It makes your warrior do this:
Please add the option to block and not see the message of people you dont want to in the forums.
It would be doable with a browser plugin, something like Greasemonkey for Firefox or equivalent.
Mmm ok but there is no way to do it with the actual forum?
You can do whatever you want, try it if you want, sword its more of a condition weapon, but it depends, it will not be maybe your main source of damage, the thing that excels in sword its “savage leap” many just run a sword for that, pair it with another weapon that have real punch like a hammer, axe or gs and maybe it will work, but its more like you need to try it out and find out whakittens more your playstyle.
Just gonna sit and wait until someone comes in to rage about freaking Defektive using GS with Mace/Shield.
Not raging, just find it hilarious that he ended using the same build like everyone else =P.
^^ So you want to be OP for longer?
Got it.
You guys do realize he’s asking for ANOTHER buff to the class, right?
I mean, you get that right?
He DESPERATELY NEEDS protection and he’ll say whatever and make up whatever, in order to mimic the Boon.
Funny, a second ago I was told I was trying to nerf the class. >__>
You also was told that you have some fetiche with protection.
The devs are going to make staggering strike maybe a movile skill in the next balance patch, im not 100% certain but they said it in a video, also i think hammer is already one of the best weapons warriors have i fail to see the bad things on the weapon aside from staggering strike.
The only time I use Endure Pain is when I need to wade through enemies to get into a keep in WvW to try and defend it. Other than that I have no use for it.
Maybe I’m just awful at “reading” other classes, so I can’t time EP for their spike?The problem is the only class I can really read for spike damage is warrior.
And its hard to read peoples minds without being a psychic.
Im must be a psychic /joke
In the forums, i dont want to see comments of some people so if anyone knows please help.
Another pic of class imbalance due to the conditions beign broken:
I have had same kind of problems. Using the portal right away after going through doesn’t seem to work properly. I have to move away from the portal until the interact option goes away and then try again.
Perhaps that’s an intentional design to prevent stupid spamming. However I think it really can ruin fights at the hammer. For example you are unable to escape a hopeless situation or finish off an enemy at the opposite side.
I think you should be able to use the portal just by walking through it without approving the interaction. This would also make some creative knock back plays possible.
Yes, its very bad this way, i think you get some kind of debuff that prevents you fromentering again, but then at the same time you press one time and you dont enter, then press twice and you get in and out at the same time…
This cant be happening…
If we are talking about pvp where all things are “BALANCED” (lol yeah) , i mean you dont get armor bonuses or foods etc… i think a well played guardian still beats a well played warrior, you see, warriors require very high skill to perfom well, while guardians for example require skill too but not as much as warrior because they have some very good ways to mitigate damage even going berserker.
I recently start fighting in pvp some guardians with their spectral weapons i think they are called and 2 handed sword, they do tons of burning and raw damage also they endure damage a lot no matter if they are glass cannons.
But i need to say this, for me warrior is very fun, very frustrating in pvp but i prefer the overall skills and feel and taste of the warrior than the guardian, but thats just PERSONAL oppinion, some guardian love would say otherwise, try them both in pvp you only need to be lvl 2 to enter pvp and at the same conditions.
Or make it similar to :
A minor trait -in a popular trait line- makes the cool down: 48 seconds..
Ours is 4 seconds and is 5 seconds if we trait in it. 60 second cool down.
and no..pets don’t die..ranger switches the pet before it does or simply the target won’t usually focus the pet.
Im really amazed of other classes skills, everything warrior has other classes have it better.
Like entering and getting out instantly, getting troubles to get in or get out?
What im still amazed is the crazy amout of condition damage a tank can do… it really is impressive, i would love to do that on a tanky power build… but guess who has to invest in other two stats to get decent damage aside from power.
(edited by Fenrir.5493)
-A stat that reduces condition damage.
-A boon that reduces condition damage
-Adjust condition damage for the new buff:
-Conditions can crit nowNow if you want to do a lot of condition damage you are going to need to go glass like everyone else
Destroys the entire point of conditions. But then again, you already said this before, and you got the same reply from several people, and you still persist, so I’m not holding my breath…
So the point of conditions is to be OP you say???
And also, several people its not you and your condimancers club… sorry but there are other classes that play this game too… too bad for you i guess, we are more.
I still vote for no, endure pain effect is good as it is now, what we need i think is less cd, 60 seconds is too much.
I still remember casual pvp in GW1 and how easy it was to learn. At first you have no idea what’s going on but as you die and experience different builds/classes you start to put things together. You begin recognizing skills by the animation(instead of the other way around) after you’ve internalized them.
Think about it: tons of beginner players have no idea what thieves or mesmers do, they just scream “broken! NERF!” because they can’t match the animation to anything. Some noobs even think thieves are teleport hacking or mesmers are damage hacking- they have no way to discover what’s going on. So how the hell are you going to learn the game unless you play every class extensively? Who wants to do that? In a game where every class is unique and yet cast animations are sometimes generic or impossible to understand without playing that class, how can a player grow and enjoy the game? It’ll quickly become a frustration to many and they’ll leave PvP alone.
Yeah, you are suppoused to know how to dodge something that has no animation, isnt that right???
About thieves, just look how stupid this works, you block a from stealth attack and they keep spaming until it lands, so again, how are you suppoused to learn counters if when you do them they dont matter, the other player stills do what they want.
I checked the wildstar game, it really looks better than this game, is it free to play?.
Right click on the name → report , it can be treated as insult or spam, prefearbly spam.
I see a patern here… i think you got owned really hard too a skull crack build or something and now you are trying to nerf them, you always posted some good suggestions for warrior, but now you are only making nerf suggestions(and with no really good arguments) to the community, warriors are still the worst class in pvp and suggesting nerfs its going to do anything good for the class, i think its very clear that, so you better decide in wich side you are, either you are supporting warriors or you are now full time necro, if you decide for not support warriors then at least leave the warrior community alone.
About endure pain, it sucks, if anything it needs another buff, 4 seconds immunity could be good if used wiselly but only against melee characters, against the current meta berserker stance its just superior, endure pain its not a god mode button, its very far from thakittens more like a “kitten this is probably my last chance to do something” and it last for too short to be anything abusable for people that dont even know how to use it properly and against the meta it only serves as a stun breaker.
You are using a hammer, a very tanky one for the patern of your post, its ok you want buffs, but like i said to you, hammer build its very viable and there are good players wrecking people with it, but trying to nerf other warrior builds so the hammer builds stand out of the rest is not the way of making any difference, so i beg you to please stop this campaign against other warrior builds, not everyone wants to use a hammer, and not everyone foreces you to use a mace or another weapon.
Not trying to be a stick in the mud, but how are my suggestions a nerf?
Also, I appear to each topic with a new mind. It is an easier approach then carrying around the garbage of the past.
Because endure pain 4 sec immunity is good for people that dont run a lot of defense still is not game breaking, and it benefits all of the warriors who wants to use it, now if we remove the immunity for 50% less damage it wouldnt be that good for people that dont run with high armor or toughness so it will become a only usable ability for some builds.
What i agree is that it need lower cd, maybe the stance trait in defence should reduce cd instead in only adding some seconds that dosent make any difference.
The problem is, my version would further benefit warriors who have friends with them. (getting protection for example.) and still be a nice damage sponge but last twice as long. It would improve the function of the skill greatly. It would also work well with our armor.
There is too much Toughness hate in this game, why can’t warriors with toughness get some love?
50% less damage it wouldnt be that good for people that dont run with high armor or toughness so it will become a only usable ability for some builds.
Not true, it would still be amazing because your still reducing damage with your base armor, it just wouldn’t be as good for people running complete glass. (Full Berserker.)
It would be an amazing skill for defensive, and hybrid (mixing gear.) and team warriors (warriors who are with their team getting boons.)
Right now its good for: Berserker Warriors, Solo Warriors. Like there isn’t enough of them around eh?
For what i heard in the video of the devs giving some builds for the people, they dont like the idea of warriors beign tanks, so i dont thik we are going to see any of that, they said that warriors have other means to dont recieve damage, like blocks, stuns, knock downs, stances in this case, and dodges, its not like other classes dont have that but, well its what they said, so maybe we see some other things added in this matter but i dont think they are going to give warriors passive defenses.
I see a patern here… i think you got owned really hard too a skull crack build or something and now you are trying to nerf them, you always posted some good suggestions for warrior, but now you are only making nerf suggestions(and with no really good arguments) to the community, warriors are still the worst class in pvp and suggesting nerfs its going to do anything good for the class, i think its very clear that, so you better decide in wich side you are, either you are supporting warriors or you are now full time necro, if you decide for not support warriors then at least leave the warrior community alone.
About endure pain, it sucks, if anything it needs another buff, 4 seconds immunity could be good if used wiselly but only against melee characters, against the current meta berserker stance its just superior, endure pain its not a god mode button, its very far from thakittens more like a “kitten this is probably my last chance to do something” and it last for too short to be anything abusable for people that dont even know how to use it properly and against the meta it only serves as a stun breaker.
You are using a hammer, a very tanky one for the patern of your post, its ok you want buffs, but like i said to you, hammer build its very viable and there are good players wrecking people with it, but trying to nerf other warrior builds so the hammer builds stand out of the rest is not the way of making any difference, so i beg you to please stop this campaign against other warrior builds, not everyone wants to use a hammer, and not everyone foreces you to use a mace or another weapon.
Not trying to be a stick in the mud, but how are my suggestions a nerf?
Also, I appear to each topic with a new mind. It is an easier approach then carrying around the garbage of the past.
Because endure pain 4 sec immunity is good for people that dont run a lot of defense still is not game breaking, and it benefits all of the warriors who wants to use it, now if we remove the immunity for 50% less damage it wouldnt be that good for people that dont run with high armor or toughness so it will become a only usable ability for some builds.
What i agree is that it need lower cd, maybe the stance trait in defence should reduce cd instead in only adding some seconds that dosent make any difference.
If you want to see my other drawings if you didnt see them yet here:
I know tht my drawings are not thet good but they are only for the fun and the laughts, a fun way to see some of the BS that we see on our forums lately.
I’m fine if Merciless Hammer gets:
Cause confusion for 5 seconds on critical hits, and hammer attacks have torment built into the autoattack and 4.So you want hammer to be OP, there are already very good players with a hammer than can kill very effectively with it.
No, I want it to have a condition so the condition damage will work with it. Beating someone with a hammer should confuse them, so it makes sense.
There is a talent that called “Distracting strikes”, its like the thing you want, you should use it, but nonetheless i think that trait is in a bad spot, i think it should be in the adept trait because its not “that good” to be in a major, i think not a lot of people uses it because of that, but that dosent mean you cant build with it.
I see a patern here… i think you got owned really hard too a skull crack build or something and now you are trying to nerf them, you always posted some good suggestions for warrior, but now you are only making nerf suggestions(and with no really good arguments) to the community, warriors are still the worst class in pvp and suggesting nerfs its going to do anything good for the class, i think its very clear that, so you better decide in wich side you are, either you are supporting warriors or you are now full time necro, if you decide for not support warriors then at least leave the warrior community alone.
About endure pain, it sucks, if anything it needs another buff, 4 seconds immunity could be good if used wiselly but only against melee characters, against the current meta berserker stance its just superior, endure pain its not a god mode button, its very far from thakittens more like a “kitten this is probably my last chance to do something” and it last for too short to be anything abusable for people that dont even know how to use it properly and against the meta it only serves as a stun breaker.
You are using a hammer, a very tanky one for the patern of your post, its ok you want buffs, but like i said to you, hammer build its very viable and there are good players wrecking people with it, but trying to nerf other warrior builds so the hammer builds stand out of the rest is not the way of making any difference, so i beg you to please stop this campaign against other warrior builds, not everyone wants to use a hammer, and not everyone foreces you to use a mace or another weapon.
The only way condis are “bursting people” is because of bleed and burning. Nerf burnings overall damage and how condi power effects it. Nerf bleeding’s overall damage, how condi power effects it and nerf how it stacks in intensity. 6 stacks of bleeding on a target shouldnt be doing the insane amount of damage it is doing now. These 2 condis are the reason condi classes are destroying. Nerf them and balanced game.
Today i was beign nuked by a necro pretty bad, i think i have never seen that amount of damage not even on a backstab, its hard to believe that conditions are “bursting” instead of doing damge in time…and bursting better than a burst build and in less time.
At this rate no one would ever try gw3, i know i wouldnt, and i know that this situations keep going and im not going to stay in gw2 very long.
The human females, no matter how you change them look like Barbies.
No matter how hard they use heavy armor, the posses and the overall “attitude” of the female characters is like too PINK.
And then you look inside the helment and see that “pretty” face , that perfect skin, that model body, and you cant believe that they “pretend to be” warriors.
I’m fine if Merciless Hammer gets:
Cause confusion for 5 seconds on critical hits, and hammer attacks have torment built into the autoattack and 4.
So you want hammer to be OP, there are already very good players with a hammer than can kill very effectively with it.
-A stat that reduces condition damage.
-A boon that reduces condition damage
-Adjust condition damage for the new buff:
-Conditions can crit now
Now if you want to do a lot of condition damage you are going to need to go glass like everyone else, also there is a stat and a boon that can reduce your damage, so there is no ultimate build for every situation.
Also this stat and boon wouldnt be available for bunkers, maybe the stat yes but in a very moderate way because we cant deny a stat from a character, but with boons they can be denied.
So bunkers cant bunker everything and they will need to be very carefull because conditions are going to be their weakness.
So the food chain is Power>Conditions>Bunker>Power
This way we have more deph in the game because right now its all about Conditions…
If this weye rock/scissors/paper… well this right now is a game only of scissors…
Of course this is just the overall view, but a condition build beign more powerfull than bunkers dosent mean they always going to win or there is a guaranteed loose of a bunker that meets a condition build, same if a condition meets a power build, its just the general theory, but in practice a well played bunker I MEAN WELL PLAYED can be able to still survive to conditions or a condition beign able to kill a power character, just how right now some power characters are able to kll bunkers because they know how to.
The problem of the passive play is that there is not a lot of active play with no ANIMATONS, so people that cant see anything comming from a necro that does the same animation for every attack cant do anything about it, so this leads to preffer passive bonuses because you are not needed to use them with timing, they stay with you either long time or forever.
With no proper animations this will continue, the only class with proper animations its warrior, and its funny because its the most easy to beat class and that is because you can actully read the warriors movements not like other instagibbing crap other classes have.
Elementalists have a great number of telegraphed skills as well; the problem up until recently was that their mechanics were just numerically too powerful for it to matter.
They can burst you instantly.
The problem of the passive play is that there is not a lot of active play with no ANIMATONS, so people that cant see anything comming from a necro that does the same animation for every attack cant do anything about it, so this leads to preffer passive bonuses because you are not needed to use them with timing, they stay with you either long time or forever.
With no proper animations this will continue, the only class with proper animations its warrior, and its funny because its the most easy to beat class and that is because you can actully read the warriors movements not like other instagibbing crap other classes have.
i dont get all your crying… ofc its gamebreaking but anet would never implement such things like changing client side information to make everything a human.. if they would do it then they can implement race change and that tehy wont do as they said.. best way to fix this problem: stop qq get over your lazyness and make an asura.. takes 40h of gameplay or 3h if crafting and in spvp its for free!
Is this real or is this just fantasy ?
Are you serious ? Yeah lets all reroll Asuras and keep guessing when to dodge and what malicious spell someone is casting. Thet would greatly improve depth of the gameplay.
yes im serious.. and as i said why rebalancing a game for only 0.001% of the playerbase who has the skill to make a benefit of enemy animations… im pretty sure that you random dodge as well. i bet nobody here in the forums has the skill to judge by enemy animation what skill is coming and then dodge in time
Because there is no animation in first place, how can you learn something that dosent exist.
Oh and you dont want models to be normilized because “thats the point of all the different races”, but at the same time you are saying everybodie should run azuras….
Why you dont only say this “i know azuras have an advantage, and i want to still be able to abuse it”
Most of the stun lock warriors dont run 30 points in dscipline so its not every 7 seconds, and like others said already, its not like every time the mace is off cooldown you can re use it, skull crack is not even a spammable ability because it has a very short range it can be missed so easy, and when you do you know that you are sitting other 8 seconds before you can try again and that is a very bad possition for the warrior , sitting there doing nothing trying to survive…
If someone is stunning you with skull crack constantly it means that person knows how to play the warrior or you are not a very good player because you are allowing him to land such a difficult ability.
I think it’s BS that a warrior has all these perfectly telegraphed attacks while other classes like the necro barely have any at all. You can see all of the warrior’s attacks coming (Bullsrush, evisc, shield bash, sword leap, whirlwind, EVERYTHING) while a necro is sitting there waving their hand in the air exactly the same for every attack from 900-1200 distance while dumping tons of conditions that you can’t see coming or even dodge (marks placed at your feet).
It’s what makes fighting a necro such a pain. You have no tactic to avoiding attacks. You just have to accept that you’re gonna end up with a condition/fear bomb that will cut your health down to almost zero in a few seconds.
Pretty much… and then the devs continue to ask themselves how to improve warrior, but the fact is warrior is “ok” the other classes are the ones that are not ok.
i dont get all your crying… ofc its gamebreaking but anet would never implement such things like changing client side information to make everything a human.. if they would do it then they can implement race change and that tehy wont do as they said.. best way to fix this problem: stop qq get over your lazyness and make an asura.. takes 40h of gameplay or 3h if crafting and in spvp its for free!
Not everything its the azura race, it is a big problem but its not only the asura its about a lot of the skill animations too.
But what it can be implemented is an option that normalizes all of the azura players in the options, just like the options for WvW.
than they can implement race change as well.. will never come and wouldn´t make any sense tbh… either as said remove asura completely (will never come would kitten up all the story in gw2) or rework animations…. but ppl qqing are just to lazy to make an asura… so many ppl qqing about the skill animation but i bet only 0.1% of the crying player is skilled enough to make a difference in the fight outcome by watching enemy animation
The solution is not to all make azuras thats for sure, the solution its more simple, just let everyone decides if they want to see azuras or human models in pvp and thats it, it wouldnt force you to be a human only the people that see you would see a normalized model.
i dont get all your crying… ofc its gamebreaking but anet would never implement such things like changing client side information to make everything a human.. if they would do it then they can implement race change and that tehy wont do as they said.. best way to fix this problem: stop qq get over your lazyness and make an asura.. takes 40h of gameplay or 3h if crafting and in spvp its for free!
Not everything its the azura race, it is a big problem but its not only the asura its about a lot of the skill animations too.
But what it can be implemented is an option that normalizes all of the azura players in the options, just like the options for WvW.
People likes warrior to be the freekill class.
What’s amazing is that the warrior in the picture seems to wielding a GS (1h sword is worn on the hip) in one hand AND has a shield. Oh, he’s also able to use Skull Crack as his Burst Skill with this setup. Totally OP and broken.
This guy can actually wield a mace on his feet.
I think it should be placed inside Merciless Hammer.
Not only hammer users use stuns you know?
Why can’t you just use merciless hammer/grab a mace then?
Because its a waste of a trait, there are already very good options in defense, so many very good option that you just cant grab all of them, putting another good trait in there will be an overkill to that line.
Hammer trait is already a good trait it dosent need to be buffed in anyway and people that use hammer grab it, people that dont use dont grab it, and it should stay that way.
I think it should be placed inside Merciless Hammer.
Not only hammer users use stuns you know?
I think its fine as it is, everyone has stun breaks or teleports its nothing game breaking,well only for people that not know how to use one of those, if it was gambreaking then for sure every team would have like 3 warriors and that is not happening right now, what we see right now is a bunch of condimancers.engies and rangers.
Just look at it… deserves a nerf, just wait till he starts to use sigil of paralysation…
+5% damage will affect both Sword and Mace.
If you run +5%x2, you’ll only have a net gain of +5% damage.
This used to be true, but when they fixed sigils, so that they would keep working after you died while transformed (like 2 months ago), both Force and Accuracy were changed to stack. 2x Force = 10% damage increase, the same is true for 2x Accuracy (10% total crit gain).
.., if you’re running Sigil of Paral x2, you’ll only have a netgain of 15%.
Control duration increases do not stack.
See… seems to everyone has its own version of how mechanics work, with no dev saying anything about we cant get to any conclussion on this.
Just tested in the mists.
2x Steady Axe.
with one +5% Force Sigil:
Damage: 182With two +5% Force Sigil (one on both weapon)
Damage: 182
Well that dosent proove sigil of paralysation does not stack, it proves that the wiki is correct.
+5% damage will affect both Sword and Mace.
If you run +5%x2, you’ll only have a net gain of +5% damage.
This used to be true, but when they fixed sigils, so that they would keep working after you died while transformed (like 2 months ago), both Force and Accuracy were changed to stack. 2x Force = 10% damage increase, the same is true for 2x Accuracy (10% total crit gain).
.., if you’re running Sigil of Paral x2, you’ll only have a netgain of 15%.
Control duration increases do not stack.
See… seems to everyone has its own version of how mechanics work, with no dev saying anything about we cant get to any conclussion on this.
Please do moar of these!
Probably if i have some other inspiration, also i did another one:
Them stacking was actually a bug, it gave one handed weapons a very unfair advantage over two-handed ones so they changed it so they no longer stack is what I believe happend. (Although, I think this was in beta.)
Still people are complainig about 2 handed weapons having only 1 slot and 1 handed weapons having and advanage on that:
Oh, so it once was working that way, but then they changed it? That’s good to know, thanks.
This is why things like “OMG vitalitizzz reducezzz condi damageee!!!” , or other rummors are treated like facts because people dont even have certainty of the things yet they spread them on the forums as facts…
I suggest we wait till a DEV clarifies all of this sigil mess instead of jumping to conclusions anyone, still i will stay on what the wiki and the other sources says, they state that the only sigils that dont stack are force and accuracy, till a dev says the opposite.
Ok all of this problems are interpretation problems thankz to the devs that dont actually give straight information about what the hell is going on with the game, lets see i found all of these info about sigils:
First this states that the only permanent sigils that dont stack are force and accuracy:
This post and there are others, where players are comlaining that sigil of accuracy is not showing the buff of the crit chance:
Here is another post of people having no idea of how this things work:
With all of these we can conclude that at least is pretty sure that sigil of paralysation DOES stack, the others well, some source says they does, other says they dosent.
I think the UI should dispay all of these bonuses with the respective changes of the sigils you have on the weapons because for that reason we have no idea what they are doing or if they are doing something at all.
We’ve tested the double sigil of paral with stop watches, doesn’t stack.
Is over a year old, that bug has been fixed.
Is correct, different static bonus’s stack, but the same bonus does not stack.
IE +5% crit chance and +5% damage stack, but +5% damage x2, does not stack.
I edited the post, look at the wiki, its pretty clear:
Static bonus sigils
Static bonuses stack with themselves when used on dual-wielded weapons, except for Superior Sigil of Force (only +5% bonus to damage) and Superior Sigil of Accuracy (only +5% bonus to crit chance).
I states that the only 2 that dont stack are those 2 all the others do stack according to that information.
Ok all of this problems are interpretation problems thankz to the devs that dont actually give straight information about what the hell is going on with the game, lets see i found all of these info about sigils:
First this states that the only permanent sigils that dont stack are force and accuracy:
This post and there are others, where players are comlaining that sigil of accuracy is not showing the buff of the crit chance:
Here is another post of people having no idea of how this things work:
The wiki says this:
-Static bonus sigils
Static bonuses stack with themselves when used on dual-wielded weapons, except for Superior Sigil of Force (only +5% bonus to damage) and Superior Sigil of Accuracy (only +5% bonus to crit chance).
With all of these we can conclude that at least is pretty sure that sigil of paralysation DOES stack, the others well, some source says they does, other says they dosent.
I think the UI should dispay all of these bonuses with the respective changes of the sigils you have on the weapons because for that reason we have no idea what they are doing or if they are doing something at all.
(edited by Fenrir.5493)