Showing Posts For Erzian.5218:

Necromancer rework ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Don’t forget to remove flesh wurm, and make necromancers immune to swiftness so they stop running away-

What is your most hated build?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erzian.5218


next level warrior build in lvl 40 fractals


Real reason Necromancers are useless

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Dodge is a DPS loss ;d

You are losing a lot more DPS by bringing a necromancer :p

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erzian.5218


The irony…

I don’t see how basing an opinion on current facts is biased, sorry
In fact, that is quite the opposite of it.
If you link me videos of successful ESL power necromancers, I will gladly reconsider my statements. I would love power nec (or nec in general) to be good but according to ESL and other gw2 tournaments it is a supbar build. I am sure that there are a lot of well thought posts on why necromancer (in general) is not a good class in pvp in its current state and in the current meta, if you do not like ESL as a reference.
I love the necromancer class in gw2 but that doesn’t make it a strong choice in any way. Sometimes you just have to accept that your class or build is far from optimal in terms of efficiency no matter how much fun to play it is.


The point was that defeating a zerker necromancer (or any zerker build for that matter) does not make a build viable or good. Nothing more.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erzian.5218


If the damage from celestial is strong enough to take down a berserker necro, doesn’t that show that the build can pull its own weight?

Which build can not take down a berserker necro (if he doesn’t use lich) in a 1v1?

Zerker necro is not weak.

I would argue otherwise but I don’t feel like wasting my energy to theorycraft with a super biased individuum. So I just look at facts and numbers on how power necs and necs in general perform (on EU as that is where I am playing) to form my opinion instead

(edited by Erzian.5218)

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erzian.5218


If the damage from celestial is strong enough to take down a berserker necro, doesn’t that show that the build can pull its own weight?

Which build can not take down a berserker necro (if he doesn’t use lich) in a 1v1?

Stop the on-proc burst

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


How is halting strike bad? It requires the mesmer to actually proc an interrupt. Not random if it’s a good mesmer.

They should just remove sigils from pvp though, it would make the game a lot more balanced.

As a necro I would prefer to keep my energy sigils.

Funny enough that necromancers take an inferior sigil to make up for their lacking class design. The only class that should use energy is mesmer and that is only because of the synergy with their class mechanic/trait and even they use only one because fire is superior on gs.
I am pretty confident that in most cases the additional dodge prevents less damage than fire/air/geomancy/intelligence/battle add.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

Stop the on-proc burst

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


How is halting strike bad? It requires the mesmer to actually proc an interrupt. Not random if it’s a good mesmer.

About everything in this game is an interrupt as the only way to not get interrupted is by not doing anything and the damage is ridiculous for how easy it is to hit an interrupt in this game. I recently saw GS5 + sigil procs+halting strike deal 7+k damage on a low armor target (around 2k if I remember correctly), that is between ~50% and ~30% health damage and a hard cc on a 0.5 second cast. I don’t see how that is good design.
If you want glacial heart, chill of death and incendiary powder to be nerfed, then halting strike needs to be nerfed, too.
They should just remove sigils from pvp though, it would make the game a lot more balanced.

Nerf class

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


they might be on par with necromancer then

Second Ladder Test Season

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Never before has match quality felt that low :s

Honestly, if I have to wait 5+ minutes for a match anyways, I wont mind waiting another 5 as long as you stop putting my nec into a team with two other necs.
My personal highlight was 3 necs, a freash air ele and something i cannot remember vs shout warrior, dps guard, staff ele and double panic strike thief on the other team. Please explain to me how that is even remotely balanced.

I think it is more important to balance team set ups in term of classes than in terms of mmr/ladder points/whatever. This is not dota/LoL where you pick after getting a match but a game where you usually join the queue on the class you are going to play. As soon as people have played a couple of pvp matches in this game, classes matter much more than individual player skill as this game is full of counters and hard counters.

Perhaps I should just stick to Heroes of the Storm as having two tier 5 Heroes on your own team vs a team of t1/t2 heroes is still more balanced and enjoyable than what appears to be the average gw2 match.

What to do when someone costs you a game?

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Blame the necromancer and tell him that he is useless if someone (no matter who it is) costs you the game.
If you do not have one, bring one so you can blame him/her. Simple.

Hit mid dodge roll is back

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


I always thought it was a ping/lag related issue. The dodge aimation seems to not require an immediate response from the server (similar to walking around).
You recognize this when you are about to lose connection or having a high ping spike: You cannot use any skills or swap weapons, but you can still move and dodge.
So basically when either you or the server is lagging, the dodges on your screen and the actual dodges are not snychronized, thus you can be hit during dodge rolls.
I don’t think it is a bug or related to pin down (as I have been hit by numerous attacks in pve during a dodge roll) but related to the performance of your connection to the server/the server performance.
Of course, I might be wrong but this is the impression I got/get from playing with an instable connection. I never ever had the mid dodge roll issue when I still had good internet connection.

How I saved 1330 gold in a single afternoon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erzian.5218


no warhorn no win

You're going to hate the pvp if you solo.

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


The only thing I hate is that I often end up in dual thief/mes/nec teams vs perfectly balanced teams. Idk why you would place 3 of them same class in 1 team and 0 of them on the other when neither of the teams is premade. It is just dumb and unfun. Might as well afk/leave those matches as most of themare decided by the team comp and nothing else.
edit: also remove the stupid daily class win thing or change it so that differen people have different dailies. It is just stupid in general.


in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


geomancy sigil @1407 condition damage and 10% bleeding duration:
(1407*0.05+42.5)*3*11 = 3724 damage.

doom sigil : ~60% uptime: reduced healing,

sigil wars 2

edit because too much text.

(edited by Erzian.5218)


in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


hint: the topic has nothing to do with eles


in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218





Fix December 2 PvP patch (Petition! Sign!)

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


They are going to lose lot of players

You cannot lose what you never had. Don’t worry.

Sizers opinion on Gw2 Esports!

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


We need skills and mechanics that are fun to play against at first, right now it is just frustrating sometimes especially if you are new: passive fear procs, passive stun breaks, passive burst from fire and air sigils, too many available (random) dodges, high impact instant casts like doom, steal etc, too many inconspicuous but strong skills or skills with too low casttime, turrets… the list appears to be endless.
Like pvp is fun occasionally but it gets boring or even annoying pretty fast imo (for me it is only fun because I can sit and talk to people meanwhile but tbh I could also pve with those people and would not miss anything) . If I want to put real effort into a pvp game I’d rather chose dota2/LoL/CS:GO as they are overall much better, diverse and competitive games than gw2: Better servers, less RNG, less passive play, larger player base, less mindless aoe and AI spam.

edit: no option to observe matches, no fix daily tournaments, relatively low tactical depth, very low build options – compared to its predecessor gw2 pvp is simply abysmal which is probably the reason why most top tier gw1 players had left gw2 after less than 2 months.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

Next level solo queue

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


gg wp anet – flawless server quality guarantees great fun for everyone


Spvp Matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


It happens because even at prime time there are basically no players, you end up with and against the same people over and over again because there are no other options.

Even the best match making system is pointless if there are no playes to match. I am pretty sure that even successful games like LoL or Dota2 would have similar problems if they had a comparable playerbase.
How many active solo queue players does gw2 have during its pime time? 100? 200? Pretty sure its even less for team queue.

Changes in the Sept 2014 Feature Pack (WOOT!)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erzian.5218


I imagine something like this:

Spectral Armor: Increased protection duration by 15%.
Last Gasp: The recharge is now affected by the Spectral Mastery trait.
Well of Power: Removed stability. This is now an instant cast.
Summon Flesh Wurm: Increased the Flesh Wurm’s health by 20%.

S/d Thieves are no skill, no fun, no love.

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


You are all wrong guys, thief is actually underpowered: just check out the profession balance forums

personal opinion:
things that are somewhat broken besides the initiative system
feline grace
slight of hand/steal cd
fire+air sigils
hight amount of blinks

Stand-alone they are not particularly overpowered (except for the spamable blinks maybe), but under certain circumstances (e.g. feline grace+perma vigor) or when they are combined it gets ridiculous.
Moving the 10% crit damage from the traitline to the amulett as a result of the crit damage → ferocity change has also helped the 2 0 0 6 6 build.

Oh, and while sizer’s build is annoying to face, the version with shadow step instead of signet of agility is actually much more annoying because it has 2(3) stunbreaks instead of 1 as well as even more condition removal.

Fractal rewards

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erzian.5218


It’s called RNG: out of 5 armor chests I got 1x raider’s shoulders, 1x defender’s coat and 3x raider’s boots.
Same for weapon skins (11 in total): 3x sword, 3x speargun, 2x trident.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

Nerf or remove Bunkers

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


a) be somewhat tanky
b) thief

if you aren’t a), b) will spank you pretty badly.

[PvP Guide] Kite like a king!

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


I’m missing something…. where are the other players? :/

good video that perfectly represents the state of pvp, there are simply no players.

Bulletproofed - heavy armor imbalanced

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Guards are slow compared to thieves so everything is fine

Elemantalist and Engineer Unfair Advantage

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218



It’s free, you should give it a try. Thanks!

thx you advice him LoL, because if advice Dota – it will be 100 topics per day at forums xD

pretty sure that both games are better than gw2 at basically everything and have a playerbase which is more than 10, probably more than a 100 times as big as gw2’s (pvp).
Even HoN has an amazingly large playerbase compared to gw2.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

Elemantalist and Engineer Unfair Advantage

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Mist Form, Elixir S and Distortion have very long CDs, so you actually sacrifice a very good Oh kitten button to get a stomp.

This has nothing to do with cheating or “cheap tricks”.

Warr stances are long cooldown also.. And you need to blow more to get the same.. And even then its still possible to remove stability boon

Edit: @ Anton: that’s actually possible. Shattermes can rip boons within a whimp and interrupt you with another shatter.

Sure it’s possible, but you need:
1) be a shatter mesmer
2) have no cd at shatters
3) be near enemie at 240 distance
4) enemie must have stability icon in good for you place at buff line
5)you must see stabilty and don’t fail interrupt into it
6)use interrupt skill (which means it not has cd and your weapon swap has no cd)
7)don’t fail all this and do it in 3 sec

or you use “steal”

Ascended weapon and armor drop improve

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erzian.5218


2 chests 0 fractal-skins out of 6 runs post patch compared to 1 chest 0 fractal-skins out of 47 runs pre patch. Either I got really lucky or they did indeed improve the drop rate.

Add a monthly fee to pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Why would anyone put effort in this abomination of pvp, if you want to “fix” it and make it fun and competitive you would have to rework basically everything because right now skill and class design is terrible. There are far too many instant and 1/4 casts (maybe 1/2 casts too, depending on your conection whether you can dodge those or not) and skills that have no proper animation at all or look the same as other skills. People always complain about warriors, yet warrior is probably the most fun class to play against, at least you can see what they are doing and also fairly reliably hit skills vs them because they don’t random dodge/evade 24/7.

Team PvP in this game is dead (it has probably never been alive anyway); most people I know who bought the game for the sake of pvp quit it after 1month or less because it’s dull and boring (and the meta back then was more fun than it is now imo). There are probably still more active teams of 8 in gw1 than there are active teams of 5 in gw2 and gw1 is more than 9 years old.

edit: not even talking about asura, AI, mobility of a certain class and spamable blinks.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

Add a monthly fee to pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


i would never pay for guildwars2-pvp

at moment its even hard to play it for free


[PvP] The state of Necromancers in PvP

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Erzian.5218


And no, I don’t think people focus necro first because it is a freekill, thieves or mesmers are much more a freekill

Wow, please stop embarrassing yourself.

Necro BUG listing:

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erzian.5218


It is shown in the tool tip but tool tip shows only a 25% increase.
If you add a 10% condition duration increase via traits or rune, the tool tip will show 1,5 seconds.

Necro BUG listing:

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Master of Terror: According to tool tip it increases fear duration by 50%, however, if you take it without any other condition duration a 1second fear will become a 1.25secomd fear, so I guess there is something wrong.

Do skill requirements differ too much?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Erzian.5218


I noticed that most necro’s don’t seem to dodge a lot, something I’d learned on thief is sooo important.

I am pretty sure that has nothing to do with their skill level or that they don’t like dodging but with not having vigor or any weapon evades.

I don’t mean to say that if you play X build you’re unskilled and if you play Y build you’re awesome. GW2 allows you to be awesome at everthing. But it was so obvious to me that some classes are just… so much harder than others to play. Going from Warrior to thief is a world of difference, no more facetanking everything, no more easy condi-removal, suddenly it’s learn to dodge or die. You all have you own main class, did I get it wrong, or are skills requirements per classes really different?

The basic skills: positioning, timing your abilities and dodges and rotating between capture points are pretty similar for every class, skill rotations are not particularly hard and you learn them in a couple of hours.

Thief is somewhat different (that is probably while many people find it hard to play or play against): It does not have cool downs but instead you have to manage your initiative and as a result it profits less from weapon swapping.
Going from thief to anything else is a “world of difference” too, no more evade spam, no more abusing teleports, no more absurdly high mobility etc, Mesmer is probably closest to thief in terms of abusing game mechanics.

Many people seem to measure how “easy” or “difficult” a class/build is by the amount of hits it can take, however, I think that it is wrong because you also have to take into account the amount of active defense you can afford to fail and how many skills you have to save your butt when you do a crucial mistake. For instance: Thief has much more dodges/evades (teleports can serve as evades too), therefore it less dramatic if you waste one as for instance a Necromancer. Every class that has a blink (Nec only if you have placed the Wurm in a decent spot before you engaged) can afford to get caught out of position more often than for instance an engineer or even warrior. Everyone that runs two stun breaks (or skills that can serve the same purpose e.g. lightning flash, mesmer staff 3 etc.), can afford to get stunned more often than people who have only one and so on.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

sPvP Fractals path!

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


I don’t see pve’ers complaining about pvp’ers running around with arah weapons and armor, which were extremely easy to obtain in pvp while being part of the more difficult content of pve.
What about firebringer, infinite light/runic blade, dwayna long and short bow? You should look at both sides of the coin, not only at one.

Also: If I want a shark/phoenix/dragon etc. finisher I have to play pvp, if I want certain armor skins (e.g. stalwart medium shoulders) I have to play pvp, if I want a tequatl weapon skin I have to kill tequatl, if I want a costume I have to buy it at the gemshop, so why should I not have to play fractals if I want a fractal weapon skin?
Some things are simply bound to specific content.

On a side note: Fractal skins could be used in PvP before the wardrobe and reward track update and the only thing the update changed is that weapons acquired before the great fractal update are affected as well now.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

sPvP Fractals path!

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


If you want fractal weapons, you should have to play fractals imo. Same for things like super adventure box skins (first skin generation being an exception) etc. There are also armor skins that were/are limited to pvp players e.g. stalwart shoulders (medium armor).
While those skins do not represent “skill”, they show that you have successfully played the related content at least a couple of times and they help to encourage players to play that content. Nonetheless I agree that there should be a less random way to obtain fractal weapons but it should be related to fractals and not to anything else.

Master of Terror - bug?

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Master of terror is supposed to increase fear duration by 50%, however, if I don’t slot any additional condition duration via rune or the spite trait line, the base fear duration (Doom and Reaper’s Mark) of 1 second becomes 1,25seconds which is especially annoying since you will miss the 2. tick of terror.
Is it bugged or am I missing something?

[PvP] Revert Power Block.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Portal, AoE condition removal, AoE boon removal, AoE daze, stealth, many blinks (good vs any melees except thief), decent-good aoe burst (standard staff/gs shatter mes)

While it might not excel at something, it brings a lot of utility even outside of portal and most of it affects more than 1 player.
However, since I dislike the mesmer design itself, I wont judge about whether they are viable or not but you should consider that it does see high level tpvp play, so I guess it is not as bad as the usual mesmer player pretends it to be.

Thief overpowered? Then why....

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Anyways, i play as a thief myself. Thieves are pretty powerful, and can reset fights easily, but we’re really weak to [..] heavy CC (talking to you, kitten hammer warriors..)

If a thief loses vs a hammer warrior, that is simply a skill issue, sorry. D/P, S/D, S/P and even S only easily beat hambow in 1v1.
However, when I see the average thief in WvW/PvE I can understand why they think their class is weak/underpowered but I am afraid it has nothing to do with the class itself.

Is Thief One of the Weakest Classes In Game?

in Thief

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Weakest =!= Weak.

Don’t you know the different between an Adjective and an Absolut?

If something is the weakest, then it is weak compared to the remaining contesters.
My apologies, I wasn’t aware of the astonishingly low level of basic reading skills at this forum and thought that was obvious, next time I’ll add a “compared to other classes” so that you don’t have to look at the context.

Thief offers much more than stealth in terms of defense. If you truly believe in what you wrote I recommend taking a closer look at what the thief class and its weapon sets really offer (D/D and P/P are exceptions, they don’t offer much).

(edited by Erzian.5218)

Is Thief One of the Weakest Classes In Game?

in Thief

Posted by: Erzian.5218


If you think thief is weak or particularly hard to play, you are not very good in general and/or lack knowledge about game mechanics.

Nonetheless, you usually don’t want more than 1 one in your team because a second one would be redundant. Dredge fractal and roaming in WvW might be exceptions.

Blocked for being a thief

in Thief

Posted by: Erzian.5218


In a MMo like Gw2 the chances of you meeting the same person on a PvP or PvE once or twice is so freakin low that you shouldn’t really bother yourself with this kind of stuff.

Except that the gw2 pvp community is actually so tiny that you meet the same people over and over again. It doesn’t matter at what time I play solo or teamqueue, if I do a total of 3 matches I will almost certainly meet one or more persons twice. [EU]

Also: People shouldn’t wonder about flames/insults in pvp, which is usually dominated by arrogance and bad attitude, especially when playing a class that is overpowered at it’s role (probably even in general) and pretty easy to play. Not talking about rotations(for which people usually kitten talk you. spam 3 bla bla) but about the excessive amount of shadowsteps and evades which allow horrible positioning as well as random dodges.

Don’t argue with warriors at this point because if you lose 1v1 versus a warrior in s/tpvp as a thief, you simply got outplayed by him (given that you run a proper build: either trickery d/p or s/p or acrobatics s/d)

Why is there still no dueling?

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Yes, duels in pve please, just make it so that armor takes no damage from lost duels

One should be able to toggle duels on/off so others can’t harass one with duel requests.
Harassment via chat is not an argument because they can do that regardless of the implementation of duels.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

Re: Pistol Whip

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Pretty sure if withdraw and lyssa runes didn’t exist in their current state, pw would be less strong.
That being said, pw suffers from the same bad design as the Flanking Strike+Larcenous Strike combo did and imo still does.
Both skills are not situational but simply a (much) better version of the auto attack chain: Comparable damage + much more utility.
Unload actually has that problem too, although it trades utility for more reliable and higher damage.
All those skills need work in so far that they need to be more specific.
S/D: decrease damage and increase interaction (remove/transfer) with boons or add interaction with conditions (?)
S/P: pw stun vs head shot daze -> pw stun part should be removed -> only the flurry part remains + either change the evade so that it only evades (or blocks) attacks from the front, or deals greatly reduced damage to downed people (so you cannot efficiently abuse it to cleave on downed people). Might as well just rework it completely, just don’t limit yourself to tweaking numbers because this is very unlikely to do trick.

edit: I main thief.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

The new showing on armor with dyes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Erzian.5218


While I appreciate that you added a third option for dyeing the small dots, the change of the material or whatever you did to the part in the middle of the armor (here the orange part of the chest) makes me pretty sad, because it is not possible to apply dark colours to it anymore: e.g. abyss – after the update – looks more like black – before the update -, midnight fire is just some ordinary brown now and so on.
Basically, all colours are less powerful and more dull on it now, which is a real pity, since it is one of the few good looking chest pieces imo. :/

(edited by Erzian.5218)

Reason, why so many players prefer berzerker

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


- provocation and attempts of insult
- blatant arrogance and elitism, thus unlikable author
- argumentation based on overgeneralization and ignorance
- many arguments not related to the actual content of the subject
- terrible example

3/10 – bad attitude is most likely the only reason for people to engage in this “discussion”, at least it is structured and legible.

good luck on your crusade.

[Pvp][Thief] S/D thief is still too strong

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Erzian.5218


I think the actual problem is not the built-in evade of s/d but the combination of feline grace and vigour on heal+low cd on withdraw and yeah well.. lyssa runes but those are a problem in general.
- withdraw: cd and healing increased by 33% (20sec cd) or even 66% (25sec cd)
- feline grace: change it to a combination of flat endurance regeneration (50%) and endurance regain (7 or 8), so combining it with vigour (and signet of agility) becomes less powerful but still useful.

I agree with the synergy on feline grace being very good but withdraw & vigorous recovery isn’t that big tbh. With those changes I suspect both would just be dumped or worst case scenario the entire Acro trait line will be dropped for Trickery with bountiful theft. Which gives far better vigor uptime already. It’s feline’s grace as you pointed out that pushes it over the edge when compared to other classes.

You could simply increase vigour duration of vigorous recovery by 2 (20sec withdraw) or 3 or maybe 4 (25 sec withdraw) to keep roughly the same amount of vigour uptime, while still nerfing the extra dodge granted by withdraw, thus the overall amount of dodges.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

[Pvp][Thief] S/D thief is still too strong

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Erzian.5218


I think the actual problem is not the built-in evade of s/d but the combination of feline grace and vigour on heal+low cd on withdraw and yeah well.. lyssa runes but those are a problem in general.
- withdraw: cd and healing increased by 33% (20sec cd) or even 66% (25sec cd)
- feline grace: change it to a combination of flat endurance regeneration (50%) and endurance regain (7 or 8), so combining it with vigour (and signet of agility) becomes less powerful but still useful.