Showing Posts For Erzian.5218:

Why does everyone need to see my division?

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


I just realized you can even see it in pve, looks pretty silly if everyone has this i in an orange box next to his name.

Why does everyone need to see my division?

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


so people can see whether you farm dead hours as premade or solo queue during daytime

Your Spvp Ranked Fix Wish list

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


delete revenant, diamond skin, scrapper, bristleback, reaper chill spam

I’d rather play vs 4 cele d/d eles and a thief again. Was still more fun than this.

Ascended Ring from raids

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Erzian.5218


So I got this malicious ring from the raid but I can neither infuse nor attune it which makes it really bad for fractals… :/

Will Reapers be getting a nerf?

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Plague signet is so strong that it becomes oppressive. You basically cannot play any necro build without plague signet unless you want to get destroyed by every other necro who runs it and you cannot “burst” the necro with conditions unless you want to risk bursting yourself. It also kind of makes people random dodge as it is the only way to avoid it for many classes, which is stupid. The active signet is actually worse in that matter than the passive one (which nobody runs anyways because curses is inferior to spite – especially on reaper because of the unreliable rs2) as you can at least trigger the passive one by applying 3 conditions and burst once you have triggered it.
I think that necro needs a instant cast that cleanses conditions (at least movement impairing ones) but it should not be a transfer.
Signet of vampirism hitting through everything is dumb, too.
If you want to keep plague signets functionality it should at least have an obvious animation+casting time or only transfer certain types of conditions e.g. chill, cripple, immobilize.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

EU Pro League Meta

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


What is the counter to condi rev?

Condi transfers and getting lucky with boon corruption rng ;-)


[NA] Necromancer Raid Builds

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Versus 5 stacks everys 10 seconds with 5 second duration.

This is flawed as the chance on earth is 60% and condition necro does not hit that frequently as in very little multihits, so you are far away from triggering earth every 2 seconds

Must Be Nice To Raid...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erzian.5218


I didn’t know it was that hard to find 9 friends on the internet….

[Matchup] Reaper vs Druid

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


kill the druid before bristleback kills you.
Most damage comes from bristleback autoattack, not f2 because spike barrage misses most of the time even if you don’t dodge it.

Why is there no counterplay to rev skills?

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


This is stupid, he cannot complain because he plays one of the classes that counter rev? So someone that plays all 9 classes has no valid opinion at all? if you want to argue about bias, then i am sorry to say but pretty much everyone is biased but nonetheless people can have a point and rev sword 3 is lacking in the counterplay department while doing too much for a skill with little counterplay.
A possible solution would be to speed up the casttime or redistribute its damage so that the damage/hit increases from beginning to the end, so that a higher portion of the damage can be avoided with a single dodge.
Sword autoattack is also too strong in terms of numbers but that is a different issue.

150 Agony Resist

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erzian.5218


14x 7 + 2x 11 + 3x 10.

looking for the new guild armor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Does any guild have the required merchant and can invite me? I just want to buy the armor and leave again :<
I am on EU

Some feedback on Greatsword

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erzian.5218


I think not seeing play for more than 2 years is considered quite a while whereas seeing play for a couple of months is not. Apart from that cele nec is none of the top builds in pvp in EU. In fact the only class that sees (or saw as idk what the current meta looks like) less tournament play in eu is ranger.
Anyways I’ll start in believing that reaper is good once/if it sees play in speed runs (pve) or tournament play (pvp).

(edited by Erzian.5218)

Some feedback on Greatsword

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Why would I take hits when I can camp dagger and deal comparable dps while not having to face tank. And dagger dps is mediocre compared to other classes. Warrior, thief, ele, engineer, and revenant probably too (?) have substantially more dps than necromancer while also offering more party support.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

Some feedback on Greatsword

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Gs still needs shorter activation times on auto attack and gravedigger. Right now the weapon is not only utterly useless in pvp but also unfun in pve because you have to cancel your attack skills too frequently in order to dodge (while also offering only mediocre dps vs targets above 50%). I’d rather camp dagger and spam 1 than use gs 1 or 2. Or use reapers shroud 1 or don’t use reaper at all or just play another class.
Right now, the only use it has for me is number 3+4 before I swap to dagger. After yesterday’s Blighter’s Boon nerf I am not even sure if it is worth running reaper at all. Might as well stick to normal necromancer, as reaper dps doesn’t appear to be better and it offers absolutely nothing special besides gs4.
The only thing that is somewhat fun is sinister/viper condition reaper vs high armor targets. In pve that is, as condition reaper is trash in pvp. Perhaps working expertise stats in pvp can fix that idk but right now it is nothing but a downgrade.
Pretty disappointing that reaper is a big letdown after necromancer has not been viable in pvp for quite a while and has been bottom tier in pve for more than 3 years. I guess necromancer will just stay at the bottom forever, because ‘reasons’.

I know anet has this vision of the reaper as a slow but scary monster but unfortunately you cannot use slow and scary in the same phrase when everyone either removes more of your health than you remove of his/hers (pve) or has more than enough evades to avoid all of your slow attacks and enough mobility to kite your forever (pvp). You don’t look like a scary horror, you look like a helpless clown.

First Reaper nerf of the expansion!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Why do we have a grandmaster trait that requires a whole different specialization to actually do something relevant?

Also: If reaper is not having better sutain than druid/guard/ele in team fights then it has literally no purpose. It offers inferior teamsupport and less sustain especially while opponents are above 50% health.
Condition reaper is a straight downgrade compared to condition necromancer as its shroud is next to useless for condition builds. Chill damage would be a great trait for necromancer (instead of dhuumfire for instance) but you have to give up your single best skill (ds2).
if you compare condition or celestial builds reaper has to give up either:
bleed duration + bleeding on crit + weakness + condition transfer + boon corruption
might stacks + boon removal + boon corruption + signet recharge
unblockable marks + slower shroud degenation (sustain) + life force generation on marks + a stunbreak with protection + foot in the grave/dhuumfire/50% crit chance in shroud

regardless of which specialization you decide not to take you give up:
unblockable boon corruption and damage on shroud 2

What do you get in return? More chill, chill damage and reduced damage from chilled foes, which does not make up for the damage loss of shroud 2 + the losses from the other traitlines.
Power necro as in berserker or marauder is not even a build in pvp, it is simply awful and surpassed by any meta build.
Sure, the elite skills is nice but I don’t want to make my build much worse to get an elite skill that does not singlehandedly win fights.

Anyways, the change is good for solo play but I don’t think that more solo play is what guild wars 2 or necromancer need.

First Reaper nerf of the expansion!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erzian.5218


rip necromancer/reaper for another 3 years gg.

PvP Wanderer wrong. missing 2 new amulets

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


I really like the current PvP wanderer stats or would like them if expertise wasn’t bugged as it doesn’t increase condition duration at all :/

** Do Not play < Thief > in sPvP **

in Thief

Posted by: Erzian.5218


That + the class descriptions saying we should at the very least excel at 1v1 just leaves anyone dissatisfied with the noncombatant role of the thief as it stands doubly frustrated.

The problem with class descriptions is that they are hardly correct. They are aimed to make a class look appealing and if you read all of them you might start wondering how they can all be masters at this and that. If you look at warrior, it is supposed to be a master of weaponry. Given that every class uses weapons and that other classes are not stated to be masters of weaponry, shouldn’t that mean that warrior is best at fighting? And why can’t a master of weaponry use a dagger or pistol? You should also consider that good does not equal excel but merely means above average but gives no information on how much better it actually is. It doesn’t even tell us compared to what or where. If you compare marauder or berserker builds, then thief is definitely good. If you compare celestial builds, then it is awful. As we do not have any precise information, the class description makes a poor basis for an argument.

If you are unhappy with thief, just play another class. If you are experienced at gw2, it should not be that difficult to learn something else. Personally I wonder how people can stay with the same class and build for several years, as it tends to bore me rather soon. Given the expansion release, this is probably the perfect time to start something new, as many people will have to adapt and get used to new builds and skills anyways

Nonetheless, I think that your image of thief is incorrect as there areseveral players who make the class work outside of tournaments and premades and most of them do not only neutralize nodes and run away, but also successfully join fights.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

** Do Not play < Thief > in sPvP **

in Thief

Posted by: Erzian.5218


I win a 1v1 if I kill my opponent and I lose it if I die. Thief doesn’t die unless you over-commit but can still kill a variety of builds.
If you insist on taking nodes into account then I win the 1v1 if I can contest the node and as my (thief) mobility is higher than yours (non thief) I can contest it by simply being there before you. I already won. I can then just go somewhere else and as it takes longer to cap than to decap I have succeeded. I can even contest it by being invisible for a big as you then have to guess whether I go to your node or not and either way, I can do the opposite and win again.
Either you see 1v1 as contesting nodes at which thief is very good due to its mobility (which becomes obvious as in any top team brings one for that reason) or you see it as fighting, at which thief is very good as its worst match up is a draw. It you mix up both you are purposely making up a situation that makes thief look bad but by doing so you prove absolutely nothing as everyone can make up a large variety of situations in which class/build xy is bad. If you want to be good in that particular situation then you might be playing the wrong class, if you want to have what you can do now+be good in that situation then you are simply asking to be overpowered as thief has had and still has its place in the meta with a higher certainty than any other class.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

Dagger life force necros

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


It is a bit dumb however that if you roll to necromancer after the match has started you have whatever amount of life force you had before joining.

** Do Not play < Thief > in sPvP **

in Thief

Posted by: Erzian.5218


I think if your worst 1v1 match up is a draw as you can always disengage and survive if you cannot kill your opponent, that qualifies as “good”. It clearly does not say that thief is good at contesting nodes
Thief has good damage and cc, so it also qualifies as deadly.

I applaud you for attempting to prove they are fine even now. Valiant effort.

This appears to be a much smaller version of the “mobility so you’re good” argument, because clearly fighting someone solo inside of a holographic circle does nothing to alter the fact that it is 1v1.

And since it cannot 1v1 right now, having good damage and cc does not make it “deadly in 1v1”

You are not forced to stay in a circle. You can go wherever it pleases you, the maps are pretty big. Your argument does not make sense as the description clearly says 1v1 not “1v1 under circumstances made by Azure The Heartless.3261”.
Funny thing is if you played 1v1 conquest thief would win vs most builds.

** Do Not play < Thief > in sPvP **

in Thief

Posted by: Erzian.5218


I think if your worst 1v1 match up is a draw as you can always disengage and survive if you cannot kill your opponent, that qualifies as “good”. It clearly does not say that thief is good at contesting nodes
Thief has good damage and cc, so it also qualifies as deadly.


Everyone thinks thieves ask to be Op in 1v1. All thieves ask for is to actually have some chance vs some classes. Right now as thief gameplay: there is enemy? Run away.

NOBODY wants to play a build that is hard countered by a superior mobility build that is involved in most if not all competitive teams. There are plenty of builds that have a 50:50 or worse match up vs thief. Some of them see play (Shatter mesmer) but most of them don’t because there is no payoff for running them. Nobody wants to have to babysit one person in their team 24/7 just because there is a thief on the enemy team. Mesmer sees play as it has stealth, high mobility to disengage and brings good utility (sounds familiar huh?) so it is actually worth bringing one.

edit2: also saying thief has no impact if your team isn’t already winning is wrong. If you just look at the old solo queue leader boards there are multiple thief players who have more than 60%+ winrate (e.g. levin, sizer, faeleth) , which is very unlikely given the high amount of games unless you do have actual game impact.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

Staff with new camera/targeting system

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erzian.5218


If anything skills 2-4 need distinct cast animations, so that you do not have to guess what kind of mark your opponent is currently casting. 0.75 seconds casting time is more than enough counter play.


in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


heh, buff ranger please, Kol is very sad because ranger is not viable in tournaments/esl. I do not want Kol to be sad, so please buff ranger so that he can finally conquer the big esports scene instead of being sad.

Also do not lower the amount of transmutation charges that people get from pvp because that would make me sad and I do not want to be sad.

It would also be nice if players could abandon/leave a game if theirr team is 4 or less for a minute or more as there is no fun in playing or waiting until the 4v5 is finally over.

please help.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

Lots of Reveals.......

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


I don’t see why thief shouldn’t have counter play to some of its mechanics, it already has initiative so the weapon skills are not affected by chill. Then it has steal which is an instant cast and stealth. Why should stealth not have counterplay? Literally every class has counter play to its mechanics.
You can avoid attacks to slow down adrenaline and life force generation or you cc the necro when he/she enters death shroud which forces him/her to either take the full duration cc or leave death shroud to stunbreak and not have shroud available for 10seconds (7 if traited but that means giving up soulmarks), you can destroy phantasms or put chill or weakness on the mesmer to slow down clone generation, you can chill elementalists to slow down their attunement swaps etc.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

Lots of Reveals.......

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


One of my nigh uncounterable mechanics is going to get more counter play. Please help! Thief has only been top tier in every game mode since the release of the game. It is obviously underpowered!

PvP New Reward tracks : Give your Opinion.

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


we’re replacing two of the four transmutation stones on each reward track with Shards of Glory.

Please, don’t do this. If you want to replace something in all reward track,s it should be tomes of knowledge not transmutation charges ._.

New Elite OPness Ranking

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


top 3 in no particular order: herald (perhaps rev hammer/sword in general idk), scrapper and chronomancer (both are over performing compared to their already strong core classes)

I don’t see why people find reaper so strong as it doesn’t really perform much better than necromancer. Imo in a good spot in relation to its core class.
Druid overperforms in comparison to its core class, but as the core class does not well enough for tournament play it, doesn’t tell much about how good/bad druid is.
Daredevil is the most annoying build to face since turret engi but annoying doesn’t equal broken. Idk how it performs in comparison to d/p. It has even more mobility and – depending on the traits – is more or less immune to soft cc’d but no/low stealth.

No opinion on berserker and tempest (tempest has a hard time because of how broken d/d ele was/is?)

(edited by Erzian.5218)

None-HoT players vs HoT

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


I think condition reaper is fairly well designed. It is different from condition necromancer but not necessarily stronger. Reaper seems to have more sustained damage because of chill damage whereas necromancer has more bursts due to ds2 (3x bleeds+chill+vulnerability+2x condition from corrupting a boon). Compared to that RS has only poison from skill4 + chill as condition damage sources. Dhummfire is an option but for that you have to give up signets or path of corruption+weakness+passive condition transfer.
No idea how the power or the celestial builds compare to each other though.

PvP beta unplayable ...

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


slow and alacrity are just … :<
F5 should have either even higher CD or replace F3 or F4 – and not be placed above F4 as that looks really stupid.
In terms of grand master traits I can’t even decide which one is most broken :x

If I play chronomancer it feels really smooth and powerful, but if I play against it I feel like uninstalling the game or just deleting all my other characters and making chronomancers instead. Maybe a couple of heralds as well.

Major Death's Charge Bug

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erzian.5218


No, you are not the only one.

Thief, a class that is going to die in pvp...

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Thief is much better at chasing people down than mesmer. Compared to mesmer it also has dps and not only Burst. Improvisation also still eats mesmer in 1v1 because plasma is pretty close to invulnerable vs mes unless the mes gets lucky and removes the protection with shatter. If the mesmer does not run daze mantra (in which case he has to give up portal → lower mobility or decoy → only 1 stealth)Thief damage is also a lot more reliable as it is less telegraphed.
Talking about core Mesmer (shatter), not chronomancer as I consider chronomancer blatantly overpowered.
Idk why people think that thief is underpowered when it is pretty much the only class that has been mandatory in higher levels of play since the release of gw2. I can’t tell what is going to happen but until now not bringing a thief is putting yourself at a disadvantage.
Yes thief is bad in multiples but besides a few exceptions (herp kitten d/d ele) having a balanced comp is usually superior to stacking the same build (not class). The reason you don’t want 2 thieves is because it has only 1 build (yes technically it has more builds but – despite d/p being superior to the other builds – all the builds do the same thing)
If people want to stack the same build, that is usually a sign that it is overpowered.

Changing the trigger for Plague Sending

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erzian.5218


The plague signet trait should not exist in the first place :|
I agree that necromancer kind of needed another condition removal that is not dependent on hitting your opponent but it should not have been a passive unavoidable condition transfer.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

BWE 3 Reaper Specialization Feedback Thread

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Am I the only one who thinks that 1.25second casting time is simple too high for skills that hit a single time in gw2? In PvE it feels unnecessarily slow and in PvP it is simply impossible to hit anyone decent/good with it when it matters. 3/4 is perfectly dodgeable and 1.0 is already slow. Given the super obvious animations on gravedigger+ds5, they should not take forever (aka 1.25) to cast.
Although it was nothing to do with the beta: Consume conditions should also not be on a 1.25 second cast but on 0.75 or 1.0.

Another more general thing: Please fix the issue with daze, sometimes you cannot stun break it. I did some duels against friend who played druid and not being able to stun break a 6 second stun with flesh wurm, spectral walk and foot in the grave is “a bit” annoying. Especially since foot in the grave seems to stun break it with death shroud but somehow not with reaper’s shroud. Might be wrong on the last point though, perhaps someone can check.

Thief is least played class in current PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Really? What pure-dps specs do you have trouble with (maybe burst guard or burst engi, but even then they can be dealt with – albeit at a slower pace)? Thieves dominate most power builds (war/ranger/mesmer/other thieves) and struggle vs high condi-pressure builds (condi engi, condi necro) or sustain builds (d/d ele, tank necro/etc). I agree thief is certainly boring to play at the moment, but it is hardly underpowered and every top tier team has 1 for a reason.

wat? are we playing same game?

Thief should beat zerk/marauder warrior and mesmer easily. You are correct in terms of ranger though: Survival, nature, beast mastery ranger is basically unbeatable as thief and builds without nature magic still have a favorable 1v1 match up but I don’t see how ranger even matters as it is literally the worst pvp class in the current pvp environment and sucks at everything but 1v1.

impressive changes to the lfg tool

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erzian.5218


I really like new slick, gray design of the lfg tool for fractals. It is very impressive.

Good job anet.


Molten Facility fractal

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Erzian.5218


How is it possible that a bug that has been known for more than a year or so does still exist in this fractal?
Aka weapon test does not start if you enter the room before the super slow NPCs are there.

[Idea] Falling Damage Trait Update

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Just merge on cc and falling damage traits. Problem solved.

The "What Mesmer Are You" Personality Quiz!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Erzian.5218


It says that I am 80% teddy bear :<

So, um, memsers seem brokenly OP

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Daze Mantra + confounding suggestions = broken
Daze Mantra + chaotic Interruption = broken
Daze Mantra + power block = debatable

Yes, daze maze mantra is stupid.
The problem didn’t arise before the patch as you couldnt run ci+ip+pb+de at the same time.

Mesmer is quickly becoming the most OP class

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Because the absence of thieves would suddenly make necros good. It would remove all the shout warriors, Meditation guard and cele rifle engineers from the meta game and make necromancers harder to focus down. The necromancer could just use his/her superior mobility to get to the incredibly slow and immobile mesmer and focus him/her down. I wonder why I have never thought about this before.

except mesmers actually have better chances to kill celestials~
imagine if every single team would run mesmer, what do you think would happen?

People would take something that doesn’t immediately die if more than a single person look at it. Or something that can cross the map in less than 10 hours. Or something that offers team support. Or something that doesn’t have to get off node vs everything. Or something that can actually chase and kill people instead of letting them run a circle to come back with full life. Or something that is actually strong in 1v1 vs the current meta builds. Or something that is useful outside of downed state.

Mesmer is quickly becoming the most OP class

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Because the absence of thieves would suddenly make necros good. It would remove all the shout warriors, Meditation guard and cele rifle engineers from the meta game and make necromancers harder to focus down. The necromancer could just use his/her superior mobility to get to the incredibly slow and immobile mesmer and focus him/her down. I wonder why I have never thought about this before.

Mesmer is quickly becoming the most OP class

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


people would just play necros


Stun Breakers with Cast Times

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


well of power also has a casttime and breaks stun
To the casttime stuff: I’d guess they are implemented as channeled skills, thus they go on full cd if you cancel them.
I don’t think anybody will be able to tell you how the skills will be implemented except anet themselves.

Suggestion: Change the PvP Titles

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


I have always thought that the titles would be much better without the prefix. I’d rather just be Phantom, Hunter, Shadow etc than this champion kitten :<

air fire air fire air fire air fire air fire

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


nerf to critical damage

Why do people keep saying this? Crit damage in builds that use amulets that give ferocity (e.g. Berserker) is the same or higher as before the crit damage -> ferocity change.
They simply put the crit damage which they removed from the traitline onto the amulet. There are very few builds (e.g. Soldier hambow) that actually suffer from the change but those are not the ones that use fire/air anyways, thus they are irrelevant for this debate.

Both, thief as well as mesmer actually profit from the change: panic strike, acro/trickery s/d and shatter mesmer all put less than 6 points into their respective traitline thus they have increased crit damage compared to prior ferocity times.

edit: replaced “as well as” by “and”, so it does not get censored

(edited by Erzian.5218)

Necro Spec Notes & Feedback

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erzian.5218


idk what to think if I compare those changes to thief or guardian (I haven’t checked the other classes yet). Both, guard as well as thief have been god-tier in more than 1 game mode since release while necromancer has been bottom tier everywhere but in wvw zergs. Yet, they get massive buffs compared to necro. Seems legit.

How come gw2 is not popular in esports?

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Seeing that the majorityof players in most/all games does not earn rl-money and most likely plays to have fun/enjoyment. I don’t think gw2 population is lacking in terms of numbers, its pvp population, however, is. So I am assuming that gw2 pvp simply isn’t considered fun but perhaps even frustrating by most players. Not because of the rewards (if people do something solely because of the reward, they are very unlikely to stay but usually do what it takes to get it and leave) but because of the gameplay itself.

Just my personal thought why this game is unfun to so many players: sigils, turrets/pets/AI, powerful 0/0.25/0.5 casts, builds or whole classes being about a single instant cast or just autoattacks, abundance of hard cc.
Sure, you can claim it is a l2p issue but I am a 100% sure that there is a variety of top-tier players (who win or do well in weekly ESL tournaments as well as bigger tournaments) who agree with at least some of those points. Oh yeah, and if a game is not fun to the low-medium tier players, that is a not a l2p issue but disastrous design. If a game isn’t fun just because I am not one of the top-tier players, I will just quit it (or stay in pve/wvw) and play one that is, as there are plenty of games (this also includes competitive games) who offer fun to “casuals”.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

Death Breakdown

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


It is either burning, poison + 3 random things or air sigil, fire sigil + 3 random things most of the time; If a build has access to bleeding that is usually the thrid consistent damage source.
The calculation of condition damage seems to not work properly and not take condition removal into account, or the condition damage from berserker builds is absurd.

(edited by Erzian.5218)