No offense to the singer, but I imagine it would be more powerful in the hands of a seasoned performer – the Chinese equivalent of Asja?
I feel quite differently. I love the way this singer (anyone know her name?) performs it. It sounds natural and she has a lovely voice. Being soft and slightly lower in tone, it feels more ‘motherly’ to me. This is supposedly a some the Avatar of the Pale Tree sings and for me this voice and the manner of the performance fits.
and what would that give actually?
seen much folks that just ignored defeated player lying nearby and passed through…. :/
I believe the OP meant that we should be able to send a signal to the downed/dead player that we are on our way to help them when we intend to do so.
I would love that.
Lovely! Absolutely lovely. Unpretentious and beautiful.
Now, are the German, Spanish and French versions also?
No, but I did buy one. Cost me 40 gold and I don’t regret it at all.
Truthfully, any profession that interests you. It is true that some are ‘squishier’ than others and that some are a bit too straighforward to play ‘well enough’. But no profession is too hard to learn for anyone who wants to play it.
Necromancers and Rangers have little helpers to aid especially in the early levels. Thief requires a lot of mobility from the player and elementalist is weaker than most in the early levels, which frustrates many.
Luckily the game comes equipped with five character slots, so you can experiment with different professions. Race and gender don’t make a difference in mechanics, but race affects your Personal Story.
Hmm. After reading this, I wonder if there is anything that is not boring…
Well, to me the bleh comes from seeing clones of NPCs or characters from other games/cartoons usually with the name to match except with added accents.
The most ‘boring’ race/profession combination to me is Charr/Engineer/Iron Legion. Which is why I have one as a challenge to myself to make her interesting.
1. We don’t know.
2. Yes. Though for the timegating does not slow me down, it is the other materials.
3. It has goos and not so good things about it. All in all I like having people around.
4. On a timer and zergy. This is where there can be too many players around.
I might buy it inspite of the swimsuit. Swimsuits don’t really interest me in this game.
My daughter thinks my human males look hot. I cannot think of them in that way. To me they just look nice. My females look nice too, perhaps a bit too pretty, but cannot be helped, I suppose. When it comes to human armor I almost consistantly think the male version (or Asura and Charr) is nicer.
I play all races and both genders though right now I have a couple more females than males. Being a woman I do identify more with the females. They get to be rather ‘conservatively’ dressed compared to most others. Revealing is ok to a point, armor that would have to be glued on to stay where it is (CoE light) makes me gringe though.
There are two armors that were called Masquerade. The one in PvE is still there just as always, the crafted rare armor. The PvP one was/is a Tribal thing with warpaint and such. It is currently not available as far as I can tell.
What is a support token?
As for Zephyr Sanctum, probably at some point in time. Hopefully.
You can buy it from the Cultural weapon seller in Divinity’s Reach.
..and crafting, exporing, filling the wardrobe… as well as any other thing they did before lvl 80.
You do realise that if they released same hairstyles for more than one race, people would be saying it is lazy? No matter how many had asked for it.
I am currently levelling one character by doing the daily and another with map completion. The latter has explored the starter areas and two of the lvl 15-25 areas and is now at the lvl 43. I am finding it an interesting experiment to see how far he will get before hitting 80. But if you want to lvl fast with explorer always move to level appropriate area.
If you want to try out the skills there are the training NPCs availabe in the Heart of the Mists. I am not that dedicated, I fear. I just jump into it and learn as I go.
Gold sellers really need to be blocked. They make me feel bad on so many levels and i wish I never had to see another one. But…
Most people who have picked a different language already block me by default in mapchat and say. I cannot help them that way when they ask questions. If whispers are blocked too then it becomes hopeless.
I am always delighted when a player whispers me to ask a question or just comments on something we witnessed. It is rare, but is does happen. Not all people I have met have ended up in my contact list even though I found them pleasant and would be happy to meet them again.
sigh On the other hand, perhaps it is better if the people who only want to associate with their chosen ones can have their way. But then I would prefer to get an automated message stating that the person takes whispers only from select people instead of just wondering why they never replied.
No toons.
19 characters. 14 lvl 80.
1 100% map and one whose whole existance is exploring.
I have noticed that the once I report have had ‘real’ names more often than usual. It is sad.
It was part of a living story. It worked, but now it is broken.
I was ever a poor girl and never had a bouquet of my own. My gratitude was boundless when some kind souls showered me with their lovely, scented rosepetals. Now I hear this is no more?
I think I shall move under the bridge with the troll and sulk.
You are missing a little bit.
The stats come for free inside PvP. There is an amulet you choose.
Lvl 1 character won’t look ‘fashionable’ to start, but can do just as well as anyone else. It is up to the player’s skill.
Whom and how do I contact for the refund? I feel extremely stupid even though I have noticed I am not the only clueless one on this. You who are more experienced, help please.
I had more than usual today too. Not as many as you, four or five. Report and Block and move on.
It did make me a bit sad though when I noticed that they were not randomly generated accounts. That means people fall in for it and in the worst case get their accounts kidnapped.
Weird. I am wearing them.
I hope you put in a bug report. I am sure it will be fixed. The item has not disappeared from game, one of my characters wears it. It just needs to be added back to the list.
I am not sure but there may be some time limit at start before you can use the trading post. How old is your account?
I have never found farming fun. Rather a necessary evil i have to suffer to get a bit of cash.
What I enjoy is exploring. Seeing new places and new people PC and NPC alike. Doing a heart and checking what the merchant sells for the karma I just gained. The latter is even more fun now that the things we buy goes to fill the Wardrobe. And your friend can start collecting the skins from the start. It is visible progress. To use her ‘skin loot’ she should do map completion on all the capital cities.
Doing 5 dailies is a good thing, uually not grindy. Saving Laurels for important stuff or spending them on something silly, to each their own. But getting laurels is good.
Crafting can be either a good thing or a chore. Depends entirely on the player’s preferences. Gathering everything is always profitable though.
This world is filled with tiny little stories. Some funny, some sad. Most worth seeing at least once. My main advice would be: Be curious about things. This is not a speedrace to lvl 80.
Your name is rather…scary.
But whiper me in game anyway. Forestflower plays on NA servers, but whispers carry anywhere. I can usually switch accounts.
Rolling for a class = Make a second character
I was missing megaserver a lot in Caledon Forest when we made an effort on the Jumgle Wurm with just 5 players.
Aetherblade path, the ‘Not So Secret’ JP and the sprocket generator also can give one or two a day. I beleive sprockets can be upgraded to blade shards too in the mystic forge.
I have noticed no difference. Both play just fine for me unless there is a huge number of players sround. Then both get ‘choppy’.
I certainly didn’t get more than a couple of silver. Are you sure you didn’t happen to get an Achievement chest at the same time?
There is no lvl 60 Personal Story. Lvl 59 and then 62.
You could try here:
In the meanwhile, you can whisper me. I may not be able to help with everything, but I will never cuss at you.
I hope it is not going away. Nor now that I am finally staring ro get the hang of it.
I do care. I just don’t feel there is anything I can do about it.
I don’t quite get why there should be any connection between playable races and the number of dragons.
How long the download takes is another thing entirely.
I got my chests when I completed 2 categories, so did my daughter. If you did not, then you have a bug. Contact support.
It is intended. I’d love if they compacted within each bag though.
It is so that people would not all crowd a couple of servers. Multiple active servers are necessary for WvW.
Welcome to the game (when download is done), Istvan!
I have long thought that it would be neat if we could have a Character Creator separate. If it were possible to somehow save the settings and move them to the real game, one could create the character(s) ready. It could also work as advertising tool: Let people create characters for free and they might take enough interest to want to see them walking around.
Are you looking for ‘prestige’ or people to play with? If the first, Desolation is the PVE server that does the big events. Otherwise it will not matter that much after Tuesday when Megaservers start to appear.
Even now you can guest to another server, in search of more people.
First, choose whether you want to play on EU or NA region. You can choose either regardless where you live though most people pick the one closest to home. Then choosing the server depends a bit on your interests. For example the servers I chose are the unofficial RP servers.
Race is entirely up to you. Pick the one that appeals to you most. As far as playing the game they are equal. All have their own storylines for the first 20 levels.
I know there are lots of people who will say: Play Warrior. Nothing wrong with that if you like it. It is reputed being easiest class, but frankly no class is so hard you could not play it if you want. Some may die a bit more at the start than others, but so what?
If you like PvP, go ahead and play. You will gain ranks at least.
Or you could play PvE and save all nice looking equipment you come across. Then on Tuesday you can add them to your Wardrobe.
Which is a kitten shame, since I want to RP 2 of my characters at the same time. sigh
How on Earth would you RP them ‘at the same time’? Would they do exactly the same thing at the exact same second? If not, then you would be taking turns, which is just fine.
Every time you push a key, only one character should react. That is the rule.
It is hard to say. First of all what you consider slow may actually be normal. About 1 level every hour is normal.
By 100% you mean exploring every WP, vista and PoI? Do you also do the events and hearts? And gather everything ?
I have a 6.5 hour old character at level 12. Is that about where you are?
(Are you on right now? If you are, may I whisper you? It would be easier to see what is happening.)