Northern Shiverpeaks
Northern Shiverpeaks
Because of the simple fact that there is a cap on condi damage and NOT on direct damage there IS a fundamental flaw in using condi within this game.
It could be viewed as a limitation, not a flaw.
Another limitation in the comparison between condition damage and direct damage is that direct damage need to successfully hit each time it wants to apply damage, whereas a condition only needs to be applied once to trigger several instances of damage over time.
Northern Shiverpeaks
The key element I never notice being discussed when this topic comes up is…. would being matched with any server other than SF actually be.. better?
Ignoring flaws in how the ratings function, wouldn’t any other match-up be arguably much worse for ET/FC?
Northern Shiverpeaks
I run 3 characters with condition builds and I don’t have an issue with the caps.
It’s only a downside when playing in a zerg and the game isn’t(and shouldn’t) be balanced around zerg play.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Well it’s looking more and more like NSP is going to drop into Tier7 on Friday, I’m very curious as to how we will compare to the other two tier7 servers, and how DH will fare against BP/AR.
Northern Shiverpeaks
You get a great match starting on reset and through the first few days, but one team slowly starts building a small lead each day. Suddenly by Monday or Tuesday the losing team(s) populations start falling way off and you are seeing half the number of players in primetime than you did the first few days.
A huge part of that is also simply due to players’ weekend vs weekday availabilities.
Northern Shiverpeaks
No opinion on this?
What kind of opinions were you expecting? numerical superiority is numerical superiority.
also, based on your tag you transferred from SBI to Kaineng, making you part of the migration that created THE worst population imbalances the game has had. so.. you’re the last person that gets to complain about the plight of the undermanned server.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Depends entirely on your build.
My WvW build is for roaming in small parties: D/D, 15/0/20/20/15 and my armor is a mix of Carrion and Shaman. I have healing effects trigger often enough that the healing power is worth it,
Northern Shiverpeaks
For one week I would like to fight someone other than Darkhaven and Gates of Madness… They have nearly 2x – 3x our population at all times in WvW.
Sure, your other option is fighting servers with 10x – 20x your active WvW population.
Northern Shiverpeaks
What if “The whole point of any game like this”.. is to become so skilled that no one can touch you.
If you’re level 80 and you find yourself struggling against lvl32 mobs, you need to tune your build and learn how to play it more effectively.
stats will not save you.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Legendary armor could be single pieces, not sets at all
Northern Shiverpeaks
(edited by GrandmaFunk.3052)
Why should I be an internet tech to play GW2?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: GrandmaFunk.3052
…thats where your obligations as user end, whoever sells you the product must provide it as foolproof as possible, thats why theres customer services. It’d be the same as saying that in order to enjoy a summer cruise you must know how to repair the ship’s engines.
The flipside of that is that Anet’s obligation starts once you connect to their service. It’s not their responsibility(or even within their power) to fix you and your ISP’s networking infrastructure so that your signal can make it there.
or, following your nonsensical cruise analogy, you have to make it to the boat yourself, the ship won’t pick you up at your house in Nebraska.
Northern Shiverpeaks
(edited by GrandmaFunk.3052)
Why should I be an internet tech to play GW2?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: GrandmaFunk.3052
I shouldn’t have to do or know about all this just to play GW2.
If you want to play computer games, you need basic computer knowledge and troubleshooting skills.
if you want to play online games, you need basic network knowledge and troubleshooting skills.
These situations can be annoying, but try to look at it as a learning experience.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Has anyone been talking about this?
Ya, for the last 6 months.
This is at least the second thread this week by an SoS players suddenly noticing the pop issues. Funny how quickly people will notice an issue when it starts hindering them rather then benefiting them.
It does make me wonder if there’s been an partial exodus away from SoS recently.
Northern Shiverpeaks
What happened to the creativity of the maps like in gw1? every single zone is a square or a rectangle, theres no imagination or variance.
Which gw1 zones were NOT rectangular?
Edit: Rhea’s Crater seems to not have a rectangular edge since it’s eastern most point is further east than the outpost’s western edge
Northern Shiverpeaks
(edited by GrandmaFunk.3052)
Human Female Elementalist
Human Female Mesmer
Human Female Thief
Sylvari Female Necro
Sylvari Female Ranger
Norn Female Guardian
Charr Male Warrior
Asura Male Engineer
Northern Shiverpeaks
OP: welcome to what WvW has been like for 30-40% of players for the last 6 months.
Im Dyslexic so english isnt my strong suit.
PS: your english was fine, op just doesn’t know about ‘whinging’ being a word.
Northern Shiverpeaks
So…. is AR taking a break this week?
Northern Shiverpeaks
I don’t think the quality of your participation impacts the quality of the chest loot.
participation for chests seem to be binary only… you either participated enough to count and get the chest.. or you didn’t.
Northern Shiverpeaks
… it will affect WvW once the rest of the sets are included. If you thought that 1 shot warrior and that 1 shot thief are bad now just wait.
Will they now kill you in only 0.97 shot? 0.96?
The other side of the “ascended gear will ruin pve with gated content” medal is “ascended gear will ruin WvW because of stats”.
I don’t see how anyone that’s spent more than 2-3 sessions in WvW can think this will cause a non-negligible balance issue. Stats already matter very little, and bigger gaps than exotics->ascended already exist within those stats.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Edit: It’s been pointed out that the post I quoted was probably referring to the daily fractal reward chest, not the daily achievements.
Northern Shiverpeaks
(edited by GrandmaFunk.3052)
… so if you want to gear alts…have fun spending a month per alt just for one piece of gear(gear that people are already requiring to run dungeons with lol).
This has always been the main sticking point against ascended in pve and what it will lead to….the dreaded gear gated content.
So what has it lead to? not a whole lot. Some players will be elitist jerks to each other whether ascended gear is involved or not, they’ll always find reasons to dismiss others as ‘noobs’. Other then that, I’ve never been turned away from a party because my equipment was lacking. No one’s ever even asked.. and if they did, I’d wish them luck and look for another kind of player to party with.
Not having any ascended gear will limit your ability to join parties and do content in the same way that not having tuxedo will limit your ability to eat at a restaurant.
Northern Shiverpeaks
I’d like to play Guild Wars 2 again, but I really don’t like gear progression.
If you like playing the game, that’s really all that should matter.
For the record, I’ve played pve/wvw almost every day since release…and I still don’t have any ascended gear nor have I felt any impact on game play from their existence in-game.
Northern Shiverpeaks
What magical source is leaking all this patch info?
Northern Shiverpeaks
Are we assuming the overhead to run this game in Europe is equivalent to the US? That the cost of equipment, power, labor, floorspace, multiple language translation from source text, taxation, etc. are all identical?
That’s not the point.
We, players, don’t really care about that. We expect equal treatment, while taking in consideration european VAT prices, and nothing less/more.
Actually, why the heck isn’t it the point?
Euro players require a separate infrastructure, and they operate in economies with differing purchasing powers..seems more than reasonable to account for a small difference in pricing.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Could make sense to have it work like reverse fear.
Northern Shiverpeaks
…the wvw around here is not as hardcore as I would like.
Hardcore in what way? what’s “hardcore” to you?
Northern Shiverpeaks
I don’t even understand why people are arguing if dueling should be in the game or not, the answer seems pretty obvious to myself and a majority of the population >.< that’s a yes in case you couldn’t tell XD
My OP was actually a question concerning how hard dueling is to implement and why Anet hasn’t implemented it yet.
1) never assume you speak for the majority unless you have actual stats/research backing it up.
2) Anet hasn’t implemented it yet because they feel other things are more important/interesting and choose to focus their resources on those. Simple matter of priorities.
1) never answer for anet unless you have actual sources/research backing it up.
The difference here being that my statement is easily verified, see one of many examples here:
claims about what “most” ppl want, or which side of an issue the majority falls on, is impossible to verify without a census of some sort.
ie: you and 4 of your buddies are not an acceptable sample size for commenting on what the majority wants.
Northern Shiverpeaks
I don’t even understand why people are arguing if dueling should be in the game or not, the answer seems pretty obvious to myself and a majority of the population >.< that’s a yes in case you couldn’t tell XD
My OP was actually a question concerning how hard dueling is to implement and why Anet hasn’t implemented it yet.
1) never assume you speak for the majority unless you have actual stats/research backing it up.
2) Anet hasn’t implemented it yet because they feel other things are more important/interesting and choose to focus their resources on those. Simple matter of priorities.
Northern Shiverpeaks
AFAIK deleting all your characters has no impact on your ability to choose a new home server, if you want to change it from your original selection, you’ll have to pay the transfer fee.
If you’re just starting out again, which server you’re on won’t make much of a difference, Guesting is in now so you can play with friends on other servers(except for WvW and players in the other region, ie: NA vs EU)
Northern Shiverpeaks
There’s nothing to believe in, Anet has commented several times over the last two months that no one is working on a ‘precursor scavenger hunt’ feature.
It’s something that got mentioned once as a potential solution, someone at Anet said “ya that’s a good idea, we should look into that” … and then everyone on the forums apparently took that to mean “it’ll be in the next patch”.
Northern Shiverpeaks
When you’re level 30, you get to go to any zone where the levels are 1-30.
When you’re level 80, you get to go to any zone in the entire game.
seems pretty good to me.
Northern Shiverpeaks
every single post from jscull for the last 3 months?
Northern Shiverpeaks
hum.. what large alliance? all we ever read about in these threads is Os doing it’s best with the numbers they have and paxa whining/boasting about their middle-of-nowhere pvping.
if there is a large alliance, it’s doing a pretty horrible job of reaching out to other ppl on the server.
Northern Shiverpeaks
We’re in a post-transfer rebuilding phase, I’ve actually noticed more players from new guilds in the last week. Os is still the only big WvW guild we have, but we also have smaller guilds joining in and organizing small parties.
But compared to AR/BP, we’re never going to win, just do not have the numbers. Hopefully the reset will find us facing better matchups.
Northern Shiverpeaks
They have built a feature that allows anyone to determine if any potential password is in actual use as a password.
In other words, their password-checker gives hackers a tool to generate a list of (valid) passwords…
Except that this list would also contain all the black-listed passwords as well.
Northern Shiverpeaks
I wasn’t, I was calling out the notion that “they just had to open the box” ; that QA testing breaks down to a boolean of “tried it once/didn’t try it”.
Northern Shiverpeaks
All i can say is that NA matchs had a lot of deadmeat in middle tiers while the last two tier were too balanced to start moving up. That’s sending those servers right to the bottom, and the top will adjust gradually…
if they’re balanced, then they don’t need to move up, they’re already where they belong.
Northern Shiverpeaks
I think the point was that if the devs had opened up each box as a test before launch, the hunter bug would have instantly been caught.
Such an over-site implies that there is little to no testing before new content goes out.
This is silly, the testers could easily have opened dozens(if not hundreds) of boxes and simply not encountered a bug.
Why do ppl assume that RNG results are verifiable by one quick pass?
Northern Shiverpeaks
could this be because the siege cap for the map was reached and that treb just happened to be the oldest one?
Northern Shiverpeaks
It’s not designed to be played less, it’s designed so that you aren’t required to play more.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Question for you guys.. how are you accurately counting the number of players in a map?
seems like outside of ppl afk in citadel and whoever reports in through chat, it would be incredibly hard to account for all the players roaming, fighting in the pve camps, doing the JP, etc..
Northern Shiverpeaks
Airstu are you new on NSP? I’m not talking about this week.
NSP used to kick both BP and AR kitten early on.
We had two match up vs NSP, and both time it would be +600 for NSP and +10 for others servers.
Just looked through all the scores since we switched to week-long matches, NSP has defeated AR once (dec15-22) and BP never.
Northern Shiverpeaks
I honestly can’t tell if the complaints here are trolling or not.
it’s a one time task that takes all of ten seconds to accomplish and helps protect your assets.
Northern Shiverpeaks
1. Whether or not they formed super servers the queue should still work correctly.
2. It’s not like a queue is a new gizmo and no one is sure how it should work.
How are they not working correctly?
Northern Shiverpeaks
Throwing snowballs at kids and knocking them over, or becoming a plant dog to play with puppies is what I think about when I think of adult conflict.
This is mainly Wintersday one time event. It does not count.
Actually, there’s a “kids having a snowball fight” renown heart in Wayfarer Foothills.
Northern Shiverpeaks
If your friends just got the game, why didn’t they join your server?
because they didnt
Since they forced your hand, maybe you can see if they’d all be willing to pitch a gold or two towards your transfer.
Northern Shiverpeaks
It was Anet’s fault that they didn’t say that the patch would have also involved a daily reset.
It’s a patch we all knew was going to change how dailies work, if you didn’t use that information to conclude that the handling of the dailies for that day would probably be affected, that’s on you.
Northern Shiverpeaks
No, that’s the beauty of an API, you don’t need knowledge about the system that will be using the API. You only need knowledge about the system the API will be unlocking.
I’m going to strongly disagree with that. The more you know about potential client apps, the better you can design your API to handle their needs.
Making a mobile app API without knowing anything about how mobile apps work is a ridiculous proposition.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Some people missed out because they were sleeping, some because they were working, others were eating, or watching TV.
Heck some tried to get it done but ran out of time, or had combo killer bugged.
Nothing about this is “unfair” to you because of your timezone.
is it unfair when the player next to you gets a rare drop but you only got a green? Should Anet fix this gross injustice to you every single time someone somewhere in the game got a reward that you didn’t?
Northern Shiverpeaks