1 or 2 of piken’s biggest wvw guilds leave the server and join sfr?
Also, I will never understand why people complain about “blobs” – If it works it is just smart to do so and if it doesn’t work then why would you complain. Either way I am pretty sure that every single server that plays in a higher bracket zergs/blobs/whatever, regardless of how much they praise themselves for having plentiful good roamers and small roaming groups. I have seen massive groups of players on every single server I have played on or played against and if you don’t like it, then just avoid facing those zergs/blobs – I don’t do that much WvW (and I actually enjoy it while my server is losing) but if I can do it, it cannot be that difficult.

Account safety and ownership verification?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Erzian.5218


This wasn’t about fishing males since I didn’t answer any of the mails unless I until had trouble with my account and even then I didn’t give anyone any login info. My email account was hacked and the “hacker” proved his account ownership with the buy order ID and a combination of wrong and somehow stupid answers and “I don’t know” statements, thus support reset the password and by doing so, they granted him access to the account (which is actually something good in this particular case because otherwise I might have not realized that someone else had access to my email account, but in a general matter it is just ridiculous).

What he knew:
buy order ID
the name of 1 character
my rl name
where I am from

What he didn’t know:
the correct email (=login name)
the account password
the names of both Internet providers
the race of the main character
the profession of the main character
that the time of the last log in was less than 24 hours ago – he stated 2 months ago
the number of characters on the account
the server I play on
the name or tag of any of my guilds

Yes the ID is a good argument but if you don’t know anything about an account with more than 2k hours playtime (and 10k+ hours on the linked gw1 account) then you obviously do not own it, sorry.
What the guy actually did: He asked for a pw reset for an account whose login name he didn’t know and succeeded. Seems legit.


(edited by Erzian.5218)

Account safety and ownership verification?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Erzian.5218


How is it possible that someone (who hacked my email account) can verify account ownership to the support, who resets the password as a result of this, with not knowing my gw2 account login email (he contacted the support from a different email address than the login one) and providing answers like this?

1. When was the last time you had access to Guild Wars 2?
I probably have two months of time without access to accounts (In fact it was less than 24 hours ago)
2. What is your
account’s current home world (server)?
German server (That is a) no server name b) I am not on a German server)
3. What is your main character’s profession and race?
Erzian (So I am a profession and race now?)
4. If you are in a guild, what is your main guild’s name and tag?
Yes, but do not remember the names and marks
5. What rank do you hold in your main guild?
Do not know
6. How many characters do you have on your account?
Several characters
7. On what date did you first notice that you no longer had access to your Guild Wars 2 account?
Do not know
8. What Internet Service
Provider do you use?
[] (random IP address)

1. Where did you register the account? (Country, City)
2. What was the name of the Internet Service Provider at that moment?
3. Where are you located right now? (Country, City)
4. What is the name of your current Internet Service Provider?
5. Where did you purchased the game? (Country, City)

IP addresses for the questions 2 and 4 (which you can easily find by using Google and which most likely don’t even match my actually providers)
Out of the remaining questions he probably answered 2 incorrectly ( I am not 100% sure where I was when I bought and registered the game but I think I was somewhere else)

Seeing this, I could probably “hack” the majority of players I met in this game because I know where they live and therefore can google an IP address. I could actually provide much more information than this stranger did because I know character names and have more precise information about race, profession, last log in and so on.

edit: I edited this post to make it easier to read and focus more on my actual point of criticism.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

Necromancer PvE fix

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erzian.5218


they are fine until you can get one of those instead: warrior, guardian, mesmer, ele, thief

Not sure about rangers and engineers but I’d probably pick those over necros as well.

Necromancer PvE fix

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erzian.5218


problems solved – gg wp


If You Are Squishy Running Solo

in WvW

Posted by: Erzian.5218


I think you’re the one that has no clue. This build works perfectly for roaming and you have quite enough initiative to get in stealth. Maybe you should try it before telling me i don’t know how thief works, because when i’m using this build in wvw i do kill most roamers i cross path with (assuming it’s 1v1). Hidden thief is a really good trait…sure executioner sounds great too but i’m actually relying a lot on backstab damage, i don’t want half of them to do 1/3 of the damage it could actually do.

learn the difference instead of embarrassing yourself

Also, you might not know but the actual weapon skills do damage as well. So having more crit (which is obviously a good idea with that much crit damage) means much more damage as well. Try some theorycraft, use numbers and then test it on the field…

Do you realize that your 2 most powerful attacks do have a 100% crit chance, so adding some survivability in form of Valkyrie-gear is advisable. Not 100% sure atm but I also think the 5% more damage sigil is generally better in a d/d build that utilizes hidden killer.
edit: doing some math: even without hidden killer the 5% damage sigil does more dmg than the +5%crit chance if you you take the crit. chance of the build you linked.

Steal (you’re now in stealth and target is poisoned and has taken damage) if you weren’t already in stealth / backstab / 3x #1 / *CnD / backstab / heartseeker *might need steal instead depending on wether the guy moved far away or not if you have it up. Sure there might be better combos “on paper” but when you actually play the game, you don’t always have every cooldown available, opponents actually move and don’t stay still and you also take damage and need to dodge. Play the game instead of bashing people because on paper their build hasn’t got the BEST BURST OMFGLOL11!

How exactly it this better than cnd+steal -> backstab -> follow the rest of your combo? It costs 2 initiative more while doing an additional 3-5k dmg, giving you overall better initiative management (due to Infusion of Shadow instead of Hidden Thief) and increasing your backstab and the following AA chain’s damage by 3%.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

Time to bring Thiefs to a normal level

in WvW

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Necro – High Sustain

nice troll

Comparisons where you make up disadvantages of your favored profession while conveniently ignoring disadvantages of the others are pretty good. If you think this criticism is wrong, I ask you to elaborate on how thieves have low/worse utility compared to e.g. nec and ranger or how their build diversity is low compared to other classes who also have 1-3 viable builds only (which should be the majority)

What intentions have Anet about thief?

in WvW

Posted by: Erzian.5218


seen all white knight in this post are thief.

I main a thief, I think access to stealth in its current form is op in WvW but I do not think that thief’s burst damage or mobility is op sorry. Nec has good chances of beating thieves 1v1 and better chances of actually killing them than any or most other classes.

BTW: stop crying about thief being week in pve, they are ABOVE AVERAGE and there are several occasions where a thief is useful and on a level with mesmer/guardian/warrior

If You Are Squishy Running Solo

in WvW

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Stealth itself is not op, the easy and more or less unlimited access to it and the very limited interaction (cnd@neutrals, d/p*) with the thief in WvW are the issue.
You can still damage the thief while invisible but in the end it still comes down to: prediction/gambling vs. seeing every single action. If you are in the latter position and lose you simply got outplayed big times.
Nevertheless: Thieves need stealth, but not in such an excessive manner, it should require you to think about when you are going to use stealth instead of having it always ready apart from 3 seconds of revealed which are only applied if you hit someone. It is not like you completely useless outside of stealth: Most dodges in the game and highest mobility in the game (together with warriors). So you can still run as good as or even better than any other class without stealth.

  • Many classes and builds do not even have a single fairly reliable way of preventing 1 black powder+ heartseeker combo not even talking about multiple of them (if he wants to reset the fight, the first one is the most important anyways) and other sources of stealth you have to counter at the same time.

if player skill is evenly matched, the person who has any allies on their side, whether they’re player or AI controlled, should win the fight. even if it’s a upleveled ranger and an NPC guard against you, you’re at the same disadvantage.

No, just no
Assuming you are lvl 80 with exotic gear: Unless the upleveled player is close to 80 and has similar good equipment, you are not supposed to lose that fight. If you do, you are basically on the same skill level as the veteran guard.


Did you really just link a WvW d/d build with 20 shadow arts and the “Hidden Thief” trait?
Not even talking about the godawful equipment choice.

Hmm ? Can’t read ? Need me to put stuff in bold ?
typical d/d roaming killer build
roaming killer

I didn’t say it was a zerg or anything else build. The guy was complaining about stealthy thieves, this is one of the builds that allows a lot of stealth. It’s a shame that most people complaining can’t even read and/or give any argument against stealth other than “OMG HE DISAPPEARED!!11!1”

Either you are a huge troll or absolutely clueless. This build and its equipment choice are terrible for roaming and even worse in general.
I’m pretty sure if the majority of wvw thieves did actually run this build, there would be much less complaints:
- No sufficient initiative management and therefore less access to stealth
- less burst damage than decent d/d specs
- waste of a trait (hidden thief)
-why the hell would you run full berserker and a +5% crit chance sigil when you have the hidden killer trait?
I honestly don’t understand why you tell people to l2p, when you obviously don’t even know how the standard back-stab combo works because if you did, you wouldn’t run hidden thief, which in fact reduces the combo’s damage while there are at least 3 other traits that are better in the same slot.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

If You Are Squishy Running Solo

in WvW

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Did you really just link a WvW d/d build with 20 shadow arts and the “Hidden Thief” trait?
Not even talking about the godawful equipment choice.

Why are you even talking ?

If You Are Squishy Running Solo

in WvW

Posted by: Erzian.5218


I don’t know, maybe I’m the only one thinking that running away and stealthing away are two entirely different concept? Because when my ele run away, every single enemy can see where I’m going, while a thief can stealth and for all you know, he probably is still behind you. I tried, I couldn’t find “Smoke Field” skill on my ele.

No, you don’t have control. What you do have is a chance to fight the thief. Everything else: when to engage, when to disengage, is left to the Thief. You can try to run away, that much is certain, but whether you can fight the thief or not is solely on the Thief’s discretion. You can’t chase the Thief: if they don’t want you to fight them, you cannot fight them.

Ergo, all the rewards without a lick of risk.

If they are DD you control when they C&D… learn the animation and you can dodge that.

If they are DP you watch for when they raise their pistol. Avoid that blind shot, then cc them. The heartseeker leap finisher won’t finish and they won’t gain stealth.

In both cases they lose a lot of ini. That’s the lifeblood of a thief. A thief with less ini can do less. A thief with no ini is a dead thief.

If they do stealth then you control the fight by your own movement. Make it hard for them to backstab you and you’ll know where they are from that alone.

Stealth isn’t invuln… you can still hit them when they are stealthed (watch your mele auto chain).

I have no problem predicting them on my eng… who only has the toolkit for mele… because I understand the thief class well having plaid one before.

You just need to learn what thieves do and how to act/react in that given situation. there is prediction involved, but I control what’s going on even when they are stealthed (unless they just run away).

There is only no risk to the thief if you act like grazing cattle once they try to stealth (which is what far too many people do).

The thief can disengage when they want to… but that’s part of the class design. In fact… they NEED to disengage and re-engage frequently. They lack staying power. That’s the same reason why they aren’t often wanted for group compositions.

The trick to killing a thief is to make him over commit and try to disengage when it’s already too late.

Even if they do get away… so what. What is that solo roaming gank thief really going to do that matters in WvW?

Good effort and mostly correct but simply ignoring the issues:
Knowing the CnD animation doesn’t get you any interaction when it is used on neutrals/walls.
With very limited exceptions d/p can go invisible before are finished with avoiding projectile and casting your cc.
Trying to avoid/mitigate backstab damage does not equal “controlling the fight” and when the thief uses stealth to reset you control even less.

If you have no trouble at all with hitting invisible targets you are either facing only very bad thieves or you are absolutely awesome at predicting, in that case I recommend playing the stock market and you will be rich in no time.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

If You Are Squishy Running Solo

in WvW

Posted by: Erzian.5218


It didn’t stop those thieves complaining about mesmers until our class got nerfed to the ground did it? Now it’s thieves turn, Sad but true.

“Nerfed to the ground” = slightly above average in pvp and in the top 3 of pve

Time to bring Thiefs to a normal level

in WvW

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Yep, thief is not bad in pve, yet there are many players who give it a bad reputation.
If you consider thief useless in pve then everything but warrior and mesmer (and maybe guardian) is useless in the majority of pve content (aka everything except that I don’t know about high level fractals).
Well it probably is like that but compared to the remaining classes thief is actually pretty useful.

Time to bring Thiefs to a normal level

in WvW

Posted by: Erzian.5218


@Zikory.6871: I already stated why I consider stealth op in WvW (only there) on page 2. Don’t try to blame me for your laziness

Time to bring Thiefs to a normal level

in WvW

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Please, Do tell, What are you referring to as irony and exaggeration?

I have do admit I find it amusing, if people do not understand rhetorical devices and just try to argue, but since you asked for an explanation, there you go

Irony: rhetorical device to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning, in my original post simply the “Good point” because “Stealth does no damage” is not a a good point if it is criticized that thieves can reset/leave combat at will.

Exaggeration is simply the act of overstating/exaggerating (to state/describe something as bigger/smaller/better/worse etc. than it actually is) in my post the comparison of perma-stealth with perma-block. While there is some similarity (likely to prevent death and making it possible to easily get away alive), everlasting block would obviously be worse, since it is harder/nearly impossible to counter because of the limited amount of unblockable skills (which doesn’t change the fact that block does not equal invincibility btw)
The last sentence is a mixture: it is obviously not a serious suggestions to give every class a block skill and even if it shouldn’t last forever.

Original post:

I think the bigger factor that people miss is that:

Stealth deals 0 damage. It is a deception skill. It needs no counter (which it still has btw) because it cannot hurt an opposing player.

Good point, lets increase the duration of all block skills that don’t do damage to infinite because they deal 0 damage and don’t hurt opposing players and they still have counters (unblockable skills).
Oh and don’t forget to give an everlasting block skill to every class that doesn’t have one yet.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

Time to bring Thiefs to a normal level

in WvW

Posted by: Erzian.5218


protip: none of the 2 terms applies to block because of “unblockable”

Also if you feel the need to discuss about the “idea” of everlasting block you probably don’t know the irony and exaggeration either.

Time to bring Thiefs to a normal level

in WvW

Posted by: Erzian.5218


I think the bigger factor that people miss is that:

Stealth deals 0 damage. It is a deception skill. It needs no counter (which it still has btw) because it cannot hurt an opposing player.

Good point, lets increase the duration of all block skills that don’t do damage to infinite because they deal 0 damage and don’t hurt opposing players and they still have counters (unblockable skills).
Oh and don’t forget to give an everlasting block skill to every class that doesn’t have one yet.

Your argument is moot, Stealth is not infinite by its self. It requires at least 2 skills plus initiative…I understand what you’re trying to say but a infinite unblockable skill is not comparable.

Oh I see, lets make it require 1-2 traits and a certain weaponset then.

Furthermore I suggest looking up at least one of the following terms: irony, exaggeration

Time to bring Thiefs to a normal level

in WvW

Posted by: Erzian.5218


I think the bigger factor that people miss is that:

Stealth deals 0 damage. It is a deception skill. It needs no counter (which it still has btw) because it cannot hurt an opposing player.

Good point, lets increase the duration of all block skills that don’t do damage to infinite because they deal 0 damage and don’t hurt opposing players and they still have counters (unblockable skills).
Oh and don’t forget to give an everlasting block skill to every class that doesn’t have one yet.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

Time to bring Thiefs to a normal level

in WvW

Posted by: Erzian.5218


While I consider thieves quite balanced in combat itself, I do think that being able to disengage at will and literally being immortal in WvW is op.
If you die in WvW while you are playing a thief you failed hard (either you are too greedy and over-commit or you are a horrible player in general).

I main a thief but I also play other classes from time to time (ele/nec), however, whenever I find myself dead a lot I just switch back to thief and never die again and even if i engage on someone who is 10 times better than me I just stealth/shadow step and run away (as a full glass cannon). Every other class that does the same will simply die in that situation.
I’m pretty sure the reason why so many roamers (including myself) play thief in WvW(regardless of what they say), is that the class barely punishes you for minor and mediocre mistakes but only for really heavy ones.

OP Thief Build [detailed description]

in Thief

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Utility Skills:
Healing Skill: Chose whatever you want except Hide in Shadows, which is lame because it gives Stealth.
Skale Venom: The best utility skill you have by far. It applies a total of 3 stacks of both: vulnerability and torment, thus profits from 4 attributes at once (crit. dmg, power, precision and condition damage). Vulnerability amplifies the damage of ALL your attack skills and with torment it adds another tremendous damage source.
Ice Drake Venom: This incredibly strong venom not only increases your opponent’s cooldowns but also snares him for an enormously long time. In combination with the smoke field from Black Powder, this is devastating for everyone who is stupid enough to engage in melee combat.
Prayer to Kormir/Scorpion Wire: If you are human, you should definitely pick the former option. Prayer to Kormir removes 3 conditions at once every 40 seconds, which is really useful if you face one of those weak and pitiful but annoying condition rangers or a condition necromancer. If you are any race but human or stuck in aquatic combat (abusing your 1200 range weapon), you should take scorpion wire: A reliable low cool down pull with long range that is feared by even the most confident and experienced players.

Traits and Equipment:
Since both your weapon sets offer lots of different skills for any kind of play style, you should use whatever suits you best (either by looks or by stats). Don’t bother with ascended gear or food because they are waste of money and time and do NOT influence the outcome of a duel or encounter with several other players. Nevertheless a mixture of different stats is advisable to gain the best out of all your hybrid skills.
In terms of traits there are some outstanding ones you should look for as for instance Assassin’s Retreat: Just imagine that the impossible is going to happen and you are losing a fight, with this trait you just need to quickly kill someone and then you can immediately escape with an everlasting 10 seconds of swiftness.
If you decide to spend 30 points for acrobatics, make sure you pick up the Quick Pockets trait, which gives you an additional heartseeker in your most ridiculous combo: Use Steal and quickly followed with a quick Black Powder. After that you use Body Shot to render your opponent harmless and vulnerable. Now you can just swap to your D/D set and finish him of with a couple off heartseekers (but be aware that you don’t use heartseeker too early, since you honestly don’t want to end up triggering the leap finisher because once again: Stealth = lame)

PS: Don’t forget to carry a Short Bow in your inventory to show people what long range combat really means and that they have no chance of getting close against all your fast moving, long range and impossible to dodge Trick Shots and Cluster Bombs

(edited by Erzian.5218)

Stealth has to reward you the better YOU are

in Thief

Posted by: Erzian.5218


the ~4 seconds cd is as far as I know if your skill gets interrupted either by an opponent or by canceling it, not if you use and finish the skill but miss it.
And yes it should be changed for all the stealth attack skills not only backstab.

Stealth has to reward you the better YOU are

in Thief

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Stealth should end and “revealed” should be applied if one of your attacks gets blocked or evaded, maybe even if you just miss an attack.
Why? Because players should be rewarded for dodging or blocking the stealth attack skill as it is with any other attack skill. On the other hand players should be punished for failing their backstab etc.
If you miss fire grab on your ele it is on cooldown and this should be the same with stealth. Yes thief attack skills generally have no cd but revealed should act as something similar for stealth attack skills.

Dungeon rewards are broken [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Today I did the three different paths in CoF and got 30+15+6 tokens while everyone else got 3x 60 tokens. -> I have 51 tokens while everyone else has 180 tokens.
Yesterday I did CoE (30 tokens) and then arah (15 tokens) and I think a few days before I did only TA (30 tokens). I doubt that any of the runs took less than 30 minutes. In general I get 30 tokens and 13 silver at maximum and I get less every time I do a dungeon (it doesn’t matter if I just do another path or an other dungeon).
I’m pretty sure there is a bug since the update which changed the fix amount of money into a variable one (because – as far as I can remember – I got 13 silver at maximum after that patch instead of 26) and I honestly don’t get why you would change the amount of tokens when the former bug isn’t fixed yet~~
Now the people who suffer from this bug get less money and less tokens instead of just less tokens.
I understand that you want to prevent people from farming only a few bosses/chests but why does it have to be on the expense of the people who are already getting less rewards (silver)? :/

edit: I just got 45 tokens for CoF today – weird stuff.

(edited by Erzian.5218)