Who is working on it?
the same guy that did tempest and dragonhunter :s
Oh God, no…
The “Daredevil” will !!
Wouldn’t it be awesome if they trolled the kitten out of us and expanded the picture only to see a wolf or bird next to the character in the picture and it turned out to be the druid instead?
/runsoffintoacornercryingholdinghislegendaryrifle it’s going to be ok baby, you will get use some day :-(
Have you seen the new Warrior Berserk skill for rifle ???
That thing looks OP as hell !
What I like the most with this new is that they had an almost free pass to not show any elite this week with the PAC announcement. If they decided to show the thief in the same week as PAX, that might mean that they will show us the Druid and Engineer in the next two weeks.
It’s pretty obvious now that it’s coming down to crunch time as far as getting the elites finished and properly tested in the Beta Events before the eventual HOT release. It’s unlikely they could afford to skip anymore weeks, what with 2 more elites to go after this.
(edited by Hexalot.8194)
awesome! finally.. now if this is an evade type spec, maybe we can hear less qq about stealth?
Ever since Mesmers got genuine perma-stealth, I think the complainers have just about given up. :-)
That’s odd. We were talking about how surprised we were that we didn’t have any lag last night at all in NA T1. Even in some fairly large battles.
What I find somewhat odd, is how people complain about this issue, but actually do not want it fixed or solved. I mean, if you actually desired to solve it, you would give them the basic information that a dev has asked for each and every time someone complains about this issue.
I’m sorry, but what more basic information do you want ?
That my fps drops from 60 to 25 in WvW as soon as 30 people show up on my screen ?
Because that’s whats been happening all day until I finally gave up and logged out.
1- lineage eternal
2- lost ark
3- black desertUnfortunately asian MMOs will not make that much of a difference. They will get some players but that’s about it.
This… pretty much. Western audiences have never much been into the grinding play style of Asian MMOs… particularly with the rise of the casual player who really doesn’t have the time to play 24/7. This then leads to the introduction of pay-to-win as developers attempt to develop “short cuts” for these same casuals.
Revenant finally made a useful shield for elite
You lost all credibility here.
What… you’d prefer a dagger or pistol in your off-hand ?
Yes. I will gladly take duelist warrior over pathetic wannabe-guardian.
Duelist warrior ?
Sounds more like wannabe thief…
Oh torch! This is surely more useful than… emm… no, bare hands are useful too… well, right, this is PIECE OF CRAP.
What… you’d prefer a dagger or pistol in your off-hand ?
I could really get behind a Whip.
That… could be interpreted very differently than what you are implying, lol.
This doesn’t mean anything.
Nonsense… it takes away the (widely held) belief that staff was out for Thieves because no two elites have gotten the same weapon previously. Now staff is definitely back in play.
Our guns are ready -Team Rifle-
LOL… thanks for the laugh mate. :-)
Revenant elite spec is getting shield. So definite confirmation that weapons aren’t exclusive to elites.
Nope, once the payment clears, you can hop right in.
Yep. Now you gotta pay for it.
What class are you playing? Where all the mobs hitting this hard? Saying they are too strong with out giving any detail is no help.
i was using a revenant, and was fighting 4 snipers at once.
- you used a class where you dont even know 100% yet what trait combinations are optimal for fighting
- you cant have a lot of experience playing it either…
- your gear was not optimal (celestial and dolyak runes again i guess?)
- you fought 4 enemies at once with those preconditionsand then complain?
try playing the class you play best with an optimal build for open world PvE
with appropriate stats, runes & sigils and then see how the fight goesi really hope anet doesnt nerf anything before release
… especially if someone who played revenant complains .. ofc it is harder on revenant when people barely have a clue of how to play it the best way for PvE and dont have access to optimal gear, runes & sigilsI played it during last beta, and picked it up quite well, But, i never played on this map. and from how the story missions go, never have i encountered Mobs to continually wipe me out. sure you guys can diss, call me names, and a bad player, WHO CARES. i’m giving my part of the feedback, for anet to look over.
And we’re giving Anet our feedback on what we think of your feedback too. Hopefully this should prevent the Devs from rushing to judgement based on one player’s experience on a map he is playing for the very first time.
This is meant to group all the Reaper feedback.
My initial PvP impressions.
1- Damage just isnt there.
2- Chill might as well not be there. The combination of slow attack speed and its very short duration unless you go all in, makes it really weak. Even going you still can not keep it up.
3- You get kited to death. Little to no mobility combined with high gap closer CDs and a lack of base +25% move speed makes it very easy to stay away from the reaper.
4- Build up mechanics are a non starter in the world of blow you up meta. The same happens with Hammer and guardian, the hammer is simultaneously their hardest hitting and most defensive weapon and you never see it because the build up required for it to work makes it a non starter. GS on the Reaper is the same, but hits softer, is less defensive and does not sinergize well with Shroud. You end up better served by forgoing everything the reaper brings other than shroud.
5- Grasping darkness needs a MASSIVE and i do mean MASSIVE cooldown reduction, Guardians have 2, 10s CDs gap closers and a teleport. Warriors have 2 gap closers on a single weapon AND bull charge. Necros have neither +25% move speed and no gap closer under 30s CDs. GD needs to be base 10s, its easier to dodge and harder to aim than any of the mentioned above.3- LOL warriors always had this and we never complained
Dude you’re serious ?
Warriors have NOTHING in common with #3
No, please don’t game is easy enough as is..
no what? i never said to nerf it.
Oh really. And just what do you think, “Living story mobs are waaaay too strong”, sounds like, other than asking for a nerf ?
Anet said to give feedback, and so i am.
And… assuming Anet takes into account your “assessment” and their Developers agree and take action based on your statement… what kind of action would you expect from them in response to, “Living story mobs are waaaay too strong” ?
Face it dude, you were implicitly asking for a nerf to the mobs… your very words betray you.
No, please don’t game is easy enough as is..
no what? i never said to nerf it.
Oh really. And just what do you think, “Living story mobs are waaaay too strong”, sounds like, other than asking for a nerf ?
And here i thought thiefs had stupid burst in pvp.
19k hp 3.3k armor from 100% to 0% in what 1 may be 2 seconds?.
3.3K armor ?
LOL… screenshot or it didn’t happen.
I don’t get why they post more info on reddit. I don’t even go to that website. Anyways thanks for linking it here.
LOL… they do it all the time. Makes you wonder why they even bother to expense themselves with maintaining their own forums.
(edited by Hexalot.8194)
did you read my first post in this thread?Hammer 5
Weapon swapand unless your an Engineer or Warrior (or a Mace/Jalis Rev), 100% swiftness by yourself is a myth.
Mesmer: Focus 4 skill plus Signit of inspiration equipped. You’re welcome.
Here… let me summarize the feelings of many in this thread. The old (and Ruined) Lions Arch had character . The new Lions Arch ? Not so much.
Shatters still don’t work particularly well and are easily dodged. Learn some defensive skills instead of complaining.
LOL… what part of “daze/stun lock out of stealth” did you not understand ?
More to the point… how do you even dodge such a thing ?
At least with thieves you could time them when they go into stealth and then easily anticipate and dodge the back stab. How do you time a mesmer when their stealth uptime can be as high as 40 secs ?
They get 5s of Quickness, we get 11s. They get Fury (which there are other sources of in coordinated groups), we get Slow. They get a larger radius, we get a combo field.
I dunno, it seems pretty balanced to me.
They get a 30 sec cool down, you get 180. That’s one heckuva advantage right there.
terrible at wvw.. only thing we can kill now is afk people and other thieves lol
You’ve now got 10-12K backstabs, near perma fury, boon stripping on demand and critical damage out the wazoo, yet the most you can kill is thieves ???
I see a L2P issue here…
(edited by Hexalot.8194)
Thief wasn’t already capable of near perma-stealth if traited correctly?
Thief perma-stealth was nerfed ages ago by reducing/eliminating initiative gained when entering stealth.
Honesty I’m just laughing that you’re claiming to have tested this build thoroughly. The patch has been out for what, 3 hours now?
This build may very well be decent, but give it a rest and actually test it before proclaiming it as the best thing since sliced bread.
Why we came to the conclusion?
Its just because EVERY Guildie cant do anything in a 1vs1.
And you can be sure that the build exists longer than 3 hours :PEvery guildy, all playing completely new builds themselves, whose own 1v1ing ability may or may not be questionable.
Forgive me if I have doubts about the extent of testing you’ve been able to do in the 3 hours since the biggest balance patch in GW2 history went live.
Eh… how about YOU giving it a rest. Or is that your lot in life… to come on here and KITTEN over everyone else’s threads ?
Geez… we’ll know soon enough whether his build works or not. Everyone is just having fun with their new play toys. Go and be a kitten somewhere else.
I dunno man… I’ve just been going through the thief updates and some of their buffs and trait re-allocations can be classified as downright insane at the moment. ;-(
Ah… missed it on the initial read through. Thanks guys !
Why ANet, WHY ?
Who says enough pressure from your customer base don’t cause companies to alter their behavior ? :-D
Oh yeah… prance on White Knights, prance on !
B2P or not, I honestly don’t know how anyone could interpret what ANet is doing as being anything but a gouge. It would have cost them nothing (we are talking digital bytes here after all) to release the expansion as two versions… the standalone expansion at a lower price point for those who already have the game, and the bundled version at 50 bucks for the new players which saves them from buying game plus expac separately.
Because the expansion IS worth 50$ in their eyes.
Too bad it isn’t worth that money in a growing number of peoples eyes… particularly when the content released so far seems miniscule compared to the price.
B2P or not, I honestly don’t know how anyone could interpret what ANet is doing as being anything but a gouge. It would have cost them nothing (we are talking digital bytes here after all) to release the expansion as two versions… the standalone expansion at a lower price point for those who already have the game, and the bundled version at 50 bucks for the new players which saves them from buying game plus expac separately.
I’m at the stage where I’m not playing my lowbies much at all (have 26 80s) so when I get back around to seriously running them around I may be scratching my head a little. I suspect that may not happen until we start heading toward another main dragon to fight, though, so I can wait. I imagine it will all be the new normal by then
It will be accepted as the new normal. It’s just that utilities, elites, and heal skills you had access to will be wiped out, and you will have to buy them again with mastery points which are only derived from your level and doing at least 69 skill challenges.
I thought that the new player experience was quite nice though. and no doubt that this new new player experience will be equally as nice.
65 skill challenges, not 69.
They could even evolve in the legendary tier when you “unlock” them all.
Let’s say ~20 sets: ~500g for the first set + ~50g per set “upgrade” * 19 = 1450g for a full unlocked ascended set that would became “LEGENDARY” (at least in its functionality, not asking for the cool skins).Overwriting != Progression.
I hear this many times where people ask, “Should I make ascended weapons or should I save up for making legendaries”? If the ascended tier was done right, that kind of question wouldn’t even be asked at all! Ascended should have been a natural progression towards legendary but yet they are designed as a separate alternative to screw with us.
And I don’t buy this BS about “it goes against what GW2 is about” which is a statement designed just to make the anti-gear grind crowd feel good. If they truly care so much what GW2 is about, then they shouldn’t have introduced ascended gear in the first place!
The ascended tier right now is a broken tier, neither here nor there. Too expensive and not useful enough to compel most players to craft them. They might as well just scrap it!
LOL… reading your posts in this specific thread, am I right in assuming you had all your ascended gear crafted already and was just salivating at the thought of kittening over noobs in WvW with your new 10% boost ? :-)
I actually agree with your point on ANet being all wishy washy over what they want to do with Ascended gear (either they are for it, or they’re not). But as one of the “anti-gear grind crowd” you referred to, can’t say I’m sorry to see those planned changes being cancelled.
Anyone else experiencing DCs in WvW every few minutes ?
Doesn’t seem to be my internet…
it’s also happening outside of WW as well. The game is basically unplayable for me now.
(edited by Hexalot.8194)
Just dont go to the Ele Forums, they’re throwing a party.
Mesmers are dancing in the streets.
I can’t believe I got excited when I first heard they were adding swiftness to the passive on SoI.
Then this happened:
Signet of Inspiration
Reduced recharge of this skill to 30 seconds. The passive for this signet now gives 5 seconds of swiftness plus one other random boon every 10 seconds. It no longer gives swiftness as one of it’s random boons.
I thought I would finally be able to run something other than Travelers/Speed runes on my Mes, but it is not to be. I know some people will say it is better than nothing, but are crumbs enough when you were expecting cake.
So basically the signet will give 5 secs swiftness and then 5 sec normal speed on constant rotation. This seems like a poor compromise, though I not sure why there needs to be a compromise.
Geez… if you can’t live with the signet swiftness offered in upcoming patch, just hold off until HoT expansion drops then. As others have said, you’ll be getting a free passive 25% run speed increase on a minor trait…
What about mesmer?
They get a 25% movement speed buff in the upcoming Chronomancer trait line. Also comes with 33% reduction in chill/cripple.
So you’d rather things stay as stale as they are right now, with players leaving in droves ?
You can unlock every single trait in the game for free.
Uh… sorry, but my time is not “free”. And it takes a helluva lot of time just running around doing the unlock quests whereas in the past it wasn’t necessary. That’s obviously what the OP was getting at.
Admittedly I just looked at the order of the classes listed at the top of the page while everyone else scrolled down to the class descriptions. Of course if I were ANet (assuming they read this), I would scramble the rest just to maintain the element of surprise. :-)
Yeah, my guess is that the new specialization will be unveiled next week. (Coincidentally, I heard that it will be Thief).
So, we’ll probably see Rifle-Thief next week.
I’m pretty sure ANet never said anything remotely close to the order they will release them, so what you heard if likely speculations, with no evidence to back up
Actually they are just following this order:
Ranger is next.
Nice try. But they have not been even remotely following that order.
As a nublet with only 70 something ranks, good. I hate the idea of wasting over 300 points to get something useful. I’d much rather spend my points else where. I put my points in supply, repair, and build mastery over guard stacks. I’d rather be useful to a group than just live an extra hit. But that’s me.
And you don’t think being able to live an extra hit is not as useful to a group if not MORE SO, than being just another a seige build bot ?
The real issue here is that this change will destroy servers with poor off-hours coverage.
Previously servers with poor off-hours coverage would lose all their t3 structures during the night, but at least they would be paper in the morning since no one on the enemy server would bother to pay for upgrades.
Now, all those structures will upgrade automatically, meaning a losing server will log into wvw and all their structures will be tier 3 enemy controlled.
This change will only aggravate the population imbalance problem to the point that it will break wvw for some servers.This. This right here.
This. This right here. Already happens in WvW. You are lucky if you only wake up to paper stuff. Lost count on how many times I’ve logged in only to see everything upgraded by another server.
Really… so a night cap crew in the more desolated servers who know they are going to be unopposed for virtually the whole night, is gonna waste time and GOLD upgrading stuff even though they know there is going to be no one around to flip it until their shift is done ?
Sorry not buying it.
The real issue here is that this change will destroy servers with poor off-hours coverage.
Previously servers with poor off-hours coverage would lose all their t3 structures during the night, but at least they would be paper in the morning since no one on the enemy server would bother to pay for upgrades.
Now, all those structures will upgrade automatically, meaning a losing server will log into wvw and all their structures will be tier 3 enemy controlled.
This change will only aggravate the population imbalance problem to the point that it will break wvw for some servers.
This. This right here.
Ez beta, Ez invite. Cya guys on beta : )
Bah ! lucky sod… :-)