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3x DuoQ vs DuoQ - Broken MMR?

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


According to the season 2 announcement, matchmaking is primarily based on pips not mmr apart from that, if the amount of players available at a certain time is so low at you have the same players over and over again that is not an issue of matchmaking but in that case i’d rather have teams in which the players are of equal skill instead of forcing ‘balanced’ teams and a 50:50 win/lose chance for both teams, because that is exactly what we had last season and is exactly what made the last season a bad joke. In a league system that is intended to represent player skill, it is fundamentally wrong to put the best players on a team with the worst ones that are currently available in order to obtain a 50:50 win/loss ratio. If there are only 10 players available, then the best 5 of them should be put into a team and win to get to a higher division. I know, that sounds arrogant (and frustrating for the bad players), but it is necesarry if you want leagues to represent player skill.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

New matchmaking is seriously fantastic

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Agree that this season is what season 1 should’ve been. Bad players are not entitled to higher ranks, so it’s inevitable that blowouts WILL happen at the start. After a few weeks when the better players climb the ladder, everyone will start facing more evenly skilled opponents. (eg. players that are still struggling in emerald)

Haha wrong. When every good player has climbed, guess what. Every other bad player will fight other bad players in emerald and raise in divisions anyway. Nice try tho!

While you are right that they will evetually catch up, it will take them much longer and the season does not last forever and good/better players will appreciate To get out of the lower divisions quickly.
To lower the frustration of subpar players, it might be good to let let legendary players start in sapphire and diamonds in emerald or something, next season. Or multiply the pip gain and loss by a an amount x during the first y matches e.g. Double pip gain and loss during the first 10 matches.

3x DuoQ vs DuoQ - Broken MMR?

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


I beat a certain individuum 500:127 or so, next game i had him on my own team calling me bad and going afk, so i lost ~280:500 in 4v5 :d
On topic: given that the vast majority is amber or emerald, it is pretty hard for match making to form teams with high skill differences.
Blow out matches have and will always happen even between similar teams (if you dont believe me, look at pro league or the pro league finals, especially foefire which is in my experience the most played map in ranked queues). It is a result of the gamemode/game design.contrary to mobas or gw1 there is no possibility to retreat into npcs or a tower if you are pressured, as such it is fairly likely that the match snowballs, especially in unorganized play where people just run to one of the three nodes after respawning while some of their teammates are still dead.
Additionally you have good and bad players in the same divisions because the season just started and everyone starts in amber regardless of their division in the previous season. If you have a player on one team that constantly binds 2 of the opposing players, chances are that the team with the said player is going to win. Same thing if you have someone who is great at supporting teamfights through good focus and cleave/stomps or heals and rezzes.

Fixing Core Necro. Share your ideas here.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erzian.5218


As many others have said: Shroud 1 needs to be faster while dealing about the same dps.
Apart from that: condition necs problem is not shroud (although a condition in shroud 4 would be great) but that bleeding as the main source of damage is an issue when people have access to frequent condition removal because you need a high amount of stacks to deal considerable damage and hoping for favorable rng in terms of opposing condition removal is awful.
Power necs problem is that all the power weapons are terrible compared to other classes’ weapon and that tanking as a defense mechanic (because low dodges and no blocks or weapon evades or similar) sucks.
Neither axe nor staff deal any power damage and dagger is a melee weapon whose best dps is a mediocre dps auto attack. Power necro “damage” comes from sigils and a 20sec internal cd passive proc #engaginggameplay

edit: oh and yeah all the core necromancer elites are pretty much worthless. Activating lich equals suicide, golem doesn’t do anything outside of 1v1 and plague is a 3 minute cd rezz/stompskill that often doesn’t even get the job done since the stability rework. Literally every class besides ele has a at least 1 more useful elite.

edit2: solutions:
condi: replace bleeding by an appropriate amount of poison/poison on some skill or a combination of the three.
power: increase damage coefficients, give nec more damage modifiers, weapon evades and/or endurance regeneration and/or more mobility, rework axe to make it an actual ranged power weapon (and not a pillow or something).

golem: make it more tanky and increase its damage and make it less stupid
plague: reduce cd on increase damage or stability stacks
lich: remove it from the game and replace it by an elite well or spectral ground-targeted blink with 30-50 cd that stunbreaks and/or grants lifeforce

(edited by Erzian.5218)

Best Greatsword for Reaper?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erzian.5218


The best gs for reaper is no gs because there is no reason to bring a gs reaper anywhere in gw2.
If you insist on bringing a gs reaper I’d choose Chiroptophobia or Twilight.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erzian.5218


also ur 4 hits like a truck so being unbloc is kinda stupid to classes where aegis is there think like guard

It hits for about 30-50% of the damage of other damage skills on ranged weapons on 2-5x the cd.

Condi Reaper or Staff Elly?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Reaper is good in the current raid wing as long as your druid keeps your minions alive. On the other hand, ele has been top tier in pve since forever whereas nec has mostly been trash tier (power nec/reaper still is).

How Do You Beat Mesmers?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erzian.5218


the trick is to equip the rise shout.
oh and don’t play power reaper because it is terrible/outclasses by almost every other power build

My only gripe with Search and Rescue is that

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


The problem with transfusion is that it is part of blood magic which is hardly worth a specialization outside of the grandmaster in pvp.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

utility skills and stun breakers

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Or you could lower the amount of hard cc. Higher activation times+obvious animations, higher cool downs etc. There were times where 1 stun break was enough.

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


I told you how to play around all of the transfers but you apparently cannot comprehend it. Instead you ignore everything I told you and give me information that is correct but only tells us how to not play the match up. Ok, technically number 3 is incorrect because if you shatter twice there is no clone to transfer conditions to except if you cast a phantasm or random dodge while invulnerable for nec to transfer conditions to.
If you think the match up is unwinnable, sucks for you but I wont waste further energy on trying to help you.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Condi Mesmer is unplayable if there is an necromancer/reaper on the opponent team with condi transfer.

He is then basically playing for the opponent team and helping them kill his teammates with his own conditions.

Don’t burst the nec in team fights as condi mesmer. in 1v1 wait until nec switchs off staff or uses staff 4 and burst him +use block/f4/s2 afterwards, daze heal if nec runs consume conditions – it is a pretty easy win.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

F94 Archdiviner No UI 0 AR - Daredevil Solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Things are always easy if you have enough practice/knowledge aka are one of the best.

Critical few balance tweaks

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Yes, please nerf a class that is bad in pve and pvp even further. Makes sense. The only class that dh can beat in 1v1 is thief (warrior perhaps but idk if warrior has a tpvp relevant build now and beating a class that nobody plays is not particularly useful) and in teamfight situations it is even easier to focus down than necromancer/reaper.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

Fractals - likes/dislikes

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erzian.5218


- high level fractals are too easy because bosses have lots of hp but deal less damage than before hot. damage on lvl 100 mai trin is a joke, don’t even need to dodge if you bring defensive traits/utility :s
- being able to do dailies by farming the easiest fractals
- golden fractal weapon rng is even worse than fractal weapons before the patch, the only golden weapons I found so far are those from the weapon collection and the 76-100 achievement. :/

Legend Div players need more reasons to play.

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Personally I stopped queuing not because of the rewards but simply because pvp in its current state is not enjoyable for me. Playing vs double rev is not fun, playing vs bunker mes is not fun, playing vs tempest is not fun and playing vs druid aka bristleback is the worst (although it is weaker than rev/mes).
If pvp was more fun, I would queue regardless of rewards.

Helseth on upcoming Mesmer nerfs

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


idk why you guys are so upset, alacrity needed a nerf. Usually traits reduce 1 certain type of skill by 20%. Alacrity reduces everything by more than 20%. It granted both, more offense and more defense than any other traitline (except inspiration vs condition builds perhaps). If mesmer is unplayable it is because of revenant and thief who have so many gap closers that is it nigh impossible to kite them and so many evades that is very hard to counter burst them. If either of them is stronger than you, you will have a very bad time and eventually be pushed out of the meta game, just like rev has driven 3+ classes out of the current meta and like thief has rendered most other berserker builds useless in the past. And like daredevil will likely remove the two classes that rely on kiting as major part of their defense (mesmer and reaper) from the game after the next update.
Ofc you always have the option to babysit your teammate but the question remains whether the pay off is worth the effort.

edit: If I had to guess: the well of precognition nerf is because of stronghold as turning the doobreakers invulnerable is a bit “dumb”

(edited by Erzian.5218)

How to beat scepter reaper now?

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


daredevil destroys reaper. The question is whether daredevil will be playable.

Corrupt boon & Lifeblast changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Glad that we wont be forced into running triple signet anymore. Corrupt boon simply couldn’t compete with the frequency in which boons were applied anymore. It’s currently a relic from a past where important boons were on long cds and not spamable or pulsing.

How to make core Mesmer work

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


No class should ever have baseline condition reduction or baseline increased ms.

Also shatter mesmer is not weak: It is just outclassed by a blatantly op class (rev) like everything else except bunker mes and power creep of elite specs in general, but compared to other core specs it is perfectly viable. Instead of more powercreep, elite specs should be toned down.
By making things baseline, you wont make core mesmer better in comparison to chronomancer unless you give chronomancer only useless traits as replacements.
Chronomancer offers too much for a single trait line as it is significantly stronger than any mesmer trait line.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

Legendary Meaningless Now?

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Why should you get more than 1 pip in the first place?

@Anet: Thief, community and devs

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


To be honnest warriors and guardians are in a much weaker state.

Ban warriors/thieves from ranked lol

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Reaper is not necessarily bad but it gets countered to easily e.g. by double rev double tempest, because it inherits the weaknesses of the core class (defense comes from snaring + kiting but daredevil, tempest and rev are fairly resistant against snares).

dh does nothing but turning to match into something close to 4v5 against good players. I’d rather have a daredevil at that point, at least it has mobility and counters reapers.

idk I think I have something between 60-70% winrate when duo queuing with my warrior friend but I still think the class is lackluster when compared to the other classes. However, I’d rather see nerfs to scrapper, chrono, druid, tempest and revenant than buffs to the other classes.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

Problems and Solutions, Divisions and Queues.

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Aren’t divisions reset at the end of the season? That is in 3 weeks.

Also mmr being relevant for match making but not for the progress (as in you get more pips if you playing in high average mmr matches) makes divisions completely irrelevant, because bad people can get to high divisions by playing vs other bad people while better players have to compete with better players but gain the same amount of pips.
As gw2 pvp is a casual game, I can understand that anet does not want the average player to be stuck in a low division but there should be some reward for playing against better players. E.g. low mmr win +1, medium mmr +2, high mmr +3 pips per win, lose (regardless of mmr) -1; Reason: Due to mmr your winrate should be around 50% because you face equally skilled players. Since you gain more pips for winning than you lose for losing (if you are playing vs stronger opponents), you climb to the higher divisions faster than the average casual. Nonetheless casual players can still get their desired rank icon of choice or backpiece with enough dedication.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

Ban warriors/thieves from ranked lol

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


bla forum bug fix

Ban warriors/thieves from ranked lol

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


If you blame warriors and thieves, you should also blame reapers and dragonhunters because they are strictly worse than the remaining 5 classes, too.

Can't wait anet to powercreep war & thief

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Funny thing is: if daredevil becomes meta without nerfs/changes, nec/reaper will be removed from pvp once more
So you just trade one class’ viability for another.

Loose pips in 4v5

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


-3 for losing 4v5

DH problem is not the traps....

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


it is not a bug, it is how the skill is supposed to work. Afaik the tooltip has also been adjusted by now

[REQUEST] Disable */^/PvP icons on players

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


and why can’t we disable our own icon? I don’t want people to comment on my pvp division every time I pug fractals :/

DH problem is not the traps....

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


The problem with dh is that it sucks against tempest, scrapper, druid, bunker mes and revenant.
Despite dh feeling rather underwhelming, I think that f1 casting time should be increased (along with nerfs to the current top tier classes/builds).

Fix the exploits in Fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Something about a Rev and Molten Boss. I’m sure you know it.

Not only Rev but also Ele. I’m sure you know it.

Guard and war can do it aswell. :<

What are the chances that my necromancer can do it too? :c

fixing the exploits is not going to fix the farm the easiest fractal(s) issue though, there needs to be an incentive to do the other fractals more than once. For 1-50 you have to do fractal x for fractal pages but once you have them there is no reason to do those level again and for higher levels there is no incentive at all.
One idea would be to reward to reward a golden fractal weapon of choice every time you complete levels 50-100 or 75-100 instead of only for the first time.
Or complete high level (75+) x for 1 golden fractal relic or a fix gold amount (preferably depending on the island+level) daily. Or simply change the complete 3 fractals of choice dailies to complete 3 randomly chosen fractals. etc.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

Every Diamond I See

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


even leeto is nearly legendary by soloq only and he has a hard time to carry games as necromancer


Suggestion on how you fix smurfing

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Yes please punish people for playing with their friends and/or players that are worse than them, because more arrogant anti-social self proclaimed “pro” players is what this game needs. Brilliant idea.

You’d rather reward them with easy mode pips and punish the 5 players on the other team.

Cool, thanks for your input.

Yes, if I had to chose between encouraging and discouraging team play, I would chose the first option. After all this is an online game and as such it is about playing with other people.

Every Diamond I See

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


It is certainly possible to reach diamond without abusing the system. Stop being mad at people for being better or more lucky than you.

Certainly better luck… But if you doubt skill message me in game I’ll Fraps it hero.


Suggestion on how you fix smurfing

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Yes please punish people for playing with their friends and/or players that are worse than them, because more arrogant anti-social self proclaimed “pro” players is what this game needs. Brilliant idea.

Every Diamond I See

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


It is certainly possible to reach diamond without abusing the system. Stop being mad at people for being better or more lucky than you.

Suggestion on how you fix smurfing

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


One big mistake is that the op assumes every amber/low division player is a smurf. I think most of them are actually random players from the hotm or friends that haven’t played much yet. Punishing people for playing with people from lower divisions is bad because it discourages teamplay as many people seem to care a lot about pips and would simply stop queuing with less experienced players in fear of losing progress.
If you want to discourage smurfing there has to be some sort of barrier before you can go ranked. Afaik this is already the case for gw2 as you need to be rank 20. However, I do not know how long it takes to get there but my impression on EU is that most low division players are not smurfs but simply belong where they are.
Personally, I think that losing more than 1 pip as a solo player for losing vs a team of 3+ people is more of an issue, because especially in the current meta game team composition, rotations and therefore communication matter a lot more than mechanical skill (at least once you have reached a certain level of play)

tl dr; smurfing is not the problem, game needs to more solo friendly/needs solo queue

Please fix the rare veggie pizza exploit!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erzian.5218


condi necro 30k dps.


Favourite meta?

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Dual warrior (not shoutbow) meta, right before something happened that turned everyone into cele d/d ele and shoutbow

Best and worst builds of all gw2!

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


in terms of enjoyable to play against:

diamond skin ele
turret engi
mantra mes
rifle engi
fresh air ele
shadow arts thief

axe/x warrior
meditation guard
2 6 0 0 6 d/p thief
2 6 0 0 6 s/p thief
shatter mesmer

(edited by Erzian.5218)

2 legendary take 2amber is right playing?

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Wonder why people queue with low division players? Dual diamond queue on EU


january balance and bomber builds

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


If GW1 was so good, it would still be healthy. But it’s not, it’s nothing but a dying husk.

Funnily enough the gw1 monthly tournament seems still more competitive than the gw2 monthly, despite not having cash prices

so how many years do I have to wait until..

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


I don’t have to face teams of 3+ players anymore while I am solo queuing? Playing solo vs premade teams is frustrating and unfun especially now that you lose progress. Neither is it fun to farm randoms as a premade party unless all you care about are divisions.
It is neither fair nor balanced and especially late evening/nighttime is unplayable as a solo player.
idc if queues times get longer as they are already awful. Id rather wait an additional 5minutes if I don’t have to face 5men teams.

As an ele main; Diamond Skin OP

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Even Viper + dagger/warhorn is not enough to actually kill a half decent tempest in 1v1. Necromancer/Reaper simply lacks power dps.

Options reset every time I log in

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Erzian.5218


win 10 education. OS Build 10586.29
happens on both, 32 and 64bit client.

what is better dpser rev or nerco

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Erzian.5218


If you ever want to play without guild/friends, I recommend revenant as nobody loves necromancers in pve.

Upcoming Fractal Changes

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erzian.5218


2x random low level daily fractal
swamp, swamp/molten boss, swamp, swamp/molten boss, swamp, swamp, swamp

rip fractals.

Bring back 4 cele d/d celes+ 1 thief please

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


feel free to add druid aka “I just evade, run in circles and heal while my pet does everything else” to the list

Bring back 4 cele d/d celes+ 1 thief please

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


still more fun than: chronocancer, “I have already removed 2 classes from the game” aka revenant, diamond fun tempest, all I do is spam chill aka reaper and “I cannot die” aka scrapper.
This is easily the most frustrating and unfun meta game I have ever witnessed in a video game.