Showing Posts For Grimwolf.7163:

Vitality Vs Toughness

in Thief

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


I’ll put it in really simple terms; if you have lots of self healing and some condition removal, go with Toughness. Otherwise, go with Vitality.

Greatsword Thieves

in Thief

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


Weird as it may seem in a lot of ways, I would actually really like that. I can’t justify it in any way, I just would XD
Using Greatsword / Pistols DMC style would be cool as hell, too.
On one hand, I think I would rather see dual swords first. On the other, this would mean using the giant chainsaw on my Thief…
“Surprise! You’re ripped in half”

(edited by Grimwolf.7163)

Damaging Structures

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


I’ve seen a fair number of people complain that Condition Damage doesn’t work against structures such as gates and siege weapons, putting Condition builds at a disadvantage, so I thought I would make this post to correct misconceptions on that.
Criticals don’t work on structures either. This means that Power is the only stat that helps you destroy structures faster, and unless you’re using a weird niche build both Direct Damage focused builds and Condition Damage builds, if offensively built, will stack pretty much the same amount of Power.
This means that Condition builds are at no disadvantage compared to any others against them.
The only builds that have an exceptionally difficult time against them are Defensive builds, and those aren’t made to smash through gates and such anyway.

thieves down state bug?

in Thief

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


I don’t understand, why are you so sure they’re not using Steal?

thieves down state bug?

in Thief

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


Steal, most likely. You can shadowstep mid-stomp to finish someone who tries to escape like that.
If you want to be a real bad-kitten, you can do stuff like starting a stomp on a Guardian, using Shadowstep to get out of range of their blast interrupt, then Shadow Return back into range just before the stomp finishes.

I think its funny that the Greatsword...

in Thief

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


Exactly, where is the mobility on the warrior’s greatsword?
So you consider Rush or Whirlwind Attack better mobility skills compared to Steal, Infiltrator’s Arrow, Disabling Shot, Infiltrator’s Strike, Heartseeker, Death Blossom, Flanking Strike and Shadow Shot & Strike?
Better you reroll warrior then.

You can’t have all those things at once on a Thief, and you certainly can’t have them all on a single weapon. You named off skills from 5 separate weapon combinations.


Whirlwind attack has about the range of an Infil arrow. Bladetrail has a double cripple on it, and it can hit a ridiculous amount of targets. Rush is basically the distance of a shadowstep.

And with Mobile Strikes, the movement abilities remove all movement impairment.

So, yes, they have some ridiculous mobility.

Rush has greater distance than a Shadowstep, unless you use Steal with the Trickery trait for longer range on it.

3. Spammable evades including Death Blossom and Disabling Shot, which basically function as extra dodges if you’re good on the timing.

It really isn’t important to the discussion, but I just thought I should mention this; Death Blossom borders on impossible to use to deliberately evade an attack. It has a quarter second after you press the button before it will actually activate for some reason (I think they made the character wind up for the jump), and another quarter second or so into the animation before the Evades actually start, and then the evades stop another nearly half second before the animation actually ends.
You’d need to see into the future to dodge an attack with that on purpose, because it has a huge delay and a small window of evasion.
I’ve been knocked down mid-air several times by stuns.

(edited by Grimwolf.7163)

2 swords?

in Thief

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


Ha, I thought I was alone in wanting a greatsword for my Thief.
Dual swords would be great too.
And a rifle… we really do need more weapons.

[FlameShieldOn] 16k+ Damage in 1 Sec....OP

in Thief

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


To DivineBeing.2086

Full glass cannon thief 2199 P 14,6kHP

Backstab DMG =(weapon damage 981)power 2199(skill coe. 2,405 on back attack)/enemy armor=518811,695/enemy armor

Bunker Elementalist has 2755 armor and 16k HP

Enemy armor 1500=3458,74 DMG
Enemy armor 2000=2594,05 DMG
Enemy armor 2200=2358,05 DMG
Enemy armor 2500=2075,22 DMG
Enemy armor 2755=1883,22 DMG !!!! with crit=150% normal damage + critikal rating - 70%=220%——>18883.22 DMG*2,2=4142DMG 15% signet of assassin 20% <50%eagle runes +5%=4142*1,4=5198 DMG !!

ON your screen 7752 DMG back stab=2960 non crit—>+- 1900 armor.

Or there is the possibility that he was greatly might stacked, nevertheless, OP was outplayed by coordinated players (If he is really bunker Ele), or is just lying about his build/equip.
First case is basiccaly 2 vs 1 (no character should survive this with 16K hp). SEcond case, troll. both cases OP´s fault. Nothing to discuss here….

Even a full 25 stacks of might added into that math above would not put the damage at 7k. The OP is GC specced and lying, I’m quite certain. Especially with the 16k HP despite claiming he has Vitality fully stacked in all slots.

Apothecary's or Carrion for Unicorn thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


Ah, right. I wasn’t thinking in the context of the actual question. For a “unicorn” Thief Apothecary actually does look best. The only way to pair Condition damage with Toughness is either through Rabid or Apothecary, and with stacked healing and neither Power nor Critical Damage I would actually place Healing Power over Precision.
As far as Carrion goes, the Vitality would be hugely counter-productive for the self healing.

(edited by Grimwolf.7163)

Apothecary's or Carrion for Unicorn thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


If you’re only trying to keep yourself alive, Toughness is always better than Healing Power.
That Healing Power only increases how much you heal yourself for, but the Toughness lets you survive more damage by reducing the damage taken AND makes your heals equally more effective by increasing their proportion relative to incoming damage.

Healing Power is a support stat.

[Blackgate] Cannot open Arah

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


The Arah dungeon has been closed on our server for literally DAYS!
The event chain leading up to it is broken, and the part where you have to escort Jofast can’t be done because she doesn’t spawn. The event dialogue is there, but the place is just empty (except for the enemies surrounding the contested waypoint).
Will anything be done about this? It’s gone on for much too long already.
I’m pretty sure the event has even reset and cycled back through a few different times at least, and just keeps breaking.

(edited by Grimwolf.7163)

Stealthing away keeps you in combat forever

in Thief

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


I’ve noticed this too, at least in PvE. It happens incredibly often. Probably more often than not.

Help with guide to choosing stats, please

in Thief

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


Vitality, Toughness and Healing Power.
Vitality provides the most raw defensive power. Not only will it, per point, cause attacks to take a lower percentage of your health than Toughness, but it also reduces the effectiveness of Condition damage against you, whereas Condition damage ignores Toughness for full damage.
Toughness on the other hand increases the effective value of any self heals you have by reducing damage taken without increasing your health pool, whereas Vitality actually decreases the effective value of self healing by increasing your effective health pool without reducing actual damage received.
With Toughness for example, you might be hit for 200 damage and heal back 100, whereas with Vitality you might take 300 damage and still only heal back 100. And while the Vitality reduces the percentage of health lost due to you simply having more of it, that also reduces the percentage of health healed back.
Every 20 points of Toughness should give a straight-forward 1% reduction in damage taken, and effectively increases the value of self heals by 1%. Vitality though is a lot more complex.
In general, Vitality should provide at least roughly twice the damage reduction per point as Toughness, but reduces the value of self heals by an equal proportion.
The simplest way of explaining the value of Vitality would be to say that, with the Thief’s base 10,805 Health, every ~11 points of Vitality increase the amount of damage you can sustain by 1%.

Healing Power is by far the weakest defensive stat, because it is intended for Support by healing both yourself and allies for more. On you alone it does less than either of the others, but it allows you to keep allies alive more effectively as well.
Unfortunately Thieves have very few means to heal allies. On top of that, even if you stack the hell out of self heals in your build, you would still get more effective value from the heals by stacking Toughness instead of Healing Power.
It does not even allow you to revive allies more quickly.
For this reason, there are no circumstances under which I could recommend taking Healing Power on a Thief.

Between Vitality and Toughness, it mostly becomes a question of how much self healing and condition removal you have in your build. A typical Shadow Arts build, for example, would likely benefit most from stacking Toughness due to the easy access to self heals and condition removal.
All Thieves should benefit a great deal from Vitality though, due to their incredibly low base health.

(edited by Grimwolf.7163)

Help with guide to choosing stats, please

in Thief

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


Here I’ll go into detail on how the character stats work relative to each other, so you can decide how best to stack them for your build.

Power, Precision, Condition Damage, and Critical Damage.
Power adds raw damage to non-condition attacks, and Precision increases your chance of a critical strike.
By my math, in terms of raw damage output Precision is roughly 17% less effective per point than Power, without any points in Critical Damage.
No need to get too technical here, but basically, at level 80 every 35 points of Power should net you roughly 1% extra damage, and every 21 points on Precision should net you an extra 1% chance of a critical strike for 150% damage (or 1% more average damage for every 42 points).
If you’re also stacking Critical Damage then Precision will end up ousting Power in damage per point gained fairly quickly.
Worthy of note though is that world objects, including WvW gates and siege weapons, are immune to critical hits and conditions, making only Power capable of improving how quickly you can break through them.
Also, Precision suffers from “diminishing returns” at higher values, which makes it optimal to transfer some of your potential Precision to Power even with Critical Damage stacked very high.

Condition damage functions fairly independently from the others, and you’ll know easily whether you want it or not and just how badly. Keep in mind that, unless you’re going for heavy defense, you’ll likely be stacking a secondary offensive stat along with it, so your non-condition based attacks will still be effective in a typical Condition-focused build.
Power, under most circumstances, is a universally superior stat to pair with Condition Damage than Precision if choosing between the two.

Critical Damage effectively just improves the value of your Precision stat, and borders on useless without combining it with a focus on Precision. Keep in mind that you should very rarely stack Precision high if you are not also stacking Critical Damage, as Power would provide more damage. The only reason to do so would be to take advantage of an on-critical weapon sigil or trait. In which case, you would typically be sacrificing raw damage for utility, since even a Sigil of Earth in a Condition/Precision build would not provide more raw damage than a Condition/Power build.

Direct and Condition Damage
Comparing the two, Direct deals damage immediately, but is mitigated by armor and deals less overall. It is most effective against light defense builds and for spiking people down rapidly, and counters Vitality stacking better.
Condition deals large amounts of damage spread out, but can be cleansed off prematurely and may be wasted if the enemy dies too quickly for it to run its course. It is most effective against heavier defense builds and for maintaining constant pressure on a target, and counters Toughness stacking better.

(edited by Grimwolf.7163)

Help with guide to choosing stats, please

in Thief

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


I have a Thieves Guild site that I’m constantly trying to add information to that would help members acquire a better understanding of the class.
Recently I added a section on stat functions to help people decide which stats to choose for their build and in what proportions.
Considering that, due to a lack of public information on certain areas, I was forced to due a fair amount of math on my own, I likely made some mistakes here and there.
I also won’t claim to be some great master of the class, and may have overlooked some gameplay elements that would change the conclusions I’ve made.
And so I was really hoping to get some second opinions on it to clear out any mistakes I may have made.

Here’s the post:

Fighting Skill Point are annoying

in Thief

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


…I’ve never had that issue. It does take several seconds for them to actually reset and start recovering after you stealth.
Normally, at least.

Thief burst is still too high

in Thief

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


I mean, I can still pump out 20k and drop people like they’re nothing.
But please show me a spec just as effective as backstab/shortbow, and I’ll be happy to switch to something less cheap. Oh wait, all my other specs suck.

Tone down burst.
Buff everything else.

PS – Scorpion wire – backstab is pretty funny.

Of course the burst is still too high; it was literally untouched in every area except s/tPvP where it was never a real problem, and only barely touched even there.

Pistol/Pistol needs a revision.

in Thief

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


One thing you missed about Head Shot in PvP; even if you actually do interrupt a skill, it only recharges for a few seconds, at which point they can just use it again and you’re out 4 Initiative that could’ve been spent on another Unload.

Revealed? Why?

in Thief

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


Besides attacking out of stealth, what else can cause revealed? Lately I’ve received revealed in fights where I haven’t even touched a stealth skill. Anyone happen to know how?

Some abilities are bugged and will break stealth as well, like the stolen Gunk; if an enemy steps in it you’ll be removed from stealth and get Revealed as if you had attacked them.

Just to confirm, I get nothing?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


I participated in all of phase 1 and 2, and was even there for the start of phase 3. But after trying my hand at the ancient karka fight and seeing how ridiculous the whole thing was going to be, and knowing that phase 1 and 2 gave no real rewards, I made the logical assumption that phase 3 would have garbage rewards if anything as well, and that the effort required was not remotely worth it. So I left.
Then people are going from 5 commendations to freaking exotics and PRECURSORS!
And then there was the Halloween event to consider. I ran the final phase of that like 20 times, and only got 2 exotics out of the whole thing. The rest was trash.
AND it ran all day long, despite them mentioning a one-time event just like this time.
I assumed it would be the same, that I would just be missing out on some stupid cut-scene and could run the event again later if it turned out to actually give good rewards.

I swear, it’s like they were actively searching for the best ways to anger the most people possible with this.

(edited by Grimwolf.7163)

So what is there to do now in southsun cove?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


Yea I understand there was a one time event but what is there to do AFTER the event? Southsun cove is suppose to be a permanent feature but when you go there it looks like almost all Dynamic events on that island were just for the one time event.

I went around the entire island and I found 3 Dynamic events. Collecting eggs, retaking a camp and a shark.

Is that really whats going to be here now that the one time event is done? 3 dynamic events and 2 jumping puzzles and just a bunch of veterans to farm?

Not to mention how terrible those little DEs are as well. Like the one where you have to constantly dodge a swarm of dozens of burrowing worms, and if you miss a single dodge you die instantly and get sent to the other side of the map.

'One time" event game some people 500+ gold

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


Calling the OP a liar is a little rash.
He could have a guild with 2 people in it.

I feel let down by this event due to lag/disconnects

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


Feeling a bit let down by this event, not so much by the content, I’m sure I would of enjoyed it if not for the crippling lag and disconnects.

I was online every night at start time and every night was the same thing, complete lag chaos. The first two nights were managable, it lagged a lot and would inevitably hang at some point, DC and put me in a different overflow to my guild but I got through them. The final night however was so bad that I couldn’t continue past the ancient karka section.

After an hour plus of having pretty much zero control over my character’s actions I asked myself “Is it worth it?” The game was freezing for 30 seconds or more at times and I felt like I was making no contribution to what was going on, other than providing other players with xp for reviving me from the deaths that I couldn’t see coming. I had had enough, feeling utterly frustrated I switched to an alt and went back to Lions Arch.

Today I’m reading people who got to the end of event chain and then DC’d by the servers are being allowed to claim their chest.

So my question is this… What about those of us who would of completed the event had it been playable? Can we run the event again? Will we get some sort of compensation?

I’m in the same boat. It really would be nice to be given a chance at it without all the crazy bugs.

Bugs and Issues Compilation:

in Thief

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


Stolen Gunk, when thrown, removes your stealth any time an enemy steps in it and gives Revealed, as if you had attacked them.

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


In the final phase, many of us fell into the lava pit and could not rerez. As I rerezzed over at Owain, the loading screen would not finish and I heard the explosion. When the loading screen STILL would not finish, I restarted the client to see if I could still get the items. Nope. And I wonder if everyone who fell into that lava pit were denied the item too because of being stuck at the loading screen.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I really enjoyed today’s event despite some lag. I do think that you should make the items available from an npc, like what happened after halloween.

I agree about them adding an NPC for it; at least for the unique 20-slot box and accessory.
I really don’t know how I feel about the rewards; the event itself was an abomination, but it had a completely sick reward at the end. Now because it was so botched up most people either did not or could not complete it despite being there for the event, and wound up missing out on an amazing reward.
Had we really not gotten anything, I could at least feel like I hadn’t missed out on anything.

If we’re not given another less-crappy chance at those items, that would be the terrible frosting on the terrible cake.

(edited by Grimwolf.7163)

No time to participate/different time zone [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


Because they want the events to feel like real things that change Tyria forever, and making them repeatable rather ruins that feeling. If you wanted to go to Times Square on New Year’s Eve to see the ball drop, they’re not going to redo it after because you couldn’t make it.

Can you think of an event that would have a bigger effect on the world than the killing of an Eldar Dragon ?

Because they let us repeat that.

That’s part of your personal story, that’s an entirely different matter.

No, it’s part of a dungeon. Which you are expected to grind repeatedly to get the armor from.

No time to participate/different time zone [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


I’m honestly really pissed off right now, because there’s a one-time event going on and i can’t be there.
Now I’ll never be able to do it, and I’m REALLY mad about it.

You’re missing nothing. After dying for the third time, spending 5+ minutes just RUNNING BACK to where I was, I said screw it and gave up on the event all together, as did others.
Even without the massive culling issue which is still there, the enemies themselves in the event are way overpowered and the fight takes place at the furthest possible point from any waypoints.

(edited by Grimwolf.7163)

Scorpion Wire

in Thief

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


I’m pretty sure you can also yank people off walls and cliffs and such, as long as you don’t hit the edge and get “Obstructed”.

Double Gun THF

in Thief

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


I’d recommend against going into Shadow Arts with P/P, since it’s too difficult to acquire stealth in the first place. You’re way better off with Acrobatics.
Especially since P/P has a rough time kiting enemies, and you can not only get decent Swiftness from that, but also extremely effective Cripple removal, and the Caltrops on dodge from Trickery pairs extremely well with it.

Oh, I misread that. You went into Trickery, not Shadow Arts. You said “Stealth” instead of “Steal,” which confused me.

(edited by Grimwolf.7163)

Does the CnD nerd effect WvW?

in Thief

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


CnD does not have a “nerd effect” in WvW.

Blackwolf Brotherhood, recruiting Thieves

in Guilds

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


We have a new website, and I’ve added a fair amount of useful information on the Thief.
It would be great though if I could get more people participating.

Condition Damage VS. Direct Damage

in Suggestions

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


The current way in which the game works, forcing players to focus on either direct damage or condition damage, is very flawed. It vastly reduces weapon choices, making it often difficult to find two sets that you not only enjoy but that can also actually work together. And even within a single weapon set, you end up with certain skills being terribly weak simply because they do something you aren’t built for.
Like the Ranger Greatsword’s Maul dealing a measure of bleeding damage in an entirely direct-damage set, or the Thief’s P/P dealing bleed on auto attacks despite dealing direct damage in every other attack.
It’s an issue with every class, but the Thief in particular gets absolutely destroyed by this due to Initiative putting each weapon skill in such strong competition against the others.

This absolutely needs to be fixed, and I have a few different ideas for how it could be done.
The option that seems simplest to me would be to give every weapon set an even mix of direct and condition damage so that either Power or Condition or will increase the damage, but simply focus on either less damage immediately or more over time.
The Ranger Greatsword as an example again might get bleeding or poison added to more of the attacks in exchange for slightly reduced direct damage, and the Thief’s P/P might get shorter duration bleed on auto with more direct damage, and some condition damage added to Unload.
Unfortunately this would require a large number of carefully thought out changes to skills.
But, since this is only a truly desperate issue with Thieves, it would be possible to make this particular change only with Thief weapon skills and therefore greatly reduce the amount of changes made, while still solving the worst of the issue.

The second option would be to add a few extra attack skills to each weapon set, and allow us to change them out freely like utility skills, so that if we want to play direct damage we could swap out a condition attack for a direct damage alternative and vice versa.
But this would require a rather significant change to the way the game works, and could be complicated.

The third option would be to merge the effects of Condition Damage directly into Power and reduce the effect the stat has a little on both direct and condition damage compared to their separate states.
Then if one wanted to focus on condition damage they would stack Power along with some Precision for on-crit effects and still get good use out of direct damage attacks, and if one wanted to focus on direct damage they would stack Critical Damage instead of a portion of that Power.
The problem with this is that it would require the creation of an entirely new stat to replace Condition Damage due to traits and gearing.

(edited by Grimwolf.7163)

Thief Patch Discussion

in Thief

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


E-sports is not going to happen, in fact the very thought is a joke if this is the kind of update we can expect on class balance.
Patch notes have taken all of my “what.” Don’t even want to log in for the event. Sad.
Blackops 2 time, later.

I’m actually feeling the same way. I was anticipating this patch all day, and once it finally came and I saw the notes, I didn’t even play it after ’cause I just lost all interest.

ANET Balance Rationale

in Thief

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


Yeah, something as simple as adding a quarter-second cast to Steal, and perhaps toning down the damage of Mug by ~20% would have solved the problems with that build while doing almost nothing to other builds.
The worst part of all is that the build was only actually an issue in WvWvW where people can get 100%+ critical damage, but they made the reduction to CnD damage occur only in s/tPvP where it wasn’t even an issue.

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


I kind of feel sorry for Jon Peters. He is the only one that has to take the backlash that is starting to form all over the forums. Then again…it is his fault to start with….

The problem isn’t with that original statement he gave saying Rangers would get big improvements. Considering that the post was made to pacify the outrage created over the recent patch having NOT A SINGLE RANGER CHANGE was necessary, and I’m sure if he hadn’t done it someone else would have.
The problem is that he and whoever he’s working with completely failed to come anywhere close to what was promised. These patch notes look like what Rangers should have been given last month, which means that Rangers are still significantly behind despite needing changes the most.
I’m legitimately curious as to what was even done with Rangers in that amount of time, considering he claimed many of the Ranger changes were already done last month but simply not tested enough to implement, and now he’s giving the same excuse.

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


Hi Anders, I’m totally not here so skip this post and read on…

We made the improvements we had time to test. There are still more ranger improvements but when our time is limited we have to focus on things we know we can fix. Signets and shouts are still on the docket, and I suspect some of each of these will get some love in the next time around. As you can see a lot changed in this build for every profession and we have to test these changes as well.

I do still believe ranger is the profession in most need of improvement after this patch and we will continue to make those improvements. If we could fix everything at one time we would, but the reality is there are a limited # of hours to make changes.

I see a lot of talk about ranger weapons, but I don’t think that is the real problem. I think sword and longbow are both good weapons, which is why the changes take longer. The problems are deeper, in pets ability to hit moving targets, trait lines with not enough viable choices and skills that are often too specialized to really compliment the weapon builds. These aren’t things we can change overnight. The change to Greatsword block was in fact a very difficult change, but we made it because we knew it was the right thing to do.

There are >500 skills in this game, 480 traits, and 2 designers working on this. Even then often we are bottle necked by other issues. I’m not going to say we are not working on these things, nor can I say there are things we could have changed but just ran out of time on, but this was a patch that contained ranger improvements and it will not be the last one that does so. Maybe you want more than honesty but that is what I currently have to offer.


What happened to all that precious time you saved by not changing Rangers in the last patch at all? Rangers appear to have only gotten as much a tweak as anyone else with this one despite being ignored in the last patch AND you admitting they needed changes more than anyone else.
How does THAT happen? Hell, Elementalists and Engineers got much more changes.

Thief Patch Discussion

in Thief

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


33% damage reduction on CnD… ahhh don’t know if that will change the current burst problem much? Dancing dagger wow 50% down. Mug dmg unchanged. Interesting blinding powder got 40s cooldown, now maybe it can compete with SR. I am surprised no real buff to pistols from what i can tell? Otherwise i suppose nothing too drastic here. CnD steal precast still possible. hmm. guess this is supposed to be quick 3s down on glass cannon game. I reserve judgment until playing 2nite and see how these changes interact with other class changes in PvP (looks like guard healing nerfed, not sure about water ele)

There was a buff to pistols, body shot is now quicker,and most important, the sneack attack before required 3 autos before reapllying C&D, now its only 2 and a very slight delay on C&D… BUUUUUUFFFF!!

Except that they nerfed the ever-loving hell out of CnD damage, which was actually the only real source of direct damage the build had.
It was also a very excessive nerf to D/D, even if you don’t play the gimicky way.
I’ll admit that it may have been too strong, providing such easy stealth with that kind of damage, but the damage of the builds as a whole were not out of line, and they did nothing to compensate that loss of damage.

(edited by Grimwolf.7163)

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


Just caught it on the stream with Jonathon Sharp, build should be going live 3-4pm PST.

(edited by Grimwolf.7163)

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


havent A-net said somewhere that they don’t want to communicate too much so they wont be held to their quotes? I am not sure whether that was an official statement or not, but the lack of red posts answering questions on this new patch shows it a bit.

In order to communicate clearly, they themselves must have a clear plan that THEY understand. Does not give me much confidence that they have anything planned out properly long term.

That would be my assumption as well; they’re being vague and avoiding a real answer because they, themselves, don’t even know if they’ll be able to get it out before the end of today.
Which, sadly, would indicate a pretty severe lack of competence.

(edited by Grimwolf.7163)

When will the update be availible?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


The moderator might of been misinformed.

Like I said in the other thread, I have seen nothing that states that the Lost Shores patch is today. The only thing that is coming today is the friend invite thing.

Lost Shores doesn’t start till November 16th at 12PM PST.

Everything that I’ve seen up to this point said the event started on the 16th the but the acutall patch with all the other stuff that is being added besided the event stuff was today, the 5 pages of skill updates, the legendary changes etc.

Where does it say this though? Everyone keeps saying that it is on the 15th and they read that Anet said it is on the 15th, yet no one has a link to this information.

People have known the “major patch” would be on the 15th since late October. It was mentioned in many different places, including a couple different Dev responses talking about upcoming class changes.

Sooo...The patch is at noon PST, right?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


This makes me want to post the full definition of "soon™ " from WOW. It really does fit here, but this would be ArenaNets trademarked version of it

Unfortunately, there is a very marked difference between “Soon” and “12pm PST, November 15.”

Sooo...The patch is at noon PST, right?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


ANet definitely is not very punctual. This is a pretty consistent thing.
I don’t know how they run things, but normally when a company sets an exact deadline like this you try extremely hard to be dead-on with it. It would be normal practice to have everything actually ready well in advance, and you simply wait until the deadline to actually release regardless of the fact that, due to proper preparation, it could actually be out sooner.
I feel like they procrastinate and leave it all for some last minute frenzy of effort.

(edited by Grimwolf.7163)

Basilisk venon needs a rework...

in Thief

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


Actually, a lot of non-elite knockdowns other classes have last 3 seconds, which now that stunbreakers work with Basilisk Venom are functionally identical.

Consider this very disturbing fact; Tripwire, which many regard as borderline useless, has the same basic function as Basilisk Venom with twice the duration and 2/3 the cooldown.
Even as a non-elite BV would still be trash.

Lost Connection

in Personal Story

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


It’s funny you mention that, because it was also in Forging the Pact that this happened to me; that mission is just stupidly long.
Walk in and talk to everybody, follow Trahearne onto the balcony and talk again there, walk down and talk to all the Order representatives, walk back up and talk to Trahearne again, walk back down and talk with the craftsman, watch a cutscene, talk again, run out to the caves, fight a bunch of undead, fight more undead, find the the research team, fight even more undead, talk some more, walk back to the caves, fight more undead, talk some more, enter the caves, fight LOTS of undead, find the rest of the team, fight a mini boss, talk some more, fight lots more undead on your way to the back of the cave, talk some more, fight EVEN MORE undead as you reach the OPPOSITE end of the cave, watch another cutscene, fight a boss with massive health and stuns plus several mini bosses, then talk even more.

Well over an hour for one stupid mission.

[Movie]Doctor Fu, the Yellow Peril (P/P Thief-WvW)

in Thief

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


I don’t know what build you’re using, but I have something that might be helpful.
I tried out a P/P build once, and one thing in particular that I found extremely effective was to stack my Precision as high as I could, and get the Critical Strikes trait that gives a 10% chance of Quickness on crit, combined with the weapon sigil for the 10% chance of Quickness on one weapon and +5% crit on the other.
The two actually stack, effectively giving you a 20% chance on crit for 2 seconds of Quickness on a 30 second cooldown. Better yet, since they’re separate, after triggering it once you still have a 10% chance to trigger it again within the next 30 seconds.
And that Quickness when it triggers will let Unload really rip someone inside out; you can throw out a couple of them before it wears off.
Shadow Refuge was obviously a solid skill choice, but a couple other good options combined with what I just mentioned would likely be Haste, and Signet of Agility for even more crit + endurance recovery after Haste wears off and sweet condition removal.

(edited by Grimwolf.7163)

Lost Connection

in Personal Story

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


So I was doing an extremely long and annoying Personal Story mission, made it to literally the very end, where all I would have to do to finish it is talk to Trahearne whom I was standing next to, and momentarily lost my connection. So momentary, that it kicked me back to the character log in and I was able to log straight back in.
But when I do, am I sitting at the end of the mission ready to complete it and move on?
NO! I was kicked outside the instance, and now have to do it all over again. But God forbid my internet connection has another tiny hiccup, because then I’ll have to do it ALL OVER AGAIN!
I swear to God, it took me like 10 minutes just to kill the stupid boss at the end with the insane health level all bosses have.
I’ve now literally wasted over an hour on that thing, and have no way of assuring it won’t just happen to me again next time I try it.

They had this problem fixed way back in the early stages of Guild Wars 1; why is this still a problem now? They KNOW how to do this properly.

(edited by Grimwolf.7163)

Thursday, november 15 - prediction for thieves

in Thief

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


Are thiefs op? No, it just due to someone saying hey look at what this can do, infact the questionable the backstab build which has become famous has a burst of 45 seconds whereas many other classes can continuously use there bursts, is it fair that I can burst every 45 seconds as a thief? Well apparently it is not. Is it fine for a warrior to smack down an ele with 15k damage in spvp from 1500 range with a much shorter cooldown? Yes, yes it is…

The problem with the thief is not that it is overpowered, even the cnd>Mug>backstab build is not overpowered, the problem with the thief is its popularity and thanks to it the thief is getting nerfed.

15k hit in sPvP… now that really is impressive.
It’s one thing to score that against some green wearing character while you have ~100%+ critical damage. But in sPvP everyone has even gear and you can’t get over like 50% critical damage.
I don’t think I’ve ever managed more than ~4k from a single hit on my Thief in sPvP.

How to beat them reliably?

in Thief

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


Like others have said, that definitely sounds like Sword/Pistol, and the damage on that is not terribly high. If he was wrecking you with that, he must have had one hell of a glass-cannon build. Considering then that he’s a Thief with spectacularly low health at base and moderate armor, full glass-cannon stats, and no reliable access to stealth, you should be able to rip through him like tissue paper if you actually hit him.
The problem is that Pistol Whip has that stun at the start, and provides evasion throughout the entirety of the combo.
So all you really need to do is avoid that initial hit, and rip into him between combos. You could kite him with a bow or rifle, or you could chain-stun him with a hammer, or you could use pretty much anything else and just use skills like Kick or Bull Rush to stun him while you tear him apart. One solid combo on him should have him nearly dead after a single knockdown, I would imagine.

…Wait, ARE you playing a Warrior? Someone else made it sound that way, but you didn’t even mention your class in your post.

(edited by Grimwolf.7163)

Able to Finish Player while Stealthed

in Thief

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


It won’t even stop many classes from interrupting your stomp from the downed state even without teammates. Like Guardian, Thief, Mesmer, Necromancer, Elementalist… I think the only ones it works against, unless they’re idiots, are Rangers, Engineers and Warriors. And that’s if you get on them right away; the Engineer and Warrior can still interrupt it if given enough time for their #2 to activate.

Thieves guild (not the elite) SoS

in Thief

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


It’s The Assassins Clan, led by Knyx.