(edited by Exciton.8942)
No, you absolutely need chaos as a boon share mesmer. BD is one of the biggest selling point.
You also want to take seize the moment for quickness and share it with allies.
Gear wise, you want wanderer/commander and leadership/durability runes to maximize boon duration. Weapon choice, I would prefer sword/shield and staff. But other weapons can work as well.
definitely not. Current server already at its limit in terms of holding population w/o lag.
If you find queue too long, you should blame whoever overstacks the server.
I like the way it works now.
I can’t count how many times being able to immediately drop comet to delay a druid’s search and rescue last season.
Reaper damage nerfed
Revenant damage nerfed
Moa nerfed.
It will be incredibly hard to kill anyone, especially with support ele/druid around.
I think it will be another bunker meta.
Very hard for me to 1v2 with my current setup. I tend to just bait in a 1v2.
I figured that I probably needed mental defence to hold on longer. But that means no illusionary inspiration which is one of the big selling point of bunker mes. Or swapping portal for signet of inspiration but have to lose something strong either way.
Then they need to think of a way to discourage stacking.
Every time ppl stack, you will lose some WvW population. In the long run, population imbalance slowly kills WvW.
Quick answer: You have a team to peel for you, Moa also has 2 evades. Moa is on a 180 second Cd. Moa can be LoS’d, Blocked, Blinded, Dodged.
That’s like 5 reasons I gave to you just now.
Yeah, if you start from the assumption you sux as a mesmer you are right.
It’s an option.
My option instead, is that when i cast moa i’m under cs.
In the order, 3 illusion up:
1- cs —> chronphantasma you have 3 illusion back
2- Tide of time —> 1st stun
3- as soon the stun hit —> illusionary leap
4- distorsion
5- moa
6- swap
7- cs endIf your target dodge the 1st tide of time you can add a diversion.
So we have that:
1-you cannot be interrupted while casting moa cause you are under distorsion
2-when the moa hit your target, the target is either stunned\chain dazed
3-when the moa hit your target, the target is immobilized so no dodge, he cannot cleanse hisself due to point 2
4-you cast 3 shatter during the rotation so you cleanse yourself 3 times, and you have 2 free shatter to cleanse again. Each shatter hit a target (remove blind) and cleanse a condie. Getting to be blinded more than once\xx match is matter of being worst mesmer eu\us.
5-target los isnt an option if you done properly point 1,2,3,4. If this doesnt happens it’s a chrono ltp issue, not a target counter to moa.
6-since when moa hit the target you swap to the the target, he become moa immobilized, and since moa do not have condie cleanse he wont evade anywhere.
7- since all 1-2-3 rotation is under cs, after cs end you will have your skills\shatters rdy to be used again. That means you can immobilize, daze and stun the immobilized moa again.
8- in the while you do this you stack torment and confusion, so than, if the moa survive the first 4 sec, when your second immobilize end, as soon as he move he die.If you have a party, then you can add on the moa 10x cc and 10x burst.
That’s how to play properly a chrono.
Then if you smash moa key “hoping” to not being dodged, blinded, interrupted, lsoed and praying your target to not being blocking or either in immunity… Well.
We play different xD
That’s like 8 reasons I gave to you just now.
Not a good way of playing. If you CS before you do all these actions, a good opponent will recognize it and either negate all your offensive effort or destroy your rift.
That’s why most ppl cast moa first and only CS at the end. That way if your opponent sees it coming and dodge/block/invul, you can still cancel cast your moa.
A lot of people weren’t using Moa if I remember correctly before the expansion in spvp. Really Mesmers in general were kind of out of favor the last six months or so before the expansion. Chronomancer is what brought them back.
Absolutely not true, PU shatter and mantra shatter before that were super entrenched and tier 1 builds leading up to the xpac
tier 1? There was only one tier1 build before xpac that is cele ele.
Even a moa can’t kill cele ele with vampirism rune and godly ability to heal back to full health.
Yeah PU mesmer has crazy good sustain. But if I can win fight directly compared to hiding in stealth half of the time. I would pick the former easily.
Scoring balance is meaningless when you still have huge population disparities.
Yeah, you can narrow down the scoring difference but smaller team loses anyway. What is the point?
So with this change, you will have to use moa when the enemy is already low.
That sounds like a good change to me.
From experience if the moa isn’t already dead or locked down within 6 seconds, it would usually have run away already. So while it is a nerf I think it’s acceptable if it suppresses at least some of the QQ about mesmer. That said, they should have reduced the CD to make it more palatable for a core mesmer. A CD buff wouldn’t really affect a chronomancer anyway.
It definitely puts in more thoughts and skills into its usage.
I still feel the skill is more worthy than gravity well because the amount of stability floating around. W/O moa, you won’t be able to land the killing blow on scrappers and druids.
I have been play testing bunker mesmer.
Here is my version:
http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAseWncfC1qhdoBmpBUrhlejyMAugM6cDKhWruUb1ZF-TpwZABAUGQz9HAAMy thoughts:
1. I don’t think alacrity sharing is worth it anymore. The effect is too low and well of recall is too big of a cool down. Portal is way more important.2. The biggest strength for bunker mesmer is BD. So I took signet of illusion to maximize the strength.
3. I am taking signet of inspiration through trait rather than utility. Again, I just can’t give up any of those three utilities:portal, signet of illusion and blink.
4. Elite is pure personally preference. I can’t tell which is better: timewarp or gravity well.
i dont like cleric – only give 400 hp from self initial heal and 300 on shatter. also you losing armor and crit chance so you wont do any dmg at all to bit pressure in 1v1 while you got 1k less hp.
your shatter alone wont help against condi mesmer as you need null field . not to talk about condi necro or rip necro.
portal is nice but you not a roamer do you? bunker need to stand on point and hold it. if the team moves to another point the mesmer will move with them.
if you are more 1v1 holder play condi mesmer than.
I find cleric pretty good
Well of eternity has 1.2 healing coefficient. Restorative illusion has 0.2. I honestly think 240 more heal on each shatter is a lot. I am not trying to do damage, you won’t be able to kill anyone anyway.
Portal is always important even for a supporter or a point holder. This means you can support teamfight while watching another point at the same time. Remember during bunker mesmer meta, we still have plenty mesmers taking portal over even well of precognition.
I have faced condition mesmer a lot of times. Surviving with shatter/signet of illusion/well of eternity is pretty easy. The only surviving issue is against spike power damage.
My build is very support orientated with main focus on maximizing BD effect.
Moa is only worth it if you can land a kill
So with this change, you will have to use moa when the enemy is already low.
I have been play testing bunker mesmer.
Here is my version:
My thoughts:
1. I don’t think alacrity sharing is worth it anymore. The effect is too low and well of recall is too big of a cool down. Portal is way more important.
2. The biggest strength for bunker mesmer is BD. So I took signet of illusion to maximize the strength.
3. I am taking signet of inspiration through trait rather than utility. Again, I just can’t give up any of those three utilities:portal, signet of illusion and blink.
4. Elite is pure personally preference. I can’t tell which is better: timewarp or gravity well.
I like inspiration/illusion/chronomancer the best.
Domination is for personal dps but with our low base dps, it doesn’t increase that much.
Inspiration has all the best support traits, a must-have for me.
Illusion adds a bit of everything, cd reduction on shatter is nice as you can timewarp more often.
Chaos is a bit of personal defence and boon duration. But bountiful disillusionment is not that useful as you rarely shatter to get the benefit.
This is disappointing to hear. I have always wanted to get good at a viable power shatter spec. Still it helps to know I’m not the only one struggling.
Technically a bunker mesmer build can be categorized as power build as well. But it is probably not the type of power build you want.
After the reaper nerf, I think bunker boonshare mesmer build is kinda viable again. But whether it is better to take than some other meta support specs, i am still unsure of.
Power mesmer is in a terrible spot.
I’d say we have the third worst power spec among all professions, only ahead of ele and necro.
I think auras are really important buffs to know but their current visuals are simply too weak in an ultra chaotic environment.
I know Anet was trying to reduce visual noise but auras were not the problem. I would really love to get the old aura visuals back.
OP always make very nicely polished videos. Want to say good job!.
Sorry to kinda hijack your threat but i dont think this kinda deserve a new one. Like the OP i made 2 days ago an elementalist with the boost, mostly for wvw. Anyway i am not expert but i am using some kind of auramancer, with some celestial/soldier and staff. I survive nicely and i like the class but what bothers me is staff attacks are mostly so slow that when i run with the zerg by the time i cast everyone is dead and i dont get loot sometimes.
Staff seem to be the better option, dagger is very melee oriented right? well not melee but doesn’t have much range. Scepter i havent tried much, in the offhand the warhorn seem good but i dont know what is better? Staff is alright but its just so slow
The whole point is that I want to build a frontline/melee tempest to closely support the frontline party. I definitely had fun playing the traditional staff backline ele but I want a change.
I will go for d/f for sure. Warhorn is more of a midline support weapon.
Not just the problem for JQ.
This is the problem for WvW gamemode for a long time. Lopsided matchup has driven a lot of players away over time.
I don’t understand why we can’t just have simple PvE and PvP split on this skill.
Current raid balance is pretty good and why should we try to disrupt that?
Monk runes and sigil of transference which will bring your total output healing to + 45%.
Condi removal will come from other sources. Use revenents to stack resistence.
You can overload earth followed by sand squall to give your frontline 10s of protection and an extra 2s of stability.
Keep in mind frontline tempest is not that useful when you are heavily outnumbered even with stone heart, since you can’t leap passed well bombs like guardians.
Most of your healing will not come from shouts. If it was me I’d replace your utilities with cantrips and maybe have flash freeze.
Ideally you would overload earth on frontline leaps to immobalize targets and use sandsquall, switch to water for heals. You really only need to use fire to stack might and air for the extra cc.
I don’t understand the leap past bombs part.
Guardian’s GS3 has the exact same cooldown and range with ele’s dagger fire 3
Guard’s GS3 doesn’t have any evade. How can they just leap ‘over’ the bombs? Actually ele fire 3 has evade to avoid pressure.
Anyway if you get caught in a bomb you either pop invul or you are dead. I feel heal tempest should be useful in outnumbered situation as well because it gives your party quick heal to get back to action. You won’t have a lot of time to reset, empower and blast water.
Which of the following setup do you think is better?
powerful aura + rune of trooper
So you can share aura from weapon skills, overload and rebound. Gives you a lot more heal to the allies. Rune of trooper helps party condition management.
cleansing water + rune of durability.
Taking a strong trait against condition means you can opt for a more OP rune, durability. You get a bit more raw stats and a pretty strong 20% boon duration. The boons from the rune is also quite strong. However, you lost some aura share ability. You can still party heal with the shouts though.
Nothing changed much on YB.
It is BG that goes fanatic as the new WvW change hits. They all go out of hibernation.
Many old guardian weapons are not good enough anymore. They need improvement. Especially the single-handed weapons.
As mesmer main, I definitely agree that the CS reset moa is making the current spec over the top. Maybe the shield skills are also a bit too strong.
But the bias against mesmer as a class is also undeniable for both casuals and pros. As some one pointed out, there are so few good mesmer players in the game compared to other professions. In current meta, a good mesmer is irreplaceable while professions like engi and ele can be easily played by any experienced PvP pros.
Considering how long specs like cele ele, cele engi, warriors and thieves have been dominating PvP before the expansion. I am not feeling too guilty of playing the current slightly OP mesmer spec.
I don’t play it, but I followed discussions on the forum and I can do some maths, so overall, I know what impact my suggestion will have. Fun fact, irl I am a theoretician, meaning that I never do any experiment myself but just based on theory I can still give valuable results. Same thing here, I don’t need to try it to know what is the DPS contribution of mesmer.
What you do need to calculate to claim that even PvE mesmer is more balanced without low CD timewarp is that to compare the dps from two compositions with and without mesmer.
The one you provided in the original post proved literally nothing.
Nope, the original post proved that in a 5-man content, a CS nerf does not result in a loss of quickness/alacrity uptime.
AND, it was already proven (by many) in other threads that 100% alacrity and quickness uptime give chronomancer a top DPS contribution.
And again, if 100% alacrity/quickness on 4 other players is enough to boost your DPS to top, then applying those buff to 9 other players is too much.
Okay. Let me ask you the details.
How do you assume SoI simply double the quickness uptime you calculated?
Note the following:
1. Timewarp is applying 1sec quickness every second. If you don’t have boon duration, you will end up with 1 sec of quickness in the end.
2. Tides of time apply 1.5 sec quickness on first touch and 1.5 sec quickness on second. There is like an almost 2 sec interval in between. So you won’t get 3 sec quickness in the end either.
3. SoI has 3/4 sec cast time. With quickness it has 1/2 sec cast time. So you will automatically lose that 1/2 sec quickness time to copy over to allies.
I will tell you my gut feeling is that w/o CS, raid mesmer will still be viable but just barely. Very likely you will be asked to have that super annoying-to-get commander gear to play.
For the longest time, I was also believing PvP balance > all. But recently I have completely changed my mind. It is very clear Anet is not making the PvP game highly competitive. The legend rank is so easy to get that I managed to get there with about 100 games last season. All the meta builds are so easy to play that you can easily swap to by practising for a week. If you truly find some spec OP, you simply go play that one.
On the contrary, PvE content has a larger audience and requires a lot of gear investment. It is much harder to ask players to constantly acquire new set of gear just to keep up with the meta.
I don’t play it, but I followed discussions on the forum and I can do some maths, so overall, I know what impact my suggestion will have. Fun fact, irl I am a theoretician, meaning that I never do any experiment myself but just based on theory I can still give valuable results. Same thing here, I don’t need to try it to know what is the DPS contribution of mesmer.
What you do need to calculate to claim that even PvE mesmer is more balanced without low CD timewarp is that to compare the dps from two compositions with and without mesmer.
The one you provided in the original post proved literally nothing.
Sadly, I think there is no roaming for the elementalist in the current state. I’ll explain why.
We have some good duelist/small scale fights builds; I’m having some success with both S/F fresh air and D/F lightning rod.
The problem is that roaming is not only about good fighting capabilities, it’s also about choosing fights, disengage, run when outnumbered, juke zergs, etc. Elementalist with its competitive sets has less mobility then everything else in the game (unless u waste ur elite with FGS, losing Rebound). Add to this that with the expansion, the overall mobility is increased.
In conclusion, with the current state of the game u can be a decent duelist/fighter but u can’t be a good roamer.
To fix that they should bring offhand dagger back in the meta by de-nerfing RTL and improving defence (water spells maybe).
You must have never fought me then lol. Elementalist is the best roaming class right now in my opinion.
Source: Haven’t lost a 1v1 on my ele yet in WvW.
I have checked out your build. To be honest, I am very much in doubt.
It looks like your build lacks both condie clear and damage. W/O condie cleanse, one thief + one condie anything will easily destroy you. You are also pretty much full celestial which makes your power kinda low. I don’t see how you will be able to beat a high sustain class like scrapper. You will probably stalemate anyone who is tanky.
Apparently you haven’t paid attention to the build lol.. Let me lay it out for ya.
Every time I use an aura, I grant regeneration and protection. Every time I grant regeneration, I clear a condition. Now, every overload I use gives me an aura (4 condi clears there), air 3 give aura (makes 5), earth 4 gives aura (makes 6), all 3 of my utility skills give auras (makes 9 condition clears) – and all of them are EASY to put on rotation with low cooldowns. That means that this build has the most condi clense of pretty much anyone lol.
Usually fights with cheesy stealth engineers end in draws because they spend the whole fight running away from me instead of damaging me. You would be surprised at my damage between my raw damage and my burns. With bloodlust stacks I have around 2300 power and my burning does quite a bit of damage as well.
I’ll also happily duel in my guild hall if you don’t believe the hype. Check out my stream in my forum sig.
Okay. If you are taking cleansing water, then it makes way more sense. But the build you are linking takes powerful aura instead. That is what makes me doubt.
But still I don’t like the damage from the build. It can outsustain but don’t have the damage for the killing blow. If only off-hand dagger is slightly better….
Ah ha! I’m sorry, that would be my mistake on my link. I don’t run aura share and haven’t in a long time. Cleansing water was a MUCH better trait to run.
As far as the damage goes, the build isn’t a “one shot” build – I don’t burst people down in 2 seconds generally, that isn’t what this build does. But I also don’t get bursted down quickly because of how I am build.
If you want a fast burst down, run a zerk or marauders warrior and just press gunflame all day. This build is in for the longer fight, it will survive what most classes would be dealing as a “killing blow” and outlast them in a fight which will ultimately win the fights. I don’t do an insane burst, but the air over load is a lot of damage. You would be pretty surprised at the damage output I am sure, but it isn’t a huge burst unless I am using air over load generally.
I am not questioning your build philosophy of building for high sustain. I myself am also running a high sustain roaming spec with d/d and water/arcana/tempest.
The most three prominent roaming classes right now are thieves/scrappers/druids. It is possible to get them low but it is very hard to deal the killing blow to them because of their stealth/sustain/mobility.
I kinda miss the old air/water/arcana dd ele because I had burst in both fire and air and enemy roamers usually don’t have the insane sustain as they do now. I can easily finish off thieves and mesmers that time.
I think tempest would be much better roaming in a small group, being able to sustain, support and do damage at the same time.
I think it is fine now.
I am still hitting 5-6k damage often on my DH who is geared pretty tanky. It is also piercing which makes it pretty strong in WvW.
Admittedly there are a lot of projectile hate right now but you really can’t rely on them in a highly chaotic environment in WvW, especially against a skill with such low CD.
Start in glint, stack all buffs and also F2 before fight starts. Activate F2 and swap to shiro when you are ready to jump in the fight.
I have suggested giving CS a dynamic cool down that is affected by the skill casted during the split
I think it would be a fair change depending on how you use the skill.
Sadly, I think there is no roaming for the elementalist in the current state. I’ll explain why.
We have some good duelist/small scale fights builds; I’m having some success with both S/F fresh air and D/F lightning rod.
The problem is that roaming is not only about good fighting capabilities, it’s also about choosing fights, disengage, run when outnumbered, juke zergs, etc. Elementalist with its competitive sets has less mobility then everything else in the game (unless u waste ur elite with FGS, losing Rebound). Add to this that with the expansion, the overall mobility is increased.
In conclusion, with the current state of the game u can be a decent duelist/fighter but u can’t be a good roamer.
To fix that they should bring offhand dagger back in the meta by de-nerfing RTL and improving defence (water spells maybe).
You must have never fought me then lol. Elementalist is the best roaming class right now in my opinion.
Source: Haven’t lost a 1v1 on my ele yet in WvW.
I have checked out your build. To be honest, I am very much in doubt.
It looks like your build lacks both condie clear and damage. W/O condie cleanse, one thief + one condie anything will easily destroy you. You are also pretty much full celestial which makes your power kinda low. I don’t see how you will be able to beat a high sustain class like scrapper. You will probably stalemate anyone who is tanky.
Apparently you haven’t paid attention to the build lol.. Let me lay it out for ya.
Every time I use an aura, I grant regeneration and protection. Every time I grant regeneration, I clear a condition. Now, every overload I use gives me an aura (4 condi clears there), air 3 give aura (makes 5), earth 4 gives aura (makes 6), all 3 of my utility skills give auras (makes 9 condition clears) – and all of them are EASY to put on rotation with low cooldowns. That means that this build has the most condi clense of pretty much anyone lol.
Usually fights with cheesy stealth engineers end in draws because they spend the whole fight running away from me instead of damaging me. You would be surprised at my damage between my raw damage and my burns. With bloodlust stacks I have around 2300 power and my burning does quite a bit of damage as well.
I’ll also happily duel in my guild hall if you don’t believe the hype. Check out my stream in my forum sig.
Okay. If you are taking cleansing water, then it makes way more sense. But the build you are linking takes powerful aura instead. That is what makes me doubt.
But still I don’t like the damage from the build. It can outsustain but don’t have the damage for the killing blow. If only off-hand dagger is slightly better….
Well this certainly is interesting. Completely kills vermillion’s chances of getting to the finals though so makes the second half of the pro league not really worth watching when it comes to finals qualification because not even a 2:0 win against 55 would get them a finals place now. I know that what they did should not be allowed but it is such a shame that it will ruin the pro league. It is almost like everything in the eu pro league has been trying to drive me away from watching it: 2 cancelled games on week 1, the DC/DDoS on vM against TCG and now this. Really is a shame.
I love the pro league but I am so upset to hear this news, it just makes me lose motivation to get excited about it when things like this are happening. Of course cheating should not be tolerated but still, I feel if nobody ever found out about this it would have made the remainder of the pro league much more interesting, not that I approve of this kind of behaviour at all.
Well I guess all I can do is congratulate rank 55 and TCG for getting to the finals from the eu pro league!
Regarding qualification, I am wondering what if the following happens:
1. TCG won all their rest game 2:0
2. vM won all their rest game 2:0
3. 55 won all their rest game 2:0 except the one against vM
That would put TCG vM and 55 all at the same match w-l and game w-l. The games in between those 3 will also be even.
Surely duelers can duel wherever and however they want. But please don’t cry like a baby every time you got run over by some zerg.
Sadly, I think there is no roaming for the elementalist in the current state. I’ll explain why.
We have some good duelist/small scale fights builds; I’m having some success with both S/F fresh air and D/F lightning rod.
The problem is that roaming is not only about good fighting capabilities, it’s also about choosing fights, disengage, run when outnumbered, juke zergs, etc. Elementalist with its competitive sets has less mobility then everything else in the game (unless u waste ur elite with FGS, losing Rebound). Add to this that with the expansion, the overall mobility is increased.
In conclusion, with the current state of the game u can be a decent duelist/fighter but u can’t be a good roamer.
To fix that they should bring offhand dagger back in the meta by de-nerfing RTL and improving defence (water spells maybe).
You must have never fought me then lol. Elementalist is the best roaming class right now in my opinion.
Source: Haven’t lost a 1v1 on my ele yet in WvW.
I have checked out your build. To be honest, I am very much in doubt.
It looks like your build lacks both condie clear and damage. W/O condie cleanse, one thief + one condie anything will easily destroy you. You are also pretty much full celestial which makes your power kinda low. I don’t see how you will be able to beat a high sustain class like scrapper. You will probably stalemate anyone who is tanky.
(edited by Exciton.8942)
This is probably not true shot lacking damage. Rather, it is hit on some super tanky players.
Just to throw it out there:
1. tempest protection has 40% damage reduction
2. rite of great dwarf has 50% damage reduction
3. frost aura has 10% damage reduction
If some frontline party uses a proper composition, they will be very tanky.
I am not sure how to break it to you , so I will shoot straight from the hip;
Maguuma is currently making a heavy Glicko Win…. it appears they are in the right tier.
FA is currently taking a heavy Glicko Loss…. it appears they are in the right tier.
ET is carrying BG to victory, it appears they are in the right tier. (TIC)
Some are happy with the increased numbers, some long for a return to solo roamers facing solo roamers.
IMHO, Anet has done something, I am happy that they have tried something. Without providing an example of how they could do it better, I will live with this system.
FA losing glicko vs Mag gaining glicko does not necessarily mean they are in the right tier.
It could be due to that T2 and T3 glicko gap is greater than the actual difference.
Remember that there is a population surge in most servers which make the gap between servers much smaller.
I also think CS not interacting with elite is a good change.
But this should be a PvP-only change since it will hurt PvE mesmer greatly.
For newish chrono tank on VG fight, you probably want a hammer guard providing protection. It helps great deal in terms surviving.
In theory, you have enough defensive measures to negate damage. But when you start, it can be a bit overwhelming. I remember when I first time tank VG, I got hit by his ‘punch’ attack twice and each attack hits for like 5k damage. With protection, it will be only 3k and you can be easily healed.
CS and shield skills are definitely OP and need shave. I think shield 5 should be daze instead of stun. Shield 4 second chain deja vu should not summon another iavenger.
But I don’t think Moa needs nerf. 5 sec Moa on a 180 sec CD is pretty much useless. The guy who got moa’ed simply dodge and moa5 and the duration is almost over.
If you nerf moa like this, it won’t improve diversity. The only thing that will happen is that everyone will use gravity well instead.
I haven’t done dungeons yet.
But now they give out 5 gold every 8 paths. That is 0.675 gold per path. Add this to the base gold reward of dungeons and now double the token reward. This is pretty much on-par with the pre-HoT reward.
Now with OP elite specs you can do many of the paths faster. I would say your profit/time is probably slightly better than pre-HoT.
This is way exaggerating.
The only place guardian feels underwhelming is in PvP. Even there, you can wreck newish players with traps and longbow.
In Raids, it is pretty good in both damage and support. In pug dungeons/fractals, it makes runs much easier and smoother.
In WvW, it is probably the best profession, capable of playing both frontline and backline.
(edited by Exciton.8942)
To be fair, as a mesmer main, I don’t really like illusionary reversion + CP. Having both just promotes shatter spam. One of the reasons why signet of illusion was rarely used before but is now meta is that you never had that many clones and therefore you didn’t use shatters so often.
I think CP should stay intact because it potentially allows phantasm mesmer to shatter (in particular in PvE) which is great and a nice band-aid to our stupid class mechanics.
I am not sure about iRev. I still think (and have been suggesting it since the beta week-ends) that iRev and CP should compete with each other. They are really only OP if together.
I find this shatter spam build so boring I have stopped playing mesmer and now focus on my reaper.
iRev requires you to have two illusions up. Chronophantasm requires you to use phantasm skills(mostly long cd and long cast time). They are fine as they are.
What makes it strong is the synergy between shield 4 and persistence memory. Shield 4 is the only skill that can dish out two phantasms in a row while still giving long duration of block. You get double the benefit from the traits and can get the phantasm train rolling.
If they shave off a bit of shield skill and increase CS CD, this build is pretty much in-line already. The only significant damage source from this build is shattering clones. The main damage skills are F1 and F2 which means you try to avoid 3 shatters every 20 sec. I don’t know why that is considered difficult by anyone.
(edited by Exciton.8942)
NA players seem to like to stack to higher tiers to create both population and glicko gap between tiers.
Then later when things get a bit stale. Some players just go stacking on another server to completely kill a tier in order to move up. This seems really unhealthy to me and does damage to the overall population in the long run.
dd tempest still works. But you will probably need the cheesy rune of durability for that boon duration.
Go for water/arcana/tempest. Use sigil of energy. You will have tons of dodges available which synergies well with evasive arcana. It is very survivable with the amount boons and dodges you have but lacks a bit in the damage department. It will probably work the best if you team up with a revenant or thief.
It is still a huge improvement already. Obviously the pairing is not done perfectly but it shows the potential.
What advice would you give a Druid? Or is Druid even a viable option for Trin lvl 100?
Absolutely. A healer in lvl 100 makes the fight a breeze.
For me the optimal composition is:
1. PS warrior or revenant for the might and cc
2. Hammer guardian for the protection
3. chronomancer for the quickness and boon strip
4. A druid or a tempest for the healing
5. whatever dps.
ICD is a cheap way to make things unusable and will make traits even more passive to play with. Let’s be honest, who can have an inner clock that keep track of all the ICDs going on in the game
OP is clearly someone who never plays mesmer and act like a crybaby and then start random accusation. There are countless better suggestions of how to shave current meta condie build than OP’s trash suggestion in this subforum already.